Repairs Design Furniture

Bed covered in bed. How quickly and beautifully fix the bed: effective ways and recommendations. Color solutions for textiles in the bedroom

Sleep, in which you lay the bed with a bed, foreshadows a good course of affairs and good luck in the conclusion of trade transactions. Pure or bright bedspread means that you are waiting for joy and well-being in the house. Dark or, worse, dirty bedspread - to sad news from a distant friend.

A quilted or embroidered bedspread suggests that your spiritual and business qualities will attract the attention of a worthy person who will offer your hand and heart. Old, drain covered foreshadows an unequal marriage that will not bring happiness. Covered with a library or fallen hole - to unsuccessful walling. Divide the bedspread on the dead man - the head of the disappointing future.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

Dream interpretation - bedspread

To bed: for unfulfilled - a quick marital, for family - adding in the family. Head covered - Health and favorable environment.

Imagine that the bedspread is very rich, embroidered with silk and gold.

Interpretation of dreams

In bed, the main thing is comfort. But the appearance has a considerable meaning, because it is the bed that sets the tone of the bedroom, forms its image. Size, height and even material do not play a leading role. The appearance of the bed depends, above all, from the design of the head of the lodge and the decoration of the bed.

With the help of textiles and decor you can make a luxurious even modest bed. This transformation transforms the whole interior as a whole.

Most often, the bed is covered with a slightly elegant blanket or plaid. The bedspread performs several functions. First, it decorates the bed. Secondly, gives it a more neat look. Thirdly, protects the bed from pollution. In addition, the bedspread can play and fourth role - to link the bed with other components of the interior, making it holistic.

To cover successfully coped with its functions, it is necessary to choose it correctly. In this article, we will not talk about materials, sizes and design, and pay attention to color. What do you need to pick up the bedspread for the bed? What should it be rhymed?

What are you picking covers on the bed?

No rules on this score, of course, does not exist. There are no strict canons prescribing to pick up the bedspread strictly under one or another element of the interior. For a long time It was believed that the decoration of the bed must be rejected with the window design. But this, firstly, the wrong approach (in the interior no one should anyone). Secondly, today it is quite rare to this combination.

There are several common schemes. You can choose any of them - the one that, or the one that is more suitable for a specific interior. So what is this scheme?

1. Under the color of the walls

Usually the cape on the bed repeats the color of the wall in the headboard. However, the bedspread can be supported by other walls of the room.

Design: Marina Grigoryan

Design: Studio "Force"

If the bedspread is selected in the color of the wall behind the bed - it is desirable that the headboard contrast with them.

If a multicolor wallpaper was used during decoration, you can choose a bedspread to one of the colors present on the walls. This is called "pull out the color" from the pattern, drawing, ornament. Such a solution is thin and elegant.

Design: Lyudmila Kristaleva

2. In the color of the bed / headboard

Textiles can be supported by the color of the frame and the back of the bed. This will turn it into a single color spot without additional nuances.

Design: Julia Lichova Design Studio

It should be borne in mind that the bed with such a scheme will seem somewhat wider and cumbersome than it really is. If the bedroom is small, and the bed is large - it is possible to choose a covering other color.

Design: Veronica Sudanov

3. In the color of the curtain

We have already mentioned that the combinations of this kind today are not very popular. Monochrome and the same type of textiles can make the room formal and boring. Such bedrooms often resemble the hotel number, which deprives them of a weighty rust of comfort. In home interiors, designers are trying to create a variety, mixing colors, shades, textures and patterns.

Of course, this does not mean that it is impossible to pick up covers for curtains (or curtains under bedspread). Of course, you can. In interior design, there is no "impossible". You can all but with caution.

This scheme has not only disadvantages, but also the advantages. 1. If the window is far from the bed, the single color of textiles combines different parts of the room, not allowing it to be visually strained. 2. The same curtains and bedspreads give the setting a more traditional view. Therefore, this color plan can be recommended for interiors in rural, vintage ,.

Selecting the covers for the color of the curtain, do not try to repeat the shade, texture, drawing. In general, it is not very desirable that the curtains and bedspreads were sewn from one fabric - it looks too vintage. And sometimes ridiculous: as if the curtain was shown a bed or a bedspread reserved the windows.

Design: Line Design Studio

Design: Studio Alexander the coast

Textile elements from different, but similar tissues create a much more interesting and elegant ensemble. Materials can be of one color, but with different shades, surfaces, patterns, etc.

Another opportunity to connect the window and bed is to bed covers or hang curtains with color edging (or with a color insert). For example, the basis of the bedspread is neutral, and the cant is colored to the curtains.

4. For other color decor and design items

The bedspread can be rhymed over the color of the with, lamp, rug, pouf, chair, etc. And the color can be both neutral and accent (covered in this case becomes a dominant accent, because it takes a large area).

Design: Studio ENJOY HOME

Design: allartsdesign

5. None

Yes, and so you can. There are two ways here.

  • Purchase a universal neutral bedspread (white, cream, beige). Such design bed will be to the face to almost any interior, regardless of its style and palette.

Design: CHDECoration

Design: Alena Chmeleva

  • Emboss the bed with a bright covering, turning the bed into the color dominant. This technique is resorted to the arrangement of restrained, colorless interiors. If the accent element is quite large, the "support group" is not required - there is no need to supplement the coated with decorative trifles of identical color.

Design: Katerina Averkin

Most often, when we think about the interior of the room, we present decorative ornaments, paintings, vases. But the main decoration of the bedroom remains a bed. And from its model, design and appearance depends the appearance of the premises in general. But even if it is the most stylish and modern bed, it should be carefully shy, otherwise her dear and presentable view can get lost. So how beautiful to fix the bed in the bedroom so that it has a spectacular look?

How to fix the bed so that it is the main decoration of the bedroom?

Most likely, we all refuel our bed with an old and proven way: just lay out the bedspread on the bed, carefully and deeper trying to hide bedding, but this kind of interior may not be incredibly changing the entire setting in the room not the best way. That is why you will be useful to learn and learn to fill a bed.

First of all, you need to understand what your bed consists of:

  • "Dust Skirt" or Substrate. Her task is to cover the mattress and the frame of the bed, as well as protect them from dust.
  • Mattress. To protect the mattress from dirt, moisture and dust, always use the mattress.
  • A blanket;
  • Bedspread. Covers bed linen from dust, creates a neat look.
  • Pillows. May be for both sleep and decorative.

We now move directly to the steps that will help you create a pleasant look of your bedroom:

  1. Pure and ironed "dust skirt" Put on the mattress or on the bed. Magnificent folds must be evenly distributed across the floor throughout the perimeter.
  2. Put the mattress in the mattress shop, then put on it and smooth the sheets. The edges of the product must freely descend.
  3. Take a sheet under the mattress, pull the blanket on the sheet.
  4. If the size of the blanket is greater than the mattress in width or length, then its elements will hang.
  5. Put the bedspread, it should be larger in size. It is better if its edges will get to the floor.
  6. Decorate the bed with pillows.

Now, knowing the basic principles and actions, how beautifully fill the bed, you can focus on creating a complete and stylish appearance of the bedroom. In this process there are many important factors and nuances that are better to discuss in detail.

Softly Stand: 10 receptions for the placement of bed, as in a five-star hotel

What methods and techniques can be borrowed from the professionals of the hospitality industry? They already know for sure how beautiful to fix the bed in the bedroom! If you want to give the same luxurious and chic look of your bedroom, then let's find out what specialists pay attention to.


In expensive hotels, special attention is paid to the mattress. First of all, all the elements and bed linen are removed from the bed, and then the most carefully vacuuming and remove. To cover the bed frame, and also not to skip dust under it, the hotels use the so-called "skirts". Then the mattress is put on the mattress, which performs a number of very useful functions: smoothes the surface of the mattress, protects it from dirt and dust, from moisture.


This element bed linen It is necessary to carefully and carefully smooth out - the sheet must be absolutely smooth. To do this, it is filled with the mattress from all sides.

Maids in hotels found their way how to do it most effectively. Their secret is that they spray water from the sprayer on the cloth - it facilitates all actions to create a perfectly smooth surface.

Important! You can add drop into water essential oil, for example, lavender. It will give a special flavor to the bedroom.


The bedspreads are also used in hotels and hotels. They are carefully selected for the interior of each room. However, designers sometimes resort to interesting solutions. For example, do not use a blanket, but only beautiful bedding uses. Or put another sheet, but face down.

Decorative pillows

With their help, you can create a variety of compositions in the interior. Their number, style, color and shape, texture of materials and tissues may vary.

Important!To pillows always look lush and soft, be sure to beat them every time you refuel the bed.

Pillows can be placed on the bed strictly symmetrically or vice versa, in creative disarray. And even the angle of inclination matters! Try to install pillows smoothly or at an angle of 45 degrees - like a trifle, and the view changes noticeably. Or another option - folded them into a pile of pyramids: high or low.

Important!Do not overdo the decor elements, because the smaller the dimensions of your furniture, the less elements need to apply.

Carelessness in the interior

Many designers advise this accent in the interior. This allows you to create in lightweight room, barely caught mess, turning the room from strict and Spartan in a cozy house.

Important!Do not confuse negligence! It is necessary to refuel the bed so that it is clear that you have attached efforts, but did not want to seek absolute order.


Currently, bed linen is produced excellent quality and rich design. Self different colors And ornaments, quality and texture of fabrics - all this is so sorry to hide under the bedspread. Designers advise not to hide such beauty from the eyes. You can just accurately fix the bed and at it to be in the trend fashion trends in design.


In luxury hotels, you can often see the extra blanket at the bottom of the bed at the feet. It is beautifully laid with a wide band. Try to do the same! It not only serves as an additional decoration, but also has a special meaning: if you want to lie down in the afternoon, you can wrap this blanket, laying off the bed is not completely. Agree, it is very convenient and practical!


If the style of the living room allows you to decorate the bed with various ribbons, lace, edge, etc. Such elements of the decor give the interior with an exquisite and finished look. Feel free to apply these details if your room is decorated in a classic style or in Art Deco style.

Combination with curtains

Although this approach to the design of interior textiles is somewhat outdated, but the designers do not cease to resort to it.

These little secrets will help you make your bedroom no worse than in a five-star hotel.

How to fix the bed in just a few minutes?

To do something qualitatively and worthy, of course, it takes time. But how beautiful to fix the bed, if you do not have this resource at the moment?

So, observe the following sequence of actions:

  1. We free the bed, remove all accessories from it and decorative elements, With the exception of the mattress.
  2. Gently spread the sheets. Corners are subjected to the mattress or leave them hanging on the sides of the bed.
  3. Shake the blanket and cover the sheet.
  4. From above shielding a blanket. Straighten, align the edges of the same length, decorate the surface with pillows, if any.

Important! In order to speed up the process of laying the bed, you will need a sheet on the rubber band. She holds hard on the mattress, does not slide and does not spin at night.

But the longest and most unloved process is the refueling of the blankets in a duvet cover.

We offer you the way you can cope with this in just 40 seconds!

  1. Duvet cooler Remove inside out, spread on smooth surface Beds.
  2. Place the blanket smoothly on a duvet cover.
  3. Then these two elements twist the width of the product.
  4. Both ends of the resulting roll are inserted inside, they are loaded through the hole of the blanket and rotate in the opposite direction.

Important!Only the duvettes are suitable, the hole of which is from the edge, and not in the middle.

Criteria selection covers

What should pay attention to the selection of covers? What are the product criteria?

The bedspread affects the bedroom interior as a whole. In addition, you probably plan to use it for more than one year. Therefore, it is necessary to approach his choice.

So, let's list the factors that need to be considered.

Product color

If you want to beautifully fix the bed in the bedroom, be sure to analyze which color will suit Under the style of the room, its furniture and decor elements. You need to enter a new accessory as organically as possible. Cover may be in the tone general interior or vice versa, become bright decoration premises.

Important!Some stylists in the choice of textile color advise you to pay attention to which side is your bedroom. So, for the southern part, it is possible to use cold shades, and for the northern side - more colorful tones that "warm" the room.

The size

In order to properly choose the bedspread in size, it is important to take into account only a couple of nuances:

  • The product should cover bed linen, mattress and mattress cover;
  • Calculate the size of the bedspread can be as follows: fold the length, width and two bed heights.


The most important criterion is the quality of the fabric, its reliability, durability and hypoallergenicity. The coating material may also depend on the time of year:

  • Summer cover the bed with a blanket from a light material. For example, satin, cotton or silk.
  • In the cold season, more suitable woolen, cashmere or even fur materials.

Important!On large beds, products made of dense fabric, which are well holding a form, and lightweight and air materials are suitable for one-time use. Of course, most often give preference to natural tissues. However, progress does not stand still! Microfiber is a modern and very practical material. This fabric is very pleasant to the touch and easy to care.


The bedspread can be performed in different styles and interpretations, special attention should be paid to its invoice and pattern.

Important!The most profitable ornaments are most often floral, decorative patterns, geometric shapes.

A wide range of products in stores will provide you with the opportunity to choose from all of the above criteria. However, if the solution is not found, you can always use the services of individual tailoring. Thus, you can achieve an amazing result, while all your wishes will be taken into account the maximum possible way.

Design Covers: Design features

If you look back for 15-20 years, it was considered to be traditional to pick up the blanket in the color and style of the curtain. This option is applied now, but not so strictly and not everywhere. In addition, there is a huge amount in our age design solutionshow beautiful to fix the bed.


For bed normal sizes Most. better decision There may be a case. This option will suitIf the bed model and its style do not imply the use of long bedspread to the floor. Such a cover can be purchased in specialty stores of home textiles. The main thing is to find out the exact size of the mattress, it is for him to choose a cover.

Important!Please note that you need to add 5-10 cm to the measurements so that bed linen and the blanket fit when refueling.

Thanks to its design, such an appearance of the bed looks pretty strict and ascetic, so it is perfect for modern interior Bedrooms or minimalism. Case can be a monophonic or decorated ornament.

Important! The bedspread cover is particularly suitable for furniture from a wood array, since it does not hide, but on the contrary emphasizes the thread or various decorations.

Textiles in this design is especially suitable for Provence or Vintage rooms. Knitted patterns and laces, embroidery and other elements of needlework make the atmosphere in the room cozy and homely warm.

Important! To profitably emphasize such products handmade, Choose monochrome bedding.

These elements of Dizaina bedspreads have a visual effect that increases the size of the bed. Therefore, before using such a finish, pay attention to the size of the room itself and its ratio to the bed:

  • If the room is small, and the bed is quite spacious, the abundance of the volanesses and assemblies will fill all the free space.
  • But in the rooms of medium and large sizes, this option will look just fine.

Important! The bedspread with such drapery gives a bedroom a pleasant and romantic look. Therefore, this option is most suitable for the girl's room.

Quilted blanket is not just a blanket, but an exclusive and unique emphasis in your interior. It is distinguished by originality and unusual. In addition, quilted products in the technique of Patchwork create indescribable comfort and comfort in the room.

Two-sided bedspread

A very effective way to change the interior with only one movement. Turn over the bedspread on the bed, and the style of your bedroom will be instantly changed. If the room is sustained in bright colors, then create a bright accent with the help.

Color solutions for textiles in the bedroom

One of the important aspects of how beautiful to make a bed in the bedroom is the coloring and ornamentation of the selected textile, which affects the interior of the room as a whole. There are many ways to combine color solutions in the interior. It all depends on your taste and bedroom design. Experimenting, the main thing follows the rules of harmony of all elements.

Consider several of the most popular options:

  • The correspondence of the color of the textile decor of the room and its interior. For example, for a bedroom in bright colors perfectly suitable beige cover.

Important! To textiles do not merge with furniture, pay attention to its shade: it can be a little lighter or darker color Gamma. interior.

  • Difference. If the bedroom design is made in neutral colors and restrained furniture elements, then in this case you can play in contrast. Thus, the bedspread will be bright accent In your room and attract attention.
  • Combination of fabric with wallpaper. For example, you can combine them as follows: Use the color of the wallpaper pattern as the main background of the bedspread. Repeating ornament, you can also achieve a harmonious image.
  • Try to match the color of the fabric of the bedspread and the drapery of the bed headboard. For combination, you can use several methods: the same fabric, background, color of the pattern or pattern.

Important!Complete the interior of the bed with decorative pillows to dilute the composition.

  • One of optimal solutions May be used black and white colors. The advantages of this design are the versatility of these colors, their contrast, but at the same time, the lack of varnishes.
  • Monochrome solutions. Currently, one of the fashion trends is the white color of sleeping textiles. True, it requires crystal purity, but the effect is worth it. The room becomes spacious and fresh.

Important! So that white bedspreads looked even more interesting, decorate it with folds, interceptions and original drapes.

  • Pretty unpretentious gray colors In the interior of the bedroom. An interesting example is the color of untreated flax.
  • Black design is a pretty bold solution, but the effect produces a stunning. The bed will look spectacular, expensive and elegant.

The completed and thoughtful interior often consists of trifles. However, with attentive consideration, it turns out that this is not the little things, but important aspects Interior design. The bedroom is an integral part of our lives, we spend part of our life in it, so it is so important to create a comfortable and cozy environment in it so that you can relax and enjoy your sleep.

To beautifully fix the bed, you do not need to make a lot of effort. After all, scattered even when perfect purity The bedroom will create a negleous and untidy look. Neat bed cleaning - the ability to start your day productive. How to fill the bed correctly and beautiful? This will be discussed further in this article.

Pleasant start of the day

Why refuel the bed? Such an expression is familiar to many people. However, let it be a whole ritual for humans, which will bring him a lot of pleasant sensations.

If you do it all the time, you can turn the bed cleaning into a small achievement that will raise the mood for the whole day.

If you refuel the bed daily, you can achieve not only cleanliness in the bedroom, but to calculate it one of the tasks for today. As a result, a person will feel some pride for perfectly performed work. Now you can go to the process itself.

Bedroom decoration

Before starting the process of cleaning the bed, you need to understand what linen is necessary for a healthy sleep. The following elements include bedding:

  • Mattress. He needs a person in order to give him healthy sleep. It is best that the mattress is orthopedic.
  • Sheet on a rubber band. The mattress has a property to quickly get dirty, especially if there are children in the house. Therefore, a sheet for a gum is used to protect it. Although the mattress, according to manufacturers, should not accumulate bacteria, but due to the fact that its surface fabric, skin particles, child urine will forever leave their traces. The sheet must fit its size, otherwise comfortable holiday You can forget.
  • Sheet. It should have sufficient sizes so that it can be filled with a mattress. So it will not create folds and go.
  • A blanket. It is best selected for the season so that it is even and easy. Best if the blanket can be erased. Sometimes it is cleaned if there are warmth.
  • Duvet cover. It protects the blanket from the emergence of pollution and gives comfort sleep.
  • Pillow. It must be orthopedic to support, and not deform the cervical department.
  • Pillowcase. Protects the pillow from pollution.

There is an advanced set of bed decoration:

  1. Sheet, which is located between a blanket and man, beautiful and pleasant skin.
  2. Tracks for beauty and others.
  3. Another slim lining is put on the mattress. In winter - from wool, in summer - from cotton.
  4. Decorative skirt that covers the base of the bed and combines the color coat. It is used to prevent dust from entering the bed.

You need to fill the bed not only for beauty, but to create comfortable conditions for sleep.

Before cleaning the bed

It is not necessary to clean the bed too fast. Before the process, do the following:

  • open the window or the window to dry the bedding, because it absorbs the sweat of man;
  • remove from bed all foreign: books, magazines, etc.;
  • thoroughly crumpled pillows and blankets;
  • turn the mattress.

Periodically, it must be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner from the accumulated dust, hair and animal wool. After additional measures, you can move directly to the bed refueling.

To make it beautiful, you need to apply some recommendations:

  1. Put on a decorative skirt on the mattress or base of the bed. Equally distribute the ruffle to the floor from all sides.
  2. Decisid on the mattress a special mattress staff.
  3. Equally distribute the sheet so that its edges hung. Its upper part must be closed under the mattress.
  4. To get neat angles, bottom part Sheets jumped under the mattress, and the remaining part of it hangs evenly. Then you should refuel it.
  5. On top bed duvet. In the event that it is wider than the mattress, it is best to fill under it.
  6. Now comes there decorative bedspread. In size it should be more bedSo that you can get beautifully breathing to the floor or collect beautiful folds in the headboard and legs.
  7. From above you can lay the pillows and lay the plaid.

There is a little secret that allows you to quickly and beautifully fix the bed. Bed linen should be sewn from natural fabric and be dense and heavy.

How to fix the bed? When young girls are interested in this procedure, they should be understood that it happens in stages and slowly.

Ways to refueling beds

In the event that there is no beautiful bedspread, you can do without it. It's nice if the color of bed linen is harmonized with the bedroom interior. Shut down the blanket on the spaced sheet and carefully straighten it by moving the top corner. On top to decompose decorative pillows Straight or at an angle.

How to quickly fix the bed? It is necessary to carry out the procedure described above, except for flexing the edge of the blanket. Distribute on top on the bed covered or plaid, having embarsed. Place the folds and decompose on the surface of decorative pillows symmetrically or in an artistic disorder.

There are many methods that help to fix the bed is beautiful and original. For this use and plaid. If there is a set of 4 pillows, then you can put them on the bedspread in such a way that small accessories will be located on large.

How to refuel the bed in the army? Currently, a method called Au Carré has been widely used, which was borrowed from the military. As described above, it consists in removing the blanket under the mattress. In this case, it does not apply to the floor and not dumping.

How often change bedding?

You can refuel the bed by any method you like using your own original ideas.

How beautiful to fix the bed? There are several recommendations to make it quickly and efficiently:

  • Filling blankets and sheets smoothly.
  • It is necessary to use wide sheets that will not slip out from under the mattress during sleep. It greatly facilitates the cleaning of the bed the next morning and will allow you to sleep comfortably at night.
  • Be sure to select stretch sheets according to the size of the bed. After all, it plays a huge role when cleaning it.
  • It must be thought of which type of the second sheet to choose. The use of a warmed blanket without a duvetieuer simplifies daily bed cleaning. The purpose of the sheet is to protect the skin of the skin of the coarse impact of the blanket or bedspread, and also contains them clean and serves as an additional level of insulation.
  • The mattress staff will protect the bed and pillows, and also prevents the allergic influence of various pathogens and dust, which accumulate.
  • When placing a duvette, the printed side down to the face of the sleeping person will not touch the coarse-fired edge.
  • On the bed for her decoration you can decompose the soft toys.
  • If there is a small blanket, then it can be put on top of the pillows, which will allow them not so often to get dirty.
  • The underwear should be clean and smell well. It is best to erase it every day, which will allow you to achieve strong and healthy sleep.
  • It is necessary to clean the bed every day or open it to come there. Fresh air.

Applying uncomplicated tips, you can learn to quickly and efficiently remove the bed.


It is well known that a person spends about 1/3 of his life. Therefore, his bed should always be covered with clean and fresh linen. It is necessary to clean and ventilate bedding every day, which will allow you to achieve strong and healthy sleep.

It is best when the bed is cached with a beautiful bedspread that would harmonize with the bedroom interior. Additionally, you can put decorative pillows different size. You can refuel the bed with any convenient method that allows you to make it quickly and beautiful.

Textiles visually creates warmth and comfort in any room. Central place in the bedroom occupies sleeping place And it is the quilted bedspread on the bed helps to give the interior harmonious and perfect view. Thanks to a special cape, you can disguise the shortcomings of the bedroom and smooth the sharp corners.

The firmware refers to the highest method of fixing the filler between two layers of tissue. Moreover, the stitches are superimposed on the surface of the bedspread after filling the cover with a special filler. Stitches lines can be different: parallel, perpendicular, figured. Optimal option - intersecting seams, since in this case the filler is tightly fixed and its displacement is excluded when using bedspread or its washing.

Factory products are stitched special sewing machines Through throughout the area. Depending on the materials, used ordinary threads (Cotton or Silk) and a highway, which can be used when sewing products from synthetic tissues. The process of thermal stitching is carried out using a special device that point points out synthetic fibers.

The main advantages of quilts covered: products well hold the shape, practically do not impenetrate and have a pleasant aesthetic appearance, durable and practical. Such bedspreads allow you to quickly refuel the bed and give the bedroom to a neat and well-kept look.

Criterias of choice

Manufacturers are used different materials For sewing covered. Some products can be used as additional blankets. Therefore, when choosing it is desirable to navigate not only on the appearance of the bedspread or the quality of the tissues. With the characteristics of fillers, you must also get acquainted.


Textile variety allows you to choose a bedspread, suitable for the cost, quality of the canvas. For sewing, the following materials can be used:

  • natural cotton material makes covered with pleasant to the touch, breathable, practical. Most often used hawk or satin. Calcar is different acceptable price, high strength and wear resistance. Satin is also strong and for a long time Saves the original appearance. Due to the special double weaving of the twisted threads, the satin surface acquires a special gentle silky gloss, which makes the material refined and gives it an expensive appearance;
  • flax has durability, wear resistance, ecology. This material is quite dense, well holds the shape and very pleasant to the touch. Behind linen bedspreads is easy to care for;
  • silk is distinguished by a special delight. Thanks to the luxurious I. diverse designThe bedspread on the bed can be the main accent of the room. Undoubted pluses Silk are antibacterial properties, hypoallergenicity. Silk beds do not attract dust. The main minus of textiles is a high price;
  • of synthetic materials Most often used acrylic and microfiber. Acrylic is distinguished by elasticity, long retains color, does not require serious care (enough to wash in cool water). The main disadvantage - fibers on the surface can roll. On the surface of the microfiber, they are not formed by katovka and the canvas perfectly "breathe".

It is the beautiful front side that makes the present decoration of the bedroom. It is important to take into account the stylistics of the room.




As an intermediate layer, manufacturers are used both natural and synthetic materials:

  • wool - this material is attractive due to lightness, strength, wear resistance, durability (up to 15 years service life). Wool breathes well, allows the bedspread to quickly ventilate. As a filler used camel wool, sheep, goat. Special softness has covers from sheep wool (Australian Merino) and goat (cashmere). To create a thin warm layer, gentle underflood of cashmere mountain goats are used. From disadvantages you can note the possibility allergic reaction on wool and the need to protect covers from moth;
  • silk is optimally suitable for summer beds. The basis of the filler is a high-quality grade of silk - Malbury. The main advantages: environmental friendliness, strength, hypoallergenicity. High cost of products, heavy weight (compared to synthetic fillers) can be attributed to shortcomings of silk;
  • vegetable fibers (cotton, flax, bamboo) are environmentally friendly, but are considered somewhat exotic. These materials are distinguished by hypoallergenicity, comfort, ease of care, low price. Covers with such fillers are suitable for any time of the year. Special advantage of bamboo filler - antiseptic properties that exclude the appearance of dust ticks, bacteria;
  • thanks to synthetic fillers (synthetone, polyester fiber), the bedspreads are light. Depending on the density of the filler (100, 200, 300 g / sq m), the product may cost more and look more lure.

Many hostesses love to change the bedspreads depending on the season. Cotton bedspreads with a filler from a synthetone, bamboo, silk will come for warm-time year. In cold winter night Perfectly warm things with a wool layer.


For the purged side of the bedspread, fabrics are selected that distinguish practicality and inexpensive price:

  • calcule is a cotton fabric that may include both artificial and natural fibers. For one-sided quilts, a smooth-colored fabric is used. Positive qualities: low fermentation, hygiene, environmental purity, ease, durability;
  • viscose is an artificial fabric (base - wood pulp). The main advantages: lighter cotton, well retains color, does not accumulate static electricity, high strength, hypoallergenne. For quilts, the coiled is used by the viscose, which has passed additional processing, making fabric stronger;
  • mixed materials consist of natural and synthetic fibers. Thanks to the combined composition, materials are practical in caring, wear-resistant, pleasant to the touch and have a democratic cost.

The main requirement for lining tissues - they should not be slippery. Otherwise, the coat quilted can constantly move off the bed.

The size

The bedspread should freely close the mattress, but not touch the floor. In order not to make a mistake with the purchase, you need to know the exact size of the bedroom. The optimal version - on the allowances on each side of the mattress, lay at about 20-25 cm. So, for the half-and-a-half bed, the parameters 120x200 cm are suitable with a bedspread 160x200 cm or 160x220 cm (if the bed has no backrest). Exemplary sizes covered, based on different options Beds:

  • single - 140x200x220 cm;
  • one-hour - 150 / 160x200x220 cm;
  • double - 180x200x220 cm or 200x220 cm.

According to European standards quilted bedspreads On the bed should hang up to the floor and lightly close the legs of the bed. Therefore, products are sewn with dimensions of 220x240 cm, 230x250cm or even 270x270 cm.

Some bedspreads can be rolled with flimsy. As a rule, the quilted part in the products has the size of the bedroom, and the edge is sewn to its edges. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, such beds are desirable to sew to order - then it is easier to determine the length of the ruffle, a quilted base area.

How to choose the color and pattern

Most often covered plays a big role in the design of the room. In small bedrooms, the bed occupies most of the area, and the same color gamut of textiles and finishes visually "disguises" a sleeping place. Therefore, to lay the cover of a close shade will be a good course for humble sizes.

To the interior does not look too monotonous, the quilted product can be somewhat isolated by color. On a beige background, light brown textiles look good, in a blue room - turquoise. It is the appearance of things that is capable of putting a cozy and stylish look. Some designer Soviets They will help to decide on the selection of quilted bedspreads:

  • it is important to take into account the total temperature of the room. Orange, yellow or red bedspreads will create warm comfort Indoors with windows to the north. And the blue, silver shades of textiles will bring a cool mood to the bedroom with windows south;
  • classic reception - pick up the bedspreads and curtains of the same color and pattern. Not everyone likes such a conservative solution. However, it is difficult to argue that the interior in this case is harmonious and calm;
  • for spacious double beds, dark shades textiles are better suited, and here for single - light;
  • if the bedspread should be decorating the room, then bright products with catchy drawings are selected. This technique is justified in pastel or neutral shades rooms. How to choose contrasts - the matter of taste. Blue covered with a silver pattern will create an atmosphere of elegance and calm in a light green bedroom. Yellow textiles with a golden ornament will look exquisite and luxurious in white premises;
  • for the children's bedroom, cloth is selected with bright pictures (uniform arrangement of fruits, geometric figures). In the adult bedroom, covered with interesting ethnic ornaments, small patterns. An excellent option for any room - materials in a cage, strip or polka dot.

For bedrooms olive style Sand, pale pink fabrics with a small floral pattern. For Baroque rooms it is necessary to look after silk fabrics with a suitable golden pattern. For modern rooms Recreation will suit one-photon products, quenched with fine cage.

A great economical option For diversity lovers - combined bilateral bedspread. In such products, both parties are used as facial. Moreover, the fabrics can be contrasting shades or differ in the quality of the material.

The correct selection of the bedspread will help create the atmosphere of relax in the room, peace. Textiles in the interior not only supports style, but also reflects the preferences of the owners, their preferences.

