Repairs Design Furniture

How to insulate the ceiling on the veranda from the inside. How to insulate a wooden house organic, mixed, synthetic materials insulation veranda in a wooden house under the bathroom

Or the verandas on the country site is an excellent solution for creating additional residential premises, which can be used throughout the year. Before insulationing the veranda, it is necessary to consider the main points of the work: the type of insulation, thermal insulation material, the place of installation of the insulator, etc., the insulation can be made both from the inside and outside.

The most effective is insulation from the inside.

Work in this case can be carried out in any weather. In this case, you can use the same thermal insulation materials for walls, gender, ceiling. At the same time, if the veranda is already done, and not in the construction stage, it will be necessary to dismantle the available coatings. In addition, the waterproof point will shift inside the wall material, which will negatively affect its operational characteristics.

At the same time, many experts speak for outdoor insulation, which note that during the work outside the veranda in a private house will not be reduced area of \u200b\u200bthe room. In addition, the waterproofing point will be shifted into thermal insulation material, which will allow the walls to accumulate heat.

With outdoor insulation, it will be necessary to provide high-quality protection of the insulation from the effects of moisture and atmospheric phenomena, since almost all modern isolators are subject to negative effects of humidity and temperature differences.

What materials can be used to insulate the veranda?

The modern market presents a huge number of various types of thermal insulation materials that have different characteristics and prices. The most common used in country construction are the following:

  • Penophol. If you ask the builder about how to insulate the veranda, then he will most likely speak about the foam. Penofol is a modern thermal insulation material that is used separately from other insulators or with them. Penofol is suitable for insulation of various buildings in a country house. It is an environmentally friendly material with a minimum degree of vapor permeability that can be mounted with your own hands.
  • Styrofoam. Probably one of the most popular insulation. Distinctive features: minimum weight, rigidity, performance stability for many years of use, simplicity of installation, the possibility of installation with a frame or without it. But the foam is exposed to fire, as well as attractive for rodents. At the same time, when using this material, there is no need to make an additional layer of waterproofing.
  • Polystyrene foam. Modern isolator, which has all the advantages of foam insulation, as well as good strength characteristics and ease of processing. Among the minuses, it is possible to single out that low sound insulation indicators, but they are usually not required on the verandas. Do not fuel.
  • Mineral wool. The most popular insulation that can be used in a private house everywhere. Well suited for insulation of the veranda for winter use of the room, but only in combination with other insulation and waterproofing. For mounting plates of mineral wool requires a framework of a framework. In addition, after a few years of operation, the material will start losing its density, which will lead to the loss of insulation.
  • Basalt wool. Almost a complete analogue of mineral wool, although from an ecological point of view is more secure.
  • Polyurethan. This is one of the most modern and efficient insulation in the market. It can be released in the form of plates, panels or applied to insulated surfaces with special equipment. Advantages: low weight, resistance to any natural and chemical impact, high thermal insulation indicators, amazing durability (more than 40 years). The main disadvantage of this material is its high price.
  • Len, Pakly, Moss. These traditional insulation can only be used in cases where it is required to inspire a veranda in a country house made from a bar, as well as corpus the slots in the joints of the joints. It is impossible to consider them as a full thermal insulation material.

The choice of insulation or several insulators will depend on many factors: the construction materials of the veranda, the desired level of insulation of the room, the dimensions of the structure, etc.

It is worth noting that a truly warm veranda, for year-round residence, will be possible only with high-quality insulation in combination with glazing and heating.

Floor insulation veranda

Warm floor veranda can be different. Two most common ways to conduct work should be considered.

In the first case, it is necessary to completely dismantle the finite coating of the room, coming to the draft floor (concrete, beams, etc.). After that, it is necessary to completely close the surface of the black floor using clay (or its analogs). Then, if the place remains, you can lay the slab insulation, attaching them to the sex beams. Finally, the flooring was performed again.

Floor insulation with clay.

The second method also provides for the dismantling of the floor covering, but the works can be performed on it. If the work is performed according to the existing wooden floor, then in the future its surface will become black. The first thing on the lags are set by bars with dimensions of 50x50 or on a rough surface (depending on the selected method), then laying the vaporizolation layer. The heater is placed on the layer of vapor insulation (you can use mineral wool slabs). The laying is made in such a way that there are no cracks and gaps between wooden beams and insulation. Available gaps and cracks can be closed with construction foam.

Floor insulation with plates.

From above, insulating material is again closed by a vapor barrier, turning the foil part inside the veranda. All the resulting joints are recommended to close with the help of construction tape. At the end, the installation of the piston flooring is performed.

In some cases, to ensure maximum heat insulation, the foundation of the foundation base of the veranda is insulated, but it is often not required.

Warming ceiling and roof veranda

The insulation of the veranda from the inside with their own hands is difficult to imagine without the creation of the heat-insulating layer on the ceiling surface. The principle of work here is about the same as in the case of gender. The main difference is to carry out all installation works on a canopy, which is conjugate with some difficulties, so it is better not to do this alone.

The first method of insulation ceiling the veranda in the country house provides for the use of a frame. First, the removal of the ceiling coating is performed, after which the waterproofing film is installed on the black surface of the ceiling. If the use of soft thermal insulation materials is assumed, then for them you can make a frame from a bar, as a result of which an insulator can be installed between the bars. After laying the insulation, it is necessary throughout the area to close the waterproofing film again. The finish finish of the ceiling in this case is performed by plasterboard sheets or wooden clapboard.

The second method involves the use of polyurethane foam and hard species of thermal insulation materials. Installation of insulating materials in this case occurs directly on the ceiling surface, after which it is completely covered with putty.

In order for the putty to keep the most securely, it is necessary to close the foam with a metal grid.

Warming of walls veranda

The insulation of the veranda is very often starting from creating a thermal insulating layer on the walls. Working in this case can be performed both from the inside and outside. For insulation of walls, the veranda can be approached by a variety of thermal insulation materials listed above. Specialists recommend not to insulate the walls of the veranda on the existing finish - it must be removed before working, attaching the insulation to the rough surface of the walls.

Warming veranda is an eco-art outside.

When the walls are insulation (no matter, outside or from the inside), it is recommended to protect thermal insulation with a waterproofing layer, for which modern waterproofing films are perfect. If slant insulation is used, then it is required to make a small frame of wood from the existing walls, which will hold them in place.

Frame insulation of the veranda from the inside.

All gaps and gaps that will be formed between insulation and wall material, it is necessary to corporate with jute or pour by mounting foam.

The most important thing is that there are no cracks, through which the cold air from the street will penetrate inside the premises.

Will insulation enough?

If it is assumed for year-round operation of the veranda and maintaining a comfortable temperature in winter, then the insulation of the veranda should be carried out with high-quality glazing of the room and the installation of heating elements. The veranda heating can be performed by the most in a variety of ways: installation of traditional radiators, installation of electrical heaters, laying of the "warm floor", etc.

The choice is large enough here. But the main thing is to comply with safety regulations.

When choosing traditional radiators, the heating project will have to be coordinated with controlling government agencies.

The insulation of the veranda can be spent at any time of the year. There are two options: insulate the construction outside or from the inside. The first way is desirable to perform only in good weather - and it is easier to work, and the materials used will not be damaged. But the second is quite relevant and cool and even in cold weather. In addition, you can kill two hares at once: warming up the veranda and prepare a good database for interior decoration.

If you have not yet managed to insulate the veranda, now it's time to correct the situation. Insulation work will give an excellent opportunity to gather in winter with relatives and friends in a country house for a cup of warm cocoa. What and how should be done to insulate the veranda from the inside - you will find useful information in our material.

1. Select the material

First of all, appreciate the total work and the necessary costs. Make floors, walls and ceiling of your veranda. Now is the time to decide with the material for insulation. There are several options: foam, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam. The most popular - the first two: with their help you can transfer the cold veranda to the status of "warm" and save a family budget. Consider that foam sheets are usually quite large thick - up to 12 cm. Such a feature will reduce the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Mineral wool will be better to maintain heat and it is mounted much easier. In combination with double-sided metallization or with an outer layer of foil - get a maximum heat on the veranda, but tangible money will also be provided with you.

Tip from Inmyroom:if your veranda is too large in the area and you want to be in warm even in severe frosts, it is worth considering the option of combined insulation. To do this, it is necessary to mount rolled heat insulation based on minvati, and then a sheet foam.

2. Preparing tools

The most reliable method of insulation is the framework. This design will be durable and reliable, in comparison with the usual blending of the insulation material to the desired surface. In addition, the frame will allow you to put on the walls any kind of insulation and hide it for any trim - so that you do not choose, drywall or lining, everything will look aesthetic. For the installation of thermal insulation, you will need various tools. You have chosen insulation, wooden bars and rails of various sections, hacksaw, surnippers, self-tapping screws, nails, level, roulette, pencil, construction stapler with brackets, mounting foam, roller, protective antiseptic and moisture-proof film - here is a set of tools with which you can Perform all the necessary manipulations on the insulation of the veranda.

Tip from Inmyroom: The size of the bar must depend on the number of layers of the material used and its thickness. If only one layer is assumed, then make a wooden bar 50x50 mm - after all, the insulation itself has a thickness of 50 mm.

3. Wall insulation

The priority task is to make a frame on the walls: put the wooden bars in a horizontal position throughout the plane with a gap of 50 cm. The size of the bar depends on the number of layers of the insulation and from its thickness. The first timber can be put right under the ceiling. Then, measure the required space from the lower edge of the bar with a roulette (approximately 50 cm) and mark the place for the next bar. In the designated lines, screw the frame elements using a surnipper and self-tapping screws - so do it until the very end. Do not forget to use the level for all these manipulations.

As soon as the wooden frame will be made - you can safely begin the process of insulation. Cut foam sheets insert into the resulting openings and proof along the end. The heat insulation in rolls is nailed (or sewn) to the slats, and is dearly cut off. Consider that mineral wool must be inserted tightly with a small space between the frame. Make sure there are no holes and cracks. For the insulation of the walls of the veranda, it remains to attach a vapor insulator - it will not allow to penetrate the dampness in your family nest. We make this work in the backrest, with a reserve of 10 cm. Use the stapler and brackets to attach the material: to attach the protective layer to the frame will be easily. And in conclusion - proof all the joints with a special scotch.

Tip from Inmyroom:so that the wooden frame for the insulation serves not one year, treat it with an antiseptic - it will protect the wood from the appearance of mold and from rotting.

4. Warm windows and doors

Often the veranda has most of the glazing - therefore the issue of timely insulation is at the agenda. Through windows and doors are carried out the main heat loss. Pay attention to the already installed windows: what quality they are as long as they are exploited and it is good to retain heat. If the results do not please you at all - the first thing to replace the windows. Make a bid on double or triple glass - and keep warm, and noise insulation will be much better. Check the places of connecting window beams and walls to be well treated with mounting glue or foam. Heat the doors - an equally important task. Alternatively, take it with felt (or other similar material) or outside, or inside. Put self-adhesive rubber seals around the perimeter. If possible, you can set the second door - get an additional air layer.

Tip from Inmyroom:do not forget that the so-called "cold bridges" often occur under the windowsides. To eliminate the gaping crack, use the same sealant - thermal resistance will increase several times.

5. Floor insulation

The easiest way is to lay the insulated layer directly to the floor. The main condition is the mechanical strength of the foundation. If you have chosen this option, then for a start you will have to shock all the slots in the epoxy resin floor. In the end, get "silent", almost monolithic floor. As soon as the basis is prepared, start laying the rolled moisture-resistant insulation. Using a stapler and bracket, shoot the material to the floor in 10-15 cm increments. Take the rule: the thicker your thermal insulation material, the more likely the fasteners should be made. Located insulated layer nail the corners with nails with wide hats. It remains only to smoke the seams with scotch, and the warm floor is ready. At the end, lay on top of the chipboard sheets and a faced finish coating (carpet, linolyum).

Tip from Inmyroom: The direction of the insulating layer should be perpendicular to the finish coating - this feature must be thought out in advance so that the floor on your veranda serves for a long time.

6. Ceiling insulation

After the insulation of the floor and walls, the veranda can be processed to the final stage: insulate the upper part of the room. Since any ceiling is experiented by atmospheric precipitation, good waterproofing works will be required. To begin with, remove the ceiling trim. Then the waterproofing layer must be mounted. A special film with perforation for this is quite suitable. Using special glue with a metal spraying, proof all seams of the film. All other works are similar to wall insulation wall mounting.

Tip from Inmyroom: By performing the installation of a wooden frame and setting the ceiling insulation, be sure to use safety glasses - there is a possibility of eye injury when sanding with small shavings, when attaching insulation with brackets and nails.

Professional tips: Nuances of insulation veranda, which is important to know

Learned from the architect Nikita Morozov, what subtleties need to be remembered when the cold veranda is insulated, which can be saved and how to achieve a more effective result.

Nikita Morozov - Architect. In 2007, organized KM Studio Design Bureau, in which young architects and designers create interiors in various styles - from Ar-Deco to the Loft. The work appreciates the ability to constantly meet new interesting people, inspiration draws in books and in the cinema, in classic fine arts and the latest technologies. It believes that the perfect interior should combine aesthetics and ergonomics and give impressions.

Features of the extension

When choosing a veranda insulation material, consider which room there will be torture the veranda. If it is a kitchen or fireplace room, then it is worth refusing to use some materials for fire safety reasons. For example, it cannot be said that the foam is a rapidly marked material, but at high temperatures it melts, highlighting the toxic smoke.

About materials

The above-mentioned materials as an additional or base insulation, add foam. The foam consists of foamed polyethylene and a layer of strong aluminum foil: it does well reflect the ultraviolet radiation, and is practically not lit, and retains heat at very low temperatures. A good analogue of mineral wool is basalt wool. According to characteristics, it is absolutely identical to mineral, but is an environmentally friendly material.

On insulation outside

For a more effective result, I also recommend to insulate the outer walls of the veranda. Use foam and fastening "fungi". Before insulation, heal the wall with fungus and mold. After the insulation plates are fixed, secure the grid, on top of which the finish coating can be applied. There are many more ways to insulate the walls outside - the choice of one way or another depends on the material of the finishing finish, budget, climatic conditions at the time of the process of insulation. Wall insulation outside has a number of advantages in relation to the inner insulation of the walls. For example, with internal insulation, the waterproof point shifts into the wall, which leads to its destruction; With the outer - in the insulation, which reduces the speed of the destruction of the walls, and the latter can accumulate heat. The inner area of \u200b\u200bthe veranda is also preserved and there is no need to dismantle the finish.

What to do with windows

The quality of the installation of windows and their condition certainly affects the coefficient of indicators of heat loss indoors, but if the budget does not imply relatively costly replacement of windows, then a number of actions can be made that at least for a while remains heat on the veranda. For example, the frame of the windows from the tree is important to care carefully, then take all the cracks, cutting outside the polyethylene film, but there is a space between the window and the film - this clearance (airbag) will improve moisture accumulation.

Additional measures

If your veranda is functionally - an actively operated room: there is a dining room or a cabinet zone, it is also worth providing the installation of a UVR or an electric heating device.

The village veranda (closed and open), if desired, can turn from the summer in winter, i.e. From cold in warm. From the veranda you can make an entrance hall, a corridor in the house, a full room or a winter garden, a greenhouse, in general, a warm room that can be used all year round. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to insulate the veranda for winter accommodation. Below is a step-by-step instruction with photos, drawings and diagrams.

Which side will insulate the veranda - from the inside or outside

The insulation of the cold veranda begins with the selection of the insulation and the place of its installation. As a rule, the veranda has a beautiful external and interior decoration. And decide which of the parties to hide under the insulation is not easy.

To make a final and weighted selection we offer arguments, in favor of this or that type of insulation.

Warming the veranda from the inside


  • can be performed with any weather;
  • free access to surfaces at any height;
  • for one approach, you can warm all the surfaces: walls, ceiling, floor.


  • requires dismantling of the existing coating;
  • the waterproof point shifts into the wall, which leads to its destruction.

Warming a veranda outside

  • there is no lifestyle of life caused by repair work;
  • all the garbage remains outside the veranda;
  • preservation of the veranda area;
  • displacement of the plot point in the insulation, which reduces the speed of the destruction of the walls, and the walls can accumulate heat;
  • decoration of the veranda. The veranda, covered with OSB or plywood plates, can be transformed after insulation with subsequent trim.

The outer insulation of a wooden veranda, made of a bar or a log protects wood from wetting, retain the inner interior of the extension, will allow you to update the facade. Among the minuses: deprivation of the possibility of observing the state of the veranda-cut from the street.

What to insulate the veranda - materials

With the existing manifold of thermal insulation materials, the choice still remains difficult. Nevertheless, among well established themselves:

1. Penofol.

Flexible foil insulation Penofol can be used as an independent heat insulation material or in combination with other types of insulation.

The material is environmentally friendly, thin, distinguished by low vapor permeability, easy to install and fireproof. Among the minuses: softness, small thickness.

2. Polyfoam

Hard material having a small weight that does not change its properties for the period of operation. Easily mounted both frame and frameless way. Disadvantages: interest for rodents and flammable.

Note. The insulation of the veranda foam eliminates the owner from the installation of Hydro and Parer, because Polyfoam has practically zero hygroscopicity and vapor permeability.

3. Polystyetilol

It has all the advantages of foam, and besides very durable, it is easy to cut. Cons: Small sound insulation, destroyed at high temperatures (more than 100 ° C), does not burn, but self-filing does not occur.

4. Mineral Wat.

Flexible (soft) insulation, which has a low thermal conductivity, non-combustible, is durable to compression (for dense species) and the gap provides excellent sound insulation, resistant to temperature deformations. Mineral wool is distinguished by resistance to chemical and biological activity. Cons: Needs a frame, over time loses the density (it is placed), and therefore, thermal insulation properties are reduced.

5. Basalt Vata.

According to the characteristics, the material is identical to the mineral wool, while it is environmentally friendly.

6. Polyurethan (PPU)

Insulation Polynesurethane is produced in three varieties:

  • Tight (solid, hard) panels
  • Flexible (Soft) Plates
  • Inflatable (sprayed)

Among the advantages: low weight, simplicity of installation and application, resistance to chemical and biological activity. Cons: Dear, spoiled from mechanical exposure, agreed when exposed to ultraviolet on it.

Note. Low ppa vapor permeability in the plates will lead to the accumulation of moisture and the destruction of the surfaces of the walls or structural elements.

7. Lena, Pakle, Moss

Materials intended to perform insulation of veranda from a bar and logs without disturbing the appearance of the structure.

Flax, pakle, moss - absolutely eco-friendly, but are complex in installation. In addition, they are welcome prey for birds that use materials for the construction of their nests.

Note. The insulation of these insulators is best done at the stage of the construction of the veranda.

8. Synthetic insulation for construction

The polymer insulation allows you to eliminate the disadvantages inherent in natural materials. For example, building a veranda using a warm house.

Warming the veranda to the house do it yourself

When going to insulate the veranda need to remember that the insulation of only one surface will not give the expected result. After all, heat from it is destroyed in different directions.

Floor insulation on the veranda

1 way:

remove the surfaces of the existing floor and the draft floor (as well as floor coverings: linoleum, laminate);

we fall asleep clamzit between lags;

flooring the floor again.

2 way:

we dismantle the floor covering or carry out work on the existing floor. Then it will perform the function of the draft coating;

we establish wooden bars 50x50 to lags or on the draft floor;

Note. The thickness of the timber must be equal to the thickness of the insulation. Before mounting, the timber is covered with a protective composition.

we put a vapor barrier film;

we lake the insulation (for example, Minvatu). Watch that there is no free space between the frame and insulation. If any, it needs to be filled with trimming of the material and blew foam;

on top of the material we will be covered with a parobararier or a foam. Foil part of the material addresses inside the room. The place of the joint is sampled with a metallized scotch (for example, ISOSPAN isospin).

install the floor covering.

Additionally, you can perform the insulation of the foundation of the veranda.

Warming roof veranda

A significant part of the heat takes exactly through the roof of the veranda (the heat loss of the roof depend on the design and material). How to insulate the roof of the veranda - from the inside or outside? A simple single-table roof does not have a attic, respectively, moving around it difficult. To perform insulation need to dismantle the roofing material. Therefore, the roof of the veranda is insulated at the stage of construction or from the ceiling.

Warming ceiling veranda

It is characterized by the same sequence of action as the insulation of the floor. Only performing work has a canopy. This creates some difficulties when installing the insulation.

How to insulate the ceiling on the veranda - methods

1 way - frame

it is necessary to dismantle the ceiling coating, if it is plasterboard and replace it with plywood or OSB;

on the surface of the ceiling is fastened with a film of the hydrocker;

for a soft insulation, a frame is made from a bar (timber thickness is equal to the thickness of the insulation);

between the bars of the frame is installed insulation.

Note. With a width of a soft insulation of 600 mm. It is recommended to make the distance between the bars of the frame in 580-590 mm. So it is easier to mount it.

the insulation is closed by a wrapper film;

the ceiling is decorated with trim from plasterboard or lining.

2 way - frameless

Suitable for polyurethane foam and hard insulation. In this case, the insulation is installed directly on the ceiling. Then the surface of the ceiling must be sharpened.

Note. Before putting the ceiling, the foam need to close the grid. So the mixture will be better to stay.

Warming of walls veranda

It can also be performed in two ways: frame and frameless. Works are performed in the same manner as when the floor insulation.

How to insulate a wooden veranda

Many are interested in the result of outdoor insulation. The natural beauty of the wooden lining will be hidden under the insulation layer. Professionals recommend dismantling the existing finish, perform insulation, and then, install the wall paneling. At the same time, you need to disassemble carefully, so as not to damage the slave. However, part of the sawn timber, you still have to replace. Align the difference in shades between the old and the new clap can be using a blackboard grinding.

Warming wooden veranda in a house from a bar and logs

It is performed by climbing natural insulation in the gap (caulking, sealing slots between the logs).

Warming house on the technology "Warm seam" - video

If the veranda from the bar has lost its appeal, then the insulation occurs by mounting the frame outside the extension. Inside the frame is inserted insulation (thermal insulation material) and is sewn with a facing material (for example, lining, siding).

Warming up windows veranda

Wooden windows can be insulated if they protect them outside the film by the film. At the same time, there is a space between the window and the film. This gap (air cushion) will improve moisture accumulation and the destruction of a wooden frame. The film is fastened on the frame using a construction stapler. The lack of insulation of the film is that the transparency of the window is reduced, so it is removed for the warm season.

Note. Users advise, when insulating windows film to fill the rails on the frame, and they can already be attached to the film. Film in the spring will be removed, and the rails will remain. Thus, the frame of the tree is not so much collapsed when mounting / dismantling the film.

The insulation of the veranda, made in all the rules, will significantly maintain heat and increase the temperature in the room. According to user reviews, the temperature in the insulated veranda does not fall below zero. Of course, this is clearly not enough for everyday use. Solve the problem will allow the installation of heaters.

Heating veranda

Installation of portable electrical heaters is the easiest and cheapest way to solve the issue of the extension heating. The device of full heating on the veranda requires the development of a project, coordinating it in the relevant instances (depends on the type of heating), performing work on the conduct of the heating line, etc. It is easier to install a UVO or an electric heating device on the veranda. The main thing is to follow fire safety rules.

If you correctly perform the insulation of the veranda and pick up a good heater, the corresponding area, the extension will be a room that can be used all year round.

The insulation of the veranda with their own hands requires certain temporary and material costs. But it allows you to get additional square meters of living space. And also, this is the ability to practice before performing insulation at home.

If you were attached in the summer to your one-story house a veranda and, for example, equipped there a comfortable kitchen, and with the arrival of cold, the angle of extensions are frozen and black - it means that it is time to think about how to insulate the veranda.

How to insulate a cold veranda?

Immediately it must be said that the problem of insulation will have to approach largely, that is, only the insulation of the walls you can not do. It is necessary to work with both walls and floors, with a ceiling, windows. Well, proceed.

Begin, perhaps, it is necessary from the list of what we need to work. Insulation the veranda usually implies that you will need, naturally,


  • pencil, roulette, nails, hammer, dowel, hacksaw, construction scotch, spatulas and putty.

Well, and buy insulation material:

  • This may be a foam or some other analogue, polystyrene foam sheets (simply speaking, foam) or mineral, basalt cotton wool, polyurethane foam, and can resolon foam.

All these materials have suitable characteristics. The thickness of the insulation layer will depend on the wall thickness of your extension. You will define it yourself.

Nevertheless, what better to choose a material for insulation?

Most often, when insulation, the attached veranda is used by Minvatu and. The latter with a possible contact with the fire will be highlighted very dangerous carcinogens, so this fact should not be ignored. Why it is still pretty often used as a heater, because foam sheets are still most accessible in price. This is a budget option.

As an additional insulation, you can add a gasket from the foam. With the help of a metallized layer, the foam will reflect the cool air from the street, besides, it will also be kept warm inside your veranda. This material is a high-tech thermal insulation, it consists of a layer of foamed polyethylene and its high-quality aluminum foil coating. This "reflected" material can even be used as separate independent heat insulation. But the maximum effect of conservation of heat will give it precisely combining it with other types of insulation.

Effective variants of the insulation are resolved foam, basalt wool and polyurethane. These are non-combustible materials. Therefore, when you decide how to insulate the veranda we advise you to draw attention to these insulation.

Step 1: Wind insulation

Warming a veranda, like any other part of the house begins with windows. First, you need to pay attention to the windows. Is it well preserved the heat already available windows? Not? We replace! Old windows need to be removed and put good, high-quality, which will keep warm in the veranda.

What kind of windows should choose -thewed, aluminum or plastic - this question is described and after studying the materials you already make a choice. In this case, we are important for the fact that they will be better than your old windows on thermal insulation properties.

Step 2: Wall insulation

When you have determined for yourself, the better to insulate the veranda, then this material you will cover the walls. On the walls (and also perhaps on the floor), fasten the sheets of insulation (polyurethane foam, polyfoam, minvati, etc.). Here you will need a dowel with a large diameter hats, you can also use small wooden plates so that the hats of the dowels do not go into a sheet of foam. If this happens, then the insulation will not be held. At the joints of the sheets, close the gaps using a mounting foam, and then remove the langer tape from above, and the usual one can take on top.

ATTENTION: Use the mounting foam without toluene. This substance destroys the foam.

How best to insulate walls: inside or outside?

Before proceeding with the work on the insulation of the walls, many newbies (and not only) the question arises: where is it better to warm the wall, outside or inside? Better words this moment will explain the illustration below:

although it is not obvious to everyone immediately, warming the walls better outside

Step 3: Laying vaporizolation

This stage is recommended, but not required if savings are important for you. It consists in attaching a foil film. Fastened with the help of glue or bilateral tape. The reflecting layer of foil will retain heat in winter and coolness - in summer.

Step 4: Make Cold Paul Wood

In conclusion, mount the floors. In theory, you need to put a concrete tie. But you can simply put the floor from the boards and on top of it linoleum or carpet. If your budget allows you to make a "warm floor".

In addition, you can use the tips described in the Publication of Pro.

The final stage

You can use a variety of options as a finish. For example, fasten the crate on the walls, and on top of her sheets of plasterboard. What to do with a warm cold veranda in the next - only your fantasy will tell me.

(1 estimates, average: 2,00 out of 5)


    Vladimir M. said (a):

    Last year, I also insulated the veranda, and in the heat now he does not heat up, always cool and in winter relative to warmth. In principle, I did almost everything as described in this useful information for those who have never done this. I insulated from inside, first "Izospan" is a vapor barrier, thorough brucas 50 to 50, then put the mineral wool "Ursa", again layer of the vapor polypoletor and then truncated with the clapboard. Of course, the area of \u200b\u200bthe veranda decreased, but the result was positive, which I wanted to achieve. And I chose mineral wool because it does not like the mouse, it is very unpleasant when they come between the walls.

    Alina said (a):

    During repairs, they also encountered the question of the insulation of the apartment (the house has an old building, a two-storey, apartment on the second floor). At first they decided to insulate inside, insulated the Minvata. For money, of course, it turned out more expensive, but more confidence that it would not be freezing, and animals (mice, bugs, spiders) will not start. Then the foam and plasterboard were laid. For the remaining money, they decided to be warm outside. Since we have autonomous heating, then the gas consumption is minimal, and in the house is very warm.

    Valil 2013 said:

    Polyfoam is suitable where it can be glued with glue on the brick wall. Wooden sections insulate mineral wool. Warming will be successful if the thermos will turn out. Sometimes it seems that it is easier to build a new veranda than to insulate the old one.

    Irina said (a):

    Insulation should be both inside and outside. Saves payment for utilities. I will share my personal experience. He insulated first inside the wall of an eco-tree, then weathered with plasterboard walls. The insulation of the ceiling is also the same materials. Paul made warm - electric. Heated and outside - foam (5-ki). Now cozy and warm. It turned out a winter garden for flowers. Try the materials to take high-quality and environmentally friendly for interior decoration.

    Igor said:

    It is definitely necessary to warm up, because the air penetrates from the street, it is possible to use glass cotton wool, minute wage, etc., pay special attention to the floor and walls, they can be mounted with a resin, then there will be a strengthening of wood and pleasant smell Attention and windows, they also play a major role in maintaining heat.

    Andrei said (a):

    I know on your own experience and advise you.
    When insulation, it is best to apply Minvatu. Expensive? But high quality and environmentally friendly. Polyfoam will not give you such a result, and they have noise (the gaps remain, they still do not cut anyway). If you took to warm, pay attention to the windows - metal-plastic windows the most optimal option. And if you want to warm the veranda in double, then instead outside. After all, not for nothing, our ancestors for the winter around the house were blocked with dry stems of a cantham or corn.

Almost any home has an extension in the form of a veranda, where you can spend a good summer evening.

It is usually built of wood, so for the winter season it is already becoming unsuitable. But there is a way out - insulation of the veranda from the inside with their own hands.

Scheme of veranda.

The terrace is an outdoor area, so it is usually not insulated.

For insulation, the veranda must be stockpur with the following materials and tools:

  • insulation. You can use foam, mineral wool or some other;
  • foam. The thickness of the foam sheets depends on the natural conditions of the terrain, as well as the dimensions of the veranda;
  • 50x50 mm bruises;
  • polyethylene or foil;
  • mounting foam;
  • construction scotch and paint;
  • the tools will need scissors, spatula, knife, nails, hammer, screws, roulette and brushes.

Floor insulation veranda

Begin the insulation of the veranda is better from the floor.

Floor boards in wooden houses are usually attached to lags laid on the ground. To insulate the floor, you must first release it from the boards. Next, between the lags it is necessary to lay wooden bars with a size of 50x50 mm and fasten them with screws. Between the bars, the insulation is stacked.

Materials from foam or mineral wool are better fit as insulation.

It is important to fully fill the space insulation. Foam sheets are easily adjusted for any lag size, as it is easy to cut with a knife. To protect the mineral wool, it is necessary to isolate it from excessive moisture using polyethylene or foil. Empty places are launched a special mounting foam.

The height of the insulation should be slightly lower than the floor level for ensuring ventilation, which will protect the floor elements from rotting and wetting. At the end of the insulation, a polyethylene film is tensioned, fixed on the edges of metallized tape. Now the floor is laid out.

Wall insulation and ceiling veranda

An option of insulation of walls from the inside.

If the veranda is inside the house, then only the outer walls are needed, the walls that come into contact with the inner rooms do not need to be insulated.

Before heating the walls from the inside, they should be covered with waterproof material. Polyethylene or foil glue with horizontal stripes.

Warm the veranda for winter accommodation with your own hands

The resulting joints are closed with scotch, so that there are no air emptiness. In accordance with the sizes of the insulation slabs, bars are stuffed onto the wall.

The space between the bars is filled with insulation in the form of mineral wool, the foam is glued with special glue to the wall. The easiest way of insulation is polyurethane foam, liquid foam.

It has good protection from the cold and a long service life, well fills all empties, forming a smooth coating. The plates from the insulation must be wrapped with foamed polyethylene. When using the heat transfer material, it must be located in the metal surface inside. Heated walls inside, it is possible to close the design with a finishing material, clapboard or something like that.

In order for the room to be really warm, it is necessary to insulate the ceiling.

If warm air, climbing up, will not meet a good barrier, he will leave the room. When insulation, the ceiling will be preserved heat that comes. The ceiling is insulated similarly to the walls. The insulation must be isolated from moisture, then fill the wooden planks with which the insulation is fixed. To fill emptiness, a special mounting foam is used, and for the ceiling finishing - lining or other finishing material.

If the veranda mainly consists of window frames, then it is better to use triple frames, since a lot of heat is lost through the windows.

To ensure fire safety as a insulation, you need to use non-combustible materials, such as mineral wool. For greater effect, the external walls can be insulated. With this insulation, you can protect the walls from atmospheric precipitation, thereby you can increase their service life.

Thus, any homeowner will be able to correct the insulation of the veranda with their own hands, the main thing is to prepare all the materials in advance and decide on the front of the work.

If you want to expand the useful area in a country house and use it in winter, it's time to learn how to insulate a cold veranda. This procedure will also be superfluous to form in this room more favorable for the structure of the microclimate. Otherwise, it will be wrapped, cooled, and as a result will be unusable. With a competent approach to the case, it is better to warm the verandun on the construction stage, but it is not always possible or for economic considerations, or on functional.

Each element of the design (floor, ceiling and walls) has its own characteristics of insulation.

When is it better to warm the veranda?

It should be immediately noted that competently solving the problem how to insulate the veranda for winter accommodation, and creating a kind of thermos from it, you can significantly reduce the cost of heating.

This factor will be relevant for baths. There are two fundamentally different options, how to insulate a cold veranda for a residential room: outside and from the inside. If you can, it is better to use an outdoor option.

The event is better to spend in the warm season, since there are materials that can only be used with positive air temperature. That is, solving than and how to insulate the veranda at home outside, you need to focus on season and weather.

If the windows are negative temperatures, then it is worth considering the option how to properly insulate the veranda from the inside. The event can be carried out at the construction stage of your country house. But you can solve the problem how to insulate the veranda with your own hands in the process of living.

The overwhelming majority of additional rooms of country houses are built from wood. Therefore, it is worth noting that the principal difference, how to insulate the veranda from the boards or a wooden veranda from the inside - no.

Approximately, with amendment to the building material, the warm-up arrangement is carried out and in buildings from concrete, gasoblocks, bricks, and so on.

Warm the veranda stages

Warming a veranda, you should adhere to the following sequence:

  • roof;
  • walls;
  • ceiling;
  • window;
  • doors.

How to insulate the roof of the veranda

To solve the task as correct as possible, how to insulate the veranda in a wooden house, you should first explore the roof design.

If it is a continuation of the capital roof of the house, you do not need to touch it. If this element is a simple overlap, then it is necessary to solve the task how to insulate the roof of the veranda.

  1. First, careful sealing of the structure is carried out.
  2. Next, lay the thick layer of the insulation material.

    The optimal option for work will be folgize. It will allow the procedure quickly and with minor labor costs.

  3. Do not forget about the vaporizolytor, so that the roof is not raw.

Warring this element of the building should be taken care of the reliability of the construction of the structure, since it is difficult to access.

Only after work with the roof can be moved to the insulation of the veranda as a whole.

How to insulate the walls of the veranda?

To properly solve the task, how to insulate the summer veranda, you need to start from the walls.

It is advisable, since these structural elements will require less effort from the master. Choosing technology, how to insulate the walls of the veranda, it is better to stay on the framework method. Practice shows that the insulation design is obtained more reliable than using the method of gluing the material. As a insulation material, mineral wool, foam, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam can be used. The main goal in the question, how to insulate the walls of the veranda from the inside or outside is to buy cold access to the room.

  1. The frame method insulation involves the use of a bar, its thickness should be equal to the thickness of the insulation.

    Before you insulate the veranda in a private house, wood is better to treat impregnation in order to avoid the appearance of mold and fungi. Brous is assembled using self-self-screws. Bicycle design.

    The sizes of cells should be equal to the size of the plates of the material.

  2. Now you can proceed to the installation of the insulation. Plates are laid in the cells of the versus with the frame, without cracks and gaps.
  3. After mounting the insulation material on top of the design, you must lay a vapor polypoletor with an adhesive cloth of 10 cm. It is fastened with a stapler and bracket. The joints are better to skill with scotch. Parosolytor will protect the insulation from dampness.

    This is a very important point in the question, how to warm the veranda correctly.

  4. Next, you can sow a design with any hotelock material: lining, plasterboard, MDF plates or PVC panels. After the walls are ready, you can move to work with the ceiling.

How to insulate the ceiling veranda?

Everyone knows that warm air rises up and forms an air pad at the ceiling.

But its presence does not interfere with the cold air to penetrate the room through cracks and gaps. Therefore, it is better to solve the task how to warm the ceiling on the veranda on a par with other elements of the structure. It seems to many that these works are quite complex, but it is not.

The main thing is to initially select the technology: outside or from the inside.

The insulation material will depend on the elected technique:

  • Outdoor work.

    If you decide to warm the ceiling outside - on the floor of the attic, then it is better to choose the framework of those noology and insulation in the plates, for example, foam. Do not forget to lay a vapor insulator over the design. An attic insulation is more often used during the construction of the house, but it can be realized and later.

    The advantage of ceiling insulation outside is that it does not reduce the volume of the internal space.

  • Internal work. But with the task, how to insulate the ceiling on the veranda from the inside using the framework technology, the difficulties arise. If the bars are attached to the surface of screws and do not interfere with the continuation of the work, then the insulation in the stoves will simply fall out of the cells under the weight of its own weight. It is recommended to immediately fix the vapor insulator. Immediately upon completion of the installation, install facing material. You can also establish an already mounted insulation design.

    Works will be fundamentally simplified if folgoosisol will be used for thermal insulation. Now you can go to the insulation of the lower element of the structure - the floor.

How to insulate the floor of the veranda?

Before you independently insulate the wooden floor on the verandas, it is worth opening the floor covering and study the design - whether there are lags in it and you can use them.

With a positive response, the procedure can be carried out using insulating material in the stoves.

  1. Otherwise, you will have to put lags over the existing surface.
  2. Then filling the cells with the insulation material, like working with walls.
  3. And completing the work of the laying of the vaporizolator.
  4. After laying the heat-insulating structure, it is possible to lay a solid base for flooring, for example, OSB plates.

    All seams are better to seal the sealants.

If you want to simplify the task, you should wonder how to properly insulate the wooden floor of the veranda with folozole.

This is a technological material, it allows you to work with structures of any geometric forms. Folozole can be insulated with structures from any materials.

How to insulate windows

The main heat losses in any room occur through doors and windows.

Therefore, solving the task, how to insulate the veranda with its own hands with a foam or other material, these goals should pay special attention to:

  • The best type of insulation will install PVC windows. You can install single double glazing, but it will significantly reduce the temperature balance in the room. The more glazing volumes, the lower the heat-saving indicators.
  • Therefore, it is better not to save, but immediately insert a double or triple glass.
  • It is necessary to carefully control the density of the adjoining of these elements. Double-glazed windows, as a rule, are fought, in some cases it is possible to put the band insulation.
  • But PVC glazing is a very costly event. If you want to save, you can add the second one to the existing frame. So they did our ancestors before the onset of winter. In this case, the cracks are filled with foam rubber or other soft material, and the special tape is sampled on top.

How to insulate the doors

In this case, the optimal option will be the installation of a modern entrance door.

How to insulate the veranda from the inside and outside the winter? Warm cold veranda

It is originally designed to hold heat indoors:

  • Companies producing and installing metal entrance doors in their directory, as a rule, have several models intended for installation in a private house.
  • If you want to avoid additional spending, the design must be inspired by yourself. For example, it can be attached to felt or an old stuffing blanket.
  • It is better to cover the design, both with external and on the inside.
  • In order for the door to look aesthetically, a substitute for the skin, a log and other materials is mounted on top of the insulation.
  • On the perimeter of the door it is necessary to install self-adhesive seals from rubber.
  • If you want to drastically solve the question of how to insulate the summer veranda - put the second inner, this will appear the additional air layer.
  • After completing the work, you can start finishing the room and further use it in winter.


The veranda requires constant care, as well, and the house itself.

Warring this room, you not only expand the useful space for use in the cold season, but also save yourself from regular finishing and protective impregnation of structural elements. It is better to carry out insulation already at the construction stage. Take advantage of our unique offer, and you will get a functional and comfortable countryside at a favorable value.

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