Repairs Design Furniture

How to cut glass bottles. How to cut a glass bottle with ordinary thread? Easy and fast! Procedure for cutting thread

Why throw away glass bottles, if you can do delicious decor elementswhich will look gorgeous in any interior? If you think that cutting the bottle is very difficult and even dangerous, you are mistaken. There are several simple ways to help you do it safely so you can create your small masterpiece.

How to cut a glass bottle

This video shows 2 methods of cutting glass. In one of them used glass cutter, and for another you will need only hot and cold water!

Cutting the bottle into 2 parts, you can make anything from it: from the candlestick or glade to the hanger for outerwear. The main thing is to have a rich fantasy!

Take advantage of this advice to add originality to your interior and make it unique. These will definitely decorate your home!

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The fact that old bottles can always be adapted, pre-a few of their "recycling", for useful things for home, many know. But not many know how easy it is, because they do not represent how can you cut off part of a glass bottle without a special machine, and even in minutes. At the same time, cutting off the neck at a bottle of beer, you will receive 2 excellent and original beer glasses: the lower part will go like a male, top - like female; Remover U. wine bottle Or bottles from under champagne, you can further use the bottom as a vase for colors, and the top is again as a glass of the leg. Similar low part A fairly spacious bottle can be converted to the lamp. Well, as it demonstrates the description of the process below, cut the glass is surprisingly easy, and you can always apply this process To any glass object. It is also a safe and practical way to cut the glass.

Undoubtedly, it is also a fun and amazing trick that is to demonstrate in the company or at a party. Shocked faces will be award to you, since they have not seen anything like more.

You will need:
- liquid for lighters, or liquid for removing varnish, or, for example, kerosene;
- Long and relatively strong piece of thread;
- Bowl / Taz with cold water, voluminous enough to accommodate a bottle completely in length and height;
- protective glasses;
- lighter / matches or something similar to your choice;
- spoon (as needed);
- Diamond coating file either fine-grained good sandpaper - for finalizing edges of cropped glass.

1. Eye the thread within a few minutes in the liquid to refuel lighters or fluid to remove the varnish (or in kerosene). The length of the thread can always be performed on the bottle.

2. Note on a bottle of a flat line of cut off with a felt-tip pen, if you cut a bottle is not easy for fun, but for a vase or other decorative target. Otherwise, skip this stage.
Tie a wet thread in several (2-3) revolutions around the bottle over the line where you want to cut off the glass. Naturally, wrapping and tie up tight! But do not make a large node so that the cut part turned out in the end is even, and under the knot after burning the threads were not formed. And several revolutions of the thread should not create a thick strip.

3. Put the protective glasses. Holding a bottle over the surface protected from the fire, burn the thread. To the thread on one side did not end to burn when only starts to burn on the other, it is possible to carefully and quickly set fire from a few sides, but in no case do not hold the lighter / match itself for a long time at some part of the bottle. Let the thread completely turn around - keep the bottle on safe distancewhile the thread does not burn in itself (the fire will also "leave" himself).

4. Then immediately put the bottle into the cold water in the bowl / pelvis - plot completely and hold the bottle with your hands. A sharp temperature change and will lead to the fact that the glass will crack across the thread burning line: that is why the thread layer on the bottle should not be wide!

5. Carefully praise on the glass upper part of the spoon - along the line where the burning thread wrapped around the bottle, if the glass did not break by itself. The spoon is better to keep at hand at hand not to miss the moment.

6. Complete any protrusions at the edges of the cut-off parts of the bottle, with a diamond coating / fine-grained eyebound. For this part of the process, make sure that the glass is wet and sufficiently slippery, otherwise there will be problems when working with a diamond file.

A warning: Ensure that there is everything you need to put out the fire (fire extinguisher, water in sufficient quantity, dense fabric, which is badly burning, for example, covered from defined materials) When you work with a bottle - in case problems arise. Consider the ability to wear protective gloves. And remember that children and adolescents up to 18, as well as people "under the shaf", do not be better like such things, since they are most likely neglecting security measures.


Always remember that it is not necessary to "cut" in a straight line. The thread can be coated at oval at an angle or even consolidate with the help of a sticky tape (but only not a flange tape on the way of burning threads, and there, where the burning should end!) In any other perspective, the main thing is to comply with the condition of dense filament to the glass;

The same can be done with any other glass things, for example, with glass panels, but both sides of the panel in this case should be heated at the same time.

There are several simple ways how to crop the neck of a glass bottle. You ask, why do you need it? From a beautiful trimmed bottle, you can make a cool glass, a colors vase or a stand for different little things. But before proceeding with cutting beautiful bottlesI still recommend to practice on ordinary beer, as you need experience and some skill in this matter: exactly not always happens from the first time.

So, I will tell the most simple ways Cut the neck from a glass bottle.

Method 1 - Use glass cutter

It takes glass cutter. Can be used factory model Or make yourself. Design homemade device Maybe different: the main thing is that the bottle and the cutting element are securely fixed, but the bottle is freely rotated.

Important! With a slit, you need to do one passage: it will provide the most smooth edge.
Next, you need to prepare hot (boiling water) and cold (you can with ice) water. On the line of cutting shed first hot waterSo that the glass is well warmed.

After that, we just jump on a bottle with cold water.

From the temperature cut, the glass should be broken down along the pre-cut line. If this did not happen, the procedure must be repeated (hollow first hot and then cold water).

Method 2 - Flame Candle

For this method, the candle and a piece of ice will be required (you can use a container with very cold water). To split the neck, on the bottle, the marker is carried out with a flat line, according to which the glass is well warmed over the candle.

Then the cut line is cooled with ice, after which the glass splits with a slight tapping.

Method 3 - Nargev from friction

Another way to split the bottle of tinsel is to use the heating of the glass due to the friction force. For this, two are put on the bottle plastic tieswhich serve as limiters. There are three turns of twine between them, after which the twine for loose ends begins to move forward / backward.

After 2-3 minutes, when the glass is sufficient, the bottle is placed in cold water, and with a slight tapping, it turns off along the heating line.

If there is a small incision before friction on the bottle with glass cutter, it is not necessary to use cold water: the glass will crack when heated independently.

Method 4 - Installation with Pokal Thread

For this method, a transformer will be required, for example, with a microwave oven with a secondary winding, instead of which three power cable turns are installed.
The free ends of the wire closes through a thick wire. Stand (base) should be heat-resistant and dielectric.

The next step is to connect the transformer to electrical network. When the transformer is turned on, the thread is increasing: a bottle is applied to it and gradually rotates. When warming up the glass of the neck along the warming line is disconnected, so it is necessary to ensure that the heating is uniform and one line.

Method 5 - Burning Rope

For this method, natural twine and a bit of purified gasoline for lighters will be required. A piece of beeps is cut down the length required for turnover around the bottle at least 3 times. Then this segment of the twine is soaked in gasoline so that it is completely soaked.

Washed in gasoline, the twine is wound on the bottle in the place where it is necessary to produce chips and ignite.

When gasoline is almost fascinated, the bottle is lowered into cold water, where the glass is bursting along the heating line from the temperature difference.

Method 6 - We use specialized equipment

This method is to use electric machine For cutting tiles. Diamond Disc Good and smoothly cuts thick glass. It is recommended to work in gloves, protective mask and glasses, as glass dust is very dangerous. The advantage of using a cutter is the ability to cut a bottle into small washers, which is not available at other ways.

Glass bottles decor, quite popular in lately, and since many are interested in the question how to trim glass bottle at home, without glazing, then today's master class I want to devote simple but interesting way Cutting bottle thread ...
In this connection, the topic of this master class "How to cut a bottle of thread - nothing complicated!".

To work, we will need:
1. Glass bottle;
2. Woolen threads;
3. Solvent (can be kerosene, alcohol, cologne, acetone);
4. Scissors or stationery knife;
5. Gloves (remove the skin of the hands from the effects of the solvent);
6. Lighter or matches;
7. To protect the eyes just in case, glasses (in fact, there are no fragments, but careless caution does not happen);
8. Deep basin filled with cold water.

So how to cut a bottle with a thread? Take woolen threadMeaning and cutting off it in such a way as to have enough for 3-4 bottle turns.
Immerse the extinted and cut-off thread into the solvent, and immediately wind the bottle, in the place where the "inclination" is planned. You can simply wash the thread or tie a nodule, in this master class I simply made a winding.

After that, this thread is set in with matches or lighter, and the bottle is better to keep in the inclined position - strictly horizontally (parallel to the ground), neatly scrolling around the axis.

The fire will burn approximately 30-40 seconds, as soon as the burning thread will go out - quickly lower the bottle in the prepared basin filled with cold water.

Next, the characteristic sound of the cracked glass will be heard, and the bottle is instantly divided into two parts. This species The cutting of glass is based on a quick change of temperatures, we all know from the lessons of physics, that when the glass is heated, the glass is expanding, and during cooling it is narrowed, respectively, with a sharp change of temperatures, a kind of glass destruction occurs and it is simply cracking!

How to cut a bottle with a thread, we found out, but how to treat sharp glass edges? You can use sandpaper or stone for sharpening knives. The latter should be treated with the edges of the bottle pre-immersed in water, so the processing occurs easier and faster (it is better to protect the hand with rubber gloves). Friends, I ask you do not forget about the notorious safety technique, how will you work with fire and glass, protective glasses on the eyes, gloves in arms and basin with large quantity Waters are required!

Master class for cutting bottle thread

Everyone is well known that from unnecessary glass bottles you can make a lot of useful and original things. However, not everyone knows how easy it is, because many people do not represent how to cut off part of the bottle without glass cutter. We offer you a master class of how you can cut a glass bottle using an ordinary thread quickly and just at home without using a special tool.

In order to cut the glass bottle, we need:

  • Cut ordinary cotton thread.
  • Acetone or alcohol.
  • Capacity with cold water.
  • Match or lighter.

Procedure for cutting thread

Step 1

Cotton thread moistened to acetone

We plan a marker in which you need to cut a bottle. Welcome thread in acetone and turn it out several times on the planned line. Tie the rope and cut off her tips.

Firmly tying a thread

Cut the tips of the thread

Step 2.

Holding a bottle in a horizontal position above the water tank, set on the thread. At the same time, the bottle must be turned to ensure uniform heating.

Gilt the thread

Step 3.

As soon as the thread begging, immediately you need to dip a bottle into a cold water container. From a sharp drop temperature, the glass itself will crack along the line where there was a rope.

Dip the bottle in very cold water

Step 4.

We divide two parts of the bottle with hands

At the last stage, it remains only to handle the edge of the emery or file. Further from the resulting glass can be made original candlestick or a vase for flowers, decorating the product to your own taste, in general experiment!

Severe emery paper slice