Repairs Design Furniture

Garden houses from a profiled bar. Garden houses. Installation of walls and roofs

The company "Proektlife", possessing many years of construction of wooden garden houses from a bar, is ready to offer its customers a whole range of construction services in order for the future owner's dream to fully

  • the own production base for the manufacture and processing of the profiled bar is the guarantor of the lowest price of the final product;
  • the vacuum drying chamber and the primary processing of the antiseptic guarantee the safety and high quality of the bar;
  • all the details of the future house are made in our workshops, it remains only to collect it on the customer's playground;
  • polite and qualified staff brigades of collectors will not deliver the hassle owner of the house;
  • experience of designers makes it possible to implement the most standard desires of the client.

Garden houses from the bar from the company "Proektlife"

Proektlife is simultaneously a manufacturing and construction organization. It has the most modern equipment for the production of houses from a bar. We are ready to provide you with the highest quality garden houses from the bar at the best competitive price. Satisfying our customers, as well as our reputation, for us it is more important than the benefits of one day. You can always order the winter and summer houses from the mini-bar, as well as baths, arbors and other structures that will make your life more comfortable, and the household plot is attractive. With us the best will be more accessible to you.

Own house outside the city is the desired dream of most residents of modern megacities. But the construction of a capital stone cottage is in a decent amount. Garden houses from a bar are many times less, they can be erected in one season and serve it with appropriate care for at least 30 - 40 years.

The whole question is how to choose and mount a garden house from a profiled timber. And our article about it.

What are good wooden cottages

As previously mentioned, the buildings of this kind are several times cheaper than brick or block structures.

The middle garden house from Brous 6x6 can cost up to half a million rubles.

  • You can collect such a design for one seasonbut. Moreover, many specialized construction organizations are taken to build a house for 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Leaving the city apartment, man wants to be as close as possible to nature and in this plan a garden house from a profiled timber is almost perfect. After all, the tree is natural, environmentally friendly material and relax in such a home is not only pleasant, but also useful.
  • Now you do not need to think about how to build. Typical projects of garden houses from a bar are striking with their diversity. Moreover, in most such projects, step-by-step installation instructions are provided, thanks to which a garden house from a bar can be collected as a children's designer.

Projects of garden houses from a bar are divided into several types:

  1. The simplest and affordable, of course, is a frame project. Such a house can only be called Bruus, because the bar here goes exclusively to arrange the supporting structures. All the rest of the space is made of sheet material, most often plywood, with insulation from the inside.
  2. Profiled monolithic wooden beams are used more often. Adherents of such structures indicate their one hundred percent naturalness, but the shrinkage of such walls is higher, plus the likelihood that they may be in the future.
  3. The glued timber appeared relatively recently and is a multi-layer beam glued from individual slats. Shrinkage here will be minimal, such houses are much longer than competitors, but the price of this material is higher.
  4. Garden houses from mini timber have an optimal combination of price / quality. The thickness of the t-shirt here hesitates in the area of \u200b\u200b50 mm. Such structures have a two-layer structure. The external and internal surfaces are collected from wooden mini-beams, from the inside the space is filled with an environmentally friendly insulation.

Briefly about the intricacies of construction

Before starting construction, you should consider everything to the smallest detail. First of all, the size of the structure itself, as far as a person is planned a house. An important question is its location on the site.

And naturally, it is better to solve immediately, you need a cottage only for summer holidays or are expected to visit all year round. This will depend on the design type.

Choosing a project and installation site

For wooden structures, the place of their location on the site is an important factor. If the cottage is on rough terrain, the structure is better to erect at the top point of the site. The moisture will always be collected in the lowland and as a result, additional waterproofing costs will be required and.

Ideally, the design is installed at the highest point of the site, and from the northern or north-west side. With this location of the lawn and the beds in the country will not shade the house.

Garden single-storey houses from the bar must have a spacious dry attic. It will come in handy for storing garden equipment or drying mushrooms, berries and various herbs, and if necessary, it is possible to equip the Senov.

IMPORTANT: The experienced daches advise must be provided for the presence of an indoor veranda on the first floor, glazing it or not, it is already a matter of taste.
On open areas, wooden floorings will be cooked from snow and rain, plus it will take additional arrangement of some light awnings.

If the garden house from the profiled bar is supposed to be used only in the summer, and on the site there is a summer shower and a toilet, it makes no sense to equip an additional bathroom, occupying a useful space in the house.

Tip: Two-storey garden house from a profiled bar is better to do without a balcony.
It will bring you only additional expenses, which scenery from a height of 3 - 4 meters is difficult to consider, but it will have to clean it from snow and foliage constantly.

The arrangement of the capital basement makes sense, if the house is heated. For a summer cottage, there will be a small semi-layered room under the house or in the territory of the site, in case of temporary storage of vegetables and conservation.

Bookmark Fundament

Light wooden buildings do not need capital foundation. On dry soils, it is enough to lay shallow, to half a meter, tape. On bunch and wet soils, the ideal option will be a bookmark of a column foundation with a metal chaserler strapping or a wooden beam. The band-column foundation makes sense to lay only in the case of the basement under the house.

Poles are laid on the depth, slightly exceeding the level of ground freezing. As a poles, metal piles of screws or asbetic pipes, filled from the inside reinforced concrete, can be used. As an economy option, you can use a pipe, rolled out of the runner inserts the reinforcement frame and poured concrete.

Important: The foundation for a fireplace or a brick furnace is shutdled separately, at a distance of at least 150 mm from the main one.

Primary strapping and gender must be isolated from the foundation, as a rule, it is used to use runneroid. In addition, if you do not want in the spring to detect a dumped house, the floors need to do two-layer with mandatory heat and waterproofing gasket between the layers.

Installation of walls and roofs

As mentioned earlier, the walls can be collected from a monolithic or glued bar. Projects of garden houses from a bar provide for the use of wooden beams with a cross section of 150x100 mm or 150x150 mm. For summer designs, this is quite enough. But the winter option requires the arrangement of additional external thermal insulation.

The garden house from the minibre in this case is simply universal. As a rule, it is done by two-circuit. It is possible to theoretically collect a single-layer design without insulation, but this house will not live for a long time, it will be so cool, in the summer there will be hot there, the winter use in this case is not provided at all.

The distance between the inner and external circuit is determined depending on the thickness of the selected insulation, but it cannot be less than 100 mm. The advantage of such buildings is that they do not require additional internal and external cladding. It is enough to treat wood protective compositions. Plus, the small weight of the beam allows you to collect a garden house from a bar with your own hands alone.

All types of such structures are collected as a constructor. Projects of garden houses from a bar have a dispersion, this drawing on which the exact location of each beam is indicated. In turn, all the beams have labeling, which can be defined in which row, and in where it must be installed.

The roof is made of two types of duplex or broken under the attic. Garden single-storey buildings from the bar are equipped with a double roof with a large inclination angle. In two-storey buildings, the upper floor, most often, is made in the form of attic.


As you could make sure to collect a garden house from a bar with your own hands is easy, but if you do not have a lot of experience in wooden architecture, then you first spend some time on the study of construction materials. So you can avoid unnecessary errors.


The house at the dacha can be built for quite a long time with your own hands from a bar or board or buy a ready-made kit, manufactured by an individual or typical project, and quickly collect a beautiful building.

The wooden houses from the profiled or planed timber are unique in terms of its ecology, microclimate in the premises, a small cost and speed of construction. In most cases, it is possible to completely build a house within one month. The finished designs have a small weight, respectively, the device of a complex foundation also does not need. Specialized firms can offer a variety of projects using which you can build a single-storey garden house or a more serious construction with an attic.

It is not difficult to implement an inexpensive project for the construction of a country house. Consider the first option in which the material undergoes pre-processing and preparation for the assembly. Before starting construction, it is necessary to make sure the availability of the entire design documentation, to determine the designation of the construction, the construction site and the possibility of laying communications.

Anyone, even a small-sized construction of country houses from a tree begins with preparation. Ready can be purchased in a construction company or make it yourself. For this we need:

  • Detailed plan scheme with accurate indication of all dimensions, including the size of individual rooms;
  • Visual drawings of the constructive connection of the profiled bar, in the fields of strapping and pairing wall blocks, as well as in places of overlapping and the rafter system;
  • A clear drawing of the finished design in the context, which indicates the lower and top mark of the foundation of the country house, the location of the floor vertically and the height of the room to the ceiling structure;
  • Schemes and projects of communications, the locations of their output and, if possible, the point of connecting to the highways.

Usually, the construction of a profiled timber or a circulating board involves the length of the walls of no more than 10 meters. Such country houses can be with a veranda or attic, one-storey and higher. But, in any case, before construction, careful layout and the preparation of the area for laying the foundation is carried out. Further work is to erect the framework and filling wall blocks.

When using a profiled bar, buildings are built by the type of designer. The plant is made according to the project all the necessary elements of the house with the necessary livets. They are processed with appropriate compositions, dried and marked. On the construction site, it remains only to collect all the details according to project drawings.

A ready-made foundation, that is, its upper horizontal plane, stuffing the rubberoid layer, thus making waterproofing. After that, the lower strapping or the first crown is installed. To fit all the details and securing them on the foundation you can start the installation of the following series. Given that all logs are numbered in the desired order, and in the project there is a specification and layout plan, collecting garden houses from the prepared profiled timber can be in short time.

If you do not resort to the use of finished wall elements, the construction process from a profiled or ordinary bar can delay for a long time. Rearves and the locations of the connection of the logs will have to do on their own and after laying each crown tightly customize them to each other. After assembling walls from a profiled or planed timber, it is necessary to wait a certain period for which a shrinkage of the entire structure will occur, and the timber is adapted to the environment.

The roof of the country house built from a profiled timber can have a different form. The main thing is to correctly make a calculation, taking into account the load exerted by the roof and the rafter system on the carrying house structures. As the overlap, the same bar and boards are used. Stropile legs are performed from cutting boards with a thickness of at least 2.5 mm put on the edge. One end of the rafter rests on the upper crown of the church of the house. The upper ends of the rafter legs are associated with a skate bar with adjacent and opposite similar elements.

The ceiling of the building must be inspired. To do this, modern materials are used (mineral wool plates, polystyrene foam, foam) or traditional bulk - crumples, sawdust, slag. Also used boards for covering the ceiling from the inside of the room. After the device, the ceiling can be moved to floor outlet.

It is placed from the edged board with a thickness of at least 45 mm on the lags installed in advance on the foundation blocks and embedded into the lower strapping of the walls. All elements of the structures of the floor of the tree are mandatory are impregnated with antiseptic compositions. You need to lay the fixed boards only after the house is a durable and not flowing roof.

After the assembly, the country houses from the profiled timber are processed by various impregnations, after which, if necessary, you can proceed to the interior decoration. The preliminary processing material has an already beautiful internal and appearance. When building a house from a regular bar, the finish from the outside can be made by clapboard made of wood or other finishing materials.

This method of fastening makes it possible to carry out a durable compound between tipped boards, creating reliable structures. Products are thoroughly treated, therefore the facial surface of the country houses collected from a similar material also does not require additional decoration.

A wooden house using a tipped board is a ready-made set of different products that like a children's designer are going to a garden summer house. In each product in the factory conditions, the manufacture of all the necessary cuts and protrusions are made, which at the construction site make it possible to collect the construction quickly and simply. Houses of houses also undergo a thorough development, which subsequently allows the most accurate compounds and ensure the density of the fit.

Weight load on the foundation of a garden house from a t-shirt board for 60 and even 70% less than houses from a bar. Therefore, you can use the facilitated version of the foundation by making column blocks or supports from asbestos-cement pipes.

When mounting structures from the headboard, it is necessary to provide the location of several ventilation holes at the bottom of the structure. As a rule, it is laid in projects. Pre-impregnated with antiseptic lags for the subframe are attached to the foundation with the same distance. Before starting the connection of all elements of the house, checking the layout accuracy is required. In order to prevent displacements under wind load, the frame bars are attached to the metal to the foundation.

Wall blocks made of headboards are mounted according to the attached scheme, where each board has its own number in the layout plan. First, half-colored parts of the posterior and anterior wall are installed, which are fastened with screws to the foundation bruus. Then there comes a series of wall blocks. The first row of the styling of the headboard must block a bit of the foundation bar, speaking over it a few millimeters. This ensures the protection of the carrier block from dampness. Having placed the first crown, it is necessary to catch it with a shock pad along the entire perimeter, and only after that proceed to the calculation of the following rows. Installing all rows Control construction level.

Installation of doorways in such structures on technology begins with 5 or 6 crowns. In this regard, there are strict rules: any doors must open outward, and window systems, inclined and swivel type - inside.The adjustment of opening flaps and doors is carried out after 3 weeks after construction.

Wooden gardening houses from a tumblers have a simple roof design. After assembling the walls, frontones are installed from finished parts. They have special grooves in which the elements of the rafter system are stacked. Here it is only important to ensure that all the wooden parts of the design: frontones, wall panels - were in the same plane and tightly connected together. For reliability, all connecting elements are confrontated by China. After final assembly, the necessary finishing works are carried out.

Wooden houses are practical in any performance. Both presented options have their positive parties, and the choice of one or another way is yours. You can add that by making quality, it can be up to deep autumn.

Brous buildings are used everywhere in Europe, USA, Japan. In Russia, prefabricated buildings often order gardeners for summer accommodation in the country. However, technologies are developing and now in such a house you can live all year round.

Main advantages

  • Garden-type prefabricated homes have advantages over similar buildings from other materials:
  • Fast assembly on a pre-prepared foundation.
  • Construction from zero turnkey can take just a few days.
  • For construction does not require complex equipment, special knowledge or skills. Technology similar to the "LEGO" principle allows you to collect the design yourself.
  • You can choose building materials for the price and quality: cleaning ram , chamber drying, minibus.
  • Natural, environmentally friendly materials do not emit harmful substances and durable. To increase their life, they are treated with special compositions.
  • Modern design makes a garden house with decoration of any site. You can order several buildings to create a single style, for example, for a hozblock, a cottage toilet, the main house in which the family will live.

Appointment of buildings

Depending on the size, form, internal planning, floors, garden houses are used with different purposes.

Varieties of buildings:

  • single-storey or two-storey residential buildings;
  • single, double or triple hozblocks;
  • summer kitchens;
  • garage sheds;
  • arbor.

The most popular option is the structure of the combined type. Small buildings solve many economic tasks and do not occupy a lot of space on the site. They store garden equipment, equip the toilet, shower or recreation area.

Photos of finished projects are posted in the catalog. Perhaps individual design.