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Isaiah light for all mankind. About the Grand Plan of the Creator of the Universe. New Testament Predictions

A 1 - Baby Christ


Isaiah 9: 6-7 (740 years before R.Kh.)

"For the infant was born to us; Son is given to us; Oblastia on the ramen of him, and the name of him will be magazed: a wonderful, adviser, a strong, father of eternity, Prince of the World. The multiplication of the rule of his and the world there is no limit on the throne of David and in the kingdom of him, in order to approve him and strengthen it with the court and the approval from now on and before the century. The jealousy of Lord Savaof prevents it. "

1. The inhabitants of Jews during this prophecy were in oppression, led by the apostate king Ahaz; They lived in the period of hopeless sorrow. The Zavonon and Nathanail experienced attacks on Israel by Tiglattásar III from Assyria, who captured many residents.

2. In this darkness, Isaiah propheted about the victorious future and that the Messiah himself will occur from this region. Messiah, the world around the world will rise in the wonderful days when the David dynasty will be approved forever and, the mercy of the Messiah will increase. His kingdom will be the kingdom of peace, justice, successfulness and righteousness - a decisive contrast with the kingdom of Ahaz.


Luke 2: 11-12 (6 G. to R.Kh.) - "Baby was born"

"For now born to you in the city of David, the Savior, who is Christ of the Lord; And here you have a sign: you will find a baby in the pellets lying in the manger. "

The first of the six exercises of the prophecy is the birth of a baby.

Jesus was to be born a man. Since God can not die, Jesus was to become a man who was exposed to death, even the death of the godfather (Jews 2: 9). Jesus also had to become a person to become a priest, king and an intermediary. It is very important that in 11 verse born in Bethlehem the baby is shown not only as our Savior, but also as a Messiah (Christ) and God (Lord). But while Jesus was lying in the cradle of a baby.


John 3:16 - "Son Dan us"

"For God so loved the world, which gave the son of his only society, so that everyone believed in him, did not die, but had eternal life."

God so loved mankind that he gave his eternal Son to through faith in him, people could be saved. In order to live forever, humanity must have eternal relationship with a person who has eternal life - God. Born baby and this son point to the unique personality of all time - God and man Jesus Christ. Thus, Jesus - Emmanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:23). Like God Jesus Christ - eternal, he is the beginning and an end, Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1: 8).


1 Corinthians 15: 25-26 (the Second Coming) - "The dominion on the ramen"

"For it should be reigning, the report will depart all their enemies on his legs. The last enemy will destroy - death. "

The dominion will be on his ramen. Jesus Christ is the Messenger Lord, King Kings and God of Gods. Jesus is shown here as a great conqueror. He now sends in the place of fame, on his right hand from God's god, until all his enemies fall to his legs. Thanks to our unity with Christ, we will rule with him (Revelation 20: 4-6), and through it we defeat death.


Titu 2:13 (the Second Coming) - "Little God"

"Expecting a blissful hope and phenomenon of the glory of the Great God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ."

We expect the phenomenon of the Great God and the Savior of Jesus Christ, in the admiration of the Church (1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18), and then at the Second Coming (Revelation 19: 11-16) for the implementation of its victorious rule on Earth.


Ephesians 2:14 (32 g. R.Kh.) "Prince of the World":

"For it is our world, who pretended from both of both and destroyed standing in the middle of the barrier."

The case of Jesus is the reconciliation of God and man through his death on the Cross (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus is also a priest forever for the rank of Melchizedek (Psalm 109: 4), who was the king and the priest Salem (or "peace"). The barrier was destroyed, allowing access to God (Jews 4: 14-16), thus, allowing us to start the throne of grace.


Luke 1: 31-33 (Second Coming) "Father of Eternity":

"And now, we will warm in the womb, and give birth to your son, and you will give him a name: Jesus; It will be great and will adopt the son of the Most High; And give him the Lord God the throne of David, his father; And it will be reigning over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will not be the end. "

This shows Jesus Christ as the eternal king, the descendant of David (Isaiah 9: 7). The kingdom over which he rules is the Eternal Kingdom. Jesus is visible as a direct descendant of David through Solomon in Matthew 1.

He will have eternal life and will rule forever.

OUTPUT. Jesus during his first coming was born as a baby, he was given like a son and reconciled people with God through the cross.

He still must fulfill the rest of the prophecy when he returns as the ruler of the world and the king of Jews, who ruling on the throne of David (Revelation 20: 4-6; 21: 5-6). Prophecy in Isaiah 9: 6-7, thus shows Jesus as a Savior and the coming king, covering both the first and the second coming.

And 2 - seed women


Genesis 3:15 (4000 BC)

"And the enmity will put between you and between the wife, and between your seed and between the seed of it; It will affect you in the head, and you will stratum it on the fifth. "

1. Immediately after the sin of a person, God gave the first Evangelical Message to Genesis 3:15. It argued that the Messiah will be born from a woman. Later it says that Satan will be crushed and amazed.

2. Interestingly, the mention of salvation goes before approving about the court over a woman (Genesis 3:16) and a man (Genesis 3: 17-19).

3. Through all St. Scripture, the principle of grace to court is used, showing God as God of Mercy, who does not want anyone to die (2 Peter 3: 9).


Genesis 15: 5 (2000 to R.Kh.)

"And it brought him out, and said: Look at the sky, and pick up the stars if you can find them. And he told him: So many descendants will have. "

1. Ensuring Jesus Christ, the seed of a woman, was once again confirmed about 2,000 years later by Abraham to approve promises given to him by God by Testament with Abraham (Genesis 12: 1-3).

2. Abraham God said that he came out of his tent, looked at the stars and punished them. He is told that the story about the Savior is placed there. One of the reasons why the stars are given by God includes signs (Genesis 1:14).


Galatians 3:16 (6 g. R.Kh.)

"But Abraham was given promises and seed him. It is not said "and descendants", as it were, about many, but as about one thing: "and your seeds", which is Christ. "

1. The seed of the woman is confirmed as the identity of Jesus Christ Paul (Galatians 3:16).

2. Sin entered the world through one person, Adam. Through the history of Adam to the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, Satan was unsuccessful tried to prevent the execution of the prophecy of the seed of a woman.

3. Jallery on the heap is the symbol of the sufferings of Jesus Christ on the Cross (Isaiah 53: 5).

And 3 - Birth from the Virgin


Isaiah 7:14 (742 BC)

"So the Lord himself will give you a sign: Se, Virgo in the womb, will receive, and give birth to a son, and the name will give him the name: Emmanuel."

1. The Lord, says with Ahaz, King Judea (Ahaz from Matthew 1: 9) during a great test, when, connecting, Syrians and Israelis, went against Jerusalem (Isaiah 7: 1).

2. God predicted the fall of Israel (Isaiah 7: 8).

3. Ahaz is commanded to ask for signs of God or in a depth or at the height (Isaiah 7:11).

4. Ahaz refuses, but God gives him the sign that Virgo will start and give birth to a son, who will be called Emmanuel ("God with us").

5. This confirms the covenant with David.

6. It also confirms the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 in relation to the seed of a woman and in Genesis 15: 5, where Abraham is told to look at the stars.

7. Interestingly, in the constellation the Virgin the brightest star is a spike, "seed". Signing at height.


Matthew 1: 22-23 (6 g. R.Kh.)

"And all this happened, and the Lord will come true through the Prophet, who says:" Sea, Virgo in the womb will and give birth to a son, and they will tell him the name: Emmanuel, which means: God is with us. ""

Jesus was to be born from the Virgin to:

1. Do not inherit the sinful nature from Adam (1 Timofey 2:14).

2. Perform a curse over mehonia (Jeremiah 22: 28-30).

3. Perform prophecy (Isaiah 7:14).

4. Be to be God and man, conceived from the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1: 18-23).

A 4 - Birth in Bethlehem


Michea 5: 2 (710 BC)

"And you, Bethlehem-Efraff, are you small between thousands of Jody? From you will happen to me that should be a domain in Israel, and which is the origin of the beginning, from the days of eternal. "

1. At the time of Michea, in the 8th century before the Nativity of Christ, the village of Bethlehem was small.

2. It was one of their Bethlehem in the region conquered by Jews. Bethlehem in Judea needs to be distinguished from Bethlehema Zavonov, which will be mentioned in Jasina 19: 15-16.

3. The fact that the prophecy refers to the Messiah is clear from the approval that this is the future ruler of Israel, which was promised to Testa with David in 2 kings 7:16, also the one that origin from the beginning, from the days of eternal.

4. Thus, the person says to has eternal life.


Matthew 2: 5-6 (6 G. BC)

"They also told him: in Bethlehem Jewish, because it was written through the Prophet:" And you, Bethlehem, the land of Judine, no less than the Judine Voivodes; For the leader will happen from you, who will fall by the people of my Israel. ""

1. The arrival of the pagans, Magi of Babylon, made Herod to ask the priests of Israeli, where the Messiah will be born.

2. They appealed to Michea 5: 2 and pointed to Bethlehem, the city in which Joseph and Maria went to the Caesar Census (Luke 2: 1).

3. Interestingly, Joseph and Maria lived in Nazareth, Galilee (Luke 2: 4), but, nevertheless, remained in Bethlehem for almost two years before they fled to Egypt to allow MICHEM to confirm the direct execution of Michea 5: 2 .

4. Bethlehem means "Bread House". Thus, the life of life (John 6:35) was born in Bethlehem.

A 5 - getting gifts


Isaiah 60: 1-6 (698 to R.Kh.)

"Rodid, glow, Jerusalem, for the light came, and the glory of the Lord rushed over to you. For here, darkness will cover the earth, and darkness - nations; And the Lord will reach over to you, and his glory will appear over to you. And the peoples to the world will come, and the kings - to the ascending on top of the shine. Eating your eyes and look around: they are all going, go to you; Your sons from afar go and your daughters are carrying. Then you will see and you will revive, and your heart will expand and expand, because the wealth of the sea will contact you, the heritage of the peoples will come to you. Many camels will cover you - Dromaders from Madiam and Epay; All of them will come from Sava, bring gold and incense and we will erect the glory of the Lord. "

1. As many prophecies in St. Scripture, this prophecy has two versions: one refers to the first coming, carried out with the waxes, the second refers to the second coming and the end of the millennial kingdom.

2. This during Jewish, this prophecy should have supported the kingdom of Judea, seeing that Israel or Samaria conquered only a few years before that, and the threat of Assyria for Jews was particularly relevant.


Matthew 2: 1, 11 (4 g to R.Kh.)

"When Jesus was born in Bethlehem Jewish in the days of King Herod, came to Jerusalem Magi from the east ... and entered the house, they saw the baby with Marieu, his mother, and the paddhi wore him; And, opened its treasures, brought her gifts: Gold, incense and Smyrna. "

The wise men, the magicians were pagans who came to bow the baby as a king. The gifts brought by wrappers personify various sides of the human essence of Christ:

- goldshows Jesus as a king.

- Ladan- Jesus Christ as a priest.

- Smirna- Jesus Christ as a savior.

It should be noted that the wise men came not in Khlev, but in the house. The baby was about 18 months, because the Greek word "Paidion" is used, denoting this age, and not the word "Brefos" denoting the baby earlier.


Revelation 21: 23-26 (end of the millennial kingdom).

"And the city has no need for neither the sun or in the moon to illuminate their own; For the glory of God lit it, and his lamp is a lamb. Saved peoples will walk in the light of him, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory and his honor. The gate will not be shoved in the afternoon, and there will be no night there. And they will bring to it the glory and honor of the peoples. "

The second execution shows the new Jerusalem with the kings and pagans who brought the glory to the Lord. They go in his light and bring to him fame and honor.

A 6 - Baby beating


Jeremiah 31:15 (606 to R.Kh.)

This prophecy was given a year when Nebuchadnezzar, then the crowned king of Haldey, captured the first group of prisoners, including Daniel from Jerusalem. The village of Rama was placed in eight kilometers north of Jerusalem near the place where, according to the tradition, the tomb was placed Rahili in Khathekha (1 kings 10: 2).


Matthew 2: 17-18 (4 g to R.Kh.)

« Then the defendant came true through the Prophet Jeremiah, who says: "Glory in the frame is heard, crying and sobs, and the cry of the Great; Rachel cries about his children and does not want to comfort, for they are not. ""

1. Rachel is the symbol of the Jewish mother and the personification of those women whose children were killed by Herod's soldiers after he discovered that the Magi Babylonian was not returned to Jerusalem, as he asked (Genesis 37: 9; Revelation 12: 1-2 ).

2. By the time the soldiers reached Bethlehem, Joseph, Maria and Baby Jesus were on the way to Egypt, where they had to spend some time, while Herod the Great would not die (Matthew 2:15).

3. The beating of babies represents another attack of Satan on the plan of God in an attempt to destroy the baby of Christ before he grows up, and thus it was an attempt to prevent salvation through the cross.

A 7 - Return from Egypt


Osi 11: 1 (740 BC)

"When Israel was Yun, I loved him and from Egypt called my son."

Asia speaks about the great liberation by the God of the Israeli people under the leadership of Moses during the outcome. Israel is shown weak and helpless after many years of slavery in Egypt. It is also used as a prophecy about the return of little Jesus from Egypt after the death of Herod.


Matthew 2:15 (3 G. BC)

"And there was to the death of Herod, and the welfare of the Lord will come true through the Prophet, who says:" I called My Son. "" From Egypt

1. For a while, Jesus with his parents found a refuge in Egypt, possibly provided with gold, the wise men given them (Matthew 2:11).

2. Herod Great died in spring 4 years to R.h., and his kingdom was divided into three: Herod Philipp Rules in December, Herod Antipa in Galilee and Herod Archelai Rules in Judea.

3. Archelai was a very cruel ruler, so cruel that was shifted by the Romans in 7 g. R.Kh. And expelled beyond the boundaries of the Roman Empire.

4. Knowing about the reputation of Archel, Joseph did not return to Judea and, led by God through the dream, returned to Nazareth in Galilee (Matthew 2: 22-23). This Joseph not only ensured the fulfillment of the prophecy (and 8 - Norazhai), but by doing this, he entered under common sense.

5. The people of Israel are the Son (Exodus 4:22), which was called from Egypt. A larger son will eventually rule over the people of the Son.

A 8 - Norazhai


Isaiah 11: 1 (713 G. BC)

"And the industry will occur from the root of Jesheeva, and the branch will grow from the root of it."

This Isaiah a year before the final destruction of the Northern Kingdom, this prophecy confirms that the root of Iesa will give a branch from the main root. These words gave hope that the people have a distant future, and also indicated the need for Jesus-Messiah to happen from Nazareth.


Matthew 2:23 (up to 30 g. R.Kh.)

"And the came to settle in the city, called Nazareth, will come true to the prophet, that he will be named."

1. Jesus was named by Nazarey from Nazareth, which means "branch from the root" or "branch". Jesus Christ is shown as a branch in many places:

- David (Isaiah 11: 1) - King.

- Slave my industry (Zechariah 3: 8) - Savior.

- husband industry (Zechariah 6:12) - Husband.

- The Lord's branch (Isaiah 4: 2) - God.

2. Interestingly, Herod the Great by the end of his reign, destroyed the gang of robbers in Galilee, thus preparing a safe place in which Jesus could grow (Romans 8:28).

A 9 - Spiritual maturity


Isaiah 11: 2 (713 to R.Kh.)

"And the Spirit of the Lord, the spirit of wisdom and the mind, the spirit of the Council and Fortresses, the spirit of knowledge and piety is worshiped."

The Messiah, which Isaiah propheted, was to be characterized by abundance of spiritual wisdom, which should be apparent to everyone who will meet him.


Luke 2:40 (10 g. R.Kh.)

"The baby increased and strengthened with the Spirit, fulfilling the wisdom; And the grace of God was on it. "

Baby Jesus even hit his parents, which can be seen from the description of how one day they, returning from the celebration of Easter in Jerusalem, left there Jesus. Finding that he did not travel with them, Maria and Joseph returned to Jerusalem. They found him in the temple with leading teachers of the law of those days demonstrating a stunning spiritual maintenance (Luke 2: 41-52).


Revelation 4: 5 (96 G. R.Kh.)

"And from the throne, zippers and thunders and glaces came from the throne, and seven fiery lamps burned before the throne, which essence seven spirits of God."

In this vision on the island of Patmos John sees the throne of heavenly.

There, before the throne of God, there are seven lamps representing the seven spirits of God.

Roerich N.K. Ilya-prophet. 1931

Prophecies are best noticed by humanity. (Community, 25)

The world will raise the hardest earthquakes, floods and fires, and more and more often people say that the formidable prophecies of the scriptures and the great prophets about the end of the world are being fulfilled. In this regard, the 2012 Calendar and Biblical Apocalypse (Revelation of John the Bogosla) are often mentioned. Modern scientists declare the change in the change in the magnetic poles of the Earth, about the upcoming "ignition" and the displacement of the inclination of the earth's axis and huge change in the appearance of our planet. The topic of the apocalypse appears on the Internet and in very contradictory books and films.

But only a few today seriously think about the signs of the thunderstorm time. Great changes are coming in the world order, and undoubtedly, people should understand the essence of what is happening on the planet and relate to it correctly.

Why do humanity give prophecies and are they always executed? How do prophecies relate about the end of the world with the fact that in reality expects our civilization? Let's try to answer these questions.

About prophets and prophecies

The prophets are called Providzmi, prisoners, feathers, predictors of the future. In the biblical times of prophecy were considered the highest gift of God, evidence of spiritual achievements. Prophets broadcast, movable by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). Apostle Paul advises: "Reach love; Journal about the gifts of the spiritual, especially to prophesy ... "" ... who prophesies, he tells people to edification, admission (instruction) and consolation "(1 Corinthians 14: 1.3).

On the prophets in the teaching of living ethics, the following is said: "The Prophet is a person who has spiritual definiteness ... It would be completely ignorant to deny the prophecies ... if scientifically and impartially examine the randomly preserved prophecies, what will see? Find people, contrary to the personal benefit of the history that looked at the next page, horrified and warned people ... "(Illumination, III, V, p. 3).

Prophecies of different seams echoes. The Great Leonardo da Vinci in explanations to the series of drawings "Flood" warned of huge waves threatening humanity (in the book "Peace Leonardo").

In the 17th century, the Prophet Tit Nimlov wrote: "The marine waters get tired of the arbitrariness of a person and go to him with a satellite, and melt from the face of the earth and the city, and the village, and entire countries" (in the KN. Russian Nostradamus).

"Cities and villages will collapse from earthquakes and floods," Vang said (in the book. "Great prophecies").

Roerich N.K. Angel last. 1942

E.I. possessed spiritual limblessness. and NK Roerichi.

Many paintings of the Great Artist are prophetic. In 1942, the prophetic sleep of Elena Ivanovna Nikolai Konstantinovich wrote a picture of the "Angel last": on the dark-thunderstorm sky, on the lights of the world, the giant fire figure of the Archangel with a crucial scroll in his hand and a big golden key of the belt; On Earth are visible languages \u200b\u200bof a flame from a fire.

The teachings of living ethics, transmitted by Teachers Shambhala through Roerich, contains scientifically based prophecies about the fate of the Earth and humanity when moving to a new era and a new planetary civilization.

The great teachers who foresee the fate of the world say: "The prophecies have long come from our community as good signs to humanity. The paths of the prophecies are diverse: or inspired by individuals or massive feelings, or manuscripts, or unknown by whom the inscriptions left ... "(community, 25).

So, the Decembrists across the Count Vorontsov were transferred to the prophecy-warning that their intention of the state coup is untimely and was doomed to failure. Judging by the tragic consequences of the speech of the Decembrists, this warning was ignored ...

The second, the second, even more important warning of events that could change its fate came from teachers.

In 1926, during the arrival of the Roerich family to Moscow, N.K. Roerich met with the leaders of the country - Chicherin and Lunacharsky. On behalf of Teachers, Shambhala, Roerich handed them the warnings of the inadmissibility of building socialism in the country for violent methods and the need to develop spirituality. But the beaten caution of teachers of mankind was rejected. What followed by this in our country, we know ... So human free will once again stopped the best decisions.

Great Teachers say: "We are ready for the sake of personally to warn, but we cannot stop the course of events if our advice is rejected ... You can remember how we warned some countries at different times and our tips were rejected. Free will chose death and slow decomposition ... "(Overhead, 263).

Would not again be sent from the stronghold of the light of the warnings when "wild" capitalism was born in Russia? We can only guess this ...

To the question, whether prophecies are always fulfilled, the teachers give such an answer: "Can prophecies remain impracticable? Of course, they can. We have a whole repository of missed prophecies. True prophecy provides for a better combination of opportunities, but they can be missed ... "(community, 25).

Space justice

It is said in the Bible: "God does not fail. What a man will sit, he will get married "(Galatians 6: 4-9). So concisely in the Bible, the highest law of the Universe is formulated - the law of cause and effect or the law of Karma ("Karma" in translating from Sanskrit means "action"), on some aspects of which I will stop.

E. Roerich in a letter from 11.06.53 explains that "All Genesis is only an endless chain of reasons and consequences ..."

Man and "Sewer", and "Reaper". Our "sowing" is our karma, "first of all, it makes up of the inclinations, thoughts and motivations of a person, actions - minor factors" (letter EI Rerich from 5.05.34).

Roerich c.N. Crucified humanity.
Triptych. 1939-1942

There is a karma of both a separate person (individual) and families, people, countries, humanity. The main karma is individual. The man himself is the creator of his fate, and in his life it is nothing casual!

It makes it a man in ignorance with his God for his sufferings, which he considers undeserved, but not God, and the person himself is guilty of all his misfortunes!

All that we were sinned in our past lives, we must fully redeem in our current existence, "the law of karma is associated with the law of reincarnation. From here, all the suffering, and, it would seem, the undeserved torment of the "good man". And this man in his real embodiment should, according to the law of Karma, is immutable to pay for all its pre-sorts in the past. Karma follows the soul of this person from life to life until it finds the circumstances to restore the equilibrium. The people rightly say: "You will not leaving fate" ...

Great Space Justice will give everyone to his business. So, a person should not be revenge for injustice caused to him, that is, to take on his own retribution - the highest court is in charge of this - the law of Karma. Therefore, he taught Christ to love and forgive his enemies; Otherwise, we get a reverse punch of karma and increase the amount of evil in space.

The human law can be disturbed or canceled, the law of cosmic - unshakable! A person can improve his free will to improve his karma: purifying thoughts, motivations and desires, desire for self-improvement, spiritual development and service to humanity. But the free Will of a person can change the karma and for the worse ...

So the law of karma directly participates in our improvement, being a powerful engine of human evolution.

Under the law of free will, the highest forces do not interfere in the affairs of people, but only observe and help, - if it allows karma of a person or country, or, if a person or people calls about the help of higher strength in their prayers ...

What kind of karma created humanity, who disappeared from the unshakable foundations of the universe, violating all the highest laws?

Can we assume that the transition to a new era and a new civilization will not require atonement from humanity? Because E.I. Roerich warned that the cataclysms are inevitable. However, their strength depends on whether humanity will be able to awaken their consciousness and resurrect in the spirit. "... The law of karma before the sign should be fulfilled," says Great Teachers (Illumination, Part 1, Ch.2.2, 12).

Era era of fire comes

Roerich N.K. Sofia -
Wisdom of God. 1931

Era era of fire comes, find the courage and mind to take it.
(Infertility, 10)

No, do not die - but only, from darkness,
we rebel, we rebel ...
in other life, from the dust - in the light! ..
after all, there is no death, because there is no death ...
(Elena Turkque)

The decomposition of mankind has now reached its apogee, and only the space fire can clear the planet from poisonous evaporation and clusters of darkness - from everything that opposed the arrival of the new era - the era of the celebration of the Spirit.

Jesus Christ proclaimed: "The fire came, I gone to the ground, and how I would like it to have already built!" (Luke 12:49). Now it's time to light fire! This process cannot be stopped by any human measures.

Live ethics warns about the fiery reorganization of the world on the threshold of the new era: "It can not be that some element did not put forward in the teachings. So the fire was mentioned thousands of times, but now the mention of fire is not repetition, because it is already a warning about the events of the planetary destiny. Someone will not say that in his heart he was already preparing for fiery baptism, although the most ancient teachings warned about an imminent era of fire (the world of fire, part 2, preface).

Fiery baptism is the cleansing and transformation of our inner being. All imperfect should be replaced perfect, all the lowest is higher.

The exact terms of the great events are especially protected by the forces of light, because they say "awake, because you do not know the day or an hour."

"Space dates are not calculated calendar days, but are associated with human actions. Madness of individual personalities can develop the term of the space catastrophe at an unexpected acceleration, "wrote E.I. Roerich (letter from 24.05.51).

Spatial cosmic energies are already approaching the ground to create new conditions for life in a new era, but are we ready to take this fire?

On the planet received unprecedented distribution of cardiovascular, oncological and mental illness, and with the arrival of new space energies, these diseases can become even more massive and hard.

Therefore, a fear of death, the fear of death should be changed by the awareness of the fact that death should not be afraid and that life does not end with death - the spirit of man is unreasonable and immortal.

Now there is a division of humanity into two poles - lights and darkness. Everyone is free to make your last choice: on whose side to become? There are only two ways: either back, in darkness, or ahead, to the light! The "end of the world" may occur only for those who chose the darkness. For those who rose to the side of the world, the end of darkness will come!

"Thinking about the reorganization of the world, it is very important to send thoughts not to the upcoming cataclysms, but for the construction of a new era. It is better to think not about the upcoming disasters, but about the necessary, that it can bring the greatest benefit of the world "[World Fire, Part 3, p.150). We will be able to heal the sick planet and themselves, creating good every thought and feeling, act and word, and without harm to health, perceive fire energies aimed at Earth.

The fire is grapphered only for an elevated consciousness and a clean heart, mean, it is necessary to clean the consciousness and heart from all low-lying and vicious thoughts, feelings and desires. Otherwise, the fire can be for us not with fire creating, but by fire is touching!

We will remember that in each of us there is a particle of a single fire - our spirit, and we will safely strengthen the fire! In the flame of heart daring, we will take the coming!

At the heart burning love, - Fire Wings! On such hearts, the world holds and such hearts are able to pacify the raging elements. We will byply go to the light and save our overall space house!

May the era of light on earth will come !!!

Habibula Magomedovich
About the Grand Plan

Creator of the Universe

God's temple court - the report and Resurrection of the Dead - the Center for Management of the Peace.
New World and Eternal Paradise Life.

Book nineteenth

On the construction of paradise on earth and on the stars

makhachkala 2013
"Golden age. Soon come to the world

ancient teaching. I am asked:

"Will this time come soon?"

No, not soon. Syria still did not fall. "

(Wang, 80s.)
"The duty ruler of the world for three o'clock earthlings will be called the earthly God, because any of his request, together with 50 representatives from each region (million inhabitants) who know how to obey God-Most High Allah, the Creator of the World intends to satisfy.

Therefore, all the presidents of the world should be together with representatives in the Tower of Jesus, and at your joint request, the Almighty will return it from heaven as the ruler of the world, and will be delivered to wars, terror, corruption and cataclysm worldwide, and paradise will be built on this Earth, for the eternal future! " (From the book number 6, converted on the Internet from 05/15/2013. HM)


  1. Entry (instead of the epigraph).

  2. About same-sex marriages (sin was established by the law of the state and hail in the tennis ball fell on this country 06.08.2013) urgently study in schools and universities the story of the disappearance of the cities of Sodom and Gomorra!

  3. Who makes the presidents arm and fight with each other?

  4. How should I manage to manage the whole world when I was 12 years old, since 1952?

  5. The prophecy of Isaiah is light for all mankind.

  6. About Judas Israarote First and ..., as well as about flooding.

  7. Will there be representatives from every million inhabitants around the world who know how to obey God-Most High Allah to jointly with the presidents of all countries of the world, to organize the world management center? About one experiment (≈1998).

  8. How did Vanga receive information? In a piece of sugar or in the water there is information ?! ... ...

  9. The duel of the two best angels of the world in my body (formerly - Lisa and my guardian angel).

  10. About the project "Starting Points" of the construction of Paradise on Earth.

  11. Syrian version of war. If Assad began to perform the Message of the Creator, then ...

  12. On the Ascension of Mary - Mother Jesus Christ.

  13. The second location of hell - in the depths of the earth for 14 km?

  14. Punishment of Most High Gaddafi.

  15. Bermuda Triangle - "Marine" Black Hole?

  16. What did Nostradamus write? My opinion …

1. Fitting (Instead of the epigraph)

1) From the book "Decoded Nostradamus 2):" 1999 - the beginning of the contract between God and people is to choose which sooner or later will have to make each of us.

And this choice of the Prophet Nostradamus binds primarily with the emergence of a new teaching and its struggle with existing official religions.

The future depends largely on the efforts of each of us. On the one hand, some incomprehensible highest strength creates a grand plan and inspires people to implement it, but this implementation itself is carried out by the hands of the people themselves.

We are participants and direct performers of a grand plan, conceived by the sky, and depends on us how much this plan will be executed; The sky itself, inspiring us, according to the testimony of the Prophet of Nostradamus, hopes for our heads, hands and courage.

And again, we have two options: either we will finally stop this plan, setting up the "third World Human Blood Flood," this time the last, either I will implement the "plan of heaven" by returning to the laws of humanity and justice, and putting the beginning of the "New Golden Age". "


2) From the book "Saving IDEA of Russia": "(the author did not write his name) thinking and analyzing independently, we see that prophetic sources, these sciences about rhythms and cycles of human development, numerous openings of today's researchers say that we live exactly In that predicted religions, decisive for the fate of the planet, time. And we see that all researchers in one voice argue that it is Russia that will change the consciousness of our world.

Moreover, it is not only religious leaders and prophets of both the distant and recent past, but also a number of today's serious researchers unknown.

As long as we ourselves are incomprehensible, where Russia will take the strength to save not only herself, but also the whole world. Russia must feel the strength, energy and impulse. How to get to him today? Due to what?

Heritage researchers The last famous for the whole world of Slavic prophet Vangui claim that Wang also repeatedly assured that it was Russia that Russia would save the world.

A number of mysterious phrases of Vanga have not yet been deciphered by researchers. For example, this: "Eighth will come and sign the final world on the planet (J.Kostadinova." Wang ". 1998. P.37.).

But however, it seems very similar to all the mysterious phrases of Vanga talk about the same event.

Otherwise, the meaning of the cipher is lost. After all, if we speak so strange about the multitude of events, it is impossible to decipher, for example, who is such an "eighth" in principle, if there is no time binding in time and in the country. But if we consider the hypothesis of the unity of mysterious phrases, then the binding is - Russia, 2000.

Since in 1979, Wang said: "After 20 years, you will collect the first big harvest(J.K.Kostadinova. "Vanga". Moscow, 1998. P.72). "

So, perhaps, some "eighth" will already sign "the final world" this year. It would be possible to laugh at this prophecy, and even others, too, if it were not for the discovery of scientists lately. And if other past did not speak almost the same. And if Nostradamus did not speak about the same.

After all, in his most famous Katrene (about the fact that a certain king of frightening from the sky), who made so much noise last year, was listed without cipher: 1999, July.

Some researchers of the secrets of the latter prophets suggest that many other heroes of Nostradamus prophecies are possible: "Young sage", "mockery", "king of frightening", etc. - are associated not only among themselves, but also associated with the "eighth" Vanga, because interrelated years are indicated. And what should we do? Wait for these "eighth", "kings", "young wise men", etc.? Which of them will appear first and will explain to us?

And what if the prophets still made a mistake? And besides, in the history of mankind, there was no precedent in the history so that the contemporaries immediately understand this or that the prophet declared.

And today we have no rescue idea, there is no mutual understanding between the scientists themselves, there is no mutual understanding between religions, there is no mutual understanding between religions and scientists, and there is no mutual understanding, no one and anyone.

Today, researchers unknown raised such depths, they looked into such a "abyss" knowledge that in order for this "the abyss" to master, society requires long and many years. Not to mention the fact that the scientists themselves are required for many years of searching for consensus. What still do?

Maybe we will wait until the Commission on Combating Lzhenauku gives over false accumulation and false academic teams together with representatives of religion will create a common paradigm of the world? Do you think really? That is what it is.

And it is impossible to wait. What remains? Yes, very simple. Let's try to just get in place of this "eighth" ...

Imagine that it is you who must do a particular mission: to convey to earthlings some information, a kind of "message" from the universe, which should help protect us from a big trouble.

What are you going to do?

Will you put on the side of one of the religions? So that supporters of the opposite religion have fed even more?

Try to unravel the tangle contradictions between religions?

Yes, for so many centuries, this node was so strung out that he was not unraveling with 100 Messiah. So, hack in Macedonski? And it is death like ... "

In general, the author tried to write "Manifesto the Universe to the peoples of the planet ..." and subscribed: "Winnie - Pooh and all - all - all Kiev - Moscow on April 27, 1997. - January 27, 2000. And the last lines: "And when we learn," will break the day! And the morning star in our hearts will go up !! And Christ will be born !!! May 9, 2000. "


3) It was on this day (May 9, 2000), I began my speech on the Internet for the whole world, directing all the people of the world the message of God - Most High Allah.

Did this coincidence with the prediction of clairvoyant Vanga, which said in 1979: "After 20 years, you will collect the first big harvest?!"

I calmed down a little when I received the following answers from Turkish Sheikhs and Holiness Jerusalem (thanks to you and God will help us all the Almighty Allah. Amen !!!).

fourth answer: Fifth answer:

But not completely calm, because I could not yet fulfill the Message of the Most High, which Angel said to my head, in the Kochube, in 1993: "If you want to save your soul to the eternal future, then build the throne, to return from the sky to the prophets, and organize in it - the center of the management of the world!".

A grand plan for the Creator of the Universe, which was predicted, even Nostradamus and other prophets "On the construction of paradise on Earth", about it Fantastic idea Angel explained to me when I was 21, when there was a wonderful head and I understood it, although in connection with the disease in the cradle in seconds forgot. I wrote you about it in my books. And yet I offer everything to the world so that you tried to perform, although Iblis and his army devils, screaming in the vessels of our brain at every step, will oppose this Grand Plan of the Most High Allah , calling him utopia and contrary to the Bible and the Quara.

I now list briefly on points:

1. Organize a collective account for one righteous person to guide 10% of all incomes of your small family. Keep the receipt in your hands. All of you should be: five hundred men and five hundred women, evenly, considering all your favorite prophet or righteous, or the same ancestor, for his return from heaven, from the world. It is in your joint request, the Almighty Allah and intends to create a new 25-year-old body for His soul, as Adam and Eve, therefore, for each of the members of your big family, so that you lived again and many more times.

2. If you strive for this "distant goal", then for each such big family your government, not only will allocate the land plot (200 x 200m) to build, with the calculation forever, the tower (thousands of the House of God) - the initial The point of building a paradise on Earth, where you must be collected together to ask together the Most High Allah (as well as to look at the court report and burning the dead in the center of control of the world through a large screen 10 x 20m, in a fun form after the day of salvation, and more) but will be from the federal budget to send money, so many, How much is necessary and abound for your life together in the residence of your big family. In more detail in other books.

You do not lose anything, but get a lot !!

Or maybe another way we will go? Who will offer another method?! Listen to your angel !!!

2. On same-sex marriages (sin was established by the law of the state and hail in the tennis ball fell on this country on 6.08.2013).

What to do?

It is worse than the use of chemical weapons, therefore, a rocket blow to all these countries !!!

1) Dear brothers and sisters - earthlings!

I wrote on 02.08.2013 in their address of the gross words, which I do not write on these pages, but I ask my angel to give it to the whole world, able to obey God-Most High Allah (people with a clear head).

If you exactly write these my words, then I hope the government of Dagestan will invite you to organize a world management center.

What representatives from each million inhabitants, together with the presidents of all countries of the world, the government of Dagestan will be invited to Dagestan?

Here is the beginning of my writer from 02.08.2013.:

"On same-sex marriages. Who is Commander-in-Chief? - Is President of France?

Do they really know: "What did the Creator of the Universe with the cities of Sodom and Homorra?".

What needs to be done with these same-sex and leaders of these states that allowed same-sex marriage?

I uncomfortable even write "about it." What kind of "man" are you, if you regret that you have made a man and became "Baba"?!

And how do your parents look at you?!

If I were in their place, then I would ... ".

Here at this place I wrote one sentence out of 18 words and signs. We ask our angels to be transferred to all the peoples of the world. And you, even in a dream, if you try to obey the Messengers of the Most High to you, that is, the word of God, who will send your right angel to your head (the Holy Spirit on the Bible) from the right temple, then you are able to help the whole world! Write and direct to Dagestan.

I wish you good luck in this. When I wrote to the president of France of other words ..., who also begun angels to transfer each other (they stay at me at home, while), when I watched on television (lead: 07.08.2013, at 7 am), then I heard: "France in the tennis ball fell (I saw three of these on your hand). " Consequently, the Almighty punished France because of such a "ruler."

I demand: ... (out of 25 words)! Please transfer these words to the whole world.

What method will be managed in the center of the management of the world representatives, together with the presidents of all countries of the world?


Suppose the new president of Dagestan will be invited to Dagestan: one representative from every million inhabitants, including all presidents of the world.

Then the first duty ruler of the world for three hours and should be: President of Dagestan!

It will be within three hours to put in front of the rulers of the world in the hall of the center of the World Management Center questions requiring an accurate answer. For example: How should the peoples of the whole world live? What intends to make the creator of the world for the eternal future? etc. He writes his answer and let inaccurate, and put in an envelope (for example: I sent 500 thousand rubles, while my wife was not at home to repair the "house of celebrations", to organize work 50 on duty of the rulers of the world, every three hours, around the clock, while We do not build a tower - the throne, to return from the skies of the prophets). He will ask his right angel (Holy Spirit) so that he passes this answer invested by him in the envelope, and an accurate answer - all representatives present in the Hall of Big.

What 50 representatives will he believe?

And, of course, only those who correctly wrote his answer invested in the envelope.

Therefore, there will be absolute silence in the center of the center of management of the world, as they will write the word of God. And the whole world, through a large screen (10 x 20m), connected to the center of control of the world, will see: "Wired a representative of an accurate answer to this problem question, which they sent to the center of the management of the world?".
2) I offer the whole world: "The history of the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorra Most High, written in the same book" Sacred Scripture ", for urgent studies in schools and universities, so that this" infection "does not spread throughout my sacred land."

In the Book of Sacred Scripture (the semantic translation of the Favorite from Tairat and Engine, released by Al Salam Bishkek 2002), on page 37, under the heading "Three guests of Ibrahima", The following is written: 18. Eternal appeared to the Ibrachis in the great trees Mamre, when he was sitting at the entrance to his tent during daytime heat.

Ibrahim looked up and saw that three people stand nearby; And when he saw them, he ran from the entrance to the tent to meet them and bowed to the earth.

He said: "If I found mercy in your eyes, my lord (" Vladyka "), do not pass by your servant ..."

"Where is your wife Sarah?" They asked them. "There, in the tent," he replied. Then the eternal said: "I will certainly return to you next year, about this time, and Sarra, your wife will have a son." Sarra listened, standing behind him, at the entrance to the tent. Ibrahim and Sarah were already old ones and in old years, and the woman's ordinary in Sarra stopped. Therefore, Sarah laughed to himself, thinking: "I was already a meager and Mr. My Star; Do me have such joy? "

Then the eternal told Ibrahim: "Why is Sarra laughs and says:" Do I really have a child, because I am Stara? "

Is there anything too difficult for eternal? I will return to you in a year at the appointed time, and Sarra will have a son. " Sarah was frightened and lied, saying: "I did not laugh."

But he said: "No, you laughed."

Rising to leave, guests looked in the direction of Sodom; Ibrahim went with them to conduct them. Eternal said: "Do I hide from Ibrahim, what am I going to do? From Ibrahim, the great and strong people will certainly happen, and all nations on Earth will be blessed through it. After all, I chose him so that he instructs his children and his home after herself to keep the path of eternal, doing the truth and the court that Eternal fulfill for Ibrahis what he promised him. " Eternal said: "A scream against Sodom and Gomorra is so great, their sin is so hard that I will go and see if they are badly entering how they accuse them against them, who reached me. If not, I recognize. "

Two men turned and went to Soda, but the eternal remained with Ibrahim standing before him.

Ibrahim approached him and said: "Do you really destroy the righteous together with sinning? What if there are fifty righteous in the city? Do you really destroy and not spare this place for the sake of fifty righteous? You can not do this - to destroy the righteous together with the wicked way, to do with the righteous and wicked equally. You can not do so! Does the judge of the whole land can do the wrongness? "

Eternal said: "If I find fifty righteous in the soda, I will felt all this place for them." Then Ibrahim said again: "That's, I was so bold that I decided to say Vladyka, although I only as dust and ash; What if the number of righteous five less than fifty? Do you destroy the whole city because of five people? "

"If I find forty-five there," the eternal replied, "he did not destroy him."

Ibrahim turned to him again: "What if there is only forty?" Eternal replied: "For the sake of forty I will not do this." Then he said: "Yes, the Lord will not be angry, but will allow me to say. What if there are only thirty? " Eternal replied: "I won't do it if I find there thirty." Ibrachim said: "Here, I was so bold that I decided to say Vladyka: what if there are only twenty?" Eternal said: "For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it."

Then Ibrahim said: "Yes, the lord will not be angry, but will allow me to say only once. What if there are only ten there? "

Eternal answered: "For the sake of ten I will not destroy it."

When the eternal finished talking to Ibrahim, he left, and I was returned to Ibrahim. "

In these Scriptures, I did not like the following: "Although the angels can appear in human appearance, but the eternal (Vladyka is the Creator of the Universe) to appear even before the prophets in human appearance?!

It will never be !!!

I wrote to you in the book number 6, chapter 5 about its magnitude, form and location, as well as the rays (waves - the handles of the Lord), coming from him to each of its creations, including (according to astronomers, considering the sky with powerful telescopes At the observed universe there are at least 125 billion gallotics. Only in one of them - in the Gallaxics, the Milky Way - numbering in some data, over 100 billion stars! How far is the last star at the end of the galloxics, which the Creator created, if the Light Ray In three hundred thousand kilometers in one second, it comes to us for ... light years?!).

Thanks to the employees of Yandex, which converted on the Internet, in a beautifully decorated form; Consequently, the Almighty helped them (probably Egor Kulikov - the winner of the Mathematical Olympiads, who ended in Moscow State University, and since 2009 in the St. Petersburg office of Yandex; and Lyudmila Ostrumova - twice the winner of the International Women's Mathematical Olympiad, who completed Mehmat MSU, is studying in graduate school and works in Yandex; and others who understood the message of the Creator of the World, sent by me by the whole world) to put in Yandex: "and" initial points "(build of paradise on earth), book number 1; And "What did Jesus say?" (book number 6 in 11 parts); and book number 10 (open letter to the presidents of all countries of the world in 6 parts); other".

For us not available to understanding: "His mind".

How will we study the message of the Creator of the Universe to all the prophets and righteous, at the request of which the Most High Allah committed wonders on this earth?! Is it not better to study in schools and universities? Where are the mistakes in the scriptures? Will school students and students themselves be able to correct them? - Doesn't the Angel of the Right (Holy Spirit), to teach them to obey?! And they will be the winners of the devil !!

19. Saving the Lute and the destruction of cities of Sodom and Gomorra.

Two angel came in Sodom in the evening, and Lut sat at the gate of the city. (I wrote to you in the book number 1, in chapter 6, that the angels are on our temples, the Almighty Allah can turn into people, in human appearance to be near us. It would be enough to me when my head was clear, that is, Clearly heard the word of God and saying his words: Angels put teachers on the floor, and ourselves, peeling from the shoulders, stand next to them, in human appearance. They would stand and then I would lead everyone together in a large class at the meeting ... Sorry that I didn't immediately give it right).

Seeing them, he got to meet them and bowed to the earth. (You probably remember, in the book "The greatest person ...", in paragraph 128, Jesus alive!, Two angels are drawn in shining clothes, who saw in the tomb of Jesus Women and spoke one of them to them: "Do not be afraid, for I know, What are you looking for Jesus crucified; it is not here: he is resurrected, as said; Come, look at the place where the Lord lay, and come Rather, tell his disciples that he was saved from the dead. " I argue that those two angels were exactly the two angels who were and Jesus. And now, carefully read this story, written in the Holy Book, and tell me: was these two angels who came to the evening who were with the mud? Or Ibrahim (Abraham)? HM)

"My Lord," he said, "Please go to the house of your servant." You can wash your legs and spend the night, and continue your way in the early morning. " "No," they answered, "we will spend the square." (Why were they going to spend the night on the square? Hm)

But he insisted that they followed him and entered the house. He prepared for them food, baked fresh bread, and they filed. But before lay down, all men of Sodom, young and old, surrounded the house. They shouted the melt: "Where are the people who came to you in the evening? Tell them to us, we want to make them down. "

Lout came to them and locked the door behind him. He said:

"No, my friends, do not make such evil. Listen, I have two daughters who have not been with a man. Let me bring them to you, and do with them what you want. But do not do anything to these people who came to protect my bed. "

They replied: "Away from the road." And they said: "This man came here as an alien, and now he wants to be a judge! We will bypass you even worse than with them. " They began to push the lute and approached to break the door. But guests who were inside, stretched out their hands, dragged the plot into the house and locked the door. And those who were at the door of the house, and young and old, they struck blindness, so that they could not find the door.

And the guests said the lute: "Who else has there is a son-in-law, sons, daughters, someone else in the city?

Disquest them from here, because we are going to destroy this place. The cry of the eternal against this people is so great that he sent us to destroy it. " Lout came out and told his future hazard, who had to marry his daughters: "Rather, leave here: the eternal is going to destroy the city!"

But those thought that he was joking. When it was dawn, the angels began to rush the lute, saying: "Hurry! Hence his wife, and two daughters, and not that you will deceive when the punishment falls on the city. "He was slow, but those two took him by the hand, and his wife and two daughters, because the eternal was merciful, and brought them outside the city. Already beyond the city, one of them said: "Run from here! Do not look back and do not stop anywhere on the plain! Run into the mountains, and not you die! "

But Lutu said to them: "No, gentlemen, I ask you! The servant is yours found in your eyes the location, and you appeal to me the great mercy, saving my life. But I don't get to the mountains: disaster will overtake me, and I will perish.

That town is not far there, I'll have time to reach there, and he is small. Let me run there - after all, he is very small, right? "And my life will be saved."

Angel replied: "Well, I will fulfill this request: I will not destroy the city you are talking about. Runs there faster, because I can't do anything until you get to him. " (That's why the city was named SIOR: on the sound, this name reminds in the original word "small")

The sun had already risen when Lout got to Sigor. Then the eternal shed the rain on Soda and Gomorra to the burning sulfur from eternal from heaven: he destroyed the city and the whole valley, and everyone who lived in cities, and everything that grew on Earth. And the wife of Luet looked back and turned into a salt pillar. At the other morning, Ibrahim rose early and returned to the place where he stood before eternal. He looked at Sodom and Gomorra, and at the entire valley, and saw: a thick smoke rises from the ground, like smoke from the furnace.

So, when the Most High destroyed the cities of the valley, he remembered Ibrahim and saved a lute from disasters, which destroyed the cities in which Lout lived. "

Suppose in the Tower (a thousand-hour God's house), a big family (500 men and 500 women, smoothly) live on separate floors: 50 apartments on one floor, therefore 50 men and 50 women on individual floors.

The duty member of the Big Family Council for three hours, which is responsible for the fate of the whole big family, will know that on one of the floors, some kind of "same-sex couple" is engaged in "nonsense" ("According to the devil"), therefore, the duty members of their own (1 Husband. And 1, for three hours) should urgently collect all 50 members of the Council of their Big Family to punish this pair, otherwise the Most High can fail this "God's house" through the Earth !!!

3. Who makes the presidents arm and fight with each other?

"You do not live here, and exist! Go to the garage, they are looking for you! " (alien)

Each of the applicants for the position of President, probably speaks for himself: "If I become the president, then for my people I will do something and that."

But when he became president, then hundreds of reasons are looking for his excuse. The most important culprit who does not allow him to fulfill his people promised - it is he, former Angel - Iblis, who has a great ability to enter our body, read the contents in the head, and makes us write and do what you can not please God - Most High Allah .

Basically, in whose body will it come in?

Of course, in the body of the presidents of all countries of the world, from which the fate of millions of people depends. It seems to them that they do good for people of the case, but, alas, Iblis with their army devils, who shout in the vessels of our brain at every step, send them away from useful cases for their people, to produce weapons, throwing common money on "wind "But only not to your people:" America is prepared to send rocket to your country, so you have to make a technological breakthrough to create a new generation weapon so that it becomes an essential milestone in building a system of global nuclear detention, which today provides peace on the planet ... " .

In 1950, in a television interview, the deceased Albert Einstein warned the whole world: "The hysterical race between the United States and Russia for the championship in the disclosure of the secretarial bombs can lead to the destruction of our world, which we know it. As a result, the Earth's atmosphere can be poisoned. "

I read in the newspaper the revelation of one of the employees of the Central Committee of the USSR Central Committee: "We produced weapons when the peoples of their country needed the first necessary and sent abroad, without taking them in return ...".

This is tantamount to the following: "For you weapons and kill us! We do not know how to live differently: make money for your people !! ".

There is no place on Earth, where it would be possible to feel calmly, without thinking about what could at this very moment when you read these lines, somewhere the rocket flies to turn all our hopes in the ash .

In the spring of 1954, a hydrogen bomb was dropped at the Bikini Atoll. Now they have already forgotten about it. And to present only - a man, this creation of God, remained dissatisfied with the destructive power of this bomb. Here is the information about it:

  1. One such bomb is equivalent to 12-14 million tons of trinitrotoluol.

  2. One such bomb is equal to all bombs discarded during World War II taken.

  3. The height of the explosion was 10 thousand feet - almost 20 miles.

  4. The poisonous cloud formed as a result of the explosion covered the area with a radius more than a hundred miles.

  5. Released is aiming, such a bomb can immediately destroy 35 million people, which is twice the number of those who died in both of the last world wars.
Now this bomb is outdated. Far radius reactive bombers or intercontinental rockets will soon be able to rapidly deliver something even more deadly. As "fingers of death", the rockets silently froze on their starting sites. Who knows what cities are they intended for whose native places aimed, and whose mistake or fear will cause their launch?

I hope you already know: "Who is entering the body of the presidents, causing fear in them?!"

And the reason for this can be any trifle: "Disagreement of two presidents on some petty question!"

For example: 1) who applied in Damascus with a chimorse: the opposition or ...?

2) Hussein gardens, why do you make nuclear weapons? We are right, and you do not have ...

What should I do to solve any problematic issues in peace?

It was well wrote by Baha-Ulla: "Unite, about the kings of the earth, for then the storm of disagreements between you then subsides, and your peoples will find peace if you are of those who understand. If one of you will raise the weapon to another, restore everything against him, because it will be only a manifestation of justice.

Swim in sins (what you released weapons), otherwise we are waiting for an imminent death from the forces that we ourselves led to movement. Help us nowhere.

Unity must be based on mutual love, and not at fear.

If nations do not unite in the fraternity of cooperation to establish peace on Earth, if the rights of all people are not provided and protected, especially poor and humiliated, and if all people and especially their leaders will not live in accordance with anything The Lord, and not to themselves and other people, their kingdoms, their treasures, their privileges, their pleasures will be taken away by their Mr. Vineyard (Messiah), who will give the vineyard (land) to those worthy among the chosen, which will remain after a great disaster marked on ourselves by humanity.

The kingdom of God on Earth can be delayed or accelerated (golden age), but it is inevitable. Sooner or later it will be installed. If not those who live now on Earth, then those who survive after the next, caused by the person himself, the catastrophe.

Hurry up, so that the next moment you remains not wasted wasted. With speed lightning will be held your days, and your bodies are resurrected under the cover of the dust. Why can you reach? How can you redeem what you did not do in the past?

Appreciate the time when you are alive.

Turn back while there is still time!

Where to run to you? The mountains prevented, the heavens were formed, and all the earth in his belly ... Who can protect you? ... no one, except the Lord Almighty ...

When the religion, purified from superstitions, traditionality and ignorant dogma, appears his consent with science, together they will make a great unifying and purified force for the whole world, which will take away all wars, discord, disagreements and boring, and then humanity will reunite in the power of the Lord's love .

All people are children of one father, gentlemen, and all of them are brothers and sisters in a single human family. "

It is said that the administrative center of the faith Baha-Ulla, the World House of Justice, is located on the northern slope of Mount Karmal, in one of the most beautiful places in Israel.

But was it impossible to follow the followers of Baha - the street to build the throne (the Tower of God's house), dedicated to Baha - Ulle, as the prophet, for his return from heaven, near the World House of Justice?! For this, 500 men and 500 women are enough to invite enough from around the world. Exactly loving him, counting and Baha himself - Ull. Together gather over the disk - in the glass tower and, in your joint request, the Most High creates a new-year-old body for the soul - a new body of 25 years of age and returns to his big family to live again and many more and many times! (Similar to others).

If Baha - Ulla will be returned to his big family first, then earthlings should organize a world management center in this tower !!

And if one of the duty rulers of the world will achieve the day of salvation, gathering all people of the world, the ring in the form of a human wall, then in this place we have to build, with the calculation forever, God's temple is the court - the report and resurrection of the dead !!!

08.21.2013. 17:01 HM

Wish you luck. Amen!!!
4. How should I manage to manage the whole world when I was 12 years old since 1952?


He returned from school, sat down in front of a small table in his "Tukhan" ("bottom room"), and the right angel (the Holy Spirit of the Bible) was performed in the head), from the right temple:

Take this small table here and put over the roof of a neighbor house, and work on the translation of the Quran into Russian and native languages. Dibery Ziwood, who lives next door to the roof of a neighbor will help you with learning Arabic.

From the roof you will see the top of the mountain goud. From all over the world, people who are listening to devils will bring angels to this top of the mountain and will keep them in the air, their supernatural forces.

I will carry you to them hanging in the air, and you will tell them the words that I tell you.

Stalin from Moscow will bring right on the highway, and it will hang in the air in front of you, and you tell him then: "What did my uncle Ibrahim for you do for you, who worked as a diber in a mosque to send him to Siberia? .. . "

Do not let people all over the world so that they listen to devils! "

I remember: "I hear clear words directed from the right temple. I try to write in the diary of life (even in the first year of DSU, on the territory of Piermanshkola, when I was lying on the blanket, on the clearing, lying on my stomach), but I could not write any sentence. Attention from his angel, it turns out to be distracted by the devil, who was in a small heart vessel, not even the blood in the brain on this vessel ... "

Better late than never! I consider it my duty to transfer to the world: "Every duty ruler of the world for three hours will have this God's gift !!"
5. On the predictions of the Prophet Isaiah.

(From the book: "The prophecy of Isaiah is light for all mankind").

1) Isaiah repeatedly spoke about how Jehovah (Most High Allah) will liberate Israelis from the Babylonian captivity, allowing the rest to return to Zion and returning its former magnificence to this land.

The opportunity to express and record prophecies about the placement of his beloved Jerusalem, of course, brought an enormous joy of Isaiah!

Most of the Scriptures of Isaiah focuses on the predicted Messiah, which will be king in the kingdom of God (Daniel 9:25; John 12:41).

Of course, Jesus was born only after seven centuries after Isaiah lived. But the prophecies about the Messiah, recorded in Isaiah's book, how detailed and accurate, which is perceived as a story of an eyewitness about the life of Jesus on Earth. Therefore, the book of Isaiah is sometimes called the "Fifth Gospel".

It is not surprising that, explaining the questions about the personality of the Messiah, Jesus and its apostles most often quoted this particular biblical book.

Isaiah gives an excellent description of "New Sky and New Earth", in which "the king will reign in truth, and the princes will rule under the law (Isaiah 32: 1,2; 65:17, 8; 2 Petra 3:13).

Thus, the book of Isaiah speaks of the joyful hope of the kingdom of God, the king in which there will be a Messiah Jesus Christ, to return which I try to build the throne !!

If the presidents of all countries of the world, as well as the peoples of the whole world, will not help me to build the throne, to return from the heavens of Jesus Christ, as a ruler of the world, that is, to organize the management center to the whole world, then, will I be able to build this one The throne, to save his soul to the eternal future?!

I will strive for this "distant goal", hoping for the help of the Creator of the Universe !!!

In 1994, in the first handwritten book, which I did not have, I was drawn by mehresses in the residences of large families, where every member will be care for a certain kind of animal and birds.

I wrote it, not looking into the Bible and Quran.

I had to take into my hands the Bible and the Quran, only after my speech on the Internet (May 2000).

Only recently, when he opened his site, then the Scriptures of the prophet Isaiah, where he talks about the conditions that God will create on Earth. Isaiah paints a pleasing heart picture: "The wolf will live with a lamb, and Bars will lie along with the goat; And the calf, and the young lion, and the will will be together, and the small child will lead them. And the cow will graze with a bear, and their young will lie together, and the lion, like ox, will eat a straw. And the baby will play on the hole of aspid, and the child will stretch his hand on the snake nest. There will be no evil and harm on the whole holy grief of mine, for the Earth will be filled with Jehovah's leading, like the water fills the sea. " (Isaiah 11: 6-9).

Such mutual love to each other will be, not only animals and birds, which will be in the mehrifers of the residence of large families (small states managed by the returned from heaven by their spiritual manager - the Prophet), but also between members of a large family - brothers and sisters!

2) the prophetic book of Isaiah was written in the VIII century BC. During the invasion of Assyria to the promised land. Ezekias became the king of Judah in 25 years. He did not go in the footsteps of his father, Tsar Ahaz, worshiping false gods. In the first year of his reign, Ozekiai commanded to repair Jehovah's temple and resume the ministry (2 paralympomenon 29: 3,7,11). Then he arranged a grand celebration of Easter, which was invited by all the people, including ten northern knees of Israel. It was an unforgettable holiday!

A similar to him was not celebrated from the days of King Solomon (2 paralympomenon 30: 1, 25, 26). When the Easter holiday ended, all those present on it were encouraged to cut down the dedicated wood, break the statues, destroy the heights and altars of false gods. Then everyone returned to their cities, firmly tuned to serve the true God (2 paralympomenon 31: 1).

Jerusalem is waiting for serious tests. Yezekiah violated the Union with the Assyrians, entered into his incorrect father, Ahaz. In addition, he struck the Philistines, allies of Assyria (4 kingdoms 18: 7, 8). This is an angry Assyrian king. Therefore, we read: "And it was in the fourteenth year of King Jeshekia, went Sennakhirim, King Assyrian, against all fortified cities of Jews and took them" (Isaiah 36: 1).

I hope it may be possible to prevent the attack on Jerusalem of the hard Assyrian troops, Ezekiah agrees to pay a huge tribute to Sennachirim - three hundred talent of silver and thirty gold talents (according to modern standards it is more than 9.5 million US dollars) (4 kings 18:14).

Gold and silver, which is located in the royal treasury, is not enough to pay this tribute, so ezekias take all valuable metals, which only you can pick up, from the temple. He even removes and sends Sennachirum with a gold door of the temple. This satisfies the Assyrian Tsar, but only for a while (4 kingdoms 18:15, 16, PAM).

Obviously, Ezekias understands that the Assyrians will not leave Jerusalem alone. So you need to prepare for protection. The people fall asleep sources from which the Assyrian water could take. Ezekias also strengthens the defensive structures of Jerusalem and creates a large supply of "weapons and shields" (2 paralympomenon 32: 4.5).

However, Ezekias rely not to cunning military techniques and not to strengthen, but on Jehovah (Most High Allah) of the military. He calls his military leaders: "Be hard and courageous, do not be afraid and not afraid of the king of Assyrian and all the set, which with him, because with us more than with him, the Muscle is carnaya, and with us the Lord, our God, so that Helping us and fight on our brand. "

Then, the people of Jewish, the king of Jewish "reinforced the people of Juda (2 paralympomenon 32: 7.8).

Sennachirim sends a smasalem in Jerusalem (this is a military rank, and not a personal name) and two other dignitaries, demanding that the city surrenders (4 kingdoms 18:17). These people meet over the walls of the city. Three representatives of Ozekia: Head of the Palace of Eliac, Screcker Sevka and Teepreser Joach, Son Asafov (Isaiah 36: 2,3).

Purpose of Small Schedule: He wants to convince the inhabitants of Jerusalem to surrender without a fight. At first he shouts in Jewish: "What kind of hope that you want? ... Who do you want to be deposited from me?" (Isaiah 36: 4.5).

Then the slave is mocking over frightened Jews, reminding them that they remained quite alone. Who to seek help them? To this "Cane was abandoned", Egypt? (Isaiah 36: 6).

At that time, Egypt really resembles a broken cane. This former world power is under the authority of Ethiopia for a while, and the lawnier in Egypt Pharaoh, Tsar Tyrgok, not an Egyptian, but an Ethiopian. And he will soon be amazed by Assyria (4 kingdoms 19: 8.9).

If Egypt cannot even save himself, how will it help Judas?

Then Rassak argues that Jehovah (Allah's Most High) will not fight for his people, because it is dissatisfied with them. Slaska says: "If you say to me:" On Jehovah, our God we hope, "then on that, whom heights and altars canceled Ezekias? (Isaiah 36: 7).

Next, Rassak reminds Jews that from a military point of view, they are very weak compared to the Assyrians. He throws them a cheeky challenge: "I will give you two thousand horses; Can you get yourself riders for them? " (Isaiah 36: 8).

But does the value of the trained cavalry of Judah? No, because the salvation of Judas does not depend on military power. In the parables 21:31 this is explained like this: "The horse is prepared on the day of the battle, but the victory is from the Lord."

After that, Rassak declares that Jehovah (Almighty Allah) blesses Assyrians, not Jews.

In support of this, he says that, otherwise, the Assyrians would not be able to move so far deep into Judas (Isaiah 36: 9,10).

The smaller has a lot of arguments in stock, and it leads one more of them. He calls the Jews not to believe Ezekia, if he says: "Jehovah (Allah Allah) will save us".

Rassak reminds Jews that Samaria's gods could not save ten knees from Assyrians. And the gods of other nations who conquered Assyria?

"Where is the gods of Yemaf and Arpad?" - asks for a rolls.

- Where are the gods of the Sepavamim? Have they saved Samaria from my hand? " (Isaiah 36: 18-20).

Of course, a slap, who worshiped false gods does not understand that there is a huge difference between apostate samaria and Jerusalem, in which Ezekias rules. The false gods of Samaria were powerless to save the ten-fold kingdom (4 kings 17: 7, 17, 18).

Jerusalem, under the rule of Jeskey, rejected false gods and began to serve Jehovah again (Allah's Almighty). However, representatives of Judas are not trying to explain all this smaller. "They were silent and did not answer him a word, because the order was given from the king:" Do not answer him "(Isaiah 36:21). Eliakim, Sevna and John return to Jeskeys and retell his words Rarsaw (Isaiah 36:22).

Now the king of Ozekia needs to make a decision. Is the Assyrians give up to Jerusalem? Will unite forces with Egypt or remain unshakable and will fight? Jezekia lies great responsibility. He goes to Jehovah's Temple (Allah's Most High), and Eliakima and Sevna, together with the senior priests, sends to the prophet Isaiah, to ask for the leadership of Jehovah through him ( Isaiah 37: 1,2).

The messengers of the king, dressed in the intercession, come to Isaiah and tell him: " The day of grief and punishment and the lips of this day ... Maybe Jehovah God will hear your words, the words of Schedule, who sent the king Assyrian, Mr. His, to blame the God of living and displacing words ("And he will repay him for the words", T X), what did Jehovah heard, your God "(Isaiah 37: 3-5).

Yes, the Assyrians challenge the living God! Will Jehovah draw (Most High Allah) attention to their ridicule? Through Isaiah, he assures the Jews: "Do not be afraid of words that you heard that the servants of the king Assyrian pushed me. Here, I will send in him the Spirit, and he will hear the message, and return his own to the ground, and I am angry with his sword in His Sword "(Isaiah 37: 6.7).

Meanwhile, the Smallman recalls Sennachirim, who has been crucial. Sennachirim will figure out with Jerusalem later (Isaiah 37: 8). But the departure of Rassaka does not facilitate the cargo lying on the shoulders of Ozekia.

Sennakhirim sends him a threatening letter, which describes that the inhabitants of Jerusalem expects, if they do not surrender: "You heard that the kings of Assyrian with all the lands, putting a spell on them; Do you survive? The gods of the peoples who were ruined by my fathers whether them saved them? ... Where is the king of Emaf and the king of Arpada, and the king of the city of Sepravamim, Yen and Eve? " (Isaiah 37: 9 - 13).

In essence, the Assyrian king says that resistance is useless, it will only bring even more grief!

Deeply concerned about what consequences will lead to a decision that he needs to accept, Ezekias unfolds a letter of sennarichurim before Jehovah (Allah's Almighty) in the temple (Isaiah 37: m).

In the heart prayer of Ezekias to ask Jehovah (Allah's Most High) to hear the threats of Assyrians and finishes prayer with the words: "And now, Jehovah, God, save, and us from his hand; And they recognize all the kingdom of land that you, Jehovah, God alone "(Isaiah 37:15 - 20).

Jehovah (Most High Allah) responds to Jesie's prayer through Isaiah. Jerusalem should not give up Assyria. He must remain unshakable. Turning as if to Sennarichmu, Isaiah courageously reports to this Assyrian news of Jehovah: "Give you, the nourishing daughter of Zion will be laughing at you, she shakes [mockingly, after the head of the daughter of Yurasilima." (Isaiah 37: 21,22).

Then Jehovah adds, in fact, the following: "Who are you to buy the saint of Israel? I know your business. You are too ambitious and boastful. You assign to your military power and captured many lands. But you can win.

I upset your ideas. I will obey you. I will do with you the way you enrolled with others. I sell the ring in your nostrils and I will answer you back to Assyria! " (Isaiah, 37: 23-29).

Jehovah (Most High Allah) replies: "He will not enter this city and will not leave the arrows there, and will not start him with the shield, and not a mound against him. Along the same road, which came to return, and this will not go to the city "(Isaiah 37:33, 34).

The battles between Assyria and Jerusalem will not be at all. The faithful to his word, Jehovah (Allah) sends an angel who amazes the selected army of Sennachirim - 185,000 people. Obviously, it happens in a shower. Waking up, Sennachirim sees that all his warlords, princes and strong warriors are dead. Sennarichirim in shame returns to Ninevia, but, despite the full defeat, stubbornly keeps the faithfulness of his false God to Nisroha. A few years later, the two sons of Sennachirim kill him when he glanced in the temple. And again, lifeless Nisroch is unable to save her fan (Isaiah 37: 35-38).

Conclusion: "America and Japan opposed the Message of the Most High Allah, which was directed to the whole world, in May 2000.

Therefore, the Almighty Allah was going to blow up the ielystone supervolkan in America. Then throughout the land, for several years, living on Earth would be impossible, so the American elite prepared a place for himself in the Liberia dungeon to sit throughout these several years.

I then changed my mind: "Because of the lice pants do not throw out!" Only the Almighty Allah can calm this supervolkan !! If we build the throne in Dagestan, and Russia will not produce weapons, directing all the money going to armared - in the account of the Center for Management of the World, from which representatives will send to uniform accounts of large families (500 men and 500 women, smoothly) for Their eternal Paradise Life, then: Will Iblis is able to enter the bodies of the rulers of America and Japan (repeating their response, as a parrot) to force them to direct their missiles on the Towers dedicated to the Prophets, to rely on their skies?! ".

Does Russia need fighters and other air defense missiles to capture these rockets?

Answer: For the Most High Allah, it does not exist! We are going to fulfill his message and he will guard them !! These of their missiles, directed to us, fly back in their forehead !!! 08.24.2013. 12:50 HM

The same happens with any small country, including Syria (for the President of Assad and ....) If you are for every big family (500 men and 500 women, exactly) will begin to build towers - God's houses dedicated to the prophets (spiritual manager of these Big families), to return to heaven, then no rocket will fly to your country, and of course, no opposition will appear in your country. (from 08/30/2013; 06:41 HM).

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