Repairs Design Furniture

Little section layout: Secret receivers for expanding space. Landscape design and layout of a small land. Beautiful round houses for small sites.

Having at its disposal even a small space, you can equip a stylish green corner. The miniature garden planning is sometimes more interesting than working with a large territory, which is often stretched for months, and sometimes for years. The easiest way to create a small garden design with your own hands on the photo of professionals - they inspire the creative exploits, and the competent approach to the organization of space helps to extract the maximum benefit from the available site meters.

Selection of style to arrange a small garden

Working with a limited space, it is important not to overload it with details - it will seem even closer from this. It is also necessary to observe the commensuity of objects - too large pots, elements of decor and plants attract attention only to themselves, preventing the holistic perception of the garden.

Little garden in oriental style

Eastern Mini-Garden Secrets

A wonderful example of a small landscape design is a Japanese garden. Having often tiny space, residents of the densely populated Japan still manage to do real works of garden art using each centimeter. The main principle of the device of such a garden is the placement of a large in small.

Miniature trees, imitating centuries-old giants, mini-waterfalls, a garden of stones, symbolizing the immense sea with cliffs - all this allows you to feel in a huge world felt on a small island. Useful element that can be borrowed from the garden in oriental style are hedge - with their help you can diversify even a small landscape for the viewer, hiding behind each turn a new look.

If the aesthetics of the East is close, a small corner of joy on its plot can be decorated with a stone Japanese flashlight or a figurine of the traditional tower-temple with pagodas. As for vegetation, preference is better to give low-speed evergreen shrubs, mhams and soil plants.

Classic style in a small space

Regular style in a small landscape

Do not think that a regular palace style is suitable only for extensive territories. Gently trimmed shrubs, lawns and flower beds of geometric shapes are also suitable for a small garden, slender trees in the tubs, narrow garden tracks. It looks very appropriate in it, arches seeing with plenty plants, for example, a rose.

You can make a small garden more cozy with a sophisticated bench or a pair of garden chairs. It is not necessary to abandon a small water branch in a stone frame - this element of landscape design will serve as an decoration of a site of any size.

The main rule for registration of a miniature garden is conciseness, so it is better to avoid:

  • a large number of decorative elements (fountains, sculptures);
  • excessive richness of paints - one or two bright colors more than enough;
  • bulk shrubs;
  • plants with large flowers.

Little garden reservoir

Small landscape sardic

You can feel yourself in the lap of nature and being in a tiny garden. Create a wild landscape atmosphere will help a small pond in the center of the composition - a pond of plastic form or film waterproofing. Little stepped waterfall will visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe water space.

For registration of the incoming territory, it is better not to use large stones - with them the pond will seem even less than it really is. Looks very expressively with "carpet" from different soil and blooming moisture-loving plants, located immediately behind the rocky border of the reservoir.

In search of compact decisions for garden design

Multiple the space will help useful ideas for a small garden, designer techniques and devices and, that is especially nice, - for many of them, old and unnecessary things will be used.

Vertical rocarium

Vertical and multi-tiered compositions

Very beneficial in a small garden looks curly plants and vertical compositions of stone - mountaineering, rocaria in the form of a steep slide or towering terraces. In a small area, they are better located in the distinct corner so that you can estimate the overall picture of the type from afar.

Wooden Garden

Before creating a small garden design with their own hands, it is necessary to think about how in a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe area to get an additional area for landscaping. This can be done with multi-tiered or fixed on walls of structures. Such are:

  • flowers from automotive tires;
  • raised flower beds;
  • multi-storey or step flower beds;
  • flowers from old furniture with drawers;
  • shelves with shelves for beds;
  • wall containers with plants;
  • textile or plastic "pockets" for growing.

Tires for growing flowers


Thickets under the ceiling

Increase the space of a miniature garden using suspended structures. It can be both pots and metal "baskets" in the form of a sphere or hemisphere with holes that are covered from the inside with a special coating. Such a kindergarten is often placed under the ceiling of the veranda or on specifically made columns with curls. Very attractive in suspended flower beds looks Begonia, Fuchsia, Petunia, Portulak, Allisum, Pansies.

Suspended baskets for portable garden

Suitable containers are suitable not only for flowering plants - with their help you can beat the design of a small garden-garden. Arugula, various grades of lettuce, spinach, sorrel, parsley and even strawberries can be boldly to grow on hanging beds, having them in several floors to save space.

Suspended flower beds

Comfortable Mobile Sad.

Under the concept of "Mobile Garden" often imply vegetation sitting in pots. This is an excellent solution for a small area - at any time the plants can be transferred or removed into the room. Such a garden looks good on multi-storey structures, stairs, verandas, near paths, arbors or entrance to the house.

Choosing containers for the inhabitants of the mobile garden, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the adult plant and its root system. The spectrum of plants for such cultivation is quite large - from popular roses patio to low-spirited coniferous shrubs and even vegetables: tomatoes, peppers and others.

Mobile garden in pots

Landscape arrangement with a small area sometimes requires a more serious approach than working with an extensive territory. Not all your preferences can be compatible with limited space. Therefore, in order to design a small garden design, you should use the help of a professional landscape designer - so you can use the area of \u200b\u200bthe site with maximum benefits, and your wishes will be skillfully adapted to its small sizes.

The owners of a small country area should not be upset about the lack of free square. Competent design of the main and additional elements can turn the compact area into the work of art. Landscape design of a small area will allow to open the creative potential of the owner. The recommendations of specialists in the design of capital structures and landscaping will facilitate the process of arrangement.

Principles of initial design

The situation when the landscape design falls from a clean sheet, is considered optimal. After all, it is much easier to create a new one, rather than rebuilding. The beginning of the creative process will be the design of the country area. First you should consider the need for certain facilities. In addition to the main structure, in landscape designs may be attended by:

  • garage or parking place;
  • bath;
  • leisure gazebo;
  • shed or other types of buildings for household needs.

The presence of children obliges to allocate a plot under the game pad, around the gazebo usually decorate the recreation area.

Include all elements in the landscape design plan not necessarily. Each owner has its own priorities: some prefer to work on Earth, the aesthetics and comfortable conditions for recreation are important.

Tip! If it is planned to arrange the main housing in a small area, it is recommended to place a house near the entrance, the facade to the street.

The landscape design project has practicality, when the garage is on one foundation with a residential structure. The main advantages of the decision:

  • Savings of the area of \u200b\u200ba small area due to the common wall and a single foundation.
  • It does not need wide access roads, as the garage is located directly near the fence.
  • Comfortable movement from Avtomoma to Own accommodation during bad weather.

Economic buildings in the project of landscape design are preferably placed in the depths of the small area, and the way apart. Effectively disguise structures will help trees or a live fence. From the construction of massive buildings it is better to abandon, give preference to light designs in a small area.

The arrangement of the playground is conducted not far from the house, and it should be well viewed from the window. It is worth worrying about disembarking near the trees to create a saving shadow on hot days. The recreation area with a gazebo in landscape design usually planned on the back of the courtyard, away from the roadway and curious views of passersby.

An example of a harmonious landscape design of a compact area on the photo further:

Important elements of capital arrangement

In addition to buildings, other elements of landscape design play with the arrangement of a small area. The design of the fence and tracks, landing of trees and equipment of artificial reservoirs is usually carried out once for many years. Therefore, it is imperative to correctly choose the material and form, think over every trifle to subsequently not correct erroneous solutions.


Landscape design guru is recommended to refuse to install on a small plot of high deaf fence. Such a fence causes an unpleasant feeling of discomfort and visually makes the space less. In addition to unpleasant sensations at an intuitive level and a visual reduction in area, a massive solid fence prevents the natural circulation of air flows and worsens the microclimate on a small area.

Optimally create landscape design with a low transparent fence. Stakenik or chain grid - the most suitable options. If there is a need to hide a small plot from prying views, a high or deaf fence masks greens. These can be trees or curly plants. Metal fence with forging elements, which is decorated evergreen plantings perfectly ideally.


The key point that deserves when planning in the landscape design of the tracks is their form.

Attention! Professionals advise to refuse a small area from direct lines and the right geometric outlines. Such an approach visually reduces the already small space.

Much more effective looks at winding paths, which lead to the view from the close borders of a small area. Leave them in a naturally trotten form undesirable. The slightest sediments will create inconvenience when moving. Landscape design provides various design options:

Wooden, concrete or brick paths do not necessarily make a solid cloth, very attractively looks at natural lumen with green grass.

Material for arrangement of paths is selected taking into account the general style of landscape design, the exterior of the main structure and the material capabilities of the owners of a small area.


Landscape design of a small summer cottage requires a special approach when choosing trees. Experts recommend to refuse to disembark high plantations that emphasize the limitations of space. Preference to low-speed species located compact group. In landscape design there are several approaches when planning a green planting landing on a small area:

  • A kind of cascade is drawn up when the highest trees are located on the perimeter of the fence, then shrubs are replaced, closer to the center smashes flower beds and beds.
  • The height of trees increases from the south to the north. That is, from the sunny side, low plantes are first placed, then when moving to the north, their height gradually increases. This achieves high-grade lighting on a small area of \u200b\u200ball greenery.
  • With a lack of in separate areas of sunlight, the landscape design includes the discharge plants.
  • Very original in the landscape design looks one big tree, located in the center of a small area. There are lower races around it in a chaotic disorder. This approach ensures the direction of view in heavenly, leading to the borders of a small space.

Artificial water bodies

Contemplation of water has a pacifying effect. Include in a landscape design plan The spacious pool is unlikely to succeed, but to create a compact reservoir in a small area - the task is quite perfect. It may be a small pond or two-level design. The murmur of water always caresses the hearing, so the mini waterfall or fountain will never be ignored.

Tip! In the absence of financial opportunities to arrange a real reservoir, the landscape design will decorate the dry stream.

The principle of its arrangement on a small plot is very simple: the narrow tape of the improvised shape is laid out of the gravel, which is painted blue and blue paint. At the edges, low lush busty bushes are planted, landscape design effectively complement the decorative figures of plastic. Rouges can be decorated with a bridge.

An artificial reservoir in a small area is often located near the recreation area, so that there was an opportunity to adopt to admire the work on the design of landscape design. The site is chosen based on the parties of the world. It is worth avoiding the western direction, as this is the most illuminated part, and the heat keeps until late evening. Although it all depends on the region where the country area is located.

Tricks landscaping

The art of landscape design is multifaceted. Landscaping of a small area is an important side of the complete process of arrangement. The rules for disembarking trees were covered earlier, it was now a turn to learn the tricks of the design of flower and beds:

Comment! In a small area, it is not necessary to draw solid beds. Bring and at the same time add the original notes to the landscape design are capable of raised beds of unusual forms. Rhombus or triangles with foliage of spicy herbs or vegetables will be a worthy decoration of a small area.

Registration of the site in front of the house

Separate attention deserves the design of space in front of the house. Here each element plays a role - the material of the track, the size and color palette of the flower, the presence of a small reservoir or vibrant hedge.

  • Flowers, as close as possible to the residential structure, should be harmonized with a shade of wall decoration.
  • Speeciously looks at plants with large leaves.
  • So that the landscape design does not lose attractiveness in the cold period, it is desirable to prevent the presence of evergreen plantings.
  • Figured trimming of bushes contributes to the formation of an elegant style on a small plot.
  • A special charm and aristocracy will add statues or decorative figures.

Approaches in the design of a small site set. It is important to choose the most suitable recommendations for a particular situation, add your innovative developments and harmonious landscape design is provided. Some more tricks can be learned from the following video material:

Landscape design of a garden or dacha site by own forces to perform quite simple. Knowing certain rules, and bothering a little, you will be able to reincarnate in an amazing place of rest.

The beginning of the reincarnation process

About twenty years ago, the cottage was used as a vegetable garden for growing vegetables and berry shrubs. The cottage regularly went to handle it, water and at the end of the season collect the harvest, which many there was also preserved and left for storage.

Decorative plants were quite small and, as a rule, they were planted near the house or along the tracks. Almost no one was fond of decorative landscape.

But still there were some flower fans who did not strive to collect a large harvest, and more attention paid attention to the cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants. They created small flower beds and flower beds than caused delight from others.

Probably, it is precisely such submarines for the first time to create small design ideas on the arrangement of the landscape of the country area and embody them.

Modern owners of cottages are trying to highlight the recreation area in the country area, regardless of its dimensions, using various types of plants for the landscape decor, structural elements and even reservoirs.

Considering the photo of the landscape design of the country area, it is an opinion that it is impossible to create it with their own hands. But, as they say, even impossible is possible, so everything is in your hands.

How to make the design of the country area?

The main thing is to have an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe final result in the selected place, sow on this section of lawn grass, acquire and plant the necessary plants.

The plot area is also important, as it can be placed on a large plot and a place under a barbecue, and a decent arbor, and a pond with fountains and certainly an alpine corner in the form of a slide.

On a small plot, you will have to be content with only some elements.

Tip: The creation of a lawn is a prerequisite for the arrangement of the site, without it, there can be no landscape design!

Landscape arrangement with coniferous rocks

Coniferous trees are required for landscape decor. It may be thuja, tees, juniper, cypress suitable for warm regions. They are short, do not form a lot of shadows and can take any shape with scissors and your hands.

Perfectly suitable as a living hedge and decoration of the Alpine slide. Tyu and juniper can be planted along the central path.

Coniferous trees are usually planted in autumn or at the beginning of spring into the soil favorable for them from peat, turf and sand. Between the seedlings, the distance should be 150 cm and not less. They should be poles well, and after helping minerals. For wintering, all trees that have undergone 5 years should be stolen.

Material Landscape

For the arrangement of the landscape with all sorts of old materials, literally all: old furniture, ceramics, figures made by personally, etc. Enter your fantasy, Internet or recommendations of professionals.

Flower decoration

Modern designers have tried here, inventing some options for decorating flower beds:

Rabatka. This is a band of flowers on a lawn in the form of a border. This design of lawns can be seen on the lawns in the parks. For Rabata, several colors are usually used, different in height visually resembling a staircase.


Border. In this embodiment, the flowers are planted along the path of the border, using various types of colors, but perfectly look at sharpening varieties growing very tightly to each other.

Mixboro. This is the name of the flower bed, combining a group of different colors on its surface. The idea of \u200b\u200bcombination is to combine not only different colors, but also different periods of flowering.

The mixtore must be constantly flowering! To achieve this will have to work well:

  • flowers planted according to the order of their flowering, given the seasonality,
  • divide the surface of the flower beds on 3 parts: plants 1 part should bloom in spring, 2 parts - in summer, 3 parts are almost autumn.

Lawn on their own

Lawn is the main acting person in the ideas of the landscape design of the country area. Currently, there are several types of lawns, but a universal view is suitable.

An irrigate land on your site defined under the lawn must be accurate, to dissolve, slightly tamper and sow seeds, and to fall asleep with dry ground to protect the seeds from birds.

But many of the desire to arrange the recreation area arises in areas with many years of construction, so to speak in the national places, where friends or relatives are usually going.


Earth in such places is usually strongly drowning with grass shreds. This is a rather difficult case to start arrangement of landscape by novice.

First you need to get rid of weed grass with the help of special chemicals, observing all the recommendations for their use. But you can and independently emerge the stumps with roots and get rid of weeds, however, you will have to repeat this procedure more than once.

When the Earth is finally cleaned, you need to feel it with mineral additives so that the young grass grew up in full force.

For sowing, choose a universal lawn mix, since this mixture does not require special care, shades and drums, resistant to low temperatures.

But be patient, from the first season, the perfect lawn will not work, you will need to wait and work hard, cleaning it from weeds and regularly suits the seeds so that it is not proper.


But but, passing all the litigation, you really enjoy the resulting result, walking by barefoot on the personally created lawn.

Features of the content:

  • kosite grass in dry weather conditions;
  • do not allow a strong growing grass;
  • in the arid period, abundantly water, but without fanatism.

Design of the entire country area

Landscape design arrangement on the plot with your own hands can be somehow at your request. It is possible to equip a small reservoir with elements of the decor, near it is a light gazebo and a place for a barbecue.

The surface of the earth must be sown with lawn grass. Bordells tracks can be decorated with flowers, adjust the mixtore and coniferous trees, but not near the mangals.

If you want to decorate the fence of curly plants.

Landscape design Mini-corner for recreation

Even a small plot is possible to transform, equipping its landscape. But in no case do not put a high barrage, do not land pines, and do not overdo it in the decor elements.

The fence will create a sensation of the cell to avoid decorate it with curly plants. Special flavor will give the summer site of a small lawn area with low shrubs.

Landscape design of a large country area

In this case, you can show the entire flight of fantasy: the device baths, parking, swimming pool, fountain and other facilities. In addition to organizing a fruit-berry garden and garden, you can make a greenhouse.

The main thing when designing competently express priorities and use the right zones correctly.

In the decoration of the site there are no restrictions: alpine hill, lawns, mixboraders, coniferous trees, etc. can be placed everything. But everything is good in moderation! Dare and be happy!

Stock Foto Design of summer cottage do it yourself

Man and nature is the eternal theme of any kind of art. Landscape design is not only a way of self-expression, but also part of direct communication with the pristine nature. The territory adjacent to the private house gives a wide space for imagination, opening endless opportunities for designers of the whole world.
Regardless of the size of the country area, you need to strive for the creation of a unique atmosphere for solitude and contemplation of nature, for family holidays with children and friends, for romantic dinners for rustling of leaves and for quiet dinners for reading books from a small homepob. Nature gives all tools to create the necessary mood. We just need to be able to use them.

Basics of modern landscape design

The landscape design of the country area is an integrated approach to the landscaping of the household site. This space is intended to be harmonized with the inner world of the owner, be the display of its tastes and interests.

In landscape design, as in any other form of freeing space, there are modern trends that most professionals follow.

The origins of the aesthetic design of the site go far deep into times. For numerous centuries, the styles and directions of landscape design have undergone many qualitative changes. At the moment, among the specialists in the improvement of the site there is a desire for naturalness and primacy. Very fashionable is the Alpine Hill, the Russian People's Garden with an admixture of technological progress: the use of glass, metal, clear geometric shapes, straight lines.

In modern landscape designs the eclecticism prevails. It is necessary to have a real talent for a harmonious connection of such two incompatible directions. But the result is able to exceed all expectations.

Modern landscape design styles

For a long history of the existence of the art of the design of the household plot, many of its directions were formed.

The main ones are:

  • Classic or regular style. Famous French parks are typical representatives of this area. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch registration is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe elevation of the human mind over nature, subordinate to its laws with the geometry for us.
  • Landscape style. Historically formed as the opposite of regular direction. It is a "free", the most advanced landscape. The landscape style is designed to surprise the human beauty of natural nature, skillfully thought out and created by designers.
  • Rural style (country). "Home" during the landscape style, whose representatives are ordinary rustic gardens in different parts of the planet. An arbitrary direction that does not require large capital investments and careful care. The placement of decorations arbitrary depends on the historically established folklore of the terrain.
  • Architectural style. Owing natural beauty to the background, focuses on decorative territory buildings:, terrace, arches, cobbled sites, architectural reliefs, steps, etc.
  • Japanese style. The design of the country area in oriental style is art. It is filled with symbolism. Landscape design of the site is ideal for creating a classic eastern atmosphere. The main components will be stones, boulders, small reservoirs, a place to contempted the beauty of nature.

Planning the territory around the house

After selecting a suitable style, planning the design of the territory near the house, the definition of composite elements. Without a planning stage, a competent construction of the site is impossible.

There are several standard types of planning applicable to most spaces:

  • Rectangular layout. The most popular win-win option. The scheme of the rectangular area is easy to zonite, it is convenient to separate the individual sections and is well suited for creating a successful geometric composition.
  • Round layout. Such a layout is artificially created from a rectangular option using auxiliary elements: flower beds, lawn, green plantings of others. Direct geometric shapes are disguised with decor. The landscape design around the house in round motifs can be a nontrivial solution.
  • Diagonal layout. Based on the creation of diagonal parallels. Landscape design of a small area with their own hands in a diagonal layout will help to visually expand the space, push its borders.
  • Free layout. Reception of free placement of design elements using natural terrain area. It is important to properly arrange accents in such a garden. Otherwise, the neglection effect may appear and the terrain will lose landscape attractiveness.

Zoning site

Make a spacious area is most comfortable and visually increases a small household space will help the separation of it into several functional zones. Their number and size depends entirely on the initial area of \u200b\u200bthe area and the target destination.

The territory can be divided into:

  • Garden zone;
  • Recreation area;
  • Economic zone;
  • Dining area;
  • Children's zone;
  • Sport zone.

All areas of the territory must be a single picture, not looking as separate islets on the household site. Zones should combine a single idea, style.

One logical zone should smoothly move to another. To do this, it is best to use green plantings, arches and decor.

What type of layout would not be used, the largest zones are better to have the edge of the area, while small focusing in the center.

Landscape design composition

Landscape design of the site is a combination of a variety of functional and decorative elements. Below we will look at the main of them.


As a skillful builder lays outdoor coating on the floor, so skillful gardener cares for a lawn. If earlier the lawn was the luxury of emperors, then in the modern world everyone can afford to reflect the territory with a soft herbal carpet.

The process of fostering the lawn time consuming and requires a complete return, but at its end bring the owners a well-deserved result in the form of the ideal base of the rest of the landscape. In addition to the decorative function, the herbal lawn has a positive effect on the structure of the soil and purity of air, muffles extra noise.

It is necessary to approach the choice of lawn: it will last not one season. Exist:

  • Normal lawn. It is a coating of a monochrome color of medium density.
  • Sport lawn. It is a denser of lawn, not fearing loads.
  • Decorative lawn. Beautiful perfect lawn, not intended for walking along it.

garden path

Garden track is a functional element of landscape design. She plays the role of the linking link of special areas of the territory, are a "skeleton" of the entire location planning. Depending on the selected stylist, the tracks can be different forms, sizes, are made of different materials.

Although the classical direction of the design of the site geometry and straight lines, the winding tracks look more naturally in landscape design. Attracting with its own ease, they turn the guest through the garden.

The most important question in the household paths is the choice of a suitable material. In the landscape design, the dispersion disperse is not welcomed, but also the use of only one material is not necessary. The main thing in this business is harmony and the same type.

Central tracks must be more and solid. It will be good to look at the mosaic of different colors. The simultaneous combination of different shapes and flower arrangements seems advantageously. Modern manufacturers offer services for the individual manufacture of paths. To emphasize Central Alya, you can with the help of mounted point lighting.

Special Charma Garden Cookers will add soil paths, decoratively sprinkled with sand or crumbs.

Standard materials for garden tracks are:

  • pavement;
  • gravel;
  • concrete tile;
  • a natural stone;
  • brick coating;
  • decorative tile;
  • natural pebbles.

When choosing a material, its compatibility with specific soil and climatic conditions is taken into account, in addition to standard operating conditions.

Flower garden and planting plants

It is difficult to present the landscape design of the country area without plants. The composition of flower beds can be real art and the main focus of the entire site. It is important to carry out competent selection of plants. The main criteria of choice will be not only their appearance, but also compatibility, the necessary climatic conditions, vitality, etc.

There are the following methods for placing plantings on the site:

  • . The most popular flower garden representing the planting of a certain geometric shape of decorative-deciduous plants.
  • Group landing. Dense plant plantings with separate groups of several types.
  • Rabata. A kind of planting of decorative-deciduous plants with rectangular stripes for framing lawn boundaries, tracks or other elements of landscape design.
  • Border. A variety of flower bed, in which the plants are planted as long as the plants.
  • Tapeworm. Method of single planting of plants.
  • Parter flower garden. Geometrically correct complex flower bed, located in front of the entrance to the loft. It usually consists of a combination of several plant species with architectural elements.
  • Mobile flower beds. Plants or flowers that are not adapted to some facilities of the area (soil, some weather conditions, a specific season) are exhibited in a landscape of a plot in decorative pots or vases, without transplanting to the ground.
  • Arenarian. The exotic solution will be the corner of the desert in the garden. In artificially floodied sand, the Arenarians are planted various types of succulents and those like it.


The reservoir can become a highlight of any landscape. But before proceeding to its speedy creation, it is worth thinking about the appointment. Different types of water bodies will be appropriate for different types of water bodies.

The holders of a large plot, of course, can afford absolute any size, shape and depth of the water object.

Ponds are very laborious in care, so it is necessary to provide in advance whether it will be its service.

The reservoir should be in direct coordination with the common style of the landscape project. With regular style, the pool must have direct shapes, and asymmetric streams from natural materials will be suitable for landscape.

Landscape design of the country area qualitatively transforms the creation of a fashionable alpine slide.

Alpine slide is a imitation of a wild mountain landscape with plants characteristic of it. Despite the time-consuming process of creating, such a scenery is able to become the pride of the indention of any country house.

Usually, the Alpine slide is a kind of rocarium variety: compositions of decorative plants with a stone. To create a mountaineering, the materials available in our area are used: limestone, granite, gerbil. Live composition is combined from plant rocks.

The main focus of Alpinaria is attached to the game of lighting. The corresponding effect can be achieved as the initial selection of places with beautifully falling rays of the Sun and the creation of artificial lighting.

Recreation area with mangal and hearth

Owning a country house, it is possible not only with benefit to spend time behind the garden work, but also successfully relax in the company of friends, equipping your rest area by Mangal or Fragh.

The corresponding site can be both open and closed. Although the first option is less labor-intensive, the design of a small canopy will not only give the place of greater coziness, but also to protect against direct sunlight or rain. A suitable place to accommodate the recreation area will be spacious and hidden from other people's eyes. Well, if a zone for children near this place will be located near this place, and a picturesque landscape to be discussed nearby. The proximity to the water will give extra freshness in hot summer days.

The location in the recreation area of \u200b\u200bthe Mangala, the hearth or street fireplace is not only part of its interior, but also an important functional element. In addition to the main appointment, it is possible to use it for heating, creating an atmosphere of comfort in autumn evenings.

Country arrangement

Landscape design of the country area with an open dining room - luxury, accessible to everyone. Eating in the fresh air is not just a trend of modern fashion, but also an extremely useful practice that improves metabolism and overall well-being.

To create a summer dining room, first of all, a suitable free space is necessary. An excellent solution will be the platform of about 10 square meters. For convenience, it is worth a stone path to the location of the open table.

Open dining should be not too far from the main house, otherwise the process of transferring dishes and finished food can become a rather long and time-consuming process.

It is important to remember possible weather surprises and climatic changes: it is necessary to choose furniture resistant to humidity and equip the dining room stationary or mobile canopy. As a protection against sunlight, you can use the branches of a large tree if it is available on the site.

The dining room can be issued as, surround the live fence or leave the lawn on the free space - it all depends exclusively from the wishes of the owners.

Lighting site

The lighting system of any cottage and the site has two functions: practical and aesthetic.

The first implies lighting zones for free movement in the dark, and the second one is designed to create a special atmosphere and arrange landscape design accents.

With a skillful formed lighting system, you can achieve a cardinal night transformation of the garden.

Landscape design of the country area is:

  • Pouring. It is carried out by using floodlights of the floodlight on the auxiliary parts of the perimeter.
  • General. The main part of the lighting, which consists in installing classic lamps along the main objects of the site.
  • Marking. Used to create visual effects to highlight (marking) functional parts.
  • Decorative lighting of plants, water bodies, architectural structures.

The arrangement of the country area is very limited in the area - a very exciting occupation. To create a coziness in the conditions of tightness, designers have come up with many ways. How to successfully arrange a landscape design of a small area in detail in the text of the article.

To create a landscape design of a small plot there are certain rules of the visual increase in space

For any urban resident, a country house is a vacation from noise, bustle of cities, unity with nature, relaxation, peace. To create for yourself and the native "piece of paradise" will have to try to very much. When the cottage is small, then finally, the time spent on its extraction will leave a little. To please the same owners, she can do anyway.

Separate elements can visually limit the garden area, they will have to hide or remove them.

When zoning a small area of \u200b\u200ba small area, you need to think well where and what zones will be located. Most of the place is usually isolated under the garden, the garden. Three times less will have to the recreation area, flowerbeds, and everything else is a house, household buildings. This ratio makes it harmoniously, it is functionally accomplished. Instead of the garden, some make a small reservoir with green lawns around.

Sketches of zoning space space

What you need to take into account when developing a plan with your own hands.

  • The form. With a quadrangular or oval platform, it is easier to work than from the wrong shape.
  • Microrelief. A smooth plot is more convenient than with a large bias, many irregularities.
  • The composition of the soil. Fertile soft soil is ideal for plants, good for construction. The rocky composition of the Earth will cause some difficulties.
  • Groundwater. The foundation is laid with a deep location of the water, for planting trees, it also matters.
  • Determine the parties of light in relation to the orientation of the site.

To separate the territory on the zone, it is better to use low partitions from natural stone

Very popular is the design of a small garden in Japanese style. In such a garden, trees, figurines, reservoirs, mountaineering, stones and other will be miniature, then the space of the site will seem large. The abundance of moss, soil plants, small flowers will produce the same effect.

Dwarf tree, tiny gazebo and stones - than not a "piece" of Japan in the center of a green lawn

Three main rules

In the landscape design of cottages of a limited size, three rules should be followed:

  1. We remove artificial walls. No "deaf" high fences - they will make the space very close. Instead of a large dense fence, you should choose a barrier from a low stakenist, a chain grid, a woven, along which curly plants are planted.
  2. We liberate the center. Large buildings, high scenery, trees should be placed around the edges. In the middle of the site you can dig a pond, make a smooth green lawn.
  3. Create an accent point, the "highlight" of the site. It can be a luxurious flowerbed, mainly with light flowers, a small fountain with illumination, a platform with a stone hearth, a bridge through the stream or the house itself.

Covered with greens or flowers Vertical support for the climbing plant creates perspective and space becomes more voluminous

An illusion of scale - all trails running in the center of the garden pass through high plants, only an area for recreation remains open.

A visual increase in space can be achieved using multi-level sites.

Forged fence is originally combined with the same benches, table, mangal. If for some reason, the barrier has to be made concrete, it is made up with convex mirrors - it will seem visually that the place in the courtyard is twice as much as in fact. On a high fence, there are suspended flower bags, in which Portulak, Begonia, Alissa, Fuchsia, or even strawberries, salad, parsley are growing.

Acceptance of the visual expansion of the area

Limited extinguishing space is its disadvantage that is difficult to hide. But you can emphasize the advantages of this place, adding bright details. Colorful playground, homemade shops, wooden sculptures, hand-colored, unusual garden.

It seems that behind the opening in the wall is located in the greenery. In fact, this is a decorative poster that creates the illusion of deception

We use the help of a garden path. It should be done winding so that the distance between the objects seemed as large as possible. The tracks can be made of stones, gravel, brick residues, concrete tiles laid directly on the lawn grass. Arches arrangement anywhere in the country will create an impression that one garden is located on that side.

Winding paths help create the illusion of a large garden

Even a small reservoir contributes to the optical effect. Calm water like the mirror reflects the clouds and nearby objects - the garden seems much more than he really is

Artificial reservoir with transparent water, waterfall gives the territory of "airiness". If you place some large mirrors over the reservoir in the corner of the fence, they will not only emphasize the uniqueness of the space, but the site will be very more spacious. The path leading "in the mirror" installed at an angle creates the illusion that the garden is much more than it seems.

The streams in the stones attracts the view, distracting from the size of the garden

Mirrors should not hang too high so that birds do not cut there. It should be taken into account how the sun rays fall on it - the reflected light should not cut the eyes. It is desirable that something beautiful in the mirror reflects - when installing it opposite the flower beds, the effect of a non-ferrous floral field will be created.

Garden furniture should not seem bulky, preferably portable, light colors. Additional expanses will give him the right lighting of recreation. Buildings, statues, Trelliers are also recommended to make white or silver.

Use the combined buildings. The glazed part of this Hozblock is suitable for mini greenhouses, and in the house there is a place for storing garden inventory

For the landscaping of the countryside of small sizes, vertical flower beds are suitable - in the form of a tower, pyramids. Various plants can be placed in wooden barrels, "hemp", floor vases to arrange automotive tires painted in different colors.

As a distracting acent, a strambered rose is perfectly fits, during the flowering period, it is simply impossible to tear the eye

Original decorative elements are perfectly distracted from modest size

For the visual increase in the country area with their own hands, designers recommend:

  1. Remove everything too much. Buildings, if possible, place in the corners, fences are low, transparent. Trees put along the fence so that they cover the hedge with their crowns, without cluttering the inner space of the site.
  2. Use reservoir, mirror. The reservoir near one of the walls, a huge mirror above it will significantly expand the space, making it lighter.
  3. Various shades. Cold colors visually remove objects, warm - approach. In the afternoon, the color solution is implemented using flowering plants, and at night - well-selected lighting.
  4. Apply screens. They are created for zoning the territory, from small arches, a chopper with decorative and vegetable plants, which is particularly convenient when the cottage is located on the hillside.
  5. Multi-level design. The garden, located on several levels, seems great and varied. You can create cascades, placing high plants along the walls, low - closer to the center of the plot. Suspended vases will well decorate the resting place. The arches and arbors are perfectly looking at grapes.
  6. Increase in Gluble Garden. This effect is achieved with the help of bulk painting of buildings, fences, the location of the trees.

Mini alley from Berez will create a spatial perspective and add depth to space

Pergola - one of the options for vertical landscaping

If the site's host has the artist's skills, and the fence is concrete and gray, then it can be depicted a whole huge picture. For example, the seashore, forest edge, sunset, summer flowering field.

Broke a flower garden on a small summer cottage

Creative attitude to the design of the garden will very help when there is a choice between vegetable plants and flower. Well-fertilous and well-kept beds in appearance are not inferior to decorative flower beds. Colored lettuce leaves, smooth carrot rows, asparagus beans in the background along the fence. Onions and garlic are easy to combine with flowers that will dissolve much later.

Beautiful flowerbed with densely planted flowers

Crichet-flower beds are better located in the warmth, sunny place. It is possible to reflect them with screwdriver materials - colored plastic bottles, stones, bricks, residues of construction waste. Many blooming plants land closer to autumn when most of the crop is already removed. Ipomeya, velvets, daisies, pansies, are suitable. It looks good gladiolus, alpine forget-me-not, petunias, asters, crocuses.

The island with flowers in the center of the lawn breaks the space, overlapping the review, and the garden is no longer viewed through at first glance

The flower garden can be given in the form, but for saving space, simple geometric shapes are preferably preferred. If the roof of the house or one of the buildings is flat, strong, then the floweruba can be made there. It is only important to choose drought-resistant, light-minded plants. An excellent idea is a floating flower garden. It is located on the "raft" from the foam, can be attached to the bottom of the anchor.

Care for lawn and greens

If the beds-flower beds make a little "raised" above the ground, surrounding them with milk or stone sides and beding the soil, they will be able to warm up to the sun, better than blossom and fruit. Caring for them will be easier - it will be possible to approach the watering and processing without mud.
Watering lawns is carried out using a diffuser or ordinary watering can. Timely haircut of lawn and bushes must be made - the overgrown garden creates an impression of an abandoned. Cleaning, aeration, pest control, fake lawn grass is also desirable.

Lawn is needed at any garden plot, even on the smallest

Trees and beds are required to periodically fertilize, and perennial flowers - replant. Trimming trees, periodic cleaning of fallen leaves and rotting fruits, allows them not to hurt.

If the beds, then only beautiful

If the mirrors are installed in the yard, then it is necessary to take into account that the sunlight reflected from them, getting into particularly gentle plants, can cause them burns. For the winter of plants that do not differ from frost resistance, it is necessary to hide the sprup or special material.

Feng Shui and Pan

Ancient Chinese culture believes that to create a harmonious atmosphere of a country house, you need the energy of Qi freely flow. This is carried out when the balance of five elements is reached - fire, water, earth, wood, metal. The landscape "Fen-Shui" radiates the very clean energy, which fills a person.

Place a couple of plants of a quiet shade of plants in different sides of the site, for example, violet. Colored bushes echoes each other and visually increase the space

In the design of a small garden, an important role is given to the color. Some shades give heat, others create a feeling of coolness

Of great importance in this landscaping has a color solution of space. White and shades of violet soothe, heal people. Red and yellow reinforce energy, increase performance. It is important not to overload the garden and flower beds abundance of paints.

Yin energy colors - blue, purple, black, white. To the colors of Yang include yellow, red, orange. If the yin and yang balance is observed, then in such a wonderful space, a person is really relaxing.

Shrubs should be a bit, but their colors must be picked up so that the composition pleased the beauty of the whole summer

All plant plantings and buildings are also performed on the basis of a harmonious combination of five elements. High-quality furniture, reservoirs, beautiful plants, sculptures, mirror mosaic for fences, proper care for the garden will help keep energy equilibrium and well-being in the country house.

Garden design should look a single composition, and not a set of random elements

In the design of a small area, it is important to comply with moderation, without cluttering it overly, withstanding all elements in a single style. If it does not work out to improve the space, you can seek help for professional designers.

Video: How to equip a garden of 6 acres