Repairs Design Furniture

Olife Shelf life. Characteristics of olifa. Purpose, Precautions, Method of Application Oxol Oxol, Designed for Retail

The decoration of the premises often implies the processing of their paints and varnishes. It's usual I. convenient solution. But in order to properly apply the same Olif, it is necessary to thoroughly examine the features of such a coating and its species.

What it is?

The tree again returns to the leaders of consumer preferences, and plastics and other synthetic materials lose demand. But it is important to understand that wood needs professional quality processing, and the oil allows you to cover wooden base protective film by providing high level Sanitary security. The main part of such compositions is formed by natural components (vegetable oils), and they account for at least 45% of the mass.

Features of application

Olife was first mastered by artists a few more centuries ago. The production technique has changed since then enough, but there are several key varieties of the material that is required to be applied in different ways.

Processing with a combined composition is practiced due to its large cheapness (up to a third of the mixture falls on a solvent, mostly white spirit). The drying speed increases sharply, the reliability of the layer being created is very large. Basically such combinations are used for outdoor decoration wooden surfaces from which nasty smell Quickly disappear.

All olifes, excluding natural compounds, contain the inclined to fire and even the explosion of the substance, therefore, it is necessary to handle them as much as possible.

When coating a tree, genuine olifa dry maximum 24 hours (with standard room temperature in 20 degrees). Conducting compositions have the same parameters. Mixtures based on sunflower oil after the day still retain the stickiness. Combined materials are more stable and guaranteed to dry out in 1 day. For synthetic varieties, this is the minimum term, since the level of their evaporation is less.

Often (especially after long-term storage) there is a need to dilute the Olif. Natural mixtures are preserved in the best condition, as vegetable oils are capable for a long time located in liquid consistency. Given the danger of such compositions to dilute the thickened mixture, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly.

For this you need:

  • choose a room with excellent ventilation;
  • work only away from open fire and heat sources;
  • apply strictly proven formulations recommended by the manufacturer for a specific material.

When working S. synthetic materials, as well as with the mixtures of an unknown chemical compositionBefore diluting you need to wear rubber gloves.

It is important to remember that in case of contact with the skin, individuals can provoke chemical burns.

Most often, when diluted, the Olife is used:

  • white Spirit;
  • castor oil;
  • other industrial manufacturing chemicals.

Usually the concentration of the solvent added with respect to the mass of the olifa is a maximum of 10% (unless otherwise provided by the instruction).

Experienced specialists and builders do not use Olif, which remained longer than 12 months in hermetically closed capacity. Even with the preservation of the liquid phase, the external transparency and the absence of a drop-down sediment, the material is no longer suitable for work and represents a greater danger.

With confidence as protective coatingswhich gave a precipitate, in most cases to push the liquid through a metal sieve. Then small particles will not be on the surface of the wood, and it does not lose smoothness. Often you can hear the allegations that the olive should not be breed at all, because it still will not restore its characteristics. But at least improves fluidity and viscosity, the penetrating ability will increase, and therefore the oil can be covered by a plot that does not require increased processing quality.

Wood stabilization Olifoy implies that the products being processed must be fully immersed in the liquid.

When working, quality is checked in stages, conducting control weighing at least three times:

  • before impregnation;
  • after final impregnation;
  • after graduating from the polymerization process.

To dry the polymer and make it open soon, the bars are sometimes put in the oven or boiling in boiling water. The window melting can be made on the basis of a mixture of olifa with ground chalk (they are taken accordingly 3 and 8 parts). The preparedness of the mass is estimated at how much it is homogeneous. It must be drawn, and at the same time the resulting tape should not break.

Views: How to choose?

Regardless of the abundance of producers, production techniques are about the same, at least in relation to natural compositions. Vegetable oil is taken, thermal processing is carried out and desiccations are entered at the end of filtration. GOST 7931 - 76, according to which such material is produced, is considered obsolete, but others regulatory documents not.

In the composition of the oils can enter different types SYKKATIVE, first of all these metals:

  • manganese;
  • cobalt;
  • lead;
  • iron;
  • strontium or lithium.

When finding a chemical formulation, you need to focus on the concentration of reagents. It is most importantly considered experts on cobalt species, the concentration of which should be 3-5% (smaller indicators are useless, and large already dangerous). At a higher concentration, the layer will undergo polymerization extremely quickly even after drying, because the surface will darken and cracks. For this reason, the painters traditionally apply varnishes and paints without the introduction of sequivans.

Olife brand K2 is designed strictly to perform internal finishing work, she is darker than the 3rd grade. The presence of such a substance increases the uniformity and homogeneity of drying. To apply the material, you will need a brush.


This olive is the most pure in environmental terms, the sequivat in it is also there, but the concentration of such a additive is small.

Maintenance specifications (Properties) Natural Oliflates are as follows:

  • siccate share - a maximum of 3.97%;
  • drying occurs at temperatures from 20 to 22 degrees;
  • final drying requires exactly day;
  • the density of the composition is 0.94 or 0.95 g per 1 cubic meter. m.;
  • acidity is strictly normalized;
  • phosphorus compounds cannot be present more than 0.015%.

The subsequent surface treatment with varnishes or paints is impossible. Wood fully retains its decorative parameters.


Oxol Oxol is obtained with a large dilution of vegetable oils, such a combination of substances must comply with GOST 190-78. The composition must contain 55% of the natural components, to which the solvent and the sequivator are added. Oxol, like a combined olife, is inappropriate to apply indoors - solvents make a strong unpleasant smell, sometimes remaining even after froze.

The advantage of such a mixture is the available price.With the help of the composition you can dilute oil paints, since your own protective properties of the material is not enough in practice. Among different species Oxolis are best used formulations based on linen oilwhich form a stronger film and dry faster.

Oxol is divided into several types. So, the material marked with the letter B can be used only for external work. PV is needed when you need to make a putty.

In the first case, the mixture has flax and cannabis oil. Oxol category C can serve to obtain oil or dilution of dense paint. In the finishing of the floors, such mixtures cannot be used.

Oxol Oxol brand PV is always made from technical rim and grape oils. It also includes vegetable oils that cannot be applied in food directly or by recycling: saffelor, soy and unrefined corn. There should be no more than 0.3% of phosphorus compounds in the raw material, they should even be less depending on the calculation method. To open the metal packaging is allowed only tools that do not give sparks when hit. It is forbidden to breed open fire where the oil is stored and used, all lighting Must be mounted on an explosion-proof scheme.

Oxol Oxol can only be applied:

  • on open air;
  • in intensively ventilated premises;
  • in rooms equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation means.

Alkyd Olph

The alkyd variety of olifa is at the same time very cheap, the most durable and mechanically resistant. Similar mixtures are needed where abundant precipitation constantly falls out, there are temperature differences and solar radiation. At a minimum, for several years, the surface of street structures from wood will remain in excellent condition. But alkyd compositions are allowed only as a means of pretreatment, in offline They are not effective enough. It is impractical to apply them and indoors in view of the strong unpleasant odor.

Alkyd Olife must be applied on wooden surfaces painting brushes, and they are cleansed in advance and follow dryness. Approximately 24 hours after the first layer, it is necessary to put the following, while the temperature is from 16 degrees and more.

Olife based on alkyd resins is divided into three main groups:

  • pentafalus;
  • glyphthala;
  • xyfthala.

Basically, such materials are delivered in a transparent container, occasionally - in barrels. Approximately 20 hours after impregnation, you can cover the wood with a layer of paint.

The colors of the olifes are determined by the method of iodometric scale, like many others paintwork materials. The color of oxycarboxylic acids and the type of vegetable oils used are affected. The brightest tonality can be obtained if you use dehydrated castor oil. Where there is flowing electricityDark plots are formed, they can also be caused by a strong heating and the appearance of essential volumes of sludge.

As for the shelf life, acting in this moment state standards Do not prescribe it directly.

The greatest time The storage of Olifai is 2 years (only in rooms that are maximally protected from negative external factors), and for 2 to 3 days it can be left to open place. Closer to the end of the shelf life, the material can be applied if not for protective purposes, then as a means for ignition.


Polymer olifa is a synthetic product obtained by polymerization of petroleum products and a solvent diluted with solvent. The smell of such material is very strong and unpleasant, under the influence ultraviolet radiation There is a quick decay. Polymer oils dry quickly, give a strong film with a glossy tide, but the joinery is poorly so impregnated. Since the recipe does not include any oils, the rate of deposit of pigments is very large.

Polymeric oils are advisable to use when diluted oil paint. dark tones intended for secondary painting work; It is necessarily required to intensively air the room.


Combined oils differ little from partially natural, but they include 70% of oils, and approximately 30% of the mass falls on solvents. To obtain these substances, you need to polymerize drying or half-breathing oil and free it from water. The key area of \u200b\u200buse is the release of dense paint, complete drying occurs maximum per day. The concentration of non-volatile substances is at least 50%.

Application of combined olifa gives sometimes best resultsThan the use of oxolis, especially according to such indicators, as durability, period of work, water resistance and resistance to weathering. It is necessary to take into account the risk of thickening during long-term storage due to chemical reactions between free fatty acids and mineral pigments.


All Olifes of the synthetic row are obtained by refining oil, for their production of GOST is not developed, there are only a number technical Conditions. Color is usually lighter than natural compositions, transparency increases. Shale olifes and ethinol give a strong unpleasant smell and dry very long. Shale material is obtained by oxidizing the oil of the same name in xylene. Apply it mainly for dark composure and dilution of paint to the desired consistency.

It is unacceptable to use synthetic impregnations for floorboards and other household items. Ethinol is lighter than shale material, it is produced using waste after obtaining chloroprene rubber. The film being created is very strong, dries rapidly and externally brilliant, it effectively resists alkalis and acids. But the level of its resistance to atmospheric influences is not great enough.


Composite olifa is not just a brighter natural or oxol, but sometimes has a reddish tide. The value of the material is always one of the lowest. But apply it only in exceptionally rare cases paintwork No longer uses such a substance.


To ensure minimal consumption of material on 1m2, it is necessary to choose an oxol, especially since all combinations of this row will dry faster than the natural mixture. Linen Olife is consumed by 0.08 - 0.1 kg per 1 square meter. m, that is, 1 liter can be placed on 10 - 12 square meters. m. Consumption by weight on the paneur and concrete for each type of olifa in a particular case is strictly individual. It is necessary to find out the relevant data in the instructions from the manufacturer and in the accompanying materials.

Drying time is reduced by choosing solutions with additive polymetallic sequivals. Natural linen material will dry in 20 hours in a mixture with lead, and if you enter a manganese, this period will decrease to 12 hours. When using a combination of both metals, it will be possible to cut the wait for up to 8 hours. Even with the same type of sequivat, the actual temperature is of great importance.

GOST 190-78

Interstate standard



Technical conditions


Interstate standard

Date of administration 01.01.80

This standard applies to Oxol Oxol Oxol, which is a solution of oxidized vegetable oil and sequivans in White Spirit, Nietrase, Skipidar.

(Modified edition, change No. 2).


1.1. Depending on the raw material used, Oxol produces the following marks:

B is made of linen and hemp oil. It is intended for the manufacture of oil paints, ready for use, and for the breeding of dense paints used for exterior and internal painting work, except for the color of the floors.

PV - is made of sunflower or soybean, or safflower, or corn, or grape, or a grim oil or their mixtures with a possible partial replacement of these oils on oil substitutes - light oil-grained resins (no more than 40%).

Olife is intended for the manufacture of oil paints, ready for use, and for the breeding of dense paints used for painting works indoors, except for the coloration of the floors.

(Modified edition, change No. 1, 2).

2. Technical requirements

2.1. Oxol Oxol should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for recipes and technological regulations.

(Modified edition, change No. 1).

It is allowed to store olifa oxol in steel reservoirs of software, subgroup 6 placed on open sites, in conditions that exclude atmospheric precipitation and dust entering them.

6.5, 6.6. (Modified edition, change No. 1, 2).

6.7, 6.8. (Excluded, rev. No. 1).

7. Manufacturer's guarantees

7.1. The manufacturer guarantees the Oxol compliance with the requirements of this standard in compliance with the terms of transportation and storage.

7.2. Warranty period of storage Olifa - 12 months from the date of manufacture.

7.1, 7.2. (Modified edition, change No. 1).



Purpose, Precautions, Method of Application Oxol Oxol, Designed for Retail

Oxol Oxol is intended for breeding oil dense-colored paints, for impregnation (olindes) of wooden surfaces, plaster in front of their oil paints.

Oxol Oxol brands in and paints prepared with its use are intended for external and interior finishing works (except for floors of floors).

Oxol Oxol brand PV and paint prepared with its use - for indoor works (except for floors of floors).

Oxol Oxol is applied to a brush on a clean dry surface. Drying of each layer at a temperature (20 ± 2) ° C - 24 hours.

Olifu should be stored in a tightly closed container. The room where the color is carried out should be ventilated.

It is not allowed to leave a cloth, the rags impregnated with oil.

(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 1).

Information details

1. Designed and made by the Ministry food Industry the USSR

2. Approved and put into effect by Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards of 14.08.78 No. 2199

3. Instead of GOST 190-68

4. Reference regulatory and technical documents

Point number

Who has its own cottage, he will understand that when used on the construction of wood structures or when using wood-based finishes, various additional protective processing and coatings. The fact is that I have on cottage plot set from two sides wooden fence, That is, from the side of the neighbors, and the main fence from the access side is made, as it should be made of stone. Also, I have wood finished walls two-storey houseI saw on TV using the applying of the outer walls of siding, which I really liked and therefore decided to apply exactly the same finish at my cottage, that is, with the help of wooden siding. Siding looks very effectively, although nothing complicated he does not represent, just need to strengthen the boards not parallel to the wall, but at a certain angle, so that the water in the rain had a more convenient stock. Of course, special boards are sold for siding, but I decided to prepare such wooden boards.

However, the boards for the fence and for that are on the street require certain treatments so that the tree does not absorb water, was not afraid of exposure sun ray And there was a resistance to various mechanical influences. Just paint the paint boards is ineffective and low-alleged protection, due to the characteristics of the structure of the wood itself. Therefore, in front of the painting tree itself, it is necessary to treat wood with special high-quality coatings, it is such a coating that is Olife. This film-forming substance itself, usually yellow or light red transparent color, which serves the perfect protection of the tree, forming a thin protective film on it. After the oluminovka, you can already cover the boards of paint, or even varnish, the shelf life of the oil coating is usually from two to ten and even more years. The modern market Olif is very rich today, but I personally recommend using the so-called natural oils, which are manufactured according to GOST 7931-76, from natural oils, usually linseed, soy or sunflower oils. I don't want to impose a specific Olifu, but when buying, I chose a natural linen Oliforn called Gladiator, and the effectiveness of this olifa is very and excellent, - Personally, I am very pleased with the action of processing this Olifa. The boards handled three years ago, but the boards were not rotten, did not appear and did not swollen, even there were no edges for this time, so for external and internal work I recommend this Olifu everyone!

This olive effectively penetrates deeply in the pores of the wood surface and forms simply excellent protection literally from a wide variety of influences. You can use the gladiator literally everywhere, dries one layer maximum through one day, there is no contraindications and harmfulness of the Olife, the only thing that Olife is flammable. This olive is suitable not only to protect wood, but is suitable for breeding of different colors, as well as for the impregnation of plaster for subsequent coloring. Before the oluminovka, it is very desirable that the tree is dry and clean, the air temperature should also be at least +10 s, do not forget to mix it very thoroughly, you can even add a little white spirit (about 10:%). I can still advise if wood boards Have a lot of cracks, it will very effectively mix this olifa with wood sawdusts to a common mass. Also advise you to check when purchasing Olifa's shelf life, it is usually equal to two years, it is also not to apply a lot of layers of olifa, it is recommended to apply one thin layer of olifa ... although I personally applied for a larger effect, roller and in difficult places with a brush , in two layers.

Union SSR Olife Natural Specifications GOST 7931-76 Publishing Standards
MOSCOWING STATE STANDARD OF THE SSR Union Date of administration 01.01.77 This standard applies to a natural olive, produced from linen or hemp oils with the addition of sequivos (drying accelerators), intended for the manufacture and breeding of densely dye paints, as well as independent material For painting work.

1. Technical requirements

1.1. Natural Olif must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for formulations and technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner. 1.2. Depending on the used raw materials, natural oil is divided into linen and hemp. OKP codes are provided in the required application 1. 1.3. For the manufacture of natural oils, use: oil linen according to GOST 5791-81 and other regulatory and technical documentation or imported with the content of phosphorus-containing substances not more than 0.026% in terms of p 2 o 5; oil hemp according to GOST 8989-73 with the content of phosphorus-containing substances not more than 0.026% in terms of p 2 0 5; Manganese, lead and cobalt, made on linen and cannabis oils. 1.4. In physical and chemical indicators, natural olif must comply with the requirements and standards specified in the table.

Name of the indicator

Norm for Oliff

Test methods

linen top cop ta

linen first COP


1. Color by iodometric scale, iodine mg, not darker According to GOST 19266-79 2. Transparency after settling for 24 hours at (20 ± 2) ° C According to GOST 5472-50 and paragraph 3.2 of this standard 3. Sustained,% (by volume), no more According to GOST 5481-89 section.2 and paragraph 3.3 of this standard 4. Conditional viscosity of the VIS-246 viscometer (or PZ-4), with According to GOST 8420-74 K clause 3.3A of this standard 5. Density, g / cm 3 According to GOST 18995.1-73 6. Acid number, mg con, no more According to GOST 5476-80 7. Iodine number, g / iodine per 100 g, not less According to GOST 5475-69, Kaufman method 8. Mass fraction of phosphorus-containing substances in recalculate on P 2 O 5,%, no more According to GOST 7824-80, Section 2 and paragraph 3.4 of this standard 9. Mass fraction of unlimited substances,%, no more According to GOST 5479-64 10. Mass fraction of ash,%, no more According to GOST 5474-66 and paragraph 3.5 of this standard 11. Resinic acids (high-quality sample)


According to p. 3.6. 12. Drying time at 20 ± 2 ° C, h, no more than 3 According to GOST 19007-73 and paragraph 3.7 of this standard
Notes: 1. Increasing the viscosity of natural oils during storage to 37 C and a decrease in the same time of the iodine number up to 150 is not a brave sign. 2. When using linen imported oil, an iodine number is allowed at least 154. (Modified edition, change No. 1,2).

2. Reception rules

2.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 9980.1-86.2.2. Tests on subparagraphs 8, 9 and 11 tables Manufacturer conducts periodically at each twentieth batch. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results of repeated periodic tests Supply of Olifa Consumer stops to clarify and eliminate the causes of the inconsistency of their requirements of this Standard and obtaining satisfactory test results of new parties.

3. Test methods

3.1. Sampling - according to GOST 9980.2-86. 3.2. Transparency is determined according to GOST 5472-50, while the olive is poured into a cylinder with a capacity of 10 cm 3 or a test tube of colorless glass. 3.3. Sustaines are determined by GOST 5481-89, sect. 2 After settling the olifa for 24 hours at (20 ± 2) ° C. 3.3A. The conditional viscosity is determined by the VIS-246 type viscometer (or 133-4) with a nozzle diameter of 4 mm at a temperature of (20 ± 0.5) ° C. (Introduced additionally, change No. 2). 3.4. The content of phosphorus-containing substances is determined according to GOST 7824-80, sect. 2, at the same time, take 5 g of olifa. During falling in the process of treatment of ash, a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids of the brown precipitate of manganese dioxide, due to the presence of a manganese sequence in the olive, the solution should be filtered through a paper filter; A glass and a sediment filter rinse 10 cm 3 mixtures of acids, merging the washing water into the filtrate. (Modified edition, change No. 1). 3.5. The ash content is determined according to GOST 5474-66, while taking 10-12 g of olifes. 3.6. The qualitative determination of resin acids is carried out in three samples. (Modified edition, change No. 1). 3.6.1. Applied reagents and solutions: anhydride acetial according to GOST 5815-77; Sulfuric acid according to GOST 4204-77; Petrolee ether; Copper acetic acid according to GOST 5852-79, aqueous solution with mass fraction Copper Copper 3%; Ammonia liquid synthetic according to GOST 6221-90. 3.6.2. Testing

Sulfuric acid reaction

0.1 g of olifes are dissolved in 3 cm 3 acetic anhydride. A drop of sulfuric acid is added to the solution. In the presence of resin acids, the solution is painted in dark purple color.

Acetic reaction with copper

0.1 g of olifa is dissolved in 3 cm 3 petroleum ether, a solution of copper acetic acid and shakes. In the presence of resin acids, the solution of olifa is painted in emerald green color, and aqueous solution of acetic acid, copper is discolored.

Reaction with ammonia

0.1g Olifa is dissolved in 3 cm 3 petroleum ether, 1-2 drops of ammonia are added and shaken. In the presence of resin acids, ammonium peeled abitentis. The absence of resin acids is considered proven if all three or two are the first give a negative result. 3.6.1; 3.6.2. 3.7. Drying time is determined according to GOST 19007-73. The declared wand with a diameter of 3-4 mm is immersed in the olive to a depth of about 3 cm and 4 drops of olifa are applied to the glass plate of 9 '12 cm. Then the olifer is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the plate. (Introduced additionally, meas. No. 1).

4. Packaging, Marking, Transportation and Storage

4.1. Packaging - according to GOST 9980.3-86. 4.2. Tara marking - according to GOST 9980.4-86. 4.3. Marking of consumer packaging, intended for retailers, - according to GOST 9980.4-86 with the inscription "Bear from fire". Purpose, method of application, precautions when handling Oliff for retail trade are listed in Appendix 2. 4.4. Transport markings - according to GOST 14192-77 with the application of the manipulation sign "Afraid heating" and hazard class according to GOST 19433-88 (Class 9, subclass 9.2, classification cipher 921). 4.5. Transportation and storage of natural oils - according to GOST 9980.5-86. It is allowed to store natural oils in metal tanks according to GOST 1510-84, section. 4 placed on open areas. Section. four. (Modified edition, change No. 2).

5. Manufacturer's guarantees

5.1. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance with the natural oil requirement of this standard when complying with the terms of transportation and storage. The market of storage of natural oils is 24 months. from the date of manufacture. (Modified edition, change No. 2).5.2. (Excluded, Change № 2).

6. Safety requirements

6.1. Natural oil is a combustible product. Flash temperature in a closed crucible - at least 206 ° C. Self-ignition temperature - at least 343 ° C. 6.2. All work related to the manufacture, testing, use and storage of natural oils should be carried out in rooms equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, or well ventilated. Whether to work with natural oil. individual protectioncorresponding to the requirements of GOST 12.4.011-89. 6.3. In the production, testing and use of natural oils, the requirements must be observed. fire safety According to GOST 12.1.004-91 and GOST 12.3.005-75, the premises must be equipped with means of fire equipment according to GOST 12.4.009-83.In the case of fire as a means of fire extinguishing: chemical foam, water vapor, finely sprayed water, inert Gas, asbestos cloth.6.1-6.3. (Modified edition, change No. 2).6.4. Tanks with natural oil, installed on open areas, should be mounted in the ground or installed open. The tanks installed openly should be obedic (with relief accounting) with a solid earth shaft with a height of 1 m and the width at least 0.5 m or a solid non-height wall with a height of 1 m. The free volume of the obmissal space should be less than half the volume of tanks placed inside the obmiss The ground shaft or the fireproof wall must be equipped with transient bridges.6.5. Slio-bulging works should be carried out on pipes with electromechanical drives. The tanks with the olphist are equipped with a breathing valve, a fireworks, the correctness of the works of which is checked before each filling and emptying of the tank. 6.6; 6.7. (Excluded, change No. 2). 6.8. Clothes, rags, rags impregnated with olifa, should be stored outside the room with a oil in metal boxes with tightly closing covers.

7. Guidelines for use

7.1. Natural olive is used for the manufacture and breeding of densely tall paints, for the preparation of paints, ready for use, primer compositions and putty, for impregnation (olumin) of wooden surfaces, plaster in front of their oil paints. 7.2. Natural oil and paints prepared with its use are intended for external and internal work. 7.3. The natural olive is applied to a clean dry surface with painting and roller brushes, pneumatic spraying and airless spraying. Each layer is dried 24 hours at a temperature (20 ± 2) ° C. Section. 7. (Introduced additionally, change No. 2).


Name and variety of natural oils

Codes A - OK P for section VKG 23 1811

A-OKP codes for section VKG 23 8871

Linen senior grades 23 1811 1100 03 Linen first grades Hemp
(Introduced additionally, change No. 2).

Appendix 2.

Purpose, precautionary measures, the method of applying natural oils intended for retail

Natural olif is intended for breeding oil dense colors, for impregnation (olindes) of wooden surfaces, plaster in front of their oil paints. Natural oil and paint prepared with its use are intended for external and interior finishing works. Natural olifa is applied to a brush on a clean dry surface. Drying of each layer at a temperature (20 ± 2) ° C- 24 hours. Olifu should be stored in a tightly closed container. The room where the color is made should be ventilated. It is not allowed to leave a cloth, the rags impregnated with oil. (Introduced additionally, change No. 2).

Information details

1. Designed and made by the Ministry of Food Industry of the USSRDevelopersA.B. Belova, A.3. Sergeevna. Smirnova, N.I. Amelchenko2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED RESOLUTION OF THE STATE COMMITTEE OF THE USSR on Standards from 27.02.76 No. 5193. Instead of GOST 7931-564. Reference regulatory and technical documents

Point number

GOST 12.1.004-91 6.3 GOST 12.3.005-75 6.3 GOST 12.4.011-89 6.2 GOST 12.4.009-83 6.3 GOST 1510-84 4.6 GOST 4204-77 3.6.1 GOST 5472-50 1.4; 3.2 GOST 5474-66 1.4: 3.4 GOST 5475-69 1.4 GOST 5476-80 1.4 GOST 5479-64 1.4 GOST 5481-89 1.4, 3.3 GOST 5791-81 1.3 GOST 5815-77 3.6.1 GOST 5852-79 3.6.1 GOST 6221-90. 3.6.1 GOST 7824-80 1.4; 3.4 GOST 8420-74 1.4 GOST 8989-73 1.3 GOST 9980.1-86 2.1 GOST 9980.2-86 3.1 GOST 9980.3-86 4.1 GOST 9980.4 -86 4.2; 4.3 GOST 9980.5-86 4.5 GOST 14192 -77. 4.4 GOST 18995.1-73 1.4 GOST 19007-73 1.4; 3.7 GOST 19266-79 1.4 GOST 19433-88. 4.4
5. Restriction of the validity period of the action of the USSR State Standard from 28.09.92 No. 1284 6 Reprint (April 1994) with amendments No. 1, 2, approved in July 1982, December 1987 (IUS 11-82, 3-88)

Quality art oil colors Depends on the light resistance indicator, if the light-resistance indicator is a good high-oil paint. Light resistance in this case displays the ability of paint for a long time save, do not change your color under the influence sunlight. It is indicated by this figure on the tubes in VIZH stars - from one to three. One * - weakly light-resistant, two ** - medium and *** - high light-resistant.

What is the shelf life of oil paint?

Sometimes artistic oil paints may differ in the degree of light-resistance because they are available specifically for of different kind Consumer and its ability to spend their money, choose and buy one or another product. This means that highly artistic oil and training, studio or student oil paints (determined by the use of the consumer or its needs), can specially have their own light-resistance, ie, should be reduced through the use of cheaper materials in the production. Each artist who writes with oil paints could notice how dried aparts, with time, could become yellow significantly faster, which means that the light-resistance rate of the material was below three ***.

Also, according to the quality of the pigment, its composition and shreddance, the differences are also present, which makes it possible to make paints cheaper and accessible to very novice artists. For example, it is convenient when for ordinary search sketches it is a pity to spend expensive oil, but you can save significantly.

Poor, unbelievable colors and low price - signs of paints that appropriately use with a decorative purpose for sketching works. For professional painting, this will not be a reliable choice.

Current ability

Also, an important point Art oil is its caring ability. What is the layer of oil need to be applied to canvas, to close the underlined completely? The thinner you need a layer, the carving ability of the oil will be better.

But there are a number of paints that cannot have sufficient covering ability. It does not talk about their quality, but rather we are talking About their nature itself, the capabilities of the material - pigment and the binder. Such a genus of the paint received its own name-lesing, not covering completely, they create only a light "flare" colors on the previous layer. Some oil paints, as part of which an organic pigment is used, can also be lustered, since for a good coating ability of the applied thin layer will not be enough.

The highest crumbling ability has: all bleel, various black, cobalt, cadmium, chromium oxide, English red.
Fasteners: Volkombot, Mars yellow and orange and paints with an organic pigment.

The shelf life of art oil paint

How much can good oil paint stored? As much as it is, while its naturally, its composition itself is not divided into pigment and the binder. But even with a complete drying of the binder or leakage from Tyuba, there were cases when resourceful artists thoroughly triturated dry pigment again and mixed with a new binder. Even in this way, the material could be used for certain purposes.

GOST 7931-76

Natural Olife is effective tool Reducing the consumption of paints and varnishes. When the wooden surfaces are impregnated, it makes the last water-resistant to water, the occurrence of fungus and mold, reliably block the pores of the surfaces of the surfaces, which significantly reduces the flow rate of the varnish, enamel, primer and other materials.

Taking into account the toxicity and flamminess of the material, it is necessary to work with the olphoi very carefully, be sure to use the means of individual protection, ensure maximum ventilation to avoid the accumulation of high vapor concentration.

The material is an oil with special technical properties.

Application Olifa:

Natural olifa is widely used in the field of paint, enamel, oil-based putty. It also applies to impregnating wooden surfaces to effectively protect against rotting, infection with fungi and insects. The indisputable advantage of the Olifa is the ability to reduce the flow rate of the LKM when carrying out painting works.

Olife is fully ready for use. Applied to the pre-purified surface with a brush or roller. If necessary, the material can be diluted with solvent (White spirit) in an amount of no more than 10-12% of the mass.

What is the maximum shelf life of oil paints and olifa, they deteriorate if tightly closed?

Before use, the olif is necessarily stirred to a homogeneous consistency. After drying the same layer, you can apply next.

Properties of Olifai

Olifa coating is characterized by weather resistance, wear resistance, well impregnates wooden surfaces, emphasizes the structure of the tree. Easy applied various methods, relatively quickly dries in natural conditions at 20 ° C.

Precautions when working with material

Natural olifa is a product of high flammability, the flare point is 206s, self-ignition - 343c. Works related to the supply, use and storage of oils should be carried out in well-ventilated areas equipped with systems support and exhaust ventilation. Working with natural oil, it is important to use personal protective equipment - gloves and a respirator in accordance with GOST 12.4.011-89. Store the material in a tightly closed manufacturer's container, in the ventilated rooms. Do not leave the cloth impregnated with the olphoua and the rag in the room.

Specifications Oliffs

Note: Technical data on this product may be changed without notice.

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Author Message
26.02.11, 20:52
17 years ago my mom gave me Leningrad oil paints :) just like a holiday !!!
I finally got to them, .... so what to do with each of the maturation
Only I looked at the shelf life of 3 years, .... What about something ???
After all, women stretch their youth by any ways.
Why not extend the life of paints to which I am ready only now ???
Having squeezing out of the tubes already hardened paint (not without corns)
Diluted with flax oil (Olio Di Lino) where it was too thickened, then brought to the thick creamy mass-TV) rushed and in my opinion looks like paint fresh and very young !!!

on the paints of the Italian-and did not find the shelf life
I have no experience with these paints, after watercolor impressive ....;)
All who are written by oil have time to invest in their shelf life ???
Thanks to everyone who will answer !!!
26.02.11, 21:27
My Leningrad and Podolsky 25 years 25, and everything is new.
I don't know about the current and the Soviet do not become worse - use!
Shl. There are still paints before the revolution made - from the grandfather remained; He painted the gymnasium with them. But they are still quite suitable, although the hand does not rise them to paint - it's a pity)
26.02.11, 22:59
Natasha, write boldly. Shelf life is a guarantee of non-classia (rinse) paints. Just follow the tubes (their hemitious) I know by personal experience Brown Mars are rocked very soon. This paint is better not to scrape this paint. 3-sessions ago bought Tubes 40 Belil Titanium Masterclass paint began to dry out from the end of the tube.
26.02.11, 23:28
Oil paints are always suitable if they have not yet dried up. Kopiists find paint on Western fleems even time Van Gogh. Take the same old canvases. For a fake will not open any chemical analysis.
26.02.11, 23:34
Thank you so much, why then the expiration date to sign ??
After all, etozh is not a dairy product !!

There are still paints before the revolution made - from the grandfather remained; He painted the gymnasium with them. But they are still quite suitable, although the hand does not rise them to paint - it's a pity)

yeah, if so painted, then for the prices of the royal to sell

Even now, the Moscow studio of 1999, also normal, although some have harded, and those who are preserved the Leningrad to be preserved more than 17 years old, like this

26.02.11, 23:50
And Leningrad paints in the USSR were the best. Podolsk for sketches.
The best paints It turns out when you yourself pigment mix with oil. Paint value in the amount of pigment in it. Cheap Chinese paints are porridge from clay. The writings themselves make paints on the egg yolk. The Teperu.
26.02.11, 23:57
I and the Leningrad watercolor, which for more than 20 years I use, periodically buy the most chassis-light
And so very satisfied with her.
28.02.11, 18:06
Then the question is:
How long does work dry, depends on the collusion of the oil overlay ???
In the cold room is better or in Torch ???
28.02.11, 18:39
I also have tubes who are more than 20 years old, Podolsk and Leningrad, and as new, most importantly, it would be hermetically closed. High-speed work depends entirely on solvents and oils that you will use.

Topic: Found two cans of oil paint. What can she be painted?

You can add a drop of a sicative, for faster drying. I wrote the first oil to the whole oil sunflower oil. Several months could not dry :)))

01.03.11, 23:11
15 years ago, I also pricked with oil for the first time, I diluted floral, Cho, I had it so that it was good that it was difficult to work, the desire was disappeared.
It appeared only now and try.

Thanks Evgeny
But another question If you buy a canvas with a subframe attached 8 wedges (wooden) with back side The subframe - I understood how to fix them, but for what they did not understand, somebody will answer ???? Thank you

02.03.11, 01:40
Wedges should be poured in case of sagging or weak tension of the canvas. In small formats, they are without need. 02.03.11, 08:24
NATA, wedges immediately put that they would not be lost, and how they suggest you. These are the right subframes, unlike glued. 02.03.11, 16:37
People, did anyone paint the paints of TM "Academy"?
I have a few tubes, I do not understand what a joke: they seem to be good, dry quickly, plastic, but poorly enter into a mixture with each other, some kind of dirt turns out and a lot of them flows oil. Appeared relatively recently, in Kiev they do. It is quite cheap and all in one price. 02.03.11, 17:39
As for the paints of TM "Academy", I don't know, I did not try, but as you described them, such a buy only to children (mine)
Because you are cheap, but look in tubes like mom (by adult) for them (children are important)

woit, Tsipa.
Thanks for the info!!!
And about the wedges on the reverse side of the subframe can be more detail ....

Suppose they fixed it at the beginning of the work itself or drove (how is it right ???) and already there is a guarantee that the canvas will not resist ???
Or in the course of the work if it starts to sign, then drive wedges is stronger (that is, deeper ??) How is it functions ???

02.03.11, 17:56
Assembled Rama - wedged wedges.

Provisitated in the process of work - scored more. It is possible and after a few years to pour. The tree is quiet, canvas stretched, humidity, etc. etc…

02.03.11, 18:09
Thank you very much, what are the subtleties in this filar fish !!! 09.04.11, 16:00
aleksa1_\u003d1&cnf\u003dc44b4d&url\ 12.10.11, 15:24
Opened banks with Sovdeopian sketch paints, excellent, and colors saturated, but in the tubes there should be squeezed in the tubes, however, I dare to notice that the cramps always came across, but green and purple with purple-mainly hardened
Belil buy mostly titanium, but found a tuba, which is five years old, already quite rubber paint there