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Water hyacinth plants for ponds. Planting and caring for a water hyacinth. How to keep an aquatic plant in winter

Artificial ponds with plants floating on the surface look especially attractive. Are there crops that can be grown both in an aquarium in an apartment and outdoors, for example, in a pond? There are such plants, and one of them is eichornia - a water hyacinth native to South America.

On Russian market the culture appeared relatively recently, while in the countries of Asia, Africa and the southern United States it is widespread. Growing up in wildlife, the water hyacinth chooses lakes and slow-flowing rivers as its habitat. There he is able to form impassable thickets, very quickly "creeping" over the surface of the water.

For such fertility, Eichornia was nicknamed "water plague", quite often it creates a lot of inconvenience to local residents, impeding the movement of surface transport, threatening populations of animals and fish, not to mention the fact that the culture quickly absorbs all the nearby plants.

Description of the species, photo, characteristics and flowering time of water hyacinth

Eichornia thick-stemmed or water hyacinth belongs to the class of Monocotyledons of the Pontederia family. You can find a mention of this plant under the names "beautiful eichornia" or "excellent".

It's perennial herbaceous plant with shiny leathery leaves up to 20 cm long, having a rounded or elliptical shape. They are assembled into a socket, inside of which a "pillow" of air is formed, due to which the water hyacinth remains on the water.

The roots of the culture can be up to 60 cm in length. If the depth of the reservoir where the eichornia grows is less than 50 cm, then the plant will not float, but will take root in the muddy soil.

The stems of the plant reach 10-15 cm in length, and about 12-15 buds are formed on each of them, from which flowers with a diameter of 2-3 cm bloom. They come in different shades: white, pink, blue or lilac. Their lifespan is only one day, after which they hide under water.

In order for the water hyacinth to bloom, a temperature of at least +28 degrees is required. When the indicator drops to + 22, flowering stops. In a cold summer, buds will not appear at all, and only a lush "cap" of green foliage will float on the surface of the water.

Features of growing water hyacinth in a pond

Eichornia is planted in late spring or early summer, when the temperature settles from +24 to +30, and the reservoir warms up well.

For normal growth and development, it is necessary to pre-fertilize the soil using the following compositions:

  • humus;
  • cleaned bottom sludge;
  • mullein or compost;
  • complex fertilizer.

These formulations are also suitable for periodic planting. The growth of a culture directly depends on the quantity nutrients in the aquatic environment.

Important! You need to work with water hyacinth only with gloves, since the juice of this plant is poisonous.

Growing a water hyacinth in an aquarium

Water hyacinth Eichornia can be grown not only in a reservoir, but also in an aquarium.

To grow a culture in a home pond, you must:

  • Maintain optimal performance in the aquatic environment. The temperature should be at least 25 degrees, the acidity should be from 6 to 6.8 pH, and the hardness should be less than 6 units.
  • Equip the tank with lamps. Daylight hours for a water hyacinth should last at least 12 hours. It is important to remember that longer lighting will lead to the fact that the plantings will begin to grow actively and there will be a need for frequent thinning.
  • Adjust the water filtration and aeration system. If the necessary equipment is not installed in the aquarium, its contents will quickly "bloom" and will spread an unpleasant odor.
  • Plant feeding. Fertilizers intended for aquarium crops will need to be applied all year round... Suitable for water hyacinth and liquid formulations for indoor flowers.
  • Thinning. To prevent the water hyacinth from blocking the access of light and air to the artificial reservoir, it should not be allowed to grow strongly over the surface and periodically remove "extra" plants from the reservoir.

Important! Eichornia can only be planted in large aquariums, since if there is not enough space, the plant will develop poorly and will quickly die.

Eichornia breeding methods

Water hyacinth can reproduce both vegetatively and by seed.

In the first case, in order to increase the number of plantations, you will need to do the following:

When the plants are rooted and strong enough, you can move them to their permanent habitat.

It is almost impossible to propagate water hyacinth by seeds in the Russian climate. The fact is that for the maturation of the planting material, an air temperature of at least +35 degrees is required.

How water hyacinth winters

Heat-loving Eirhornia will not tolerate temperatures below 0 degrees. To preserve the plantings until next season, you will need to move them to a warm environment. Winter storage can be carried out in an aquarium or other transparent container, at the bottom of which sand or silt will be placed.

For a successful wintering of a water hyacinth, the following rules must be observed:

  • maintain the temperature of the water in the quarantine container at the same level as in permanent place the habitat of the flower;
  • place fertilized soil at the bottom of the container so that the roots of the plant can properly feed;
  • feed the plant regularly.

It is advisable to organize backlighting for plantings for 12 hours a day. But if this is not possible, it is enough to place a container with water hyacinths on the windowsill on the south side of the house. And after stable warm weather is established, it can be moved to its native reservoir, where it will quickly grow deciduous mass, and by the end of summer it will throw out a peduncle.

In winter, Eichornia should be moved to a warm place.

On a note. If the region where the Eichornia grows is mild and not frosty, it will winter well in a greenhouse, placed in an ordinary water barrel.

The use of water hyacinth in landscaping

As mentioned above, eichornia is used to decorate outdoor ponds or large aquariums.

In the first case, it would be nice to place plantings near a small waterfall or stream, which will provide oxygen flow to aquatic environment... This will benefit the culture and allow it to grow faster.

In aquariums, water hyacinth is used as an accent; it looks good in combination with large shells, bizarre stones and various decorative elements.

The main thing is to constantly control the growth of the eichornia and not let it grow strongly, filling all the space, then it will delight the eye long years and will not harm the inhabitants of the reservoir.

We offer for viewing a video in which the author of the plant Eichornia talks about him.

Eichornia or water hyacinth is an aquatic plant for a pond, native to the tropics. It is successfully grown in our conditions, in reservoirs and ponds, despite its tropical origin. Moreover, thanks to the harsh winters, the water hyacinth got rid of some of its shortcomings!

7 factors for successful winter storage in an aquarium + 3 other storage methods, and features of summer care, it's not so simple with water hyacinth!

Water hyacinth (Eichornia) - description

Eichornia leaves are collected in a rosette. There is a specific bulge at the base of the sheet, distinctive feature plants, inside of which there is a porous tissue, thanks to which the plant is kept afloat. According to the observations of gardeners, in calm waters, this compaction becomes less pronounced. The roots are long (up to 0.5 m), completely submerged in water.

The flower is extraordinarily beautiful, its shape resembles a hyacinth, pink, blue or purple. Flowers appear in late summer.

Water hyacinth is capable of absorbing hazardous and harmful elements dissolved in water:

  • insecticides,
  • phenols,
  • phosphates,
  • cadmium,
  • nickel
  • silver.

V warm lands, at home, eichornia multiplies rapidly and soon covers the surface of reservoirs with a dense carpet. Due to the dense vegetation layer, the oxygen regime of the reservoir deteriorates sharply, which leads to the death of other plants, the reservoir itself acquires an extremely unpleasant odor.

In our conditions with cold winters, the eichornia does not have time to fill the water surface during the warm season enough to become a problem. And for the winter you have to hide it in warm room... It seems to be an unpretentious plant, but both in summer and during winter water hyacinth shows its character, knowing its requirements, you will easily get along with it!

Eichornia in a pond, reservoir - summer, planting and care

Eichornia absorbs harmful substances, it would seem the best plant to cleanse the pond cannot be found. But everything is not so simple, in the mineralized and nutrient-poor water of the lake, it does not grow very well. More precisely, it does not grow at all.

  • There must be a lot of nutrients in the water!
  • And the water should be saturated with oxygen to the maximum!

As soon as the plant lacks oxygen, growth and development will stop!

In practice, forced aeration of reservoirs is equipped, and fertilizers are supplied.


In shallow reservoirs, the water warms up well in the sun, and already in the middle of spring you can plant a plant in a pond.

In the well-heated water of the reservoir, eichoria begins to multiply rapidly.

It propagates vegetatively, daughter plants develop on lateral shoots, they are separated and planted.

The best reservoir for eichornia:

  • Open
  • Not deep
  • With forced aeration or dynamic natural, with springs and water movement.
  • WITH big amount organic residues - for food.

Water hyacinth - how to keep in winter?

When the temperature drops below +10 degrees, water hyacinth is brought into the room. More precisely, they bring in the future planting material... The main task is to keep the plants alive for reproduction in the next season.

Known methods for storing water hyacinth in winter are:

  • in aquarium
  • in damp sand
  • in silt
  • in a three-liter can

How to store water hyacinth in an aquarium in winter: 7 success factors

  1. Water must be taken from the reservoir in which the eichornia grew, this is the most the best option... In extreme cases, it is defended. Water from the reservoir should be prepared in advance for the whole winter.
  2. Sludge from the pond native to the water hyacinth is added to the bottom of the container.
  3. The storage container should be transparent: aquarium, jar.
  4. The water must contain nutrients for the plant. some gardeners recommend adding fertilizer to aquarium plants.
  5. Do you need backlighting? Most gardeners believe that lighting is indispensable, but there are practical examples when hyacinth survived in a regular jar on a regular windowsill without additional lighting.
  6. Leaves often rot during storage. To prevent this phenomenon, the plant is "planted" on a foam float in an aquarium, glass container. To prevent the leaves from touching the surface of the water.
  7. The temperature will be normal room temperature.

Keeping eichornia in wet sand in winter

The water hyacinth is planted in the sand, and the humidity is constantly maintained.

How to store water hyacinth in silt in winter

Another way to store eichornia.

  • A deep pot is filled with silt from the day of the reservoir.
  • The water level in the pot is constantly maintained at 3-5 cm.
  • The pot is placed on a regular windowsill.
  • Not supplemented.

How to store eichornia in a three-liter jar in winter

The third year of successful storage of eichornia in a three-liter jar in an apartment!

  • Tightly closed plastic cover.
  • North window.
  • No backlight.
  • Young shoots (about 10 cm in diameter) are stored, and the roots are about 10 cm long.
  • I take water from my own reservoir.
  • The bank is one third full.
  • The temperature on the windowsill is room temperature, but fluctuates when ventilated.

By spring, the water turns dark brown, like tea. Most of the leaves die off, the bulk of the roots disappear. But the plant itself survives. In the reservoir, it quickly grows roots and leaves, and blooms by August.

The area of ​​cultivation of eichornia, and where to buy water hyacinth?

We know for certain that wild hyacinth can be grown in almost all regions of our country with a warm summer period. The readers of these cities succeeded in growing and multiplying on their pond:

  • Minsk
  • Tashkent
  • Moscow
  • Penza
  • Krasnodar
  • Uralsk
  • Volgograd
  • Novosibirsk
  • Saint Petersburg

And these are only facts known to us. You can buy eichornia - water hyacinth easily and simply in the online stores of the "everything for ponds, reservoirs, fountains" group.

So bolder, everything will work out!

Water hyacinth - photo

Eichornia (water hyacinth) - video

Have you come across a water hyacinth? Can you save it in winter? How do you store it? Share in the comments!

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An amazing plant - aquatic hyacinth, known among flower growers as eichornia or "green plague", is often used as an aquarium culture. In addition, it feels great in natural or artificial reservoirs. In warm water, eichornia grows quickly and blooms beautifully. More recently, the plant was a wonder for our climate. But fragrant flowers of the most delicate shades, juicy bright leaves simply conquered connoisseurs of beauty. The decorative properties of hyacinth have been appreciated by gardeners. In addition, the plant is an excellent natural water filter.

Description of hyacinth

Eichornia is an unusually beautiful plant. On the surface of the water, it creates dense rosettes consisting of bright green leaves. The petioles thicken towards the base and form many cavities filled with air.

Water hyacinth grows in the pond, on graceful thin stems, if the element is calm. In bubbling - the plant forms a rather spreading rosette on short thick cuttings.

Eichornia has long roots. In dry or shallow ponds, they can reach the muddy bottom. Having rooted in the soil, water hyacinth provides itself with additional nutrition.

Culture is rightfully considered a decoration of the landscape. It is especially beautiful during the flowering period. You just can't take your eyes off the bright spectacle. Flowers are collected in rosettes of 5-12 pcs. They look a little like orchids in their appearance. Flowers can delight with beautiful blue, lilac or yellow shades.

The plant needs certain conditions... In this case, it will delight the owner with its beautiful flowering several times during the season.

"Planting" a plant

Even a novice gardener can grow a strong and beautiful water hyacinth. "Landing" and leaving does not require a lot of effort. After all, the plant is able to withstand almost any conditions.

  1. The plant outlet must be placed in a warm water aquarium. It is desirable to provide an abundance of light.
  2. If the conditions turn out to be unsuitable, then when a new leaf appears, the old one will die off.
  3. In a favorable climate, the plant will begin to develop. The roots will grow, the leaves will not die off. A new rosette forms around May.
  4. You can transfer water hyacinth to the pond in June, when the weather is warm. The landing process is very simple. A tropical beauty is simply dipped into a pond.


If you provide proper care for such a plant as water hyacinth, then it will delight you with wonderful flowering. It is not difficult to create comfortable conditions for culture.

Remember initially, eichornia loves sunlight... Therefore, it is better for her to choose lighted areas in fresh warm waters. Although the plant is able to perfectly exist even in a shady area. However, for a beautiful flowering, she just needs an abundance of sun.

When doing this, try to avoid drafts. Their plant simply does not tolerate. And it may even die.

Temperature regime

It should not be forgotten that the historical homeland of the plant is Brazil and South America, which have a hot climate. Therefore, Eichornia feels most comfortable in warm conditions.

In order for the plant to fully and correctly develop, it is recommended to listen to the opinion of experts:

  1. For the full development of the plant, a temperature of at least 22 ° C is required. With this in mind, the planting of the water hyacinth takes place in June.
  2. The optimum temperature for heat-loving plant are indicators of 25-27 ° C. And during flowering - 28-29 ° C.
  3. The plant does not tolerate temperature extremes.
  4. When it gets cold, the hyacinth must be placed in an aquarium with water and transferred to a warm room.
  5. V winter time the plant can withstand temperatures no lower than 15 ° C.

Growing features

Despite the exoticism of the plant, caring for the crop is quite simple. The most important thing is to provide the Eichornia with conditions that are as close to natural as possible.

In order for the plant to fully develop, it is necessary to provide it with the right environment. The culture needs water enriched with organic components. In such an environment, it will pleasantly surprise you with its graceful flowering.

Excellent supplements for culture can be:

  • mullein infusion or compost;
  • bottom purified sludge;
  • humus;
  • complex fertilizers for aquarium plants.

By providing the necessary nutrients, you will notice how the fertilization will affect the growth of the outlets.

Eichornia feels great in weakly alkaline waters. She is not afraid harmful impurities, which can become destructive for other plants.

Branched powerful roots spread out under water. They are able to cover large enough volumes. At the same time, water hyacinth is often called a "filter". After all, the roots, like a pump, absorb not only organic matter. They absorb metal oxides, phosphates, insecticides, traces of phenols and oils. After a while, the pond cleans up perfectly.

Due to this property, the culture is widely used for natural filtration of polluted water bodies.

Wintering plants

As soon as the air temperature begins to drop, the plant must be moved to a warm room. Eichornia can overwinter:

  • in the pelvis;
  • aquarium;
  • suitable transparent container.

The vessel should be filled with the same water in which the culture developed in the summer. It is recommended to add a little sludge to the container. This will allow the plant to take root and winter comfortably.

So that the water hyacinth does not die at home, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. The plant no longer needs a high temperature. But it is still necessary to provide warmth. Optimum performance is 20 ° C.
  2. Hyacinth rosettes are very sensitive to lack of light. It is recommended to install a backlight above the container. This will allow you to get through the winter normally. Eichornia should receive light for at least 14 hours a day.
  3. The plant needs warm water. The liquid temperature should be around 20 ° C.
  4. Provide fresh air for your culture. However, do not forget that it cannot stand drafts.
  5. Monitor moisture levels carefully. Evaporation of water can lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, you should periodically add water.
  6. To protect the hyacinth from hunger, it is recommended to add a little fertilizer. Use special formulations for aquarium plants.

Water hyacinth can be a wonderful decoration for a pond. It will delight you with a special, magnificent spectacle during flowering. However, owners should be aware of the significant disadvantage of the plant. V favorable conditions it can multiply rapidly. Covering the pond with a "thick blanket", the culture can lead to the death of many of the inhabitants of the pond. Therefore, the plant should be thinned periodically.

An unpretentious plant of natural and artificial warm reservoirs - water hyacinth - can feel equally good both in aquariums and in natural habitat. Reproduction and planting of water hyacinths are available even to inexperienced amateurs. He began his triumphant march across countries and continents from the subtropics of South Africa. There eichornia (this is the second name of a perennial) felt well in small stagnant bodies of water. Water hyacinth forms rosettes on the surface of the water bright leaves on petioles, ending at the base with voluminous cavities filled with air.

During the flowering period, amazing flower stalks are formed on it, resembling orchid flowers in shape and color. Despite the name, eichornia does not belong to the family of hyacinths, it's all about the similarity of the flower arrow with the peduncles of the plant of the same name.

The extraordinary vitality of the water hyacinth and its ability to reproduce in as soon as possible became a real disaster in those areas of the world where he got artificially and where there are no insect species that naturally regulated the number of the invader of the water area in the region of his origin. The indisputable advantages include its ability to purify water from harmful impurities, as well as the fact that perennials require minimal care. Water hyacinth can do it sanitization even reservoirs at sewage facilities.

How to plant eichornia?

In its homeland, a perennial reproduces in 2 ways:

  1. separation of young outlets from the mother;
  2. seeds.

Since the seeds ripen at temperatures above + 35⁰C, for the regions of southern Russia and middle lane landing in this way has no practical value.

In its natural habitat, seed reproduction of eichornia occurs as follows:

  1. after flowering, ripe seeds fall into the water from a spontaneously bursting seed box;
  2. in warm climates, seeds germinate and form many young specimens.

In cool water, seeds quickly rot and become unviable.

In a vegetative way, water hyacinth reproduces in the same way garden strawberries- separation of "children" from the mother plant. Their growth is especially active during a decrease in daylight hours. Within a month, this water "incubator" is capable of producing up to 100 daughter shoots, which do not need scrupulous care at all. Planting the eichornia is not very difficult - the sockets are simply separated, keeping small roots on them, and placed in a new reservoir.

Separate daughter plants with gloves, as eichornia juice contains cyanic acid, which causes itchy skin.

The best time to breed is early summer. Subject to optimal conditions growing at a young rosette, roots begin to grow, new leaves appear. The growth of the vegetative mass occurs more actively if the water in the new reservoir contains impurities for the growth and development of a young plant - organic or mineral fertilizers.

How to care for water hyacinth?

By organizing the optimal care of your water hyacinth, you can count on lush bloom... Although the flower exists for only one day, with a large number hyacinths, you can admire a delightful sight for a long time. A native of the rainforest, Eichornia is very fond of sunlight. It is the abundance of the sun that stimulates it to bloom. In the shade and partial shade, it will be able to grow and reproduce with the help of children, and it is not always possible to achieve flowering under such lighting.

Temperature regime

In its homeland, water hyacinth grows in a fairly hot climate, it prefers a temperature of at least 22⁰C for its growth and reproduction. The optimal time for planting a plant in open reservoirs of the middle lane is June; in the south, planting can be carried out a month and a half earlier - at the end of April, in May.

During growth, eichornia prefers temperatures from +25 to + 27⁰C, flowering specimens require even more heat. The sharp difference between nighttime and daytime thermometer readings is detrimental to hyacinth. Winter care should provide him with a temperature of at least + 15⁰C.

Composition of water and feeding

Especially beautiful plants become when grown in water rich in organic matter. In natural lakes, these impurities are formed naturally; additives are purposefully introduced into artificial reservoirs. When constructing a new decorative reservoir, there is no feeding in the water, therefore, in order to achieve a violent flowering of the collection of water hyacinths, it is worth adding at least a complex one to the water. Over time, the amount of organic matter in the water will increase, and fertilizing will have to be done less often.

Adding a superphosphate solution to the water will help the withering transplant to get into optimal shape faster.

Fertilizer for eichornia:

  • bottom sludge;
  • humus;
  • infusion of mullein or compost;
  • complex mineral fertilizers for aquatic plants.

A plant that has received such care is distinguished by developed rosettes and powerful roots that reach the bottom of the reservoir. The roots of the plant act as a kind of filter, they purify water from toxic substances that have entered it: metal salts, insecticides, phenols. This property of eichornia can be useful for the owners of a stocked reservoir to keep the water in it clean.

True, there is another danger here - the surface of the water closed by powerful outlets will deprive the fish of oxygen access. You can get out of this situation if you constantly adjust the number of specimens of eichornia on the water surface.


The succulent parts of the water hyacinth will not tolerate even a minimal temperature drop below 0⁰C. To preserve the plant until the next season, you need to create suitable conditions and provide optimal care.

Water hyacinth overwinters:

  • in aquarium;
  • in wet sand;
  • in a glass container;
  • in the silt.

Keep the Eichornia away from drafts during the winter. However, the plant will not be able to fully exist without access to fresh air, therefore, its content in a completely enclosed space such as a terrarium is unacceptable.

In order for the wintering to be successful, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  • The water should be exactly the same as in the "native" reservoir. In extreme cases, water hyacinth will be able to overwinter in pre-separated water. Caring for the plant will be much easier if you can stock up on water for the whole winter.
  • At the bottom of the container for wintering, you need to lay silt to feed the roots of the plant.
  • Planting for winter storage should be done in a transparent container: aquarium, glass container.
  • For plant nutrition in winter period you need to dissolve a complex fertilizer for aquarium plants in water.
  • Illumination for eichornia is desirable, but not required - it is quite capable of overwintering on the windowsill on the south side of the room. Nevertheless, for excellent well-being, it is worth providing the plant with 12-hour daylight hours using a fluorescent lamp.
  • Planting the plant for the winter on a "raft" made of polystyrene will help prevent rotting of the lower leaves.
  • During wintering, the water hyacinth is content with room temperature.

Aquatic lovers can easily provide winter care behind eichornia, planted in wet sand or silt. It is best if it is placed in transparent containers. In regions with mild and warm winters, water hyacinth overwinters well in a regular water barrel placed in a heated greenhouse.

After wintering correctly, the plant is placed in a reservoir, where it quickly grows leaves, by August it throws out a peduncle and pleases lovers of aesthetics with exotic flowers.

Water hyacinth is found in the wild in the rivers of South America and in Asia. Very often, eichornia is a real problem, as it captures the entire water surface.

Eichornia in many ways resembles the bright hyacinths that are familiar to the look, which bloom in flower beds. She feels great and grows quickly in a warm reservoir, where there is a lot of organic matter. Water hyacinth is almost continuously covered with flowers and belongs to perennial crops.

On the water surface, the flower is kept by the petioles, which consist of light, "airy" fabric.

Peduncles emanate from the center of the lush, juicy rosette. The inflorescence is kept on the plant only for a day. The powerful roots of Eichornia can grow up to 50 cm.

Features and difficulties of growing

Eichornia excellent can grow well in a reservoir on personal plot if you create suitable conditions for it. Despite its exotic origin, this plant does not require special care. The main thing is that there is a lot of organic matter in the water.

The growth of a flower directly depends on nutrients, so it is useful to add to the water:

  • mullein;
  • compost;
  • complex formulations and mixtures for feeding aquarium plants.

Excellent for growing eichornia water with a slightly alkaline reaction. The plant is not at all afraid of harmful impurities, even destructive for other crops.

Eichornia roots are very strong, powerful, and absorbing nutrients well, they process harmful components along with them. Very often, water hyacinth is used for cultivation in sedimentation tanks to purify water.

We must not forget that water hyacinth is very thermophilic and loves bright sun. Therefore, you need to plant a flower in the spring so that it has time to take root well before the onset of the first cold weather. The culture is very difficult to tolerate temperature changes.

Planting Eichornia excellent in the pond, in the aquarium

Eichornia is an excellent plant for ponds in home gardens and parks. It can also be grown in a home aquarium, in which it is much easier to create conditions as close as possible to the natural habitat of the flower.

Planting a water hyacinth is carried out as follows:

  1. First, the socket is detached and placed in the aquarium with warm water. It is necessary to provide the plant with good lighting.
  2. There must be a lot of nutrients in the water.
  3. If the hyacinth is bad in a new place, then with the opening of new leaves, the old ones will inevitably begin to die off.
  4. If the climate turns out to be favorable, that is, the flower is light and warm, then it will begin to develop very quickly. The roots will begin to grow and a young first rosette will appear around May.
  5. If the plant grows in the aquarium, then it is no longer touched. If you plan to transfer to a pond for Fresh air, then this should be done in June.

The process of planting a water hyacinth is extremely simple - the plant is simply placed in water.

In an aquarium in a warm room, hyacinth can be planted in winter, but the plant is transferred to the street only in summer.

Plant care rules

It is desirable that the air temperature be around +24 ºС. When this indicator drops to +20 ºС, the plant will stop blooming. At low temperatures the water hyacinth will try to survive. It is also important for him that daylight hours are at least 14 hours.

When grown in an aquarium, the flower should be pruned at all times. It is important to carry out the procedure with gloves, as the sap of the plant can cause severe irritation.

Throughout the summer, when growing a crop in a reservoir, its dead petioles are removed. They are clearly visible, as they become lethargic, due to which the plant loses its decorative effect.

It should be noted that water hyacinth is very afraid of drafts. To prevent the reservoir from being blown through, you need to plant bushes or vertical plants on the shore.

Throughout the season, ensure that there are enough nutrients in the water to provide the culture good growth and flowering.

Reproduction of water hyacinth

It is easy to propagate a flower - the rosettes are separated and transferred to a new place. This can be done throughout the season.

Interestingly, with a short daylight hours, the plant begins to actively grow green mass, which can be used to get a lot of planting material.

Propagated by eichornia and seeds, but this method is very laborious, time-consuming and not popular.

How to keep an aquatic plant in winter

Growing a water hyacinth is a must suitable conditions for wintering, because he needs warmth.

When cold days come, water hyacinth must be transferred to an indoor artificial reservoir. Any container, such as a home aquarium, can serve as a container. For filling, take the water in which the plant grew during the summer. Silt can be added to the bottom so that the eichornia takes root well.

  • It is important to take into account that such a high temperature is no longer needed in winter. It is quite enough if the room is about +20 ºС.
  • But the water must be warm.
  • Eichornia must be supplemented in winter so that the sockets do not die. Daylight hours should last 14 hours.
  • It is impossible for the room to be stuffy, as the water hyacinth loves fresh air. In this case, you need to ensure that there are no drafts in the room.
  • It is imperative to control evaporation, since the culture does not like very much high humidity air.
  • Eichornia should not starve in winter. Therefore, organic matter and fertilizers are added to the water throughout the winter.

The magnificent, bright bloom of eichornia excellent in a pond on a personal plot can become its main highlight. However, owners should not forget about one significant drawback of this unpretentious plant- it grows very quickly, which can cause the death of other inhabitants of the reservoir. Therefore, periodically, water hyacinth must be mercilessly thinned out.