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Requires the electric meter to the facade of the house (the nearest pillar). How legally it is? Arbitrage practice. Is I right to refuse to install the meter on the street and install it in the house? We live in the private sector Setting the counter in the country

Set the counter should be compliance with all safety rules, including.

Installation of registration devices is the responsibility of the homeowner and is made at its expense.

To avoid fines and problems, you need to know the basic installation requirements and do everything correctly.

Technical requirements

The basic rules for installing electricity metering devices should be followed:

  • installation of the device must be made in a place that is convenient for checking or maintenance;
  • at the time of installation, the line must be de-energized, it should be ensured in advance by agreement with representatives of the company;
  • the counter must be at an altitude of 80 to 170 cm from the floor;
  • you must install a protective switch before connecting to the meter to it;
  • necessarily grounding;
  • the wiring (automata) is connected to the meter;
  • if the counter is broken by the integrity of the seal, you must immediately call a specialist for sealing;
  • at the end of the installation, a trial inclusion is carried out.

Where to install

When installing the meter, the technical requirements should be followed:

  • usually, with the requirements of the provider's company, the device is installed on the facade of the house at a height from 70 cm to 170 cm for convenience of service;
  • also practiced the installation of an accounting device at an appropriate height on a concrete post, while it must be located on the territory of the house, and the wiring is installed in the house itself.

The question of whether the requirements for the removal of appliances to the street are legally controversial. In fact, no regulatory acts regulate the arrangement of the meter does not exist.

The energy sales company motivates this by the fact that there should be easy access to the instrument in order to control. However, in this case, no one bothers them to establish a modern electronic device in the house at their own expense with the function of remote control of the testimony and control into their pleasure.

At the very least, these requirements go to the detriment of the owners of the house and create an inconvenience:

  1. When placed outside the service life of the meter is significantly reduced, since this device is not designed to work in extreme conditions, in the rain, in the frost, in the heat. At low temperatures, the readings may be incorrect.
  2. When installing on the street, homeowner will have to put up with the fact that there is access to his meter not only for employees of the company, but also for everyone.
  3. Sometimes for the safety of the instruments, they are installed at an altitude of 3 meters, which, to some extent, it removes them from thieves, but the homeowner itself without a staircase will not be able to see his testimony.

In fact, forcing citizens to set meters on the street, they are deprived of the right to take care of the preservation of their property provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

It is beneficial to power companies, since the finding of instruments outside the task of inspection and inspection, as well as the removal of energy consumption testimony.

But this is the outer side of the problem, and the turnover - it will be possible to control not only the instrument readings, but also connecting to the network to the meter. That is, ultimately, to solve their stabbed problems at the expense of housing owners, and on a massive scale.


The location of the meter can be attempted to specify in advance, and if you guarantee an employee's access to a house for inspection and checking the device, the problem will be solved. If not, then without the counter anyway will not work.

To fulfill the installation of fairly average electrical qualifications, you can invite electrical engineering yourself, if the services of the company's specialists are too expert.

Profession of a specialist: Before starting work on the installation of the electric meter, it is necessary to obtain a typical contract with the act on the separation of the balance sheet.

This is the necessary paper in which it is clearly spelled out who is responsible for which it is responsible for which the home owner is responsible and what will be on the company's shoulders. This document is necessary, especially if the counter will be on the street.

If the installation is still on the street, it is necessary to require a clear distinction of responsibility, which will be reflected in the contract.

Despite the growing popularity of electronic devices, they are also sold quite well.

Compared to modern, they do not require expensive maintenance and definitely more reliable.

As long as they did not exceed the reliability and ability to work and work without breakdowns. In Europe, where most of the electronic meters, after time, began to experience interest in unpretentious and reliable electromechanical instruments.

In any case, which device it is not selected, you should make sure that the seal is Czech and unharmed. For fillings there is also a shelf life:

  • for single-phase - 2 years
  • for three-phase - 1 year.

It is recommended to set the meter as close as possible to the entry point. The counter must be in the warm room, it can be heated or insulated entrance hall, where there will be easy access to the device to employees of the company.

With the requirements of the company, install household instruments on the facade of the house, if the abolition of the requirement has failed, you can slit a little and place the counter where a warm terrace will later be attached.

Perhaps you will also be interested in an article about.

The article on how to solve the electric meter correctly, read.

See the video in which a specialist explains the requirements for installing electricity meter in a private house, as well as the general rules of operation of electricity metering devices:

In each house, you need to have open access to energy sources, but sometimes there are technical difficulties that do not always allow you to correctly deliver all-friendly devices. Therefore, the installation of the meter in a private house on the street is held. Homeowners are wondering how and where to do it so that everything is legal and convenient. So, regardless of whether counters are general or personal, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances and rules when they are installed and operation.

What you need to know

There is a certain order of rules and nuances, which is important to own before installing an electric communication device. On the principle, all counters are divided into electronic and induction. The second are the least accurate, and are widely replaced by electronic. Before buying devices, you need to check the seal for integrity, as well as clarify the installation period of the seal. If you are installing oven, then you need to coordinate the rule with house neighbors if they are.

Installation of the electric meter can be engaged in the electrical installation, but before performing a complex of work, it is necessary to ask the company's sales company a typical contract to fulfill certain work correctly. This documentation will contain certain requirements regarding the installation, and also take into account all rights and obligations of the parties.

Where is the best to put the counter

In a private house or in the country, a very important role is plays not to install as a process, but a place where the device will be located. Of course, it is best to have this device in the warm room, the most optimal option for a private house will be the pre-training or an entrance hall. This method will protect the meter from moisture, temperature drops and other weather phenomena. On the other hand, access to electricity metering, which is consumed may be difficult.

The height on which the element is mounted is from 0.8 m to the floor level. The incoming circuit will be connected to the input machine, and then the direct connection to the counter will occur. Grounding should be connected to the shield, which will protect the device from a short circuit and from other phenomena.

Some household owners are forced to transfer the counter to the facade of the house, it is motivated by the orders of the energy-sales company. This requirement is somewhat pros and cons, therefore the question arises whether such installation of the device is legally.

Installing counter in the country

If you are the owner of the cottage, then wondered about where it would be better to install counters. Thus, the device is installed at an altitude of up to 1.7 meters, so the network company can access the meter. If the temperature at which the electric meter is installed will be below 0 degrees, then the readings may not be shown correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to put a warmed electric shield. If the counter is out of the house, that is, with the facade of the building, then the consumer does not have the opportunity to contain property safe, because access to the device will be ensured not only to the owners and specialized services, but also to unauthorized persons.

So, in order to ensure good work and installation of devices, it is necessary to take into account the rules, as well as the main legislative acts. Installation of general device is also carried out quite often and requires compliance with the rules.

Is this process legitimate

Rules for the installation of electricity meters on the street are governed by specialized organizations. In general, the question is whether it is worth putting the counter on the street, you are being solved. Often, energy sales companies want to solve their problem with the convenience of removing the indicators exclusively at the expense of the consumer. But it is worth knowing that the installation of the device on the street will expose your electric meter to the negative impact of natural phenomena. Processes such as humidity and cold will have a negative impact on the state of your device. Therefore, it will have to do additional costs to optimize the operation of the meter in such conditions. If organizations that are engaged in installing counters requires them to establish them on the street, then such requirements are illegal, since they go to the detriment of owners of housing.

Our readers recommend! To save on electricity payments, our readers advise the ELECTRICITY SAVING BOX Energy Economy. Monthly payments will become 30-50% less than before the use of the economy. It removes the reactive component from the network, as a result of which the load is reduced and, as a result, consumption current. Electrical appliances consume less electricity, the costs of its payment are reduced.

In addition, the installation on the columns violates the requirements of PUE, where it is indicated that the meters can be put only in optimal conditions. If the arguments that were listed are not valid, you can use the trick and install the counter in a place where the veranda will later be built.

Why do you need to install the meter on the street, what is the benefit of energy sales companies

As already noted, the installation of electric meters outside the house facilitates the task of specialized services in several directions:

  • In the area of \u200b\u200binspection of devices,
  • When checking electric meters,
  • When removing the readings.

Some companies offer the installation of a two-timing counter, and this aspect may be beneficial. Energy supplying organizations can argue the installation of counters on the street the higher 3 meters, which will thus ensure their safety.

How to solve the problem

Without doubt, organizations make violations by offering installation on the street. But how to be in such a situation, what decisions to do. On the one hand, if the owner of the house or cottage does not prevent the staff of the sales companies examining the meters of the house, then there is no reason to establish the devices outside the house. It is important to carefully study the contract with the organization and stipulate the place of installation of the meter in advance, it does not matter - two-tariff it or not.

If you have seen on the act that the place for the device is designated on the street, then it is necessary to require such a compliance with a number of requirements regarding the separation of the balance sheet. So, you can mention employees of organizations on violation of a number of laws that were mentioned above. The main power of the consumer can be attributed to good knowledge of the laws that are valid in this area.

Primary requirements

It does not matter where you finally decide to establish electric meters, in any case, it is necessary to comply with certain requirements in strict order.

Paragraph 1.5.27

The first thing to be noted is the placement of counters in easily accessible places to use them was convenient to owners of houses, as well as representatives of specialized companies. When installing electric meters, it is important to pay attention to such factors as external conditions, the optimal temperature and other parameters must be respected.

Paragraph 1.5.29.

Electric meters must be installed in cabinets or in special shields, as well as on the walls that have a tough design. Recently, generalical meters, which are more beneficial in cost, but less convenient to use are more often installed.

Fundamental rules

Electric meters that are mounted outside the house entail compliance with certain requirements. This will lead to the safety of consumers, as well as to convenience when used and as a result - to cash savings.

  1. As already noted, the optimal height of the installation is from 0.7 to 1.8 meters, which will ensure convenient and free access to the device. Installation can be carried out on the supports of the concrete pole, if it is located on the territory of the site. Also in the shield there should be a protective automatic machine.
  2. It is also important to the process itself, in which it is important to comply with basic requirements. Before mounting, you need to turn off the network line.
  3. If low temperatures are observed in places of installation, counters may behave incorrectly, for this reason it is necessary to take care of the installation of a warmed panel.
  4. We should not forget about the protective earth, which will allow to protect the owners of the house.
  5. Probal inclusion is performed.

Thus, when installing general or personal counters, it is necessary to take into account certain rules according to which optimal results will be achieved.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.05.2012 N 442 "On the functioning of retail markets of electrical energy" 144. Accounting devices are subject to installation at the borders of the balance sheet of electric power facilities (power receivers) of adjacent retail market entities - consumers, electrical energy producers (power) on retail markets, Network organizations with the overall border of the Balance Affiliation (hereinafter referred to as adjacent to the retail market), as well as in other places defined in accordance with this section in compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation requirements for the installation of metering devices. In the absence of the technical ability to install a metering device on the border of the balance sheet of electric power facilities (power receiving devices) of adjacent retail market entities, the accounting device is subject to installation in a place as close as possible to the border of the balance sheet, in which there is a technical ability to install it. At the same time, by agreement between adjacent retail market entities, the accounting device to be used to determine the volume of consumption (production, transmission) of the electrical energy of one subject can be installed within the boundaries of the electric power objects (power receiving devices) of another adjacent entity. In case the accounting device, including a collective (general) accounting device in an apartment building, is located not at the border of the balance sheet of electric power facilities (power receiving devices) of adjacent retail market entities, the volume of consumption (production, transmission) of electrical energy determined on the basis The readings of such a metering device, in order to implement settlements under the contract, is subject to adjustment to the magnitude of the electric energy loss arising from the site of the network from the border of the balance sheet of the electric power facilities (power drivers) to the installation of the accounting device. At the same time, the calculation of the magnitude of losses is carried out by the network organization in accordance with the act of an authorized federal body, which regulates the calculation of the standards of technological losses of electrical energy when it is transmitted by electrical networks. If on the date of entry into force of this document in the power supply contract (contract of sale (supply) of electrical energy (power)), the contract for the provision of electrical energy transmission services was agreed by the measurement procedure, certified in the prescribed manner, then when calculating the losses is used Such a technique, except when one of the parties declared the need to use the Act of the Commissioner of the Federal Body specified in this paragraph. In this case, such an act of the authorized federal body is used from the first day of the month following the month, in which one of the parties in writing sent a statement about its use.

145. The obligation to ensure the equipment of the power receiving devices of consumers, electrical energy production facilities (power) manufacturers of electrical energy (power) on retail markets, objects of electrical network of network organizations of accounting devices, as well as to ensure the admission of installed metering devices imposed on the owner of the power receiving Devices, facilities for the production of electrical energy (power) and objects of power grid economy, respectively.

How much joy brings your first own home! When all construction works are completed and you look at your brainchild with awe, believing that only a small little thing remained - to connect it. You are brutally mistaken. It is enough for you to cross the threshold of a power supply organization, as all optimism will disappear in an instant. Since today ESO not only does not want to meet the consumer, but also try to impose their conditions in every way to him, often grossly violating the current requirements. Energy supplying companies very often want to solve their problems at the expense of the consumer, forcing it, the air lines of the power line, perform or repair electrical equipment and much more. In this article we will talk about the legality of the requirements of energy supplying organizations on the street (facade of the building, support).

After sending an application for the connection of electricity, the consumer receives a technical condition, after the execution of which, the power supply organization will connect electricity, that is, it will carry out technological connection of power receiving devices. After reviewing the technical condition for the connection, it can be found that the ESO requires the installation of the electric meter on the facade of the building or on the nearest power line support of the power line. Such a requirement of ESO argues the possibility of unhindered access to their employees to the electric member for inspection, checking and removing the testimony. Let's look at how legal is the requirement.

When an outdoor installation of a shield with a counter and circuit breaker, it will be subjected to the constant effects of atmospheric phenomena. It is clear that it has a negative impact on the operational service life, significantly reducing it. Someone may argue that everything can be installed in a hermetic power shield, but it is not capable of protecting the electrical equipment from the heat, condensate and frost placed in it. You should also know that at negative temperatures, the induction electric meter reads to be considered inaccurately, and not in favor of the consumer. Error can reach 10% or more, which is a tangible additional load on the consumer's wallet. The data "Wishlist" of energy supplying organizations are illegal, because Roughly violate the requirement of PUE p.1.5.27., where it is indicated that the electrical meter is installed in dry rooms with a temperature of not lower than 0 ° C.

When placing a electric meter on the facade of the building or on a support, the consumer deprive the possibility of carrying the burden of content of their property, in accordance with Article 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as follows, not only employees of the energy supply organization will have unhindered access to electricity metering for removing testimony, but also Absolutely anyone wishing to live for someone else's account.

Some chitomuddes of ESO specialists makes the installation of electricity accounting on a support at an altitude of at least 3.5 meters, motivating this concern for maintaining the thieves, thereby damping the possibilities of the consumer to control the testimony of the electric meter.

Imagine a 70-year old woman with a monthly working on the support for removing the testimony of electricity consumption. It should be noted that such an installation of the electricity meter violates the requirement of PUE, clause 1.5.29., Where it is said that the accounting device must be installed in the range from 0.8 - 1.7 meters from the floor.

I would like to note that neither on the same facade of the building of the Most Statement, courts, prosecutors or militia you will not see the electrical counter. What is the reason, because the law is one for all: and for the authorities, and for individuals?

Now that you already know that the requirements of power supplying organizations are illegal, let's see what to do in this situation. The consumer should not pay the "Wishlist" of Eto and go for him. If you do not interfere with access to inspection and checking the electric meter, as well as removal of readings, an energy supply organization has no reason to oblige to install an accounting device on the street.

When concluding an agreement with an energy supply organization, the "Balance Bannery Border" is established, which is determined by the "act of delimitation of the balance sheet", that is, the point is determined where the electricity metering device is set. And this point may be on the street only with your consent! Therefore, when drawing up an act, demand to distinguish between the balance affiliation indoors in the village. Be sure to carefully read the documents prepared by the power supply organization, since after their signing, in accordance with Article 421, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, all the "Wishlist" of ESO will be legal. If you yourself do not understand the energy supply issues, you have the full right to invite an independent expert to consider the documentation!

Remember that the power supply organization is a commercial structure, the main task of which is the sale of electricity, and it is not entitled to force the consumer to violate the current requirements, laws and rules. With the "Wishlists" of energy supplying companies, it is possible and necessary to fight, since in the absence of competition, they brazenly dictate their conditions and decide their own problems at the expense of consumers. Do not forget that your main weapon is knowledge of the current laws and rules!

Counters should be placed in easily accessible to maintain dry rooms, in a fairly free and not cramped place with a temperature in winter at least 0 ° C.
Multicultural execution meters are not allowed to install in rooms, where in terms of production conditions the temperature can often exceed +40 ° C, as well as indoors with aggressive media.
It is allowed to place meters in unheated premises and corridors of distribution devices of power plants and substations, as well as in outside installation cabinets. At the same time, the stationary insulation of their winter time should be provided by insulating cabinets, the heated air caps inside them with an electric lamp or a heating element to provide inside the cap of the positive temperature, but not higher than +20 ° C.

Counters should be installed in the cabinets, cameras of complete switchgears (CRS, CRN), on panels, shields, in niches, on walls that have a rigid construction.
Mounting counters on wooden, plastic or metal shields is allowed.
The height from the floor to the box of clamps of the meters must be within 0.8 - 1.7 m.
It is allowed height less than 0.8 m, but not less than 0.4 m.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Article 210. The burden of property content
The owner carries the burden of property belonging to him, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.

Article 421. Freedom of the contract
1. Citizens and legal entities are free in concluding a contract.
The agreement for the conclusion of the contract is not allowed, except when the obligation to conclude an agreement is provided for by this Code, law or voluntarily adopted obligatory.
2. Parties can conclude an agreement, both provided and not provided for by law or other legal acts.
3. Parties may conclude an agreement in which elements of various agreements provided for by law or other legal acts (mixed contract) are contained. The relations of the parties on a mixed contract are applied in the relevant parts of the Rules on contracts, the elements of which are contained in a mixed contract, unless otherwise follows from the Agreement of the Parties or the creature of a mixed contract.
4. The terms of the contract are determined at the discretion of the parties, except when the content of the relevant condition is prescribed by law or other legal acts (Article 422).
In cases where the condition of the contract is provided for by the norm, which is applied to the instertainment, since the Agreement of the Parties has not established a different (dispositive norm), the parties may exclude its application or establish a condition other than those provided in it. In the absence of such an agreement, the condition of the contract is determined by the dispositive norm.
5. If the contract condition is not determined by the parties or the dispositional norm, the relevant conditions are determined by the customs of the business turnover, applicable to the relations of the parties.


In practice, it happens, consumers living in a private house, energy sales requires an electrospheker only on the street in the shield. In your situation, you can refuse it in this can be based on the requirements of paragraph 1.5.27 of the rules of the electrical installation device (PUE). He establishes that the consumer carries responsibility for saving the instrument. Therefore, you can place the power meter in an affordable place, in compliance with the installation standards, one of which is the installation of the electricity meter at an altitude of 0.8-1.7 m. Above the floor level.

"Rules of electrical installation devices (PUE). Sixth edition "(approved by the headset, statenergoneador of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR 05.10.1979) (Ed. From 20.06.2003)

Installing counters and wiring to them

1.5.27. Counters must be placed in easily accessible to maintain dry rooms, in a fairly free and easy-to-work place with a temperature in winter at least 0 degrees. C.

General industrial execution meters are not allowed to install in rooms, where in terms of production conditions the temperature can often exceed +40 degrees. C, as well as indoors with aggressive environments.

It is allowed to place meters in unheated premises and corridors of distribution devices of power plants and substations, as well as in outside installation cabinets. At the same time, it should be provided for stationary insulation for winter time by means of insulation cabinets, caps with heating air inside them with an electric lamp or a heating element to provide inside the cap of the positive temperature, but not higher than +20 degrees. C.

1.5.28. Counters designed to account for electricity generated by power plant generators should be installed in rooms with an average ambient air temperature +15 - +25 degrees. C. In the absence of such premises, counters are recommended to be placed in special cabinets, where the specified temperature should be maintained throughout the year.

1.5.29. Counters must be installed in cabinets, chambers of complete distribution devices (CRS, CRN), on panels, panels, in niches, on walls that have a rigid design.

Mounting counters on wooden, plastic or metal shields is allowed.

The height from the floor to the core clamps box should be within 0.8 - 1.7 m. Height is allowed less than 0.8 m, but not less than 0.4 m.

1.5.30. In places where there is a danger of mechanical damage to counters or pollution them, or in places available for unauthorized persons (passages, stair cells, etc.), the counters must provide a lockable cabinet with a window at the dial level. Similar cabinets should also be established to jointly place meters and current transformers when performing accounting on the lower voltage side (at entering consumers).

1.5.31. Designs and sizes of cabinets, niches, shields, etc. Must ensure convenient access to the clamps of the meters and current transformers. In addition, the possibility of convenient replacement of the counter and install it with a slope of not more than 1 degrees should be provided. The design of its attachment should provide the ability to install and remove the counter from the front side.

1.5.32. Electric wiring to counters must meet the requirements given in ch. 2.1 and 3.4.

1.5.33. In the electrical wiring to the settlement counters, the presence of paks is not allowed.

1.5.34. The cross sections of the wires and cables connected to the counters must be taken in accordance with 3.4.4 (see also 1.5.19).

1.5.35. When installing wiring to attach direct inclusion meters near the counters, it is necessary to leave the ends of the wires with a length of at least 120 mm. Isolation or shell of the zero wire at a length of 100 mm in front of the meter must have a distinctive color.

1.5.36. For secure installation and replace meters in networks voltage up to 380V, the ability to disconnect the meter installed to it at a distance of no more than 10 M switching apparatus or fuses. The removal of the voltage should be provided for from all phases attached to the meter.

Current transformers used to attach the meters at voltage up to 380 V must be installed after switching devices in the direction of power flow.

1.5.37. Grounding (reassembling) of meters and current transformers must be performed in accordance with the requirements of ch. 1.7. At the same time, grounding and zero protective conductors from the meters and current transformers voltage up to 1 kV to the nearest clips assembly must be copper.

1.5.38. If there are several connections on the object with a separate accounting of electricity on the panels of counters, there must be inscriptions of connections.

what should I write in the statement.

In the statement, specify the requirements of clause 1.5.27 of the rules of the electrical installation device (PUE), the form of this application can be obtained in the energy supply itself, if there is no such form, you can write in an arbitrary form. The main thing is that when applying for this statement, you put on the second (Your) copy of the date of reception, FI. A specialist who adopted a statement, his signature, and the note "accepted".