Repairs Design Furniture

How to cut a glass bottle at home. Master class: how to cut a bottle of thread - nothing complicated! How to cut a bottle at an angle

Today, every day is increasing the turnover of "Hand Made" creativity. Very often in their creations, needlewomen use glass bottles. Make from them vases, lamps, stands, etc.
I will show you a very simple way how exactly cut off the bottle in almost a few seconds.

All that we need this nichrome wire, 12 V rechargeable battery and cold water.

Draw a bottle

To begin, it is necessary to determine the place of the cut. So that it turns out to be smooth. Take a piece of paper and wrap it with a bottle. Align the edges of the leaf to the line turns out to be smooth. Then take the marker or marker and on the edge of the sheet circle the border. Now the leaflet can be removed.

Next, it is necessary to take a piece of nichrome wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm, attach one end to a fixed object. For these purposes, I use a black girc. Immediately attach one wire from the battery.

We make a turn around the bottle. And align the trail from the marker.

In order not to burn the wire pliers. We stretch quite a bit so that the wire is leveled.
Let's supply the voltage to the second end of the wire.

It can be seen that the wire fucked. In places of contact with a bottle of wire, it does not quite blush, as the bottle takes the heat.

We wait without moving the wire and holding it in the tension of about 30 seconds.
Then quickly remove the wire and the place of heating is spraying with water. You can also prepare a bucket with water and dip the bottle there.

You will hear a kind of glass of glass, and the bottle will burst exactly along the line where the nichrome was passed.

It is explained simple: during the heating of a certain place in the glass, an internal voltage occurs. After a sharp cooling, the glass surface is sharply cooled, and its inner part remains heated. As a result of such a sharp change, microcracks appear, which instantly transition to the split.

Such a trick can be done not only with bottles of round shape, but also square, oval, etc.

There are several simple ways how to crop the neck of a glass bottle. You ask, why do you need it? From a beautiful circumcised bottle, a cool glass can be made, a vase for colors or a stand for different little things. But, before proceeding with the cutting of beautiful bottles, I still recommend to practice on ordinary beers, as you need experience and some skill in this matter: exactly it does not always work the first time.

So, I will tell you the most simple ways to cut the neck from a glass bottle.

Method 1 - Use glass cutter

It takes glass cutter. You can use the factory model or make yourself. The design of the homemade device may be different: the main thing is that the bottle and the cutting element are securely fixed, but the bottle is freely rotated.

Important! With a slit, you need to do one passage: it will provide the most smooth edge.
Next, you need to prepare hot (boiling water) and cold (you can with ice) water. On the line of the cut, shed first hot water so that the glass is well warmed.

After that, we just jump on a bottle with cold water.

From the temperature cut, the glass should be broken down along the pre-cut line. If this did not happen, the procedure must be repeated (hollow first hot and then cold water).

Method 2 - Flame Candle

For this method, the candle and a piece of ice will be required (you can use a container with very cold water). To split the neck, on the bottle, the marker is carried out with a flat line, according to which the glass is well warmed over the candle.

Then the cut line is cooled with ice, after which the glass splits with a slight tapping.

Method 3 - Nargev from friction

Another way to split the bottle of tinsel is to use the heating of the glass due to the friction force. For this, two plastic ties that serve as limiters are put on the bottle. There are three turns of twine between them, after which the twine for loose ends begins to move forward / backward.

After 2-3 minutes, when the glass is sufficient, the bottle is placed in cold water, and with a slight tapping, it turns off along the heating line.

If there is a small incision before friction on the bottle with glass cutter, it is not necessary to use cold water: the glass will crack when heated independently.

Method 4 - Installation with Pokal Thread

For this method, a transformer will be required, for example, with a microwave oven with a secondary winding, instead of which three power cable turns are installed.
The free ends of the wire closes through a thick wire. Stand (base) should be heat-resistant and dielectric.

The next step is to connect the transformer to the electrical network. When the transformer is turned on, the thread is increasing: a bottle is applied to it and gradually rotates. When warming up the glass of the neck along the warming line is disconnected, so it is necessary to ensure that the heating is uniform and one line.

Method 5 - Burning Rope

For this method, natural twine and a bit of purified gasoline for lighters will be required. A piece of beeps is cut down the length required for turnover around the bottle at least 3 times. Then this segment of the twine is soaked in gasoline so that it is completely soaked.

Washed in gasoline, the twine is wound on the bottle in the place where it is necessary to produce chips and ignite.

When gasoline is almost fascinated, the bottle is lowered into cold water, where the glass is bursting along the heating line from the temperature difference.

Method 6 - We use specialized equipment

This method is to use the tile cutting machine. Diamond disk is good and smoothly cuts thick glass. It is recommended to work in gloves, protective mask and glasses, as glass dust is very dangerous. The advantage of using a cutter is the ability to cut a bottle into small washers, which is not available at other ways.

Everyone knows that recently various techniques of manual creation of elements and decor items are acquired. For this purpose, there are ordinary remedies that do not require additional financial costs. Glass bottles and plastic products won the greatest popularity.

Glass firmly strengthened its positions compared to other materials among lovers to create decorations with their own hands due to their strength, stability, availability and ease of use.

But along with the advantages, glass objects have a significant drawback - their form is difficult to change. Therefore, not everyone takes the glass cutting.

But in order to cope with this task, with the right approach, there will be no difficulty. So how to correctly cut a glass bottle?

Glass items cutting methods

In practice, the most widely used 4 main methods of glass cutting, but there are many more.

  • cut with glass cutter;
  • apply thread;
  • use vegetable oil;
  • split nichrome wire.

Cutting glass with glazing

Main steps:

Make an incision on the glass. Heat the material with candles or lighter. It is necessary to heat an incision made by glass cutter.

For more uniform heating, it is necessary to smoothly rotate the bottle over the fire along the line of the outbreak. It is enough to keep it above the flame for 5 minutes.

Lower the object that needs to be cut into, in a container with cold water.

Repeat the procedure if necessary. Part of the bottle may not get off the first time. Therefore, the procedure must be continued until the bottle of glass is divided into 2 parts.

Fill the edge Using coarse sandpaper, you need to handle edges without losing time, otherwise you can cut down.

And now you can decorate the bottle using the necessary materials. Decor is ready.

Use cotton thread

In the first method, glass cutter was used, but if desired, it is possible to do without glazing. The assistants will serve the usual thread, alcohol, cold water and lighter.

The main steps of cutting:

  • the desired line on the bottle is marker or marker;
  • wash the thread in acetone or alcohol;
  • wrap the thread around the line several times;
  • tie the rope and cut off the ends;
  • lower the bottle in a horizontal position to a container with cold water and set fire to the thread;
  • after the thread completely burns out, dip the bottle into the water, after which the unnecessary part falls from a sharp change in temperature;
  • project edge emery paper.

Oil - another helper in a bottle cutting

An excellent way to split an unnecessary part of the subject is the use of vegetable oil.

Main steps:

  • fill the bottle with cold water to the desired level;
  • place in the container with cold water filled to the same level;
  • add vegetable oil to the formation of a thin layer (not pouring the oil directly from the bottle, otherwise the smooth layer will not work, the water will be covered with oil areas);
  • pick a piece of metal (the wider glass of the subject of the subject, the thicker you need to select the metal, and vice versa);
  • roll up a metal object with a gas stove or burner;
  • lower the blade to the oil level, while it is necessary to protect the eyes and the skin from splashing the heated oil;
  • the oil is heated, and the glass quickly splits as a result of a sharp temperature difference.

The use of nichrome wire

For this method, it is necessary to acquire a nichrome wire, a 12-in-cold battery with cold water.

Determine the location of the cut (wrap a bottle of paper sheet, connect the edges to the edges to be smooth, and put the marker or marker, remove the sheet). Take a piece of nichrome wire with a thickness of 0.5 mm., Attach the first tip to the hard subject, then attach the wire from the battery.

Wire a wire bottle over the drawn line. Take the wire pliers to avoid burns, slightly stretch it, apply the voltage to another wire tip, holding around 30 seconds. Dip in cold water.

After a sharp change of temperature, part of the bottle will fall. It will only remain to process uneven edges with sandpaper.

In addition to glass items for decoration and design, another material - plastic is used in all respects.

Plastic bottles will probably find in every home, then why get rid of them if you can decorate your home with them.

Work with plastic

Many fans of objects and plastic ornaments are often wondering: how to easily cut a plastic bottle to get the element of the desired size.

To work with plastic, scissors will need, a knife, a marker and a stand for a marker or a marker, which can be used as a book or any box.

The main steps:

Put the bottles on the table and hold the stand under the marker. You need to put books or boxes until the marker is at the height. Keep the felt-tip pen with one hand, rotate the bottle of another to draw a circle.

Make an incision for several centimeters above the outlined mark, insert scissors and cut off the desired part. Gently align cut with scissors.

In fact, each method is convenient in its own way, so it is already widely used among the craftsmen and lovers of the Hand Maid technology

With the help of alcohol, I tried to cut, there is such a master class in the blog, but I hear about vegetable oil for the first time. Interested.

Glass in the interior, as well as in our life, undoubtedly favorite among the many familiar things. It is simply impossible to present life without dishes. But metal products are found not in such a quantity, but the metal with glass can be real del. And if the glass is the bottle processed in the skillful handles, the effect can be very impressive. I had such a vessel for wine, in a forged stand, if there were not our constant moving, then I would have served and the eye was pleased, but the glass pieces were crashed, and the stand itself ceased to be useful. But forged colors for flowers are more familiar and can serve forever, the flowers change, and she decorates the house constantly. And of the metal, of course, you will not deprive with the help of vegetable oil))

Therefore, I will return to the glass, soon the new year, the parts from the bottle can become beautiful festive decorations.

Very many ways to apply bottles, cropped and integer: feeders, legs for the lamp, component of furniture (shelves, coffee tables), watering containers. But you will see such a gastronomic application not often, I really like it. Here and jute, and buttons, and traffic jams. By the way, I need a maslin, it would be quite suitable here:

It does not happen easier, ordinary glasses, look beautiful and the basis for any decor is just perfect.

This composition just struck me.

My adorable weaving, tree, a bottle with a plug - just chic! From raw, I would not refuse either. And what is the time. If not after 19:00, the evening does not pass.

It is good that even in this luxury vase did not put candies))

A little romance

I admire the fall, waiting for spring!)

It is not freezing as it is offered in the video, just beautifully, could not pass by.

Needlework is gaining momentum, and the products that make the masters of this sphere are increasingly pleasing to the eyes. Perhaps you have already seen. What interesting and unusual vases can be made from simple bottles. It costs one important question - how to cut a glass bottle so smoothly. As practice shows, it is just enough, and I will tell you some very interesting ways.


To begin with, we will need glass cutter, a bottle and a possible source of fire, preferably narrowly. To do this, you can take another bottle in which you can breed the flame. It is worth noting that cutting bottles with glass cutter and without the use of fire is also possible, only in this case will need to spend much more time.

First you need to make a smooth incision on the bottle, which you want it to split. For this you may need a terex or some other type of fixation. You can cut with glass cutter, and you can take a drill or screwdriver, and insert a nozzle to work with glass. From how exactly you will make an incision, the quality of the resulting cut is dependent.

Now you need to heat our incision. For this bottle, you need to gradually scroll over the flame. For this, the candle is perfect. You need to rotate evenly and without jerks, so that the surface is heated the same in all places. We do this about five minutes, after which they dip the bottle into the container with cold water.

Perhaps you will need to repeat these stages several times until the bottle splits along the cut line. After that, you just need to process the edges, removing their sharp parts.

Boiling water

The second way to cut the bottle with your own hands again requires a tool to work with glass. The glass cutter should again be applied by the contour, according to which the cut will go. It is important to make an incision not only even, but also completed - you should not find the area with which they started, because if the outline will overlap itself, the cut line is uneven.

Now you need to boil the water in the kettle. She will gradually water an incision on a bottle. When water boiled, you can proceed to the process. The bottle should be watered slowly and carefully - you should not enter with water away from the initial cut.

After you repeatedly poured a bottle of boiling water, it immediately needs to be placed in cold water. The first time it will not break down the cut, for this you need to repeat the procedure several times. Next also need to handle sharp edges, after which you can do anything with a bottle.

A thread

Perhaps this is not the safest way to cut bottles from the point of view of fire safety, but with the right approach, there should be no danger. To do this, you can use a sufficiently dense thread for yarn or simple cotton lace.

It is important that it was natural, and not synthetic material. Depending on the thickness of the thread, you may need to wrap it with a bottle, in the place of the desired split from one to five times.

It is best to take a fairly dense lace, which will be enough for a single ring. Wrapped the bottle to cut off the extra ends so that they do not hang out.

Next take acetone. It is necessary to dampen our thread, after which it is back to dress it on the bottle. It should be well impregnated with acetone, it is important for the future part. Now you need to tie a thread, and it is tight enough, because it can later affect the quality of the cut.

Next you just need to set fire to the thread and slowly scroll through the bottle. And again we need a container with cold water, in which it will be necessary after almost complete attenuation of the thread, put the bottle. If you did everything right - the bottle will split in the place where there was a thread. Replace the edges again.


Another good way to cut a glass bottle requires a special tool. To do this, you only need to decide on the cut line, for which it will be good to use simple greying tape. You need two stripes that will go just around the cut line. Further will fasten the tool and turn it on.

It is necessary to slowly and confidently scroll through the bottle along the cut line, while the tool will do all the work for you. You need to turn the bottle of 3-5 times, at least, before it cracks. Further by treating sharp edges, you can decorate your cut bottle.

Nichrome wire

Finally, I left not a very simple, but interesting and spectacular way than you can easily cut a bottle at home. You don't need a lot for this.

A power source will be needed for which a simple battery is well suitable for 12 watts, the wire itself, the bottle that needs to be cut and the water container into which the bottle can be dipped.

For a more convenient determination of the cut line, you can take the glass cutter, which gently draw the direction. Next, we take a heavy item that will not light up - a stone or steel is well suited, he will be on the one hand to keep wire. There will also need to connect the power cord.

Wrap a wire along the line of the outbreak, then we take over the second edge of the pliers. You need to pull a little, so that it stretches a little and has become smaller. Then we give tension and observe a beautiful, but rather dangerous picture - heated wire from nichrome. The floor will be enough for such a device to cut almost any bottle.