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Cascading boilers. Connecting multiple boilers in the cascade. Increase the total power modulation range

Cascading boilers - This is one of the schemes of the combination of heat generators, which increases the unit power of each heating instrument. Such a connection method is justified and effective with a high heat load, as well as if, in order to reduce heating costs, boiler groups operating on different types of fuel are installed. The essence of this scheme is as follows - the total thermal load is divided between several independently controlled heat generators, after which only those of them are included in the cascade that provide the need for heat production at a given period of time. The consistent or cascade connection of the boilers is made to divide on the "steps", each of which is a separate heater, and all the steps together form the overall power of the heat supply network.

In most cases, the functioning of standard heating systems and hot water supply provides one boiler, the selection of which is made on the basis of the requirements for its maximum load. However, the real state of affairs can be very different from preliminary calculations. As practice proves, in most cases, throughout the heating season, heating equipment works no more than 50% of its power for 80% of the time. Moreover, if we consider the entire season of operation of such devices, then the average load on them ranges from 25 to 45%. Thus, one high-power heat generator will spend excess fuel and cannot effectively compensate for thermal costs. The fault of this is the above indicators uneven, and often and low load. A response to this problem can be a cascade connection of boilers.

Adjusting such a heat supply system is performed due to a special microcontroller or an intelligent controller. Its task is to track the temperature of the coolant and determining how many steps it is necessary to be included in the work so that this temperature is maintained at a specified level. Thanks to this regulation, the cascade of boilers provides smooth operation of all components of the heating system in the desired power (in its wide range), not depending on the time of the year. This process occurs due to the consistent connection of several heat generators - one by one. Cascade control in combination with software control allows you to solve the problem of determining the best power ratio of the boiler room and the heating system. This principle of operation allows energy resources to save without reducing comfortable temperatures in the premises. Such an effect is achieved due to the fact that the cascade boiler room is capable of functioning for a long time on the low temperature of the coolant during the periods of off-season and during warm winter months.

Based on the above information, it becomes clear that the sequential connection scheme with several heaters instead of one can make much better to provide the calculated loads of the heat supply system. Therefore, it may arise that the more steps in this scheme, the more effective it will start functioning. However, this is not quite true. The fact is that together with an increase in the number of such heat steps they will grow and the area of \u200b\u200bsurfaces through which heat transfer is happening. Simply put, they will increase the loss of thermal energy through the coverings of the boilers. As a result, it can cancel all the advantages of increasing the efficiency of the cascading boiler connection system. Therefore, it is considered not appropriate to use more than four steps in this scheme.

The advantages of a cascade connection of boilers and its shortcomings

The consistent or cascade connection of boilers has a large number of advantages, among which are the following:

As for the shortcomings of a cascade connection, they are also somewhat. First, the cost of the heating system increases due to the installation of multiple boilers and additional equipment for managing a sequential connection. Secondly, such a number of devices requires more space in the boiler room than when installing one large and powerful heater. And, thirdly, a somewhat complicates the connection of the cascade of boilers to chimney.

Types of cascading boilers

This type of combination of heat generators is divided into three types, based on the method of operation of their burners. Types of consistent connecting boilers are:

  • Simple cascade - It includes heat generators having single-stage or two-stage burners. Such a system is capable of increasing the power of each heater;
  • Mixed cascade - This type of compound includes different heat generators, one of which is characterized by a modulated burner. At the same time, it is precisely for such a heater that the process control system of boiler water is established;
  • Modulating Cascade - It consists of only heat generators with modulated burners. A positive difference in this type of connection from the previous two is that it is smoothly in it, and there is also the ability to change the heat performance in a wide range.

It is easy to note that the main difference in the three types of cascading connecting boilers is that which burner devices are equipped. The fact is that it is the burners that have a big impact on the functioning of the heating system. Thus, the scheme of a simple cascade allows you to regulate the production of heat exclusively step by step. Therefore, the most optimal type of consistent compound of boilers is considered the modulated cascade, even taking into account the fact that the use of more than two steps reduces the performance of each heater separately. The thing is that the aggregates with modulated burners make it possible to infinitely change the power of the system, based on the need for thermal energy. Such a principle of operation reduces fuel consumption, and, consequently, to save on heating.

Conditions for creating a modulated cascade

According to the above information, it is the modulated cascade that can be called the most effective of all three types of such compounds. However, its implementation depends on three conditions, the execution of which should be provided for in the design work phase.

Hydraulic low pressure separator or hydraulic arrow is a modern and important element of a cascading connection. Its appointment is the separation of primary and secondary contours (that is, the contours of boilers and consumers), with the creation of a hydraulic resistance reduction zone. Due to this, the coolant consumption in these two circuits will depend solely on the performance of circulation pumps that will not influence each other. Such a separator creates a hydraulic and temperature balance of contours. The hydraulic arrow allows you to maintain the constant coolant consumption in the primary circuit, and in the secondary - to produce its effective adjustment with regard to the heat load. This function has already become the standard for modern heating networks. The selection of the hydraulic separator or the arrow is made according to the directory, based on the required power of the heat generator and the maximum possible flow of the coolant in the system.

Installation of cascading boilers

The installation of the heat generator cascade is made in several stages, each of which includes approximately such actions:

Cascading boilers is a rather complicated business, in the process of the implementation of which it is necessary to take into account the large number of different nuances. Therefore, the creation of a heat supply system of this type should be trusted only by qualified specialists who can perform all work at the proper level. Both the development and installation of cascade connecting boilers must be made by companies and professionals who know the specifics of such schemes, as well as having appropriate licenses and tolerances. Attention to all the trifles and responsible approach to the implementation of the sequential connection of heat generators will help create a reliable, efficient and safe heating system, which will also be economical.

One of the first to organize the work of boilers on a cascade scheme developed and embodied the company Thermona from the Czech Republic. Then, seeing the indisputable economic benefits from the application of cascades, this principle of sharing several wall-mounted gas boilers (mainly condensing) has been used by company such as Viessmann, Baxi, etc.

So what is "Cascade of boilers"

It is necessary to understand the difference between the cascade of boilers and their parallel connections, where each of the boilers work separately, but in one heating system (ventilation, etc.). These are completely different schemes. The cascade is a joint hydraulic and electrical connection of several boilers, combined a single control system, and working to ensure heating the coolant for the same object.

There are cascading connections, where control is by means of smooth modulation of power - from the minimum one of the boilers to the maximum power of the entire boiler room (as, for example, the same thermona). There is another approach - managing the work of boilers by means of a cascade switch, which in the process turns off several boilers or includes them, without using the possibilities of their individual modulation.

But, in any case, this is a system under a single control, receiving data on the necessary temperatures - "feeding" of heating and room, as well as having the ability to work using the data of the outdoor temperature sensor, that is, much more flexible and economical than one boiler or parallel Turning on the boiler group. The technique of heating scheme "Cascade" is a truly innovative method for optimizing high-power systems.

Instead of one powerful boiler, which is forced to work with insignificant heat lines of the object, there are so many boilers in a cascade solution at different times as needed to compensate for the instant heat loss of the object. The required number of boilers included is regulated by electronics. Such a boiler room is just ensuring the optimal energy-saving mode.

Practice confirmed that in the heating season a separate boiler is used on average by 30%. This is a small load and, therefore, ineffective work. In contrast, a cascade system provides the necessary power gradually, connecting one by one several "small" boilers instead of one large. Using cascading control with software control, unpleasant problems are eliminated with the determination of the optimal ratio of the boiler room to the level of heat consumption.

A wide range of cascade power control allows the system to operate for a long time at low heating water temperatures, which reduces thermal emission costs. Increases the thermal comfort of the user. The indisputable step forward is the selection of one or more boilers from a cascade boiler room to prepare hot water. These boilers work in summertime, without using the bulk of the equipment intended only for heating.

At the same time, boilers with the ability to work on the issuance of hot water, in the absence of the need for it, serve the heating system. This feature allows you to take a fresh look at the definition of the total required boiler power, subject to the possible accumulation of hot water in the boilers of indirect heating.

Technical features of the "cascade boiler room"

A significant step forward in the history of the development of cascade boiler houses was the communication system between boilers by means of a cascading switch, and communication devices (interfaces), allowing you to exchange information between boilers and at the same time smoothly adjust the power of all boilers in the cascade.

This allows not only to achieve optimal power parameters at each time of work, but also to receive instant access to the status of the entire boiler room and its parameters, as well as diagnose the fault of boilers and other equipment. Modern cascade boiler room is a really "intellectual system" with a fully autonomous mode of operation without service personnel.

The technical solution of the cascade boiler room has an optimal price, thoughtful software and ample applications. Due to the fact that at different points in time, any number of boilers from the cascading boiler house can work, and there is a need to install the main heating pump, the performance of which exceeds the capabilities of the boiler pump, between the cascade circuit and the heating pump requires the installation of a hydraulic separator.

Plants Boiler house manufacturers offer their sizes and configurations of hydraulic separators and when installing boilers to the requirements of manufacturers, it is necessary to listen. Otherwise, the incorrectly selected hydraulic separator (or incorrectly installed) can disrupt the entire operation of the boiler room. The necessary elements in the work of the cascade boiler are temperature probes that measure the temperature on the "Feed", sensors and regulators.

The system is thought out so that the temperature of the outlet of the boiler room can be maintained with an accuracy of 1 ° C, which is important for systems such as supply ventilation. Cascade boiler house is so economical that in some cases the attachments pays back in one or three months. The principle of weather-dependent regulation of the temperature of the coolant in a cascade boiler room makes it possible to save up to 30% of gas or electricity.

To do this, it is necessary to embed an outdoor temperature sensor. Modern GSM-dial devices, light-sound alarms, as well as Internet communications make it easy to track the condition of the boiler room. The easiest way to organize a cascade is the application in the configuration only communication interfaces, without using the control interface, programmer and the outdoor temperature sensor.

Such a scheme can be in demand when the cascade delivers the coolant of the same specified temperature (for example, 75-80 ° C). Such equipment is acceptable when preparing the coolant for the heat exchanger of the pool. In case of a more complex heat supply organization, programmers are used, which make it possible to maintain the specified temperature in the room, display the state of the boiler room, notify the emergency stops of the boilers.

Today, cascade control panels are developed that combine all the necessary functions of control over the condition of the equipment of the boiler room, temperature adjustment in various heating and data transmission circuits. Such management systems are advanced developments in the field of modern dispatching boiler rooms. In a cascade boiler room, various manufacturers combine different amounts of boilers.

Therefore, the maximum boiler facilities need to be clarified from the manufacturer's representatives. But in some cases there may be two or more cascades in one room.

Terms of placement

The advantage of a cascade of wall-mounted boilers is that it can be accommodated in any given place (attached, built-in, separate, roof boiler room, etc.). It is very convenient to put a cascade in the roof boiler room. An insignificant mass of the main equipment, a small amount of coolant, the possibility of a forced diverse of smoke from each boiler with a cheap chimney of factory manufacturer - these are the advantages of a cascade of wall boilers in relation to one-two stationary boilers installed on the roof.

There were cases when it had to add a cascade of wall boilers to the boiler room of two stationary due to exceeding the maximum mass and the need to provide a given heat load. It is also important and the issue of repair and replacement of equipment during operation. Of course, replace the stationary multiple boiler installed on the roof of a multi-storey house is much more difficult than repaired or replace the wall boiler, the maximum mass of which is not more than 90-100 kg.

Boilers in the boiler room can be installed "in line" or "back to back". The second method reduces the linear dimensions of the boiler in the event that a large number of boilers are installed.

Potential Cascading Boiler Customers

Boilers of this type are applicable in all areas of the national economy. But the maximum application is found in the systems of autonomous heat supply of one or group of objects located at a short distance from each other. The task is not to build a heating industry, which, of course, has heat loss and needs periodic maintenance and replace line elements.

Cascading boiler houses for hotels, restaurants, private houses, autocentres, large and small shops stores are indisputably beneficial. In short, this is boiler rooms for those who know how to count money and for whom slogans about energy saving and energy efficiency are not empty sound. The return on such a system is on average for two or three years, and the service life is 15-20 years.

During the heating season and the offseason period, any heating system has a tendency to uneven and often low-load equipment. This problem needs a solution where the need for a wide range of heat adjustment of the heat of a separate boiler, and the boiler system appears. But this often leads to a decrease in the effect of the boiler installation, a decrease in the efficiency, an increase in the consumption of combustible raw materials. Cascade boilers (Fig. 1) represent the optimal solution to the problem.

Cascade is a connection that implies the connection of small heating units into one system.

Fig. one

Cascade installation principle

Small boilers, having software control, pass the process of connecting into one system through the coolant. This makes it possible smoothly, and steadlessly adjust the capacity of the entire boiler system. This boiler equipment uses informative technologies that allow you to perfectly control the system during operation.

Thanks to the interface that new aggregates are endowed, boilers exchange information among themselves. This makes it possible in instant access to the cascade parameters.

The system of the system proceeds independently, there is no need for human intervention. Cascade boiler rooms - the answer to user requirements, namely the consumption of heat and hot water.

For example, when installing 10 gas boilers with a power of each in 80 kW, the total capacity will be 800 kW (10 * 80 kW \u003d 800 kW), and the minimum of power will be 26 kW (800 * 3.3 / 100 \u003d 26 kW when adjusting the power 40% - 100%).

Advantages of these heating installations:

  • the possibility of obtaining power up to 1 MW;
  • dispatch;
  • ungulting medium equipment is an important environmental aspect;
  • financial attractiveness;
  • savings in use;
  • complete autonomy;
  • accommodation anywhere (roof, room, extension);
  • quick installation of prepared equipment and installations;
  • long service life;
  • lack of facilities for large and nonesthetical external thermal trails;
  • remote control.

Traditional boiler systems are inferior to a cascade boiler room on service life. Achieving such reliability is a common work of several aggregates working together and aimed at one common goal. The working system is programmed so that every day the launch of all heating equipment takes another boiler: today the first boiler starts the work, and tomorrow it will be the last in the list of sequence. Therefore, the resource of each boiler does not exhaust.

Fig. 2.

Connecting boilers to obtain hot water, except the main unit, in everyday life is the advantage of a cascade boiler room. Accordingly, having 10 boilers in the system, you can put 9 boilers. Even the small volumes of each boiler will give a huge supply of water in the amount.

You can place a boiler system anywhere, it is not fundamentally: the attic, the basement, an attached room. The boiler control software (Fig. 2) system controls the specified temperature for a particular time interval. The required number of aggregates is drawn to maintain the desired power. The error will not happen, since the "human factor" is absent.

The climate control of the premises is fully and autonomously. In case of exceeding the temperature indicators, the program itself will turn off the system and, if necessary, launch the operation of air conditioning. With an underestimated temperature indicator, everything is accomplished completely vice versa. Dispatcher, using a modem, from your own computer can be tracked, in what condition is the equipment.

Where and how to put the equipment?

It all depends on the characteristics of the building. Cascade boiler room has several accommodation options, they all have advantages and disadvantages.

Main requirements:

  • the place of heating equipment should have sufficient area;
  • the presence of the ventilation system;
  • mounting equipment combustion products.

If the house allows, the attic place is the perfect option. And the living area saves, and the need to build a high chimney will not appear.

Fig. 3.

With a cascading boiler room on the roof, any other system cannot be compared. Cascade of wall-mounted boilers, unlike stationary floor units, has low weight, easy to deliver and mounting. You do not need to raise them using special cranes, there is no need to disassemble the roof coating during the replacement of boilers. In the event of a breakdown or malfunction, the unit is replaced quickly without additional costs of strength and time.

The small weight of the boiler system placed on the wall is not an additional load on the overlap of the construction. Gases can be removed through the wall outward, where the boilers are fixed. All this makes it possible to save on the construction of an expensive stainless steel smoking system.

The boiler system can be placed in the room where you need to equip the chimney. The chimney should be fully ready for the entire volume of gases. The calculation is made on a computer program. The problem of the output of gases is often paying little attention. But this is a very important aspect. Usually, presumptive norms are taken into account.

The main requirement is the compound of each boiler with a separate chimney pipe.

Chimney (Fig. 3) Cascade boiler should:

  • Use chimney or pipe round cross section.
  • The chimney installation should be under a slope of 1:10 to the side of the boiler heating unit.

Not depending on, in what state the object, the chimney system should always be calculated accurately. Old-type solid fuel boilers have a fairly wide chimney. This width allows the normal output of several chimneys even a square cross section. The effectiveness of the thrust depends on how much the chimney is in height. The higher the better the thrust and the process of mixing gases with air.

Fig. four

For good work cascade boiler and total boiler equipment, it is necessary to monitor the temperature changes in the chimney in the chimney. This procedure allows you to determine the process of condensation in smoke. The most efficient figure at the exit of smoke from the pipe, there and should be measured.

Designing such a boiler system requires much attention. The calculation is better instructed by a specialist to avoid overestimated parameters or insufficient production of thermal comfort. The correct calculation is the key to the effective operation of boiler heating, saving funds, sufficient heat in the premises. Special fuel system requires special attention. Often, it is such cascade systems that have overestimated thermal power.

Custham wall boilers will help the carrier frame (Fig. 4). Cold design and wall, and to the floor. Walls are used only carriers, and not fragile partitions. Boilers are attached to the frame.

So that the cascade system function correctly, the heating circuits and boilers must be separated from each other. This is necessary because the consumables of water varies from the amount of the boiler. This will help the hydraulic dynamic pressure compressor. It is also necessary to take the presence of a standardized hydraulic cutter, compiled with the collector to the desired number of boiler units.

Boilers are placed in a single row. It is possible to accommodate boilers and in two parallel rows (rear side to each other), in the case of mounting a cascade boiler room in the middle of the room.

When installing boilers for hot water supply, equipment activates the anti-zero system daily. Moving from the winter to the summer mode of use, system pumps are automatically launched daily, running the coolant system.

Ventilation is an important aspect. Any heating equipment must have a ventilation system. It should serve air to the boiler room for burning boilers, be intense and affect the temperature of the air inside the boiler device itself. Air, burning combustion products, comes through the chimney. But during the calculation of the system, it is necessary to take into account that part of the thrust should be in the reserve for air drive and combustion. With a non-operating boiler system, it costs to provide natural ventilation of the room, with the help of windows, doors. This will give the opportunity to exchange the air mass with the street.

A. Boyko

The use of several gas boilers for one heating system is a fairly popular solution among assembly and design organizations. Consider practical questions regarding the installation and use of such cascade installations.

The decision to use several gas (two or more) boilers per system of heating is justified with a heat load from 40 kW. This can be both a large heated area and the presence of heat loads in the form of pools, garages, baths, greenhouses, etc.

The use of several boilers per heating system has a number of advantages compared to one boiler, which has the same total power. First, several small boilers of smaller sizes and weight is much easier and cheaper to deliver to the boiler room, and install there instead of a large and heavy boiler. Especially relevant is the current moment when installing the roof or semi-oiled cascade boiling.

In addition, the system's reliability increases significantly. With a forced stop of one of the boilers, the system will continue to work, providing at least 50% of the power (when installing two boilers).

Among other factors in favor of a cascade installation - facilitating service due to the smaller size of each boiler (the maintenance of each boiler can be carried out without stopping the entire system); An increase in the overall resource of boilers (in autumn and spring time, only part of the boilers can be operated by turning off the other part manually or using cascading automation).

In addition, if in the future it will be necessary to replace some kind of item, it is well known that parts for boilers of less power are more affordable and cheaper due to more production production.

Management of boilers in the cascade

Most often, no cascade automation is provided to simplify schemes when sharing boilers, and the required temperature at each boiler is installed on each boiler. But, if you wish, you can use cascade control units that are connected to the contacts intended for attaching individual room thermostats.

The connection of boilers in the cascade using a cascade control unit is a comprehensive solution and has a higher efficiency. This unit provides the alternate operation of all boilers and ensures the same number of hours of operation for each heat generator. The unit optimizes the functioning of the system and ensures the inclusion of only the required amount of heat generators, depending on the desired power.

When working with modulated burners, the cascade control unit, in addition to the above-described principle, seeks to ensure the operation of boilers in partial power mode (in modulation mode). The most effective is the use of a cascade control unit with condensation boilers. In this case, the power issued by the boilers most corresponds to the power consumption. For example, when using the three wall-mounted LUNA DUO-TEC MP MP series with a capacity of 100 kW (BAXI (Italy)), the capacity that stands out smoothly changes from 30 to 300 kW, depending on the system needs. This means that the operating regulation coefficient of such a system will be 1:10. The schematic diagram of such a system is shown in Fig.

Fig. Scheme of the heating system with a Cascade of Luna Duo-Tec MP boilers, one high-temperature contour, two low-temperature contours and a boiler of the DHW:
QAC 34 - outdoor temperature sensor; AVS 75 - external programmable expansion module; AGU 2.550 - internal expansion module; OCI 345 - Interface card for connecting other LPB bus regulators; QAD 36 - overhead temperature sensor; QAZ 36 - water temperature sensor in a boiler DHW; QAA 55 - Room temperature sensor; QAA 75 - climate remote control regulator; MV - mixing valve; RT - room mechanical thermostat


Condensation boilers due to low fuel consumption are currently the most economical installations that consume gas. As part of the cascade system, they constitute a new alternative to industrial heating systems.

Use in cascades of condensation boilers with a capacity of 45 to 150 kW makes it possible: provide greater power under limited space; Easy the installation of roof boilers due to the small specific weight of the equipment (per unit of power). In addition, condensation equipment provides less vibration and noise levels in comparison with traditional boilers with upgraded burners, and the presence of a built-in fan allows you to use chimneys of small diameter (you can do without large expensive chimneys).

Ecology of condensation boilers, namely, very low CO and NO X content in comparison with other boilers on traditional fuels makes it possible to use such systems in large cities and environmental zones. Among the shortcomings of the condensation technology - the high cost (which, however, is compensated for by a short payback period due to increasing tariffs for gas), the need to organize a discharge and condensate neutralization.

Taking into account errors that are often found when installing and maintaining boilers, you can determine the basic recommendations for this.

In particular, it should be noted that with the joint work of several boilers per system of heating with variable water flow (several separately adjustable heating zones), a hydraulic separator is recommended ("hydraulic arrow").

In addition, when using a low area heating boiler (less than 100 m 2), it is strongly recommended to use a room thermostat with a boiler (to reduce the amount of / shutting down the boiler). It is also recommended to conduct a separate adjustment of the heating circuit.

Otherwise, the recommendation when installing cascade boilers do not differ from the recommendations on the installation of other boilers. Thus, before connecting the heat generator to the heating system, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse all the boiler pipes and the heating systems to remove possible extraneous particles. It is strongly recommended to install a filter on the heating system return and shut-off taps on the supply pipes and return the heating system.

Today, the problem of heating is very acute and often consider, paying great attention to her. The process is involved both professionals and ordinary patients. In this material you are invited to consider the solution of heat production in the new perspective. Options and selection of boilers, taking into account the possibilities that can provide modern techniques implemented in the Cascades of the THERM cascades. The optimal selection of heat generating equipment will help significantly reduce costs, not saving on the requirements for comfort.

If you compare the amounts of costs for the operation of residential buildings or other objects to the installation of Cascade boilers Thermona and after, the cost savings can reach an incredible value - up to 40% per year. The return on investment occurs very quickly. In addition to high efficiency and smooth modulation of power in a very wide range, a cascade boiler room can be placed directly in a heated object. The cascade of the boilers reacts accurately and quickly to changing the requirements for the heating of the object and does not have inertial losses characteristic of the robust central heating systems, as well as for boilers with one massive and bulky boiler.

What is Cascade Boilers

Cascade of boilers is a special system of connecting several boilers, allowing them to work as a whole. The feature of the design of Therm boilers and their automation allows you to smoothly increase the power generated by 24% of the rated power of one used boiler. If necessary in increased power (up to 1440 kW), the cascading inclusion of boilers will provide great advantages. First of all, installing Therm Duo 50T boilers, DUO 50FT, DUO 50, TRIO 90T, TRIO 90 and 45KD effectively uses the area. The boiler room has the highest coefficient of the occupied area to the installed power, and all the advantages of a cascade connection and infinitely variable power modulation are saved.

In the cascade, it is not necessary to include the boilers of one type of KD, DUO or TRIO. Boilers can combine different power, which makes it possible to achieve the adaptation of the system to the actual heat loss of the object and to the necessary hot water productivity. In the heating industry, the cascade has become an innovative way to optimize high-power heat generating facilities. One high-power boiler would work with a low heat need, overheating system using cascading power on, it is possible to turn on exactly the number of boilers that is currently necessary, which is regulated by electronic microprocessor automation.

It was confirmed in practice that in the heating period in 80% of the time the capacity of the boiler is in demand by only 50%. That is, for the season as a whole, the boiler is used only by 30% of the maximum power. This means that the main time it works at minimum power with low efficiency. While the cascade scheme provides the necessary power at a given time, connecting one by one the desired amount of boilers and withdrawing them to the optimal, economical mode. Cascade control, managed programmatically, removes the impact of the factor for unbalanced the power of heat generation and the need for heat of consumers. The cascade power change range allows you to continuously work with a low heating water temperature, which reduces radiation loss and during system downtime. The readiness is increasing and the temperature conditions of heating are optimized to improve the comfort of use.

Until recently, the functioning of a cascade boiler room could support only expensive equipment, with a completely modified automation of the driving boiler. The breakthrough was developed for boilers communication interfaces connected to standard fees and allowing the ability to transmit information between boilers and smoothly change the power of all boilers connected to the cascade. This allowed to establish optimal power parameters at any time and access information about each boiler actions, for example, when diagnosing faults or when commissioning a cascade boiler room. Cascade boiler room is an "intelligent system" with a fully automated mode of operation without the presence of the "human factor".

Today, a technical solution with the use of standardized hardware and software is available for very economical owners.

Why Cascade

The boilers currently present on the market can be in various designs - boilers with one constant power, boilers with two permanent facilities and boilers with smooth power control (approximately 40% to 100% power). Usually proposed control blocks of the sequential turning on boilers ("cascade switches"), which can also turn on and off the boilers. Standard inclusion scheme - up to 4 boilers in the cascade. In practice, it corresponds to a step of an input power of 100 kW, with a total maximum of 400 kW, i.e. Racing 25%. In contrast, the Cascade of the Therm boilers works from the minimum power, for example. 13 kW (45 kd) smoothly to Max. Power 400 kW. Naturally, in this case, gas consumption will be significantly less. The advantages of cascading inclusion of boilers include a large number of options for possible boilers. You can change both the location of the boilers and the layout of the boiler room. The boiler room can be accommodated almost everywhere - in the basement, a separate extension or in the attic. Separate boilers and equipment cascade boiler room can be installed arbitrarily so that the boiler room like a children's designer will accurately rise in the designated space.

Why Cascade from Therm Boilers

Thermal wall boilers, with single use, smoothly adjust its own power from approx. 23% to 100% (depending on the type of boilers used) rated power. The thermal boilers cascade is unique, but at the same time, it makes it possible to increase the range of smooth change in the performance of the minimum power that one boiler produces, to the maximum power of all 16 boilers connected cascading. This expands the control range from 1.8% to 100% power for 16 boilers included in the cascade. The implementation is very simple - in each connected boiler, the switching board is installed, connected using two wires to other boilers and a full-fledged cascade is ready. Without the use of an expensive cascade switcher. Just just control the cascade as a whole. It is necessary to turn on all boilers, and then on the first to install the heating temperature. All the rest of the boilers will make "ourselves". There is no need for time consuming and complex configuration of each boiler, configuring the control of the driving boiler, etc. If necessary, increase the number of boilers, you need to connect another boiler to the heating system, install the interface in it, connect two wires and run the cascade.

Everything is very simple. It is enough on all interfaces to install switches, in the proper number of the boiler in the cascade, set the switch located in the main boiler, on the total number of boilers and the cascade will start working. This primary setting, in order to avoid complications, must produce a service technician. In the future, such settings are no longer produced. In the case of heating control of the heating water along the outer temperature (equiterly regulation), it suffices to install the passively only one sensor and the cascading boiler room will work depending on weather conditions. Equiter regulation is strongly recommended to use in boiler rooms heating industrial or office buildings, for the complete exception of errors associated with the actions of unprepared personnel.

Another advantage of the THERM boilers is manifested in solving the issue of hot water supply (DHW). One or more boilers is hydraulically connected through a three-way valve to the boiler in a cascade, and the tank thermostat with two wires corresponding to the boiler in the cascade and the DHS question is resolved. Any Therm boiler connected to the THERM cascade, in addition to the control boiler, can warm water for hot water supply. Thus, the maximum number of boilers connected to the cascade that can heat the water for DHW is up to 15 units.

    Briefly the main advantages of the THERM boilers:
  1. exceptional investment efficiency;
  2. economical and highly efficient communication solution in the cascade;
  3. large cost savings compared to other sources of heat;
  4. fully automated work;
  5. excellent economy of operation;
  6. wide modulation of the power of the boiler room as a whole (eg from 13 to 720 kW);
  7. high reliability in work;
  8. simple installation and commissioning;
  9. simple and visual technical solution;
  10. simple and visual control;
  11. optimal adaptation for connecting the boiler DHW;
  12. small occupied area;
  13. remote diagnostics and monitoring of boiler rooms;
  14. outlooking environment.

Boilers used in cascading boiler

Most often, the thermal Duo 50, Duo 50 T, Duo 50 FT, TRIO 90 T, DUO 50 FT, TRIO 90, TRIO 90 T or the THERM 45 KD boilers are used to enable in the cascade. It can be included in the cascade and boilers with a capacity of 28, 20, 17 or 14 kW. The technical solution of the boilers cascade system allows you to include all the thermal boilers with DIMS control automatics, and these are the boilers with a digital display, with the exception of boilers with flow heating circuit DHW. For large cascade boilers, first of all, you can use TRIO 90 boilers or a version with a compulsory burning product tap - TRIO 90T (the advantages of DUO 50 FT). A separate topic is cascading boilers from the condensation boilers Therm 45 KD.

The combination of the intelligent control boilers Thermona and the condensation principle of boilers leads to a sharp decrease in the cost of heating and heating the DHW circuit while maintaining very low emission parameters as a result of the gas combustion process. The first impetus for the development of the condensation boiler Therm 45 kd was predominantly using it in cascading boiler houses. When developing a cascading boiler system from condensation boilers, Thermona specialists used their own experience gained in designing cascade boiler houses from traditional boilers. The cascade boiler room system is generally designed so that it provides the end user with a complex, thoughtful heating solution and the DHW circuit. Therefore, the Cascade of the Therm 45 KD boilers will fulfill all the requirements for a heat source, and not only that. At the same time, the cascade boiler room allows and use a fully compatible Equiter governance without the need to install additional control systems or regulators. Today, not all manufacturers can offer a similar solution.

The same cascade of the THERM gas boilers can be collected using THERM electrocallors. All THERM electric boots can be connected together. The intellectual control of the cascade of electrocotels allows you to use a cascade with smooth power regulation as a heat source. The Cascade of Electrocotors Therm allows heating water for the host. Operations in the boiler. Only gas and electric boilers control systems cannot be interconnected.

Characteristics of boilers

The ability to connect the THERM boilers in the cascade

Characteristics of Therm Duo 50, Duo 50T boilers
Thermal Duo 50ft Boilers Characteristics
Characteristics of Therm Trio 90 boilers, trio 90t
Characteristics of Therm 28 boilers
Characteristics of the burning products of boilers THERM