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How to disable secure mode on the flas phone. How to disable secure mode on "Samsung": Methods and steps

And how to turn it on. However, sometimes users have another question - how to disable secure mode on android. If there are difficulties with the return of the system to full work, then the ways presented below will help you quickly solve the problem.


The easiest way to get out of the secure mode is to restart the device. When the necessary steps in Safe Mode are executed, press the Power button and hold it until it is completed. Select "Reboot".

The next time you launch Android should boot in normal mode, all applications will work, no restrictions from Safe Mode will not remain. On some Android firmware when working in safe mode, a special message appear in the notifications panel. When you click on it, the device restarts, leaving Safe Mode. The next time you start in the usual Android function.


If after rebooting you found that it was not possible to remove the safe mode, try to get rid of it, turning off the device completely.

You can use several options:

  • Just turn off the phone by pressing the power key and selecting the "Disable Power" item. Wait 10-15 seconds and turn on the device back.
  • Turn off your smartphone, then turn it on. When the logo appears, clamp the "Home" button and keep it until the system is fully loaded.
  • Turn off, turn on, when the logo appears, clamp the volume key to reduce. Keep while Android will not boot.
  • Perform similar actions only to hold the volume key.

If these methods do not help, turn off the power of the smartphone, and then remove the lid and remove the battery. Wait 5 minutes, install the battery in place and try to turn on the phone again. Android should boot in normal mode, without restrictions from Safe Mode.

The choice of method depends on the version of Android and the manufacturer of the smartphone. For example, to remove the SAFE MODE mode from the Samsung device, it is usually enough just to restart it without resorting to additional manipulations.


If you do not understand how the phone was in a safe mode, and you cannot turn off the Safe Mode in the methods described above, the only way to return the system to a normal state is to reset the settings. This is an extreme measure, to resort to which it follows in the event that the use of other methods does not bring results.

As a result of the Hard Reset procedure, all data, including messages, contacts and installed applications, will be deleted from the phone / tablet. Therefore, before resetting the settings, it is recommended to take care of creating a backup. Hard Reset can be performed in two ways. First, try apply the reset through the settings:

If the parameters cannot be reset through the settings, use to roll back to the factory state of the Recovery Mode. To start Recovery Mode, you need to turn off the smartphone and when you turn on simultaneously press the power button and the reduction key / increasing volume. Do not wait for the appearance of the logo, and keep the buttons immediately clamped together. On Samsung smartphones, another button "Home" is added to the combination.

Yes, yes, you did not hear - on the devices created on the basis of Android, there is a safe mode. Why is it needed? For example, you installed the application and after it the smartphone or the tablet stopped working correctly. In safe mode, you can not only make sure that the problem is in the application (when the device is loaded, the third-party applications are launched), but also to delete it.

How to enter the safe mode on Android?

First, we show an example of Android stock (version 4.4).

Click on the device on / off button until the menu appears on the screen as shown in the screenshot.

Tabay on "Disable power" (or "shutdown") and hold your finger in such a position of one second, after which the plate appears on the screen, symbolizing the transition to a safe mode. In our case, there are no signs, immediately appears a message that the device will be rebooted. Click OK.

The device will restart and it will already be loaded in safe mode, which will tell the corresponding inscription at the bottom of the screen. By the way, you may notice how faster your device will work.

As for devices with other launchers, then in them the process of inclusion of a safe mode may be somewhat different, but this is rare. Next example - based on Samsung Galaxy.

Turn off the device with a standard way. Run it and as soon as the Samsung icon appears on the screen, press the audio reduction button (down) and hold it until the desktop is loaded.

As in the first case, in the lower left corner you will see the inscription "Safe Mode".

How to remove safe mode on android?

To get out of the secure mode, press the power button, and then in the menu that appears on the screen, tap "Restart". If there is no such point, it means that click "Disable Power".

After the gadget turns off, turn it on and do nothing. In other words, you just need to restart the device. However, note that in some cases it does not work.

If we talk about the same Samsung Galaxy, you need to turn off the smartphone with the standard way - by clicking on the "Shutdown" key.

The device will be turned off. Then turn it on and as soon as the Samsung logo appears, click on the zoom key and hold, until the desktop is bootable.

As you can see, the inscription "Safe Mode" disappeared.

There is another option. In the menu you can see in the curtain, there is a TAP TURN OFF SAFE MODE (OPEN) button (disable secure mode). Click on it.

Then confirm the action by clicking on the button with the same name.

The device will be rebooted as usual.

How else can you turn off the secure mode?

  • If the method described above does not help, you can try to enable the gadget with the POWER button or the zoom / reduction button. Just need to be careful, because in this case you can run another device operation mode. Alternately clamp the buttons when the device is turned on.
  • You can also help the following: Disconnect the device, then remove the battery if it is replaceable, and wait at least 1-2 minutes, after which you insert the battery and simply turn your device.

If you have critical software problems, the normal phone load becomes impossible, and it goes into a secure mode. Ordinary user games and programs are blocked by the operating system or run with limited functionality. Return to normal operation of the mobile phone on Android and disable the security mode after eliminating the cause of the failure.

How to disable security mode in android

To make sure that the smartphone on the mobile operating system android boot in safe mode, check the inscription in the lower left corner.

Icons of programs installed by the user independently via the Google Play store or from the APK files are blocked, which can be seen in the figure at the top. Only system applications can be launched.

The easiest way to get rid of the condition of the limited functionality of the smartphone, make three actions:

  • Hold down the off the gadget for a few seconds. The action selection menu will be released: reboot or shutdown.
  • Select Reload the icon and expect the procedure to complete. If the safe mode is turned off, the failure was random, its cause is eliminated automatically.
  • If the problem is not solved, try to press the shutdown button again and completely turn off the phone. Experienced employees of professional service centers are recommended for 30 seconds to remove the battery from the smartphone if the model allows.

If you normally normalize the work of the gadget, analyze the cause of the problem. The most frequent situations for inclusion of a secure mode:

Blocked or damaged mechanical buttons

Safe mode on mobile devices running Android is included if the volume button is blocked. In Samsung smartphones, this is a decrease in sound level. If it is blocked by a cover or foreign objects in a female bag, the safe mode on the Android device is turned on spontaneously and is not a sign of a serious malfunction.

Remove the smartphone from the case and check the condition of the keys. Press the volume buttons several times, make sure that they are comfortable, without resistance. Restart the device again.

Installation of failed software or unsuccessful update

Recall which applications you installed or updated recently. This information is shown in the system notification window. Find a reference to the newly downloaded installation APK file or a program update message.

In the settings, select Applications and find the desired program.

Select the Delete option in the window that appears.

Fully turn off the device according to the above instruction.

Turn on it and clamp several buttons. Different manufacturers adhere to their entry options in Recovery. Xiaomi has a lifting key pressed along with the power button. Keep off the buttons you need to appear pictures with an android man with gears or an open case, depending on the version of the mobile OS and the manufacturer.

In the menu that appears, select the recovery option of the factory firmware.

For the firmware of Chinese gadgets, it is convenient to install TRW - tool for installing third-party assemblies, restore and clean the application cache.

The transition to secure mode on the phone or tablet helps to eliminate faults and malfunctions in the device. It is advisable to use this feature to delete applications that interfer the normal operation of the smartphone or a potential threat to the system. Our article will tell how to disable secure mode on Samsung android and why it is impossible to use it constantly.

The developers of the Android operating system provides many opportunities to independently adjust the functionality of the device for their needs. The installed software allows you to completely transform the familiar interface of the smartphone, change the functions and open the new features of the software settings. It is very convenient for an advanced user, but entails a certain risk. If the selected changes will conflict with the device, or work incorrectly due to the original program errors, the phone can also slow down and bite, or completely disconnect from such an upgrade.

To prevent this, any user should know the possible moves of retreat so that without help to return everything back.

What you need to know about safe mode:

  • This is a special way to load the operating system. With it is available exclusively system applications.
  • In case of problems of inclusion of the smartphone, the load will still occur (except for critical breakdowns of the device).
  • If, after turning on the safe mode, the problem remains, the problems should be signed in the hardware of the device.

The main function of using such an option is to check the downloaded applications and programs for viruses. You can make it standard tools for Android, but it will be best to complete the recently installed programs. This will help secure your smartphone from a potential threat, but you should also find out how to disable secure mode on Android Samsung. It makes no sense to use such an option on a permanent basis, because the phone will be "clean" from all extraneous programs. In addition, this feature is not designed for regular use and can also cause malfunctions.

How to remove secure mode on Samsung android

After performing all the necessary manipulations on the device, the transition to normal state is also executed when you press a specific key combination. For different phones and versions of Android, there are different options, so it is worth trying some of them to obtain the best result.

How to turn off safe mode on android samsung

The easiest, but effective way to exit the secure mode is to restart the phone. To do this, press the power button and hold it until the standard power menu appears. It is enough to press the reboot mode and wait for the system update. This method may not work on some devices, but it is usually best to start with it.

The second option is to completely turn off the device and re-enable after some time. It will also help the phone "relax" and analyze the changes made. In some cases, it is better to pull out the battery after turning off and insert it in a few seconds and try to turn on the device again. If such manipulations did not give the desired effect, it is worth using the following prompts.

How to get out of a safe Samsung Galaxy regime with android 4.0 and above

You can determine the version of your android in the information point of the menu "On Device". Modern devices are produced from android over 7, and the new ninth version appeared just a few months ago. It should be borne in mind that your previous version could automatically update until next, so before turning on the "Safe Mode" function, be sure to specify this parameter.

How to disable secure mode on Samsung phone:

  • With the phone, the function of the safe mode can be removed from the opposite algorithm executed when turned on. If a combination "The Power Button - Top Up" was performed for this, it is necessary to act on the reverse principle ("The power button is the volume down").
  • The involuntary inclusion "Safe Mode" usually requires the selection of combinations whose options are presented below.

Some models of modern smartphones are initially programmed to automatically switch to safe mode when a potential threat is detected. This feature helps isolate the installed application and do not give a virus contained in it, damage the operating system of the phone. If, after switching on, you detected a change in screen configurations, do not find the usual icons, perhaps your device has detected problems in operation. Exact confirmation will give the inscription at the bottom of the screen, the transition to the secure mode. The inscription may also be in English ("Safe Mode"). If this mode is activated regularly, it is possible to think about connecting safe software, or the installation of a reliable antiviral program.

How to remove safe samsung mode with android 2.3 OS and below

Relatively old devices, especially produced in China, may not support standard loading modes. To determine how to remove the safe mode on the Samsung phone, we will have to experiment a little and perform the following manipulations.

Possible key combinations to exit secure mode:

  1. Upon completion of work, turn off the device. After that, it is necessary to re-enable it and by pressing the volume button, hold until complete inclusion.
  2. In some cases, "works" Pressing the volume button in the "Up" or "down" position.
  3. Hold the power button until your smartphone logo appears. After that, immediately press the volume by releasing the power key at the same time.
  4. When you turn on, you must hold the center menu button on those devices where it is provided.

More information about relatively rare Samsung models and other manufacturers supporting the Android OS can be obtained by the thematic request on the Internet.

Android developers allowed the user to change the interface and the functions of its smartphone in many parameters. SAFE MODE allows you to correct the changes made if the software carries a viral threat or incompatible with your version of the operating system. Such an ambulance does not imply serious interference, does not cancel warranty and does not require the opening of the superuser's rights for Android. The proposed information will tell how to get out of this regime after all necessary manipulations.