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Trees vaccination Improved copulating. Improved coil photo. Easy way to vaccinate trees and shrubs - copulating

According to the lunar calendar, November - the best time for the workpiece of cuttings, which will be used in the process of vaccinate fruit crops in the spring. While they are waiting for their o'clock placed in the snow, we have time to understand the intricacies of the procedure itself. In general terms "Family. Info "already talked about her in the article. Now let's talk about the most common method and under the leadership of Agronom Boris Alekseev will learn to exercise a copulings.

- This is the type of vaccination, when a part of the twig of the other is vaccinated to the stalk of one plant. The advantage of the method is that since the cruise is a stalk, in which there are basic substances, while the blowing is happening, it spends its own power for food and continued growth.

We will need:

  • vaccine knife;
  • secator;
  • clean cotton fabric for cleaning vaccination;
  • polyethylene tape for fixing vaccinations.

- Kitchen or stationery knives for vaccination are not suitable, - emphasizes agronomist. - They are not sharp enough and not only leave on the context of the sowing, but also squeeze the plants. Make the most smooth and even slice can only be a special copulinating knife. It is straight and on one side is sharpened very acute - to the state of a dangerous razor. It is better if the knife is made of black, tempered metal, because the shiny stainless steel knives have a bad sharpening.

As for the fixing tape vaccination, the best material than the usual plastic bag is not found. Unlike a garden film, which is difficult because of the rigidness in use and holds back the growth of the branch at the place of vaccination, is overlooking it, the packing polyethylene is more elastic. And most importantly - it is quickly destroyed under the influence of the sun. Even if you forget it to remove, the vaccination will not suffer due to the recovers. To obtain the tape, the package twist along the tube and, retreating from the edge of 2 cm, cut off with a knife. The resulting circle is cut - the material for fixing is ready.

To make an improved copulation, we cut a 15-20 cm long twig, for example, from a varietal apple tree. We remove the leaves, leaving the cutters that will serve as an instance indicator.

When choosing a twig of a platter, do not take adults, fruiting copies, otherwise, instead of growth, you will get an unnecessary, depleting fruiting. A suitable twig has:

  • diameter in the thick part of 7-8 mm;
  • brilliant bark.

In any case, the thickness of the lead (what we instill) should not exceed the diameter of the stock (what we instill).

  1. Stem in the place of vaccination to the brilliance wipe the cloth.
  2. We make the vaccine knife. Its length should be 3-4 the diameters of the svolka.

3. We put on the cut the vacuum knife at a distance of 1/3 of the sharp tip and, holding the blade with my finger, make a longitudinal shallow - about half the cut slices of the incision - splitting.

4. Provine shortening on both sides, cutting off the secateur at right angles. There must be the most thick part of the twig for about 10 cm.

5. Then, as well as inhibition, the cutlets of the creech is cut off and cut off on 1/3. It is desirable that in the depths of both splits were the same.

6. Gently with a cutlery of the platter, push the incision to the dating and put it up to the stop so that the crust layers are completely coincided. If the laying turned out to be thicker, and it is impossible to do it as it should be slightly shifting the lead to the side so that the edges come out at least from one side.

7. Wrap a ribbon grafting place, starting just below and ending above it. At the same time, we do not apply significant efforts and do not stretch the film to make it not shifted. The number of revolutions should not be greater. As soon as the stem will stop peeling through the film, it is necessary to stop, roll up the ribbon in the loop, to turn the end to it, slightly tighten and cut up too much. We try to keep the loop to the middle of the vaccination or lower, otherwise risks to shift the lead, and all the works will be in vain.

You can do nothing with the tip of the platter - the wound will dry itself. If for disinfection, which is not bad, want to smear the slice of garden borants, make it up to this connection with a trip so as not to disturb the articulation.

In the case when the vaccination falls under direct sunlight, it must be pronounced something. Keep in mind, naked without leaves is very attractive for birds, as it is convenient to sit on it, as if on the ack. Therefore, take measures to protect the vaccination.

The results of effort will be assessed in two weeks. That the vaccination turned out to say

  • shiny bark;
  • easy separated sheets of leaf;
  • appearing leaves if the vaccine spent in the spring.

About a month later, the film can be loosen and leave it to the full destruction.

Improved copulating is one of the most common ways to vaccinate provers. Used, as a rule, with a spring vaccination on the branches of a small diameter, 1-22 years of age. The design of the compound provides a large area of \u200b\u200bwood fit and the cambium of the seizable components and their mechanical strength. It is desirable that the diameters of the flow and the lead coincide. The possibility of vaccination with different thicknesses is allowed, but in this case, the laying should always be inhibition.

A little theory about the vaccinations of trees

With any method of vaccinations, it is necessary to achieve the maximum coincidence of the cambial layers (Cambia) at the lead with a trip.

What is Cambium?

Cambium - This is a "factory" to create new cells of the crust and wood plants. Untime, wet substance, is immediately under the bark of the tree. Just Cambium and plays a major role in the capture of the crossing with the lead. With it, the wound fabric is produced calluswhich envelops the place of vaccinations in the form of influx.

Proceed to practical exercises

The first thing we need to do for improved copulating is to produce two identical slanting cuts on the dating and cutting of the lead. Photo 1. and photo 2..

The length of the cut should be equal to the thickness of the transition multiplied to the figure 3.

We make a cut in one movement, but do not planing, but cut wood using the whole length of the blade of the knife. We recommend to pre-work on cuttings and achieve smooth and clean cut. Do not forget about safety technician. So, we are dealing with a very sharp tool, take care of your hands, do not cut the cuttings on the index finger.

To determine where it is necessary to make a slice, it is necessary to retreat 1/3 from the top edge from the length of the oblique cut. The depth of the cable should coincide with the start of the cut.

Connect the lead with a trip. Photo 5. and photo 6.
Note how components are combined to match Cambia. In the photo 5 - with the same diameter of the flow and the lead. In the photo 6 - the thin lead is aligned on one side with white thick.

On the photo 7. It is shown how the kidney should be located correctly.
We recommend using cuttings for a wire with 2-3 kidneys, no more.

We produce winding at the connection site. Photo 8..

Make a winding as much as possible, a special vaccination ribbon in one layer and tie to the node.

The peculiarity of the vaccination ribbon is that it is self-disperse, i.e. It is not necessary to shoot specifically. Under the influence of ultraviolet, it will disappear after 3-4 months. If there is no special tape, you can use an ordinary isolent. When winding, we deploy her sticky layer outward.

An open end of the graft cutlery is smeared by a garden harr.

A few words about the culture of production of vaccinations

Conducting trees, you can compare with a surgical operation. It also requires sterility and purity. Before the start of vaccinations, spread the tool on the stool or stool, in a convenient sequence on clean fabric, constantly hold it clean. To do this, often wipe the tool and your hands with an alcoholic solution. Cuttings and diving well wipe from dirt. First of all, do the cuts on the cut, because It has a root and does not dry up so quickly, and then on the cutting of the creeper. Do not touch the hands of open seats of cut wood. If you are inappropriately dropped the cuttings on the ground, the cut should be re-made.

Do not fuss, do everything quickly, but calmly.

Vaccinations are better carried out in cloudy weather, when there is no rain. By kind of fruit, first we instill bone, then seed plants.

And several photos of ready vaccinations.

As can be seen, these vaccinations made by the method of improved copulating have excellent accretion with the formation of a person. After a year, the connection place completely touches, the bark will restore and the vaccination will be difficult to detect.

The grafting of copulings is one of the most common methods for improving varieties, yields of shrubs and trees. The method is simple and does not require any expensive tools, all the necessary every gardener will find in your home or on the plot. About his features, secrets of holding and will be discussed in the article.

What is copulating?

Copuling - This is a compound of a cutlery and a lead in the place of their identical, slanting cuts. The result of the work should look like a bandaged solid twig. The advantages of the method should be attributed to its simplicity. Even an inexperienced gardener is able to vaccinate the copulings and make a variety tree or shrub from any dink, which will regularly give a large harvest. At the same time, an important advantage is the high percentage of vaccination survival, unlike other methods.

There are two types of copulings in total - simple and improved. Their specifics and features will be described below.

What is needed for copulating?

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Copulation is a very effective method, but it requires certain conditions and tools. In each case, you can make a copulation. To implement it, it is necessary to find a stalk and a dive with the same diameter. In addition, it will be necessary:

  • wet fabric;
  • a sharp knife, because if the knife is a stupid - even cut, it will not come out and the branch does not fit;
  • isol or any other similar material, sometimes apply a simple rope or food polyethylene film.
  • garden var or plasticine;
  • plastic bag.

How is the usual copulating?

Simple vaccination by copulings involves the compounding of the cutting and stock in the place of their sections. The method of early spring is carried out - when you can already work on the street, but the kidneys have not yet blocked. In order, the vaccination was successful, it is necessary to take care and trace so that the lead has already begun to "wake up" after the winter, and the cuttings were still in rest.

The first thing is to prepare a young stalk (diameter not more than 1.6 cm). It makes a smooth, oblique cut without jar of 1-1.5 cm below the kidney at an angle of 15-25 °. The eyes on it should be from 3 to 5 pieces - it is very important, because more than them, the harder there will be a cutting machine. Above the upper kidney of the cereal make a stupid cut at an angle of 45 °. Another oblique cut at 15-25 ° is carried out on the break. The length of this cut must exceed the diameter of the branch of the stock 3-4 times.

Now the most responsible moment comes. Provision and stock must be connected so that it turns out to be smooth, one-piece twig. Ideally, Cambier Cubs and Cambiers of the stock must be connected. In this case, the fire will happen much faster. After all, in the vaccination it is Cambier who plays a key role. This layer is overwhelming the "wounds" of the plant or sprinkles a cut place with another cut, as in this case.

Tightly pressing the lead to a long time, it is necessary to tightly, to drag them with a tape, a strip of a polyethylene film, a rope or other similar material. During the rewind, it is necessary to ensure that the place of the joint of the branches is not shifted. Some gardeners are also recommended to leave the kidneys during the rewind open, and not to climb them with ribbon. But, in fact it is not necessary.

After dressing the top of the cutter, which was cropped, fill the garden harr. From above, the cuttings can be covered with a polyethylene package to reduce evaporation. At the same time, it is important to monitor that under the action of moisture garden var not slipping from the twig, otherwise it will lead to the drying of the upper kidneys.

If everything is done correctly - after 2 weeks you can see how the kidneys on the cutlets have been growing into growth.

What is the feature of an improved copulating?

Simple copulating is very effective, and it is done easily, but it has one significant drawback - during the dressing of the place of the Cambia, it is often shifted. It is very difficult to keep the cuttings and dive in one position. For this, it is necessary either two people (one - keeps, the other - knits), or very long training. That is why the improved copulating method was invented.

Improved copulating is practically different, with the exception of one moment. Kosy cuts on a cutlery and dive make a zigzag or how otherwise they say "with the tongues". Thanks to the presence of "tongue", the twigs are reliable and fastened and fastened. Hence the name - improved copulating.

  • The experienced gardeners recommend cuttings for copulings not just cooking from autumn, but for a whole winter to leave in the snow. Thanks to this method of billet, the cuttings before the copulings will be at rest.
  • The cut on the cutting and the breakdown should be made with one sharp movement. To "fill the hand" is recommended before vaccination, it is practiced a little on simple twigs that can be found on the street. This will make it possible to understand the principle and improve the skills.
  • During the vaccination with copulings, it is important not to touch with hands or any objects of the cutting place of wood, shrub and a cutlery. This can lead to infection of the plant and negatively affect it.

  • The first bone breeds are given, and then seed. So, the cherry and cherry must be copulated before the beginning of April, and the apple tree and a pear - from April and until mid-June.
  • Before making sections for vaccination, the brought and dive is wiping into a damp cloth to clear the place from the dirt that can infect the plant.
  • Improved copulating gives a more efficient and rapid result, but it should be carried out only if there is no longer a cut on a simple copulation. This method is convenient in the dressing plan, and the healing is fast. But, it is necessary to correctly make "tongues" otherwise there will be a little.

Apple trees are not fruiting or flavoring and sizes of apples leave to desire the best? Such situations are found quite often, and you can fix them with your own hands using the vaccination of one apple tree branches from another one variety that you like most. So you do not have to plant new trees and wait for the fruit for several years. Also, the apple tree vaccination will allow you to expand the range of varieties on your site and save money that would have to spend on buying seedlings.

The vaccination of new branches can be compared with the surgical operation - it requires no less caution and accuracy. Beginner gardeners can not do without detailed recommendations, otherwise the mistakes can hardly be avoided.

Usually, the apple tree vaccination is carried out in the spring by the method of copulating (graft with a cutlets), the method of eyepling (kidney) is used in summer. In modern fruit growing, the copulings are applied much more often and serves for different purposes: when growing dwarf apple trees, when repairing damaged trees, in order to replace a low-value variety more yields or to create a multi-sorted apple tree.

To vaccinate the apple tree, the copulings will be needed:
✔ Drawn himself (lead), which will be vaccinated to the apple tree.
✔ Acute thin gardening carriage.
✔ The maximum sharpened vaccine knife.
✔ Polyethylene film for strapping.
✔ Garden Var or oil paint based on olifa.

The lead should be prepared from the very beginning of winter, after the first frosts, when the branches are in the state of rest, but in the early spring, until the kidneys are swollen. Choose the growing up annual branches with healthy yield apple trees. The twig length should be about 30-35 cm. Cut the lower edge of a cutter on a spicy under an acute angle (cutout length is tripled larger than the twig diameter), and the top is "on the kidney." You can be stored during the winter branches in the basement, placing the lower part of the lead in wet sawdust or sand. Several small cuttings can be stored in a refrigerator wrapped in wet fabric.

Methods for the vaccinations of drafts of apple

Before you begin to vaccinate, wash your hands well with the household soap, the tool must also be clean. Directly in the process, try to drive and sue do not touch without necessary, so as not to blur the sections.

Simple copulating

This method is suitable in the case when the diameter of the flow and the act is the same. Usually, with the help of copulings, we assume 1-2-year-old branches, making the same slices by oblique so that they completely coincide. It is necessary to put the cuts for a minute so that the surface does not have time to oxidize and dry, then the fire will happen worse. Then firmly wind the blanks (better - construction tape). Try not to damage the cuttings careless actions. Treat the lead and diving at the top of the garden boraner to prevent the dirt from entering the cuttings. This also depends on the likelihood of instinction.

Improved copulating

It makes it possible to more firmly on with dating and lead due to the additional longitudinal cut on the slice ("tongue"). The oblique slice on both parts along the axis is cut into one third and gently administered to the lead in the dating, but not too deep, otherwise the vaccination swallows or break. With different diameters of the branches, try tightly compatible Cambier on one side so that there is no lumen.

How to make improved copulation

1. In stock wipe with a clean damp cloth and make an oblique smooth slice under an acute angle. On the cutlets to make the same in length of the cut as on the break.

2. Single of the glue mentally divided into 3 equal parts and, retreating one-third from the top, make a longitudinal incision to make a knife along the escape axis to a depth of about 10-12 mm. The same thing to do on the cut section.

3. Take the lead to the lead to the tongue for the tongue so that they tightly kept each other with a tongue lock. If the diameters of the flow and cutlets do not match a bit, the tongs make it possible to move the lead so that they have at least one side of the Cambinal layer to match.

4. Just as with a simple copulation, a polyethylene or special elastic ribbon, it is necessary to turn the place of vaccinations tightly, tightly pressing the cuts of the stock and the lead to each other. Each round of tapes also make with a turn.

The upper cutting cut is smeared with garden wrair or plasticine. They put on a fixed plot with a clean plastic bag, tapping below the vaccination.

Comparing the methods of a simple and improved copulating, unwillingly come to the conclusion that two unpaired intraces will significantly facilitate the procedure. In addition, these flat tongues are much increased by the area of \u200b\u200bcontacting the lead and stock. So - and the chances of good luck more.

Improved copulating
Apple tree video

Where to buy apple seedlings

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"COP-ULO",meaning "Connect", exactly reflecting the essence of the process of this type of vaccination. Kopuling is simple it is applied in cases where the thickness of the stock and the lead coincides, which is necessary for connecting and splicing components. When carrying out a simple copulating on the stock and cable (cutting), there are simple slices of the same length. The length of the cut must be more

Communication technique Simple and improved

1. To carry out a simple copulings, it is necessary to perform onto the laying and cable sections of the same length equal to 35-4 diameters of the cutting.

2. Slices must fully coincide to coincide the fabrics of the Cambia of the stock and the cub, after the alignment of the sections it is necessary to conduct a strapping.

3 - the main disadvantage of a simple copulings is the impossibility of its conduct when the diameter of the donation and the lead is incurred. In such cases, they resort to improved copulip.

4. For this, segments or tongues are made on the cutting sections and the lead at a distance of 1/3 of the slice length from the top of the cut.

5. It is necessary to combine sections so that the tongue to the trial entered the splitting on the breakdown, after combining slices it is necessary to spend the strapping

the diameter of the branch is 3.5-4 times, so, with a thickness of the connotation and a 1,5 cm, the length of the cut should be in the range of 5-6 cm. The cutting surface on the cylinder cutting should be combined with the cutting surface to be bought so that Cambia's fabrics coincided Both vaccination components. After combining sections, the vaccination place must be tightly tied with a film, when the strapping needs to be monitored so that there are no shifts to disseminate, otherwise the fire is worse. The main disadvantage of a simple copulings lies in the instability of the joint and the liqueness and the need to use only the same components in the diameter. Therefore, gardeners often turn to machinery improved copulating. It is distinguished by the fact that on sections of the flow and the lead, the knife is made with a knife (seasons, tongues) by 1/3 distances from the upper sharp end of the cut. The depth of spring is done in almost the beginning of the oblique cut. After that, the cruise cutlets are applied to a long time so that the tongues are entering the seas. The tongue must be included in the splitting on the cut, and the sections should be completely combined. Then it is necessary to make the strapping, starting it slightly higher and ending just below the articulation location.

Updated: 2019-07-09 22:23:05

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