Repairs Design Furniture

How to make out of a 5 liter bottle. What can be made of plastic bottles with your own hands for the country area, garden and garden. Garden Supplies to work in the garden

Useful advice

7. Raise the fabric and inhal the lace into it.

Master class from plastic bottles. Mobile phone holder.

From a plastic bottle, you can also do a good and very useful holder for a mobile phone. It is needed when you urgently need to charge the phone, you found a socket, but there is no place to put the phone.

Prepare a plastic bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters, and pinched a hole with a knife to further cut off the unnecessary part of the bottle.

With the help of scissors or stationery knife cut the circle under the plug.

It remains only to insert a cord from the charger and turn on the outlet.

Master class from plastic bottle. Chandelier.

You will need:

50 plastic bottles (volume 0.5 l)

Flower wire

Normal wire

Light bulb

Caller with paint

Glue (better adhesive gun)


Stationery knife

1. Prepare plastic bottles and remove the labels from them.

2. For each bottle, cut in the form of a flower (see picture). To do this, use the Stationery knife.

3. Practhing the "petals" of colors.

4. When you traveled 1-3 with all 50 bottles, it's time to paint them. Use the paint from the canister or you can spend a little more time and paint each flower with acrylic paints. Color You can choose any. You can also vary colors by making some flowers of the same color, while others.

5. Make a circle from ordinary wire. Mock the jute, and with the help of the adhesive gun, glue it to the wire. You will have the basis of chandeliers to which flowers will be attached.

6. With the help of floral wire, attach each flower to the circle you made from wire.

There are two ways to fasten the flower wire to the flower: wrap it around the neck, or glue.

This is what the first layer looks like.

7. Repeat all the steps for the manufacture of several layers. In this example, 3 layers were made.

8. With the help of jute, attach the chandelier to the ceiling (see picture).

What can be made of plastic bottles. Polyvalka.

Just do in the cover of a plastic bottle of holes with a seboard or nail.

Products from plastic bottles. Funnel.

Plastic products from bottles. Piggy bank.

1. Prepare a plastic bottle. Rinse it with hot water with soap and leave to dry.

2. From color cardboard cut down the details like ears, eyes, patch and nostrils.

3. With the help of glue or doublescrech, attach all the details.

4. Patterned paper Wrap the bottle.

5. For your feet, you can use empty coils that need to be glued to the bottle.

6. Make an incision on top for coins.

Make a plastic bottle dispenser for polyethylene packages

You will need only one 3-liter plastic bottle in which your polyethylene packages will be stored.

Just cut off the bottom of the bottle so that you can get the packages there, and the neck so that you can carefully get to one package.

You can make emery paper to make faster and smooth edges of the bottle.

Make a plastic bottle bracelets

You will need:

Plastic bottle

Sticky ribbon (bracelet width depends on the width)

Double-sided tape

Felt (or other material)


Stationery knife


1. To begin with, wrap the bottle with a sticky tape. Make a few "rings" as shown in the picture. Everything needs to be done neatly and smoothly, since it is precisely the ribbon to determine how exactly you will turn out to cut the bracelet from the bottle.

2. With the help of a stationery knife neatly cut off every ring.

3. Gently remove the sticky tape.

4. To the resulting plastic bracelet glue two-way tape.

Well, who of us does not like to drink? Well, at least, if he does not like, from time to time it is necessary. Sometimes, after funny gatherings with friends or family celebrations, there are quite a few bottles from under wine or other "entertainment" drinks. The first thing that comes to mind is to throw in the trash. But do not hurry! You will be surprised, but empty bottles from the same wine can bring much more benefit than you think. Take a look at these ideas of using empty bottles in the farm - you may, you will discover a lot of useful little things and you can create one of these practical works of art with your own hands.

(Total 22 photos)

Put on the neck of the bottle of one of these special terracotta pieces - and voila! Your plants will water themselves.

2. Bookshelf.

Durable boards + bottles \u003d book house with your own hands.

3. Candlesticks.

A long neck bottle will not give out a candle, and glass will protect from the wind.

4. Torches.

Fill these unique torches with cytronella oil and do not let mosquito invad your possessions.

5. Suspended flower bed.

The feeling that this bottle rose from plants, and not vice versa.

6. Terrarium.

Transparent bottles or stained glass are ideal for growing your own tiny garden.

Make some color and color in your garden, while while maintaining personal space. This idea will work in the house.

8. Hummingbird feeder.

Tiny pollinators will love this amazing and eco-friendly feeder.

9. Chaise lounge.

Looks cool, but is it convenient?

10. Wind music.

This peculiar wine bottle with cork sticks is ready to celebrate the wind.

11. Chandelier.

Luxurious item that will be suitable even for the interior of the ballroom.

12. Hat rack.

The idea was introduced by Lucirmás in Milan. Partly art, but at the same time and useful thing.

13. Necklace.

Made by hand in the USA. Such a necklace can be made under your own color taste.

14. Glass dishes.

Wine bottles are the most durable due to annealing, which means they are ideal for the manufacture of glassware.

15. LED lamp.

Looking for a unique lamp at an affordable price? Simply insert the cork with the LED into the wine bottle and voila!

16. Serving dish.

Available way to serve snacks at your next party.

17. Bottle tree.

Useful advice

Products from plastic are used everywhere, as it requires smaller investments for their creation than for goods from other materials.

However, the thrown plastic may decompose hundreds and even thousands of years, so it is very important to process it or abandon plastic at all.

The second option today is very difficult to implement, so processing comes to the fore. Plastic can be given to special plants for its recycling, or you can make useful things from it.

In this selection you will learn how from plastic bottles to make various useful things for home and garden.

1. Puffy from plastic bottles with your own hands step by step

You will need:

Plastic bottles


Knitting needles



Sewing machine

1. Wash and dry several plastic bottles covered with covers. Collect all the bottles in the circle and secure them together with scotch.

2. Cut from the cardboard to cut two circles so that they cover the upper and lower part of all connected bottles. Scotch and attach these circles to the connected bottle.

3. Prepare two rectangular pieces of foam rubber and one round piece. Rectangular slices need to cover the side of the collected bottles, and the round piece of the upper part. Ensure everything with a scotch.

4. From any fabric, make a cover for your seat. If you like to knit, you can connect the case.

2. Make an extension crank with plastic bottles with your own hands

Children will be more convenient to wash their hands.

3. Products from plastic bottles with their own hands: Rod pockets / sponge

1. Cut the desired shape from the bottle.

2. Treat edges with sandpaper.

3. Hang to the crane.

4. How to make a bag of plastic bottles

Photo instruction

Video instruction

5. What can be made of plastic bottles: Cosmetics storage cups

6. Fit from plastic bottles for a cat or dog

There are many ways to make bird feeders, but this feeder is designed for cats and dogs.

You will need:

2 large plastic bottles


1. In the middle of one bottle, you need to make holes a little more than the neck of another bottle.

2. The second bottle needs to be cut in half across.

3. Fill the bottom of the stern.

4. Connect the parts and open the lid.

7. Vase for candy: Master class crafts from plastic bottles

You will need:

Plate, Round Plastic or Tight Cardboard

6 double-liter plastic bottles

Wooden or plastic rod (can be smooth branch of suitable diameter and length)

Super glue

Spray paint and sequins (optional)

1. We make the foundation for crafts. To do this, you need a plate, a ceramic or glass plate. In the middle of the record, you need to increase the hole up to 10 mm using a drill.

2. The drill is also needed to make holes in the center of three plastic parts from the bottles that you will use. It's easier to drill from the inside out.

3. Cut the lower part of each of the 6 plastic bottles. Snap 3 parts to the rod and secure glue. The remaining parts are accurate to the base (plate) around the rod. If you wish, you can paint spray-paint.

It is worth noting that the rod holds on the basis of the plastic part, which is glued to the plate, as well as the rod itself.

4. If you wish, you can decorate your vase.

8. Wicker baskets of plastic bottles with their own hands (master class)

But the variant of the wicker basket of plastic cocktail tubes:

9. Crafts for a garden from plastic bottles (photos): broom

1. Remove the label from the plastic bottle.

2. Using a stationery knife, cut the bottom of the bottle.

3. Start making a bottle of cuts, leaving between each 1 cm.

4. Cut the neck of the bottle.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 more with 3 bottles. Leave one bottle with a neck.

6. Place all the chopped bottles without a neck over one bottle with a neck. You will get a blank for the broom.

7. Cut the top of one bottle and put it on top of the billet.

8. Make two holes through all the bottles and insert the wire in them and clog the ends.

9. Insert the stick or the rod into the neck and secure the nail. You can also use glue.

Video instruction

10. Modular Boxes: Description Crafts from plastic bottles

You will need:

Several large plastic bottles or canisters

Stationery knife


Marker or pencil

Durable thread.

1. From a bottle or canister with a stationery knife and / or scissors cut a suitable hole. It should not be too small to fit everything, or too large so that the plastic structure falls apart.

2. Start a durable thread to connect bottles. Start from two, then add two more already connected to them and so on. Tie strong knots. You can also try to use hot glue or superchalter (glue "moment").

3. Collect a convenient design for you. You yourself decide how many rows and "floors" do. However, it is worth knowing that the higher the design, it is less stable. Perhaps you will need to once again fasten the entire design of the entire design.

4. It's time to remove scattered things on the shelf.

Waste disposal is one of the most sharp twigs that stands in front of the owners of country sites, especially since most of the country's communities are not equipped with garbage containers. Undoubtedly, paper and part of the domestic garbage can be burned, and the organic is dried on the beds or send straight to the compost pit. But what to do with all the well-known plastic bottles, which to burn in the furnace or firebox of the fireplace is categorically prohibited, and it is useless to bury, since there will be no one hundred years for decomposition of plastics? Output one - apply for good. About how plastic bottles use in the farm and will be discussed in this publication.

Application PET Tara in the country area

What is plastic container? This is primarily polymeric material and ready-made containers. Under this angle, any dacket with creative vision and direct hands can make from the usual PET bottle of a lot of useful for farm products, create elements of the garden decor and turn empty containers into the necessary things.

The main advantage of plastic containers is the lack of value. In addition, PET is light, plastic, racks to atmospheric and UV radiation, perfectly processed. A plastic bottle filled with water withstands a huge external pressure and can perform a heat accumulator function. And most importantly: in any variations, all plastic containers has a plot with a carvings and a lid. And this for any master is very important to do, which will help the fastening of products if such a need arises. Consider several options for using plastic containers in the garden plot.

Plastic bottles for watering of vegetable

The first thing for which you can use the finished PET containers - for watering. The irrigation of the plot is generally a painful question for most dacms, especially for those who receive water on a schedule or visits the country site exclusively on the weekend. In such a situation, no need for not necessary plastic bottles will help, which will help create for the whole site without any financial costs. Consider three simple in the implementation of the option of creating a drip irrigation system based on plastic bottles of different capacities.

Simple system of root irrigation

In order to dose and automatically water the plants will need:

  • PET capacity of 2 l at the rate of calculation, one bottle is one plant.
  • porolon (any trimming).

In each container, pour water on 4/5 from the volume. Insert a piece of foam rubber, instead of a plug. Put the bottle under the plant so that the neck is in close proximity to the root of the plant. As it devastates, simply tighten the water in the container.

Drip irrigation

For this system of irrigation, the size and form of containers does not matter. According to Dachnikov reviews: the more - the better. Bottles need to cut down the bottom. In the plug of a hot seer or thin drill to make 3-5 holes, a diameter of 1-2 mm. Cork tightly cheat on the neck.

Intect such a container vertically (down the neck) near each plant and fill it with water. Such a stationary system of root irrigation requires only timely filling with water.

Suspended irrigation system

In this embodiment, use whole bottles, with a capacity of 2 to 5 liters. Depending on the reliability of the fastening system. As with the creation of a drip system, make several holes in a plug, with a diameter of 1 mm.

Now you should build a support. At different ends of the garden, it is necessary to insert the horns, on top to which to put a jumper (rail, timber). To the top crossbar to hang down the tank filled with tanks down.

So that the water does not blur the land, the location of the water drops should be closed.

The advantages of the watering system from plastic bottles are indisputable:

  • the soil is moistened directly in the root zone of the plant;
  • irrigation is produced by the sun-heated water;
  • the possibility of adding directly into the water fertilizer;
  • variability of application.

But the most important advantage of such watering is that it does not require the presence of a person.

Agrotechnology using PET bottles

Any capacity can be used to grow greenery. The main thing is to ensure timely watering and avoid water stagnation at the bottom of the tank. You can do this by creating from plastic bottles that will not take a lot of space, but will decorate your fence, balcony fence, the walls of the house.

Vertical garden with horizontal fastening bottles

For such facilities you will need:

  • PET bottles, 2 -5l container;
  • soft wire.

The bottle rolls 1/3 lateral parts. The plug screws on the neck. With the opposite cutout, the sides of the shell (nail, drill) is made by the mass of drainage holes.

Bottles are filled with substrate, inside which seedlings or plant seeds are located. Soft wire improvised pot is attached to a vertical surface. Fastening the rest of the containers can be done under each other or in a checkerboard.

Garden from vertically installed PET containers

This design is more complicated by the previous one, but more efficiently and is distinguished by relative autonomy. So, to create such a design you will need:

  • PET bottles, volume of 1-3 liters.
  • hose rubber or silicone ½ inches.
  • section of the sewer tube with plugs, diameter - at the discretion of the owner.

Bottles are cut to approximately in half. The upper part will go to the creation of a vertical garden, the bottom - will be used in the creation of jewelry, which will be discussed below. The tops of the bottles are attached to each other with a neck down. Through each vertical row, the hose is laid with watering holes. Free space is filled with land or substrate. The upper part of the hoses is fixed in a silt with necklands and plugs from plastic bottles.

Water into the system is supplied from the water pipeline, and the segment of the sewer tube will play the role of the liquid stock capacitance. This design allows you to rationally use water for drip irrigation. A vertical garden from plastic bottles will not require a place from the gathering, no place or large financial costs. You can always make an unnecessary container such a construction that is best suited directly for your cottage.

In the section of agrotechnical crafts, only the options for creating a vertical garden were considered. In fact, there are still dozens of ways to use TET TARA in agrotechnical purposes. From plastic bottles you can make light, plastic and durable containers, which are widely used in quality, pots, seedlings containers.

PET bottles for decorating a country area

Thanks to the properties, plastic containers have long and successfully applied by our summer houses to create a garden decor. Next, consider several examples of the successful use of plastic bottles of various volumes in the decoration of the garden.

Fencing beds and flower

The most simple design of fencing from plastic containers - frequency. In order to make a solid fence of such a design, there will be a mass of bottles of the same volume and shape filled with Earth (sand, clay)

Now it's small: collect the design. On half of the length, you swing in the ground every container, creating a "bottle of polycol". After erection. You can leave as it is, but you can paint the resulting curb in any colors of the rainbow.

You can go and easier: do not stick the elements of the frequency, but to fasten them with a scotch.

The design is simply put on the grass outlining the borders of the flower beds or beds.

garden path

To create a garden path, you will need sniffs from PET bottles, 2 liters with a capacity.

  • aligns soil.
  • washed a layer of wet sand, the thickness of the layer is 70-100 mm.

Rounds are laid out on the future track and carefully driven into the sand until complete filling. The joints between the bottoms are covered with dry sand, and for better fixation - sand-cement mortar.

PET bottles flowers

It is enough just to decorate the country area with the help of "plantings" from plastic flowers.

It is extremely easy to make such a composition: you just need to wake your fantasy, take a knife into my hands, several plastic bottles and a thick wire.

From the narrowing part of the bottle, you can create beautiful flowers that will go to the creation of bouquets, the design of crafts for home and garden.

Gorlashko cut along, forming six petals. I spin every scissors. We pay the edge of the petals over the open flame, to give them volume. The inner of the flower can be cut out of the plastic of another color. We glue (stitch) design with polymer glue or thin wire.

Figures animals for garden decoration

The Internet is shot by photos of funny animals made of plastic bottles. If you decide to decorate your garden with cheerful little animals from PET capacities, then the easiest option is funny pigs and bunnies.

Bunny is made simply:

  • in a suspending part, two cuts under the "ears" are made;
  • the ears themselves are cut out of a plastic bottle.

The design is assembled with glue.

Pigs are made similarly, but only in horizontal execution. The main thing is to paint your creation correctly and make it recognizable.

Economic supplies from plastic bottles

What can come in handy in the farm to the domestic gardener? Broom, scoops, traps for pests, washbasins, various containers for storing small items. But a simple rope by most dachensons is recognized as one of the most functional and beneficial materials.

PET Bottle Rope

The rope from the plastic bottle will help out in an unforeseen situation and will become an indispensable assistant to the gathering. How to make a solid rope from a plastic bottle with your own hands? To create a tape from a PET bottle (on an industrial scale), you will need to make the simplest machine consisting of:

  • blades from the stationery knife;
  • 4-8 metal washers with an external diameter of 25-30 mm and a thickness of 2 mm;
  • 2 bolts with nuts, diameter 4-6 mm, length 40-50 mm;
  • board (piece of plywood, chipboard), thickness 16-25 mm.

We collect the design. In the board drilled through holes for bolts. They will be put on the washers. The distance between the bolts should be so that the distance remains between the washers equal to half the diameter of the washer. Now install the washers on the bolts. The height of the "Pyramids" from the stand will correspond to the width of the tape. To the upper washer put the blade, cover the puck, fix the nuts.

To obtain a tape, cut off the bottom of the bottle (it is useful for the manufacture of garden decor), push the edge of the bottle between the blade and the stand.

Options for applying a rope from plastic bottles mass. Durable and lightweight ribbon is used by domestic gardeners for garters of vegetables, trees, creating support for curly plants, weaving furniture, braids of a garden tool pens, etc. A feature of such a tape is shrinkage when exposed to high temperature. When heated, the node from PET ribbon self-drawing!

Garden bass

In terms of its operational characteristics, the broom from plastic bottles is not inferior to purchased analogues. To independently create such a useful product, the product will take:

  • 7 PET bottles, 2 l;
  • stalks from shovel;
  • wire;
  • two self-sufficiency (nail);
  • shilo, scissors, knife.

Six bottles cut the neck and bottom. Scissors cut the strips on each billet, not reaching the top edge of 5-6 cm. The width of the strip is 0.5 cm. From the untouched capacity, cut the bottom (do not touch the neck!). Next, repeat the operation similar to the previous billets.

We collect the design. On a bottle with a neck, the remaining blanks are planning. Squeeze the resulting product from the sides and fix the position of the blanks with wire. It remains only to put on and fix the holder.

Brooms made of plastic bottles is ready for use. The entire process is shown in detail in the figure.

Scoop from plastic containers

This product will be an excellent addition to the broom from Pet Tara. Everything is simple here: take plastic container and marker Mark the form of the form of the future scoop.

Cut strictly over the line using the stationery knife. Such a scoop of a plastic canister will serve long enough.

The simplest clothesman

To make the easiest of plastic bottle, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottom, turn the neck down, make holes for mounting to the vertical surface.

You can wash your hands by unscrewing a bit of a plug so that water watered through a loose connection.

Containers for storing small items

Any dacha owner has a lot of things in the farm. One problem is all of them must be sorted and accessible as needed. To store small things you can easily make containers from plastic containers. Any good, which is at hand:

  1. In the upper side of the side, we make a hole, the size of which should allow you to easily get items from the container.
  2. In the lid drill a hole and screw the bolt, with a diameter of 2 mm.
  3. For the head of the bolt insert the washer.
  4. On the reverse side, fix the nut.

We collect the design. Under the washer, we launch the ends of the segment of the wire and form a loop. Hound the cover from the loop to the container. Now it can be easily placed on a vertical surface. An ordinary nail can act as an element of the suspended attachment of the container on a vertical surface.

If you use plastic containers from household chemicals or machine oil, you can assemble a whole chest of small chest of storage.

Trap for insects

Mosquitoes and flies - eternal "neighbors" of a person, to get rid of which is almost impossible. Nevertheless, it is possible to reduce their population by applying a trap as a trap material to all the famous Pet Tar.

Cut off the narrowing part of the plastic bottle, turn over and insert it into the remaining part of the neck down. As bait, you can use sugar syrup. If adding a bit of yeast, you can get rid of not only from flies and ants, but also from the wild OS.

Scare birds from fresh crops, to drive out from the mole plot will help the simplest fluger from PET bottles.

The design is simple: cut and flex the side sections of the container in the form of blades. Place the resulting product on thick wire or stick. Wind rotates fluger. A vibration is transmitted on the guide, which (according to experts) is not like moles and fear of birds.

Feeders for birds

The simplest feeder on the household plot will attract birds that will help the owner of the country area to fight pests and insects.

They are not difficult: it is enough to cut windows in the lateral part of five-liter plastic bottles. The handle is useful in order to hang the feeder on the branch.

Greenhouses from Pet Tara

discussed above can easily make any dacket. But if you have experience of carpentry work, you can create an excellent greenhouse with PET Tara, without which an early harvest cannot be raised in our climatic zone.

Such structures have a lot of advantages, of which the main cost is the main cost. PET is much stronger than polyethylene film and significantly cheaper than traditional polycarbonate. Building from plastic bottles is warm and easy. It can always be repaired, simply replacing the spoiled element.

There are two technologies for the construction of greenhouses and arbors:

  1. From plates.
  2. From whole elements.


To create it, almost any material is suitable:

  • Metal profile - durable and durable, but roads.
  • Wood - available and easy to process, but is short-lived.
  • PVC pipes are an excellent option if you already have enough pipes and fittings that do not need to buy.

In any case, if you decide to manufacture greenhouses from plastic bottles with your own hands, then make a frame from the most accessible material to you.

It should be understood: the metal frame will require the creation of a capital foundation, which significantly increases the cost of the project. The reference design of PVC pipes does not need a foundation, but requires strengthening to withstand the winds of the wind.


As a building material for enclosing structures, it is better to use the same PET bottles, with a capacity of 2 l from which you want to remove the label.

For greenhouse, dimensions 1.5 by 2.5 may be required from 400 to 600 PET elements.

Technology construction

The greenhouse is assembled from the elements that are recruited from PET bottles. Each building element (bottle) is cut off bottom. Then the elements are attached to each other, creating an improvised "plastic log". To attach this element through the middle, cord or rake is stretched. The finished block is vertically fixed on the frame. The construction process continues until full filling of the framework: thus the walls are recruited and the roof overlaps.

Buildings from plastic bottles

From Pet Tara can be erected and more serious buildings than gazebo and greenhouses. Next, consider the way of the construction of a household building from plastic bottles, applying in practice the experience of Bolivian builders:

  1. The foundation is drunk and the foundation is erected.
  2. Create a replacement brick, instead of which PET bottles of the same volume will be used. They are filled with sand, clay or land, which often remains after digging a pit.
  3. Elements are associated with each other and laid rows. For binders of rows, a sand-cement solution is used.
  4. A reinforcing grid is laid between the rows.

After laying, without a solution there are only the necks of building elements. For additional attachment, builders recommend binding the necks with each other, creating a kind of plaster grid. Now it remains only to carefully shook the walls, the fusion material that was used for construction.

Such a technology can be used to build capital buildings: fences, garages and single-storey residential buildings, which, (according to masters), are quite warm and strong.

In this publication, there were options for answers to the question of how the farm can use plastic bottles. In fact, the new application of this material is every day that it cannot but rejoice any normal person, because plastic is practically not processed due to low profitability. Giving a "second life" Pat Tara, we purify the planet from the garbage, which simply bursts on landfills or is disposed of on garbage incorporation plants, poisoning the environment.

Do not hurry to throw away the used plastic container, because it can still be useful for it.

1. Marine Decoration

To create a unique maritime decoration, you will need a small plastic or glass bottle, which should be filled with simple water and attributes of the seabed: sand, seashells, large beads similar to pearls, coins, brilliant beads and glass fragments. When all components are folded, drip into a bottle of a drop of blue food dye, a few drops of vegetable oil and a little sparkle. It remains only to spin the plug and the amazing decoration is ready.

2. Stand for books and magazines

Non-humid manipulations will allow the unnecessary canister from milk or juice to a comfortable stand for books, newspapers and magazines.

3. Shooting nozzle

From the bottle from the shampoo, you can cut a convenient tap for a crane, which will allow the child to wash his hands without helping, without baying the entire floor.

4. Salpars

A bottle of detergent can be used to create a bright and practical cloth, the design of which is limited to your fantasy.

5. Organizer for stationery

Instead of simply throwing out the next balls from the shampoo and the shower gel, make bright and cheerful stands in the form of funny monster. To begin with, just cut the necks of the bottles and make the places of future cuts. From colored paper or fabric, you can cut a variety of decorative elements, like eyes, teeth and ears, and attach them to bottles using a superclone. The finished products are best attached to the wall with the help of bilateral scotch.

6. Containers for cosmetic accessories

Containers for brushes, ear chopsticks and decorative cosmetics.
Cropped plastic bottles are perfect for the creation of charming containers for storing makeup for makeup, decorative cosmetics, ear chopsticks and other trifles.

7. Pouff

From a large number of plastic containers, you can make a charming pouf, the process of creating a creation is quite simple and understandable. First you need to make a circle of plastic bottles of one height and consolidate it with a tape. The resulting design is needed to clean the molding of foam polyethylene, fixing all the joints with scotch. The basis of the Purifer is ready, it remains only to sew a suitable case for it.

8. Bracelets

Plastic bottles are an excellent basis for creating original bracelets. Use fabric, threads, skin and any other materials to decorate an unsightly plastic base.

9. Support for sweets

Rounds of plastic bottles of different volumes painted in the desired shade can be used to create a spectacular multi-level stand for comfortable and beautiful storage of sweets.

10. Scoop and blade

Plastic cans from milk and juice can be used to create a practical scoop and comfortable small blade.

11. Protective Cap

Protect the phone from snow or rain will help a simple cap, which can be made in two bills from a conventional plastic bottle.

12. Lamp

Wonderful plastic container lamp.
A small plastic canister can become a wonderful basis for creating an original lamp.

13. Organizer for decorations

A stunning multi-level organizer, which can be made of several dongs of plastic bottles strung on a metal needle.

14. Kashpo

Armed with scissors, paints and their own fantasy, you can turn unbroken plastic bottles in the original porridge.

15. Attribute Maskarada

Two plastic bottles painted in silver color, decorated with cloth and glued to a small piece of cardboard with straps, allow you to give his own jetpak to the child.

16. Containers for spare parts

Capacious containers made from unnecessary plastic canisters, which are perfect for storing small parts, nails, screws and other details will be helped and maintaining order in the garage.

17. Toy

Armed with scissors, markers and paints, you can turn unnecessary plastic containers into funny toys, whose creation process, like the result itself, will undoubtedly attract the attention of children.