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Automation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Automation for ventilation- Purpose of the control system Automated ventilation system

No system of forming and maintaining a microclimate at an optimal level will be able to perform its basic tasks accurately and correctly, if it is not equipped with the automation system.

Composition of automation systems

The main readers, controlling and control elements of automation systems are:

  1. Sensors: air temperature, humidity, water, pressure drop on the air filter - all of them are intended to control and real fix installation parameters. In accordance with the sensor readings, one or another installation mode is modeled.
  2. Drives of executive mechanisms: air valves, fireproof valves or smoke removal controlling water valves, etc. Depending on the command, issued by control elements, the drives can open or close the valve, or in proportion to the section on the passage of air or water.
  3. Fan frequency converters, pumps or rotary recuperators, as well as speed controllers - reassigned to change the speed of rotation of the controlled equipment, depending on the signal coming from the control panel.
  4. Thermostats, duct relays and other automation components, the operation of which duplicates the main signals of control systems.
  5. Controllers, voltage regulators, temperature in the composition of control panels - "brain" of automation systems. Their number, type and functionality is entirely dependent on the logic of control, from type of managed systems and the number of synchronously working.

Varieties of automation systems

An indisputable fact is direct dependence of the type of automation system from the equipment used equipment used and the requirements for system management functionality and maintenance of air parameters.

Automation systems can be distinguished by several types:

  • Automation of supply systems with water or electric heating.
  • Comprehensive automation of air-heating systems and the corresponding exhaust systems.
  • Automation of supply and exhaust installations with air recovery.
  • Comprehensive automation and management of all climatic systems: heating, ventilation, air conditioning, etc..

Automation of supply systems with water or electric heating

This type of automation is one of the simplest, allowing you to control the minimum number of parameters and the operation of the equipment of individual intake systems. With this type of automation of the agreed management, together with exhaust systems does not occur.

The main functions of such systems are:

  • Maintaining the temperature of the supply air;
  • Maintaining the temperature of the reverse coolant;
  • Protection of the carrier from frost;
  • Control of the air filter clogging;
  • Adjusting the fan rotation speed.

Automation shields for such systems, as a rule, are supplied complete with installations, as they do not require the thorough development of the management software and system logic. From an economic point of view, full-time complete automation cabinets can be used when the inlet ventilation systems in the building are small and they are significantly removed from each other.

Complex automation of supply and exhaust systems

This type of automation is one of the most common, as it is allowed to perform the following set of functions:

  • Maintaining the temperature of the supply air depending on the temperature of the controller setpoint, as well as with adjustments, depending on the temperature of the exhaust air or the temperature of the base room. That is, in the case when there is a rise in temperature in the room (or exhaust air of common systems), the automation gives a signal to the actuators that the temperature air temperature can be reduced to a specified range. The gradient of lowering air temperature should not be lower than the temperature of the dew point.
  • Air quality management depending on the composure of premises by visitors (for example, in shopping centers and whether cinema halls). With an increase in CO2 content in exhaust air, the automation system controller provides a signal to an increase in air expenditures to dilute the troubles. Upon reaching normalized system indicators, the system can go to minimum flow, thereby ensuring significant energy savings.
  • Management of the operation of fans of the supply systems is consistent with the work of exhaust from the total area. This feature can simply simply allow the main rules of balanced ventilation systems. That is, when the flow of supply air flow is required, the automation system proportionally reduces exhaust air consumption. At the same time, the systems should be generally bred, manage local exhaust systems for this principle cannot be made from a technological point of view.

The control panels of integrated automation systems are no longer a finished product, but should be developed by specialized organizations in conjunction with project organizations. Controllers in such systems are used freely programmable execution, in which a program with a specific logic of the operation of ventilation systems is searched in the programming process. Control panels can be equal to the number of models, and can be combined through control zones, if, for example, several inlet systems are in the same vent. This will significantly save at the cost of controllers, increasing them with certain expansion units. Control panels should be connected by the internal network.

Automation of supply and exhaust installations with air recovery

Community ventilation systems with recovery function are a type of ventilation systems with a balanced operation of the supply and exhaust installations, with the addition of additional control, signaling and controlling elements to the automation system.

Scheme of recuperator

The main functions of such automation systems is:

  • Maintaining the temperature of the supply air depending on the setpoint or with the adjustment by the basic indoor air sensor.
  • Control of exhaust air temperature before and after the recuperator in order to prevent its freezing, or in the case of the use of a rotary recovery to increase or decrease its rotational speed.
  • Control of the freezing of the channel recovery channels depending on the differential pressure sensor. In the case when the air channels are overgrown with an icy or "ice" fur coat, the bypass of the recovery must open or turn on the first stage of heating the calorificates.
  • Maintain the temperature of the reverse coolant.
  • Protection of the Calrifer from frost.
  • Control of air filter clogging.
  • Air quality control depending on the readings of the CO2 sensor.
  • Management of the operation of fans of the supply systems is consistent with the work of exhaust from the total area.
  • Control of the rotational speed rotation frequency depending on the ratio of the temperature of the supply and exhaust air to achieve maximum efficiency and reduce the cost of heating the supply air.

Complex automation and management of all climatic systems

This type of automation engineering systems is one of the most difficult in terms of implementation, but at the same time allows you to most effectively use all the external and internal energy of the building.

The essence of this method is to control the works of engineering systems, control of total air parameters in order to prevent the simultaneous work of "competing" installations.

The situation often occurs when the systems of heating, ITP and air conditioning buildings can work simultaneously each in its mode, according to the controller program of each system separately. In general, such work is true, all parameters are supported, but the general inclusion / disable system logic is not provided. Such situations may occur in the transition period of the year, when the temperature of the room with glazing emerging the southern facade, starts to grow, turns on the air conditioning system, while the heat supply to the building does not stop, since the readings of the street air temperature do not allow to stop heating the premises. There is an overrun of thermal and electrical energy until these systems are manually adjusted or disabled.

Integrated automation systems must be designed simultaneously with all engineering systems of the building and take into account the nuances of systems, the orientation of the building on the parties to the lights, the operation of systems in the transition period, zonal control, taking into account the temperatures of the room and so on.

P / s. From the director of the company "Region":

Systems with automated control help to optimize the operation of ventilation systems. This is especially important in large buildings or in large enterprises, where the ventilation construction occupies a fairly extensive territory, and it is difficult to keep track of all the instruments. Equipment is used both on facilities related to production and industry and public buildings - shopping centers, places of recreation, sports complexes. The correct adjustment of the ventilation automation ensures uninterrupted operation and convenient management of the entire system.

Assignment of automatic systems

Modern systems designed to carry out ventilation are rather complicated because include a variety of diverse instruments with their functions and features. Their quality work is possible only when making coordinated actions that need to be controlled somehow. To understand this helps the ventilation automation scheme, which is designed to facilitate work with all the instruments included in the system. Special sensors and mechanisms help fully monitor and give various teams without having to cross the entire territory of the enterprise to do some operation with the device. A competent system helps to solve the following issues:

  • Tracks the indicators and controls the state of the complex. The monitor displays all the necessary data that the operator sees, and can make a conclusion about the current state of affairs. In addition, if any problems occur, the system will immediately apply an alarm signal that informs that the problem needs to be solved. And watching the indicators, you can see possible precursors of the problem, based on changing data, and prevent serious breakdowns, immediately intervening in the work of the design.
  • Analysis of the data of each device can be carried out automatically. The system itself collects indicators, reading them for a certain time, and then analyzing and comparing with the norm. In accordance with the results obtained, automatic control gives one or another command or signal.
  • Switching modes. Automation can connect or turn off the add. Installations, devices and functions, it depends on the time of day, the degree of load or weather conditions, ensuring the creation of the optimal mode of operation.
  • In the event of a closure or the occurrence of another emergency, the system will turn off the equipment from the power supply, preventing more serious damage or even the ignition of the instruments.

The presence of automatic control allows you to significantly optimize the work of the whole technique, as a result, only 1-2 operators will be required for service, and not a whole personnel department. The use of modern technologies allows to reduce the amount of employees required and, accordingly, reduce costs, therefore this is a suitable option for commercial organizations.

Basic nodes of the system

Designing such systems is a complex business requiring certain knowledge and skills, therefore the cabinet of the ventilation automation must configure a specialist who disassembled. To work with devices, you need to know the purpose of each node, the features of its work and interaction with other elements. It is necessary to have experience with various apparatus and appliances from different manufacturers. That is why performing all the work should professionals who have the necessary knowledge and experience.

Modern automation shields for ventilation systems include quite a lot of different equipment. All devices that are engaged in any way in creating a management system can be divided into three groups:

  • Sensor sensors. These devices collect all kinds of information about the state of the system, reading the level of humidity, temperature, pressure and other important indicators. They serve an electrical signal that comes further into the system.
  • Regulators and controllers. These devices are responsible for further analysis of the data obtained. They compare information between themselves, as well as with the established standards, conduct a logical analysis and based on it gives any commands to the system, including or shutting down certain functions.
  • Executive mechanics. These details ensure the execution of the received commands, forcing the devices to execute certain functions and actions.

Opportunities and advantages of the system

What can the automatic control system do? The minimum set of available functions includes the following items:

  • Control over the rotation of the fans and their frequency, as well as adjusting this process.
  • Tracking the water temperature and freezing prevention.
  • Control of air condition and system management based on the study of microclimate parameters.
  • Displaying the status of filters and signaling about the need to purify them.
  • Translation of individual parts of the system into inactive mode.
  • Protection of technology from short circuits and other problems.

The development of technology allows you to create complex schemes and systems, so many modern designs are already planned taking into account such factors and can not do without automatic control. If the enterprise or in the organization uses the most modern ventilation equipment, then, most likely, it also assumes the presence of automatic control, and the schemes are already designed to install such devices.

However, the use of technology really has significant advantages. The machine is able to quickly analyze a huge number of information flows and conduct a lot of operations at once, to which the human brain is simply not designed. Therefore, such a system works much more efficiently than even a whole department from human personnel. In addition, the technique does not need a weekend, a break for sleep and for lunch, it remains at any time in my post and monitors the ventilation system. The use of automation allows you to exclude possible errors due to the influence of the human factor.

Among the directions of development of technical progress, automation is highlighted. It eliminates a person from the fulfillment of routine, and often dangerous processes, significantly reduces the complexity of production operations or in everyday life and allows you to optimize all areas of life.

You can automate virtually any functions of technology and area - including ventilation. This is relevant, mainly for large complexes - industrial and industrial, warehouse, trade - but today is increasingly used in the organization of life support systems in homes. Ventilation is a complex organized system, which uses many types of sensitive engineering equipment, and its automation is a non-bank and responsible task. However, she has a lot of benefits, and they should be used.

Properly organized automation of ventilation systems is a high degree of rationality complex, delivering users from manual control of indicators in the environment and their changes. In business spaces, places of large accumulation of people, sports, manufacturing complexes are relevant full automation, including the ventrics:

  • modular;
  • firefighters.

The qualitative components and the skillful organization of automatic systems will allow maintaining the safety of people in the building as well as:

  • ensure work in accordance with the established algorithms;
  • seek compliance with the indicators established values;
  • stop systems during emergency situations;
  • control the condition and performance of all elements;
  • visualize parameters, exercise remote ventilation management and so on.

Advantages of the organization of automated ventsystems

It is impossible to assume that automation is unnecessary and expensive. It allows you to significantly "unload" a person in production and in everyday life, improve the quality of life and work, ensure the level of security is much higher than with manual control. Among the main advantages that the automation of ventilation equipment is distinguished, it is worth mentioning:

  • reduced electricity costs, energy carriers, operation of engineering, personnel - Practice shows that when automating (inclusion / disable equipment groups, for example), 10-20 percent savings and cooling consumption can be achieved;
  • efficient organization of air exchange in rooms - With the help of automation, you can set the desired parameters of cleaning, temperature, flow intensity, while ensuring a simple and rapid achievement of a favorable microclimate;
  • reliable protection in emergency situations - a complex system, including devices of alert, fire extinguishing, neutralization of smoke, will allow you to quickly respond to PE;
  • full control (including remote) and system manageability - using automated installations you can adjust the operation of the fans, track how filters are dirty, there is no overheating or supercooling of items and so on.

Automation will determine whether the exposed frequencies of the fans have not disturbed. It supports the specified parameters, climate conditions and manages all devices. How safely the system is reliable and durable, depends on the quality of its assembly and components.

Constructive features of automated ventcomplexes

Automation for ventilation systems is governed by existing provisions - these are the techniques and others. It is a combination of elements and algorithms that ensure the functional compliance with the set parameters.

What to pay attention to the design

  • Connection schemes of automation in engineering models are laid at the project stage. At the same time, the principle of operation and the level of "replacement" of human electronics are chosen.
  • Automation management is organized using special cabinets in which regulators and control elements are created. They should be located at a convenient and affordable place to make the service can be carried out without interference.
  • It is recommended to install control devices in any automated diagram - in the supply and exhaust ventixels, air-conditioning system. The selection of the model depends on the purpose of the object and economic and technical feasibility.

What equipment will need

The basic set of equipment, which is included in the automated ventilation complexes, is usually referred to:

  • Sensors - elements that take readings from a controlled object and provide user and control system information about its condition. They support feedback, providing information about the level of pressure and humidity, temperatures, and are selected depending on the desired accuracy, requirements and range.
  • Regulators / controllers are elements that coordinate the performance of the executing devices and their control on the database provided by the sensors.
  • Executing devices - equipment of mechanical, electronic, hydraulic types, which performs direct functions. These are the electric drives of fire and air valve parts and heat exchangers, relays, tracking pressure drops, pumps.

Characteristics of the components of the automated installation

All parts and mechanisms that make up the automation of ventilation plants have their own characteristics and are divided into types.

For example, sensors can relate to room or exterior devices, they are mounted with a lining on pipelines, in channels. Among them are allocated:

  • temperature - can functionally set limits, installed in rooms or outside;
  • humidity - internal and outer, are connected to the instruments to measure relative parameters, are installed at points, where the temperature and speed of air is unchanged, far from the heating structures and direct rays of the Sun;
  • pressure - relay and analog types, can measure absolute values \u200b\u200bor differences (two points);
  • thread - to find out, at what speed gas / liquid moves in pipes or air ducts.

Control devices are made on automation shields, which combined the set of regulation and execution elements. They are produced using complex equipment, without fail with certification, global and well-known brands: Phoenix Contact, Siemens, Schneider Electric, Legrand, General Electric and many others. When they are created, it is important that devices ensure security, and also conveniently and ergonomically operated.

Full information about the automation of the ventilation system in each specific case can be obtained from the ECO specialists.

The buildings can not be submitted without a system, which in force provides ventilation into the room. In the process of ventilation, the output of the contaminated air flow and its complete or partial replacement to clean. Automation of ventilation makes it possible to control the control of the process control, which, in turn, helps protect the structure and ensure energy efficiency. Ventilation automation varies, so in this article we will tell you how their appointment and what features, as well as what characteristics.

Assignment of an automatic system

To date, the ventilation complex is fully upgraded and is a complex instrumental systematics with a power plant, carrier and channels that provide the microclimate of the room. In order for all nodes and aggregates to work simply, modern engineers supply the system with sensors and mechanisms. It is at the expense of them that can be controlled by ventilation in the assembly.

Ventilation tasks:

  • Management and monitoring of system parameters: signal breakdown, unsafe modes and other unforeseen working moments. Modern controllers are associated with the operator in real time. This allows the operator to observe the operation of all system indicators and set their correspondence with the desired mode.
  • Individual analysis of the development of any mechanism and process in general, according to the specified parameters through monitoring. The control machine receives data obtained using sensors and conducts a study by computing capacities. If it is necessary to adjust the overall performance through the signal of the acting mechanics or through the start-inclusion system.
  • Protection of the valve part and water circuits of the heating element from the freezing. The system thermostat monitors the temperatures of the calorificates, not allowing the critical mark to fall.
  • Management of workflows by switching mode. This is necessary for the rational use of the automatic system in connection with the change in the load on the room, weekly dianess, time of day or climatic conditions. Automatic ventilation system control programs, based on monitoring information, have the ability to use power installations as a supplement, to complete the activity or change the speed of the fan blades, run and disconnect the air sushielders and so on.
  • Locking the mechanism in the event of a closure or any emergency case associated with electronics to exclude possible fire.

Automation in the ventilation system has a key role and performs a number of necessary tasks, without it, all listed options are impossible for the service personnel.

Basic assembly nodes

The system of automatic ventilation system requires a rather time consuming and complex work of engineers, such a process requires not only theoretical knowledge, but also greater experience.

Required knowledge:

  • similar system structure;
  • main parts and main nodes;
  • logic performance and the totality of all parts and devices.

In order to apply the most optimal equipment for the instrument for the system and control over it be sure to take into account the nomenclature of excellent industries, as well as have the operational experience of such equipment. It will be worthwhile and the study of user reviews to understand the value of the price and quality of the model today. This will allow you to purchase a high-quality system on favorable terms.

The fundamental scheme of the ventilation automation system, as a rule, is developed at the design stage of engineering complexes of the building, at the same time the question of preferred control mode (semi-automatic or automatic) is solved. Control cabinets must be mounted in the most accessible place in order to easily control the equipment if necessary and perform its regular service.

Automatic control allows:

  • Regulate the intensity of fans;
  • In time to prevent the freezing of the water carrier;
  • Maintain optimal air temperature and other indicators affecting vital activity.

The concept of automation

Ventilation automation provides special cabinets installed in the building that are responsible for automatic control of all available ventilation and climatic equipment. Automation can be carried out on any objects whose ventilation systems are complicated circuits or medium complexity complexes. Modern automation elements simultaneously perform several functions at the same time, and the owner due to this is protected from the inevitable (in the case when there is no single control) of the system failures.

Causes of demand for automated ventilation systems

Ventilation systems, in most cases, are complex combinations of engineering equipment designed to provide effective air exchange. Manual control is not rational here, since the indicators of pressure, humidity and temperature are constantly changing depending on the time of year, climatic conditions, the amount of removed and incoming air changes. The ideal solution will be full ventilation automation and air conditioning systems.

Necessary equipment

The main elements due to which is ensured ventilation automation:

  • Regulators - the key components, it is they who coordinate the activities of the executive mechanisms based on indicators of existing sensors;
  • Sensors - Composite parts, based on which the automation system is formed, they provide information about the current state of the controlled object. Sensors provide feedback on each individual parameter - humidity, temperature, pressure, etc. As criteria for selection of sensors, operating conditions are operating, the required measurement accuracy, the range of indicators.
  • Executive mechanisms - Electric, hydraulic, mechanical actuators.

Advantages of using automated ventilation systems:

  • Noticeable saving electricity (expenses decrease by about 20%);
  • Remote control and adjustment of the system elements;
  • Indication necessary parameters of the functioning of the system;
  • Opportunity regulation of climatic characteristics indoor air;
  • Pollution intensity tracking filters providing timely after-service maintenance;
  • Control of efficiency Equipment, protection against hypothermia, overheating system elements.

To date, the automation of ventilation is carried out not only at industrial facilities, it is relevant for most residential, social buildings. Its main task is to ensure the most comfortable airspace indoors.