Repairs Design Furniture

Cut from a cool club. Tire beds for your cottage: big selection of photos and instructions. The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

Arrange the courtyard of the private house is beautiful, original, tastefully - the natural desire of each owner. But often the modest budget does not allow fantasy to be enjoyed - all sorts of accessories and designer "things" cost considerable money.

Is it possible to improve the plot without prejudice to the wallet? Of course. For example, flowers or decorative plants - an excellent decoration of any territory - can be placed in the original "frame", with love created with your own hands. The flower beds from old tires are a worthy alternative to concrete, ceramic or plastic industrial solutions. This is a 100% exclusive cost.

Garden Creative and its advantages

The idea to equip floral flower beds from old tires is by no means Nova. But if earlier, all the work came down to a simple installation of tires on the ground, one-photon painting and falling asleep, today in gardens and yards you can see real rubber masterpieces. Automobile tires served in their age - excellent material for creating garden decorations. It has a mass gain, among which it is worth highlighting availability, ease of processing, durability.

Tire beds are very resistant to adverse weather conditions and are able to maintain an attractive, "juicy" appearance for several years (subject to the use of high-quality paints and varnishes).

From the old tires you can always build a multi-colored pyramid, make a zoological floweruba or even equip the flower garden on the wall of the house - there are plenty of interesting options. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of strength and time, but the result will definitely worth it!

What tires are better to choose?

Having the choice between domestic and imported tires, always give preference to the latter. They are made of thinner and soft rubber, to handle them much easier. It is especially important to have a soft material, if necessary, turning out the product inside out - with tough rubber will have to be pretty sweat.

As for the seasonality of tires, it is better to take the winter.

It is worth knowing! The high degree of rubber worn is not a disadvantage, on the contrary, from such a material it is easiest to make the street vases of the most bizarre forms.

Before making a flowerbed of tires, a number of preparatory manipulations should be held with the existing material. First of all, tires should be cleaned of sand and dirt. It will also require their sorting in size, tread pattern, degree of worn. All this will make it easier and speed up the creative process.

The easiest flower garden from rubber claiming originality is a multi-level flower bed. It is enough to paint a few tires into combined bright colors and install them on each other in "arbitrary form".

Cute vertical flowerbed can be built from tires of different diameters laid on the principle of the pyramid.

Original and stylish flowerbeds can be suspended. Fastening a thick cord, metal chain or rope on a tire, you can hang it on a tree or beam. A practical and exclusive solution is the location of the tires on the wall, doors or a support specially built for this purpose.

Quite interesting are flower beds on the topic of home tea drinking. Several tires, complemented by trimming pipe and slices of a bent metal ribbon, can easily turn into a cup and kettle.

Unusual mobile flowerbeds can be created from tires mounted on the legs from the toaster. Also as coasters under moved flower beds, you can use old buckets.

Uniquely attractive, causing admiration and some kind of children's joy are the flower beds from the tires in the form of animals. So that such creations look neatly and "naturally" need, of course, try, but in general, they do not require any titanic efforts and extraordinary talents. For example, the fun flower bed-turtle is obtained from one tire and a tread, cut into 4 equal parts (executes the role of PAP).

Browse more different photos of the Cover of Tires and you definitely inspire a lot of interesting ideas!

Flower Flower Revised Tire

One of the most practical and aesthetic rubber street vases for flowers is flower beds in the form of a flower. The algorithm for its creation is:

1. Apply the tire onto the surface throughout its circumference using chalk pattern of petals. The shape of petals can be absolutely any - rectangular, triangular, rounded. If you are not against a long painstaking work, you can make them even wavy.

2. Armed with a very sharp knife, cut the petals according to the drawing.

3. Remove the tire (the most time-consuming stage).

4. Paint the product to your taste.

How to make a flowerbed vase on the leg?

If your disposal is not just a tire, but a whole wheel, you can not make an ordinary flower leaf, but an original vase on the leg. To do this, it is necessary exactly the same as for the flower flower to apply and cut the pattern of petals and expand the tire. The only difference is that the rubber remains attached to the disk. The disk with that part of the tire, which in the first case went into the trash, while forming a pretty and neat flower of the vase.

For a better understanding of the technology of creating such clubs from a video tires with detailed instructions, it will not be superfluous.

Gourmet flower garden in the form of a swan

Flowerba-Swan will require applying and cutting more complex pattern. If for a flower flower, it was necessary to form the same type of petals, then you will have to work on the wings, tail, neck, head. After you cope with this task, the tire will need to be turned out, connect 2 pieces of the head with self-draws, make it the beak and eyes to it.

Rules painting tires

So that the old tire has gained a new life as a flower beds can not do without the key transformation - painting. From how responsible you will come to this process, the aesthetics and the presentability of the flower garden will depend on.

Before taking over the brush or can, degrease the rubber with acetone or White spirit. To obtain a uniform, saturated color, it is recommended to first paint the bus into a white color, and then apply bright. In addition, thanks to such a "base", the main "coverage" will stay longer.

As for the paint brand, it is possible, in principle, to use any. Specially designed for rubber means are guaranteed not to crack in the cold and perfectly close all cracks and recesses, but their price is quite high. Therefore, it is safe to put in the course of paint or enamel left from the last repair. A good option is the paint in the cans - it is applied with a thin layer and penetrates well.

Many gardeners successfully decorate their sites homemade decorations. In landscape design, garden vases, mobile flower beds, sculpture, supports for curly plants are called small architectural forms, abbreviated Maf. In the article, we will tell how to make the flower beds with their own hands, we give examples of crafts and compositions.

What is the difference between flower beds from tires from flower beds from plastic bottles, stones, wood and other girlfriend materials

Primary material in skillful hands, led by creative fantasy turns into masterpieces of folk art. The authors are pleased to share their ideas and secrets. As a result, a whole direction of garden crafts appeared. Some "clubs for interests" arrange contests for the best decisions and work.

Everything goes into the course that they managed to get or accumulate dackets. After all, some materials need to be collected for quite a while, while the planned composition is obtained. For example, a plastic bottle lake.
  1. Plastic bottles are not afraid of cold, they are well tolerated moisture, they are durable. Worldwide, creative gardeners use the material not only for the Maf, they are built of bottles even at home. One drawback is a lot of time to accumulate raw materials in sufficient quantities.
  2. Flowers made of wood are not uncommon in urban landscaping and in summer cottages. The range is the most diverse, ranging from dask to intricate borders, emphasizing the flow of a flower bed. Often firewood from dried trees appears on the site. Of these, there are columns of various sizes for different level garden VAZ. The life of any garden composition of wood depends on the strength of the breed.

The most durable crafts from walkers, pears, mulberry, robanini (acacia). The least serve Willow, poplar, pine.

The most reliable and strong material is a natural stone. Well, if unnecessary copies remained after construction, because it is too expensive to buy it separately.

Stone is the most expensive material. As for the service life, it can be said without exaggeration that the flower beds can serve as a whole eternity.

Tip # 1.. Note! Tire durability is a little inferior to stone.The period for which the rubber decays, lasts a few centuries.

Many countries forbade storage of tires. There are special reception items to utilize such a recycling. First, even if a decent citizen decides to hand over the worn tires, it's not so easy to find a point. Secondly, to make a good deed, costs money. So it turns out that creating an original decor on the plot is the best and cheapest solution.

How to choose a car shoe for flower beds

Gardeners are manufactured from tires for flower beds, sculptures and garden furniture. The easiest way to wear a tire, paint, fill the earth and flowerbed ready. But, this decision will not surprise anyone, and it looks not particularly elegant.

Creative craftsmen came up with cut and turn the rubber into the most incredible forms. It turned out that it is easier to work with foreign tires, they are better cut, more elastic, retain the form well. Between the summer and winter, there is also a difference. The first is more rigid, it is more difficult to manage with them.

If a flower bed is planned from whole tires, then no matter what they are big or not very, automotive, tractor or cycling. It is more difficult if the sculptural work is to be protected, then more importantly the elasticity of the material, because success sometimes depends on physical abilities. For example, when the auto stroke is left on the disk. To get a vase, a lot of effort is required to turn the rubber inside out.

What to choose and how to do it depends:

  • from how much space in the garden can be highlighted for tires. It can be a vase or a large-scale multi-tier flower garden.
  • From the fantasy of the artist and the complexity of work.

Garden ideas made of rubber tires

Car tires on the site can be functional and beautiful. Maf can be created from integer and crazy tires. Most often there are such crafts:

Appearance Description
Garden vases One or more tires are bought, fill the earth and plant flowers.
Color garden rim Gardeners know how much trouble is a lawn, bothering the territory of the flower. Previously, the gardener had been forced to abandon the excess herbs, which actively rotated in the flower garden. Now the form can be fixed with a curb and perform it from the auto strokes.
Sculpture Often, crafts from the cut-off tires look so that they will never guess what they are made of resellers.
Mobile furniture Pragmatic dackets Mastery of auto strokes are comfortable and stylish garden furniture.

  • The painted tire is the most affordable solution, relevant in the city yard and in the country.
  • The composition of several tires is more original.

Depending on the amount of material, you can make a cup or a tier flower. Even one-color, folded in different order, will decorate any plot.

Mobile flower beds are performed from integers and cutting tires.

Suspended vases of the most intricate form, the most stylish composition will be original.
  • Fun figures for the playground.
  • Separate attention deserve flowerbeds on disks. To perform it, rubber must be cut, and turn out inside out.

The uninitiated person who first sees a vase from the twisted tire, at first he could not come to mind that it was not a purchase capacity, but self-made. Some look like a work of art. Make it is not easy, but it is worth it. The subtleties can be seen in this step-by-step instruction.

  • Step first.Marking of automotive tire. The contour of the edge of the future vase is applied to the surface with a template or hand. The shape is chosen under the style of a wavy, gear or asymmetric.

  • Step second.A sharp construction knife is cut the tire. During work, the blade is better to make water, it facilitates cutting and makes the edges more even.

The tire can be cut differently, to give the edges any form.
  • Step Three.The resulting form is turned inside out. It's easy to say, and do not just! That's when information is useful that import tires are more elastic.

  • Step fourth.Blind (or installed) a vase for a permanent place.
  • Pitch fifth.Start painting.

  • Step six.The vase fill the earth and plant flowers.

The work done is the first half of the success. The final result depends on the successful painting, which is performed in such a sequence:

  1. The outer surface of the vase is degrees with alcohol, acetone or abdispite. Can be treated with a grinding machine.
  2. Apply a primer, without it, paint will quickly tears.
  3. To put the paint with a brush or airbrush to the paint, it depends on the composite plan.

It is important to selection of paint. Not everyone is suitable for rubber. First of all, it should be for external work, and not for the interior.

  • Most often use oil paints, they are well tolerated the summer heat and winter frost.
  • Acrylic compositions are used, they evenly fall on the rubber surface.
  • Bitumen varnishes for nitro-based - one of the best external coatings.
  • The perfect option is a special paint for rubber. After the frozen, it makes a coating similar to a thin polyethylene film.

Coloricy small architectural form

Choosing a form and color for crafts from tires, do not forget that this is a small architectural form. It should organically fit into the garden landscape and look like it was always here, and without it something is missing. Even if it is the main decoration of the site, it should not contradict the overall composition.

Color selection for tire products

The decisive barcode, at the end of the crafts from the tires - the selection of the color scheme. It depends on how much the design will be successful. The rules of color will be helped. In art there are several color theories, but the landscape design is guided by observations taken from nature.

In combination of shades, such a neighborhood is recommended, which in other fields looks inappropriate. For example, green has a privileged position and does not apply to warm or cold. It is called the color of physical equilibrium and emphasize its neutral effect as well as white and black.

Board # 2. Choosing color crafts from tires, it is important to take into account that the color of the garden produces physiological, emotional and optical impact on a person..

Light tones expand and remove the space, so the maf of this color is perceived by the viewer as if they are located further than it actually is. Accordingly, dark forms create an effect of approximation.

If the vase is painted with a bright ornament, then you can plant in it only the colors of one color, otherwise the live pattern will compete with drawn. And, on the contrary, if the capacity is uniform, then the plants are picking up the motley.

In order for coloristic gamma to harmonize with the surrounding reality, it is better to listen to landscape recommendations.

Garden designers use the color circle of eight segments.

The most successful is the combination of colors located through one segment, it is called a harmonious similarity. Colors placed strictly opposite make up harmonious contrast. Such a neighborhood attracts attention at any distance and is used in compositions placed far from the review point.

Finally, the unsuccessful color is considered to be the connection of colors bordering among themselves in the color circle. You can argue with it. Since yellow, blue, green is perceived harmoniously not only in nature, but also everywhere.

Assortment of plants for flower beds and garden vases from the tire

If the border for the flower beds is made in one color, then the plants are selected multicolored. A small flower garden to divide into fragments is an unsuccessful solution, it is better to plant the plants of one species, and emphasize the contour border from multi-colored tires. Selection of plants for compositions bounded by tires are the same as for other plantations. If you need to choose an assortment for the vase, it is necessary to remember these features:

  1. The soil in raised flower beds is heated and cooled faster than in the "earth", the poet must take care of frequent watering. It will have to do if the moisture universities are planted in the vase:
  • Petunia,
  • Ageratum,
  • Lobuliary,
  • Verbena,
  • And other blooming pets.
  1. You can choose drought-resistant plants: barchats are rejected, balsamines, lobelia, antique (lion zev). These flowers are well tolerant. On the scorching sun, for quite a long time without water can do cleans, stamps, and other succulents were also.
  2. If the vase remains for the winter of the plant you need to remove, otherwise they will freeze. Good decision to endure for the summer in the garden houseplants. In a mobile garden from the tire, pelargonium, fuchsia, chlorophytum, netsiasia are well feeling.

Rubric: "Questions and Answers

Question # 1.. When is it better to use flower beds from different materials?

Garden vases from any material are a seasonal maf. In winter, even perennial flowers in them die, because the soil freezes completely.

Question # 2.. How to care for flowers in the flower beds from the tires?

The most important work is watering. In addition to the fact that the land is heated in the vase, the heat gives rubber, so the flowers get an even greater temperature. Irrigate important not only land, but the whole ground part.

Question number 3.. What else can be made from tires, except flower beds?

  1. Figures for registration of playgrounds.
  2. Swing.
  3. Fences.
  4. Stairs.
  5. Sculpture.

Serious gardener errors when creating flower clubs

Error number 1. Coloring of single VAZ located in the sun, in dark colors.

For tires located on an open, well-lit space, it is better to use light paints, they reflect the scoring rays, and the rubber warms up not so much. Some gardeners wrap tires with white agrofiber.

Error number 2. Painting rubber with a thick layer of paint.

From the temperature difference, the paint cracks the faster, the thicker layer.

Error number 3. Landing in a vase with ornament of multi-colored plants.

Instead of creating one composition, the "vessel" and the color come into contradictions and the motley spot is obtained.

The desire of a person to decorate the territory of his cottage, to create a wonderful, cozy environment with the use of things under hand, contributed to the emergence of a set of designer ideas.

The original material for the implementation of extraordinary ideas is old automotive tires.

Entertaining crafts from tires for the garden will decorate both flower beds and playgrounds for games and paths. Tires and tires can be used not only to create elements of the garden decor, but also for practical purposes - you can build a swimming pool, furniture, swing, sandbox, parking for bicycles.

Below in the photo presents extraordinary ideas of crafts from tires.

Conference number 1. Making flower beds from tires

The easiest scheme - we take an unnecessary tire, fall asleep into it the soil and planting plants. Of course, this will not be a unique decorative element of garden design.

To fix everything, we take bright colors (acrylic or oil-based) and paint the tires. Next, put them on each other, getting a multi-tier flower leaf.

The original solution will be the vertically located flower bed, folded in the form of a pyramid. I fall asleep inside the soil and plant curly flowers - petunia or strawberries. From above, you can put a pot with a single plant.

From the tires you can make a suspended flower leaf. To do this, you will need a steel chain - it will have to be attached to the tire and hang the entire design on the tree.

In order for the soil not waking up, the bottom of the tires is closed with a dense sheet of rubber or other suitable material.

An unusual solution will be made of flower beds in the form of a kettle and cups. You only need a few tires and trimming metal ribbons and pipes.

Confession number 2. Figures made of tires

Another kind of crafts from tires for the garden and the garden are a variety of unusual and intricate shapes from tires. They will revive your garden and enhance the mood to all households.

The swan figure is very popular. To make it, it will be necessary for a tire without a metal cord. It must be preloaded.

For cutting, we use well-sharpened knife. Swan neck fix a metal rod. The final stage will cover the resulting product with white or black paint (depending on what swan you want - white or black).

It is enough just to create a funny horse, zebra or giraffe. Such figures will require installations in a soil of a wooden bar of medium size along with a tire.

Collect crafts should be painted in colors that correspond to this or another fauna representative.

Old tires and basins are easy to turn into a frog or a cute turtle. Tholik fantasy will help make interesting and unusual installations.


Conference number 3. Dacha furniture

Furniture objects made from tires will be perfect in the garden.

They can be made in various styles and the use of different upholstery materials, ranging from leather and textiles and ending with a vine and wire.

From tires it will be a comfortable chair, which will be wonderfully resting on the lap of nature. To do this, we take the tires, turn them with their interturbed straps and ribbons. It does not take much time, and the result will be entertaining.

Making furniture for cottages can be made of medium and low hard tires.

From the tires, beautiful tables, ottomans, chairs, chandeliers, fountains and washbasins are obtained.


Conference number 4. Swing from tires

Swing is an integral part of any playground. Tire swings are safer than wood or metal. They are simple enough.

You will need:

  • strong horizontal branch;
  • acute knife and jigsaw;
  • chain or durable rope;
  • tire.

The end of the rope tie into the loop, the nodes must be strong and reliable. I throw a loop through the branch, we skip the rest of the rope through it and delay. Tires put perpendicular to the ground.

We skip through them the rope and crepim at an altitude of approximately 0.9 m from the earth's surface. Swing are ready!

Conference number 5. Tire track

Forestly and originally watch paths created from unnecessary tires, or rather from their protector.

We bring to your attention a selection of photos of various crafts from the tires.


Tires are universal material to create a wide variety of things with their own hands.

Numerous master classes of crafts from tires can be easily found on the Internet. Therefore, if you have fallen unnecessary old auto strokes, boldly let them in the case, creating memorable elements of the garden decor.

Photo crafts from tires

The problem of utilization of worn tires caresses eologists from the end of the 70s of the last century. This is especially true of our country, where there is still no sufficient number of enterprises capable of using them as a redemption. As they say, in such a situation everyone is saved as it can, so you can only welcome those craftsmen who try to free the dumps from these waste waste and, for example, make a clubs from tires with their own hands. They can be very different, from just covered in the soil of worn tires, in which flowers are planted, to complex vases in the form of swans with a bright pattern. If you are interested in this idea and want the plot to decorate beautiful from the tire to your home, how to make it yourself, you can read below.

What to use

If you have the opportunity to choose, then a complex club from tires, with your own hands made, the manufacture of which involves cutting figures, it will be better to look if we use products of foreign production, as they have a thinner and flexible tires. In addition, it makes sense to give preference to winter tires, as they are more textured and worn tires. The fact is that the shallow proof is softer, so the turning process occurs easier and does not require the application of special efforts.


To make the original hand to make the original simply take 4 any tires, preferably the same size. It will be necessary to remove the rubber from the metal rim and cut so that two identical half are obtained. So you need to go with three tires, and one rubber shell leave in untouched form, as it will be used as a flower heart. Then the halves and the whole tire must be painted in different colors and insert on 5-6 cm into the ground, posing a flower from them having 6 petals with a round middle. The composition will look more interesting if it is planted to plant the colors of one species, and the petals are different.

Klumba Pyramid

This very simple and beautiful version of the clubs from tires, with their own hands, is suitable for sites or courtyards with a small area. It will take 6 tires for its implementation to be painted in bright colors and put in 3 rows, in which there will be 3, 2 and 1 tire. If the country area is quite spacious, then you can make the design more complicated by posting the flower of 5-6 tires in the lower row, on the second - out of 3 and crowned it alone. Such a pyramid will look especially impressive if you choose a plant with large sheets for the upper "vase".

Flowers from car tires do it yourself in the form of a vase

There is a more complex option, the implementation of which will require a large patience. However, the result is usually just superb.

So, to create original beds from the tires with your hands in the form of large VAZ, reminiscent of the discontinued flowers, you need:

  • Put the tire on a flat surface and chalk draw the petals of the desired form throughout the circumference. In this case, the size of each petal should not exceed 12 cm.
  • Cut the workpiece with a sharp knife or a logging saw on the contour printed. To facilitate this task, you can apply a little liquid soap from time to time.
  • Perform longitudinal slots along the tread recesses at a distance of about 10 cm.
  • Using a grinder, make several cuts along the outside and smoothly cut down the rubber with an indent of 15 cm. If everything is done correctly and the Bulgarian hits the metal to the metal, the white smoke must be released.
  • Remove the tire inside out so that it turns out a peculiar flower on the leg.
  • Decorate using enamel, oil or nitrocracies.

To flower bed from tires, with their own hands made, it became even more beautiful, on top of the base layer of paint, you can apply an ornament with a stencil or stick various decorative elements.

Pyramid Gorka

If you have 3 tires of different sizes or at least two and one plastic bucket with a capacity of 0.5 liters, then you can make a pyramid on the principle of a famous children's toy. To create a tire, you need to put on each other in order of decrease in the diameter, stinging every earth. From above you need to install a bucket and, fall into it and in tires from the lower layers of curly plants, so that they hide with the slides, covering it all.

Flowerbed- "Cup"

The flower bed from tires will look original, with their own hands made in the form of a cup. Moreover, if the place allows you to install even a whole tea set on your site.

For such a craft, first of all you need to make the bottom item, which will portray the saucer. A bus will be required from the wagon, which is necessary to cut the sideline (so that the work walked is easier, it is recommended to cool the padzik cloth in the soap solution from time to time). Having finished with this work, they take the R13 tire and is good, and the sliced \u200b\u200bsliced \u200b\u200bknife is cut off, lubricating the blade with liquid soap. After that, the tire is inside out inside out so that the protector is inside, and turned out to be a picture without the bottom. The next step is the manufacture of the upper part of the mug, for which the tire will need a slightly larger diameter, for example, from UAZ. Both sidewalls are cut off from it. At the same time, on the one hand, it should be done so that the resulting hole in size is not larger than the diameter of the "pile". In addition, from trimming the largest tires, the strip is cut for a handle.

When all the details are ready, you should start painting and assembling flower beds. For this, the "saucer" and the handle paint into one color, and parts of the mug in another. Further on the spot where the flower leaf is going to install, the slot is a piece of cellophane and lay the "saucer" on top, and it is installed in its hole first "to the pile", and then the upper part of the mug. Next, using the screws, the handle is fixed and the mug is applied to the color of the "saucer" using the stencil. Everything! Now you know how to make a flowerbed from a tire with your own hands in the form of a cup. It remains to fill her land and plant flowers.

"Piggy" and "Ladybug"

If you are the question of how to make with your own hands simpler, but so that it looks original, you can put your fantasy into the course. To do this, you can simply remove the "gum" from the rim, twist it on the wrong one and paint the appropriate way. For example, if you want a ladybug to appear on the site, you can paint the tire in red, apply black dots using a stencil and depict a face with eyes. And you can make a funny piglet, painting the tire turned into a bright pink color and adjusting the tail-spiral cut out of a plastic bottle. After the land will be covered in such a flower, and plants are planted, you need to cut your head out of a piece of rubber from another tire and paste it inside the tire circle, between the colors.

Flowerbed- "Frog"

Flowerbed from tires, with their own hands made, maybe the most of the different shape, for example, remind a frog. For such a craft, you will need:

  • three used automobile tires;
  • two covers from kilogram buckets from under ice cream or fused oil;
  • emale PF green, yellow or red;
  • self-adhesive colored paper;
  • hose;
  • awl;
  • sponge;
  • wire.

How to make a flowerbed- "frog"

The manufacturing process is very simple: the tires need to be painted in green and, if there is a desire, apply yellow rims from above. Then to install two tires to the selected place, and from above, between them, third. From the hose, also painted with green paint, it is necessary to cut two cuts with a length of about 1 m, and from another tires - 4 paws and lay two in front of the lower tires, and two between them, after attaching "hoses" to them. When the body of the frog is ready, you need to go to the design of her head. To do this, on the lids of buckets from the ice cream, it is necessary to draw eyes, and on the top tire - red paint mouth. After that, it remains easy to fall asleep the earth and plant flowers. If there is a desire, you can turn the frog into the enchanted princess, making it a crown from a plastic bottle, painted with yellow paint.

"The sun"

Many dacifics are interested in their own hands in the form of the sun. For such a craft, you will need one tire, bright yellow paint and several plastic bottles. The tire must be removed from the metal wheel and bury into the ground so that only semicircle remained above the surface.

Then, on the tire you need to make holes with a diameter equal to the size of the necklaces of plastic bottles, and, lubricating them with glue, screw into the tires. After that, the whole design needs to be painted in yellow and plant flowers.

Flowerba pool for aquatic plants

Sweets and can be an excellent decoration of the country area. However, what should I do if there is no possibility to equip at least a small pond or pool? In such cases, it is enough to make a "water" flower leaf from the tire. To do this, the tire must be cut off the upper part and insert it into the ground to half. Then it is necessary to put a round piece of a special waterproofing film from above, which is designed to arrange the pools, a diameter of 1 m larger than the tire diameter. Speakers over the border of the tire of the edge of the film must be wrapped out, fasten and lay down with small round stones or broken bricks. It remains to put on the bottom of the reservoir, a small mesh basket with the ground, in which the roots of the wipes are planted.

It is always nice from the barn things to do something useful, and if the craft is also obtained and beautiful - the pleasure is double. One example is crafts from tires. Of these, decorations for a cottage or garden plot are made, different vases and flowers, build children's attractions and even make dacha furniture - tables and chairs.

Floweries from Tires

Let's start with the most, probably simple flower beds and flower beds. Do you think make a multi-tiered difficult? Maybe but not from tires. You take a few pieces of different sizes, paint in bright colors and fold the slide - one to another. So that your slide does not fall apart, fasten the tires from the inside with the help of a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Two on one connection will be enough. Inside fall asleep soil, plant plants. So that the soil does not pumped out, it is possible to store the tire inside the piece. It will remove excess water, but will not give earth. Beautiful tier flower garden ready.

If you like the flower beds, you can do those. For example, folding the flower club in the form of a chamomile. First lay out and fasten the tires in the lower tier. Fill the ground middle of tires, as well as free space inside the circle. There for a better drainage you can lay a broken brick or other construction garbage, sprinkle the earth a little bit and tamper. On the prepared surface, retreating from the edge more than half the tire diameter, lay the second tier. They are also bonded among themselves, the middle falls asleep with soil, and the core is climbing from above. On the top of the tip, you can plant tall flowers, and on the lower tiers - curb or lowered.

Another option of flower beds in the form of a chamomile is in one tier. For its execution, tires will have to cut.

How to cut tires

In general, manufacturing crafts from tires, they often need to cut. It's not easy. It is less easily easily cut off the side surface from the tread. People with severe hands and good knives do it by hand. Good, by the way, training for the brushes and the entire shoulder belt. If you can cut a knife, lubricate the blade with solidol: the rubber is constantly "jars" the metal, and the blade covered well slides.

Also cut off the sidewall with an electric bolt or a grinder. Cut the grinder relatively quickly, but the stench is worth the wild. Because the grinder, even if it is, they only do the first to feed, so that you can enter the pylon of the electric bike. Further work this tool. For cutting rubber take the blade with a reverse toe of good steel.

If you have to cut the protector, do it with a jigsaw or the more knife, it is useless. In any case, an ordinary knife. Even iron cord can cut the blades from special steel, but it is unlikely that someone wants to urge such an old tire tool. Therefore, they work most often with a grinder. In order not to have trouble, the protector is fixed: always think about security. If the sidewalls are already cut off, the tape tape is rather elastic, it can be squeezed. Cut it will not be solved.

Wheel Vase: Soak tires

If there is a tire with an old wheeled disk, you can make a flower vase from it on the leg.

For this, one sidewall is cut along the tread. And turn out. This is not an easy thing: considerable physical strength and perseverance required. Rubber elastic and expand it from the first time it does not work. If at all at all, on the outside they make notches across the tread. They must be quite deep, but not through. It will also help if there is a depth of at least 5-7 on the edge of the cut. They will look like a fringe on the tire.

Why turn? The inner surface is smoother, and the form may turn out more interesting, especially if the edge is not linear, but toothed. It turns out an elegantly bent decoration.

In detail how to turn the bus, look in the video.

Similarly, you can turn the bus without a wheelbar. The sequence of action is the same. First cut off one of the sidewalls - directly or zigzag. To "petals" were even, they should be placed. Convenient to do it with chalk. By the mark then cut the electric bike or knife (if synthetic cord).

Soak like this: they come to the inner part of the tire, they are taken by the edges of the edge and pull up and on themselves. It is important to achieve the first result: when at least some part arched. If the tire looks like in the photo below, it is already success. It is developed, consistently turning the edge and standing on the part twisted already - so that it does not turn back.

Once again, look at the process in the video. This time turn the tire without a wheel (cut by way with a knife).

Even by itself, such a tire inside out is not bad. If you paint it - it becomes even better. If you wish, they can be combined - different colors, dimensions, differently installed: on the tire or on the legs.

Always beautifully high flower bed. Especially with ampel plants. It can also be made of tires, and several possibilities. In the photo below, two ways to fix cropped tires at different levels. The first is to use hemp for this, to which nails or self-stakes to mount vases. The second is to use fittings - three four rods to wear rubber. Having exhibit at the desired level of the tier, it needs to be fixed, on metal it can be done only with the help of clamps.

It is not always possible to put a rone to the ground: some sites are so mastered as one square meter is distinguished problematic. In this case, the people came up with various suspended vases and, too, from old tires. Only a small part remains from the entire tire, so you have to cut a lot ... Best patience. For example, you can make suspended porridge in the form of a dolphin, parrot, rooster and other fish birds. Several ideas see not a photo.

Kashpo from tires - parrot, rooster and dolphin

All these crafts from tires. Only a small part of them - the heads are made of dense foam. Cutting and polling the part of the desired shape, it is fixed with the help of self-tapping screws, lubricated with glue (this is a secret, remember), and after - paint. How to make a parrot from the tire look in the video.

The following are step-by-step photos, which capture the main stages of creating a table or a panphonic from a tire. We will need two more circles from plywood or fiberboard of a suitable diameter, a hemp rope is used for decoration. From the girlfriend, you need glue and adhesive lint, as well as varnish and brush to apply it. To connect circles with a tire, you will need a screw - pieces of 8-10 and each side.

Next, we take the adhesive gun and heating the glue, we apply on the sidewall. If there is no such luxury in the farm, take the glue, which is in a larger tube, such as "liquid nails". It is easier for them with an assembly gun. Apply a strip on the sidewall, stick the hemp rope. So - to the very top.

By the same technology, decorate the lid of the table (Purph). You need to start styling from the middle: We apply glue, put the rope.

End of work - varnish. We do not do well, so impregnating. That's what should happen as a result. If you did a table, you can put the glass - the rope, even covered with varnish, is not the best coating for the table, although beautiful ...

Diversity can be achieved at the expense of the cover. It can be sewed from a closed dense material.

Cute Puff ...

You can connect - a large binding looks interesting.

Knitted Case of Large Mark - It looks interesting

If you want to sew and knit, you do not want to use, you can use old knitted things cut on strips. They are cut on long stripes with a thickness of 3-5 cm, fed into the balls then wrap the emblem. It turns out interesting, especially if several colors are combined.

If you need a paddle a higher, twist two tires together with self-draws, and in this form work with them further.

For another option, look in the video