Repairs Design Furniture

Autonomous sewage with your own hands. Types and schemes of autonomous sewage for private home Autonomous sewerage for a private house with your own hands

Many country real estate owners are interested in how the autonomous sewage is mounted with their own hands, without the help of specialists. In order for the septic tank normally, a certain temperature of the septicism itself is necessary, it is approximately 50c. At this temperature there is a waste decomposition process, in just two weeks, and at a lower temperature of 20 ° C, the waste decomposes more slower, so in this case it may be necessary for decomposition for several months.

Well, if a hot water supply is used in a country house, because the drains will be very warm and, among other things, with reactions occurring in the second chamber, highlights the heat required to achieve the decomposition process. Therefore, to preserve the "useful" heat, it is necessary to carefully warm the septic.

So, suppose that there is no bath in your house and you have to be limited only to the shower. Let's try to make the calculation of the amount of septic.

  1. In this case, water consumption, based on one person, will be almost 100 liters per day.
  2. Therefore, for an average family consisting of three people, the daily water consumption will be 300 liters.
  3. And in two weeks it will be approximately 4500 liters.
  4. Based on such simple calculations, we will make the appropriate conclusion. For a family of 3 people, we will need three 4,500 liters with respectively.

Council. Septic must be threehow. One camera will be used for rotting, without access of oxygen, the second (camera with aeration) is suitable for ensuring the process of fermentation and oxidation of the soap, and the accumulating purified water will be defended in the third.

Why not buy septic tank? Why make it yourself?

Autonomous sewage systems of cottages and summer cottages available in retail, are designed for relatively small water consumption, therefore, for the full autonomous use of sewage in a country house, which has an urban level of comfort, they will not fit.

The most important reason why to find and buy at an affordable septic tank with a volume of 14 m 3 is simply not possible, and this is a plus a problem arises with the delivery of such an overall product. And from an economic point of view, it is advantageous to independently build a septic in the place of its installation, than to drive for dozens, or even hundreds of kilometers.

Septic location, plum. The sewage device with your own hands.

Consider the stages of independent sewage production:

  1. Best of all, if a septic tank, consisting of three barrels with a capacity of 4500 liters, is not buried in the ground, and is installed on the surface of the earth itself and is insulated, since it is that the device of autonomous sewage costs much cheaper and easier by the absence of expensive earthworks.
  2. Ready-made plastic containers for stocks, suitable by volume, can be purchased or made independently. If you want to make them yourself, then for this you will need a "drawer" of the size you need.
  3. In this case, we need three boxes with a size of 1 x 2x2.5 meters, which can be made from concrete or a wooden bar 10 by 10 cm. Fix the timber is very reliable, since almost 5 tons of fluid will be pressed.
  4. The inner side of the boxes should be covered with the film for ponds and pools, which is better not to glue from parts, but to purchase a whole piece at once, let the folds remain better.
  5. Next, we perform the installation of autonomous sewage, for this, under the septicchka, it is necessary to make a foundation in advance, for which a platform from concrete, filled with the size of all three containers. It will not have to dig absolutely nothing, it will be necessary only on the ground to spread geotextiles at the fill place, leaving the reserve throughout the meter with each of the parties.
  6. After that, it is necessary to scatter in the size of the platform with a thickness of 10-15 cm. Pescograbviy and the tamper of it, then heothextiles, in order for the sand that the sand does not fall down on the edges. The need for geotextiles is due to sandbreviations in any way could move with soil.
  7. A formwork should be installed around the edge of the platform, after which it is necessary to put on a manufactured substrate from sandbogram, reinforcement and pour concrete. As a result, you will have an excellent platform lying on a sandbreaker substrate.
  8. After all the above works, we put sheets from polyurethane foam in such a way that in the end it turned out a thickness of 15 cm. Next, a reinforced aluminum film "Armofol" can be used, it will still be warmer.
  9. Top polyurethane foam is installed or tanks are built. If, as a result, the foam substrate is slightly suppressed, then nothing terrible, most importantly, so that it does not split it. It is for this reason that it is worth choosing a more durable material for the substrate, since 14,000 liters of fluid will be put on it.
  10. Next, the design you received, it is necessary to set out with conventional foam from all sides, from the inside you can additionally put the Armofol. The foam between the barrels should not be put.

If you still want to burst out our containers in the ground, you will have to fulfill all the same works, only pre-breathing the corresponding size of the pit.

Winter septic

It is worth paying much attention to the operation of the septica in winter, as well insulated septic tank will work well. If you are rarely coming, it is necessary to envisage heating throughout, i.e. Septic, otherwise he will penetrate.

Council. During the construction of the design, it is necessary to carefully lay an indulgent for unwanted "guests-rodents". Otherwise, the autonomous septic septication will be completely corrupted. Pipes located outside the premises are not just warming up, but to lay a heating cable under them.

Now on sale there are such specialized heating cables that are connected to the home power supply and are capable of automatically maintaining the desired temperature.

Design home-made septica

The scheme of autonomous sewage consists of three tanks.

  • the first is a closed reactor in which air does not flow; The second is a reactor with a built-in forced oxygen supply;
  • the third is a storage tank for an already purified liquid suitable for watering or reset to the roadside ditch.

The septic capacitance of the autonomous or private house, in turn, is not directly related to each other, so overflow the contents will have to carry out "manually", repeating such a process once a week, by starting pumps. Here is the algorithm of pumping.

  1. The third barrel for a week of exploitation is partially empty, so it is necessary to include a pump located in the second container, from which water will carry on the third, where it will be settled.
  2. In the second barrel, you should leave only half of its contents as the so-called break, to keep the bacteria necessary for fermentation.
  3. After that, the pump is turned off in the second container and in the first to pump half the content from the first barrel to the second.
  4. Then turn off the first barrel pump, and then turn on the pump in the pit, where the drains accumulate.
  5. In conclusion, the pit is devastated, and waste is pumped from it, back to the first barrel.

In the second barrel, the supercharger is served by air, which is necessary for maintaining the fermentation process and oxidation. It is enough to serve 1 hour twice a day.

From above to septic tank, you should install a pipe for natural ventilation, since specific gases are distinguished during rotting and fermentation.

Purchased septic

577 View

Autonomous sewage in a private house is in many cases an objective need that ensures the required level of life comfort. Such options are installed in possessions removed from urban communications, where the connection to the main networks is unprofitable or impossible due to their absence. Local sewer structures differ in the design, functionality and degree of complexity.


To make your own sewer with your own hands, by and large, you do not need to possess specific knowledge. Depending on the budget, the desired device of the sump is selected.
Analysis of available sewer options for a private house will help form the following type list:

  • aeration facilities with sewage sewer;
  • improved mini-facilities of natural waste of waste with subsequent use of them in the economy;
  • combined systems or SBR-reactors of factory production.

In all three versions, various septic tapes and preparations for dumping dumps and soil can be used. Depending on the chosen brand, the bioseptic can significantly increase the efficiency of recycling.

Types of sewage systems used for residential buildings

When a local sewage device in a private house, you can choose between a cesspool, the precipitation from which will be removed as accumulating with the help of biosptics or a special export service, and automatic systems from factory production. If you are looking forward to the removal of waste, the sewage pit must be arranged within access and free entrance of the machine.

If the design is built in a significant distance from the road, organic bioseptics are used, but this method also has objective limitations associated with efficient processing of organic waste bacteria without chemical reagents and in a relatively warm time. As well as the device of volumetric waste pits - time-consuming occupation. For these purposes, a plot is allocated that can only be used to break down the flower, and does not have another functional destination.


Often when contacting the company engaged in the device of automatic aeration containers, such structures are called local treatment facilities or lines. Meanwhile, the use of this term is inappropriate, since according to regulations, parts of the sewage waste, installed to the waste reset to the utility networks are considered. Under this term implies SBR-reactors of periodic action.

Simplest Local Sewer Constructions - Sewing Pits

The local sewage system of improved functionality is an anaerobic treatment plant, in which various organic septic applications can be used, contributing to the accelerated processing of fecal and domestic discharges, absorb wastewater absorption with soil and followed by soil purity.

Combined systems

The market offers ready-made kits of combined systems. The designs can differ significantly, while there is one unifying principle - they require connecting to the power supply. Accordingly, it grows not only the cost of the initial installation, but also the costs of operation.

The only advantage of this option is the fact that under your site there is no drainage of sewage as in the case of anaerobic systems.
At the same time, the unanimous opinion of specialists is that the installation of combined aerial systems for the personal needs of one family is redundant. If you still relate to the technology that the cleaning process in SBR-reactors is fundamentally different from home aerations, which can be painlessly made with their own hands.

The reactor is distinguished by the fact that in one container, where contaminants come, various cleaning modes, for example, aerobic and anoxide can be included. And also permits less costly regime of the sump.

Advanced pit-sump

The classic "grandfathers" pit, made by their own hands, is different from an improved design or constructing by successive brick tanks, in which the doctor occurs. As a result, recycled waste in the modified system can be used to fertilize the site, and purified water for technical needs.

For example, purified water is used for watering, which largely reduces overall water consumption and is recommended for individual possessions removed from civilization without water well. Such options are often referred to as a group of passive technologies, which practically do not require connecting to main communal networks, and also do not contaminate the ecology even with waste of natural origin.

Local Square with soil filtering

The most common design of local sewage is a waste hole, the size of which depends on the volume of wastewater. Part of the organic in such a drain is processed naturally present aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. Purified liquid goes into the soil, part can be pumped physically using the assessing machine.

If access to the design is difficult, the screw is produced using septic. Separate owners have already been fundamentally switched to septicities, as the technology, despite the higher cost, provides high wastewater efficiency.

Successful scheme of cesspool

The simplest cesspool is built with their own hands using bricks, cement and boards as a formwork. Well-proven over the years, the location scheme is shown in the shown figure. This is a generally accepted option that provides basic indicators of your local sewage.

The recommended volume of the pit is 6 m3. On average, a pit should be no less than 0.5 m3 for each family member. Increased volume makes it possible to make an extractional waste of waste much less often, but the depth of the pit is not produced more than 3 meters due to inefficiency. The groundwater level should also be below 2.5 m.

The lower base of the pit, during construction with their own hands, is made with an inclination for the case when an associate pumping is planned. Please note that the soil level over the pit should be higher at least 1 m.

There are sanitary requirements for accommodation, which, however, are often violated. The pit should be located at a distance of a minimum of 5 m. If there is a well on the site - at a distance of 25-30 m from it.

With the help of bricks, a lattice design is provided for wastewater drainage from the pit, while solid waste is guaranteed to delay in the pit and are subject to natural decomposition. The use of septicists helps to make the cleaning process faster, bacteria decompose organic pollution and turn them into water, which is discharged through the holes.

The construction of the pit can be easily simplified by the use of perforated well rings, as well as conventional solid rings, but in this case, the drainage should be carried out with strict regularity. An ordinary concrete can be used to fill the pit.

Various schemes cesspools

Schemes of the holes for construction with their own hands without perforated walls assumes the presence of a bottom filter with a height of up to 1 mm embankment of gravel and sand. The conclusion from the residential building of fecal discharges is placed under the inclination, in this case the natural pressure of the water is quite enough for confident drain.

Pay attention to the play-closet, it is nothing but a warm street toilet, made with your own hands. The room is heated due to fermentation processes in the pit. As a result, it turns out a pretty warm room without any costs.

We note an interesting variant of the cesspool capacity of a small size that is suitable for baths, cottages and small buildings. We are talking about the construction of a sump with the help of used automotive tires. The diagram of such a drainage flow is shown in the figure. This is the original way to make stock with minimal labor costs.

Celmary pits with separate filtering

If there is a desire to use domestic water again, thereby ensuring substantial water consumption, you can make a project with separate and sequential filtering. The figure shows one of the variants in which the feces are displayed in a separate volume, and the household are cleaned and can be used after the fingering in the filtering well for watering.

The filter well can be combined with a slave, thereby providing a catchment for household needs. Purified domestic water is perfectly suitable for watering the site, especially when numerous flower beds are broken and constant watering is required to support healthy plant growth. In this case, purified water from the filtering well can be periodically pumped into the barrel, which supplies moisture into the drip irrigation system.

Such a solution immediately solves several household tasks:

  • saves water used subsequently for watering;
  • ensures efficient purification of drain waters;
  • binds the waste local infrastructure with water supply to drip watering of open soil or in a greenhouse.

Packaging design with purple

If there is an opportunity, it is better to make a cesspool with a doctrine, as shown in the figure, several capacities are arranged, where polluted waters will be cleaned. In one container, waste is recycled using septic. Then pre-peeled wastewater is supplied to the next pit for the next phase of filtration.

In practice, two capacity is made near private houses, for cleaning with septic and infiltrate, where the final purification of residually contaminated waters is occurred using a gravel-sand pillow. In some cases, you can do three: for aerobic, anaerobic cleaning and sand filter containers.

A few words "for" and "against" in relation to individual sewage

Any waste biocosity specialist will say that the combination of aerobic and anaerobic processes in one container leads to loss of efficiency. The reason is simple - in the principal difference of decomposition processes. Aerobic microorganisms "work" in the absence of oxygen, anaerobic - in its presence.

Periodic aeration contributes to the development of heterotrophic microorganisms, which can process fecal stocks both in the presence of oxygen and in the absence. As a result, such an effect is observed that, with a large receipt of domestic water, there are not enough organic organics to remove nitrates and they are put into the surrounding space. And this implies pollution of the environment.

In fact, all available factory-proof reactors do not meet the requirements of the standards for resetting nitrates, but most of them are certified.
Russian requirements for private houses are more rigid than European, therefore, the degree of purification of polluted waters in Russian combined reactors is better, but still involves resetting nitrates into the surrounding soil layer.

As a result, after a time, the household plot turns out to be contaminated nitrogen of the nitrate group and the costs of ready-made solutions completely do not justify itself.
Specialists are advised to be guided by the following requirements in the design of individual sewage:

  • when discharges, 3-5 m3 / day are used soil filtering facilities with septics in private homes;
  • when resets up to 30 m3 / day, reactors and combined structures are installed;
  • over 30 m3 / day is required to connect to main systems or installation of full-fledged treatment facilities.

Thus, it is possible to come to a completely obvious conclusion. For private houses, it is advisable to use only cessation with soil filtering, the effectiveness of which can be increased by septic. These facilities in private homes can be made with their own hands or using the builders brigade.

In some cases, in private homes, it is possible to increase efficiency in order to recycled water use, applying modified waste containers with a separate purification of waste. The use of sewer reactors for private houses is unprofitable and can lead to soil contamination by wastewater with a nitrate group.

The best solution is the installation of septic. The autonomous septic septic system does not require complex and expensive maintenance, reliable in operation and, importantly, can be mounted with their own hands.

Types of septicov

There are several septic models suitable for a separate house or several houses at once. So that you can better navigate in the types of autonomous drainage and wastewater treatment, I will talk about several versions of the design of septic.

Septic small single-chamber

This option is suitable for the house with a permanent accommodation of 1-2 people and with a small water consumption.

Septic small 2-3-chamber

Streams come first into a large capacity. Here, solids are defended and processed. As a result, the IL is formed, which must be retraced twice a year.

In a small capacity, separated by partition, substances are sediated, which are not delayed in a large container. The contents of this tank should also be deleted. Water from small septica should be reserved into the soil with a drainage system or through the filter well.

Immediately I will say that these septic tanks are expensive, so it is advisable to establish them for the group located nearby houses. In the multi-chamber septic, the drains of ten days are flowed from the chamber to the chamber, while the waste under the influence of bacteria decompose, purified water is poured into a pond or returned to reuse.

What to do septic

The cost and complexity of installation depends on the selection of material for septic. Septicchka with their own hands for a private house can be built from such materials:

Reinforced concrete

The prefabricated design is suitable for a single-chamber option. Reinforced concrete septic waterproof, so it will last long, will not suffer from corrosion.

Another advantage of such a septica is simple and quick installation.


The advantage of this type of septica is that you buy a ready-to-install module. Plastic container is reliable and durable, but it costs more than brick or concrete.

If on your site, groundwater is high, the walls may not withstand pressure, the joints will occur.

Prevent similar complications allows concreting of a pit or reinforced concrete ceiling device

Monolithic concrete

For a two-chamber septic, a monolithic concrete can be used - it is a reliable and not too expensive material. However, professional skills are needed for construction from concrete.


Build a septicity of bricks you can also independently. The device differs from usually masonry only by the presence of a waterproofing layer.

Sewer you build for a long time, so do not try to save on it - these costs are justified.

Septica device

I propose to consider the septication device in a private house with your own hands on the example of plastic options, taking into account their parameters and specific conditions. Plastic septic is a impermeable tank of two cameras (the easiest option).

Principle of operation

  • The pipes are drained in the first chamber. Heavy fractions are settled, and fat and other sediments pop up. There is a primary clarification of water.
  • Water overflows to the second chamber with bacteria, where defending and cleaning continues.
  • Full of stock cleaning is completed in a biofilter, after which the water is discharged into the filter well or returns to the house for reuse.

How to calculate

Selecting the septic model, consider the volume of the drain, as the number of cameras and their capacity depends on it. The camera must accommodate three-day drains, therefore:

  • With a daily volume of effluent up to 1 cube, one chamber is enough.
  • Twin-chamber septic cope with 10 cubic meters.
  • For large volumes, a three-chamber model is required.

Installation and operation of septic

When buying Septic, you will definitely get instructions for installing it and operating rules. Specialized firms, it's worth calling them only to call and install. But it is not about us, we will do everything yourself!

1. Preparation of Kotlovana

The dimensions of the pits depend on the parameters of the used model of the septic, as well as from the soil on the site. At the bottom in any case, you need to lay a layer of sand in 150 mm, a foundation or concrete slab.

2. Installation of septic.

The design should be carefully lowered to the bottom of the pit and fill with water. After that, in empties on the sides flooded sand


If there is a cooking in the filtration fields, they should be placed at a distance of more than 50 meters from the water source, 30 meters from the reservoir and 5 meters from the housing.

4. Laying pipe

At a depth of 50 cm, twisted trenches, the bottom is covered with sand and stacked the pipes. The sand and soil layer pour on top. When using aerial fields of trenches must be deeper.

5. Prevention

Service of autonomous sewage is reduced to annual reservoir cleaning. Installation of knowingly high-quality equipment - a prerequisite for a comfortable life in your own home.

If you order the installation of septicity to specialists, the installation price will be from 20 to 60 thousand rubles, and therefore the installation of the septicity with their own hands the case is profitable.

To clearly figure out the processes, see the sewage scheme in a private house with your own hands in the photo below:

Also watch the video how to make the sewage with your own hands in a private house on the page below.

In many villages, and simply in the private sector, located in the suburban feature, there is no centralized sewage. In the construction of an individual residential building, almost every owner has to think about where wastewater will go. Therefore, the arrangement of the sewage system has to be engaged independently.

For a wastewater removal device, which is inevitable when servicing the household, the autonomous sewage is most suitable, which, in fact, will be engaged in the wastewater from the house, and the septic tank will serve as a mini sewage station.

At the moment there are a large number of most in specialized stores. a variety of septic which differ from each other and price and functionality together with performance. But you can do otherwise, to equip the autonomous sewer with your own hands.

Device of autonomous sewage

The sewage device is the responsible process. The entire sewage system system is divided into three important sectors:

  1. One sector is a wiring of sewer pipes, which will be directly in the house.
  2. The second sector is the sewer pipes that will be outside.
  3. The third sector is a septic, which will serve as a collection and at the same time the sewnness of the sewage drain, which will subsequently be subjected to cleansing.

The first and second sector are understandable - in most cases for the device of the internal and external sewer system plastic applies.The advantages of plastic sufficient quantity to select it for the device of the sewer system with their own hands. And the third sector, septic, you can either buy in the store, or in the same way establish your own hands.

The principle of operation of the autonomous sewer system is simple. In the process of removing water from the internal sewage and then on the outer pipes, all the drains accumulate in the well-sumpwhere water is cleaned and brightened, while, at the first stage of cleaning, waste is being cleared of harmful impurities.Next, the water purified from impurities falls into the second chamber, where the cleaning occurs with the help of aerobic or anaerobic bacteria and only then water falls on further doctoral and in the end goes into the soil.

Before starting to equip the autonomous sewer, it should be calculated, create a project and schema . At the same time, all rules and nuances should be clearly observed, so that the sewer system does not bring such unpleasant phenomena Like: an unpleasant smell, excessive humidity and, as a result, failure.

What nuances should be taken into account when drafting a seasalization scheme for a private house?

If there is no back necessary knowledge Designing autonomous sewage is better to entrust specialists, but only taking into account the fact that the sewage can be equipped independently.

Necessary materials and tools

The internal sewage system implies the presence of all necessary attributes - this is:

  • plumbing (toilet, sink, shower cabin and so on) - For each point you need to know how to connect it to the general drain system;
  • rims and tap tubes - the withdrawal of pipes may be self-ethnic or pressure, but mostly choose the samotane, they are much cheaper in the installation.

The outer system includes the main pipe (pipeline) through which the drains from the internal sewage fall in the collection of waste. It may be:

  • cesspool;
  • cleaning mini station.

Materials required during the installation of the sewer system:

  • pipes - the choice is better to stop on plastic corrugated pipes, they are inexpensive, durable and will serve a very long time;
  • tires - must be the same diameter as the sewer pipes;
  • do not forget about the tees necessary for the pipe branching device;
  • sealant for sealing seams;
  • plugs for pipes of pipes;
  • fastening, with which pipes are fixed in place.

Among other things, such components are used as:

  • knee (tube removal) required to rotate a pipe for 45 or 90 degrees;
  • transitional coupling used for pipes of pipes, various diameter;
  • sewer hatches, to verify the technical condition of the entire system.

Collection of waste chooses each in its preference, but the most convenient and eco-friendly option- Septic tank for a private house, whose work, purify wastewater Practically with the one hundred percent probability of obtaining ordinary water at the exit.

Tools required for sewage device:

  • saw on plastic required for lining pipes in length and cutting;
  • knife, which is needed to surprise burstages from a clipped pipe;
  • rubber seals (spare) for mounting.

For the septic device, with the smallest improvement problems, it is best to choose plastic containers, divided into cameras, which will perform the operation of the septic or mini sequencing station.

Stages of working on an autonomous sewage device

First of all, before starting the installation of the system, it is worth check out Whether all the tools and materials needed in work are available.

The device of the autonomous sewage system is best started with the longest point. The prerequisite for the installation of pipes is observing the slope of sewage pipes in relation to the riser, which should be at least four degrees. Among other things, you need to take care and on the slope of the outer tube, Running from the house to the well-sump or septic. All pipes prepared for installation must be absolutely smooth, not to have dents and bends- It is necessary to avoid collecting garbage inside the pipes, which will be very difficult to extract in the future.

Installing pipes, be sure to use special fastenersif the pipes are not secured properly, subsequently, under the severity of moving water, complemented by its own weight, they suffer.

Pipe connecting places need to be counted So that there were no bends and protrusions, and at the junctions to walk with a sealant.

Be sure to take care of the hydraulic system, which connects plumbing and sewer pipes - its task hold an unpleasant odor Outgoing from the sewer system.

In a place where the plums from the horizontal position should go to the vertical, you need to install connecting elementin 45 degrees. This condition reduces water pressure on the pipe.

External (outer) sewage pipe should pass through But it is possible to equip it below the level of freezing, if you live in the south.

For her strip need a trench The required depth, strengthened, for reliability, concrete masonry.

A small nuance connecting external and internal sewer pipes - on the site of the pipe connection should be installed special corner Tilt at 15 degrees. Next, the installation of the outer tube is carried out from the corner and with a small (2-3 degrees) slope. This condition will provide optimum speedwater drain.

If, when installing an autonomous sewer system, everything is observed terms and conditions That enjoy the benefits of civilization will be possible for a sufficiently long time.

When the country house is arranged, we pay attention to the performance of good repair, water supply system, electrical connection and the creation of the heating system. However, you should not forget that the autonomous sewage in a private house is the main component of a comfortable stay, because without it will not be able to use the water supply system, cook food and perform regular hygienic procedures. The arrangement of the autonomous system is required when there are no centralized water supply networks near the house.

To understand what is an autonomous sewer system, imagine where the docks from the house, which is not connected to urban sewage. An autonomous system is needed that will allow accumulating the drains for their further pumping by the assessing agents, or the device that will recycle wastewater.

There are several autonomous sewage installation schemes:

  1. The first installation scheme provides for the collection of wastewater in the accumulative capacity. From it, the drains occasionally pumped out with the help of an assessing machine. This is the easiest option of autonomous sewerage, which does not provide for processing and wastewater treatment. In this case, the accumulative pit is a hermetic container. The photo shows a diagram of the simplest autonomous sewage.
  2. Second installation scheme is implemented using septic. This is a factory plastic container or product of its own manufacture. In the second case, the septic tank can be made of concrete rings, bricks, eurocubs, automotive tires, etc. In such a building, the drains are pre-clean due to the activities of anaerobic bacteria. After that, they will be cleaned by 60-70%. However, it is impossible to reset such drains into the soil, they need to clean up to 90-95%. To this end, this installation scheme provides for the construction of a filtering device - a filtration field, a special well or ditch. After cleaning, water can be used for different needs in the farm. Scheme using septica is represented in the photo below.
  3. The best and efficient option will be local treatment devices. Usually, autonomous sewage systems of cottages are performed. This installation scheme uses multi-chamber treatment facilities in which the vital activity of aerobic bacteria is used for cleaning. Since these microorganisms need oxygen, Los is equipped with aeration systems. After cleaning in this constructions, water can be taken to watering the garden and technical needs without additional cooking. The main advantage of the LOS is that the rate of pumping is significantly reduced. For this, you do not need to call the arms. Work can be done using a fecal or drainage pump. The photo shows the scheme of the LOS device.

Video about choosing a stand-alone sewage station

Types of autonomous sewage

Depending on the complexity, autonomous sewerage is single-level and multi-level. At the location, it is divided into inner and outdoor. In addition, the sewage system is divided into pressure and self-type of waste disposal. By the way of wastewater leads, autonomous sewage is divided into separate, semi-part and general. In addition, there is a division of sewage by type of wastewater. So, the following systems are:

  • rain (storm);
  • production;
  • household;
  • fecal.

Principle of operation of sewage

By the photo you can understand the device for three main types of autonomous sewers. However, one photo is not enough to understand the features of the system functioning.


Let's start with a cesspool. This design is a conventional pit of a certain depth with reinforced walls. The main condition is the whole design should be sealed to exclude wastewashing in the ground. This is the easiest autonomous sewage with your own hands. As a container, you can use a steel or plastic barrel, a construction of concrete well rings, brick plastered surfaces.

All cesspools are divided into:

  • open;
  • closed.

The designs of the closed type are completely isolated and the ingredients in the soil is excluded. Open pit wings are constructed on soils with good filtering ability (sandy and sandy). At the bottom of the pit, sand-gravel filtration layer is made. After the drains pass through it, they absorb into the ground. Cleaning of open-type designs is carried out less frequent than that of a closed type yam.

Important: Open-type structures can not be done for household wastewater fecal origin.

Video about the benefits of different methods of autonomous sewage


By the photo you can guess that autonomous sewage using septica is a system of cascade wastewater treatment, that is, the cleaning procedure is performed in several steps. This is a reliable and durable system, which consists of several cameras (2 or 3rs). These chambers are mounted sequentially and connected with a pipe-overflow. In each chamber there is a cleaning of various density:

  1. All wastewater from home fall into the first chamber-sump. Here they are divided under the action of gravity forces for heavy waste, which settle on the bottom, fats that pop up on the surface, and the purified environment, which, by overflow, falls into the second chamber.
  2. The second compartment collects watery pre-purified drains. Here they are additionally cleaned due to anaerobic microorganisms.
  3. Then purified by 60-70% of the drains are fed to the filtering fields or to the filtration well. Here water is finishing, passing through the filter gravel and sand layer. As a result, the degree of purification reaches 90-95%, which makes it possible to reset them into the ground without risk to harm the environment. Such water can be not drained into the ground, but to collect in the accumulative tank and use as technical, or water the garden.

Biological purification stations

The most optimized and effective view of the autonomous sewage is deep cleaning. The principle of their work resembles a little septic, but in these devices, the main work does not perform anaerobic bacteria, but aerobic microorganisms. Since their vital activity needs oxygen, all installations are equipped with aeration system.

For the operation of the aeration system, a compressor is needed, so the LOS is energy-dependent structures. This is the only drawback. However, the degree of purification in such devices reaches almost up to 100% without the use of cooking systems. Since such biological purification stations are ready-made factory structures, their installation will not be difficult.

What type of autonomous sewage scheme to choose?

If you plan to equip the most simple and inexpensive sewer for a small summer cottage cottage, then the cesspool is exactly what you need. Easy design and acceptable price - main advantages. However, such autonomous sewerage has a number of flaws:

  • There are unpleasant odors from the structure, therefore it is very difficult to find a place for it on the site so that the smells have not been heard in the house, and an entrance was provided for the surveying machine.
  • Once in 2 or 4 months you need to call the assessing agents to clean the pit, and this will attract costs.
  • If the place for the pit is chosen incorrectly, the drains can get into the ground and cause contamination of water supply sources.

For a great cottage or home, a good option can become septic. His purchase or manufacture will cost a little more expensive than a cesspool device, but the efficiency of wastewater purification is much higher, so they can be drained into the ground.

The benefits of Septic can be attributed to the following:

  • Acceptable price.
  • Sufficient level of wastewater treatment.
  • Low probability of pollution of water sources.
  • The cleaning regularity is much lower than the cesspool.
  • This is non-volatile installation.
  • You can not visit the cottage or house 2-3 months, and the bacteria will not die during this time. This will allow you after such a break again use the system without an additional settling of bacteria.

Among the shortcomings should be mentioned:

  • Installation of self-made design is quite difficult to perform without the presence of the necessary knowledge.
  • Since anaerobic bacteria that allocate methane live in septics, the unpleasant odor is applied from the structure.
  • The need to use cookie.
  • Limited volley reset.
  • Household chemicals with chlorine and antibiotics can cause damage to bacteria.

Video How to choose autonomous sewer for cottage

The most effective is the biological purification station. They are successfully used in permanent residence and cottages country houses. The benefits of such installations include the following:

  • High filtration speed.
  • The degree of wastewater treatment is 98-99%, which allows them to be used in the economy.
  • These are compact designs that are easy to install on their own.
  • To clean the system, you do not need to call the arms. It can be made a chick once a year.
  • Durability.

However, even such installations have its drawbacks:

  • High price.
  • Restrictions in the choice of household chemicals.
  • This is an energy-dependent design. When the electricity is disconnected, aerobic bacteria will not be able to function effectively without access of oxygen.
  • If the system does not enjoy a long time, microorganisms may die. Therefore, it is not recommended to do long interruptions in the use of sewage. Otherwise, the colonies of bacteria will have to re-set out.