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"Fence What dreams in a dream? If you see a fence in a dream, what does it mean? What dreams fence is: what Miller's dreams, Vangi, Freud and others say. Interpretation of dreams about the fence: high or old and broken

Meaning of sleep about the fence (vintage Russian dream book)

The fence in a dream is an obstacle sign in your business. But this is if you just saw it or tried to move through it. Dreamed of building a fence itself - this is a good omen. You will be able to achieve the location of a person holding a high post, and he will give you his patronage and protection. To see that you break the fence, a negative dream, which suggests that you threaten a significant deterioration in your material situation, up to complete ruin. Try more reasonably and carefully handle your finances.

Climb on the fence in a dream - to the successful completion of an important case. To fall from the fence - to failure: you will take the case that you can not bring to the end. You break through the fence - in reality you want to resort to doubtful means to achieve your goal. Oversize the fence in order to pass - you will become your energetic actions in life and achieve almost impossible. You build a fence, foreshadows active creative activities and wealth. The girl after such sleep can hope for spiritual proximity with his beloved.

ABC Interpretation of dreams

See dream about the fence, what does this mean?

Fence in dreams symbolizes some restraining factors. If dream is dreaming - means that you yourself are internally incomprehensible, you have complexes, self-restraints that carry it hard that it can bring to depression with times. When you dream of a fence, he predicts you minor failures in the near future, obstacles in affairs or in desires. It dreams that you are sitting on the fence and overlook from it the surroundings - a good sign, you will be awaiting success, elevation, you will be able to overcome emerging problems. On the contrary, fall from the fence in a dream - the dream predicts the collapse of your plans.

When you dream that you build or repair the fence - means that you are trying to limit the circle of business that you have to do. Fence - you are standing before the fence, it means that in reality you are worried about what? Then restrictions. Perhaps a serious quarrel caused by the fact that you wish more freedom and discharge, but you will not be understood. Going in a dream along the fence - you are laid in you the potential that you do not suspect, so make an attempt to get rid of the pressure around and surrender to the power of feelings.

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the fence dreamed

If at night you dreamed of the fence - sleep has two basic meanings. In one case, when you dream of a fence, it is a symbol of isolation, perhaps - detention. In another - the fence is a symbol of your internal self-restraints. Perhaps the desires of privacy, their own privacy, the desire to be themselves. Such restrictions that you put, cooling off from those around the invisible "fence", can also relate to the personal sphere, and to your professional field.

If you consider sleep from the point of view of psychology, when you see a fence, he personifies your, sometimes unconscious desire to limit the intervention of other people in your business or in life as a whole. See the fence - you probably want to burn out and hide from the rest of your deep feelings or desires that you can be ashamed for some reason.

Dream of Freud.

Sleep analysis in which the fence dreamed

Fence - the fence symbolizes the barrier. So, if you dreamed that you were climbed through the fence - Introduce you try to achieve your goal with some kind of workarounds. You will not be able to influence the person and his feelings directly, so you will choose the tactics of the soft and externally imperceptible impact on which a person will soon succumb to. You put a fence, then you are trying to burn out in reality from love and everything connected with it. According to your solid belief, love is angry with an evil man, as she makes him shame his soul and feelings before outsiders. Yes, it is hard for you to live with such an understanding of love.

It dreams like you broke the fence - only one thing - soon you will feel an unexpected state that will cause your soul and feelings from a serious captivity of memories. You finally free yourself from old love and you can look at life with interest, because it did not go away, and you are still young and full of strength to meet love again. And to live all the time past - it means, methodically raising his soul, without leaving her a chance for revival.

Psychoanalytic dream book Samokhvalov

That symbolizes the high fence in the drop

See the fence, from the point of view of psychology, sleep is ambiguous. Fence in a dream is an ambivalent symbol. It may indicate that you suffer from isolation - true or contrived. And at the same time, if the fence is dreaming - means that you are aiming to burn out the surrounding world, you wish to protect your inner "I" from possible attacks or adjustments, you want to remain ourselves. If you dream of a fence, it can symbolize your desire to avoid someone else's penetration into your privacy.

The fence that you dream warns that the obstacles are waiting for you in an obstacle in the case, sometimes it means separating with a loved one. It dreams that you managed to climb through the fence, jump it or overcome some other way - a good sign, he says that you will be able to cope with the obstacles that have arisen. On the contrary, do not find exit. Do not cope with the fence - this is the prediction of your failure. Even worse, if you climbed on the fence, but fell from it. Sleep is often a harbinger of complete crash of your hopes. The people you see for the fence personify your ill-wishers or enemies.

Dream of the XXI century

Fence in a dream to what dreams

The fence - the fence, having diskeding to you - the sign of the upcoming obstacles; climbing through it - you can overcome them without much difficulty; If you really want, but you can not climb through it, you are waiting for difficulties and stagnation in matters. Fence - climb in a dream on the fence - to the rapid conclusion of the responsible case, fall from it - the warning that you have taken the case that is not able to fulfill. Build a fence - the fores of the patronage and help, break it - to decline in affairs. The fence is the transitions between the worlds.

When the fence dreams, sleep warns you that there will be some obstacles on your way. Perhaps they are already available, and subconsciously you feel it, although you do not want to admit it to yourself. Your attitude to the obstacle is determined by how you entered the fence you saw. If you stepped back from it or for a long time, but they failed to find a pass, unfortunately, in life you will do the same, the obstacle will be irresistible for you. If you climbed through the fence or broke it - this is a good sign that says that no barriers will not be able to stop you.

Dream Miller

What dreams fence in a dream

Fence - in a dream to climb on the fence - to the successful completion of an important case. If you fell from the fence, then this dream warns you that you are at the point that you are unable, and failure you. Adversely sleep, in which you, sitting down with friends on the fence, bring him inadvertently - he predicts an accident with someone from your loved ones. You break through the fence - then, it means that you will want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal.

In a dream, overturn the fence in order to pass - you will become your energetic actions in life to achieve and achieve almost impossible. Fence - If you dream of a herd, overturned the fence on its path is the forever to get support with an unexpected side for you. The dream is favorable that you put a fence: he foreshadows you active creative activities and wealth. Young individual Such a dream foreshadows spiritual proximity to a loved one.

Meaning of sleep on obstacles (love dream book)

The fence in a dream is the sign of problems that arose in your relationship with your loved one. But if in a dream dreams, how someone builds a fence, and you are watching this - it is already good. Your dream means that you are concerned about what is happening in your relationship and want to correct some situation. You understand that your partner can burn out from you "fence", which means it is not indifferent to you. To see the fence is the first step towards finding the right way out of the situation. And you will be able to achieve success in this.

If a fence is dreaming, it means that soon you will have to face some problems and difficulties in your affairs. The fence is a symbol of obstacles that you expect. You managed to overcome the fence in some way - this is a positive sign that promises you to good luck in reality. Perhaps you will have to compete for it, but the youdable will be your victory. You did not break the fence or overcome it, warns that, most likely, you will consider the difficulties of insurmountable and refuse to fight. When it dreams that you started climbing the fence, but they fell into it, unfortunately, the bad sign that prevents you fail.

Meaning of sleep about fences (modern dream book)

You see the fence, it has only one value. It indicates obstacles that are available in your affairs. Perhaps the fence in a dream symbolizes problems in business. Or, if the fence is dreaming - it warns about the starting break with a close man. How events will develop further, shows what happened in your dream. If you managed to destroy the fence or climb through it - this is a good sign - you are ready to fight and await you. But if in a dream it dreams that you have not been able to overcome the fence, or did not want to do this, for example, because it seemed too high to you too high, the dream warns that you fail in your endeavors.

The fence is an irresistible difficulty, separation from loved ones. Overcome the difficulties will be overcome, the separation is short-lived. The way to overcome the fence (climb, disassemble, find the passage) speaks about the way to combat difficulties.

Stakenik (fence) - to make your protective equipment from the enemy too weak. Passing through the stakenik - your attacks against others will not harm them, but will damage your image; Someone those who build a goat against you will not achieve the desired result, and will be posted.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Fence in a dream to what dreams

The fence that you dream symbolizes obstacles on your way, problems in affairs. Perhaps they will seem to you insurmountable, but in fact, any fence can be overcome or destroyed - there would be a desire. You have seen that they managed to break the fence or climb through it, the dream is interpreted uniquely positively, it predicts that you will be able to succeed, despite any obstacles. To fall from the fence in a dream - unfortunately, your desires are still impracticable.

To see the fence or hedge - the dream indicates that some voltage arose in your relationship with a close person. However, this is not your guilt, we simply have certain obstacles that will have to overcome. Sometimes, if a fence is dreaming - it warns about the ambulance, in this case, the fence symbolizes the separating distance. You see a hole in the fence, the house of some familiar person, often talks about his early death.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Fence in sleep

Which means a dream in which you dream of a fence can be determined by what it was, and also, what exactly happened in your night vision. Wooden fence is an obstacle sign, obstacles in the business you are interested in. If a high stone fence has dreamed, more resembling a wall is a warning about some big misfortune, a mountain that expects you. Build a fence in a dream - in reality you have to do some difficult and dangerous business. Climb in a dream to the fence and fall from it - to the collapse of your plans, failure, but if the fence fell on you - means that you should fear some serious danger.

The fence is an obstacle to the meeting. To crawl through the hole in the fence - you will use not quite legal methods to achieve the desired one. Climb through the fence - your efforts are crowned with success. Sit on the fence - fluctuate in choosing a partner. See himself surrounded by the fence on all directions - to be non-free in the plans and its actions. High fence throughout the street - alienation, loss of interest in his personality. Repair the fence - stop unnecessary dating.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see the fence in a dream

Fence? When fences are shot, we dream of overcoming a social or class barrier or feel the need for privacy. We may know the boundaries that interfere with achieving the desired goal. Or is it difficulty in self-expression. From a psychological point of view, the fence or barrier occurs in a dream requires Suorcilius to overcome it. The fence means spiritual boundaries. The dream need to look at what prevents him in spiritual. Fence - barrier in affairs, obstacle, restriction, alienation. Speaks about excessive shortiness, caution and self-criticality.

Dreamed the fence to what it was. The dreams, in which fences appear, often have opposite interpretations: they can symbolize satisfaction and sensation of protectedness or be an indicator of some "substallation". Climb the obstacle or achieve a goal. A high fence that blinking the road may indicate a limit in action or inability to cope with the complex situation. Fence in a dream can symbolize criticism or confrontation. If you felt safe, the fence is the indicator of your confidence.

Dream Wander (Terentia Smirnova)

Interpretation Fences from your sleep

Fence, fence - alienation, quarrel; parting; protection against someone else's influences; let. The fences are dreaming - fences are in the negative sense isolation and in the positive sense of security. A more accurate interpretation can be obtained, only considering from whom or what fence fences. You decrypt the value of such sleep if you can assume that it predicts overcoming this barrier - positive or negative emotions.

Fence - In addition, the fence is a kind of border, especially when you feel that it is an irresistible obstacle. Where is the boundary of your personal relationship with people who appeared in a dream? Would you like to change these borders and send the relationship in a new course? The vision of himself alone at the fence signals the need to more reliably protect itself.

Large modern dream interpretation / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: fence

Fence - you understand the territory of the new fence - in reality you will learn a new field of activity or expand your influence; Your wealth will increase significantly; Your activity will be worthy of imitation. You are sitting on the fence - a very important thing for you will be completed in the near future; Success will crush the case. You seem to have fallen from the fence - you will take the case that you are not on the shoulder, and you will not be able to complete it; You have a lot of ambitions, and the possibilities and abilities do not get. You are sitting on the fence with the company of friends, and suddenly the fence falls - with someone from your friends or buddies will happen in the near future. You break through the hole in the fence - in reality you will try to succeed in a dishonest way.

Fence - obstacles; Problems; Protection. Climb on the fence - an attempt to avoid difficulties and shifting their decision on other people's shoulders; tilting the fence in order to pass - energetically take the case and achieve success; fall from the fence inability to overcome their own fears and, as a result, to be a loser; leather through the fence - slow motion of cases; The herd, overturned the fence on its path - hope to resolve their own deeds with the help of money, for example, to bribe; put the fence - the desire to burn out from life; To get through the hole in the fence - to use other people's mistakes in their own interests; The fence is an irresistible obstacle - the limit of the possibilities; The border of your personal relationships with people; To be one at the fence - the need to more reliably protect yourself.

Modern dream book for 365 days / Evgeny Goltzman

What dreams of the fence on the day of the week

Dreamed the fence - generally see the fence in a dream - to the gossip. But this is if you did not pay attention to what kind of fence was. If the type of fence was essential for you, you should give preference to other interpretations. High stone fence - to in vain spending forces and time for trying to achieve that in fact you are not very necessary. Speed \u200b\u200bdilapidated fence - to a happy opportunity to achieve what you have been striving for a long time. To climb through the fence - to vague forebodies and anxiety. A new wooden freshly dried fence is an unexpected very tempting offer. Sleep under the fence - to family troubles.

Dreamed the fence - the successful completion of an important case. Consider a dreamy fence. Try mental to paint it into green. If it turns out, make a fence even more. Fence - Forbidden Desires symbolizes this dream. To climb through the fence - to achieving the goal through overcoming difficulties.

Fence - to the successful completion of an important case. Imagine a house with a plot around which is new, just built a fence. This is your site. You approach the fence, consider it and stay satisfied. Now imagine that you take a brush, paint and paint the fence into any color you like. This dream will help then if you are already engaged in an important thing in which you need to achieve success.

Siberian Healer Dream Interpretator

What does dream mean with a fence with the date of birth

In the spring to what dream of a deaf fence, on which the sign hangs: Caution, an evil dog, and not to be resolved to open the gate - you will act herself in an extreme situation - this is the meaning of what this dream is what dreams. Stakenik (fence) - you will cover the despondency that comes to despair.

In the summer, something was having a fence - to court cases; Perhaps to conclusion. Stakenik (fence) - a minor repairs will have.

In the fall, what dreamed of how someone puts the fence on his garden plot - your desire to burn out from people to the good will not bring.

In winter, what a fence is dreaming - an attempt to exhaust from an annoying person will not bring good luck.

by dream of Miller

In a dream, climb on the fence - to the successful completion of an important case. If you fell from the fence, then this dream warns you that you are at the point that you are unable, and failure you. Adversely sleep, in which you, sitting down with friends on the fence, bring it inadvertently - he promises an accident with someone from your loved ones. If in a dream you are climbing through the fence - then, it means that, in reality, you want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal. In a dream, overturn the fence in order to pass - the sign that you will have to seek your energetic actions in life and achieve almost impossible. If you dream of a flock that overturned the fence on its path is the foresight of the support with an unexpected side for you. The dream is favorable that you put a fence: he foreshadows you active creative activities and wealth. Young individual Such a dream foreshadows spiritual proximity to a loved one.

What dreams fence

in the dream of flowers

hedge - separation with a loved one; let; Hole in the fence - to the death of someone's fence; The hole in its own fence is the danger of loss; see anything through the hole - regretful about the lost; woven, livestore - quarrels, interference in marriage, barriers in personal; Step up, jump over - exit from the difficulty in person.

Meaning sleep about the fence

by Dream Freud.

The fence symbolizes the barrier. So, if you dreamed that you were climbed through the fence, it means that I will try to achieve your goal with some workarounds. You will not be able to influence the person and his feelings directly, so you will choose the tactics of the soft and externally imperceptible impact on which a person will soon succumb to. If in a dream you put the fence, then you are trying to burn out in real life from love and everything is connected with it. According to your solid belief, love is angry with an evil man, as she makes him shame his soul and feelings before outsiders. Yes, it is hard for you to live with such an understanding of love. If you dreamed, how you broke the fence - it can only mean one thing - soon you will feel an unexpected state that will cause your soul and feelings from a serious plenty of memories. You finally free yourself from old love and you can look at life with interest, because it did not go away, and you are still young and full of strength to meet love again. And to live all the time past - it means, methodically raising his soul, without leaving her a chance for revival.

Meaning of sleep about fence

by Dream Freud.

If you dreamed of a fence, then, in real life, you are very attracted by the idea of \u200b\u200bforbidden sex. You want to experience the thrill conjugate with pleasure. If you put a fence in a dream, it means that you are publicly rejecting the idea of \u200b\u200blove jice on the verge of risk, and in the depths of the soul would not refuse to try. Breaking or climbing the hedge means that you will be very soon provided with a case for risky sex.

Expert Answers


He dreamed that a new iron fence was disappeared, and instead it was delivered by an old broken fence from the board. In a dream, I indignant the fact that my new fence was stolen, and put the old one. What does my dream mean? Thank you. (Faith Tsvetkov)

Sleep means that in reality you gradually revise some of your hard internal installations, but not yet ready to refuse them completely.


He dreamed that she climbed into a high brick wide fence, without any difficulty and stood on it. What can it mean? Thank you. (Angelina, Galina)

The fence to see strong and reliable means that your fears are groundless, you have nothing to be afraid, since you are under reliable protection.

The fence from the wire see in a dream means that you yourself are to blame in your troubles. Your tangled affairs tied you hand and legs.

See interpretation: Wire.

A fence from the rod (woven) to see is a sign that your affairs can move to a dead point.

Broken see him - a sign of danger for your property.

Himself to do it in a dream means that you have to work a lot to circle your enemies around your finger.

But if in a dream you can not work, then you are confused in some kind of deed. If you dreamed that someone puts the woven, then be afraid of intrigues that your enemies fly.

Living fence in a dream means close parting with a loved one.

Successfully move through it in a dream predicts victory over rivals.

Fences to see or put in a dream - a sign that you are trying on your mistakes in time.

If the fence is glanced and you are afraid that he can fall, then your position will shake. Such a dream predicts you that one should not join risky enterprises.

The same means sleep about a broken, damaged fence.

Build a fence or a wall in a dream predicts that you can protect yourself at a difficult moment.

Refer the fence in a dream - a sign of difficulties that can undermine your health.

Such a dream predicts the danger and means illness.

For those who are going on the road to affairs or is waiting for an important decision, a dream about the fence is a sign of obstacles in affairs.

To climb through the fence or the wall, find a lase in them - a good sleep and predicts you good luck in a difficult and risky business.

However, to see the hole in someone else's fence in a dream means that the owner of the fence will soon die.

If you dreamed that furious animals demolished the fence, they soon wait for political cataclysms.

Breaking a fence yourself in a dream - a sign of decline in affairs that you will try to fix.

Fence to fight in a dream means to protect yourself from danger and live a serenely happy life.

The dream in which you saw that unexpectedly fence fell, bring you great troubles that poorly affect your future.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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"Large universal dream book for the whole family O.Smurov"

The fence to see strong and reliable means that your fears are groundless, you have nothing to be afraid, since you are under reliable protection. The fence from the wire see in a dream means that you yourself are to blame in your troubles. Your tangled affairs tied you hand and legs. See wire.

A fence from the rod (woven) to see is a sign that your affairs can move to a dead point. Broken see him - a sign of danger to your property. Himself to do it in a dream means that you have to work a lot to circle your enemies around your finger. But if in a dream you can not work, then you are confused in some kind of deed. If you dreamed that someone puts the woven, then be afraid of intrigues that your enemies fly.

Living fence in a dream means close parting with a loved one. Successfully move through it in a dream predicts victory over rivals. Fences to see or put in a dream - a sign that you are trying on your mistakes in time. If the fence is glanced and you are afraid that he can fall, then your position will shake. Such a dream predicts you that one should not join risky enterprises. The same means sleep about a broken, damaged fence. Build a fence or a wall in a dream predicts that you can protect yourself at a difficult moment. Refer the fence in a dream - a sign of difficulties that can undermine your health. Such a dream predicts the danger and means illness.

For those who are going on the road to affairs or is waiting for an important decision, a dream about the fence is a sign of obstacles in affairs. To climb through the fence or the wall, find a lase in them - a good sleep and predicts you good luck in a difficult and risky business. However, to see the hole in someone else's fence in a dream means that the owner of the fence will soon die. If you dreamed that furious animals demolished the fence, they soon wait for political cataclysms. Breaking a fence yourself in a dream - a sign of decline in affairs that you will try to fix. Fence to fight in a dream means to protect yourself from danger and live a serenely happy life. The dream in which you saw that unexpectedly fence fell, bring you great troubles that poorly affect your future.

What dreams of the fence in the dream book -
"Truthful dreams - the most complete dream book"

The fence in a dream is a trimming factor, indicates self-limitation that causes depression; Means for you a possible obstacle, minor failures. Build or repair a fence - limit the circle of your affairs. Sit on the fence is likely good luck. To fall from the fence - crash plans. Breaking a fence - overcome an obstacle. Old fence is an accident with someone from your loved ones. Clearing through the fence - you will have to resort to tricks to accomplish the conceived. Burning fence - a light strip in life will begin.

What dreams of the fence in the dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpretator of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed a strong, good fence - foreshadows wealth, the execution of the innermost desire; see a bad, broken fence - obstacle in affairs; If climbed in a dream through the fence - the path is illegal; passed through the gate in a dream - you will not have problems with law enforcement agencies; Replace the fence in a dream - to financial problems that are then easily solved.

What dreams fence

Dream Miller

Climb on the fence - to the successful completion of an important case.

If you fell from the fence, then this dream warns you that you are at the point that you are unable, and failure you.

Adversely sleep, in which you, sitting down with friends on the fence, bring it inadvertently - he promises an accident with someone from your loved ones.

If in a dream you break through the fence - then, it means that we will want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal.

In a dream, tip over the fence in order to pass - the sign that you will have to seek your energetic actions in life and achieve almost impossible.

If you dream of a flock that overturned the fence on its path is the foresight of the support with an unexpected side for you.

The dream is favorable that you put a fence: he foreshadows you active creative activities and wealth. Young individual Such a dream foreshadows spiritual proximity to a loved one.

What dreams fence

Dream of Freud.

The fence symbolizes the barrier. So, if you dreamed that you were climbed through the fence, it means that I will try to achieve your goal with some workarounds. You will not be able to influence the person and his feelings directly, so you will choose the tactics of the soft and externally imperceptible impact on which a person will soon succumb to.

If in a dream you put the fence, then you are trying to burn out in real life from love and everything is connected with it. According to your solid belief, love is angry with an evil man, as she makes him shame his soul and feelings before outsiders. Yes, it is hard for you to live with such an understanding of love.

If you dreamed, how you broke the fence - it can only mean one thing - soon you will feel an unexpected state that will cause your soul and feelings from a serious plenty of memories. You finally free yourself from old love and you can look at life with interest, because it did not go away, and you are still young and full of strength to meet love again. And to live all the time past - it means, methodically raising his soul, without leaving her a chance for revival.

What dreams fence

Family dream book

If in a dream you climbed the fence - ahead of the successful completion of an important case; fell from it - keep in mind that you are not at the same time; They climbed in a dream to the lase of the fence - in reality, want to resort to dishonest tools to achieve your goal; overturned the fence - achieve almost impossible; put - ahead active creative activities and prosperity; The girl is such a dream - foreshadows spiritual proximity with a loved one.

What dreams fence

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

To see his fence in a dream as a whole - a sign that nothing threatens with your well-being. If in recent days you have had any conflicts with others, then the dream promises that the situation will soon work out.

If in a dream your fence seems too high - this means that you should not be closed in yourself and your problems.

To see your fence when you mumbled or notice a hole in it - this is a signal that your well-being is threatened with a certain danger.

Other people or inconsolable fences in a dream - symbolize obstacles and restrictions on your life path. Typically, such dreams urge you to adhere to some installed framework and protect you from the temptation to make any dubious affairs.

To see in a dream the fence blocking to you - is a warning about unexpected obstacles that threaten to prevent your plans.

To see an overhexious fence collapsed or notice a LAZ or a wicket in it - a sign that in the near future you may have new perspectives, bad or good, depending on the overall atmosphere of sleep.

What dreams fence

Newest dream book Ivanova

The fence is a difficulty in healing: you need to either change the treatment strategy, or look for another healer.

What dreams fence

Spring dream book

Fence - to court cases; Perhaps to conclusion.

Burn the fence - you will have to give way to your enemies. You, so to speak, give out our position, everything will be as they want.

What dreams fence

Summer Dream

To see in a dream a deaf fence, on which the sign hangs: "Caution, evil dog," and not to be resolved to open the gate - you will act herself in an extreme situation.

To fool the fence - new opportunities will appear; It will be possible to give expanse of plans.

What dreams fence

Autumn dream book

To see in a dream, how someone puts the fence on his garden plot - your desire to burn out from people to good will not bring.

To fool the fence - check your affairs and paper, you will have problems that can ruin; Sometimes this dream dreams to fine.

What dreams fence

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which the fence falls in front of you - naturally, personifies the life obstacle, obstacles in affairs and other failures. If in a dream you crush this fence - I will feel the decline in the decline until the ruin.

Egg in a dream the fence - it means to gain benevolent patronage and reliable protection. To repair it - such a dream says that it is necessary to approach the affairs that the optimal solution does not find them in the back.

To see in a dream, a very old and rotten fence, who collapsed, as soon as you came to him - the forever of an accident with someone from your loved ones.

Cleansing in a dream through the fence - means that I will have to reveal to tricks to accomplish it. Hang on the fence, clinging for a nail - foreshadows successful completion of the case. To fall from the fence and painfully bother - this is a warning to you not to take the case in which you do not make any sense, for this will inevitably follow failure.

In a dream, the fence or see the blown up - the sign that you will achieve my decisive actions and energetic in life, than if you are too much to obey the circumstances and wait for you while you collapses to smile Mrs. Luck. Cut into the fence by car and spread it on the chips - the fores of unexpected support from yesterday's competitor. Burning fence - a light strip will come in life.

Making a fence - foreshadows you active creative activity and appropriate wealth.

What dreams fence

Sonner Simon Kananita

Fence - obstacle, failure in affairs.

What dreams fence

Dream "Fedorovskaya

Climb in a dream to the fence - to the money that you have been waiting for.

Build - to success in affairs.

Replace the fence - to big troubles.

In a dream, you see how someone builds a fence - know, in the near future you will be fine.

You watched someone cleaned the fence - a large trouble is one of your loved ones.

Breaking a fence - to change in life.

The dream in which you watched, how someone breaks the fence - soon one of your relatives will make a careless act, and you can lose a large amount of money.

If you dreamed that you climbed into the hole in the fence - we are afraid of your friends, among them there is a secret unfiniver who can make so that you lose a big amount.

What dreams fence

Esoteric dream book

The fence is an irresistible difficulty, separation from loved ones. Overcome the difficulties will be overcome, the separation is short-lived.

The way to overcome the fence (climb, disassemble, find a passage) - speaks about the way to combat difficulties.

Belief - your protective equipment from the enemy is too weak.

Passing through the stakenik - your attacks against others will not harm them, but will damage your image; Someone - those who build a goat against you, will not achieve the desired result, and will be posted.

What dreams fence

Dream of a modern woman

Climb on the fence in a dream - to the successful completion of an important case.

To fall from the fence - to failure: you will take the case that you can not bring to the end.

If in a dream you break through the fence - in reality you want to resort to dubious means to achieve your goal.

To overturn the fence in order to pass - the sign of the fact that you will have to seek your energetic actions in life and achieve almost impossible.

Sleep, in which you build a fence - foreshadows active creative activities and wealth. The girl after such sleep can hope for spiritual proximity with his beloved.

What dreams fence

Dream Azara

Fence - obstacle.

What dreams fence

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

Fence (hedge) - separation from a close man.

An obstacle, the hole in the fence - to the death of that whose fence.

Hole in his own fence - danger of loss.

What dreams fence

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you climbed onto the fence - this means that all your undertakings will be successful.

Fall from the fence - predicts that you will take care of which you are not capable, and make sure in practice that all your efforts will be fruitless.

If you are sitting on the fence with others, and suddenly the fence will fall - such a dream foreshadows an accident in which a certain person suffers.

If you dream that you are inlet through a hole in the fence is an omnant that to achieve the goal you will use illegal methods.

Dump the fence and step over it - it suggests that you will vigorously overcome serious obstacles that separate you from success.

To see that through the fence to your yard jumps up a herd of pets - a sign that suddenly help you will come.

If the animals, on the contrary, run away through the fence away - you are waiting for losses in trade and other affairs.

The dream in which you build a fence - means that you are stubborn and persistently lay the foundation of future well-being.

A girl like a dream - promises success in love affairs; And on the contrary, if the fence falls in her dream or she falls from him herself, then it foreshadows in love.

What dreams fence

Eastern Dream

Close to the fence - to success in all endeavors, they will be successful; fall from it - means that you will take for a business, which is not capable of, and in practice you will see that all your efforts are vain; to break through the hole - evidence of illegal ways to achieve the goal; If you sit on it and he suddenly falls - fear an accident; If the fence is found on your path and you break it (or step over it) and you go further - it means you will be able to accomplish something global; If a herd of domestic animals are moved into the courtyard through it - symbolizes the unexpected, but the help you need; If the animals, on the contrary, run away through the fence away - you are waiting for losses in trade and other affairs.

What dreams fence

School Schiller Dream

Fence - barrier in affairs, obstacle and failure.

What dreams fence

Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

The fence - you like to install the territory of the new fence - in real life you will develop a new field of activity or expand your influence; Your wealth will increase significantly; Your activity will be worthy of imitation. You are sitting on the fence - a very important thing for you will be completed in the near future; Success will crush the case. You seem to have fallen from the fence - you will take the case that you are not on the shoulder, and you will not be able to complete it; You have a lot of ambitions, and the possibilities and abilities do not get. You are sitting on the fence with the company of friends, and suddenly the fence falls - with someone from your friends or buddies will happen in the near future. You break through the hole in the fence - in real life you will try to succeed in a dishonest way.

What dreams fence

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Fence, woven - minor failures and obstacles that tend to seem insurmountable / gossip, names of the name.

It is built - success.

What dreams fence

Dream Stranger

Fence - alienation, quarrel, separation, protection against other people's influences, obstacle.

What dreams fence

Akulina healer dream book

You dreamed of a fence - successful completion of an important thing. Consider a dreamy fence. Try mental to paint it into green. If it turns out, make a fence even more.

What dreams fence

Dream Snark

You dreamed of a fence to what it was. The dreams, in which fences appear, often have opposite interpretations: they can symbolize satisfaction and sensation of protectedness or be an indicator of some "substallation".

Positive value

Climb the obstacle or achieve a goal.

Negative implications

A high fence that blinking the road may indicate a limit in action or inability to cope with the complex situation.

Fence in a dream can symbolize criticism or confrontation. If you felt safe, the fence can be an indicator of your confidence.

What dreams fence

Dream of Yogov

The fence is the transitions between the worlds.

What dreams fence

Dream Interpretation Krada Veles.

It is overwhelmed in front of a slaughterhouse - a divorced man, or a man who is in a quarrel with his wife

What dreams fence

Love dreamnik

The fence is a dream in which you watch the construction of the fence foreshadows that you are concerned about your relationship and want to correct the situation.

And the construction of the fence is the first to step. In addition, you will be satisfied with the result.

What dreams fence

Star Sonnik

What does the fence mean in a dream - forbidden wishes symbolizes this dream. To climb through the fence - to achieving the goal through overcoming difficulties.

What dreams fence

Modern dream book

Fence - business barrier, obstacles, failure

What dreams fence

Dream Artemidora

You dreamed of a fence - generally see the fence in a dream - to the gossip. But this is if you did not pay attention to what kind of fence was. If the type of fence was essential for you, you should give preference to other interpretations. High stone fence - to in vain spending forces and time for trying to achieve that in fact you are not very necessary. Speed \u200b\u200bdilapidated fence - to a happy opportunity to achieve what you have been striving for a long time. To climb through the fence - to vague forebodies and anxiety. A new wooden freshly dried fence is an unexpected very tempting offer. Sleep under the fence - to family troubles.

What dreams fence

Big Dream Interpretation FEBE

Fence - to the successful completion of an important case. Imagine a house with a plot around which is new, just built a fence. This is your site. You approach the fence, consider it and stay satisfied. Now imagine that you take a brush, paint and paint the fence into any color you like. This dream will help then if you are already engaged in an important thing in which you need to achieve success.

What dreams fence

Vintage Russian dream book

The fence - in a dream, build patronage and protection against important Persons; Breaking a fence is a dream bad and threatens ruin.

What dreams fence

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does the fence mean in a dream. 1. When fences are starred, we dream of overcoming a social or class barrier or feel the need for privacy. We may know the boundaries that interfere with achieving the desired goal. Or is it difficulty in self-expression. 2. From a psychological point of view, a fence or barrier that arises in a dream requires Suorusilius to overcome it. 3. The fence can mean spiritual boundaries. The dream need to look at what prevents him in spiritual.

What dreams fence

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

Fence - is a deterrent. Indicates self-restraint that causes depression. See the fence - an obstacle, minor failures. Build or repair - limit the circle of your affairs. Sit on the fence - good luck. To fall from the fence - crash plans.

What dreams fence

Russian dream book

What means in a dream the fence is a barrier in affairs, obstacle, restriction, alienation. Speaks about excessive shortiness, caution and self-criticality.

What dreams fence

Dream E. Erixon

What does the fence mean in a dream - an obstacle to the meeting. To crawl through the hole in the fence - you will use not quite legal methods to achieve the desired one. Climb through the fence - your efforts are crowned with success. Sit on the fence - fluctuate in choosing a partner. See himself surrounded by the fence on all directions - to be non-free in the plans and its actions. High fence throughout the street - alienation, loss of interest in his personality. Repair the fence - stop unnecessary dating.

What dreams fence

Female dream book

Fence - climb on the fence in a dream - to the successful completion of an important case. To fall from the fence - to failure: you will take the case that you can not bring to the end. If in a dream you break through the fence - in reality you want to resort to dubious means to achieve your goal. To overturn the fence in order to pass - the sign that you will have to seek your energetic actions in life and achieve almost impossible. Sleep, in which you build a fence, foreshadows active creative activities and wealth. The girl after such sleep can hope for spiritual proximity with his beloved.

What dreams fence

Dream interpretation housewife

Fence - obstacles; Problems; Protection. Climb on the fence - an attempt to avoid difficulties and shifting their decision on other people's shoulders; tilting the fence in order to pass, - energetically take the case and achieve success; fall from the fence inability to overcome their own fears and, as a result, to be a loser; leather through the fence - slow motion of cases; The flock that overturned the fence on its path is hope to solve our own deeds with the help of money, for example, give a bribe; put the fence - the desire to burn out from life; To get through the hole in the fence - to use other people's mistakes in their own interests; The fence is an irresistible obstacle - the limit of the possibilities; The border of your personal relationships with people; To be one at the fence - the need to more reliably protect yourself.

What dreams fence

Psychotherapeutic dream book

The fence is an ambivalent symbol pointing to insulation and the desire to burn out, remaining himself. The restriction, allowing to be authentic, says the interpreter about the essence of sleep that you dream.

What dreams fence

Italian dream book Meneghetti.

The fence - symbolizes two points: isolation (conclusion) and the desire to be yourself, the desire to have their own privacy. Restrictions that man experiences can relate to the sphere of his personal life or to the business sector. This image may reflective the desire of a person to limit the intervention of other people in his life, as well as the desire to hide from others their deep feelings or desires he is ashamed.

What dreams fence

Dream Svuvalova

Means two points: isolation from society and the desire to be ourselves, have their own privacy, none of anyone who does not depend on a person who seems in a dream the fence is most likely experiencing some restrictions that may applies to both personal life and to work. The fence seen in a dream can also reflect the desire to limit the interference of others in a personal life and the desire to hide from others their deep feelings or desires that a person is shy. Often such a person is too depends on the opinions of others. The solution to this problem is to realize the intrinsicness of his own personality, its feelings and thoughts and to work out the problems of the past associated with the negative assessment of your behavior by other people.

What dreams fence

Old Russian dream book

hedge - separation with a loved one; let.

What dreams fence

Dream of Future

Fence - obstacle, barrier.

What dreams fence

Dream of Past

The fence - means two points: isolation from society and the desire to be ourselves, to have their own privacy, none of anyone who does not affect the fence in a dream, most likely experiences some restrictions that may apply to both personal life, so And to work.

The fence seen in a dream can also reflect the desire to limit the interference of others in a personal life and the desire to hide from others their deep feelings or desires that a person is shy. Often such a person is too depends on the opinions of others. The solution to this problem is to realize the intrinsicness of his own personality, its feelings and thoughts and to work out the problems of the past associated with the negative assessment of your behavior by other people.

What dreams fence

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Berti

The fence - symbolizes two points: isolation (conclusion) and the desire to be yourself, the desire to have their own privacy. Restrictions that man experiences can relate to the sphere of his personal life or to the business sector. This image can reflect a person's desire to limit the intervention of other people in his life, as well as the desire to hide from others their deep feelings or desires he is ashamed.

What dreams fence

Dream interpretation relationship

If you see in a dream myself overwhelming through the fence - this means that you will become a goal not directly, but some kind of workaround. You will not be able to make a person submit to you, so trying to do it secretly, imperceptibly. Your efforts, however, will not be vain.

To put a fence - means that you lead a closed lifestyle. Your feelings are closed from others, as you are sure that love is evil, so you feel this feeling, in your opinion, it means to be temptation and make a mistake. Naturally, with such moods and glances to hope for a bright feeling.

Breaking a fence - to liberate from memories that will oppress you. You will learn to painlessly perceive your former feeling and get rid of the oppression of sorrow. Faith will come to you to the best, you will understand that life did not end and there are still many bright days ahead. What went, will no longer happen, so why waste time to remember past happiness? Ahead of you will be waiting for a new one, so do not poison yourself in vain regrets.

What dreams fence

Online dream book

Get sick with something in a dream - you will be waiting in the near future grief and sadness. There is still an interpretation of building a fence in a dream - the troubles of various kinds are waiting for the fact that they will spoil you hard, you will have to put up with the fact that they will accompany you for a long time. Transfer through the fence dreams - not far over the mountains ending the hard path. You will get a long-awaited stay for the soul and body. New fence - promises to spend time, creating something new and in demand in society. Your works will be fully rewarded. If our dream book was useful for you, then add it to my browser, so that it always has been at your hand. It uses more than 450 users! © Author-compiler: Alexey Krivajniki. Photo: