Repairs Design Furniture

Tinting linseed oil with their own hands. All you need to know about wood finishing with flaxseed oil. Pigments significantly increase the protection of the treated wood

Impregnating oil - one of the easiest and at the same time effective ways Protective and decorative wood processing. Today it will be about the types of oils, differences in the compositions for internal and outdoor works, as well as the technique of performing the impregnation of wooden surfaces and wood products.

Wood oil - distinction and classification

Covering joinery oil can be called the most eco-friendly and exaggerated safe way Wood processing. All because the composition of oils enter either absolutely natural or inert chemical compounds. Immediately make a small reservation: there are oils for wood, which included volatile solvents, but after drying, such a coating remains absolutely harmless.

Almost all oils for wood are made on the basis of flaxseed oil, and if more precisely, linen or other natural oils. Characteristic feature This material is an extremely high tendency to polymerization. Clean oil for wood processing is almost never used. Oryol base can also be hemp, tung or other origin, mainly differences are expressed in conditions that contribute to thickening and polymerization.

Oils are very different in their technical characteristics: viscosity, density, type and content of dry residue, volatile solvents and special additives. All this not only affects the operational quality of the coating, but also entirely determines the technique of applying and the nature of interaction with a certain breed of wood. On the other hand, the oil is classified both on a decorative effect, that is, according to such signs, as the intensity of the texture and the depth of the color of wood.

Viscosity differences

In a joinery, there are about two dozen rocks of wood, characterized by density, porosity and vessel sizes. In each individual case, the oil must be selected individually, taking into account the size, shape and specific features processed product. We note that you can regulate the viscosity of the solvents only when working with tung oil, other compositions cannot be categorically endured.

The more thick and viscous oil is used, the harder it is to apply a uniform layer before polymerization starts. Working with thick oils requires greater accuracy, the resulting fluthers subsequently remove very problematic. The advantages of thick oils are high drying speed, comparable to some species of varnishes. Also, due to the large content of solid particles, such oils form a stronger film, providing protection from both mechanical damage and contamination.

Liquid oils are used to treat products that either have a significant surface area, or abound in small parts with many details. hard to reach places. Low viscosity oils can be applied for quite a long time without fear of uneven drying. However, to gain high-quality protection, the product should dry long enough, besides, usually applying such oils is performed in 3 or more layers.

Decorative properties of oils

When choosing an oil, the visual effect of its application has a paramount importance. From this point of view, the oil is divided into conditionally colorless and core. Why are colorless oils call only conditionally? Because in any case, they change the color of the tree surface in any case, but at the same time they retain transparency. Corrier oils include colloidal suspension of coloring pigment - from Belil to soot, which slightly muffle the contrast of the pattern of texture.

Transparent oils always exhibit wood texture. This is due, first of all, with a viscosity indicator. What it is lower, the smallest pores of the wood can be impregnated. All thick oils show only a total pattern of fibers, more rare - small details of the texture. So, for the processing of oak surfaces, the oil must have a viscosity just below the average, while saturated thick compounds are recommended for alder.

The use of clarifier oils is largely sealed. Tooling of wood oil is quite rarely used as an independent processing technique. Much more often with the help of such compositions emphasize the soft streaks between the solid fibers of the tree or cover separate elements Furniture. Corrupting oil after drying has a smaller glossiness than colorless.

It is not known whether such a property of oils as a smell can be attributed to decorative qualities. In fact, all oils smell absolutely different, from hayrokos to fried seeds. After drying, the smell of oil treatment turns into a very resistant, but hardly catchy fragrance, which can become a valuable part of the interior color.

The difference in the content of dry residue and wax

Despite the seemingly homogeneity, oil for wood is a colloidal system consisting of a liquid oil base and a slightening of solids. As the latter, the products of partial oil polymerization are performed, special additives (sequivans in oils for external use), resins and natural wax. You are absolutely right if you suggested that the content of solid particles increases its viscosity and density.

The high content in oil is partially polymerized inclusions contributes to the elimination of the effect of raising the pile when weaving the tree. Using saturated thick oils, sometimes it is possible to completely avoid intermediate grinding or polishing. This involves one interesting trend: thick oils are ideal for large-sized wood, where the formation of a high pile is possible, while the flowing formulations are better to use for dense solid rocks, practically not inclined to "lochmatiness". On the other hand, due to the maintenance of the dry residue, the oil drying time is adjusted.

The inclusion in the dissolved wax pursues several other purposes. The wax helps to tightly clog the pores of the wood, providing it with excellent hydrophobicity. Such a fascination is used mainly in outdoor finish To protect the tree from the wetting and accumulation of dust in small pores. Another reason is that the wax is added to the oil, being dissolved in a turpite or other flying solvent. From here there is a problem persistent unpleasant odor, what in residential rooms Extremely undesirable. But there are oils in which the wax dissolves when heated. This mixture is unstable, the wax is often precipitated, which makes the use of oil more complex. However, due to the high ecology of such a composition, it is possible to carry out the fit of the interior details, but not for the purpose of protection, but to impart a light shade and gloss.

Protective properties of oils

In contrast to most protective equipment For wood, oil does not form a deaf film, while maintaining the vapor permeability of the material. At the same time, the hydrophobicity of the surface increases at times - with contact with liquid water, the absorption of the tree has almost zero. Nevertheless, the product from the tree remains susceptible to the drying and swelling, the oil coating does not save on these phenomena.

The protective effect of the oil lies in the sealing of the outer layers of the tree, due to which the penetration array of insect pests is eliminated. Due to the absence of ways to penetrate moisture, the tree becomes in the least degree susceptible to organic affect mold, fungus or blue.

Oil also retains the color of wood, especially it is important for exterior decoration at home. Cork oil formed on the surface effectively disperses sunlight And limits the influx of oxygen. Due to this, the speed of cellulose oxidation rate and the associated appearance of grayish raids is reduced.

All these properties are expressed stronger than the more thick oil is used for the coating and the more layers are applied. For oils, the separation of protection into two barriers is characterized: the internal, achieved impregnation, and the outer oil film forming on the surface during drying. It should be remembered that wood soaked wood has a higher thermal conductivity than dry.

Choosing in accordance with the wood

The oil for wood is always selected under the definite breed. It is recommended to have a trial segment of wood of the same type and quality of processing that are characteristic of wooden finish. Trial application even to small areas will help quickly evaluate the behavior of the composition when contacting the tree, as well as the decorative effect.

It follows from the fact that all coniferous breeds Woods practically do not need impregnation with oil. Upon further need to use dense formulations applied in one layer. This is due to the presence in the pores large number Resin, which is why the tree loses the ability to absorb even fluid oils. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve rapid drying of the oil on the surface and in the surface layer.

Thick saturated oils are also used when processing wood with low density (linden, alder), especially fruit breeds having the most developed vascular system. There are no obstacles for impregnation with thick oil, while excessive flowing formulations penetrate too deeply and will remain in a liquid state, having lost the access of oxygen.

A completely opposite approach is used in the processing of beech, birch or plane. because of high density Such wood is impregnated with either non-light oil, or compositions with a solvent content. Often when working with solid dense rocks, their processing is performed by combined: first with oils that penetrate inside the wood, and after - thick compositions with a high proportion of dry residue and wax.

Features of applying and maintenance of oil finishing

The process of applying oil is extremely simple, it suffices to follow the instructions for the use of a certain composition. But there are general rules:

  1. Wood before applying oil must pass chamber drying (humidity no more than 12-14%) and surface grinding to eliminate tactile roughness.
  2. Application is carried out strictly layered along the entire surface of the product, each layer must completely dry.
  3. After the deadline after applying the surplus, the oil is triturated with dry rags, distributing it between areas with uneven absorption.
  4. The oil is applied on all sides of the part in equal amounts, and the surface with an open slice of the fibers is no exception, despite the increased speed of absorbing.
  5. If, after drying the oil on the surface, a pile rose, before applying the next layer, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary grinding, otherwise the fibers from the vehicle will also be glad when rubbing the oily film.

Impregnation with oil retains operational qualities for 4-5 years indoors and 2-3 years outside. After these deadlines, the coating is updated, for which it is enough to thoroughly clean the surfaces and apply another layer of oil. The thickness of the oil is chosen depending on the degree of damage to the previous finish, it is usually sufficiently thick restoration compositions.

Linen oil - natural substance obtained by cold or hot spin linen seeds. Clean oil can be used as an independent finishing coating, but in the untreated state it is ineffective, due to low polymerization ability (drying).

Speaking about the impregnation of a tree linen OilUsually implies the use of olifa. This is the composition of thermal processing modified and the addition of chemical additives accelerating the polymerization process. Olif is also called "boiled" or "boiled" linseed oil.

Features of finishing with raw butter and oil

Processing wooden products with clean flax oil, you should be prepared not only to a long drying, which can take up to 3 days (for each layer), but also know a number of important features. The crude product is actively absorbed into the structure of the tree, so the coating of wood with flaxseed oil has to be produced in 5-7 or more layers. Hyding outside, it is poorly polymerized inside, which is why the product can still leave oil spots for a long time. The effect of ultraviolet is significantly accelerating the drying process. In the Sun, the treated wood can dry in 6-8 hours, but the tone of the coating will change: it will become yellowish or even slightly brown.

Olife, thanks high speed Polymerization, has completely different properties: dries quickly, it does not actively absorb, does not change its color. This makes it more practical in use. Regardless of the conditions, the answer to the question how much the olive is unequivocal - no more than a day (at 20 ° C). It distinguishes it from raw linen oil. In the future speaking of this type of finishing, we will meant the linen Olif.

Where is it better to apply such a finish?

The impregnation of the tree with flaxseed oil does not provide a solid protective film, resistant to scratches and abrasion. But this species decorative finish They appreciate for others, first of all, environmental friendliness, antiseptic properties, ability to emphasize wood texture and keep it from cracking.

Linen Olif is used for finishing products used indoors. It is optimal for coating furniture surfaces that are not susceptible to intensive abrasion, wooden walls and ceilings. It is treated with wooden dishes, children's toys. As a decorative protective finish, linseed oil is appropriate to apply on the surface of the valuable wood for the maximum preservation of their natural qualities.

How to cover wood with linen oil?

Preparation. The oil is applied to the dry and ground surface. Wood moisture should be at least 15%. Works are recommended at relative humidity of air no more than 80%. When applying the composition on oily rocks of wood, the prepared surface is additionally wiped with White Spirit.

Application. For work, a brush, swab or not a darous tissue is used. The composition is evenly distributed on the surface, and give it to penetrate the structure of the tree for 15-30 minutes. Excess oils that are no longer absorbed, wipe on a rag or a tampon along the fibers. In order to avoid the formation of stains, follow the uniform distribution of oil on the surface.

Each new layer is applied after the total polymerization of the previous one with preliminary grinding. The number of necessary layers (in the case of olphoi from 1 to 4) depends on the features of the operation of the product and the type of wood (small-sized rocks require a smaller number of layers due to low absorption).

The time of complete drying of each layer is up to 24 hours.

How to restore oil coating?

Over time, the surface impregnated with flaxseed oil changes its color, starts look dry or erased. This coating is short-lived, but this deficiency is compensated for simplicity of its recovery. When applying a repeated layer, the oil will hide all scratches and return the external attractiveness of wood. If desired, linseed oil can be toned with pigments, reaching the desired color shades. For products of non-intensive operation, the recovery procedure is carried out every two or three years.

What is oil wax and how to cook it yourself?

Linen oil with wax is an effective decorative protective coating that gives wood with high moisture protection properties and increases its wear resistance. Impregnation adds silky shine surfaces and emphasizes the natural advantages of wood. Suitable for processing light and dark rocks. Fully natural impregnation optimal for finishing wooden floors, stairs, doors, furniture and other items subject to intensive wear.

Linen oil and wax for wood will not be difficult to prepare themselves. The easiest way: in a heated water bath, grated beeswax is added and adjusted to a homogeneous consistency. Classic weight proportion - 1: 1. The ratio of wax and linseed oil can be varied by creating compositions of varying degrees of viscosity: from dense mastic liquid impregnationspenetrating deep into the structure of wood.

How to avoid self-burning?

The process of oxidation of the oil during contact with air is accompanied by an increase in temperature, which can lead to self-burning of ferry-oil rags, tampons, sponges, etc. All consumables, which were used to wip the linen oil, should be carefully dried in the straightened state outside the room, and it is better to dunk in water or immediately burn. To store the dispenser and other tools in contact with oil use hermetic containers.

Natural wood from which most houses and baths are built hand logging Or the usual widespread houses in the construction of houses and a bath of a planed beam has a pleasant light amber color. Many owners of houses and baths from logs and timber likes a natural shade of wood and its color scheme, so it is usually trying to save unchanged. House from the log hand-held logs, walled logs of natural colors, natural shades wooden house Brous are pleasant. Bright, sunny, amber, autumn, saturated or light spring tones of wood do not reduce the spatial volume of rooms in the house, cause positive emotions From the feeling of harmony with nature, do not annoy, harmonious and natural, like everything that is natural and not catchy.
But in certain cases, the need to change the original timber is due to any subjective or objective circumstances. The desire to change the timber color may occur or may be necessary under the following conditions:

  1. If wood has possible flaws that need to be hidden or made them less noticeable,
  2. If you wish to give a conventional wooden surface or a wooden object made of widespread and inexpensive wood effects wood effect of valuable breeds. Those. create a visual effect from wooden products made, for example, from pine tree or birch, indistinguishable visual effect of array of wood rare and expensive breeds, such as oak, beech, ash, cherry, tick or any exotic tree species,
  3. During restoration wooden furnituremade of rare and possibly expensive wood varieties or to update the protective layer of special waxes or varnishes, which were previously applied to the wooden surface of the furniture, piece parquet., the massif of the floorboard and had a certain shade, but over time, in the course of operation we were worn out, laid out and need to be updated, partial or complete color,
  4. For design solutions When finishing a house where various color shades are provided at the request of the customer.

To facilitate the wooden home owner, the solution of the above tasks can be used by various options for their implementation. But the most correct, in our opinion, the most realistic, inexpensive, economical and environmentally friendly favorable decision It can be the use of pigment and a caloring paste entered into the oil or wax, i.e. Basic oil for wood, colored wax for wood, as well as color pigmented in various shades or applied by various colors of casting pastes of oils for wood. The oil and wax for the tree most corresponds to both close (relatively) wood structure, does not turn into a tree, not peeling unlike many varnishes, it is not extended, simply updated if there is a need for it, easily and quickly pigmeasies (painted) in almost any required the consumer shade and color does not burn for a long time, creates moisture-proof, but vapor-permeable protection of the surface of the log and timber, additionally enhances wood protection from Uf- impact. Evaluating the principal advantages, advantages and indisputable positive qualities of non-ferrous oil and color wax are very many consumers, solving the question than to paint wooden housethan to paint a log house than paint the timber how to choose paint for wood, etc. Most often make choices and purchase colored oil for wood and colored wax oil.

If you want to get some color from a wooden surface or give an usual log, bruus or geepboard Wood effect of valuable breeds, then use for these purposes a pigmented oil for wood, colored oil, colored wax for wood, which contains pigment, i.e. Already pigmented in standard oils and waxes, or add to dry, oil soluble or fat-soluble, which comes well. The process of obtaining non-ferrous oil and color wax you need the shade is simple and convenient for you. Any palette can be obtained practically at home by entering a small amount of high-concentrated color-resistant pigment into a conventional sucking oil with wax, to wood oil or in a colorless wood wax.
Another way to give the wood you need the color will be even easier and cheaper than the processing of a log, timber and floorboards with wax with wax. You can treat previously not treated with moisture-proof composition (the wood-processed wood should have open pores and the ability to absorb moisture!) Any wooden surface that you want to paint into a certain color of the usual on aqueous or alcohol basis. Water versions are sold in almost any economic store, it is not expensive, have different colors and easy to use. But this method has a significant disadvantage compared with the application of pigmented oils. The fact is that not all pigments possess increased color resistance. The most color-resistant - natural land, which are more preferable for administration in oil and waxes for wood. Natural land pigments and caloring pastes fade and change the color during operation, i.e. when they are used painted and treated with them wooden surface Long save the color you specified without significant changes. Some cheap pigments, including artificial, to implement from finished video In the form of veneers, they can simply be diluted with water to obtain a colored solution of different density and concentration. Low color resistance, the ability to quick and uneven burnout, inconsistency of the declared initial or change color Gamma. and the shade from the primary increases costs when they are frequently updated and reduce their time efficient work on protecting a wooden surface.

Details about advantages and disadvantages of different colors and pigmented impregnations Find out on the individual pages of our site by clicking on the links at the bottom of this page or choosing the ready-made answer to your question in the section "" or "" in the header of the site. If there are difficulties in the selection of necessary impregnations, call the phones indicated on the site and get around the clock consultation from our specialists.

Learn detail All about finishing protective impregnations, Wood oil, wax, floor lacquer, paint and tree lazeri:



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, Wood oil, Furniture oil, Furniture oil, impregnation on linen oil

. Wax for furniture. Furniture wax. Liquid wax and solid wood wax. Wax mastic.

, Lacquer for a log cabin and bar, floor lacquer, parquet varnish, wood paint. Azure.

To not lose qualitative characteristics Woods are recommended to handle it only by natural compositions. Various natural oils for wood processing were used since 12 V. Linen oil in its characteristics is ranked first, as not only protects the wood, but also gives it a soft velvety hue. How to properly use flaxseed for wood processing, the main stages and subtleties of work in one small article.

Choosing than to process the wooden floor or the staircase, first of all, the environmental friendliness and protective properties of impregnation are taken into account. The impregnation of wood with natural linen oil has a number of advantages:

  • The old product acquires an aesthetic appearance, as small cracks, scuffs and irregularities are masked.
  • Absupping into the porous surface composition, gives it water-repellent properties.
  • After drying, dust and dirt are closer to the surface.
  • Stresses natural wood texture.
  • Oil has antiseptic properties and protects the surface from fungi, mold and blue.
  • Deeply absorbed into the wood and will serve at least 50 years.
  • Protects wood from cracking and drying.
  • Wood does not cease to "breathe".
  • Hypoallergenically and suitable as finishing in children's rooms and kitchens.

A flaxseater is used to cover any wood products: in the processing of houses, when finishing furniture and decorative elements from oak, tick, pine, spruce, fir. Due to its composition, the oil is easily combined with various core emulsions. It is applied as an independent as decoration and protection or under a further coating of varnish.

Of the minuses, the price is allocated, which depends on the manufacturer and the volume of purchased impregnation. Below, you are the table below the most popular manufacturers of linen oil for finishing works:

What tree for wood choose depends on material capabilities. For processing woods will suit Unrefined product from any manufacturer. Import linen compositions are more expensive, but have additives in the form bee wax or artificial polymers. They reduce drying time and simplify work. Each manufacturer's consumption depends on the product thickness.

For the surface tinting, impregnation with the collers is purchased. This can be found in the catalogs of the manufacturer Ticcuril, the price of 750 rd / l. Toning translucent with various natural shades. Using colored oil, you can tone an inexpensive type of wood, such as pine, you can give the appearance of an oak or a mahogany. After processing, it will be difficult to distinguish inexpensive material from a similar premium class at first glance.

Technology application

The use of each manufacturer is written on the label. But there are standard ways:

  • Immersion - when wooden element Immerse hot and left for impregnation for several days. Then gets and dried on a warm surface.
  • Vacuum impregnation - the product is placed in a special device, where, under the influence of vacuum, oil penetrates deep into the wood.
  • Two-layer application - performed with a brush or a piece of foam rubber when finishing the rooms.

Consider a detail two-layer application that is suitable for processing wooden floors, stairs and walls.

Two-layer application

To fulfill the finish, you will need tools and materials:

  1. Butter.
  2. Wax.
  3. Wide brush - flirts.
  4. Grinding paper of the finest fraction.
  5. Cotton rag.
  6. A piece of clean suede.

Pre-product purified from an old coating, the surface is polished with emery paper. Soft brushes sweeping dust. Prepared wood absorbs oil better, and the protective properties of the coating will be higher.

Oil before work twice is brought to a boil. Thermal preparation will reduce the time of the impregnation drying. Cooking linen product is needed in a water bath, small portions. As soon as the oil boils the first time, it is removed from the fire and give it to cool. Then the procedure is repeated. Before applying the hot tool is stirred so that the color is more uniform. Modern compositions with wax can not be preheated, but they will dry out longer. You need to use hot impregnation with caution, putting protective gloves.

  1. The brush or sponge is impregnated with linseed oil, which is abundant, the flushing movements are applied on wood. Movements are performed along the fibers.
  2. Within two hours, the tree surface is impregnated.
  3. The second layer of hot impregnation is applied. The surfaces are given to dry for 2-3 hours.
  4. A soft rag is taken, which the excess impregnation is removed from the tree.
  5. The surface is polished using wax or varnished.

The bee wax heats up in a water bath and in a hot form rubbed into the wood until the surface acquires a smooth shine. But it is not necessary to cover the impregnation of wax, you can apply ancient way Polishing - with a dense suede cloth. Suede rubs the surface to shine, circular motions. But gazeing wood process is a long and painstaking process. For the processing of a large area can take several weeks.

Using flaxseed oil to protect wood in their home, applying technology. It is necessary to work with a preheated product, so take care of protecting the hands and eyes. Soaking wood, oil protects it from moisture, sun, fungi and mold. Small cracks will disappear on the surface, and the drawing will acquire clarity. To decorate inexpensive wood under the oak or red tree, impregnation with toning effects that can be purchased in any specialized store. For simple processing, the most inexpensive unrefined oil is suitable. From above, the surface is preferably lost to wax or polluate until a suede cloth appears.

Description: Provides perfectly smooth surface staining, even with uneven application. Semi-bright glitter. It is used as an independent color coating of a tree, or to tinted the tree before applying "linseed oil, boiled with wax, No. 2", giving high water repellent and silky shine. Correels by any versatile pastes. After drying, the coating is transparent, emphasizes the pattern of a tree. It does not crack and is not extended when a tree dimensions change. Without solvents.

Purpose: For internal work and outdoor work (walls, ceilings, designs, windows, furniture, gender, etc.). For unpainted surfaces from wood and cork. When used on the street on top, it is recommended to apply any finish outdoor coating.

Structure: Boiled in vacuum linseed oil, stealing with water salts of silver, essential oil Pines.

Application: Clean the surface from dirt and dust, dry. Mix the oil in the whole package thoroughly, fill in a free container and displaced. Apply the 1st layer of rolling or brush, without excess, at T\u003e + 12..15ºС. For a more saturated tone after 1 day you can apply the 2nd layer (hereinafter, if necessary - 3rd). For more contrast tones, as well as on solid rocks and wear surfaces (floors, shelves in the bath, furniture, etc.) after applying each layer to wipe the excess cotton cloth. Before applying "linseed oil, boiled with wax, No. 2" drying surfaces at least 8 hours.

Tinting: Mix thoroughly with any universal caloring paste in an amount of up to 1-3% by volume and apply according to the instructions.

Tool cleaning: Tool and contaminated skin areas rinse with water with soap.

Storage: In the range from +5 to + 30ºС, storage period 18 months. Do not freeze.

Precautions: Do not take inside. Take care of children. Work away from fire turned on electrical appliances and hot objects. Owned materials are stored in a wet form or in a non-splashing hermetic capacity - may be self-ignition during the storage of their large volume. When working, ensure good ventilation. Do not use with allergies on natural oils and beekeeping products.

Color Tinting Oil for Tree

Color Tinting Oil for Tree It appeared relatively recently. In fact, why need color tint oil, if there morlogs? The fact is that morlogs - These are chemical dyes, soluble in water or alcohol. With all its attractiveness, morlogs Most often have a serious drawback - low light resistance. This means that on the street or in the sunny interior morlogs Will burn out, i.e. discollect on the tree.

Exit - in application colored oils. The fact is that pigments are usually used in them - solid insoluble dyes, very finely fermented in the product. Pigments, especially mineral, as a rule, have high light resistance and do not "burn out" in the sun. Therefore, quality color wood oil You can apply both internal and external work.

But also with a tint oils and waxes for wood There are problems: you can only compose them special pastamiwhich, as a rule, offer wood products manufacturers. These are expensive pastes - their price is usually 7-8 times higher than ordinary universal caloring pastes. Ordinary inexpensive universal pastes from the store are simply not mixed with oils and waxes for wood.
There is an option to apply imported tinting systems, for example "Ticcurila", "Akzo Nobel", etc. But this, firstly, is not always available for non-branded paints, secondly - even more expensive than "branded" kids for oils and waxes. If you add a limited set of colors of the "branded" pastes, it turns out that it turns out that oils and waxes for wood - expensive, and the range of colors is notgeful.
True, you can find ready-made colored tinting oilsBut here there are the same problems - an unnecessarily high price, a small variety of colors, besides, you can not choose the saturation of the tone, since the color is already ready.

But there is a simple solution - "Finno-Ugric secrets" with any versatile pastes from any store - choose needed color, its saturation (the concentration of paste), and do not pay extra - after all, the applicable pastes are the most ordinary. You can also use the "branded" pastes for our products, and expensive tinting systems - all this will be suitable. We just offer the easiest and cheap way to get color tint oil.

Of all the products of the "Finno-Ugric Secrets" series are perfectly korked, Oil for wood Under the tinting number 3 and. We do not recommend composing only, because It contains a lot of wax and therefore thick, which will worsen the uniformity of staining when brushing or roller. To toning a tree under it, we recommend the first layer Oil under Tinting №3.

Especially focus on Oil for wood Under the tinting number 3. This is not a ready-made color tint product, but a corrier base. This is the easiest and most favorable way of tinting a tree in the interior or on the street (on the street additionally use the finishing coating for outdoor work). In the interior it is applied independently, or as a colored impregnation under.
Capacity oils for wood under the tinting, without others finish coatings, gives the matte surface of the tree.
It is suitable for any further tree cover - be it butter or wax Any manufacturer, or traditional varnishes and impregnations. Just take our oil under Tinting №3, Choose any universal caloring paste, flatten it and get the desired color and saturation. This is a very simple and inexpensive solution.

Our oil for wood under the tinting does not contain wax and has an optimal viscosity - not too thick (so that there are no traces from the brush or roller), and not too liquid (so that there are no flops and splashes, like morlogs). You can apply our color tint oil Even across the fibers - the color will still be uniform. Just do not forget to carefully prepare the surface of the tree with a suitable abrasive material to obtain the most homogeneous surface.

In our company oil for wood under the tinting, as an excellent alternative color tinting oilsYou can only wholesale. To do this with us. In addition, now high-quality colored tinting oils can buy Retail at a very competitive price of ours.