Repairs Design Furniture

On the Russian market, LKM sales are reduced daily. On the Russian market, LKM sales are reduced daily How to sell road paints properly

To successfully conduct business for any product, you must have several points retail Or enter into an agreement for the supply of goods with retailers. Paint must have a certificate of conformity for sale in the territory of the Russian Federation.

You will need

  • - advertisements;
  • - colorful banners;
  • - a contract with retailers;
  • - certificate of conformity.


If you purchased the wholesale batch of paint products, get a certificate from the manufacturer and contact a single Certificate Certificate of Your Region. Pick out paint samples, manufacturer's certificate, passport, pay for services for conducting laboratory quality quality control. After 14 days you will receive a certificate. Without this document, you do not have the right to exhibit the goods for sale, besides, you cannot conclude a contract for the implementation with retailers.

In the presence of your retail points to sell paint You can independently. If your outlets are not there or they are not enough to implement a large batch of goods, contact shops specializing in the sale building materials, paint products. Case a contract for the sale of goods.

When applying for ads, specify all the information about the selling product, all addresses of the outlets, in which paint products are presented. To attract the maximum number of buyers, specify a system of discounts and bonuses. For example, when buying two units of goods, the third bank paint is provided as a bonus.

These tips are 100% will be useful to everyone who at least once in life will face repairs, namely with the purchase of paint for the walls. We tried to tell you what sellers are always silent. Find out where you are cheating!

If you pay, so for the quality! Just how to figure out, what paint is actually better when you stand in the store in front of a long side of the paints of different manufacturers?! We tried to tell you what to pay special attention to not to give in to the tricks of sellers and irresponsible manufacturers.

Where are the prices grow?

Focus on the most difficult prices. It is easier when there is no money at all: then you can simply buy a penny paint, understanding that something good is not worth waiting for something. But most often there is still a budget, and I want to spend it reasonable: to get paint only with the qualities you need and not in an artificially inflated price.

Where are you cheating: Producer Country, Composition, Consumption ...

Very often, under the loud European or American brand of paint products, the products are actually produced in Russia or somewhere in the CIS, the prices are formed "with binding to the dollar".

The main difference between "our" and foreign production is that in developed countries there are completely different standards for the safety of materials, environmental friendliness, durability, durability: they are much tougher. And it is impossible to break them, otherwise the existence of the entire company will immediately be questionable. Decide for yourself: perhaps, it is better to spend time to spend on the purchase of high-quality European materials than to have health problems and spend money for permanent repairs? Yes, you have to pay extra, but you simply cannot cost high-quality safe components!

And when comparing prices, it is important to pay attention to consumption: it is necessary to compare the cost is not for the bank, but for square meter. After all, very often low quality paint is cheap, but also buy it twice as much.

What you need to know about color paint

Agree that planning repairs, you think about the size of the dispersion particles, and not even how to save your home from carcinogens, but about how the room will look like: what color will be the walls. This is sometimes used non-serious manufacturers, unfolding entire advertising campaigns, based exclusively on the richness of color - and the quality of the quality does not go.

Where are you cheating: Collot

We are told that only the dyes of the same brand or only on this branded cartridge can be given the color of this paint. Actually almost all the colors on water based In terms of color: they are combined with all universal colorants, regardless of whether the computer is a tinting (on a special machine) or manual (with the addition of painting pastes manually). Nothing terrible will happen if you swapping the paint of one brand in the car of another. With almost all interior paints, you can give any color from Symfony, Ral, NCS, BELINKA systems and many others.

When choosing paints, it is better not so much about color how much pay attention to their composition, scope, the availability of certificates. By the way, about how to choose the color of the paint, we have already written before: how to choose paint color for walls: 10 main nuances.

This white paint ... True white?

Not all paints are sold by "bases" for further tinting. There are separate white paints used, as a rule, for ceilings. All of them are called "snow-white" or "snow-white", but unfortunately, not all are. Often these paints are not reaching the real whiteness or strongly dump soon after repair.

Where are you cheating: White pigment

The degree and quality of whiteness affects the type of pigment, its quality and quantity. One of the highest quality today is a titanium dioxide, it does not give paint yellowing or serving over time. Dioxide-titanium producers are in Europe, Russia and Asia. A lot of dioxide-titanium comes from China, but his quality is doubtful. The best is the American "DuPont", it is he who uses many manufacturers of premium paints.

At the same time, the concentration of pigment is fundamentally important: only some bona fide manufacturers are added to 11% and only one (known European) - 13%. The question of the exact number of components, if the seller does not know, it is better to set immediately on the manufacturer's official website.

Paint for walls and ceiling: Mat against gloss

Do the surface of the wall and ceiling by matte or glossy - the question is not only taste. And the leading designers, and psychologists are united that to create a normal calm situation in the house, feelings of comfort and security, glossy surfaces are better to avoid. We feel more confident and relaxed when our view does not distract the glare and sharp shine. It is easier to say so: glossy walls are good, but for brave lovers of eccentric design.

From a purely practical point of view, glossy paint also loses: it can lose its gloss in places of frequent friction or where you have to wash the wall. And the masters hate gloss for the fact that the walls for such paints should be perfect, without the slightest irregularity and disadvantage - to achieve such a finish is very difficult.

Where are you cheating: Marble and binder

So, it was decided: mattness. But it turns out, not all colors with a "matte" mark have a real deep mate. The fact is that it is possible to achieve an absolute absence of a wicker with the help of adding the finest grinding and high-quality matting additives of the same granulation into the paint. And since many manufacturers use a binder vinyl acetate, it is problematic: this substance has a larger molecular structure - marble is more larger, and not marble. As a result, the paint mattness becomes doubtful, and buyers spend more moneyAfter all, the consumption of thick-layer paint is greater. Conclusion: Look for paint on the binder acrylic styrene: it will always be deeply matte, thin-layer - that is, in economical, but it will be great to paint the wall.

You have to live with this paint, or about the safety of the LKM

It terrifies how our people are not aware of the dangers that store building materials in themselves. We are ready to inhale evaporation from laminate and paint, surprised later, why our children are getting sick increasingly. And reading the word "safe" in the instructions to the paint, I don't even really understand what we are talking about.

Where are you cheating: "Forget" to warn

Compliance with the scope of application

Many manufacturers offer "universal" paints. Allegedly can be painted at least in the bedroom, even in the bathroom, they can be rubbed and washed, they can be given absolutely any color, but at the same time they differ in sparkling whiteness ... True, in practice they show themselves enough mediocre.

Where are you cheating: One answer to all questions

It is technologically very difficult to ensure that the same paint solve all the problems. So, from paint for the ceiling we expect the maximum whiteness, and from paint for living room - high mattness and beautiful juicy color. Paint for the nursery should not be even doubtful in its safety, but at the same time to cope with the children's "arts". It is important that the paint for the bathroom (and for such a wet room, such as the kitchen), as part of anti-grapple additives. And from the paint that we sell as washing, we are waiting for a certificate about the first class of wear resistance on international standards ...

You could connect everything in one paint only to the detriment of the same qualities! Choose paint according to the stated application sector.

In this article we tried to talk about quite complex things, which are usually boring and uninteresting. But knowledge of minimal technological sublictions will allow you to avoid extra spending and clearly understand what you pay for.

At the beginning of winter on the market paintwork materials Russia volumes of supply significantly exceed demand. Sales volumes continue to decline. Moreover, the reduction in implementation occurs very disproportionately by regions. Now the maximum activity of consumers is noted in the Central Bank of the country. In NWFO, sales volumes are somewhat lower than in the center of the Russian Federation. On the rest of the territory of Russia, demand is very low. Moreover, now even in the SAFE SALE very low. This was the result of the fact that in 2011 in the area there are too early frosts, and, therefore, sales decreased.

In December, the demand for paints and varnish materials in Russia seasonally low. And in the last month of the year, the sale of paints and varnishes of the entire assortment series are reduced. Created consumers decorative materials And the LCM industrial group sharply reduce the volume of purchases before the New Year holidays. The fall in the activity of companies that buy industrial LCMs will be celebrated in the second half of December. As a rule, the period of low demand for these materials continues until mid-January. And then the volume of purchases grow. Probably, January 2012 will not be an exception.

Sales in LKM minor

Sales volumes of water-dispersion LKM, starting from the second half of November, began to decrease. And now - in December - the sales volumes of this LKM Group are minimal and in the market in demand paint only for internal work. LKM for outdoor decoration Do not share demand due to seasonality of using this product. Now the maximum amount of VD LKM falls on big cities Central and Northwestern regions of the country. In more distant from the central part of Russia, the areas of water paint sales are very low, and mostly basic brands of the VD LKM for internal works are implemented. Contrary to the fact that the demand for VD LKM is generally quite low, the sales volumes of this group of materials are higher than in early December last year. In all other regions of the country, the implementation of the VD LKM corresponds to the last year's indicators.

The low demand was the reason that paint suppliers did not change its cost, and now, the VD LKM is implemented at November prices. Moreover, despite the fact that suppliers of this LKM group reduced the delivery back in October, the market has been preserved in the market. And therefore, in the second half of last month, product suppliers began to provide discounts in the implementation of some positions of the assortment series presented in the Russian market. The discount program extends to that products, the reserves of which are significant in warehouses. In general, the primary prices until the beginning of the next year will not change.

In the LKM market on the Condsmola RF prices are stable

In the Russian market of LKM on condensation resins, sales after a sharp decline in October were established in stable indicators in mid-November. But at the same time they demonstrate very low marks. The demand for organic paint in the regional cut is more resistant than other LKM groups. Even now in the regions distant from the central part of the Russian Federation alkyd paint Private private faces. In the central regions of the country, the volume of realization of this product, though they demonstrate the downstream dynamics, nevertheless remain high enough. Moreover, in contrast to remote regions, paint uses in demand, prepassed not only in consumer, but also in industrial container.

Nevertheless, the demand marked in the market at this time on the market has not contributed to the liquidation of the surplus in the country's market. It did not help to improve the market situation even a sharp reduction in the production of this product group in the fall. As the season is over, sales are hardly growing until the end of the year, and the market will continue in the market.

Expert Tips - Business Consultant

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To successfully conduct a business selling any product, you need to have several retail outlets or conclude a contract for the supply of goods with retailers stores. Paint must have a certificate of conformity for sale in the territory of the Russian Federation. Just follow these simple step by step adviceAnd you will be on the right track in your business.

Short step-by-step business manual

So, consider the actions that need to be taken.

Step -1
If you purchased the wholesale batch of paint products, get a certificate from the manufacturer and contact a single Certificate Certificate of Your Region. Pick out paint samples, manufacturer's certificate, passport, pay for services for conducting laboratory quality quality control. After 14 days you will receive a certificate. Without this document, you do not have the right to exhibit the goods for sale, besides, you cannot conclude a contract for the implementation with retailers. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -2
If there is your retail outlets, you can sell paint yourself. If there are no of their outlets or they are not enough to implement a large batch of goods, contact shops specializing in the sale of building materials, paints and varnishes. Case a contract for the sale of goods. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -3
Place advertisements in the media. Your ads should sound on all regional TV channels, constantly updated in printed publications. This method about the selling product will find out a large number of The population of your region. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -4
When applying for ads, specify all the information about the selling product, all addresses of the outlets, in which paint products are presented. To attract the maximum number of buyers, specify a system of discounts and bonuses. For example, when buying two units of goods, the third bank paint is provided as a bonus. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -5
Paint and varnishes are in demand at any time of the year, but the peak of buying activity falls for the warm season. In order to start selling all year all year, in the cold season, spend a more intense advertising campaign. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -6
Additionally, pay off advertising places and place colorful banners with addresses of outlets and with information about the selling product. Intensive public informing will help you successfully sell paint throughout the year.
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Paint and varnish are, of course, products are not daily demand. However, this is a product that is needed quite often. Specialized shops selling varnishes and paints in cities are not very much - usually shops selling building materials and the choice there is usually not very rich. thereforeopening of the store of paints and varnishes - Very promising business idea.

The demand for this product is large enough. The need for painting something sooner or later arises. Color the floors, windows, walls, ceilings ... Someone needs to be covered with a mourn, someone paint the floor at the cottage, someone decided to cover with varnish wooden wall, triggered by clap ...

And, of course, people are primarily looking for information regarding stores specializing in the sale of paintwork products.

Before investing in the purchase of goods, it should be carefully calculated. It is desirable to make a business plan of the shop of paints and varnishes.

You need to decide - you will open a narrow specialized store (for example, you will trade with paints of only one manufacturer), or you will open a universal store in which a wide range of products will be presented. Or maybe you want to engage only in the sale of car paints ... is also a very promising idea, by the way.

Each optional has its pros and cons.

Also analyze whether you wantopen the shop of paints and varnish materials from scratch , Or still cost to open a franchise shop.

Weigh everything and against, if necessary, consult with specialists who will indicate what to pay attention to with cooperation withfranchiser.

Knowledge of the theory will not be superfluous. You must well understand in all the variety of paints, which are now presented on the market. In addition, new types of paints are constantly emerging - it is necessary to follow the novelties.

Color classification B. depending on applications:

- Paints for outdoor work.

This is quite stable paints. to external influences from ambientbut they possesslarge toxicity. You can only apply for painting of the outer surface. - indoorsthey can be dangerous to health. Such paints dry outlong enough.

- Paints for internal work.

These are mainly paints of the water-based composition used for the internal parts of the interior. They are not suitable for external surfaces, but it will quickly dry and do not harm on the human body.

- Universal paints.

The name saysself for yourself. Such paints can be used for any surfaces, they have medium resistance to weather changes and not toxic. That one kind of paint combines the properties of different species , causes them not the highest level Quality for each indicator. But there are also universal paints of very high quality.

Paints are also divided depending on the composition of the base from which they are made.

1. Emulsion paints

The scope of their use is quite wide: from concrete and metal to plaster and tree.To lei uu and varnishes uu surfaces do not paint. They do not have toxicity, fire and explosiveness due to the lack of organic solvents in their composition. They arefast enough dry, and simply apply themmore on a wet surface.

In turn, emulse paints are several types:

Acrylic. Basic of their application - tree surfaces. They have increased resistance to sunshine and protectthe surface of corrosion.

Water-emulsion - best of all others are suitable for textured work. They wash off after a while, butamong them are not a problem to choose the paint of any color gamut..

Water dispersive - possess the ability to retain moisture. Wash covered with such a paint surface is very easy.

Latex - different with high water resistance. These species are characterized by high cost and are used to cover the surfaces of concrete, brick and drywall surfaces.

PVA paints (polyvinyl acetate) - low-budget and possessing the highest level of light-resistance. The effect of fats, oils is best maintained.

Silicone. These paints O. farm high elasticity. The emulsified silicone resin encompassing them provides excellent clutch with the surface, protects against mold and provides durability to pollution.

To dilute these colors use water. Their disadvantages are quite conditional. Among them - the average strength level, weak resistance to frost and moisture.

2. Alkyd paints

The basis of such Krasoto - alkid resin, providing a high level of clutch with the surface. Their excellent thermal resistance indicators (up to +90 degrees), waterproofing and resistance to the solar rays cause their widespread use for coating metal, wooden, brick surfaces and plaster surfaces. In addition, surfaces painted with such paint are perfectly perfect.

Alkyd paints are divided into:

Oil, for the foundations of whichused Olife White spirit, turpentine or gasoline is used to dilute them. The main plus - low price. They dry long, have high toxicity and quickly yellow, so they are used in general for external work.

The main advantage of such paints is concluded in their durable waterproof layer. But these materials have and disadvantage. Hyd, oil paint highlights all organic solvents in it. In a closed room, this may cause intoxication. The oil paint for wood, metal, cement plaster, gypsum putty and many other surfaces. It can be applied even on a layer of water-emulsion.

Enamel - based on varnish. Due to the presence of this component, the painted surface acquires shine and gloss. They are used for painting parts and metal objects To prevent their corrosion.

The finishing material It has pigments and varnishes.Enamel paints can be implemented under various names.Views enamel coatings Include several different types. This is nitroemali and enamel paints, as well as alkyd enamel. After their drying on the surface, a matte or brilliant glossy film with high strength is formed. Several layers of such paint will provide good defense coated material from various external influences - sun ray, temperature drop and so on. Enamel is different high speed Drying (15-45 min) and sensitivity to mechanical damage

3. Adhesive paints

The properties of such paints are similar to the properties of emulsion. This kind of paint is used for dry rooms. For high level Mold begins to appear mold. The most resistant to the effects of moisture in this group are caseinic Paints.

4. Silicate paints

At the heart of these colors - liquid glass, so they are relating to mineral. Due to the presence in their composition alkali, you need to handle them with caution.

The advantages of such paints are considered:

- ensuring the "breathing" of the surface;

- resistance to humidity;

- excellent resistance to temperature fluctuations.

B. lagodar with its advantages Silicate paints are used for painting stone surfaces, any surfaces made of concrete, plaster; inside and outside. However, they are not intended and therefore badly shown on the surfaces from ceramics, glass and metal. They are contraindicated to apply on the surface after applying alkyd or acrylic paint. To breed this type of paints use water.

As you can see, the diversity of species of paints is large enough, and it is not always easy at first glance to understand immediately in all the nuances.

The theory is a boring thing, but without it nowhere. You will also have to figure out the diversity of generally accepted designations of paints.The designations of paints and varnishes consist of such signs, such as: "Emale PF-115".

The first name of the species paintwork It is indicated by the words: enamel, varnish, paint, emulsion paint. If the paint consists of one pigment, That instead of the word paint indicate the name of the pigment, for example, Surik, Ossociation, etc.

The second designation shows chemical composition Paints (type of film-forming substance) are shown by two letters: Ma - Oil, Ko - Silonyorganic, GF - glyftulaaya, Ep - Epoxy, PE - Polyester Aya, saturated MS - alkyd and oilyarolneand I , NC - Nitrocellulosenand I .

The first digits after hyphena denote the appointment of paintwork:

1 - for outdoor work,

2 - for internal works,

4 - for painting the bottom of the boat,

0 - primer or dense paint,

00 - putty.

The next digit is a sequence number assigned to the paint. In oil paints, the second digit shows the type of olifa, which is applied in this paint: 1 - natural olifa, 2 - oxol, 3 - glyphthale, 4 - pentafaliansbut i, 5 - combined.

Oil paints are certified according to GOST and, depending on the type of film-forming substance, the following designation has:

Ma-021 - on a natural olife;

Ma-025 - on a combined olife;

GF-023 - on the glyphthawic olife;

PF-024 - on the pentafthaled olife.

Figure 2 here indicates that the paint can be used for any surfaces.

Search suppliers of paints and varnish

Find paint manufacturers today Not a problem, there would be an Internet at hand. Another thing is that it may not work directly with the manufacturer directly - from the manufacturers, there are no high demands on the amount of purchase. So, it is probably more profitable at first there will be cooperation simply with wholesale bases located nearby.

Before as buy paint wholesale , read reviews about manufacturers, about the quality of paint they produce.

Choosing a place to open the store of paints

Paints and varnishes are flammable materials. Therefore, when opening a traffic point, consider fire safety requirements.

In stores engaged in the sale of paints and varnishes, always strong and sharp smell. Therefore, the opening of a specialized store of paints in a residential building is hardly possible.

For such stores, it is necessary - constant power supply and heated warehouse. It is necessary to provide a well-working ventilation system.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe trading room for the sale of varnishes and paints is at least 40-50 sq.m. You can, of course, choose a room and a smaller area, but you will not be able to give the desired range to customers in a small shop.

Also do not forget about the requirements of fire safety. May not be superfluous to consult in the Emergencies Ministry units responsible for fire safety (Floor divisions).

Investments in the sale of paint products

It is quite a serious business, and several hundreds of thousand rubles can not do here. Perhaps a million is the most minimum amountwhich can be said about. The main amount of investments will have to the goods itself. However, you should not buy many products at once - remember, paints and varnishes have their shelf life. And it is unlikely to implement the stale goods.

On the other hand, the famous store will receive only if it features a fairly wide range of all types of paints. So it is important to find the golden middle.

This business can be done by registering as individual entrepreneur, or opening ohth. There is so good video on the topic of choice between IP and LLC comparative analysis The main criteria, we recommend that you look. Video is located.

Personnel Store Paintwork Materials

The store staff should well understand the product nomenclature, and be able to advise customers on serious issues.

The sale of paints and varnishes is conjugate with various harmful factors, so the health of the sellers should be at least good. The sellers are possible allergic reaction to smells, etc. - About such risks should take care in advance.

Opening of the store of paints and varnishes - Although a very troublesome business, but it can immediately give a decent income by recouping all the investments in less than a year with a competent approach to the organization of this business.

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