Repair Design Furniture

Diy paper model of a multi-storey building. Paper templates for multi-storey buildings. Layout of a paper house with a diagram, cut and glue. Dollhouse made of cardboard

Miniature models (layouts) of buildings are usually created by architects. Before starting the construction of a house or a whole residential complex, you first need to make a scale sample (photo). Real architects make models of PVC (polyvinyl chloride), and parts for future buildings are cut out on a special milling machine, which is assigned a specific computer program.

In your future home, you will definitely need a waste disposal system. Slurry pumps are a great help in this. We did not write about this, not really our profile, but we found an excellent article with reviews of the best manufacturers of slurry pumps. Read to your health!

Such a machine is able not only to cut out microscopic parts with jewelry precision, but also to apply a section on their surface that imitates brickwork or other coating. Thanks to this, the maximum reliability of the layout is achieved. The machine cuts out tiny windows, doors and other details. After that, the architect connects them together with the help of a solvent, which melts the edges of the PVC plates and firmly bonds them to each other.

All the same can be done at home, but only without a milling machine, PVC and solvent, but using cardboard, paper, PVA glue and scissors. The production technology is very similar to that used by the pros. The difference lies only in the materials and, of course, in the quality of the model produced in this way.

But if you try very hard, you can make a paper building no worse than what an architect creates with a high-tech milling machine. So, how to make a DIY home mockup using a rudimentary stationery kit?

What you need to work

To make a layout at home, you need the following tools:
thick white / colored A4 paper (several sheets);
cardboard of the same size;
a sharp construction knife (it is convenient for them to cut out the walls of a building, and then cut small windows and doors into them);
glue brush;
PVA glue;
wooden or plastic sculpting board (it is convenient to cut parts on it so as not to damage the table);

You can also use a regular household hair dryer to speed up the drying of glued parts. You can cut a building out of paper or cardboard. The latter option is more reliable, but a little more difficult to work with. You can cut the entire layout out of paper, and then fix it on several "load-bearing" walls made of cardboard (photo). This will strengthen the entire structure and give it more stability.

Creating a diagram of the future building

There are two ways to create the walls of the future building. For the first, the scheme is used as in the photo below. This is literally the entire building, but in a spread. Walls standing next to it can be made solid and not cut. They will simply need to be bent later, forming the corners of the building.

Immediately outline the locations of the future windows. They should be on the same level. Do not forget to leave small indents on the sides and bottom of the walls, as shown in the diagram. Then, with their help, it will be possible to connect the structural parts with each other. The entire building should be done to scale, so that in the future the walls, roof and other parts of the house are proportional.

Making a layout: method 1

After the whole scheme is drawn on paper, all that remains is to cut out the future building, bend the lines marked with a blue dotted line and cut the windows with a construction knife. Use a sculpting board. On it, and cut out parts from cardboard, and then glue them together is much more convenient.
The scheme shown in the photo above is suitable for the production of the simplest houses. A more complex structure will literally have to be composed of several parts. By the way, the layout can also be made opening (so that you can see the interior decoration of the house). It is on this principle that children's houses for dolls are made, which can be purchased in the store.

To make such a layout (photo), it is advisable to use the thickest cardboard you can find. To make part of the wall open, an appropriate mount is used (this can be found in old Soviet-made caskets) or just a piece of cardboard bent in half. Doors can be made opening in the same way.

Method 2

The second method is suitable for the production of models of buildings of more complex configurations (photo).

First, a sheet of paper must be folded like an accordion, as in the photo. The more folds, the more walls you get, but their width will be, accordingly, less. On one fold, you need to draw ½ of the building facade. We draw very carefully, outlining the cuts with a bold line, and outlining the folds of the paper with a thin line.

Then we cut out along the bold lines and unfold the accordion. The result is a whole facade, absolutely proportional and even as in a mirror image. We bend paper holders as in the photo and cut through the windows with a construction knife.

After that, the parts of the structure are assembled together, coated with glue at the joints and glued together. We make a base for the layout out of cardboard. When the whole structure is ready, you can paint it with paints or stick some images (as in the photo).

Making trees and grass

To make the layout look more reliable and you can visually assess its scale, it is advisable to decorate the cardboard stand with greenery: grass and trees. This will require:
a can of green paint;
acrylic paint in several shades of green;
dried twigs (dead wood);
a piece of foam rubber;
paint brush.

First, in any unnecessary container, mix several tones of green acrylic paint (dark and light for maximum authenticity). After that, you need to cut the foam rubber into small pieces and soak them properly with this paint. When the foam is colored, leave it to dry for a day.

Cut the dried foam rubber into such small pieces that they literally resemble crumbs. She will be our herb. After that, paint over the cardboard stand several times with greenery, and when the paint dries, cover it with a thick layer of glue. Pour green foam crumbs onto the wet glue in random order. The grass is ready.

When the glue is completely dry, you need to make several holes in the cardboard base with an awl. Be very careful not to damage the entire layout. We paint dry twigs with green paint from a spray can and stick them into the holes in the stand. Now the trees have taken their place. All this vegetation makes our paper building look more realistic.

House model and its architectural model - how are they different? The first one can be made from available materials: paper, cardboard or wood. It does not have to repeat the shape of any particular structure. The architecture of the building can be anything you like, as long as the result of your creativity pleases both you and those around you.

An architectural model is an exact copy of a building with repetition of all the main and secondary features. It is built from expensive materials and can take months of hard work to create. Therefore, we propose to start with building a model of a house from scrap materials. Don't know how? In this article, you will find guidelines and detailed instructions on how to make a cardboard and wood mockup.

Miniature paper house

The model of a paper house, the diagram of which is attached in this article, is a simple construction, although the work on its creation can be an interesting creative process that requires attention and perseverance. You will need thick paper, newsprint or packaging will not work.

It is better to take a standard sheet of 29x21 cm. If the contours of your future house do not fit into the size of the sheet, you can glue two together using the "joint to joint" method with overlapping a strip 2 centimeters wide. After the blank of the required size is received, it is necessary to make the markup. We propose to build a model of a house out of paper, which will be rectangular in plan, two-story, with three doors, windows and


First of all, we recommend that you copy our scheme, which you see in the photo, in order to indicate the dimensions of the future building. Then you need to decide what length and width the layout will have. Write these numbers on the diagram. Next, determine the height of the first and second floors, as well as the roof. Now you can transfer the resulting drawing to the base sheet using a ruler and a pencil, measuring out all the parameters of the future house. The next step is to draw windows and doors. Their location can be changed as you like, depending on your taste. The layout of a paper house allows you to make design changes at any stage of construction.

Assembling the layout

The next step is to draw all the "wings" that you see in the diagram. They will act as mounting brackets when assembling the breadboard, supporting the roof and connecting the walls. This is followed by the most important part of the work, requiring accuracy and attention. Go through all the lines of the drawing with a ballpoint pen along the ruler and with pressure. This is done so that you can fold the paper in the right place.

A paper house layout requires precise fold lines. After all the borders have been drawn, you can cut out windows and doors, as well as "wings" with scissors. The next crucial moment: it is necessary to bend the entire structure correctly and glue it in the right places. For this we recommend PVA glue. When the layout is dry, you can start painting.

House layout made of cardboard

Such buildings are made not only of paper. A do-it-yourself model of a house can also be made of cardboard, a material strong enough to make the building look "real", with opening doors, windows, floors and ceilings, interior decoration and even inhabitants sitting inside on miniature sofas and chairs.

It all depends on how much the "builder" is interested in the end result. He can build any model of the house with his own hands. However, its implementation is a complex creative process that requires accuracy and perseverance. You will need an ordinary tool: scissors, a stationery retractable knife, an awl, a ruler (preferably metal) and PVA glue.

Corrugation as the main material

It is better to take two types of cardboard for making a layout: smooth and corrugated three-layer. The second will go to the floor and ceiling, and the first will be used to make a corner for connecting individual parts of the structure, small details of the external and internal design. A cardboard house layout needs a base. It can be a plate glued from two layers of corrugation or cut from plywood. The base or sole of the model is drawn according to the size of the future house and can be filled with decorative miniature flower beds, garden vases, and benches.

Next, you need to draw on the basis of the layout of the walls, porch and outbuildings. After that, you can start making the main parts: walls with cut out door and window openings, the ceiling and floor of the second floor (if you need to prepare corners from thin smooth cardboard to assemble the structure. The longer the corner, the stronger the connection. Optimally, its length should not be less than 70% of the joint length The width of the cardboard corner is 1.5-2.0 cm.

House model made of wood

A do-it-yourself model of a house from wood can be made only with the participation of adults, since the work is related to woodworking machines for home use. They are quite dangerous if there are no working skills. Hand tools for woodworking also require care when working with them. The blades of knives, planers, files and graters have sharply sharpened cutting edges.


Do-it-yourself models of wooden houses require accuracy in the process. Their creation is a fascinating creative activity, during which the master can show ingenuity and ingenuity. First you need to make a drawing of the future house. Then make a base for the breadboard. After that, you can start creating parts.

Walls and floors are best made of thin planks 1.5-2.0 centimeters wide and 5.0-7.0 mm thick. The workpieces are placed on a flat surface close to each other and fastened with the same strips, which are applied perpendicularly from above and pressed with some kind of weight. Previously, all parts are coated with PVA glue. After the manufactured block dries out, it can be customized according to the drawing and docked with other parts.


The assembled model must be sanded and sanded. This is done by hand with 25-H grade glass cloth on a fabric backing. Then the surfaces are sanded clean with 8-H grade sandpaper to full smoothness. After processing, the layout can be painted, doors installed, windows inserted and finishing work performed.

A do-it-yourself model of a house, as a rule, has a removable roof. This is necessary in order to have free access to the interior, since toy furniture and other interior decoration items will have to be installed in a miniature building. The surface of the walls is covered with "wallpaper", that is, painted strips of paper. The floor must be painted brown or covered with linoleum - it can be made from oilcloth.

Children's crafts not only delight the eye with brightness and beauty, the process of their creation is a special pleasure for a child, because an original little thing is so nice to give to someone close! And when my mother joins the creativity, the matter is doubly funnier. If your kid has already learned how to work with scissors, invite him to make a "real" paper house together: templates for printing, step-by-step instructions and interesting ideas in our article.

Working with templates

To make a house out of paper, use ready-made templates for printing: it's much easier than drawing the required dimensions by hand. If possible, print a colored template for the first time, it is easier to assemble:

  1. Print the model of the house you like;
  2. Carefully cut out the details (or the entire diagram);
  3. Bend the paper along the marked lines using a ruler;
  4. Apply glue to the joints of the elements with a small brush, press them to glue.

Your first paper house is ready. Now you can complicate the task by choosing a black and white template for printing. Prepare brushes, paints, sheets of cardboard or Whatman paper in advance. For painting a paper house by texture, gouache or acrylic is best suited.

So let's get started:

In general, it is better to think over the design in advance, based on the purpose of the house. If it becomes a decoration under the Christmas tree, use traditional New Year colors - red with gold, blue with silver, white. When planning to create an entire city out of paper, choose more restrained shades.

Practice shows that no matter how simple the template for printing, there is always a risk of ruining the craft. Little tricks will help you avoid incidents when creating a paper house:

  • Not all preschool children are able to cope with cutting out small parts from thick paper - at best, the edge of the element will turn out to be uneven, at worst, you will have to re-print the template, and the child's mood will be ruined. Therefore, cut the workpiece yourself;
  • When making fold lines, do not forget about doors and shutters on windows, they must be bent in advance, before gluing. When the craft is fully assembled, it is difficult to bend these parts evenly, and even more so to carefully cut through;
  • Using paper with a pattern (wallpaper) for the base, it is important to make sure that after gluing on all parts of the house, the pattern will be on the wrong side;
  • The last element of assembling a paper house is always the roof; after gluing it, it is almost impossible to fix flaws;
  • Sometimes when the glue dries, the edges of the paper separate. One of two things is to blame: there was not enough glue or you need to better press the template parts. For better fixation, connect the elements with paper clips and leave them until the adhesive is completely dry.

House of paper - application ideas

With a little imagination, you can expand the scope of paper houses. Here are three popular simple ideas:

Surely your kid already has a lot of ideas for using and decorating paper houses: let our printable templates help in realizing his creative desires.

Have you decided to build your own home? This process is long and difficult, but the game is definitely worth the candle. Where to begin? Of course, with the creation of the layout. This service is now offered by hundreds of specialized firms throughout Russia. Their services are not cheap. For a project, they can ask for up to 20 thousand rubles. But designing a house, if you turn on your head, is not a difficult thing. There are some points to pay close attention to. You can design a house yourself on a computer using online and offline programs. Some of them offer free use, others only work after payment. Which one to choose, and in general, where to start?

Before you make a housing plan on a computer, you need to decide how you imagine it:

  • how many floors are in the building;
  • will there be a basement;
  • what the roof should be;
  • how many rooms;
  • do you need a bathroom on the second and subsequent floors of the house;
  • whether there will be a room or an attic under the roof;
  • whether there is a garage in the building.

You need to immediately estimate the area of ​​the house based on the number of residents.

Important: according to modern house-building standards, at least 12 square meters of living space should be allocated per person (more is possible, the main thing is not less). Only in this case every family member will be comfortable and cozy in the house.

Design and build your home to accommodate every family member. Based on the requirement - 12 square meters per person

It is also necessary to conduct geo-prospecting of the area: from the nature of the soil to the level of groundwater. This can be clarified with the administration of the city or village where you intend to build your own home. Why do we need such data? To lay the foundation right. He, depending on the land, can be:

  • tape;
  • monolithic;
  • tiled (slotted);
  • columnar;
  • pile;
  • stepwise.

A basement in a house is not always a well-grounded decision. If the water table is too high, then the arrangement of the basement will cost a pretty penny - too much money will be spent on waterproofing. If you need a basement for storing household utensils, seams and more, just create one windowless room in the house and make it unheated.

When designing a house, keep in mind that a basement is convenient and practical, but expensive. It is cheaper to equip one of the rooms of the building for such purposes instead of a basement

The old fashioned way: draw a plan with a pencil on paper

Sketching with a pencil on a piece of paper precedes the design of a home on a computer. The sketch is just a sketch, a rough plan, nothing more. Why is it so important to start with a simple layout:

  • to understand what exactly you want from your future home;
  • if necessary, you can add or remove a room or an entire floor;
  • to imagine how the building will be located on the site in relation to other objects;
  • determine how many windows and doors will be in the house;
  • provide, if necessary, a place for the oven;
  • decide how the building will be heated.

A house plan on paper before designing on a computer will help you understand: what the structure should be, whether all the rooms are needed, where the doors and windows will stand

Draw the exterior and interior views of the house on paper. When drawing up an internal project of a building with your own hands, consider the following points:

  • the first floor should include a vestibule and an entrance hall;
  • toilet, bathroom and kitchen should be located next to each other - this will simplify the wiring of communications;
  • it is good if there are no walk-through rooms in the house - they are not very convenient to use;
  • on the ground floor, you need to provide a pantry and a dressing room - this is convenient to use;
  • immediately draw windows and doors;
  • on the second floor, a toilet and a bathroom are not always needed, but only if the area of ​​the building is more than 100 square meters, and the number of residents is from 5 people or more;
  • if you are designing a 3D house yourself and are going to build it yourself, stop at a gable roof. It is easiest to build it, and under it you can make an attic;
  • take it as a rule: utility rooms should be located on the north side, and residential ones on the south or east. During the day, sunlight will enter through the windows, which heats the air in the room. This way you can save on heating;
  • immediately indicate the dimensions of the house on the plan.

It is also important to draw the project of the house yourself and indicate the materials from which the dwelling will be built.

For information on how to correctly complete a drawing of a house on paper, see the video:

Without communications - nowhere

Another important stage in the design of a dwelling is an engineering calculation. This is a kind of plan where communications are noted, without which it will be impossible to use the house:

  • heat supply system;
  • water supply and drainage pipes;
  • Electricity of the net;
  • ventilation;
  • fire alarm.

Sometimes burglar alarms are included in this list.

What is an engineering plan - see below.

Best software: how to make a 3D house drawing on a computer

To draw a plan of a house on a computer yourself, you will need a computer with Internet access and a special program. All 3D home design software can be divided into two types:

  • working only online;
  • allowing you to draw a project of a dwelling offline.

Almost all modern programs that allow you to make a building project yourself draw models in 3d. This system allows you to see the house from all sides in a "three-dimensional form".

You can create a project of a house in 3D on a computer in a day. The program interface is simple and straightforward, it is not difficult to understand it

Among the popular online programs for designing a building with their own hands, the following are distinguished:

  • Resource Planner 5D. Even experienced architects use this program. With its help, you can plan any home - from an apartment to a country penthouse. No registration or training required. Everything is so simple and clear that a child can handle it. There are special templates that will reduce the time spent on self-drafting of a house project. With Planner 5D, you can even develop your own interior design. However, many functions of the resource are paid. You will have to pay about 300 rubles for using the program within a month.

The subtleties of using Planner 5D:

  • the Rooms tab will help you create building rooms in 3d mode. Immediately set the footage of the walls, the height of the ceilings;
  • the Construction tab is responsible for the presence of windows, doors, stairs;
  • using the Interior button to create a room design;
  • using the Exterior button, they draw outbuildings in the yard;
  • the layout can be saved in PC memory and printed on paper.
  • The HouseCreator designer helps from 3d design to go to calculations. The instructions on using the resource can be found on the designer's website. Everything is simple and clear, the minus is a small number of options:
  • the "Wall" tab allows you to create rooms of the desired size in 3d;
  • "Opening" is the installation of windows, doors, stairs;
  • "Roof" - for drawing the roof, respectively;
  • the project can be saved in the PC memory and viewed offline.

Many options are available free of charge. But you will need to pay for the calculation. To do this, send a request to the site administrators. There is no decoration in HouseCreator.

  • Planoplan is similar to the previous ones. Plus, it allows you not only to draw a project at home on a PC, but also to "wander" around it using a special option. Planoplan even allows you to take into account the location of sockets and lighting fixtures in 3d mode.
  • Homestyler is preferred by many architects and designers. The resource contains real brands and brands of furniture, building materials, so the program is considered as close to reality as possible.

You can learn more about online resources that allow you to draw a house plan with your own hands on a computer from the video.

To draw a structure, you can download a program to your computer that does not require the Internet to work:

  • Autodesk resource is paid (about 500 rubles per month). On a gratuitous basis, it is allowed to be used by students and teachers of construction universities. Autodesk is a professional tool. You can even design a car with it! To use the program, you need to download it from the official website. A limited feature demo is available for free. The tools allow you to choose not only materials for construction, but also the nature of the terrain, relief, soil condition.
  • SolidWorks is considered the most sophisticated, but the most professional software. Anyone can understand it if they wish. To help - video tutorials and e-books.
  • SketchUp is a very cool resource for those who dream, literally, of their own city! The program allows you to create your own municipality, not to mention drawing a building in 3d.

Only the main programs for drawing projects of a private building with your own hands on a PC are listed here.

Useful little things

You can make a house plan yourself, but according to the result, you should not immediately start construction.

It would be nice, before you design a house yourself, to find out everything about the rules and regulations for the construction of residential buildings. You can read about it.

When designing even a small house, follow the basic rules and requirements. Otherwise, the building cannot be operated and even built.

After drawing up the project of the house on a computer, print it out and take it to an architect. If there are no such specialists among your friends and relatives, you have a direct road to the BTI - the bureau of technical inventory. Hand over the layout there. The department staff will evaluate your drawing and give (or not give) a building permit.

Start sketching the project at home on your computer yourself when the engineering layout and pencil sketch on paper are ready.

Remember, the creation of a project must comply with the following principles:

  • the house plan should be simple. If you want to build an original and unique structure with many floors, balconies and other complex architectural elements, seek professional help;
  • the design of the building must meet the requirements of aesthetics and morality;
  • before you design a house yourself on a computer, decide on the foundation. Electronic platforms do not provide for it.

Before designing your home, decide on the foundation of the building. The base will give the structure strength and reliability


Do you intend to design the building yourself? Nothing is impossible. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the building construction regulations, construction rules. This will make your work easier in the future.

It is convenient to use offline programs to draw your house. You can safely work with them, even if the Internet suddenly "freezes" or turns off. However, online resources are considered more complete and modern, they have more functions.

The idea to build a cottage is just great, but what will it look like in reality. Yes, it can be viewed on a computer monitor and in architects' magazines and catalogs.

It became very interesting, so I propose to experiment a little and feel like an architect and build a model of a cottage on your own. This, of course, is not as laborious and difficult as with a real cottage, but you will have to invest enough labor. But this process will prove to be a very rewarding experience, and it will become clear later why.

We need things like this:

  • pencil,
  • marker,
  • scissors,
  • compass,
  • stationery knife,
  • protractor,
  • ruler,
  • thick and regular cardboard,
  • paper,
  • PVA glue,
  • universal polymer glue,
  • Scotch,
  • polystyrene ceiling tiles.

Instructions for action

The method for creating a layout is quite simple and interesting. To begin with, we draw a floor plan on cardboard and coat two tiles with polymer glue and lay a sheet of paper between them and glue them together, as a result, a model of three layers comes out: tile, paper, tile. It turns out to be a very reliable thing.

Having estimated how high the cottage will be (model size), we cut our tiles into strips the size of the floor. We immediately cut through the windows and doors and make cutouts for the connections. We glue the tiles with polymer glue, this process will take place without difficulty, the glue sticks together without problems. To strengthen the structure, paper strips can be glued to the corners of the tiles. Also, to strengthen the frame of the cottage layout, it is enough to glue the floor on cardboard. It will be stronger and more stable, which will allow you to easily attach the second floor of the planned cottage.

Walls that are not at right angles are done like this:

  • mark the corners, but do not cut to the end;
  • carefully cut the foam tile on both sides, being careful not to cut the paper;
  • from the inside of the bend of the walls to the corner of the wall, cut out the foam.

All the manipulations carried out with the blanks under the walls of the cottage layout allow you to bend the foam without difficulty. It is best to do each floor separately and then stitch together. It is desirable to cut the roof out of the ceiling tiles and glue it with polymer glue. After receiving the result, in the form of a layout, it is enough to paste over the elements of the cottage with colored paper in accordance with the author's idea.

What was intended

The first step was to determine the scale of the real cottage and determine the size of the layout. It turned out that in three centimeters of the layout there will be 1 meter of a real house. On a dense cardboard we apply a floor plan with the appropriate dimensions. It should be noted that these plans will also be used in the construction of this cottage.

By gluing the tiles, we laid paper and thereby achieved the strength of the future walls of the layout. You should be careful with polymer glue, do not overdo it, so that it does not come out over the edges, and it is aesthetically pleasing, besides, it is difficult to cut the panels with a thick layer of glue.

The model is not made in full height, but from pieces of foam of the required length. At the joints of one of the pieces, a groove was cut out from the bottom, and the next one was marked with a groove on top and put together like a designer. The best option would be to make grooves at the edges and in the middle. For strength on PVA glue, we glue paper. The strength was low, and the best option was to stick cardboard the size of a foundation. It is best to glue with polymer glue.

After such fortifications, no mechanical damage is terrible, even a fall keeps the glued parts together. You can even try to quit, it is proven, it will not fall apart. All the holes that are conceived on the plan of the house are best cut out immediately on the details of the layout, and then glued together. This is much more convenient than cutting through windows and doors on a finished model of a cottage-type house.

The first floor of the future cottage

We determine the size and, using the experience of creating the foundation, we introduce, in the same way of gluing and joining, for the walls of the first floor. There is a winter garden in the idea, we are creating walls in this way - carefully cutting the foam without touching the paper, we create walls by cutting the foam from the inside at an angle. It so happened that the parts are held on paper, they are very easy and convenient to bend.


The idea did not quite come true, the invented attic did not come out, as I wanted, so it grew into a full-fledged second floor. When the plastic tiles ran out, and I had to buy more. These tiles turned out to be of a different quality, much better. There was no characteristic foam structure and it turned out to be more convenient to work with, the only thing that was wrong was the size, they turned out to be much thinner. But there is already glue, which is simply not replaceable, it turned out, everything was glued together with a thin layer of glue and it turned out great. These panels were cut much faster and easier, the granules were kept in a heap.

Created the roof

In order for our roof to hold and be beautiful, you should put a couple of pieces of foam in the middle of the model and glue another one across them. The ridge of the roof came out, in the form of the letter P. Cut the planes for the roof from cardboard and glue it with tape. For the winter garden, we also construct a roof made of cardboard and put it on thin beams. The roof over the garage is designed to be warm, so it is better to use thick cardboard or foam sheet. Everything turns out in accordance with the conceived plan of the house, although some details of the cottage had to be replaced, rather than replacing, but reconsidering the constructive solutions of the issue.

It’s even very good that we decided to make a model of the cottage. According to the degree of creation of the layout, some, not immediately obvious, nuances of the construction of a real cottage become clear. The layout makes it possible to analyze whether the rooms are conveniently located, to realize which roof is more suitable, and to come up with something new, for example, the location of the balcony. In subsequent experiments with design inside and outside the house, the layout will undoubtedly come in handy.

The lesson turned out to be fascinating and useful. This is, of course, not a super model developed by architects in a specialized program on a computer. But the visual aid is very good. Then children can be given a dollhouse, that's who, and they will be satisfied with such a masterpiece.

Windows in 3-D house model