Repairs Design Furniture

Fineber facade panels mounting with their own hands. Facade panels for outdoor wall decoration - species, characteristics, installation methods for fastening the front panels

The landscaping of the facade is one of the most important stages of construction, on which not only the appearance depends, but also the durability of the house. The competently separated facade protects against heat loss, minimizes the impact of the environment on the wall of the building, increases the operational period of building materials.

The principal difference of the facade panels is that they can be installed both in the vertical and horizontal position. Due to this, they are equally effective on flat and convex surfaces.

You can perform, the main thing is to clearly follow the instructions.

The trim of the facade begins with the selection of the material. Several types of panels are distinguished:

  • metal:
  • sheets with decorative tiles;
  • polyvinyl chloride siding;
  • tree siding;
  • under the stucco

Mounting technology for each of the types of different types.

Metal panels are made of high-quality oh galvanized steel, and a special coating reliably protects color from burnout for ten years. The disadvantage of the material is a big weight, which additionally loads the carrying structure.

Often, metalying is discharged single-storey houses and garages.

To install the panels of this type, the following tools will be required:

  • screwdriver;
  • cross screwdriver;
  • passatia;
  • dowel;
  • bulgarian;
  • screws.

The installation procedure consists of several steps, but it all starts traditionally from the preparation.

Stage 1. It is measured by the walls of the houses, which will correctly calculate the required number of building materials.

Stage 2. In order to visually assess the location of the future frame, drawing is drawn. If necessary, the design is adjusted.

Stage 3. Installing the frame. The first profile is attached at an angle of 90ᵒ to the ground, all subsequent are installed in a similar way in half the meter. All carrier profiles are attached to dowels.

Important! If the distance between vertical bulkheads is 50 cm, then the length of the transverse should be 60 cm - 5 cm for cuts on each side.

There is another way to buy an expensive ready frame for installing panels. But this frame must be attached directly to the wall of the house, and such materials like foam concrete, red or silicate brick for this will not fit - from a large number of holes they can collapse.

Stage 4. In the rectangles obtained, the insulation is installed - minvat or foam.

Stage 5. It remains only to attach metal riming to the frame. To do this, there are hidden seams in the panels that allow you to hide the screws of the screws and the attaching structures of monolith.

Panels with decorative tiles

Such panels are a novelty in the field of finishing materials. They consist of a base (mainly pressed foam) and an outer decorative coating. The panels simultaneously perform two functions:

  • insulation at home;
  • imitation of natural stone.

There are no significant drawbacks, except for the high cost.

Montaja technology

The facade finish with such decorative panels is the easiest and fast siding option. This became possible due to special groove, allowing reliably to fix the docked panels. There are no seams at the same time.

The panels are installed on the construction glue applied by a toothed spatula. The proportions in which the adhesive solution is prepared, manufacturers indicate the packaging.

The gluing occurs as follows: The panel is applied to the wall, after three minutes it is broken, and after two glues again. This allows you to increase the stability and adhesion of the materials.

Important! If during re-applying the panel does not stick, it means that the adhesive mixture is not suitable or is applied in insufficient quantity.

Installation is made in the rows, move from below up. So the bottom row will support the top. After laying one row, they make a half-hour break so that the glue is dry (for complete drying, a day), the optimal ambient temperature is 20-25ᵒС.

This refers to products made from pressed foam. The advantages of this material are obvious:

The disadvantages include the exposure of various kinds of mechanical damage, as well as the fact that in the case of the replacement of one panel, the entire wall will be required.

Important! Installation of such panels is carried out in the same way as in the previous version (panels with decorative tiles).

Such panels can only be used to finish single-storey buildings due to impressive weight. Despite the special impregnations, which are processed by products, the first care will be required after several seasons after installation. In terms of competent circulation, such siding will serve not one decade.

Montaja technology

As in the case of metal rims, two options are possible here:

  • independently install the panels;
  • buy finished design.

Independent sheathing happens as follows.

Stage 1. Initially, a frame from a wooden bar is collected. The first stand is attached perpendicular to the ground, all subsequent are installed in a similar way in half the meter. After that, transverse racks are installed. Instead of a tree, the frame can be built from metal products.

Stage 2. Frame (if it is wooden) is processed by mourn and antiseptics to protect against insects, atmospheric precipitation, wind, etc.

Important! Vertical racks can not be put straight to the ground - it is necessary to make special linings, otherwise the tree will absorb moisture from the soil and will soon rot.

Stage 3. The space between the racks is filled with mineral wool.

Stage 4. Panels are attached to the frame of self-drawing.

Ready design Restantly resembles a suspended ceiling. The installation procedure in this case is quite simple.

Stage 1. Mount the extreme guides.

Stage 2. Then with a step equal to the length of the boards, the internal is installed.

Stage 3. Siding is inserted between the guides. The first strip is installed, the second, third, etc.

Stage 4. After that, the upper row is aligned and covered with a wooden frame for fixing.

This installation option has significant disadvantages, among which almost complete absence of thermo- and noise insulation.

Important! There is another kind of wooden panels - long-haired siding. It consists of sheets lengthin six meters, which are attached to dowels or liquid nails are not on the frame, but immediately on the wall. For installation, you will need at least two people.

Polyvinyl chloride siding

PVC panels are cheap and easy to install a facade finish, characterized by a wide model near and, consequently, weighing possible design solutions. The only drawback is an appearance. From a close distance, even the naked eye is noticeable that the house is covered with plastic.

Montaja technology

PVC panels are installed only horizontally. To work will be required:

  • knife;
  • perforator;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • bulgarian;
  • level;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • punson is a tool for taking the ears at the edges of the sheets of material.

Stage 1. First, the visual inspection of the house is performed, the place is determined for the installation of the first row. This row should coincide with the old finish or close the top of the foundation (if it comes to a new building).

Stage 2. All necessary components are installed - internal and outer angles, platbands, first strip, and so on. It should be started with the corners, while between them and the eaves of the building should remain a small gap - 6.5 mm.

Stage 3. Installation of the first row is the most responsible stage of the facade finish, on which the evenness of all siding depends. Initially, the boundary of the first row is determined, after which the horizontal line is performed on the wall. When installing the first strip, this line will serve as a guideline.

Important! Between the ends of two adjacent panels should be a gap of 1.27 cm.

Stage 4. On the door and windows, the corresponding accessories are installed - platbands, fed, final lining. For consupportion, the strip of the material is joined at an angle of 45 °.

Stage 5. The remaining panels are installed from the bottom up, focusing on the first row. Each panel is inserted into the profile and nailed with nails (not completely). The interval between the panels should be 0.4 cm, and between them and other components - from 0.6 cm to 1.25 cm.

The panels are superimposed by one to another on the ½ factory note, while the vertical folding should be avoided - they are more noticeable from the facade.

Stage 6. In the upper edge, the sheets are installed in the same way as under the windows. Especially the whole panels are used, the cropping is possible only for the frontones. When installing the last row usedJ. -Add profile with Ø6 mm holes, made in increments of 0.5 m (for flowing water from the roof).

  1. Before starting work, drainage, lamps, shutters and so on should be dismantled. Damaged and rotten boards need to be changed.
  2. The panels must be installed so that they can be easily moved to one direction or another.
  3. Adjusts do not need to be sealed.
  4. Nails need to "do" with a minimum of 1 cm so that the material is not deformed.

For more detailed familiarization with the features of the installation of facade buildings, we offer to see the thematic video.

Video - installation of facade panels Holzrlast

The high-quality finish of the facade of the house will reduce heat loss, will retain the walls from the influence of bad weather conditions, give the structure a aesthetic appearance. Currently, the facade panels have been widely popular. They produce different sizes, colors, textures. Beautiful appearance of the material allows you to make a real architectural masterpiece from the wretched structure. Artificial materials used in the production of panels have increased their service life in contrast to the analogues of natural raw materials. An important factor in the selection is the low weight of the plates, which reduces the pressure on the foundation of the house. There are many types of facade plates, and on the installation of each of them has its own instruction. Today we will look at how to perform the installation of facade panels with your own hands.

The main composition of fibrotent panels is cement with mineral fillers and reinforcing fibers. It is the fibers that give flexibility to a solid coil, and fillers with cement increase resistance to external influences.

Installation of plates is carried out on the frame fixed to the facade, directly on the wall or carrier frame of the house:

  • thin plates (14 mm) are fixed through through holes to the frame of galvanized screws. Self-tapping caps are painted with special paint under the color of the panels. For ventilated facades, the plates can be mounted with a gap of 40mm. On the frame walls withstand the clearance of at least 15 mm. Between the upper and lower panels, 10 mm are gap for filling with sealant;
  • installation of fibropointers with a thickness of 16 mm is carried out on the wall or carrying frame of the house. The plates are fixed by clemmers, allowing to achieve invisibility of horizontal seams.

Frame manufacturing for ventilated facade

To properly install the facade panels with your own hands for the ventilated facade, it is necessary to build a framework on which fibroplites will be held. For this:

  1. Made a frame of vertical and horizontal metal profiles. Vertical profiles are attached to horizontal. In the future, plates will be fixed.
  2. The frame of the frame is fixed through the rigging brackets. When draining at home, the paronite will reduce the effect on the frame design. Vertically, the brackets are mounted in 1000 mm increments, and the horizontal step is withstanding 600 mm.
  3. Between the frame elements laid insulation, fixing to the wall of a dowel with a wide hat. The insulation is used by foam, minvatu, basalt plate. From above, the insulation is tensioning a vapor barrier film.

Preparatory work

Before mounting plates to a frame, screwed up with a wide hat with a wide hat. Additional elements:

  1. By 50-100 mm above the cessation of the construction fixed the basement. It will reduce the wetting of the foundation from the rain.
  2. On all vertical guides, klyamimers are installed for fastening plates. The first row of kleimers are placed above the tump.
  3. Observing the vertical level, set the suture bar, helping to properly lay the plates with each other.

Installation Fibroplit

Plates put on the lower kleimers, fixing the same fasteners from above. Next repeat the same process. The outer corners of the compound of the plates are performed with the end of the end at an angle of 45 o or without trimming. The joint place is treated with a sealant and paint paint under the color of the panel.

Japanese fibropanelels

The appearance of Japanese fibropaneners brought them immediately popularity. The most common plates from firms: Nichiha, Kmew, Konoshima. The thickness of Japanese slabs is from 14 to 21 mm. For all panels, a standard size is characterized by 3.03х0.455 m. The same size of Japanese plates and the similarity on the mount gives the advantage of interchangeability during repair.

Facade Finishing by Japanese Panels

Fixing of Japanese fibropanes is carried out to a wooden or metal frame. The method of manufacturing the frame design and installation of plates is similar to the above. Thanks to the hidden way of fastening, the facade cladding can be performed at the same time with plates of various Japanese manufacturers.

Plastic panels

Plastic facing plates are single-layer and filler, such as a sandwich panel. A variety of colors, shapes, textures allows you to make a finish of the house under the simulation of natural materials.

Start the installation of facade panels from the preparation of the surface of the walls. First of all, they dismantle the old finish of the house with all the protruding elements. Cracks are covered in the walls, potholes, and start assembling the crates:

  1. Place the walls under the malarious cord with a plumb. Wall milling lines are strictly horizontally and vertically, withstanding the distance, 500-700 mm from each other. From this will depend on the quality of the facing.
  2. For crates use wooden bars or metal profile. A profile is more durable, so it is better to give preference. Attaching the p-shaped plates on the markup to the wall, they screw the profile to them with self-draws. Around the door and window openings around the perimeter of the wall set the enhanced crate. All design elements must be in the same level in the same plane. Distaners will help to align the plane on the uneven walls - these are special plates with holes that allow you to mount profile at the desired distance from the wall.
  3. In the cells of the crates put the mineral insulation, securing the dowels with a wide hat in the wall. Top stretch the vapor barrier film and begin to mount plastic facing.

Finishing panels start from the corner of the house from the bottom row. Depending on the type, there are locks of different designs on the panels. It is the locks of the panels connect to each other by fixing with galvanized self-drawing to the crate. Having installed the lower row, start assembling the following similar method. In the corners and opening of the panel are cut to the necessary sizes. Having completed the finishing of all walls, they mount the challenges. They hide all the joints of the facing of the corners of the building, door and window openings.

Metal cladding

Metal facing for the facade is made of galvanized steel sheet with polymer protective coating. Panels are highly durable, different colors and forms are produced. The second name of metal panels - siding.

Fix siding is needed on a metal crate. Its manufacture is the same as for plastic panels. The metal profile is fixed to the wall perforated suspension.

Special attention should be paid to the insulation of the walls. Metal facing is characterized by the formation of condensate from the temperature difference. Therefore, only the ventilated facade will save the wall from the formation of fungus and mold.

Fix the insulation is better planning to the suspension before installing the profile. Minvatu or Polyfoam cut through the attachment places, put on the suspension. In the same way, the tops are fixed from above. The profile installed in the suspension will fit the entire insulation, leaving the ventilating space between the facing. If insulation is performed after attaching the crate to the wall, the framework will have to launch additional planks. They will fit insulated material, creating a veneer for ventilation.

Starting at home siding starts from the corner by installing the lower row. The slab clamp is screwed with galvanized self-drawing with a pole. The junctions on the corners, door and window openings are closed by fair elements.


Thermopanels are the most efficient material for finishing the house. In addition to aesthetic species, they are kept warm due to the insulation layer. Mounted panels directly on a flat wall. If the surface of the wall is uneven, with defects, the crate to lay the thermopadals is fixed to it:

  1. The frame is made similarly to another type of facing only without laying insulation. It is already provided for thermopanels. The elements of the crates are installed so that two plates in one axis fall. One thermopanel must support three supports.
  2. At the bottom of the corner racks in the level make marks for the starting profile. The bar is screwed by self-drawing by sticking into it clips for panels.
  3. The first thermopanel is installed from the left corner to the starting profile. After entering the lower clamps, the plate is set up by level, fixing the clamps on the spikes. Fixing the panel with screws, the spikes are lubricated with silicone sealant. Next, the sip is joined the second panel. The following plates are mounted from the bottom up the entire perimeter of the construction, processing the joints with a sealant. When installing thermopanels, it is impossible to make a coincidence of 4 angles in one place. Therefore, all rows of each other are shifted by half the plates.
  4. At the end of the cladding of the entire building, the side elements of window and doorways are mounted.

Attention! Read more about Facade panels with insulation.

Sandwich panels

Sandwich panel - Durable and warm material for decoration of buildings. The three-layer structure consists of an internal insulation closed on both sides by a protective layer.

For installation need assistant. Installation of facade panels are performed in the following order:

  1. Sandwich panels are attached to the frame from the corner of the building. The first is installed in terms of the U-profile base. Insert the first panel into it.
  2. Having exhibit in terms of the level, the slab is screwed to the frame of self-refinery with rubber seals.
  3. Longitudinal seams are treated with sealant, and transverse seams are insulated with a mining with mounting foam.
  4. The next panel is installed on top, connecting with a lock connection. It is also screwed up with self-drawing to the frame.
  5. At the end of the cladding of the whole building, the technological seams are closed by nicknames. The joints hide the installation of the challenges.

When making the installation of facade panels with their own hands with the compliance with the technological instruction, the home building will acquire an elegant look for many years.

In contact with

When the house is built, it is necessary to take care of the facade finish, which should be not only beautiful, but also functional. Today there is a huge number of diverse materials that protect the walls of the frame house from moisture, natural precipitation, wind. The most common material today you can name the facade panels.

Installation of facade panels

The surface on which the facade panels is attached must be clean (without fungal and molding formations), as well as smooth and without cracks - they must be previously eliminated.

The perimeter is mounted a doomlet from the metal treated or anti-corrosion spray, for example, zinc.

The formed frame creates and provides a smooth surface. In the resulting emptiness, insulation is added or. It is necessary for the so-called heat screen effect, it effectively retains heat inside the room.

Installing the first panel of facade

The tart bar is attached at the lowest point of the building, it is necessary to leave 10 cm from each edge of the wall to mount the outer corners there. It is important that its position remains horizontal, since the remaining panels will be oriented on it.

Sometimes you need to cut the 1st row panels, for this you can use a disk saw, in such situations the starting profile is not used: the panels are only attached through the front side of the 5th nails or more, if necessary. A separate hole is drilled under each nail.

Subsequent rows of facade panels must be installed with a small distance so that the material takes place for expansion.

Often the top row also needs to be trimmed, do not disturb the integrity of the protective layer in this case, otherwise the front panels will not only look ugly, but their technical characteristics will deteriorate.

Types of facade panels and specificity of their installation

  • Fibropanels and Japanese fibropointers

Consist of reinforcing fibers and mineral fillers. Different with high levels of resistance to external influences and good flexibility.

Such panels are attached to the already attached frame (if it comes to 14 millimeter panels), on or carrying a building frame (16mm panels and more). Thin panels are attached to galvanized self-tapping screws, thicker are fastened by cleathmen.

Fibropanels are installed on the frame, which, in turn, is fixed to the wall on the brackets through the paronite (it will help minimize the load on the frame structure at the time of the precipitate). Between the frame cells are placed on top of which a vapor barrier film is laying.

Additional levels of the workflow: The scene is fixed to the frame (above the cabin 5-10 cm);

Kleimers for installing plates are placed on all vertical guides.

A suture plank is done to properly arrange the plates relative to each other.

On the kleimers located at the bottom, fibroplites are put on and fixed fasteners. All joints are treated and painted in the color of the panels.

  • Installation of plastic panels.

To install them, it is also necessary to remove the past finish at home, remove unevenness. Then the walls need to be placed clearly vertically and horizontally at a distance of 50-70 cm. It may be wooden or metal, it is enhanced in the area and. Lattice cells are also filled with insulation and film.

The specificity of the work is that the plastic panels are mounted from the angle of the building and from the bottom row by connecting locks and their attachments to the self-drawing.

  • Installation of metal panels. Facade (Siding)

They are distinguished by increased levels of strength and polymer protective coating.

Installation of facade panels is perhaps the most responsible stage in the finishing of your home. Not only the appearance and protection of the main material of the structure, but also the warranty depends on the right installation. We remind you that 50 years of service can only be provided in the case of the proper installation of the facade panels. Alas, some household owners, trying to save, trust the installation of non-professional workers who often do not even read specially designed recommendations on the installation of facade panels. As a result, non-secured thermal gaps, tightly screwed to the facade of the panel, which are not able to expand and narrow under the influence of temperatures. One of the most common errors when installing the facade panels is neglecting the creation of the crate.

We pay attention again! Installation of wall panels is the most important stage of working on your home. Carefully read the installation instructions. Use the original profiles and the tools and materials recommended by the manufacturer.

Preparation of the walls of the walls to the installation and installation of the crate

The front panels of Döcke-R can be mounted at any time of the year, with the exception of strong frosts (temperature below -15 ° C). The panels are installed on any build with any kind of walls, on under construction, built and long-term exploited buildings. All front work must be completed before the installation of facade panels.

Install wind-insulation if it is provided for by the project. If you plan to install additional thermal insulation, mounted an additional insulation lattice.

The lamp under the front panels may be wooden (in this case it is necessary to predetermine with its special bioprotective compositions) or from special galvanized profiles intended for facade works.

The shap is installed vertically / horizontally. The horizontal doom is installed under the starting profile, the J-profile, horizontal places of fixing panels. The vertical lattice is installed at the corners and vertical places of fixing panels. The shadow step is determined based on the size of the panels installed. The entire installed doome should provide a flat surface.

Basic Rules of Montaja

Due to the fact that the front panels have the properties to expand and shrink when the temperature changes, when installing, it is necessary to be guided by the following rules:
  • self-tapping screws are inflicted strictly horizontally in the center of the nail hole;
  • be sure to leave a small gap between the self-pressing cap and the panel / profile (not more than 1 mm);
  • insert one panel to another before the stops providing a guaranteed heat gap;
  • mounting to produce at a temperature not lower than -15 ° C.

Installing the starting profile

In order to start the installation of panels, you need to measure the building of the building "into the horizon", determining the lowest and highest point of the wall above the horizon. You can do this with a water level. After the water in the level takes a horizontal position, mark it with a pencil on the wall. So come with each of the corners of the building, bypassing it around the perimeter. You must come to the same point from which you started. From pencil tags, the distance to the bottom of the wall is measured.

If the distance from the labels to the ground is different - the foundation is located unevenly. In this case, with small slopes, it is better to make a breakfast parallel to the previously measured horizontal line and mount starting profiles, as described above. If it is impossible to do this, then the need for starting profile in these places disappears. Then it is necessary to determine at which height is better to position the second number of panels.

From this level, mark the desired size and cut the lower parts of the panels to the desired size. Install them by fixing in the upper horizontal and side vertical holes. If necessary, additional nails, similar to the factory in the lower part of the panels, can be performed. It is better to do this in the seam "to the self-tapping screw is less noticeable.

Attention! Calculate the panel with self-screwing by screwing it directly in the panel (outside the nail hole) can not, since over time it can lead to product deformation.

Installation of a universal J-profile

Using the facade j-profile in the inner corner finish:

  • Prepare two facade J-profiles of the required length, set them into the inner angle of the building.
  • In the upper part of the upper nail hole, install the self-tapping screw, the remaining screws are installed in the center of the nail holes. Installation step must be 150-200 mm.

Using the facade J-profile as edging top of the panels:

  • To complete the installation of panels, secure the facade J-profile on the crate at the top point of the installation (in case of finishes with the grains of the fronton - under the sink of the roof).
  • Secure the facade j-profile by analogy with the installation of all used system elements. In order to start a universal J-profile panel, it is enough to bend it.

Installation of facade panels Döcke-R

Facade panels are distinguished by all seasonality of mounting work: it is possible to make installation in any weather, even at negative temperatures. This feature is caused by the fact that the installation is made according to frame technology, mechanical fasteners. Consider the stages of work in more detail.

Installation of the crate

Depending on the chosen cladding material, the lamp is equipped:

  1. Wooden frame for light panels (plastic, steel sheets).
  2. For heavier facade plates (for example, from fibrocement), a frame of galvanized profiles or profile pipe is constructed.

The frame setting is made in such a sequence:

  • Mounted vertical guides. Step between them need to withstand 50-60 cm.
  • Then the horizontal strips are installed in the places of attachment of additional elements: outer angles, J-profile and other parts.

Tip! Between the frames of the frame, you can lay heat insulating material for additional insulation of the facade of the house. It is best to use sheet materials based on polystyrene foam or basalt wool slabs.

Installation of starting plank

After the frame is mounted, start installing the starting profile. Its installation facilitates the installation of the first row of panels and allows you to accurately withstand the horizontal. When installing the initial bar, it is necessary to carefully take it evenness with the help level. Also from the corners of the house you need to retreat about 10 cm for the installation of exterior angular elements.

Installation of panels

An important rule of installation of any facade panels - installation is carried out from left to right. There are various ways to install finishing plates, different from the manufacturer

Consider the main options:

  • PVC designs are attached with the help of a construction stapler or small screws and nails (on a wooden frame).
  • Steel panels are attracted to metal screws.
  • For the installation of most heavy structures use metal beammers. Their fastening to the frame is made using self-tapping screws.

After completing the installation of the facade panels, the installation of additional cladding elements is made:

  • exterior angles;
  • installing a J-profile for edging door and window openings;
  • installation of the finish plank to prevent rainwater from entering.

All these additional elements attach completion and serve to create an aesthetic appearance.

Tip! To install thermopadals in the installation of a frame, as a rule, there is no need. Such panels due to the thick layer of the elastic insulation perfectly hide insignificant irregularities of the facade. The mount is made using long screws with plastic dowels directly to the outer walls of the house.

Installation of panels - an excellent choice for facing the facade of the house. In addition to a wonderful appearance, such plates allow you to warm the house and securely protect the walls from moisture exposure. The ease and speed of the assembly process, a huge range of textures and a variety of shades, gives great popularity to this facing material.

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Facade Panel Unipan Chania

Front Panel Unipan (Chania) - Products of Chinese manufacturers. The initial name of the material - Chania - failed to register, since there is a regional Greek city and possible confusion.

In the current situation, it was decided to rename material. So the UniPan trademark appeared.

The material is a sandwich panel consisting of three main layers:

  • Galvanized metal sheet.
  • Polyurethane foam filler.
  • Thermo-waterproofing layer.

The production technology provides for the "hot swimming" process of components - injection of liquid polyurethane foam between two outer layers. After hardening, the block has a firmly interconnected block, which has a successful set of operational qualities and allows you to easily and quickly mount the cloth of the trim.

The metal facial layer has a relief corresponding to the texture of the simulated material - stone or brickwork, etc. There are also smooth panels with photo printing.

The peculiarity of such panels is the method of compound, which is absolutely similar to the principles of docking inner wall panels: one longitudinal edge is a comb, and the opposite - groove. To connect, you only need to insert the comb of one panel into the groove of another, which is also available to an absolutely unprepared person.

Easy installation excludes the possibility of errors, and the density of the connection creates a hermetic canvas, resistant to the effects of outer moisture, rain or tales, wind.

The surface has a relief repeating the texture of a stone or brick masonry, a wooden trim, etc. In addition, there are several color options that expand the possibility of choosing and implementing various design ideas.

Installation of metal:

It all starts identically: materials are prepared, a schematic design is drawn by a schematic design, installation is carried out. Profiles are installed in accordance with the rolled direction at a right angle to the base of the house with a 50 cm increment. Bearing profiles must be fixed with dowels.

Metal: Installation on Aluminum Frame

Remove interfering elements from the building facade

After installing the vertical profiles, it is necessary to establish transverse bulkheads. Here it is necessary on each side of the panel to make paws for fastening to the profile. There are immediately ready frameworks, but such structures have a clear drawback - they must be fixed directly to the walls of the house. If the wall is made of foam concrete, then such a frame can collapse. Also, the frame is not recommended to be installed on silicate brick. Walls made of red bricks also do not go to the finished carcass. In addition, such structures are more expensive than those set by their own hands.

Installing vertical racks in horizontal profile

Alignment of metallic frame vertical and horizontal

We put additional vertical stands for siding (based on the recommended dimensions of 40-60 cm)

The most rapid fastening of metal profiles with each other

Frame for siding

After the bulkheads were installed, the resulting rectangles can insert various kinds of insulation.

Plate laying insulation

Minvatu can be fixed with straight suspensions

The layer of insulation is closed by a wind turbulent web

As soon as the insulation is installed, the panels can be fixed on the frame. Each panel has holes for screws. This allows you to hide the seams and do not disturb the aesthetic type of facade.

Doborny elements

Metal Siding Kit

Schematically, the installation looks like this.

Stage 1.. Drawing up a diagram of a house and future frame for panels.

Mounting scheme

Stage 2.Cleaning the building from unnecessary decor elements.

Stage 3.. Production of outdoor frame on the walls of the building or installing ready.

Stage 4.. Installing the lowrow, starting plank and the very first row of panels. The level is used to determine the correct angle.

Installing lowland

Krepim sangs with self-drawing with a step of no more than 40 cm

Planks set with the overtr

Installation of external corners

Fresh inner corner

Installation of the starting profile

Screw the screws in the center of the holes, check the fastening density, slightly moving the bar to the right and left

Installation of platbands on the windows

Fastening a near square profile

Stage 5. The following rows are installed followed by mounting on the framework.

The first panel is latching in the starting bar and secure self-drawing to the crate

The following panel is inserted into the lock part of the previous one and repeat the installation

Mounting metalyding

Stage 6.. Installation of the final plank, sofit and decor elements.

Installation of the finishing profile

In the last panel we make holes with a disadvantage, snatch the panel in the finish profile

Installation of Sofitov

In the future, such installation elements are saved for each type of panels. It is also plus panels - their installation is similar, which means easily you can learn to install the facade.

Metal: This is a good option for the cottage and one-story house. Such panels perfectly repeat the effect of the tree. In addition, products are perfectly processed without unnecessary tools. Easy care is enough to wash the contaminated part of the house with water.


File for download. Manufacture of Mounting Mounting Works


What is facade panels

No need to confuse the front panels and siding, although their appointment coincides - the facing of the outer walls of the house. Facade plates appeared relatively recently and actively displacing other ways to protect buildings from atmospheric and other influences. They are thicker and strong in contrast to siding. Materials for the production of such shelter of outer walls also significantly expanded the range. Today, plates for the facade are used both for the full coating of the house and for the ground facing. Their demand is to explain simply: such a design of the facade replaces many natural materials, but much cheaper.

House, trimmed with facade plates, is protected and beautiful

Types of facade panels

The market presents numerous types of facade plates:

  • Polyvinyl chride

An inexpensive facing option that can be mounted on a lightweight frame or straight on the wall when taking an ideal surface. A variety of forms and colors can please any owner. The disadvantage is the absence of vapor permeability and fragility. The frost resistance is not too high, so it is not worth using such a cladding in the regions of the Far North. Many types of vinyl stoves are combustible, and most of the combustion are distinguished by harmful substances.

  • Fiber cement

They are made of concrete and wood fibers using synthetic additives that are a binding component. Durable, environmentally friendly, vapor-permeable, non-combustible fibro-cement facing facades won the market of many countries. Imitation of natural materials not only in the external coincidence, but also in quality characteristics. The material "under the tree" has the warmth of natural wood, but does not burn and does not rot.

  • Wood fiber plates

They are used mainly for light country houses and cottages, as they have significant disadvantages: flammable, exposure to rotting. But it is one of the most frost-resistant materials - up to 100 cycles, they are not subjected to cracking and are environmentally friendly.

  • Metal with pvc facing

They are made of galvanized steel or aluminum with vinyl coating. Convenient to use and mounting, especially cassette species. Durable, not susceptible to rotting, protect the house from noise, dust and moisture. The disadvantage - the material does not breathe, the external coating is susceptible to burning, considerable cost.

  • From Ceramographer

This facade material is characterized by high strength, resistance to all types of fungi and damage. Plates from porcelain stoneware look expensive and stylish. Such facades are impressed by weakness and protect the house from any effects from the outside. Lack of panel weight. Facing alone is quite difficult.

  • Pharmaceans.

We are accustomed to associate glass facades with large shopping centers or office buildings, but glass is increasingly demanding from those who want to give the walls of their mansion stylish, and sometimes a fantastic look. Used impact-resistant, often bulletproof glass class A and V. Apply reinforced glass, triplex, glass from foamed glass starrel. The advantages of such walls in their beauty and unusualness. Disadvantage in complex installation and high cost.

  • Thermophali.

The design of the thermopanel is a thick layer of polyurethane foam or polystyrene coated with ceramic tiles to protect material from external influences. The advantages of such protective facades mass: high heat and noise insulation, durability, frost resistance, shockproof. The simplicity of spike-groove mounts makes it easy to mount such a facing.

  • Sandwich panels

They are two layers of metal, between which the plastic layer and a vapor barrier layer are pressed. This is an excellent soundproofer. Withstand any temperature differences. Such plates can have a different surface. Not subject to corrosion and influence of fungus. Operating temperatures from -180 to +100 degrees.

Variety of cladding for exterior walls

The finishing of the building with the front plates has more advantages than minuses, and therefore I immediately say about the lack. The fastener of the front panel is always performed on a special framework, and therefore the manufacture of such facades requires knowledge and a certain experience. In addition, the cost of many materials is quite high. The advantages of cladding walls with these finishing materials are obvious:

  • Protection of the house from exposure to high and low temperatures;
  • Long use of 20 years and above. Most materials have a service life from 50 or more;
  • Protects walls from fungus and rotting;
  • Resistance to sharp temperature differences;
  • Most of the plates are made of non-combustible and environmentally friendly material;
  • Resistant to corrosion lesions.

Facade panels. The main advantages of the material

Facade panels are made in the form of small plates, which, by type of structural pattern, can be imitated with natural wood, stone, brick, etc. It looks like this finish is simply luxurious and for competent installation can be served for several decades. If we talk about the main advantages of the facing of this type, then it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Easy installation. Plates of panels are collected in one solid design using the most ordinary set of tools. The material has a small weight and provided on the end sides of the lock, so that the installation of the front panels can be performed with the attraction of the minimum amount of masters.
  • Ecology. Panels do not contain components harmful to human health, which makes it possible to use them for external cladding of buildings and structures of any type.
  • Long operating time. The front panels have resistance to the effects of temperature differences and seasonal precipitation. In addition, this material has a high degree of strength and does not fade under the influence of direct sunlight. Thanks to these features, the front panels serve for a long time and throughout the service life do not lose the original form and protective properties.
  • Acceptable price. Regardless of the modification and type of structural pattern, modern facade panels have a good value. The use of such material allows in a short time and with minimal financial costs to improve the appearance of the facade of any building.

Basic Rules for Mounting Facade Panels

Like any other facing material, the facade panels have their own installation rules. If you wish to finish the building to serve for many years and did not lose your original view, starting to install the panels, consider the following:

  • Before installing panels, it is necessary to carefully read the manufacturer's instruction.
  • In order to eliminate the likelihood of plates deformation under the influence of the temperature drops of the screw in the place of perforations should be screwed without excessive effort. Ideally, for the possibility of thermal expansion, the distance between the surface of the slab and the screw of the self-press should be 1 millimeter.
  • Carnate plates of facing material can be used only using stainless steel screws.
  • If, in accordance with the instruction of the panel, it is necessary to fix on a wooden crate, then its surface is predetermined by a protective solution that prevents the formation of mold and fungus.
  • To create a high-quality and reliable crate, it is better to use a steel galvanized profile.
  • Depending on the type of facade panels, their installation is carried out from left to right or bottom up. When horizontal installation, a vertical cutter is prepared and, on the contrary, the horizontal frame is created during the vertical installation of the slabs.
  • In the process of installing the front panels, you will have to cut the plates. To eliminate the likelihood of damage to the protective coating on the front of the material, we do not recommend that you use a grinder or a different tool running on high revs.

If you are not quite sure that you can install the facade panels on your own, it is better not to risk and immediately contact us. Specialists of the company "MSK-Roof" will perform all the stages of building facing in a clear compliance with technology, thanks to which the front panels will serve for many years and do not lose the neat look and integrity.

Selection of crates for panels and its installation

The lamp for panels is a supporting structure. Its configuration is usually complicated by the presence of the insulation, which should be installed between the planks. Therefore, the material is selected for the work, the most convenient in operation and is quite durable and durable.

The traditional view of the crate is the system of wooden planks. Such an option is allowed, but requires direct, dried planks that immediately after installation should be impregnated with an antiseptic in order to avoid the appearance of rot, mold formation, etc.

A more successful option is recognized by the construction of a metal crate. Metal guides for drywall sheets are used. They are direct, the galvanized surface prevents corrosive processes, installation and setting of the plane is much easier than when working with wooden bars.

In some cases, metal and wooden planks are combined, which is sometimes convenient for complex surface configurations.

Installation order:

  1. Cleaning the wall outside the house, full surface preparation - Spaklyka, (if necessary), primer, drying the surface.
  2. Wall markup under bearing elements - Brackets or direct guides.
  3. The shapper for deck panels has simultaneously horizontally and vertically directional strips. Therefore, if necessary, installing the insulation under it you need to build your crate. It is needed for mounting on top of her carrier slats for panels.
  4. Installing the insulation is made between the planets of the primary crate. On top of the insulation, a layer of waterproof membrane is stacked.
  5. A carrier is installed on the primary craters. Its thickness must be at least 3 cm to provide the desired value of the ventilation gap. Vertical strips serve to mount corners, side panels. Horizontal serve as a supporting surface for starting and j-slats, tops of panels, other web elements.
  6. The step of horizontal planks corresponds to the height of the panel, the step of the vertical is half its length.

The main task when installing the crate - to ensure the correspondence of the sizes of panels and distances between the plates, as well as to ensure the presence of a flat plane, which allows the proper geometry of the sheath web.

Decorative panels under clinker tiles

Relatively new material, which gives an aesthetic view of the facade and warming up the house at the same time. Such panels have two components - the base of the insulation and the outer coating. The coating can be stylized under any material - brick, stone, etc.

Such panels are fixed very quickly, due to a simple way. For the attachment you will need a spatula, construction glue, prepared frame. The latter is not necessary, since such panels can be attached immediately on the wall. The frame is used to establish an additional layer of insulation.

Mounting scheme

The panels are fastened as follows - a solution of construction glue is applied to the toothed spatula. Regarding the solution, each tiles manufacturer indicates the proportion formula necessary for installation. The glue is applied on the product that is applied to the outer wall or frame. After, the panel is broken in three minutes, and is again attached to the surface. This method is necessary in order to increase clutch strength.

Elements are fixed by glue

The installation of the installation is verified by the level.

Between the joints of the panel can be sealed with construction glue, and for additional strength panels are fixed with screws. The only drawback of such panels is their high cost. In return, you get not only a beautiful facade, but also a warm house.

Installation of thermopanels

Fixation of elements

Filling seams

Most likely, this is the optimal option not only to improve the type of facade of the building, but also insulation. Such panels look most attractive because they take the form of various materials and products from them. The house can turn into a stone fortress.

In addition, in the case of damage one of the parts of the facade, there is no need to disassemble the entire design. It is enough to choose the desired panel size, remove the damaged and install a new one.

The main recommendation is to establish in a warm course of the year, since the glue may be incorrect at low temperatures, and the entire design will not firmly hold onto the wall. Each manufacturer indicates a package, at what air temperatures most correctly fix the panel.

Video - Installation, insulation of thermopanels

Video - Installation of facade thermopanels (PPU) with clinker tiles

Panels with decorative tiles

Facade thermopanels

Such panels are a novelty in the field of finishing materials. They consist of a base (mainly pressed foam) and an outer decorative coating. The panels simultaneously perform two functions:

  • insulation at home;
  • imitation of natural stone.

There are no significant drawbacks, except for the high cost.

Front panel of polystyrene

Corner thermopanels

Montaja technology

The facade finish with such decorative panels is the easiest and fast siding option. This became possible due to special groove, allowing reliably to fix the docked panels. There are no seams at the same time.


The panels are installed on the construction glue applied by a toothed spatula. The proportions in which the adhesive solution is prepared, manufacturers indicate the packaging.

Mounting panel

The gluing occurs as follows: the panel is applied to the wall, after three minutes, it takes off, and after two glues again. This allows you to increase the stability and adhesion of the materials.

Installation of thermopanels

Installation of thermopanels

Installation of thermopanels

Installation of thermopanels

Important! If during re-applying the panel does not stick, it means that the adhesive mixture is not suitable or is applied in insufficient quantity. .

Installation is made in the rows, move from below up. So the bottom row will support the top. After laying one row, make a half-hour break so that the glue is dry (for complete drying, the day), the optimal ambient temperature - 20-25? P.

Siding from a tree

Siding from a tree

Such panels can only be used to finish single-storey buildings due to impressive weight. Despite the special impregnations, which are processed by products, the first care will be required after several seasons after installation. In terms of competent circulation, such siding will serve not one decade.

Montaja technology

As in the case of metal rims, two options are possible here:

  • independently install the panels;
  • buy finished design.

Independent sheathing happens as follows.

Stage 1. Initially, a frame from a wooden bar is collected. The first stand is attached perpendicular to the ground, all subsequent are installed in a similar way in half the meter. After that, transverse racks are installed. Instead of a tree, the frame can be built from metal products.

Installation of crates

Stage 2. Frame (if it is wooden) is processed by mourn and antiseptics to protect against insects, atmospheric precipitation, wind, etc.

Important! Vertical racks can not be put straight to the ground - it is necessary to make special linings, otherwise the tree will absorb moisture from the soil and will soon rot. . Stage 3.

The space between the racks is filled with mineral wool.

Stage 3. The space between the racks is filled with mineral wool.

Mineral wool insulation

Stage 4. Panels are attached to the frame of self-drawing.

Ready design Restantly resembles a suspended ceiling. The installation procedure in this case is quite simple.

Stage 1. Mount the extreme guides.

Stage 2. Then with a step equal to the length of the boards, the internal is installed.

Stage 3. Siding is inserted between the guides. The first strip is installed, the second, third, etc.

Stage 4. After that, the upper row is aligned and covered with a wooden frame for fixing.

Montage of wooden siding

This installation option has significant disadvantages, among which almost complete absence of thermo- and noise insulation.

Important! There is another kind of wooden panels - long-haired siding. It consists of six meters long leafs, which are attached to dowels or liquid nails not on the frame, but immediately on the wall. For installation, you will need at least two people.

Mount the first facade panel with your own hands

Krepim facade panel

Often the walls of the building are uneven, so you first need to fix the starting bar at the lowest point of the building. From each edge of the wall, leave the clearance of 10 centimeters to install an external corner. To screw the screws in the frame, holes are made in increasing about 40 centimeters. Clearly follow the horizontal of the first plank, it depends on the correctness of the attachment of all subsequent panels.

If there is a need for a panel of the lower row, you can be cut off with a disk saw. To do this, you can use a disk saw by applying a cloth with thin teeth by setting it in the opposite direction. When cutting a panel to the required height, adjust the direction of movement of the saw for information of the chip to a minimum.

If you need a trimming of the lower panels, the starting profile does not apply. In this case, the panels are simply fixed through the facial surface in low-rise places, scoring at least 5 nails into one panel. Before driving the nails through the facial surface of the pre-drill holes for fasteners.

The second number of panels is installed and moves over the previous one with a small gap to expand the material. The same method is set to install all subsequent rows. Try to constantly check the level of corners - they should always be at the level with panels.

When you reach the top of the facade, you may need to trim and the last row in height. Try to cut the material gently so as not to damage the protective layer. Otherwise, the characteristics of the panels and their appearance will deteriorate. A j-profile can be applied to finishing inner angles. Before mounting the angle, align the panels of the viniplast or aluminum ribbon.


The protected facade of the house serves several times longer, and beautiful also glances. Facade panels are perfectly coping with these tasks, being aesthetic, practical and inexpensive finishing materials. Separately, it is worth noting the simplicity of installation work.

Quality frame and competent fixation of the starting profile is the main part of the case. When installing the panels themselves, only attentiveness and accuracy are important. You also need to not forget about the heat expansion of the material, to compensate for which the compliance with temperature seams is necessary between sections and gaps between the caps of the fixing elements and the surface of the finish.

Installation of heavy facade panels with their own hands in stages

Installation of heavy facade elements is done in a different way. Just secure fibroplitis or porcelain tiles on the starting profile without additional fasteners is impossible. Therefore, the progress of work is next.

  • The first thing we design the crate. It is necessary to calculate the number and types of profile planks, brackets and fasteners.

Important! You can not use a galvanized profile for GLC! The facade is too heavy for this metal. It is necessary to purchase a special reinforced profile.

The surface of the wall prepared for fastening facing material

We install the brackets to which the vertical profile will then be attached. The size of the working part of the bracket is calculated from the thickness of the insulation. After laying thermal insulation, we install vertical profiles. Mount the main and intermediate profile. The main must be located at the joints of the slabs, and the intermediate in the middle. The calculation of the step is carried out on the basis of the architectural features of the project of the building and wind load: the size between the profiles is usually 40-60 cm. Horizontal strips have a step corresponding to the sizes of the panel.

  • The next step is set to the lower sampling at a distance of 40 cm from the soil and secure the starting profile or the beammers. Clammers or metal clamps are designed not only for fastening, but also for a deformation seam device.
  • Next, begin the fixation of the first row. The thicker facing material, the most important it is necessary to approach work. The fastening of the facade element from porcelain stoneware and other funny structures more than 15 mm thick is carried out on the beammers or on the inner fasteners. The stove connection occurs in accordance with the instructions and pattern. Refining on the curvators
  • After installation, all joints are sealed and carefully cleaned. To avoid damage to the surface, the joints are sampled by painting scotch, which is subsequently removed.
  • The design of the upper row should be produced with the formation of the ventilation gap, which is characteristic of all ventilated facades. To do this, the P-shaped profile and the sump is installed. Downstairs is the same. Then the correct air circulation will be ensured. The top and the bottom connection will be
  • The formation of outer angles is usually already provided by the manufacturer. This can be done without trimming the joint in the junction or with trimming. An angular corner can be imposed on the angle, which will need to be painted. In any case, the kit offers sealant and paint under the color of the main cladding.

Important! When installing, do not forget to leave 3 mm between the plates on the temperature expansion! The ends are protected by a special sealant, which must be included.

Installation of corners

If you pay attention to the installation methods, the principal differences are not observed. There are certain nuances that should be considered when installing panels independently :. The bottom layer is the most important

Exactly laid or installed panel is a guarantee of proper and successful work. In the case of improper installation, the likelihood of replacing the entire design is large. Installing the first siding panel and the proper gearing of the profile lock
The frame is an important component. In addition to the clinker panels, the rest of the products need a framework. It will minimize the load on the walls of the house and distribute it correctly. In addition, a variety of insulation can be installed in the space between the wall and tile. Thanks to the frame. Wooden frame for siding is the easiest way of insulation
The panel seams are perfectly hidden each other when the installation is properly. Building (docking) Siding panels in length
The minimum number of tools is needed construction (preferably) a knife for cutting off the extra parts of the panels, a screwdriver, level, line. In addition, the installation of the panels will not take much time. If it is difficult to install the panel independently, without a specialist, it is enough to hire one person. In the future, watching work, you can easily repeat the entire work done and for other buildings. Big field for designer decisions. Most products are stylized under stone, wood and decorative brick. The house will look rich and elegant. Finish facade at home

  1. The lower layer is the most important. Exactly laid or installed panel is a guarantee of proper and successful work. In the case of incorrect installation, the probability of replacing the entire design is great. Installing the first siding panel and proper engagement of the profile lock
  2. The frame is an important component. In addition to the clinker panels, the rest of the products need a framework. It will minimize the load on the walls of the house and distribute it correctly. In addition, in the space between the wall and tile, thanks to the frame, you can install various insulation. Drainage frame for siding

    The easiest way of insulation

  3. The panel seams are perfectly hidden each other when it is properly installed. Siding panels (docking)
  4. The minimum number of tools is needed construction (preferably) a knife for cutting off the extra parts of the panels, a screwdriver, level, line. In addition, the installation of the panels will not take much time.
  5. If it is difficult to install the panel independently, without a specialist, it is enough to hire one person. In the future, watching work, you can easily repeat the entire work done and for other buildings.
  6. Big field for designer decisions. Most products are stylized under stone, wood and decorative brick. The house will look like a rich and elegant. Facade of the facade of the house

This is what you need to know a person if he independently decide to install the panels. The process does not differ technical complexity.

It is necessary to act gently and carefully to achieve the desired result.

Wooden siding

Perhaps one of the most expensive types of panels, but the most beautiful. The panels are made of pressed sawdust, processed by special solutions for strength and durability. However, if not to care for such a facade regularly (every two seasons), it quickly comes in disrepair. In addition, this method of finishing is suitable only for single-storey houses, since the panels are heavy, the frame may not withstand.

Wooden siding

As in the case of metal &iding, wooden panels are attached to the prepared frame. Installation methods identical:

  • the frame is made of wooden bars. But there is an opportunity to install from a metal profile to facilitate the design. The first rack is installed at right angles to the base of the building, and the rest after half a meter is parallel. Racks are installed between them; the scheme of the device of a wooden crate under siding
  • frame from wood must be treated with insects and moisture;
  • the resulting space between the racks can be filled with insulation. For insulation, mineral wool is recommended, since it will not simply save the heat in the house, but also will allow the condensate; wall casing block House


  • the panels are fixed to the frame with kleimers or screws.

Wooden siding for finishing at home

The above panels can be replaced longer. The advantage of such panels - they are fixed immediately to the wall at each other in a row. The length of such products is 6 meters. This is a faster installation method. But in order to perform work on the facade, you must at least two people. One person will not cope with such work, because the panels may be incorrectly installed.

In order to cut off the unnecessary part of the panel, it is recommended to use the grinder. It will most quickly cope with such a product and smoothly cut the part of the panel.

The complexity of such products is their mass. For installation, it is best to call an assistant. So, the process will be optimally rapid and correct.

After installing the wooden facade is covered with a protective layer of paint


1 Instructions for the installation of facade panels "Hanyi" Necessary tools: 1. Shrovet 2. Roulette 3. Level 4. Metal scissors 5. Galnik 6. Perforator (Punching the opening of fasteners) 7. Electrolovik with a pilot for metal surface preparation. Installation of the "Chania" panels are allowed under all weather conditions. The wall surface does not need special training. To align the plane, if necessary, you can use a metal galvanized profile 60 x 27 and direct suspensions (they are used when mounting drywall). The profile is installed with the interval of cm (vertically, or horizontally, depending on the method of fastening the panels)

2 Installation. To attach the first panel, a starting plank is used. The location of the starting plank is determined at the maximum lower point of the foundation. In this case, the starting plate must be strictly horizontally (with horizontal mounting panels). The first panel is installed on the starting bar, closing the starting bar, and attached to the profile by self-draws. Each next panel when installing closes the fastener of the previous panel.

3 Angular elements (external and internal) apply the design of the corner joints of the panels. Between themselves, they are connected by the castle element of the spike groove. In addition, the corners can be used at the junction of the vertical wall of the front and the lower part of the protruding roof, window, doorways, etc. When connecting panels on the corners and joints, it is recommended to leave the temperature gap of 3-5 mm between them.

4 Connecting Plank closes the connection of the panels in the end part. It is attached as follows: A p-shaped aluminum guide is attached between the end edges of the panels, which is the response part of the connecting element lock, and the connecting element itself is inserted into it with a slight force. Between itself, the length of the elements are connected by the chip-groove lock. To close the cutting and fastening the last panel, the finish plank applies.

5 Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe material. When drawn material, to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls you need to add 5% for cuts; If the structure of a complex architectural configuration is 10%. To find out the amount of starting plank, it is necessary to find the amount of the width of the door from the perimeter of the building. In order to find out the number of external and internal angles, you need to measure the length of the outer and internal corners of the building and divided by 0.38 m (this is the length of the angular element) and increase to an integer. So you will receive the required number of items. Calculation of the needs of the docking profile. Find the amount of heights in the places of docking panels and also divide by 0.38 (this is the length of the docking element) and increase the resulting number to the whole. Cutting For cutting panels, you can use the cutting of metal with small teeth or electric jigsaw. Since the metal is covered with an alumo-zinc protective layer, during sawing or drilling panels it is broken. We recommend processing places damaged during sawing or drilling with protective agents: enamel for storage. Panels "Chania" do not need special storage conditions. Fastening material. For fastening panels to the crate, it is recommended to use galvanized screws 9.5 mm. For mounting 100 sq.m. Panels will need about 1000 pieces. Service panels "Chania". Panels "Chania" - material durable. After installation, it does not require subsequent investments. All you need to preserve the beauty of your home - wash it out once a year using a plain garden hose. If the material is badly contaminated, you can use a simple no abrasive detergent. In compliance with all the recommendations on installation and maintenance, the Khanya panel will delight you for many years.

Panel mounting features

Polypropylene facade panels have Specifications close to most plastic samples of plating - vinyl, acrylic, etc.

Accordingly, the conditions of installation work, in particular - mandatory observance of thermal gaps - to the same extent relevant for deck panels.

The fact is that the solid canvas of the trim, being tightly dialed without gaps, while heating will begin to expand and go to the waves. In some cases, the destruction of the nailed planks are possible - bands along the edge of the panel with oblong holes for fixing on the basis with the help of nails or, more often, self-tapping screws.

In order to avoid damage or violation of the appearance of the trim, the temperature gaps must be observed - the slots between all inhibitory elements of the trim. In particular, this condition is relevant for elements that need longitudinal docking (for example, starting plank, J-plank, etc.).

For the same reasons, nails and self-tapping screws can not score / twisted until. There are about 1 mm between the cap and the detail, in order to have the ability to move when changes in size. Holes in the nail placas have an oblong form.

Saws screws exactly in the middleSo that there was a small movement to one or the other side. The only case when this rule is broken - the installation of vertical elements (for example, angular planks). For them, the self-tapping screw is installed at the top point so that the item does not fall down. The remaining self-tapping screws are located in general scheme.

The magnitude of the temperature gap depends on the temperature during installation. For a hot summer day, it is enough 2-3 mm, for cold winter - at least 6 mm.

Types of facade panels and specificity of their installation

  • Fibropanels and Japanese fibropointers

Consist of cement reinforcing fibers and mineral fillers. Different with high levels of resistance to external influences and good flexibility.

Such panels are attached to the already attached frame (if it comes to 14 millimeter panels), on the wall or carrier building frame (16mm panels and more). Thin panels are attached to galvanized self-tapping screws, thicker are fastened by cleathmen.

Fibropanels are installed on the frame, which, in turn, is fixed to the wall on the brackets through the paronite (it will help minimize the load on the frame structure at the time of the precipitate). There are insulation between the frameworks of the frame, on top of which the vapor barrier film is laying.

Additional levels of the workflow: The scene is fixed to the frame (above the cabin 5-10 cm);

Kleimers for installing plates are placed on all vertical guides.

A suture plank is done to properly arrange the plates relative to each other.

On the kleimers located at the bottom, fibroplites are put on and fixed fasteners. All joints are treated with sealant and paint paint in the color of the panels.

  • Installation of plastic panels.

To install them, it is also necessary to remove the past finish at home, remove unevenness. Then the walls need to be placed with the lines clearly vertically and horizontally at a distance of 50-70 cm. The doomle can be wooden or metal, it is enhanced in the area of \u200b\u200bwindows and doors. Lattice cells are also filled with insulation and vapor barrier film.

The specificity of the work is that the plastic panels are mounted on the angle of the building and from the bottom row by connecting the locks and their attachment to the crate of self-draws.

  • Installation of metal panels. Facade (Siding)

They are distinguished by increased levels of strength and polymer protective coating. Singing requires a metal crate, which is attached to the walls perforated with suspensions.

In cells lay insulation, but it is necessary to provide such aspect as the possibility of ventilation of the facade, otherwise the condensate formed under the metal will begin to destroy the wooden surface.

Siding is mounted with a lower angular part.

  • Installation of facade panels: thermopanels.

The installation begins from the left corner to the starting profile, the clamps are fixed on the spikes to which the following thermopanel attach.

  • Sandwich panels. Installation. Facade of a frame house

This name is no coincidence, since the panel contains 3 layers, one of which is the insulation.

Such panels are not easy to install one: the U-profile is fixed at first, where the 1 panel is inserted, and the frame from the corner of the building is inserted. Everything is exhibited by level, the stove is attached directly to the frame.

For longitudinal seams, it will take a sealant, for transverse - mineral wool and mounting foam. Subsequent panels are attached from above to locks.

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Polyvinyl chloride siding

Plastic facade panels Nailite (Nailate)

PVC panels are cheap and easy to install a facade finish, characterized by a wide model near and, consequently, weighing possible design solutions. The only drawback is an appearance. From a close distance, even the naked eye is noticeable that the house is covered with plastic.

Vinyl Siding

Montaja technology

PVC panels are installed only horizontally. To work will be required:

  • perforator;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • bulgarian;
  • level;
  • punson is a tool for taking the ears at the edges of the sheets of material.

Stage 1. First, the visual inspection of the house is performed, the place is determined for the installation of the first row. This row should coincide with the old finish or close the top of the foundation (if it comes to a new building).

Stage 2. All necessary components are installed - internal and outer angles, platbands, first strip, and so on. It should be started with the corners, while between them and the eaves of the building should remain a small gap - 6.5 mm.

Stage 3. Installation of the first row is the most responsible stage of the facade finish, on which the evenness of all siding depends. Initially, the boundary of the first row is determined, after which the horizontal line is performed on the wall. When installing the first strip, this line will serve as a guideline.

Important! Between the ends of two adjacent panels should be a gap of 1.27 cm. Stage 4.

On the door and windows, the corresponding accessories are installed - platbands, fed, final lining. For consupportion, the strip of the material is joined at an angle of 45 °.

Stage 4. On the door and windows, the corresponding accessories are installed - platbands, fed, final lining. For consupportion, the strip of the material is joined at an angle of 45 °.

Fastening vertical elements

Stage 5. The remaining panels are installed from the bottom up, focusing on the first row. Each panel is inserted into the profile and nailed with nails (not completely). The interval between the panels should be 0.4 cm, and between them and other components - from 0.6 cm to 1.25 cm.

Details are attached with a gap

The panels are superimposed by one to another on the ½ factory note, while the vertical folding should be avoided - they are more noticeable from the facade.

Stage 6. In the upper edge, the sheets are installed in the same way as under the windows. Especially the whole panels are used, the cropping is possible only for the frontones. When installing the last row, a J-shaped profile is used with Ø6 mm holes, made in increments of 0.5 m (for flowing water from the roof).

Mounting technology of outdoor wall panels

It will be about the device of the facade of single-layer facing elements from polyvinyl chloride. The panels are mounted on the uneven base on a frame of metal galvanized profiles.

Facade wall panels are mounted almost at any temperature. The installation is prohibited only in severe frosts when the thermometer indicators fall below -15 ° C. Facing facade work consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation.
  2. Disease for mounting panels.
  3. Fastening facade panels.


Work on the preparation of the ground must be completed before the installation of the carrier framework. From the facade, extra elements are removed, such as an external unit for air conditioning. The windows are removed from the windows and the slope of the slopes. If the facade is wooden, then it is necessarily treated with an antiseptic for braking processes of rotting and the development of fungus. If the facade is a stone or concrete, then such a processing is not required.

Facing without insulation does not provide for a pair-insulation membrane device. If there is an external backlight, the wiring is carried out at the preparation phase.

Pantel Mounting Cinema

The doomle under the front panels can be made of wood or p-shaped profile. Preferably the second option, since the galvanized profile does not corrosive and does not destroy. It should not be further protected.

At a level basis, it is allowed to mount the profile directly on the bare wall. If the facade with curvatures is mounted, the framework for the front panels is mounted.

The framework consists of brackets and carrier profiles. Using brackets, the frame is aligned. The profile is mounted on a predetermined surface of the facade. Marking is carried out using a laser level and measuring tape

The first horizontal element is installed by 50 mm from the ground. A starting plank for the front panels is attached to it. The step of installation of vertical guides is 500-600 mm, and horizontal depends on the height of the facing element. Horizontal guides are made from the J-profile. Self-screws are used for fastening with a step of 300-400 mm.

Fastening facade panels

The installation of the front panels begins from the bottom angle strictly left to right and downward. The first row is installed on the starting bar. The left end, which goes to the corner, is trimmed at exactly at right angles. It is then fixed with the help of self-tapping screws, which are screwed into the nail holes and the body of the wall. The second panel is connected to the first to the joint of the thermocompators and is fixed in the same way. To increase the strength of the panel design, you can glue the starting plate with the mounting foam.

The device of the facade of single-layer and multilayer panels can be performed with your own hands. Works are not particularly difficult subject to rules and technologies. Facade panels will be complemented by a wide range of challenges that allow you to hide small flaws of a novice installer.

Installation of facade panels video

Now consider the process in stages:

  • We establish a metal or wood substructure (depending on the requirements of the manufacturer of the facade plates). To do this, mount the guide bar at the bottom of the entire design, drill holes in it for screws at a distance of 30-40 centimeters. From each edge of the wall should be a gap a little more than 10 centimeters for the subsequent installation of an external corner. It is very important that the guide bar is attached to the wall strictly horizontally. This is the beginning of all installation work, and the slightest irregularity at this stage will make the entire geometry of the entire facade.
  • After the bar is fixed and fixed, it is necessary to install external corners on adjacent walls. Around the door, arches, the windows are put a j-profile. Between this profile and the panel make a gap of 0.5-1 centimeter, which is necessary for further expansion and compress panels when changing the temperature.
  • When the frame is in place, go to the installation of the panels. If for this sheets it will need to trim, then the cutting edge must be placed on the left, and even leave for further lasting clutch with the next panel. The sheet of the panel is inserted into the bar and moves to an external corner. After using the building layer, you will make sure that the sheet is fixed smoothly, and it fits tightly to the corner, you can fix it on the tapping screw.
  • From the first sheet, which will serve for you a kind of guideline, continue the installation of subsequent sheets. At the same time, the following should be taken into account: the angles must be at the same level as the front panels.
  • Before mounting the panels, the facade is plated with a layer of thermal insulation and a hydraulic protection membrane. Do it is not all. We advise you to set down the house with good thermal insulation material. After all, the main feature of the facade panels is insulation at home. To do this, it is best to use basalt mineral wool - this is the most reliable and safe material that is distinguished by increased durability and negrogens. Some consider it possible to reduce the maintenance of thermal insulation and the choice of fiberglass or polystyrene foam, but the fire resistance of these materials is significantly lower. Waterproofing material will protect the insulation from wetting. We draw attention to the fact that in the process of assembly works, the insulation without waterproofing can not be left outdoors for several days. Otherwise, the wool will take too much moisture into itself and cannot effectively perform its functions. In a situation with the choice of waterproofing, some are also inclined towards the acquisition of an economical film, but such a choice cannot be justified. Be sure to pride the ventilation gap that will not allow condensate to form on the inside of the sheets of the front panels.

High-quality facade panels are quite difficult to distinguish from natural materials

At first glance, it may seem that the above-described sequence of actions is quite simple and does not require any construction skills. However, this work requires accuracy, and the most common errors are allowed already at the very beginning of work - with improper installation of the plank, when one of its edges go up or down.

The main thing is the correct markup and horizontal frame.

Subsequent installation of sheets will pass fast enough. Nevertheless, we advise you not to rush to mount the panels and recheck the position of each sheet before its fastener. We recommend reading an article about.

Polyvinyl chloride panels

PVC Siding is the easiest and cheap way to separate the facade of the building. Such panels are popular for several reasons: simplicity of installation; low cost; Huge colors. From the flaws it is worth noting that such panels are made of plastic and any facade will look like plastic even at the furthest distance.

This type of panels is set exclusively horizontally. For work, it will take a construction or any other knife. In addition, the perforator will be needed. It will also need a level to determine the corner of the panels, as well as a hammer for climbing nails.

The initial step of installing PVC panels is a preliminary inspection of the house. It is necessary to determine the location of the first row of panels. In the case of a new building, it is recommended to install the panel from the beginning of the foundation. Also, PVC panels can be installed from the initial row of old finish.

Start mounting

Next, you should install the initial framework, namely: angles, both external and internal, platbands, first stripes for fastening panels. Starts installation with corners. The gap between them and the eaves should not be more than 6.5 mm.

The most responsible stage, from which the further fate of the entire facade will depend on - setting the first panel strip

It is important how it can be more correct to install the first strip of fasteners, since it depends on the mount of the panel itself. If the strip was laid exactly, then the panel will be smooth

General provisions

On windows and doors it is necessary to install platbands, fits and lining. And after the stages done, the installation of all other rows of the facade begins. The top panel is inserted into the profile and clogged with a nail, but not completely. Between the panels must be an interval of 0.4 cm, and between other components - no more than 6 mm. In order to avoid vertical adhesions, it is recommended to install the panels for half the factory mark. So the joints will not be visible from the facade side.

Facade panel mounting sequence

When installing panels, you must remember that parts of the products will need to cut off. For this, a construction knife is used. Also need a ruler and a level for more accurate measurement of the angle and the straight line on the product. We draw the line on the panel in the place where you need to cut off a piece, gently spend a knife several times. Plus plastic - it is ideal for such manipulations.

You must be extremely careful because mechanical damage is very visible on such a material.

Such panels are most in demand due to the simplicity of their installation and low cost. In addition, PVC products are installed on the various heights of the building, since very easy. Installing such panels is simple and will not require a lot of time.

The final stage is to install the upper row of panels. For the top row, only the entire panels are needed. In addition, the last panel is closed by a special profile for water flow.

Video - Installation of base siding

Their advantages


  • aesthetic qualities: due to the imitation of various textures and a large color palette, they allow you to make the house stylish and beautiful;
  • long term and ease of operation (enough to wipe the panels with simple water and they already look like new);
  • the small weight of the facade plates reduces the load on the foundation;
  • good water repellent properties;
  • acceptable price;
  • you can add a heatel or use panels with insulation.

Facade panels - This is a facing material from polymer sheets (usually from polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam) with perforation with the possibility of fastening with self-draws literally on any surfaces (starting from and ending with wood).

Facing panel of facades

Installation of light facade panels

The first stage will be the manufacture of the crate. It can be several species, but the most important thing is to solve you need warming under the facade elements or not. It must be remembered that even if you live in a warm area, the insulation serves not only for keeping heat, but also protects against the heat. He takes the moisture of evaporation and transfers the dew point for the walls of the house. Modern insulation are noise absorbs and carry part of the protective function of the facade system. This is only the main part of the advantages of the organization of the facade with insulation. True, there is a disadvantage: the material has the cost of 200 rubles per square meter. On the other hand, if the walls require high-quality straightening, you will not be able to do without it. It is better to follow the advice and construct a good ventilated facade at your home, then the straightening of the walls will not need.

Chatters are two types

Production of crates

The crate can be made of metal and wood. For heavy plates, for example, from natural stone, glass or porcelain stoneware framework required from a metal profile.

Take as the basis of the metal grid. If you live in a warm area, then the vertical strips can be burned to the ground, and in the area with the soil freezing, you need to measure at least 40 cm from the soil and start securing the planks in increasing 91 cm or slightly less than the size of the insulation. When the slabs are fixed without insulation, horizontal planks are mounted to vertical without protrusions "flush", the pitch of the strapping will be 46 cm.

Recover plan

Installing the starting profile

We proceed to the installation of the starting profile. It is mounted above the chip, if there is any. In the case of a ventilated facade, the sump is installed under the J-profile, which fastens the bottom layer of the insulation. Installing the starting profile starts along the bottom of the frame bar strictly horizontally. Do not forget to measure the corner panels. Usually their sides are 10 cm, so the starting profile is mounted with a 10-centimeter indentation from the angle. If the bottom edge of the plate requires trimming, the starting profile is not used, and the facing are screwed or nourished directly to the crate.

Start Profile Diselet

Installation of the first row

First attach the angle. Now promote the first panel on the starting profile to the left until completely docking the corner

Pay attention that mounting pins must be docked correctly. Secure the stove and fill the connecting seam with a sealant. Go to the next plate, moving from left to right. If necessary, cut off the plates, trying not to cut more than one mounting connection

Cutting elements is made by a grinder or saw with rare teeth. Adjust the stroke of the saw so as not to make chips. Cut the last panel into size.

Installation of the first row

Subsequent rows are attached according to the scheme of the first row. For "brick" facades, it is necessary to move the slab relative to the other so that the natural drawing of the brick wall is turned out.

The formation of inner corners

For mounting inner angles, you can apply J-profile or cutting the plates according to the size and pattern. Take two profiles and set the building in the inner angle. The mounting step is 15-20 cm.

The last row of panels ends the mounting of the J-profile and low tide.

Installing a J-profile for internal angles