Repairs Design Furniture

Sewing machine Gianoma lubricate. Cleaning and lubrication of sewing machines

In principle, during operation, any technique needs to carefully study such instructions. This will help refresh knowledge to those who have been engaged in sewing for many years and sort out the device of a new sewing machine. And will also allow newcomers of the sewing cause to learn a lot of new things, prevent standard errors And do not break the device at the first use of it. Such documentation should always be stored next to the sewing place.

Operating Instructions and Special Capacity with Machine Oil. With long use of sewing machines, they may need prophylaxis. In particular, the lubricant of the main details. Before lubricate the sewing machine "Janome", you need to carefully read the instructions and explore all the illustrations of the lubricant technique. As a rule, oil for lubrication is attached to the sewing machine already in the desired container. Carefully following the advice of the benefits, you can make lubricant.

Instructions for use and thread. The main and most important issue at sewing is "how to fix the sewing machine" Janome ". If the seamstress first proceeds to refueling the threads on such a car, you need to read the instructions. Then take the necessary threads and follow step by step advice, I first charge the top thread, then charge the bobbin and output the bobbin thread for sewing upstairs. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions.

User's manual. With how many different functions in a modern sewing machine, you need to know how to configure the sewing machine "Janome". This will help the instruction in which each function and methods for its configuration are described in detail. Just need to decide which settings are needed in this moment and proceed to perform step-by-step recommendations. You need to take care to configure everything.

Desire and means. If you have a desire to purchase a sewing machine of the brand "Janome", it will be good decision. Since this brand is characterized by price loyalty and high quality. And how to choose a sewing machine "Janome" can always help the sales assistant. Also, thanks to the huge number of information on the Internet, you can independently decide on the necessary model and come to buy with a ready-made solution.

Instructions for use and screwdriver. If the sewing machine is shining badly, but still under warranty, you do not need to try to understand how to disassemble the sewing machine "Janome". It is better to attribute it to the store and look there together with the seller. If the guarantee has expired, then you can try to correct the problem, carefully after studying the allowance for operation and repair. It will be indicated which screwdrivers may need a repairman.

Sewing machine - very sensitive household device. The slightest violations in its parts can lead to failures or even serious breakdowns. Each owner must pay special attention to the care of the sewing machine and maintenance Aggregate, namely cleaning and lubrication.

If you have noticed that the old sewing machine began to clutch: it passes stitches, does not work with thin threads and deform fabric, it means it is time to conduct a technical inspection. Consider the disassembly process, cleaning parts from dust clusters and lubrication using the example of the usual home sewing machine Janome (Dzhanoma). Principled difference in inner structure These devices do not have, so the instructions given here are relevant for any models. Of course, specific devices or devices or devices can be added in individual devices, but these are special cases. We will analyze what can repeat any person at home.

What will take for work

To carry out the procedure, you will need to stock up a certain set of tools and materials.

  1. With a fabric without a pile, any cotton rag is perfect.
  2. Brush with hard pile. Usually for these purposes use a toothbrush, but art brushes are also perfectly coping with the task.
  3. Oil for sewing machines.
  4. WD-40, you can ask in automotive stores. This is a special substance with which the movable part of any mechanism is usually lubricated. It is sold in the form of an aerosol.

How to lubricate a home sewing machine in hard to reach places? Professionals usually use disposable Syringe 5 ml, which can be purchased in any pharmacy. His needle allows you to penetrate the smallest holes and dose oil.

Step by step algorithm

We proceed directly to the procedure.

  1. Turn off the device from the outlet And pull the needle from the mount - it will save you from random injuries when working. After that, find the screw on the front of the housing, usually hide it under a decorative plug.

  2. Remove the plug and unscrew the screw using a screwdriver. Then you need to unscrew the fastening screws at the plank of the retail mechanism of performing functions for moving matter. The liberated record must be pulled out, and how to clean the space under it.

  3. The next step includes painstaking work. It is necessary to remove dust from all connections to which you can safely reach. Remove the old oil to lubricate home sewing machines and apply a new layer. Gently distribute the substance using the oilbox. Each connection will be enough two drops of oil. Flowing down the surplus flowed with a cloth and erase all the traces left. For the uniform distribution of lubricants, slowly rotate the drive wheel.
  4. In the next step, it is necessary to press the mechanisms for fastening the shuttle, and carefully pull it out of the nest. The operation is fully carried out manually, additional tools You will not be useful.

  5. Apply required amount Lubricants on the roller. This item should rotate well in order not to prevent the movements of the shuttle. Also carefully treat fastening places for shafts. Some models may have gaskets from felt and felt there, do not be surprised and do not hurry to pull them out. These details are designed to absorb oil for sewing machines, which turned out to be superfluous and left outside the node.
  6. Check out the performance of the fixtures of the shuttle mechanism. They must move easily, do not eat and not create obstacles.

  7. Like previous nodes, your attention requires carriage and plate that crepts her. Just pull out the part and touch the layer of old oil and dust. After that, the carriage is lubricated with a thin layer of fresh lubrication and put in place.

  8. Under the plate of the tissue propeller Usually the most dirt and dust. It falls there along with the segment of the material that passes through the paw with the needle. Take advantage of the toothbrush and carefully clean the whole trash that has accumulated during operation. Pay separate attention to rubbing details - it is necessary to erase the old layers. How to lubricate our sewing machine in this place? With the help of a special oil or syringe. In this segment you need to show more accurate accuracy, because the oil surcedes it out there will definitely fall on the threads, and followed by them and the product fabric.

  9. Do not deprive attention and shuttle. Clean all its elements from dust carefully. This can help a dry brush for drawing with a rigid pile. Do not use wet fabric or cleaning solution napkins - it can damage sensitive parts.

In all this work, you will serve a good service substance called WD-40. It perfectly removes the old oil for sewing machines and accumulated dust in the mechanisms connections.

The procedure for cleaning the sewing machine can take quite a long time. If you are not ready to spend it or not sure about your skills, it is better to call the masters. Errors in assembly-disassembly as well neakkurat appeal Small details can lead to problems in the future.

Features of lubrication

The biggest mistake is the view that oil for sewing machines must be applied in large quantities. In this situation, more - does not mean better. During use on the inner parts of the device, an impressive layer of dust accumulates, falling there with a cloth. Over time, due to this, problems can arise with the progress of the canvas. In addition, dirt deposits on moving elements create a serious load on the device drive. Excessive amount of oil applied by generous hand of the unrestal owner accumulates the smallest pieces Matters, scraps of the thread, dust. Dumping into the lumps, this mass accumulates in one place, causing malfunctions in the work of the sewing machine.

How to choose oil for lubrication

Sewing machine oil has viscosity indicator. Applying overly thick, you risk do not lubricate the internal parts of the mechanisms to which there are basic friction. Taking more fluid, you can again stay with anything, because it simply strokes down, and the mechanisms again will not receive lubricant. Lubrication for the average household sewing machine must have a medium viscosity. Usually this indicator is specified directly on the label. It is worth noting that the oil for industrial sewing machines is sometimes not at all: high-quality professional units are equipped with an automatic lubrication system.

What is the best oil? That which comes with a machine. If it was not originally, then choose a special lubricant only better quality. Its cost can start from 100 rubles and higher. It can be sold with special Maslenka And in a simple plastic bottle.

Do not even think to use car or vegetable oil - it is strictly forbidden, since it destructively affects the functioning of the entire system.

Specialists do not recommend saving on this issue. Cheap oil may unpleasant to smell, quickly dry or gather in lumps. Such oil is not recommended for a long time to store after opening. It is possible to use it only if nothing else was found at hand.


Cleaning and lubricant sewing machine!

I think it is worth paying attention to the care of the sewing machine. Letters come, where many complain that they have an old sewing machine, or that the machine simply does not want to sew thin fabrics. I will tell you immediately with me, not what is not, the sewing machine, a simple household, Janome, I bought it something within 4000 rubles. This is already 3 cars, Janome, but indeed with such volumes what sides, the machine fails in 3-4 years. But in principle, I am satisfied with the embroidery, I do not care, so I do not need additional operations. Why pay for something you do not use? I had an industrial 1022 class, but I did not like to sew on them because of the sharpness of the stroke, and noise create a lot. Therefore, it is on what suits me. She sewed on, Podolsk, in principle, the same arranged, but as she went inheritance and the burden that I did not stand it with her, the replacement time came. I want to say one thing, you do not need to focus on what to sew! If you decide to engage in sewing, the absence, good, and expensive sewing machine should not be an obstacle !!! Not depending on what your machine you have, care is needed and this is the main thing! The delusion of many that the machine must only occasionally lubricate and the more, the better. Lubrication machine is not the case when the porridge does not spoil,. First, the cleaning machine is important. Dust accumulated from the fabric makes it difficult to promote the tissue itself and gives a serious load on the machine drive. A excess oil is attracted dust and small pieces of fabric and scraps of threads, gathering in one place, they can cause damage to your typewriter. It is also necessary to take into account the quality of oil for lubrication. Car oil is better not to use! Well, vegetable oils are just banned! Oil for sewing machines has its necessary viscosity and if it is more dense, it does not fall into the mechanisms, if it is very liquid, then it simply strokes and the machine will remain without lubrication. And so to begin to clean the correctly our typewriter, for example, I will tell you on my own, Janome,. Although there are no big difference in the design, mechanisms can be added, but we will leave for mechanics, consider only what we can do. Stock all necessary: \u200b\u200bscrewdriver; x / b fabric (without a pile); a rig with a rigid pile (can be for drawing, you can a toothbrush); oil for sewing machines; Lubrication WD-40 Aerosol packaging (in the auto store, there is definition) Turn off the machine from the network, it is better to remove the needle for cleaning time so as not to be hurt. Next, we go through the photo, the quality of photos can be better, but the main one is visible.

Sewing machine

Cleaning a sewing machine

Sewing machine lubrication

Cleaning a sewing machine

Sewing machine lubrication

Cleaning a sewing machine

Sewing machine lubrication

Sewing machine lubrication

Well, we collect in the reverse order. Nothing is not, get used to at least once a month to clean your typewriter and it will last for a very long time and trouble-free. You can remove the bottom cover by unscrewing the screws and clean the shafts, but this procedure can be carried out once every six months or year. And for lubrication, it is enough, occasionally spray WD-40.This accumulates much less dust, but it is still worth cleaning and lubricant. You can cause mechanics to the house and watch once, how to clean and lubricate your typewriter. Well, to spend these operations yourself. About the settings will talk next time if it is necessary.
With the best ... Irina

One of important requirements The proper operation of the sewing machine is timely lubrication of nodes and mechanisms with special sewing oil, the brand of which is indicated in the sewing machine manual. The lubricant and cleaning of the sewing machine should be carried out regularly, at least once every six months.
Care sewing machine Includes not only regular lubricant and cleaning, but also proper storage, Using a sewing machine for sewing those tissues for which it is designed.

Proper operation of sewing machines is a pledge of many years of its work without breakdowns. Unfortunately, we often just do not even read the instructions to the end. We figured out how it works, and enough, start sewing. However, based on experience, it can be concluded that the main reason for the sewing machine breakdown is non-compliance with the rules for use, clearly specified in the manual for it. Sewing machine, whether it is a sewing machine Seagull or Singer latest model with computer control - this is primarily a mechanism that requires lubricants and care, and the main thing is designed for certain loads of nodes and parts.

Tailoring of thick and coarse tissues on domestic "white-painters" - the main cause of breakage and failure of nodes of many of them. Fine lubricant or lack of such in general - the second and improper storage of the sewing machine - the third.

2. Sewing machine lubrication - the main condition of good work machines

4. Care for sewing machine. Cleaning the fabric feed mechanism

Before cleaning the car, disconnect it from the network so as not to damage your hands with a needle from an inappropriate click on the pedal.
Remove the needle plate with a screwdriver, presser foot and just in case needle. By the way, it does not hurt to replace in any case.

Spend your nail on the edge of the needle if the edge bent you will feel it. Remove all the products with a tight brushes, especially carefully clean the coils of the rail.

5. Capper cap. Cleaning a bobbing compartment

1-bobbin cap.
2-levers of shuttle fastening.
3-central punk cap latch fixation rod.
6th shuttle guide.
7 sample shuttle.

The bobbin compartment is polluted by the tissue by tissue and scraps, which sometimes penetrate the bobbin cap and are painted on its walls, having a free movement of the bobbin. It should be viewed before installing back and if you need to clean the hard brushes from the cavities. In addition, it is necessary to disassemble the shuttle move itself, as shown in the scheme. Be sure to be lubricated and the grooves of the shuttle movement with a small amount of oil.

In general, try not to spend too much oil in the shuttle compartment. Oil can fall when moving thread up and stain your product, even later for a long time.
If your machine has a horizontal shuttle, you do not need to lubricate it. The shuttle is made of plastic and does not require lubrication. But swinging shuttles are completely metallic, so a small lubricant will benefit.

When installing a shuttle, it is back to position it as shown in the figure so that the shuttle guide 6 formed the crescent on the left side of the sewing machine. Holding the shuttle 5 for the central rod 3, place it so that it shape the crescent on the right side. The protrusion shown in the figure will be below. Put the bottle plate from above 4. Return the levers 3 to the original position before clicking.

6. Not all sewing machines need to be lubricated

The lubrication of sewing machines should be made at least once every six months, and after lubrication you need to work a little on it, "hard", especially if the machine is not used for a long time. Oil, when working slightly heats up and better penetrates knots and friction sites. This recommendation is more suitable for sewing machines of an old sample, such as Podolsk.
Many modern cars Do not require lubrication at all. This is possible due to application modern technologies Using super slippery artificial polymers in friction places instead of metal. In such machines, the lubricant can only harm. So carefully examine your instruction manual of the sewing machine, especially buying new machine. The manual for it always contains the rules of care and operation, where it is indicated whether it is possible to lubricate it, in what places and how often, what fabrics can be sewed, the needle type, etc.

The main causes of sewing machine faults are a violation of the rules of operation, care and lubrication of the sewing machine. The absence of lubrication leads to a rapid wear of parts, noise appearance, and sometimes, to the failure of the shuttle stroke.

Lubricant foot drive - This is the condition for his silent work. Operation of the foot drive provides not only regular lubricant, but also periodic adjustment of the connections of the foot drive parts.

Guide for sewing machines Podolsk does not provide a section with repair and configuration guidelines. We offer you simple available methods for repairing sewing machines, such as Podolsk, Singer. Before repaid, clean the car from pollution and lubricate with machine oil.

The instruction manual for sewing machines does not provide a bobbin lubricant. The bobbin does not need lubrication. But sometimes, to facilitate its sliding into the bobbin cap, you can install a gasket of a dense thin paper and slightly lubricate it with sewing oil.

Also, for a sewing machine, a lubricant of its uncomplicated mechanism is required for manual drive. On the sleeves gear there is a lubrication hole. A few drops of oil will make a hand drive silent drive.

Proper operation, timely lubrication, clean and care will provide long-term trouble-free operation of overlock. Check out the instruction, in the Overlock User Manual, much attention is paid to care and lubrication.

All sewing machines of the shuttle stitch have the same device. To form a stitch, the top thread is removed from the needle a shuttle and intertwined in the fabric. Improper tension of the thread leads to the appearance of loops, both with facial and from the wrong side of the fabric.

Sequence of disassembly and lubrication machines

All sewing machines should sometimes be lubricated. How often? If regularly and much works on it, it is necessary to lubricate the sewing machine weekly, if from the case to occasion, then just once every 3 months. If rarely, the old butter can thicken, and you will have to lubricate the machine before sewing. The machine itself will tell you when it must be lubricated. She will start to creak, knock.

In order for the modern typewriter to lubricate, it is not necessary to carry it at all in the service center, it can be done at home. Do not experiment with butter, buy ordinary household for sewing machines. In the pharmacy, take a syringe for 20 ml, in which you will gain oil for lubrication.

To lubricate the machine, of course, you need to remove the casing. It's not hard. Let's see how to do this on the example of the Astrolux machine.

How to remove the case of a modern sewing machine

Attention! All further work with the machine is carried out with a disabled power cord.

At first, free the place where you will do machine. Remove all outsiders. You can hide them with oil, they will interfere with your work. You will need a screwdriver with a little sting, but with a strong rod, a comfortable handle and a piece of fabric without a pile to remove excess oil. Cover the table with a newspaper or unnecessary cloth.

Look at your sewing machine. You will immediately get into the eyes of shiny screws on the body of the machine. They need to unscrew. Screws are different and in shape, and in length. To then do not break your head, where what screw is screwed up, I propose a felt-tip pen near each screw on the body of the machine to put the unique number, and the twisted screw from this place is wrapped in a piece of paper and label the same number.

These marks can not be removed, because you will have to lubricate the machine more than once, but regularly. If it still takes a feltwall to erase, then it is easily washed off with alcohol.

Impoic casing

You can remove the housing in any order. In the operating manual, your typewriter has a description how to remove the casing with the needle product. Here with him and let's start. We unscrew the screw, which holds it, and remove the casing towards the upward direction.

We put the machine on the table so that the bottom it turns out to be in front of us.

Note screws

Let's sign up the places of screws on the lid, which closes the mechanism of the machine, and unscrew them.

Each screw wrap in paper and put the number in accordance with the place where it was twisted.

Shafts for lubrication. View from below

Two shafts were exposed before us, their spin points in the sleeves would need to be lubricate, but then, but for now, we continue to remove the housing.

Handle switch mode

Tighten the handle of the switch mode to the right and remove it.

Side cover

We unscrew the screw 9 above the handle of the operating modes of operation and remove the side cover. The flywheel remained on the shaft.

Screw by foot

Here is another screw (in the photo below it is marked with a number 5.), which holds the case. Unscrew it.

Screws under handle

Under the hand, there are also two screws. They should also be removed.

Screws at the pins coils

Two screws in the pins coils are twisted too.

Lower the paw to remove the rear casing

Removed the casing for lubrication

All screws are unscrewed. To remove the housing, you need to lower down the knob of the boost. Now carefully disconnect the two halves of the plastic housing and carefully remove it.

Half the housing was removed, this is enough to lubricate all shafts.

Pay attention to the red arrows. These places should be lubricated too.

Shuttle assembled

This machine has vertical shuttle. The manual describes how to disassemble and lubricate it.

Holders shifted to dismiss the shuttle and lubrication

Shooting the holders of shuttle and remove the shuttle ring and the shuttle itself.

The machine is ready for lubricant.

How to lubricate the sewing machine

We recruit some household engine oil into the syringe through the needle. We put the machine in front of yourself in the sewing position and rotate slowly the flywheel counterclockwise, i.e. on yourself down. All details of the machine coming in motion must be lubricated in the friction places. Except are white plastic gears, blurred thick lubricant. It is impossible to lubricate with machinery!