Repair Design Furniture

Maintenance standards for the cleaned areas of households. Who is responsible for cleaning the adjacent territory (yards) of an apartment building or whose duty it is: what should the janitors do

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DECISION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 24-06-96 38 ON APPROVAL OF SERVICE STANDARDS FOR WORKERS EMPLOYED IN SANITARY WORKS ... Actual in 2018

3.1. Manual cleaning of household territories

The working day of the janitors is divided into several parts with breaks, in accordance with the established cleaning regime.

Methods, order and sequence of harvesting works are given in the section "Work technology".

Depending on local conditions, the following forms of labor organization are applied:

Individual, when a certain area of ​​work is assigned to each janitor;

Brigade, when work on a fixed site is carried out collectively;

Family (contract or lease), in which an agreement is concluded for the high-quality performance by family members of a complex of works on the sanitary maintenance of households and mutual obligations are determined.

Service rates and service time rates in this section are established taking into account the time spent on performing basic and additional functions.

The main functions are all types of cleaning work.

Additional functions - delivery of cleaning products and accessories at the beginning of the shift to the place of work and at the end of the shift - to the place designated for their storage; duty (monitoring the sanitary state of the territory and the safety of all outdoor household equipment, assistance in maintaining public order, etc.).

3.1.1. Sweeping fresh snow

The composition of the work. Sweeping freshly fallen snow up to 2 cm thick. Shoveling snow into heaps or shafts.

Profession: Janitor

Territory type Territory classes N norms
1 2 3
service, sq. mservice, sq. mservice time per 1 sq. m, min.service, sq. mservice time per 1 sq. m, min.
3000 0,14 2625 0,16 2100 0,20 1
2471 0,17 2100 0,20 1680 0,25 2
Without cover2000 0,21 1680 0,25 1312 0,32 3

3.1.2. Transporting sand from storage to sprinkling

The composition of the work. Filling the container with sand. Transportation of a container with sand on a trolley to the place of sprinkling at a distance of up to 100 m.

Profession: Janitor

Time rate for 1 cubic meter m - 63.6 min.

3.1.3. Sand preparation

The composition of the work. Sifting sand through a sieve.

Profession: Janitor

Time rate for 1 cubic meter m - 48.4 min.

3.1.4. Spreading of territories with sand

The composition of the work. Spreading sand on territories.

Profession: Janitor

3.1.5. Sliding freshly fallen snow

The composition of the work. Moving freshly fallen snow with a layer of more than 2 cm with an engine into shafts or heaps.

Profession: Janitor

Territory typeTerritory classesN norms
1 2 3
service, sq. mservice time per 1 sq. m, min.service, sq. mservice time per 1 sq. m, min.service, sq. mservice time per 1 sq. m, min.
Advanced Coating689 0,61 592 0,71 519 0,81 1
With unimproved coverage568 0,74 494 0,85 433 0,97 2
Without cover467 0,90 404 1,04 350 1,20 3

3.1.6. Clearing areas with improved cover from compacted snow

The composition of the work. Cleaning of territories from compacted snow with a scraper. Shoveling snow into shafts or heaps.

Profession: Janitor

3.1.7. Clearing territories from ice

The composition of the work. Chipping off ice with a layer thickness of up to 2 cm. Raking chips into shafts or heaps.

Profession: Janitor

3.1.8. Cleaning from ice and ice drainpipes, fire well manhole covers

The composition of the work. Chipping off a crust of ice and ice with a layer thickness of more than 2 cm. Raking the chip into shafts or heaps and moving it to the side stone at a distance of up to 30 m.

Profession: Janitor

3.1.9. Throwing snow and chips

The composition of the work. Throwing snow and chips onto lawns and free areas with subsequent uniform spreading.

Profession: Janitor

Time rate for 1 cubic meter m - 23.9 min.

3.1.10. Sliding snow and chips dropped from rooftops

The composition of the work. Shifting into shafts or heaps of snow and chips dropped from roofs, at a distance of up to 30 m.

Profession: Janitor

Service time per 1 cubic meter m - 34.9 min.

3.1.11. Loading snow and chips

The composition of the work. Loading of snow and chipping with a shovel for transport.

Profession: Janitor

Time rate for 1 cubic meter m - 14.1 min.

3.1.12. Clearing areas of territories from snow and ice during mechanized harvesting

The composition of the work. Manual cleaning of areas inaccessible for cleaning by the machine. Moving snow and ice onto the mechanized harvesting strip.

Profession: Janitor

3.1.13. Laying snow in shafts or heaps after mechanized cleaning

The composition of the work. Laying snow in shafts or heaps.

Profession: Janitor

Time rate for 1 cubic meter m - 15.1 min.

3.1.14. Cleaning the blind area

The composition of the work. Garbage collection from the blind area. Transportation of garbage to a designated place at a distance of up to 100 m.

Profession: Janitor

Service time per 1 sq. m - 2.21 min.

3.1.15. Pits cleaning

The composition of the work. Cleaning the fence from dirt. Removing the grill. Cleaning a pit up to 1 m deep from dirt. Transportation of garbage to a designated place at a distance of up to 100 m. Washing of the fence and pit. Reinstall the grille.

Profession: Janitor

The service time per pit is 31.4 minutes.

3.1.16. Cleaning lawns from fallen leaves, twigs and debris

The composition of the work. Raking debris, leaves, twigs and others plant residues in the heap. Transportation of garbage to a designated place at a distance of up to 100 m.

Profession: Janitor

Service time per 1 sq. m - 0.57 min.

3.1.17. Cleaning lawns from accidental debris

The composition of the work. Collecting random items, paper and other debris. Waste transportation up to 100 m.

Profession: Janitor

Service time per 1 sq. m - 0.077 min.

3.1.18. Manual loading of garbage onto vehicles

The composition of the work. Loading garbage with a shovel on vehicles with a side height of up to 0.8 m.

Profession: Janitor

Time rate for 1 cubic meter m - 46.8 min.

3.1.19. Sweeping territories

The composition of the work. Sweeping the territory, cleaning and transporting garbage to the designated place.

Profession: Janitor

Territory typeTerritory classesN norms
1 2 3
service, sq. mservice time per 1 sq. m, min.service, sq. mservice time per 1 sq. m, min.service, sq. mservice time per 1 sq. m, min.
Advanced Coating4200 0,10 3500 0,12 2800 0,15 1
With unimproved coverage3231 0,13 2625 0,16 2000 0,21 2
Without cover2625 0,16 2210 0,19 1826 0,23 3

3.1.20. Maintenance of granite and marble steps and platforms in front of the entrance to the staircase

a) sweeping steps and platforms

The composition of the work. Sweeping the steps and platforms in front of the entrance with a broom.

Profession: Janitor

Service time per 1 sq. m - 0.153 min.

b) sweeping snow from steps and platforms

The composition of the work. Sweeping away freshly fallen snow, cover up to 2 cm thick, with a broom. Throwing snow to the side with a shovel at a distance of up to 3 m.

Profession: Janitor

Service time per 1 sq. m - 0.827 min.

c) washing steps and platforms

The composition of the work. Washing steps and platforms in front of the entrance to the staircase with a periodic change of water or detergent solution.

Profession: Janitor

Service time per 1 sq. m - 1.52 min.

3.1.21. Cleaning of container yards

The composition of the work. Removing garbage around the container and loading it into the container.

Profession: Janitor

Service time per 1 sq. m - 1.46 min.

3.1.22. Cleaning of areas with improved and unimproved coatings

The composition of the work. Cleaning of territories using a hose.

Profession: Janitor

3.1.23. Irrigation of areas with and without coverage with a hose

The composition of the work. Watering territories with a hose.

Profession: Janitor

3.1.24. Watering lawns with a hose

The composition of the work. Uniform watering of lawns with a hose.

Profession: Janitor

Service time per 1 sq. m - 0.078 min.

3.1.25. Cleaning of areas of territories from debris during mechanized cleaning

Urn types Time rate for 1 urn, min.N norms Cast iron (diameter - 200 - 300 mm, height - 650 mm)4,88 1 Reinforced concrete with metal insert (base size - 320 x 320 mm, height 510 mm)2,34 2 Ball-shaped (ball diameter - 260 mm, stand height - 670 mm)4,02 3

3.1.27. Washing bins

The composition of the work. Transportation of waste bins to a place designated for washing. Washing urns with water using detergents... Transportation of clean urns to the place.

Profession: Janitor

3.1.28. Washing of number lamps

The composition of the work. Washing of number lamps with water using detergents, wiping dry.

Profession: Janitor

The norm of time for one lamp is 5.74 minutes.

3.1.29. Wiping pointers

The composition of the work. Wipe the indicators with a damp cloth.

Profession: Janitor

The norm of time for one pointer is 2.15 minutes.

Each of us is pleased to live in a clean and comfortable city. You must admit that it is much better, walking down the street, to observe clean sidewalks than walking along a spattered and clogged road. Of course, a lot of the cleanliness of the streets depends on ourselves. The less you litter, the cleaner the city. It is difficult to argue with this statement. But a lot also depends on the work of the janitors.

V modern Russia, streets and courtyards can be cleaned by both utility workers and employees of cleaning companies. However, any worker who picks up a broom should read the rules for cleaning the area with janitors, so that, on the one hand, they know their rights, and on the other, do not cheat.

In Moscow, such norms are defined quite clearly. They have been operating since 2004.

The document that regulates such norms is the order of the Moscow Government. Each organization establishes certain standards for its wipers, but they must all comply with the above document. In this document, the area for cleaning the wiper is clearly regulated, the size of which depends on several factors.

First of all, the daily harvest area depends on the season. Back in 1998, by order of the Mayor of Moscow, the following boundaries of the cold and warm periods of the year were determined. So, cold period starts in November and lasts until March. Accordingly, warm - from April to October inclusive.

Based on this division, the norms for cleaning the territory with wipers suggest the following. In the cold season, the cleaning area is 900 square meters, regardless of the type of coverage of the surface to be cleaned. As for the warm period, then the norms here depend on the type of surface coating. For example, the improved coverage assumes a cleaning area of ​​up to 1,700 sq. m. The size of the territory without coverage, which is supposed for cleaning, increases to 5000 sq. m. The area intended for cleaning on lawns is significantly reduced. Here it is enough to clean 600 sq.m. a day. Thus, for Moscow, the standards for cleaning the area for the janitor have been determined. Based on the order of the Moscow Government, each structure or organization draws up its own norms, which must necessarily comply with labor legislation. The increase in these norms should be coordinated with the employee's representatives, which are, first of all, trade union organizations.

We must not forget that in addition to street cleaners, organizations that carry out the removal and disposal of garbage are also responsible for the cleanliness of the streets. Regardless of the size of the city, such work must be coordinated and carried out in a timely manner. I would like to note the rather well-organized garbage collection in Voronezh and its environs. But not only million-plus cities can boast of a good organization of such a process. For example, garbage collection in Yaroslavl is also distinguished by its coherence and timeliness. To achieve this result, dozens of waste collection and disposal companies work in the city.

Returning to Moscow, I would like to note that the above-described cleaning standards are strictly observed by the janitors. This applies to all administrative districts of the city of Moscow, no matter how far from the center they are. I would like to put as an example Zelenograd, which is served by a fairly big amount cleaning organizations. Likewise, garbage disposal in Zelenograd is at a high level.

Now, after reading this article, you are aware of what the standards for cleaning the area with janitors are, and how they are respected. And remember that the purity is in your hometown depends not only on service organizations, but also on yourself.

Maintenance rates for the cleaned areas depend on the season, weather conditions, type of area coverage and other factors.

Summer cleaning- manual sweeping (norms for cleaning by a mechanized method are not included in this technique), watering of adjacent territories (from a watering tap in a residential building, attributing the cost of water to general household needs), lawn care.

Winter cleaning- sweeping and shifting snow, sprinkling ice with sand or a mixture of sand with chlorides, removing snow and snow-ice formations.

1. The norms are set differentially for territories with improved pavements (asphalt, cobbled), unimproved (crushed stone, cobblestone) and areas without pavements, depending on the classes of these territories.

House territories (courtyards) according to the norms technical operation belong to the first class.

Regulatory part:

Profession - janitor

Category of work (in accordance with OK 016-94 (OKPDTR) with changes No. 1-7) - 1

The amount of remuneration (see table No. 9) -9707.07 rubles. per month

Service standards for manual cleaning of the territory of households.

Scope of work:

Territory type Time rate for 1m2, in min. Service time, 1200 m2, hour
A) Summer period from April 05 to November 05 - 7 months
1. Sweeping the area manually. Scope of work: sweeping the area and transferring garbage to the designated place.
With improved coating: (once a day); 0,08 1200*0,08/60=1,60
0,11 1200*0,11/60=2,2
Without cover 0,13 1200*0,13/60=2,60
2. Cleaning lawns from leaves, twigs and debris. Scope of work: cleaning of debris from lawns and transfer of debris to a designated place.
Lawn cleaning (once every 2 days) - norm 3100 m2 0,05 3130*0,05/60/2=1,30
3. Uniform watering of lawns with hoses.
Uniform watering of lawns with hoses 0,06 No
4. Cleaning garbage cans
0,06 10*0,06/60=0,01
5. Washing bins
Washing bins (once a month) 2,88 10*2,88/60/30=0,02
Total summer employment 2.93 hours * 7/12 = 1.71
B) Winter period from November 05 to April 05 - 5 months
1. Sweeping freshly fallen snow without preliminary processing of the area with a mixture of sand and chlorides. Scope of work: sweeping freshly fallen snow, shoveling snow into shafts or heaps. Snow precipitation frequency - 40%
Advanced Coating 0,14 1200*0,14/60=2,80*0,4=1,12
With unimproved coverage 0,17 1200*0,17/60=3,40*0,4=1,36
Without cover 0,21 1200*0,21/60=4,20*0,4=1,68
2. Spreading of the territory with sand or a mixture of sand with chlorides. Frequency of ice-10%
Preparation and sprinkling of the area with sand or a mixture of sand and chlorides (once a day during ice-covered conditions) - 0,50+0,13 1200*0,1*0,63/60=1,26*0,1=0,13
Sanding garbage sites 0,13 60*0,13/60=0,13
3.Cleaning the territory from ice. Scope of work: chipping of ice up to 2 cm thick. Raking into shafts or heaps.
Clearing the territory from ice (20% of footpaths) The share of the winter period with ice - 20% (once every 3 days) 4,25 1200*0,2*4,25/60*0,2/3=1,13
4. Throwing snow and chips onto lawns and free areas
Throwing snow and chips onto lawns and free areas, per 1 m3 23,9 1200*0,2*0,03*23,9/60*0,1= 0,29
6. Cleaning garbage cans
Cleaning garbage bins (once a day) 0,06 10*0,06/60=0,01
Total for winter period 2.81 * 5/12 = 1.17 hours
Total average annual employment per day with a cleaning rate of 1200 m2 1.71 + 1.17 = 2.88 hours

1. Watering of all types of coatings is carried out at an air temperature of + 25 ° C and above - once a day.

2. Lawns are cleaned (during the warm period) once every two days. Watering of lawns at an air temperature of + 25 ° C and above is carried out daily.

The enlarged standards of service for manual cleaning of the territory of households.

The calculation was carried out according to the existing territorial service standard manual cleaning, which the janitor must clean during his work shift and receives a time wage for this at the rate of rubles / hour (norm 1200 m2 of paved area and 3000 m2 of lawns.
The territorial standard of manual cleaning service is averaged. In fact, it varies from the norm of the time required for cleaning 1 square meter, depends both on the type of territory and the type of formation (dusty sweep, cleaning from a thin or thick layer of fallen snow, chipping of snow-ice formation)

In accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation land plot, on which the apartment building is located, with elements of landscaping and improvement, belongs to the owners of premises in apartment building on the basis of common shared ownership.
Service standards for workers engaged in sanitary maintenance of households (janitors) are approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor Russian Federation from 24.06.1996 No. 38 and are recommended for use in housing organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and types of ownership.
Service standards are recommended for calculating the number and rational placement of workers employed in sanitary maintenance of households in housing organizations.
Maintenance costs adjoining territory are determined at the general meeting of homeowners and are included in the rate of payment for the maintenance and repair of apartment buildings.

Scope of work: sweeping, shifting freshly fallen snow, cleaning the area from compacted snow, ice and ice, throwing snow and chips thrown from roofs, sanding, cleaning bins and garbage, cleaning container sites, cleaning lawns.

Profession - janitor

Work category (in accordance with OK 016-94 (OKPDTR) with changes No. 1-7) -1

Tariff rate with an 8 hour working day (see table No. 9) - 9707.07 rubles. per month

Table 27

The average monthly calculated amount of wages is 9707.07 * 0.49 = 4756 rubles.

Frequency of cleaning work on the territory of households.

Table 28

Cold period
Sweeping freshly fallen snow up to 2 cm thick Once a day on snowy days
Sliding freshly fallen snow over 2 cm thick 3 hours later during snowfall
Spreading the area with sand or a mixture of sand with chlorides Once a day during icy conditions
Clearing territories from ice and ice 1 time in three days during icy conditions
Sweeping the area on days without snow Once every two days on days without snowfall
Cleaning trash cans Once a day
Washing bins 1 time per month
2 times during the cold period
Once a day
Moving fresh snow on heavy snow days 3 times a day
Warm period
Sweeping the territory on days without precipitation and on days with precipitation up to 2 cm Once every two days
Partial cleaning of territories on days with precipitation of more than 2 cm Once every two days (50% of the territory)
Cleaning trash cans Once a day
Washing bins 2 times a month
Cleaning Street Signs and Flushing Number Lights 5 times in a warm season
Lawn cleaning Once every two days
Watering lawns, green spaces Once every two days
Cleaning of container yards Once a day
Sweeping the area on days with heavy rainfall Once every two days
Cleaning the territory 3 times during the warm season

Every morning, hurrying to work, we leave the entrance and the first thing we see is the traces of the janitor's work. The broom and shovel worker himself at this time can be right there, continuing to sweep the yard or shovel snow, or disappear like a Cheshire cat, leaving behind only a smile in the form of a stroke of a broom.

Someone is satisfied with the work of the yard keeper and when they meet, they will necessarily greet and even stop to exchange a few words about the weather. Someone grudgingly remarks that again all the snow has been chipped off the asphalt, even walking on it is scary. And someone will not notice the efforts of the janitor and calmly throw a cigarette butt or a candy wrapper past the urn.

But, it happens, the thought that there are some rules for cleaning. It is not for nothing that they so carefully sweep out just the snow that has just fallen out ?!


So, there are also norms for the technical operation of the housing stock, approved by the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 of 09/27/2003. Based on these rules, housing maintenance organizations set the front for the wipers to work.

The area can be cleaned not only by wipers, but also by specialized machines, however, only in the daytime.

Our sidewalks are divided into three classes, depending on how often pedestrians walk on them. First class, if no more than 50 people walked in both directions within an hour. The second class includes sidewalks, which have already been walked by more than 50, but less than a hundred people per hour. And the third one is sidewalks with an intense pedestrian flow, more than a hundred people per hour. It is clear from the definitions that sidewalks in courtyards are usually first class.

What janitors are obliged to do in the summer

Sweep, wash and water. All these actions should be performed either in the early morning hours or late in the evening.

Sidewalks can only be washed in the direction of the roadway and before sprinklers enter the road.

In hot weather, water the sidewalks at least twice a day.

In the summer, the janitor is obliged to do the cleaning, depending on the class of the sidewalk:

  • 1st class - once every two days;
  • 2nd class - once a day;
  • 3rd class - twice a day.

If the area near the janitor is characterized by increased contamination, then it can be cleaned three times a day.

And what does the janitor do in winter

Sweeps, shifts and cleaves snow. And again, all work depends on the class of the territory served. If there is no snowfall, the janitor waves a broom or a shovel every three days on the sidewalks of the 1st class. In the other two classes, every other day or every day. Snow must be pushed off the sidewalks onto the roadway. You can also collect snow in shafts on lawns and in free areas. But you cannot dump snow under the trees, if any. The janitor is obliged to scrape off the snow from the asphalt sidewalks.

If ice suddenly occurs, the janitor will process the paths with a mixture of sand and salt. The sand must be river sand, coarse-grained or medium-grained.

With the onset of spring, the windshield wipers wash and clean out the grooves to drain the melt water. In addition, they help melt water to drain off faster, regularly driving them to the hatches and wells of the storm water network. And of course, after all the snow has finally melted, the janitors carry out a general cleaning of the yard, collect garbage, remove the remaining snow and ice.

How janitors should clean up trash

Litter-bins should be emptied daily as they are filled, and also rinsed during the morning cleaning hours. All waste is collected in bins and bins, which are then disposed of according to the waste disposal schedule.

Bulky waste, and these are old sofas or desks, bicycles, armchairs, garbage accumulated during the renovation of apartments, etc., are stored at special sites and taken out in accordance with the requests of organizations serving the housing stock by special vehicles for transporting bulky waste or by ordinary freight transport.

In no case should you incinerate garbage on the territory of households. This is especially true for harvesting fallen leaves. Not only are the rules for waste management violated, but also harm to the atmosphere and human health. In the burning foliage they die beneficial insects.

The smoke of bonfires carries lead and mercury compounds around the area, and smoldering leaves emit benzopyrene. It can cause a person different kinds cancer. In addition, the remains of plastic bags or various plastic may well be caught among the fallen leaves. This means that dozens of different ones will be released during combustion.

This is the job of a janitor. He not only imperceptibly makes our life cleaner, but also takes care of nature.

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How to fill in the "Opening hours" section in employment contracts with wipers and porch cleaners? The work performed does not have a specific start and end time, it all depends on the specific object. How to fill out the timesheet in this case?


In employment contracts with janitors and cleaners, flexible working hours can be fixed (sample below). In this case, the beginning, end or total duration of the working day is determined by agreement of the parties ().

For such employees, sliding (flexible) work schedules are developed and a cumulative record of working time is kept (). The employer must ensure that the employee works out the total number of working hours during the established accounting period ().

If it is planned to involve janitors or cleaners to work outside the normal working hours periodically, then you can set them to an irregular working day mode (). In this case, it is possible to engage in work both before the beginning of the working day and after its end ().

The employer is obliged to keep track of the time actually worked by each employee (). This rule applies to both flexible working hours and irregular working hours.

In flexible working hours, accounting can be done using manual, mechanical or automated systems... They allow you to accurately record the time of the presence of employees at workplaces within total range working hours established by a specific work schedule.

In case of irregular working hours, overtime must be reflected in the time sheet by entering a special code (for example, "NSD"). You can also develop another document at the discretion of the employer.

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