Repairs Design Furniture

How best to plant plants flowers on the plot. How beautiful to plant plants at the cottage: planting schemes. Important requirement - unpretentiousness

Flowers - Beautiful Decoration cottage plotwithout them to create an interesting landscape design is extremely problematic. We will tell you about the most popular and successful colors that you can decorate your homeland.

Let's start with perennials, they have a number of explicit advantages:

  • Do not need a constant transplantation.
  • Not afraid of temperature drops.
  • Undemanding to wintering (some will have to dig and store in a cool place, others can stay until spring in the soil).
  • Easily multiply and grown.

Top 5 perennial colors for giving


A long-term flower of the amarylline family, begins to bloom early in spring. The order of 25 species is cultivated, including tubular, terry, fine and large-scale, cyclomenovoid and other.

Narcissus: landing and care

  • Landing with pear-shaped bulbs, it is possible to multiply by dividing the bulb for 4-6 parts.
  • Narcissus love bright scattered light and moisture.
  • It is not necessary to spray, but it is better to take care of drafts.
  • You can not transplant 3-5 years.
  • The soil is needed fertile, any kind, but the fertilizers of the Narcissus do not like. It is better to eat land a year before planting bulbs.
  • Space most often in August.

By the way, daffodils can be of different colors and shapes, so that the same type or boring your flowerba will definitely not be!


An herbal plant that belongs to the Agapant family. In natural conditions, grows on the sea coast. It has a powerful root system, linear leaves, and the length of the color saw can reach 1 meter. There are several varieties of Agapantus: umbrella, oriental, bell. With free pollination, hybrids of plants often appear.

Agapanthus: landing and care

  • Agapantus loves good lighting, abundant watering from spring to autumn.
  • Feed mineral fertilizers Every two weeks from Spring to October.
  • Agapantus loves the clay and turf soil.
  • Replant plants are better every 3-4 years.
  • In the fall, abundantly sprinkle with a sheet or sawdust.
  • In a very cold climate, the plant is removed for the winter to the cellar or basement.


A bulky peppermother of the Sparazhev family, in vivo growing on the glades of the forest and mountain slopes. Flowers in height can reach 40 cm, they have a pleasant fragrance. Muskari - the frequent guest of the Alpinarians. There are about 60 grades Muskari: Crested, grinding, terry, bell and others. Depending on the variety, Muskari can bloom from April to September.

Muskari: landing and care

  • Love good lighting, loose soil, abundant watering.
  • Subject to regular feeding plants, it is possible not to transplant 5 years or more.
  • The culture is multiplied by separating bulbs into several parts.
  • For the winter, the bulbs do not dig out, it is enough to burst into the ground.


The perennial is herbal, refers to the family of Lilynikov. Necoprial, can grow at one place for at least 15 years. There are several thousand varieties, including hybrid. The most popular - terry, fragrant, leaf fall, Spider-Lilyniki.

Lilynik: landing and care

  • Very good lighting - then all the beauty of inflorescences is revealed.
  • For soil will suit Any garden soil, which must be periodically fertilized by compost and mineral fertilizers.
  • If there is no good drainage, flower bed with a loyal should be raised.
  • New plants plant in spring or autumn, on the winter, the loytelik can be left in the garden, but to mulch the soil.
  • If the bush has become less fruitful - it needs to be seeding or transplanting to another place.


The long-term curly flower of the bean family. it tree Liana with abundant inflorescences. There are 9 species to this family, but most often in the garden you can meet Japanese and Chinese wisteria. Lian height reaches 15 meters. Flowers - lilac, white or purple with characteristic aroma. Begins to bloom at the end of March and can please the eyes all summer.

Wisteria: landing and care

  • Seeds are planted in November-December and grown in the room on the windowsill, in the ground can be transferred early in spring.
  • Glicinia loves the solar space that is protected from drafts.
  • The soil should be weak alkaline and drainage.
  • Watering is moderate, in one place of wisteria can be 10 years or more.

It is important to know that for the first time wisteria blooms at 2-3 years old, all buds are simultaneously revealed and bloom abundantly.

Top 5 annual colors for giving

Annual culture will have to plant every year, but in your garden will be a variety and space for experiments.


There are annual and perennial culture. Chrysanthemums belong to the Astrov family. This is a semi-staple (less often herbate plant) With inflorescence-basket. There are more than 150 species of chrysanthemums, both with small and large flowers. The most popular: alpine, crowned, cylinder, shrub, chinese, terry.

Chrysanthemums: landing and care

  • Love bright scattered light, watering abundant.
  • The best soil is a soft turf substrate.
  • During the active vegetation, chrysanthem can be sprayed twice a day.
  • Flowers since the end of summer until October.

Interesting! In Japan, in honor of this flower, the Order is named, which is given only for important merits to the state.


This plant is called Cappuchin, this is a bright representative of the Nasturtziy family. There are more than 90 species of plants, in the natural environment it is a perennial, but in our latitudes there can not be a nasturtium. This is a semi-stabiliar or liana with semi-state, terry and simple flowers Incorrect form.

Nasturtium: landing and care

  • It is multiplied by a seed way, they are sown in open land in May. Pour warm water and cover the film - shoots will appear within 2 weeks.
  • Nasture is planted on a flowerbed with good lighting With weakly acidic fertile soil.
  • It is important to ensure drainage, because the root system in the plant is weak.
  • Blooms from the end of July to September.


A bright low-speed plant of the genus of portulakoe, perfectly suitable for registration of borders and alpine Gork. There are about 100 species of Portulak, but only one large-flowered portulak grows in our latitudes. This is an annual, who even under the shelter does not withstand winters. Its height does not exceed 30 cm. Portulak is well developed root system, fleshy leaves, bright flowers. The flowering period from June to September. Despite the fact that in the evening the flower flows down, on the plant so much inflorescences that bloom becomes continuous.

Portulak: landing and care

Special care will not be required: it is enough to provide a timely abundant watering plant and land in a place protected from drafts.


High herbaceous plant, which refers to the family of ilok. There are more than 40 species, of which the most popular - field and dolphinium ajax. Dolphinium will decorate any flower class: it is high enough, blooms from June to September, and bright blue, pink and purple flowers are difficult to confuse with something else.

Dolphinium: landing and care

  • It is necessary to plant the seeds in a sunny place, the soil must have drainage, otherwise the roots simply rotate.
  • Be sure to fertilize the ground or mulch the ground peat.
  • Regular watering and feeding every 10 days - the key to the fact that bloom will be long and abundant.


This is a liana, which refers to the family of binding. In tropical latitudes, it is a perennial, but on panstone It grows only one season. The decorative plant can reach a length of 5 meters. He has thick stems and large flowers on elongated legs, similar to the gramophone pipe. These varieties such as Kair's Ipomia, purple, tricolor, ivy, moon-ceiling are popular with popularity.

IPOMEYA: landing and care

  • The sickness from the seeds is grown on the windowsill and already in May-June transferred to the open ground.
  • The distance between the shoots should be at least 20 cm, be sure to provide the support - grille or stretched grid.
  • The soil should be with good drainage, to feed the sipomy every 2-3 weeks.
  • It blooms from July to September.

Important! Before choosing plants for giving, it is worth making a preliminary planning plan, given the type of plants (low, medium or tall), their preferences in moisture, the number of light, soil - and already for these criteria, select "inhabitants" of flowers.

Experiment and decorate a plot to your taste!

Grow flowers at home is difficult, especially if we are talking about newcomers. Plants required create favorable conditionscorrect substrate suitable temperature mode. In addition, it is impossible to forget about a variety of diseases and insects that can damage the flower at the initial stages of its development, which will lead to an imminent death.

Instructions for home-made plants will help achieve the desired goal.

The main features and landing rules for flowers

Beginner flower products are intensively collecting information on how to put out and care for flowers at home. It is correct, but it is important to notice the features that will help develop plants favorably throughout their life.

All technology is divided into several stages, each of which has its own pitfalls.

Rules for planting indoor flowering plants

It is necessary to plant plants properly prepare and collect inventory. First of all, it concerns the pots that must be suitable. The volume of containers is chosen depending on the type of plant and its root system. If the rhizomes grow up for several centimeters, then the usual small pot of the volume in several liters is suitable, but there are plants that the root system reaches several meters in length.

The second question that is important to decide relates to a place where a pot with a flower will be installed. It is important to pay attention not only to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. number sunlight The room and temperature regime is very important. On balconies where the temperature regime is jumping depending on the time of year, and sun rays They beat a few hours a day, there are light-loving plants, and instead of pots it is better to choose Cachepo. For growing flowers in closed rooms, pots pick up, but in any case they will have to take care of artificial light, if the natural sunshine does not make their way through windows or curtains.

Another an important rule Inventory preparation concerns the drainage system. Usually, the flower plates choose a brick or clay. Their throughput conditions do not delay the fluid for a long time. Thus, water does not accumulate on the bottom of the pots, and this will protect the plants from the development of fungi, mold or rotting process.

Technology proper landing Includes the selection of the soil. It is diverse and is eliminated mainly by the amount of clay and fertility. For each type of plants, a suitable type of soil is required, so at this stage it is important to make the right choice. Classic room plants are undemanding and live in clay and turf, where compost is added as a useful substance, peat and a little sand. In some cases, the soil feels additionally wood coal or organica, but it is not required if the soil and so has a high level of fertility.

Sowing and planting plants goes into several stages:

One of the features of landing is soil wetting and root system. This method will allow the earth to stick to the root system, which means that the flower will be able to acclimatize and take root in a new place.

Seed landing is similar to the technology described above. First, the soil layer is poured, seeds are stacked, which are sprinkled by the remaining fertilous and moistened soil. The only difference is that the surface of the pot is covered with glass or film. This will create a greenhouse effect that helps support the optimal moisture needed for the growth of the flower of seeds.

With how to put the flowers at home, they figured out. If you do everything correctly and take into account the nuances peculiar to each type of plants, after a few months you can observe how the flowers are accepted and favorably develop. In the case of seeds, you have to wait a little longer, because they develop almost from scratch.

Landing - This is only the first stage of growing colors at home. Next should be care that has an important value.

I would like not only to grow flowers, but also beautifully bloom, and this requires an individual approach to each type of plants.

For example, exotic flowers in contrast to classic types require regular irrigation, while cacti are adapted for a long time carry drought, but at the same time require a large number of Natural light. Another care rule is a regular soil fertilizer. The feeding will be useful to any type of colors, regardless of which climate they are accustomed.

Sometimes even with constant care there is wilting and death of flowers. The reason for this development of diseases or insects, which steal the root system or green mass. This question is especially important to deepen and take the right actions to avoid the death of flowers. For example, it is possible to apply a constant prophylactic spraying with water with the addition of universal protective preparations that not only protect the flowers from the development of diseases and insects, but also will contribute to flowering.

There are several dozen species of colors that can not be improving at home, even if you create perfect natural conditions. Causes can be different.

Some types of exotic plants highlight poisonous juice, which enters the air. Such a poison is dangerous for animals and people, so the flowers with such qualities are better to avoid.

When buying seedlings for growing, you should ask about the characteristics of the plant and ask him to plant it safely.

Come on poisonous flowers most often randomly, so it is better to study the list of common poisonous plants in advance:

  1. Diffenbahia Regardless. It is often used to decorate the interior, but the juice that stands out when the stem is stolen, causes strong poisoning or burns on the skin.
  2. Mimosa Shameful has an amazing ability to turn the leaves into the tube at the slightest touch. It attracts a lot of flower water, but the fragrance that exudes this plant is dangerous to health. A poison smell leads to the poisoning of the body. Long-term toxicosis causes general poisoning and hair loss.
  3. Monster Often used as a decorative plant at home. She has no poisonous couples, but the juice when hitting the skin causes strong burns.
  4. Nightshade Safe to flowering period. The fruits of bright orange color are poisonous and cause strong poisoning. Therefore, it is better not to start such a flower at home if there are animals or children.
  5. Azalea Popular worldwide due to their magnificent leaves, but there is one species that causes poisoning, cramps and colic in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach. This is Alalia Sims.

Landing and caring for flowers on the example of hydrangea

How to plant a flower hydrangea? This question is asked many flowerflowers, because it is one of the most popular colors. The landing and care rules repeat the instructions given above in the article, but this type of plant requires some features. Plant Hydrangea only after the preparation of the place with favorable conditions For this plant. They are love scattered and permanent light, Comfortable room temperature During the flowering period and the absence of drafts.

Even small temperature differences are able to worsen the condition of the flower. The only time when the flower loves the reduced temperature comes after flowering.


Plant flowers only at first sight seems easy and simple. In fact, to this case it is worth approaching, having at least a small experience, especially if we are talking about exotic plants. Following the rules and instructions for planting and caring for plants, it is easy to achieve the desired result. The main thing is to follow the growth and development of colors, prevent the disease and the appearance of insects that can destroy the plant.

Most. better decoration any outdoor territory is a flowerbed with live flowers. Tell me how beautifully put flowers in the country, planting schemes.

At first glance, it is not necessary to apply special efforts to make special efforts to make special efforts. In fact, everything is very difficult, since the master must take into account all the nuances, namely the type of plants, their compatibility and landing rules. Flowers must be selected not only in color, but also in time of flowering, as well as how well they can get along with each other. Gardeners are well aware of the fact that some varieties of plants cannot exist next to others. As a result, work on one, even the most small flower, provides for knowledge knowledge of the nuances.

Watching how attractive flower beds on the street look, many try to embody such ideas on their reception areas either in the country. However, for most it turns out to be too complicated, since in this case it is important not only to plant flowers according to a specific scheme, but also combine different varieties of plants.

To facilitate the task, the scheme must be the simplest (Fig. 1). In addition, part of the "live painting" can be simply filled with gravel. Such an approach allows you to successfully split different varieties of colors and achieve their high-quality flowering. Experts are extremely recommended to immediately start with complex schemes. Of course, a beautiful lively carpet from bright colors will be an excellent decoration of any incoming area throughout the summer. However, it can be very difficult to achieve this result. Most often newbies in landscape design Nothing comes out with complex schemes. It is better to choose the most simple options in order not to get as a result of only disorders and spoiled seeds.

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    Features of the decoration of flower beds

    Most. beautiful option For planting colors at urban flower beds are specially designed schemes. Sades rarely go to such complex steps and prefer to plant various plants in small groups. At the same time, no plan may not be respected. As a result, the garden plot looks bright, beautiful, but the effect is not so amazing as when using a special scheme.

    To aesthetically plant flowers in the country, you must first define a landing space. It needs to be carefully measured, and after all the calculations draw the scheme. Without preparation on paper, work on the flower will be very difficult.

    Simple color garden options

    With regard to how beautifully planting flowers, experts recommend to use round schemes, as work on such flowerbams is considered the most simple. In fact, a lot depends on how flowers will be located.

    It is important to pay attention not only to the color of plants, but also on their size. For example, in the very center of the circle you can land a high dolphinium, and on the edge there are small bright flowers, for example, pansies of various shades. The rest of the space can be coated with beautiful colors that will delight the eyes throughout the season. To do this, you can choose a nasture, velvets, pelargonium or begonia.

    No matter how simple, at first glance, there is no idea, it is desirable to start to draw a scheme. Thus, it is possible to more clearly see how good the layout of the colors will be. As a result, still on paper can be corrected shades and varieties.

    In addition to the popular circle in all versions (Fig. 2), very simple and beautiful scheme Plant location in the country may be a question mark or the letter "S" (Fig. 3). Often this disembark is performed in two or three shades. You can use I. various sizes Plants. They are located neat lines along the main drawing. Similar types of landing schemes of colors not only look very beautiful, but also are extremely simple. As a result, the design of the local area becomes more elegant.

    Even from the very simple schemes Courtyard design You can make something really impressive. For example, it can be placed in the central part of a simple round flower leaf, and on the sides, planted flowers according to the schemes of the question mark, located in a horizontal position. It turns out very beautiful.

    To avoid the growth of numerous weeds, it is worth falling asleep all the remaining space with a special gravel crumb. It can be a monophonic or color.

    As for the combination of colors on the flowerbed, the novice masters of landscape design should start with two types of plants, it is best to choose bright and contrasting colors, for example, red and blue.

    Sometimes it is not necessary to create complex color compositions. Monochrome schemes also look very attractive. You can choose several types of colors in one gamma, but with the differences in the shade. Monophonic flower beds look well, but with plants of different heights. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the center should be high, and closer to the edge it is worth the lower sorts of garden plants.

    With contrasting shades, it is somewhat more complicated, since in this case accuracy is very important when planting plants. But if you correctly approach the solution of this issue, you can get a very spectacular flowerbed. Contrast compositions are created most often when orange and blue, purple and yellow, as well as green and crimson colors are combined.

    Flower compositions from close shades look good. Such schemes consist, for example, from a lilac, blue and pink or burgundy, red and pink. It is important that all colors smoothly pour out one to another.

    One of the most simple, but infant eye options is a neutral composition. It can be the most simple combinations of green tones with white or green with pink flowers. Experts argue that if you create several small flower beds in neutral tones on the site, this will allow you to visually expand the space and make it lighter and enjoyable.

    Several proposals for greenhouses at the railway site

    The most common option when landing colors are circles, it is such a flower beds most often are central. Having in the presence of a fairly large space of the Earth, you can achieve a stunning effect if you plant the flowers originally. When selecting plants it is very important to observe seasonality. In this case, the flower bed will be "without spaces", since all the flowers will begin to bloom at one time.

    As mentioned above, the round flower bed is most common. At the same time, it is not necessary to plant the same colors on it, although sometimes this option looks very pretty. The easiest way to work according to the circle scheme, that is, planting plants rings. It should be noted that a higher flower should be planted in the middle.

    Round flowerbed can be made more original. To do this, it is worth using a "flower" or "crown" scheme (Fig. 4). In this case, flowers in the form of a flower or a crown are planted in the central part. A certain space around the drawing should be filled with gravel, and then put several circles of contrast or monophonic colors. Professionals are often used not only gravel, which, by the way, can be painted in any color, but also soil plants, lawn grass or color decorative sawdust.

    Patterns inside the flower beds can be all possible species. If there are a large amount of free space for planting plants, you can even create an inscription.

    As for the form, the circle is traditional and is considered the most simple option. Nevertheless, other geometric forms are also popular. It can be an oval or a rectangle. The flower bed is good, consisting of several rhombus running in a row. Their edging can be made from some plants, for example, burgundy, and to blame the middle orange colorFor example, velvets.

    While creating sadroom flower beds With a complex pattern, it is necessary to use background material. They may be gravel, but it is often considered boring. In this case, it should be replaced lawn grass. It is well suited for large schemes. If the flower bed is small, it is worth using soil plants. They look good with different patterns.

    What tools need to have?

    Create a beautiful flowerub on her garden plot It is possible if it is responsible to approach the solution of this issue. First of all, it is necessary to stock in the desired inventory, without which garden work will not work.

    To plant flowers on the flower bed in accordance with a pre-compiled scheme, it is necessary to have a roulette in stock, it will help accurately carry out the markup of the garden plot for further planting plants. In addition, you will need tools such as a shovel, wheelbarrow to carry out work with the soil, scoop and cone for planting floral seedlings, small rakes and irrigation devices.

    All this is quite enough to create something very beautiful, spectacular and original for all summer on its garden plot. You should not forget about the need to prepare seeds, bulbs or floral seedlings, without which it will not be possible to create a natural miracle near the house.

    Additionally, you can use decorative elementsapplied in landscape design. It can be large stones, Low wickers from the vine, colored bricks and boards. Multi-tiered flower beds look good, but it takes a durable frame to create them.

    To qualitatively decorate the seamless territory with flowers, it is necessary to understand a little in the plants, and it is preferably very carefully listen to the councils of specialists. As for what flowers to plant, it is best to pay attention to the most unpretentious species that for normal growth and flowering will not require serious care. If desired, you can form a flower leaf flower bed. It will eliminate the master from the need to annually plant new seeds and seedlings. Often, this is exactly what professionals come. That is, out perennial plants Flowers and drawings are created, and one years fill the space near the curbs.

    Selection of plants for the decoration of the local area is a very responsible matter. It is important to take into account not only the color range, but also the requirements of the flower to the quality of the soil, the number of the necessary sun and the tendency to grow. The last moment is very important to provide for the design of those sites where it is planned to create a complex and thin pattern. As for the soil, it is necessary for some plants fertile soilAnd others better bloom in alkaline. When choosing plants, it is necessary to pay attention to their conventional region of growth. It is possible that the flowers you like simply will not want to grow and blossom in a certain climate.

    Work with land

    Before starting planting plants, it is necessary to conduct a thorough markup of the territory in accordance with the scheme prepared in advance. To determine the boundaries, it is worth using pegs and threads.

    The land for planting should be well evencap and loosen. Starting the landing is necessary from the central part of the flower beds. This is important, otherwise you can simply flood plants already flooding. For greater convenience during work it is worth using a special cone. It is well suited for seeding bulbs and plant seeds. If seedlings participate in the landing, it is necessary to remove it as much as possible from the pots. Replanted plants are necessary together with the "native" land.

    No need to forget about the timely watering of flower beds. It is best to carry out this procedure early in the morning or in the evening so that the sun rays burn the plants.

    Every gardener-novice wants to know what flowers to put in the country, and even so that they bloom all summer. Improvement of the site is a responsible thing. We would not advise especially to trust the advice of special magazines that advertise trendy and modern plants.

    It is not always cost-effective running into a flower shop and buy expensive seeds. The fact is that they are, in most cases, very capricious and can bring a lot of trouble. Therefore, Ideally choose those varieties that are already tested by time, and you will not be explained for sure. In this article, we will look at what kinds are best used in the country for both the landscaping of flower and vases.

    An important requirement is unpretentious!

    If you do not live in the country, and fall on it several times a week, or even a month, then growing plants should be unpretentious. Otherwise, for your absence, they will lose their attractive species and decorativeness, may even die. Flowers should normally carry all sorts of atmospheric phenomena, for example, rain, hail, heat and not only. Moreover, we need those species that do not like pests. This will allow you to have beautiful flower beds, which for your absence will not turn into miserable "skeletons"!

    Unpretentious flowers should not require a lot of time to care, for example, regular fertilizer, mulching, trimming and garter. Such plants must meet the requirement: minimal care - the maximum decorative effect!

    What to stop your choice: perennial or annual

    If you wish to get as quickly as possible beautiful flowerumboyT. the ideal option There will be annuals. Such flowers after landing begin to bloom after 1-2 months. A large number of such varieties have a long blossom cycle since the summer and ending with the first frosts. As for perennials, then the situation is completely different. The period of their flowering is short enough. Some types of perennial colors can bloom only a few weeks, and another 1-2 months.

    Another advantage of annual lies in the fact that every year you can put new experiments, creating new shades different varieties. Accordingly, every year you will have an absolutely new picturesque picture in the garden. It is for this that many lovers of flowers are striving.

    But the perennials are not deprived of their advantages. They also have their regular fans among the gardeners and every year they acquire new ones. Despite the fact that they grow slower than the annuals, after their landing with them, much less hassle and survival problems. So you can plant such a flower once and enjoy his beauty long yearswithout applying no effort to do this.

    As for annuals, they will have to sow each time. And it even despite the fact that some annuals have the ability to self-east. In this case, there is one drawback: you will not be able to get a beautiful outline of flower beds, and the whole color will be scattered in chaotic order. If you do not want this, then it will have to sow every year on a new one!

    Now let's talk more about the grades of annual and perennials.

    Bulb flowers - bright dacha decoration!

    Among the perennials, the perfect decoration of any plot will be bully. They are absolutely not whims. But despite this, they please the eyes of their owners with beauty. One of these spring flowers are crocuses. As soon as the snow became, this primrose and germinates from under the ground in March. To wait for the first inflorescences from him, there is no need to wait until he picks up a green mass. The first buds appear simultaneously with leaves.

    This is due to the fact that its vegetative system is developing at an accelerated pace. However, as in most perennials, the period of its flowering is short - only 7-10 days, and after he falls into the hibernation, waiting for the following spring. This plant does not require any additional care, especially fertilizer. Also, all possible fungi and pests bypass them.

    If you love tulips, other representatives of bulbous colors, then keep in mind, in contrast to crocuses, they are capricious. However, their presence in the country allows you to create a variety of combinations of flower. Their forms, color and size amaze any imagination. Little can be found in those who are indifferent to tulips.

    They can be used on moorish lawn, coastal zone of the reservoir, as well as in the center of the flower beds near the house. But as mentioned above, these large terry exotes are picky. They are subject to various fungal diseases. And for this reason, before planting the bulbs, they should be treated with fungicides. It is recommended to carry out additional spraying and during the growing season.

    The main enemy of tulip - fungus. If you do not notice it in time, the treatment of the ailment will not be completed.

    In addition to tulips and crocuses for spring flowering, other unpretentious bully, namely, can be planted.

    • daffodss
    • muscari
    • hyacinths.

    They can be successfully diversified by any spring flowerub. As for summer bulbous, there is no choice here without the beauty, with which no one can be equal to - lilies. Today, a large number of varieties are derived, which differ not only by the timing and period of flowering, various color, but also the most important - aroma!

    Perennials for giving. What are the best?

    Among the perennials there are also still popular fashion guards - dahlias and peonies. Their reproduction is carried by tubers. Luxury colors are transmitted by different colors: burgundy, pink, white. They bloom in early July. This plant is fine thanks to its magnificent shapes of the bush. Even when his period of flowering ended, the bush remains an excellent decorative addition of flower beds, creating a beautiful rich background.

    Georgina is blooming at the end of summer and in the fall. It is during this period that a large number of terry inflorescences of different shades appear on them: purple, red, yellow and white. Although there is an annual grade Georgin, it is referred to as - funny boys. These plants have compact and small sizes. They will perfectly look at the decoration of low flower beds and borders.

    Well, how to be if you have a gazebo, fence or arch? How can I decorate it? For this there is a simple and original solution. Clematis greens will decorate these and other items. A long-term wing plant has a large number of small flowers.

    On one Clematis, 500 flowers can immediately dismiss at once! Truly a great decoration of any garden.

    Among other things, Clematis is the champion in the period of flowering among perennials. This period begins in June, and ends in October.

    Luxury long flowering - annual

    As for annual colors for giving, then the list here can be very large. But consider perhaps the most unpretentious views.

    Velhets are one of the simplest and most beautiful representatives. They are striking their varying color gamut From bright burgundy to gently yellow. If we talk about their shape, it can be simple or terry. If you want to form high thickets, then stop your selection on the African form of velvetsev who have large inflorescences-balls. If you dream about border ornament, the best will be rejected velvets, they normally carry irregular watering, the sun and constant rain.

    It is not recommended to plant them in a thick shadow. This can lead to a lack of flowering. Velhets must receive a large amount of sunlight. In this case, their bushes will be covered with compact colors.

    Another uncompressive flower among annuals is zinnia (Majoras, as they are called in the people). Despite the fact that it has a fat stem, he does not need a garter at all. The plant itself has excellent immunity and is not subject to one or another diseases. Flowers zinnia are all sorts of shades and paints, with the exception of blue. Their most advantage is drought resistance. If you watered them once a week, they will still please you with blossom beauty. But it is not necessary to abuse, because because of the systemically notion, they can decrease in size and less blossoms.

    Do not forget about meticulous petunia. This one-year flower Can decorate any floweruba. He has different forms, becoming a compact bush or a gorgeous ampel having a metering plenty. Unlike velvetsev and zinnia, petunia is less drought resistant. If you have little free time and strength, then it is better not to take care of her landing.

    Of course, a list of annual and perennial colors that can be decorated with flower beds, it would be possible to continue. There are a large number of their species that are characterized by the game of paints and forms. We looked at the most popular and frequently used in the country.

    Now let's talk about the colors that can be planted in vases. This is no less attractive occupation.

    Vases - alternative to flower beds or supplement?

    If near your country house There is a lot of land, then plant the flower beds and make flower beds will not be great efforts. However, how to be when there is a desire to somehow decorate the platforms covered with concrete tracks, or tiles? Or somehow decorate the gazebo, steps or balcony? In all these cases, simple and rational solution - landing in the vases. Literally several vases can turn gray landscape in a flowering garden. So, what types can be planted in vases in the country? Let's look at some features of such plants.

    Features of growing flowers in vases

    Vases or containers are convenient and practical. They can be arranged literally anywhere in the garden, with the edge of the bench, along the tracks or around the pool. If you want to change the combination, then you will not need to drag the beds, you can simply transfer the vase from one place to another. But there is one "but": not all species flowers will suit The place that is in the shade. For this reason, you should be prudent.

    From different compositions, you can create impressive cascades. To do this, it should be pre-created several levels from a variety of or atpowder. Having planted them, it is necessary to pick up the size, shades and think through how those or other flowers will contrast. You can also use shelves, steps and even suspended structures. It should also be noted the fact that the plant that grows in a vase has bright differences from those that grow in open soil. So, here is perhaps the main differences:

    • The root system of one or another type will excellently feel in a limited space.
    • Such plants easily transfer drought or excess humidity, which makes them rushing.
    • Flowering passes throughout the season. As soon as the buds are faded, they grow new.

    As for the care of flowers, they require, usually less attention. For this reason, you can consider as an option landing at the cottage in the vases, in case you do not like to equip the flower beds. Now let's talk about suitable variations for vases.

    Selection of varieties for vesicles

    If you have taken up a combination of colors, choose different colors, by the type of stem and their height / pomp. As a rule, two or three types are planted into large pyrors. In the center of the vase should be placed high or focal. As for the edges, they should be placed on them. On the perimeter or circle, it is possible to harmoniously plant curly and falling plants. If your container is located near the wall, then the fact that high plants should be planted near the wall, and low in the foreground.

    Focus flowers in the spotlight!

    One of the unpretentious flowers, which can perform this role, is a raspberry blooming pelargonium. In most cases, it is known as geranium. It has a large gamut shades ranging from gently pink and ending deep-burgundy. For their support, it is enough throughout the summer two or three times to feed them with humats. In general, they do not require special care.

    Another variant of focal food is semi-life or terry Astra. The period of its flowering is long enough. If they land them into the vases, it is best to buy the average or dwarf varieties. Their height can reach up to 50 centimeters. The only rule of their content is the need for the sun. Therefore, the Vazon with Astrami should be put on the spot where direct sunlight falls.

    If we talk about annual focal flowers, then dahlias can be highlighted here. Plant height can be from twenty centimeters to fifty. They are perfect for creating a unique and beautiful combination in a vase, for group disembodies or single. Very often you can meet dahlias serving to decorate the porch.

    Background flowers as a cut!

    Often, pansies are called violet or viola. They are gentle and multicolored grow up to 25 cm in height. If high plants are already planted in the vase, then pansies will be an ideal addition to creating a separate composition.

    Another bright representative - Ageratum. It has a variety of color: white, lilac, borrond and purple. It can be perfectly combined as a framing with Astrami or dahlias. Their growth reaches thirty centimeters. Ageratum can be used to create contrast compositions. This flower is absolutely unpretentious and easily tolerate drought, but it's best not to put it in the shadow. This plant is sunlide.

    In May and June, Iberis can be used as a vase decoration. It can serve as a reliable change of other colors that are already flowing at this point. Although this magnificent plant loves the sun, it grows well in the shade. Also well feels well in the vase.

    If you want vases to give you a beautiful and sunny mood, then be sure to plant a white-yellow Limanhanges. His flowers are very small and remind of sunshine, which light all around. Limanhanges can be used as a background with the colors of red or blue the focal plan.

    Well, and how not to do without a hybrid verbena, which reaches the height of thirty centimeters. The bush of this plant looks alive and theft thanks to the petals of the inflorescence framing white spot. Perfect for precipitating compositions.

    Curly and falling flowers for vases

    To decorate the veranda and balconies, the ideal option will be petunia. This plant is rich in diverse shades ranging from white to bright red and dense-violet. Using Petunia, you can create unthinkable beautiful combinations of paints and shades.

    Also an excellent option will be a variety of fuchsia varieties that can be planted in vases in the country. Falling and ampel flowers are able to create an amazing combination of pink and red shade. Very often they are used to decorate or decorate arbors / balconies. In most cases, preference is given to hybrid fuchsia.

    With focal flowers, you can perfectly combine bright vasilkovo-blue flares flowers. There are other shades, for example, white, red or purple. With the help of Lobelia, you can make a one-photon framing.

    Positive and the sun can give you a nasturtium. In addition to the beautiful addition to vases, the nasturtium can be useful for protection from pests. This plant is very popular in the north and in middle lane. It is mainly due to their unpretentiousness.

    Also an excellent option will be scene, which is suitable not only for containers and vases. With it, you can create excellent textiles, as this plant is soil.

    So, there are a large number of and other plants that can be planted in vases or containers at the cottage. We listed the most unpretentious, with which the least problems will be. As a care, it is enough to water them in a timely timely, as well as to explode the soil. In this case, they will delight you lush blossom. Please note that some varieties can be picked up with mineral fertilizers. They are sold in the form of granules or solutions.

    In general, having flowers at the cottage is not a burden. When creating a beautiful combination, you can enjoy a long period of time by the beauty of blossomed plants.