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Strategy for the development of heat supply in the Russian Federation. Energy strategy and development of heat supply of Russia. Modern state of heat supply in the Russian Federation

The degree of implementation of the main directions of the development of heat supply provided for in the energy strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020

Order No. 1234-R Government of the Russian Federation approved the "Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to two thousand 20 years." The prospects for the development of heat supply systems are reflected in seven "heat supply" section VI "Prospects for the development of the fuel and energy complex".

The text of the Strategy is rightly noted the lack of a consolidated thermal balance of the country. Partially because its creators did not give any analysis, nor the forecast of the dynamics of demand for thermal energy (TE) in the economy sectors. The forecast itself is drawn up in a very aggregated form in the context of the production of TE on centralized and decentralized sources. The latter includes sources with a capacity of up to 20 Gcal / h.

The volume of production and consumption of TE in two thousand, including loss in networks, is estimated equal to two thousand 20 million Gcal. An increase in the production and consumption of TE by 4% to two thousand 5 g, by 9-13% to two thousand 10 g., 15-23% to two thousand fifteen years and 22-34% to two thousand 20 g .

Served Russian statistics Consumption in the Russian Federation in two thousand 5 g. Decreased by 4% of two thousand

The unhurried increase in demand for TE in "Strategy" should be in principle due to a significant decrease in the loss in thermal networks (TC): 5-8% to two thousand 5 g - by 17-21% to two thousand 10 g. - by 34-38% to two thousand fifteen g. And at 55-60% of two thousand 20 g. The increase in the use of useful securious reasons (minus loss) was 7-9% to two thousand 5 g., 17- 22% to two thousand 10 g., 30-41% to two thousand fifteen G. and 45-62% to two thousand 20 g.

According to Russian statistics, useful consumption of TE in the Russian Federation in two thousand 5 g. It was 9% lower than two thousand.

In "Strategy" there is an overestimated assessment of the loss in the CU in the amount of four hundred sixty million Gcal, or 23% of the level of use.

According to Russian statistics, loss in TS are estimated equal to 8.7% of the level of consumption of TE (100-120 million Gcal in the last seven years). Losses at the level of 23% may be characterized for the sum of the loss in the main and distribution networks serving small consumers. Taking into account the fact that the tolika is small

patifiers receiving TE in distribution networks (population, services and small enterprises) are approximately 50%, the loss of TE in thermal networks of general use can be estimated equal to 215-245 million Gcal, or about 15% of the TE produced at the electrical stations and boiler rooms.

In "Strategy", the preservation of Toliki centralized sources in the structure of the production of TE to two thousand years was expected at 70% or its slow down from 72% in two thousand to 66% in two thousand

According to Russian statistics, the Tolik of the centralized generation of the TE (on sources of power below 20 Gcal / h) decreased in 2000-2005. on 2%.

Summarizing, it can be noted that "the energy strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to two thousand 20 g." Inaccurately outlined the original state of the heat supply system and gave only a very generalized characteristics of the main directions of the development of heat supply, many of which were incorrect in the interval until two thousand.

Modern state of heat supply in the Russian Federation

For 100 years of development, the Russian heat supply system has become greater in the world. The heat supply system of the country consists of approximately 50 thousand local heat supply systems serviced by seventeen thousand heat supply companies (Table 1).

As part of the sources of the TE: four hundred ninety-seven CHP (from their two hundred and four CHP of general use and two hundred and two, three CHP industrial companies) - seven hundred 5 boiler capacity above 100 Gcal / h - two thousand eight hundred 40 seven boiler power from 20 to 100 Gcal / Ch - fourteen thousand three hundred 50 eight boiler rooms from three to 20 Gcal / h - 40 eight thousand 70 5 boiler rooms with up to three Gcal / h, also more than twelve million personal thermal installations. Heat from these sources is transmitted by the TC with a length of 176.5 thousand km in a two-pipe calculus (5.5 times more than in the United States - approx. Auth.), With a total surface area of \u200b\u200babout 100 eighty km2 for approximately 40 four million subscribers . Centralized heat supply (CT) for the needs of heating was provided with 80% of the Housing Fund of the Russian Federation (91% in the towns and 52% in rural areas), and hot water from the CT systems - 63% of the population of the Russian Federation (79% in the towns and 22% in rural areas) .

Table 1. The main characteristics of the heat supply systems of the Russian Federation in two thousand and two thousand six years.

Characteristics Units 2000 2006
Number of insulated heat supply systems thousand about 50.
Number of heat supply companies units 21368 17183
The number of subscribers of heat supply companies million about 44.
The number of heat sources:
General use CHP units 242 244
CHP industrial companies units 245 253
Boilers, from them: - Power the least three Gcal / h - power from three to 20 gkal / h units 67913 65985*
units 47206 48075
units 16721 14358
Personal heat generators million more than 12.
Number of installed boiler boilers units 192216 179023
Power boiler rooms Gkal / Ch 664862 619984
Number of CTP units 22806
The length of thermal networks: - diameter to two hundred mm - disk from two hundred and mm to four hundred mm - disk from four hundred and 600 mm - diameter above 600 mm kM 183545 176514
kM 141673 131717
kM 28959 28001
kM 10558 10156
kM 5396 6640
The volume of the TE produced: - in CT systems (with a capacity of more than 20 gkal / h) - in the systems of the CT (the power of the least 20 Gcal / h) - on personal heat generators - on heat delicated and other installations
mul Gcal 1430 1446
mul Gcal 220 192
mul Gcal 358 402
mul Gcal 67 81
Suitable TE vacation (without personal installations) mul Gcal 1651 1638
Average tariff for TE rUB / GKAL 195 470
TE implementation billion rubles. 322 770
Tolik residential foundation, equipped CT % 73 80
Tolik residential foundation, equipped with centralized hot water supply % 59 63
The fuel toliary applied to the creation of TE from the total consumption % 37 33
Tolik natural gas applied to the creation of TE from its total consumption % 42 41
Middle CPD boilers % 80 78
Middle CPIT at electric stations % 58 57
Losses in thermal networks, including unaccounted mul Gcal 227 244
Tholik loss in thermal networks % 13-15 14-17
Tolik thermal networks that need substitution % 16 25
Accident on heat sources and thermal networks number of accidents 107539 22592
Technical potential for the growth of efficiency of use and transportation of TE mul Gcal 840
Actual expenses for measures to increase * energy efficiency on heat sources billion rubles. n / D. 9,5

* Submitted forms of 1-Winter in the Russian Federation there are more than eighty thousand boiler rooms.

Sources: Forms of statistical reporting 11-TER, 1-TEW, 6-TP for 2000-2006 and assessments of the CENTEF.

Two thousand 6 g. In CT systems, one thousand 600 40 5 million Gcal of TE was produced. At electric stations, 600 40,40 two million Gcal were developed, on the boiler houses - nine hundred and 10 million Gcal, on the heat delicate and other installations - ninety-three million Gcal. Approximately four hundred eleven million Gcal was developed on personal heat generators.

The share of the Russian Federation in two thousand 5 g am accounts for 44% of the world centralized production of TE. No country in the world on the scale of CT can not be compared with Russia. Consumption of TE solely in Moscow exceeds its total consumption in Holland and Sweden taken together, and heat consumption in St. Petersburg is higher than in such fashion legislator countries in heat supply systems as Finland or Denmark.

Two hundred and 70 nine million tons are spent on the creation of TE for CT systems in two thousand 6 g., Or 29% of the total energy consumption in the Russian Federation in two thousand 6 g. On the creation of heat in centralized sources and personal heat generating plants in two About three hundred 20 million tons were applied about three hundred, or 33% of the total energy consumption. On the creation of a TE in centralized sources in two thousand 6 g. 100 ninety-one million tons of U.T. Natural gas, and coupled with personal installations -218 million tons U.T., which is 60% surpasses gas consumption for electricity.

All regional TE markets can be divided into four main categories: Super-Multiple - fifteen cities with CE consumption of more than 10 million Gcal per year - Large markets - 40 Four Towns with consumption from two to 10 million Gcal per year - average markets - weaving cities with consumption from consumption 0.5 to two million Gcal per year old markets - more than 40 thousand settlements with heat consumption from centralized sources of the least 0.5 million Gcal per year.

The last group, characterized by multiple small and, usually low-efficient heat supply systems, is more problematic. It makes disproportionately enormous economic burden on ensuring the reliability of the heat supply system. It accounts for about 15% of the TE produced, but more than 30-35% by economics aimed at financing heat supply systems and prepare for winter. These systems are characterized by the highest tariffs at the lowest purchasing opportunity of consumers and the highest level of debt.

Russian TE market is one of the huge monopproduct markets of the Russian Federation. The one-year implementation of the implementation of TE to all consumers in two thousand and seven G. amounted to approximately eight hundred 50 billion rubles. From this amount, the price of TE for the population was three hundred 40 billion rubles, of which the population itself accrued two hundred and two billion rubles. In two thousand 6 g of the payment discipline of the population amounted to 94%. The payables of heat supply systems at the end of two thousand 6 g. Amounted to 100 sixteen billion rubles., And receivables - 100 twelve billion rubles.

Two thousand 6 g. At the expense of the budgets of all levels for the services of heat supply for the population, ninety-eight billion rubles were spent. Including compensation for differences in tariffs - 40 four billion rubles, for benefits - 30 four billion rubles. And on subsidies poor - eight billion rubles. The average tariff for heat released by a population of two thousand seven G. was seven hundred 40 5 rubles / Gkal. Tariffs differ significantly at the subjects of the Russian Federation (Fig. 1). The small tariff was three hundred 50 rubles / Gcal, and more - 5 thousand 100 rubles / Gkal. Despite the preservation of heat supply to the population for the population of many regions, it is for the purchase of TE all the same is three times more than the acquisition of electronic energy.

In 2000-2006 The processes of decentralization of heat supply took place. This was reflected in lowering the length of the vehicle by 4%, in a decrease in the tolly of small transverse networks (the least two hundred mm) from 70 seven to 74% and in the growth of the specific weight of the number of boiler capacity, the least three Gcal / h from 70 to 73% by lowering the specific gravity Boiler houses, in the growth of Thold Toliki produced on personal installations from eighteen to 20%.

Medium in the Russian Federation The frequency of failure of heat supply systems has decreased in 2001-2006. 5 times. Policy in the field of reconstruction and modernization of heat supply systems in 2000-2006 It was aimed at an increase in the reliability of their work. These efforts gave their fruits. The frequency of failure failures has decreased from 0.5 to 0.1 denial / km / year, i.e. The edge of the applicable level of reliability (in Finland it is at the level of 0.05-0.1 refusal / km / year). But in almost all, especially small, heat supply systems, this indicator approaches the critical level (0.6 failures / km / year).

The effectiveness of the production of TE as a whole in the country somewhat decreased. The average efficiency of boiler houses dropped to 78%, and the average CPIT at electric stations - up to 57%, which is lower than the efficiency of production only of electricity on the best new stations with a combined cycle.

The loss of loss in the CU (with the inclusion of unaccounted loss) has increased and reached 14-17% of the total consumption of TE and 18-20% of its useful use. The separation in the process of pricing costs for the creation and transport of TE led to an increase in the loss of loss, reflected in heat supply statistics. But, these data are still far from adequate loss estimates. Two thousand 6 g. The toliary of repaired and replaced TC reached a level of 10%. But, fundamental non-renovation of past years led to the fact that in two thousand 6 g. 25% of all networks needed substitution (versus 16% in two thousand).

The technical potential for the increase in the efficiency of use and transportation of the TE in the Russian Federation is estimated equal to eight hundred and 40 million Gcal, or 58% of the energy consumption produced in centralized heat supply systems. The main part of this potential is an increase in the efficiency of using TE in buildings (460 million GKAL) and in the industry (160 million Gcal). Only the elimination of nonbalance between the demand and supply of heat for structures by automating heat supply processes will reduce the need for TE for heating buildings by more than 100 30 million Gcal.

Investments in heat supply systems in two thousand 6 g. Amounted to 40 three billion rubles. For the implementation of measures to increase the effectiveness of the production of TE in two thousand 6 g, the least 10 billion rubles were spent by the least 10 billion rubles, and the TC is three more billion rubles. With the need for expenses more than 200-250 billion rubles. The preservation of such rates of modernization is fraught with stretching the sale of energy savings for 20-25 years. The wornity of heat supply objects is forced to spend once a year more than 20 three billion rubles. For the purpose of their half-to-repair.

The number of heat supply companies in the Russian Federation declined from 20 one thousand in two thousand years to seventeen thousand. In two thousand 6 g. But, in the Russian Federation at the federal level there are no management structures, nor a single policy for the development of heat supply systems. In recent years, the development of thermal supply systems have a significant impact of electric power reform, utility reform and local self-government reform. But, in the concept of the reform of the electric power industry, the position on the fate of the CHP is not expressed. Housing and utilities reform was aimed at incorporating heat supply companies, on the recruitment of personal capital in this sphere and to increase the security of accounting devices. In the concept of reforming housing and utilities, the motivated characteristics of reliability, efficiency, properties and availability of heat supply services were not reflected. The arrival of personal operators was complicated by the need to determine both the initial state of heat supply objects and the definition of their motivated state.

The results of the diagnosis of more than three hundred Russian heat supply systems made it possible to construct the main systemic difficulties of the functioning of Russian heat supply followed:

Lack of reliable data on the actual state of heat supply systems

The lack of growth in demand for heat in recent years amid substantial acceleration of economic growth

Lack of promising general plans, urban energy plans and refreasing heat supply schemes in the overwhelming majority of settlements

Significant excess capacity of heat supply sources

High estimates of thermal loads of consumers

Unnecessary centralization of many heat supply systems

Lowering or stabilization at a small level of heat generation to the CHP at the very absence of a state of support and stimulating the co-generation of thermal and electronic energy

The highest level of loss in the vehicle, both due to unnecessary centralization and by the templement of the vehicle and the growth of Toliki networks in need of urgent substitution

The increasingness of heat supply systems (the highest losses from "overfall" reaching 30-50%) -

Lack of trained personnel, especially on the objects of heat supply of small settlements.

Sources of heat:

The highest specific costs of fuel to the creation of

Low saturation of the instrumentation consideration of the use of fuel and / or TE vacation on boiler houses

Little residual resource and worn equipment

Violation of the deadlines and regulations for conducting work on the adjustment of the modes of boiler-

Violation of the properties of fuel, causing burner failures

Small automation level, lack of automation or application of non-core automation

The absence of either the poor quality of water-tob

Non-compliance with temperature graphics

The highest price of fuel

Lack and missing qualifications of boiler houses.

Heating network:

Understated (compared with the real) level of loss in the CU, included in the tariffs for heat, which significantly underestimates the economic efficiency of the reconstruction of the TS-

The highest level of actual loss in TS-

The highest level of costs for the operation of the vehicle (about 50% of all costs in heat supply systems) -

Excess centralization of the principle of heat supply systems, which causes overestimated loss in TS-

The highest degree of wear of the vehicle and the excess of the critical level of the failure

The unsatisfactory technical condition of the vehicle, a violation of thermal insulation and the highest loss of

Violation of the hydraulic regimes of the vehicle and the concomitant "notopes" and "overhears" of individual buildings.

Consumers of heat supply services:

The ambiguity of the acquired product: resources (Gcal, L) or services for ensuring comfort (temperature and humidity in the room) -

A significant overestimation of the estimated consumption of utility resources in houses and economy buildings on comparison with actual with a low degree of coverage of buildings to the instrumentation of the use of

Low degree of organization of the population as a consumer of utility resources-

Low degree of household coverage Apartment taking into account water and heat consumption control facilities

The low properties of the heat shields of residential buildings and their deterioration due to the missing repairs of the enclosing structures of residential and public buildings

The lack of incentive organizations in the exploiting residential fund to an increase in the efficiency of utilization of utility resources

The limited possibility and willingness of the population to pay for the services of heat supply and the associated energetic countering the increase in tariffs for the heat and the small level of payment collection.

Basic technological systems

D. P. Kozhemyakin

LLC "PSX" Energia "»

ul. Himzavodskaya, 11, Berdsk, Novosibirsk region, 633004, Russia

E-mail: [Email Protected]

Strategic Options for the Development of the City System of Heat Supply

This article proposes a procedure for the formation of strategic scenarios for the development of the urban heat supply system, combining centralized and decentralized its share and optimized conditions. To implement this procedure, the so-called scenario-situational approach was used, formalized by an economic and mathematical model in the variant formulation.

Keywords: urban heat supply system, centralization, decentralization.

Currently, the overwhelming majority of forecasts for the development of municipal heat supply systems are reduced to the consideration of strategic scenarios, in which centralized and decentralized 1 (local, autonomous) heat supply is present in one share or another. Recall that centralized heat supply prevailed in the USSR. In Russia, 92% of urban and 20% of rural residents are served with centralized systems, i.e. approximately 73% of the country's population.

There are various views on the essence of decentralization. The report of the Innovation Bureau "Expert" 2 refer to the fact that local systems should take place, they are effective in the most critical places - in areas of mass new buildings and intensive growth of industrial production. In such places, according to the authors, it is necessary to introduce relatively small (up to 25 MW) gas turbine TPPs and the CHP (construction period - from three months to year) to cover local demand. The publication provides a statement of Academician RAS O. Favorsky: "... a radical way to ensure the internal energy security - decentralization of energy, which, taking into account the alteration of gas-operating boilers. In small power plants, it will give in Russia not only an increase in heat and electricity production, but will also be one of the basics of saving the same gas. " Nevertheless, the authors of the publication warn that "rapid autonomization and localization contradict the world mainstream - the centralization of heat supply systems."

In the All-Russian Energy Institute. Krzhizhanovsky suggests that after 20-30 years, the share of heat produced on the CHP in centralized heat supply systems will decrease from 43 to 35%, and the importance of autonomous installations will increase. In favor of the existence of decentralized heat supply, the words of Academician RAS S. Chistovich are given: "Scheduled the level of centralization of the heat supply of cities should not be considered passively as a predicted or natural factor, the expected value of which is only projected. This indicator should be one of the main urban energy management parameters. Its planned values \u200b\u200bshould be determined on the basis of state considerations, should be reflected in strategic documents on the development of engineering and environmental protection. Cities should not be prevented, but on the contrary, to encourage the construction of local sources, but in the action zone

1 Not included in the currently established centralized heat supply systems.

2 Innovations in a construction cluster: barriers and prospects: Report / Innovative Bureau "Expert" (

ISSN 1818-7862. Bulletin NSU. Series: Socio-economic sciences. 2008. Volume 8, Issue 2 © D. P. Kozhemyakin, 2008

CHPS they should only be resolved as peaks "3. The authors of the publication fully agree with S. Chistovich, stating that there is currently the need to change the charts of centralized heat supply and supplement them with autonomous (local) systems, but necessary only for peak loads. In conclusion, it is concluded that the crisis of the 1990s. The fundamental disadvantages of centralized systems showed, therefore the modern concept of the development of municipal heat energy should provide for the presence of a "reasonable (optimal) heat supply centralization" 4.

Scenic predictions for the development of mixed (with centralized and decentralized components) The heat supply system was officially announced in the energy strategy until 2020, in which it was proclaimed "Revising the heat supply policy of cities and enterprises in terms of the optimal reduction in centralization in order to increase the reliability of heat supply and reducing heat transfer costs Energy. This revision was based on the following principles:

Intensive reduction in heat loss in centralized heat supply systems (SCB);

Increase in the share of the population and the social sphere in the consumption of heat from the public utility;

A significant increase in heat production in economic structures that are not related to public SCP;

High growth rates of progressive autonomous sources in the decentralized heat supply sector.

The need to develop a mixed heat supply system is present in a later document, which can also be attributed to official, as it was developed on behalf of the ministries of economic development and trade and industry and energy - in the project of the concept of the energy strategy of Russia for the period up to 2030. One of the strategic conceptual objectives of the development of electric power industry and heat supply in this document is "the most efficient use of the possibilities of cogene-radio and the development of decentralized energy and heat supply".

There were attempts to assess the extreme options for scenario forecasts from the standpoint of the present time. Thus, the version of the preservation of existing systems of centralized heat supply of public use due to their update and reconstruction was evaluated. According to experts, it will take about $ 72 billion on its implementation until 2020, which is 2-3 times the rise in gas prices and coal will increase the heat price to socially unacceptable sizes - at least 3-4 times. The option of the ubiquitous and complete transition to decentralized heat supply, according to their assessment, is also a little real on economic, technical and organizational and economic reasons (the authors do not detail these reasons). The conclusion is obvious: since none of these options is acceptable, their rational effective combination is necessary, which should increase the reliability and efficiency of heat supply.

It should be noted that the combination of centralized and decentralized heat supply is a widespread form of organizing this process in almost all countries of the European Commonwealth. So, the Denmark power system (the publications are characterized as a "Danish energy miracle") on 2/3 consists of large centralized heat supply systems operating from large CHP and mini-CHP,: / 3 belongs to the sector of decentralized heat supply, including gas supply systems with individual Heating installations.

The question consists not so much in creating such a system in Russia, and that the system of municipal heat supply is as possible as efficiently efficient in Russian conditions. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind the intended future of the domestic economy associated with the innovative paradigm of its development. This paradigm should naturally transform the existing views on the development of energy

3 Innovations in the construction cluster: barriers and prospects: Report / Innovation Bureau "Expert" (

general and heat energy in particular. In promising areas of development of energy, such or otherwise, the factors of technical and technological development, structural shifts in the fuel component of energy, exacerbation of environmental requirements, social shifts should be displayed. In Russia, it is inevitable to increase the use of alternative sources of energy, energy and energy technologies, the emergence of radical new - nuclear energy on fast neutrons with a full fuel cycle, hydrogen energy, superconductivity, non-traditional renewable energy resources, fuel cells. It is impossible to discount gas hydrates and the dream of humanity - thermonuclear energy.

According to experts, an alternative energy for the next 5-10 years will not play the decisive role in the global energy balance, but now conditions for its intensive development are created in most developed countries. Russia should also be ready, despite the high stocks of hydrocarbons, to an increase in the specific gravity of alternative (irritable) methods of producing energy.

Consider individual technical and technological advances in the field of autonomous (decentralized) heat supply of consumers. Thus, produced by the Scientific and Production Firm "Yusmar" 5 heat generators can be used for autonomous heating of various residential, industrial and warehouses in places remote from heat and gas pipelines, connecting to which will inevitably lead to significant capital investments. Such rooms can be: residential buildings, cottages, cottages and country villages, garages, greenhouses, manufacturing and warehouse premises of various purposes.

Heat generators can also be used at objects requiring autonomous, independent support, such as military towns, hospitals, schools, utility facilities, etc.

The use of heat generators instead of traditionally used boilers of various types is economically beneficial in mind:

Lack of need for procurement, transportation, storage of fuel and cash flow related to this;

Lack of need for maintenance staff boiler room;

Lack of costs of construction, repair and maintenance of heatpeakers, as well as on annual preventive preparations for the heating season;

The release of the significant territory necessary to accommodate the boiler room, driveway pathways and a fuel warehouse.

The heating installations of the company "Yusmar" on the totality of operational parameters, compactness and simplicity of the design exceed any other types of heating boilers, except gas.

Gas boilers are very promising in the spectrum of household heat powers 6. The main areas of use of household gas boilers are a residential sector, in particular for low-rise and cottage construction, for residents of countryside and suburbs living in individual or challenged houses, as well as dacities.

Currently, residents of new multi-storey houses or owners of large bargro-entertainment centers can acquire their own thermal power plant (mini-CHP), located, for example, on the roof of buildings. There is an example of the current mini CHP built for the office and shopping complex in Odintsovo in the Moscow region. The installed electrical power of this roof station is 360 kW, thermal power -625 kW. In the summer, a station from the charming (since heating is not necessary) produces with absorption machines 280 kW cold used for air conditioning. The cost of electrical energy from such a mini-CHP even with free, or "commercial", the cost of natural gas is about 0.80 rubles / kWh. According to the developers, the emergence of such stations will allow to open a new, very significant source of replenishment of the budget of the municipality, actually

5 See:

to defeat energy prices, reduce social tensions when conducting reforms in housing and communal services. For example, 1 MW of the power of mini-CHP is capable of bringing about 8 million rubles. income per year 7.

The most promising direction in the development of autonomous heat supply is considered to use heat pumps 8. Already existing heat-pump installations (TNU) allow at a specific cost of 1 kW to obtain 3-7 kW heat output for heat supply, depending on the temperature level of the source of low-precision heat. The use of this kind of installations abroad becomes the norm and allows annually to reduce the consumption of fuel resources by 10%.

According to forecasts of the International Energy Committee on the Heat Pumps, the thermal power produced by thermal pumps for the needs of the population, in developed countries by 2020, will be 75%. As a result, it is planned to reduce the fuel consumption for heating by 2020 by 90%. In addition, the use of TNU in the near future will significantly reduce the negative impact of energy on the environment 9.

The introduction of heat-pump installations is currently at a rapid pace. Mass production and the use of thermal pumps is carried out in the USA, Japan, Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Canada and other developed countries. Currently, more than 50 million tons of different power are operated in the world.

Autonomous systems based on cogeneration plants (KU) allow combined production of electricity and heat through the transfer of heat generated during the engine operation, through the heat exchangers in the heating circuit. On the path of wide use of KU, most European countries are underway. Currently, the share of electricity produced by KU in Western European countries is 10%. Experience in existing ku shows that it is possible to ensure the economy of natural gas to 40% compared with the separate production of heat and electricity.

Along with these methods of autonomous heat supply, the development and widespread introduction of energy-forming systems based on machines operating on direct and reverse styling cycles (Stirling machines) is also carried out. This direction in the development of small energy was widely distributed in developed countries over the past 10-15 years and is considered the most promising in the XXI century. eleven

Comparative analysis and evaluation of various variants of a mixed heat supply system, in our opinion, should be a mandatory attribute of strategic planning at any level of the organizational hierarchy - at the level of the country as a whole, at the regional, urban and municipal levels. Of course, each level should differ inherent in the goals, tasks. This article proposes a procedure for the cost estimate of possible variants of a combination of the shares of centralized and decentralized parts of the heat supply system of a small city, considered as strategic scenarios for its development. To implement this procedure, the so-called scenario-situational model was used (by analogy c). For this model, at the initial stage, scenario options for the development of urban heating systems are formed, limitations and criteria for estimating options are determined. In formalized form, the proposed scenario-situational model is described by a linear economic and mathematical model with discrete variables. To formulate an economic task, consider several prerequisites.

Currently, we can talk, for example, a sufficiently high probability of existence of such situations in the investment provision for the implementation of medium-term programs for the development of heat supply (as detailed parts of strategic scenarios of any level), as a sharp increase in tariffs with the simultaneous increase in population subsidies; attracting the necessary amount of public investment in hard

7 See:

tariff regulation. At the same time, both situations suggest long-term preservation and development of centralized heat supply.

From the standpoint of the use of mixed heat supply systems, it is necessary to form and evaluate the variants of structural changes, which consist in gradual replacement to the rational size of centralized heat supply with local or autonomous.

It should be noted that the heat supply organization operating in the centralized heat supply system functions and will function at a sufficiently long term in a complex environmental relationship between cash flow and organizational and functional interdependencies. The schematic diagram of cash flows and organizational and functional connections in the city heat supply system is as follows:

The cash flows themselves may also be presented in the form of a certain set of options. For example, at present, according to experts 12, the total amount of subsidies of the population in all areas in the regions by 40-80% are associated with heat supply, and the subsidies themselves in the field of heat supply exceed several times the budget expenditures of all levels for the reconstruction and new construction of systems Heat supply. Under these conditions, the need to evaluate the use of funds consumable for subsidies in tariff growth, as an investment in the development of heat supply systems.

12 Antonov N., Tatevosova L. The tariff of development and investment of heat supply of municipalities 2007. See:

Taking into account these prerequisites, the economic formulation of the task of optimizing the strategic options for the functioning and development of the city heat supply system is reduced to the following.

Of the whole set of formed methods (options) providing consumers with thermal energy, it is necessary to determine such that would satisfy the specified conditions (restrictions) and in which the criteria function would take extreme values. Such a task is formalized in a general form can be described, for example, the next economic and mathematical model.

1. Target feature - the condition for maximizing or minimizing the criteria function:

X SG ■ Zr ^ EX1khetit

where g is the index of the option (strategic scenario) of heat supply consumers

(r \u003d 1, ..., k);

sG - the value of the criterion indicator on the Mr. Option of heat supply;

zr - the intensity of the use of the Mr Option.

2. Conditions and restrictions:

The total value of the intensities of the use of heat supply options should not exceed the units:

X ^.< 1 г - 1,..., К;

The value of the value of the discharged thermal energy in the final year of the forecast period should be no less than specified total (when using natural meters, such as GKAL, the sign of inequality changes to equality due to the validity of the values \u200b\u200bin heat supply):

X ГГ\u003e 0,

where are the cost of the value of the released heat energy in the final year of the forecast period of the Mr. Observing of heat supply; 0 - the total need for consumers of thermal energy, folding from the volume of heat released centralized (<2с) и децентрализованным (0а) способами, т. е. 0 = 0с+ 0а;

The total volume of the cost of the formation of the Mr. version should not exceed the specified value of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the centralized method of heat supply:

X RGK ■ с с ■ ^< Рк, к = 1, ..., К,

where RGCs are the specific costs of the 1 Gcal of the released heat; RK - asked limit on the cost of the form;

The total volume of the cost of the 5th form on the realization of the Mr. version should not exceed the specified P5 value with a decentralized heat supply method:

X RG5 ■ 0A< Р* , 5 = 1, ..., 5.

As you know, this setting of the problem makes it possible to use linear programming methods to solve it, however, for the formation of the task, the task requires the development of a set of methods (options) of heat supply, differing in the levels of centralization and decentralization, the costs of all species. Options were built as follows. For each of them, the level of decentralized heat supply was set (from 0 to 0.1) and the cost indicators per 1 gcal of the released heat were calculated. The following specific cost indicators were used in the calculations (1 Gcal):

The tariff for the released heat from the CTS;

Investment surcharge to the tariff in the development of the CTS;

Fee for connecting to the CTS;

Social support for the population for heat energy;

Subsidies to the population for the payment of heat energy;

Expenses of the consolidated budget for communal heat supply;

Private investment in DTS.

Quantitative values \u200b\u200bof tariffs (costs of maintaining and operating costs), investment premises and fees for connecting to the main heat networks, as well as the medium-term forecast for the volume of the heat released, were taken from the urban medium-term investment program for the development of the heat supply system, and the average indicators were used for all social budget indicators According to the Novosibirsk region from the statistical collection of Rosstat "Housing and household service of the population in Russia" for 2007

All formed options differed in cost indicators, while the nature of the change in these indicators was based on some prerequisites. So for all options provided for the growth of tariffs, specific investment premiums and fees for connecting relative to these indicators of the basic state of the city heating system. For options for centralized heat supply, this height ranged from 3 to 13% in accordance with the projected rates of inflation for utility services for the coming 3-5 years for the Novosibirsk region. For variants with different shares of decentralized heat supply, the above specific indicators increased in excess of the maximum value corresponding to 13% growth in some proportion to the increasing proportion of decentralized heat supply. The same nature of changes in options also had indicators of social budget payments to the population. It is assumed that the payment data (social support and subsidy) will continue for a long time, exceeding the forecast period adopted in the calculations. For "decentralized" options, the values \u200b\u200bof private investments were varied and the indicators of the remaining cash flows were adjusted (see Figure above). The introduction of private investments in the initial data when checking hypotheses with decentralized heat supply presented a special difficulty. No statistics on this indicator still exist, with the exception of individual data at the cost of various types of heat generating equipment. Specific investments in decentralized heat supply (private investments) were accepted for a basic level slightly lower than the board for connecting to the system of centralized heat supply of new consumers and decreased as the share of decentralized heat supply increases. In total, 60 scenarios of the possible development of the city heating systems under consideration were formed for the calculations (in Table 1, some of them are given).

Option I, for example, corresponds to the scenario in which the development of the on-plane under consideration for the forecast period does not provide for the decentralization of heat supply, i.e., the entire increase in heat production will be achieved only through the development of the centralized existing heat system. At the same time, the tariff and both components of their own investments are an investment allowance and a connection fee - reaches the maximum value for centralized heat supply that takes into account the forecast increase in these indicators. Social budget payments to the population reaches relatively large values.

Embodiment II displays a script at a 5 percent share of decentralized heat supply. Accordingly, in this variant, as in all mixed versions, private investments appear. As can be seen from the table. 1, the tariff for discharged heat from centralized heat supply, as well as both investment specifications higher than in the variant with only centralized heat supply. It is assumed that with the appearance of decentralized heat supply, cash flows will be reduced to maintain and develop the current centralized heat supply system, which can lead to a shortage of investments even with a smaller volume of centralized heat leave. Therefore, the increase in the specific investment indicators is laid in the scenario acts as some compensation for reducing investment in centralized heat supply and makes various options commensurate.

Embodiment III describes a scenario close to the hypothetical (due to a relatively short period of prediction), according to which the entire future gain of heat energy will be carried out only at the expense of decentralized heat supply. In this scenario

there are no investment indicators for the existing heat generating organization, therefore private investments have the maximum value. 5 such scenarios were formed with various values \u200b\u200bof private investment.

Table 1

Strategic scenarios for the development of the heat supply system

Indicator Source options

The volume of heat released by the heat supply system, Gkal 519 909 519 909 519 909

Centralized heat supply (CTS), GKAL 519 909 493 914 461 590

The increase in the volume of the heated heat from the CTS 58 319 32 324 0

Decentralized heat supply (DTS), Gcal 0 25 995 58 319

The tariff for the released heat from the CTS, rub. 784 794 738.

The volume of heat released from the CTS, thousand rubles. 407 862 392 213 340 792

Investment allowance for the tariff in the development of CTS, rub. 1 929 2 025 0

Payment for connecting to CTS, rub. 2 958 3 106 0

Own investments of the organization of the CTS for 1 Gcal, rub. 4 887 5 131 0

Own investments on the entire volume of heat from the CTS, thousand rubles. 285 000 165 860 0

Social support for the population for the payment of heat for 1 Gcal, rub. 106 106 100.

Subsidies for payment of heat for 1 Gcal, rub. 71 71 68.

Budget payments to the population for 1 Gcal of heat, rub. 177 177 168.

Budget payments to the population for the entire volume of heat from the CTS, thousand rubles. 91 830 87 239 77 591

Consolidated budget costs for 1 Gcal of municipal heat supply, rub. 226 226 275.

Expenses of the consolidated budget for communal power engineering for the entire volume of the CTS, thousand rubles. 117 335 111 469 126 730

In total investment on 1 Gcal of released heat from the CTS for 1 Gcal, rub. 4 887 5 131 0

In total investment. On the entire volume of heat from the CTS, thousand rubles. 285 000 165 860 16 456

Private investment on DTS for 1 Gcal, rub. 0 2 664 4 500

Private investments on the entire volume of heat from DTS, thousand rubles. 0 69 250 262 436

In total investment on the development of urban heating systems, thousand rubles. 285 000 235 111 278 891

Cumulative costs of maintenance and development of urban heat-system for 1 Gcal, rub. 6 074 8 992 5 681

Current costs of maintaining and developing a city heat-system for the entire volume of heat, thousand rubles. 3 157 776 4 674 816 2 953 574

For all options, the cumulative costs for the maintenance and development of those-plates were calculated by summing up all costly and investment indicators. This indicator can be viewed as a certain system-wide indicator, which can be useful to the authorities in justifying, for example, the financial support of the urban infrastructure development plan or when developing a master plan for the development of the city.

As restrictions in the task, indicators of the volume of heat released in physical and value terms, total investments for the entire released heat, total investments on centralized heat supply, total social payments, as well as the size of the tariff, the total values \u200b\u200bof private investment were used. The criteria indicators alternately performed all the above indicators, as well as the cumulative costs for the entire released heat.

The task solution was carried out using the Solution Solution software package in Microsoft Excel. A total of more than thirty solutions were made, of which were selected for the use of subsequent optimization calculations of promising plans at the level of heat generating organization 17 scenarios (Table 2).

table 2

Some results of optimization calculations

Indicator Optimized Solutions

The volume of heat released by the urban system of heat supply, Gcal 519 909 519 909 519 909

Centralized heat supply (CTS), Gkal 519 909 519 909 497 598

The increase in the volume of the discharged heat from the CTS 58 319 58 319 36 008

Decentralized heat supply (DTS), GKAL 0 0 22 311

The tariff for the released heat from the CTS, rub. 784 695 735.

The volume of heat released from the CTS, thousand rubles. 407 609 361310 366 141

Investment allowance for the tariff in the development of CTS, rub. 1 928 1 709 1 872

Payment for connecting to CTS, rub. 2 956 2 620 2 871

Own investments of the organization of the CTS for 1 Gcal, rub. 4 884 4 329 4 742

Own investments on the entire volume of heat from the CTS, thousand rubles. 284 823 252 471 168 333

Social support for the population for the payment of heat for 1 Gcal, rub. 106 93 99.

Subsidies for payment of heat for 1 Gcal, rub. 71 62 66.

Budget payments to the population for 1 Gcal of heat, rub. 177 155 165.

Budget payments to the population for the entire volume of heat from the CTS, thousand rubles. 91 773 80 770 82 000

Consolidated budget costs for 1 Gcal of municipal heat supply, rub. 226 255 242.

Expenses of the consolidated budget for communal power engineering for the entire volume of the CTS, thousand rubles. 117 412 132 470 120 467

In total investment on 1 Gcal of released heat from the CTS for 1 Gcal, rub. 4 884 4 336 4 742

In total investment on the entire volume of heat from the CTS, thousand rubles. 284 823 252 890 168 333

Private investment on DTS for 1 Gcal, rub. 0 0 1 077

Private investments on the entire volume of heat from DTS, thousand rubles. 0 0 56 000

In total investment in the development of urban heat systems, thousand rubles. 284 823 252 890 224 333

The cumulative costs of maintaining and developing urban heat-poles for 1 Gcal, rub. 6 070 5 441 6 961

The cumulative costs of maintaining and developing urban-poles for the entire volume of heat, thousand rubles. 3 155 964 2 829 047 3619301

Solution I was obtained for the following conditions:

Complete satisfaction of the predictive needs of consumers in thermal energy in the amount of 519.9 thousand Gcal;

The magnitude of the tariff for heat should not be less than the basic size;

The production of heat in centralized heat supply in value terms should not be less than the given value of 358.7 million rubles. (minimum size with a base tariff of 690 rubles);

The size of its own investment means of a heat generating organization should not be less than the projected value of investments in the development of heat sources (250 million rubles);

Cumulative costs as a criteria should be minimal.

Under these conditions, centralized heat supply fully satisfies the needs of consumers, but at the same time the values \u200b\u200bof the tariff and investment indicators reach the maximum value, and the total investment exceeds the amount of projected (see Table 2). Significant excess of the basic level (80.8 million rubles) is also observed in terms of budget payments to the population (91.8 million rubles).

Optimized solution II reflects a specific social script for the development of heat supply. It was obtained under the conditions of complete satisfaction of the predictive needs of consumers in thermal energy in the amount of 519.9 thousand Gcal; not exceeding the minimum increase in the basic size of the tariff (695 rubles); Basic equality

size (80.8 million rubles) of the magnitude of social budget payments to the population; Minimizing the cumulative costs for the maintenance and development of the heat system.

Under such conditions, you reach the maximum value of the cost of the consolidated budget for utility heat energy, which, as it were, compensate for the lack of investment in the development of heat sources. In this decision, a restriction on social budget payments has a positive shadow price, which shows the inappropriateness of increasing these payments when the tariff obtained in solving the heat and energy.

Decision III presents a scenario with a 5 percentage of decentralized heat supply. In this decision, in addition to the conditions of the previous version, the condition was also carried out not to exceed some of the specified value of investments in decentralized heat supply (private investment). As can be seen from the table. 2, the solution does not provide for a sharp increase in tariff and investment indicators relative to basic quantities (decision II). As in the previous described decision, the restriction on social budget payments has a positive shadow price.

All decisions can be considered as external conditions for the optimization of the promising production program of the heat generating organization implemented in the overall scheme of strategic planning for the development of heat supply.

In conclusion, we note that the attempt considered in the article to optimize the process of forming possible situations in the medium-term regime of strategic planning in heat supply, of course, should cause criticism, nevertheless fully justified. With the chosen setting of the problem, you can trace a relatively large number of possible situations in heat supply, reflecting real and hypothetical trends in the dynamics of indicators, which makes it possible to say about the high proportion of the objectivity of the results obtained.


1. Manyuk V., Maizel I. A new generation of thermal networks - highly efficient systems of pipelines with polyurethane foam insulation // Plumbing. 2004. number 5.

2. The concept of the energy strategy of Russia for the period up to 2030 (project) // Annex to the Scientific Public and Business Journal "Energy Policy". M.: GU IES, 2007. 116 p.

3. Nekrasov A., Voronina S. State and Prospects for the development of heat supply in Russia (based on the report of the report at the International Seminar "Problems of Heat Protection in Transition Economies", held in Moscow on March 23, 2004) // Energy Saving. 2004. No. 3.

4. Sosnova S. Danish energy miracle // Heat supply news. 2007. # 03 (79).

5. Klimovsky I. I. Disadvantages and dignity of hydrocarbon energy // Alternative energy and ecology. 2007. No. 6. P. 110-119.

Material entered the editorial board 15.04.2008

D. P. Kozhemyakin.

Strategic Variants of Development of A Urban System Heat Supply

In The Given Article Some Procedure of Shaping of Optimized Possible Versions in An Intermediate TERM MODE OF STRATEGIC Planning of Development of A Urban System Heat Supply, Based On a Combination Centralized and Decentralized by Its Share Is offered. For Realization of this Procedure The So-Called Scenario-Contingency Approach formalized by An Economic-Mathematical Model in Alternative Statement Wassed.

Keywords: Urban System Heat Supply, Centralization, Decentralization.

And cogeneration
in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020

General provisions
Grounds for developing a strategy

The sectoral strategy for the development of heat supply in the Russian Federation has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of 01.01.01 "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" and intends to formulate long-term reference points for the development of the heat supply industry.

In Article 2 of paragraph 27 of the above law, the concept of the sectoral document of strategic planning is given: "A document in which the priorities, goals and objectives of state and and ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation, how to effectively achieve and solve in the relevant industry of the economy and the field of state and municipal Management of the Russian Federation, the subject of the Russian Federation, "

Article 19 of paragraph 4 of this law provides a list of sectoral strategic planning documents, including: "Industry strategies, including schemes and strategies for the development of sectors of the economy and spheres."

Thus, the strategy for the development of heat supply in the Russian Federation, first of all, should determine the goals and objectives of the state and municipal control of heat supply. The reduction in one document of all major problems of the industry allows you to proceed from the practice of individual government orders to systematized work on the complex of interrelated problems.

Heat supply as a branch

For 110 years of development, the Russian heat supply system has become the largest in the world, its share accounts for more than 40% of world centralized production. The thermal energy market is one of the largest monopproduct markets of Russia.

Consumption of thermal energy is about 2 billion Gcal per year in the country, including 1.4 billion Gcal centralized systems. 320 million tons are spent on the production of thermal energy for heat supply systems. t., or 33% of the consumption of primary energy in Russia.

Russian centralized heat supply consists of 50 thousand local systems serviced by 18 thousand enterprises.

Payments for heating and hot water make up most of the payment structure by the population of utilities. Accordingly, the main reserves of a decline in payments of the population are also in heat supply.

Under the sectorate of the economy is a combination of enterprises producing homogeneous products on the same type of technologies. Heat supply was allocated as a separate industry in after the adoption of 27 G. Federal Law "On Heat Sun."

In accordance with the all-Russian classifier of the types of economic activity (OKVED), heat supply as "production, transmission and distribution of steam and hot water (thermal energy)" has code 40.3 and is divided into 10 subspecies. Heat supply legislation does not introduce the characteristics of the regulation for heat supply systems differing in magnitude, respectively, the concept of non-centralized heat supply systems is used as technological.

In the law "On the heat supply", the concept of the term Heat supply is given: "Providing consumers of thermal energy by thermal energy, coolant, including maintenance of power." There is also a definition of a thermal energy consumer: "A person acquires thermal energy (power), a coolant for use on the right of ownership or other legal foundation of heat-consuming installations, or to provide utilities in terms of hot and heating."

Of the combination of the two above-mentioned definitions, the following conclusions follow:

    Heat supply refers to product markets (non-markets services) on which goods ─ thermal energy, coolant and power are sold on the border of the balance sheet responsibility. If there is no acquisition (purchase) of thermal energy (power), coolant, then persons using them are not consumers, and independent support of thermal energy and hot water is not heat supply. In this strategy, independent heat supply is considered only as an alternative to heat supply.

The terms system, which operates in legislation on heat supply, as well as in related legislation (housing and water supply) needs seriously recycling, taking into account the fact that heat supply is a commodity market.

Until now, the concepts of municipal resource and utilities are not divided. This leads to numerous disputes, disagreements and ultimately - to the financial losses of all market participants. You must enter a clear and unambiguous system of terms to describe these relationships.

To determine the utility service, it is necessary to focus on international standards of ergonomics, which determine the features and capabilities of the functioning of a person in systems: a person, a thing, environment. Instead of a simplified concept of "heating", the concept of "thermal comfort" acts, which is achieved with the proper operation of building structures of buildings, quality, distribution of heat carrier for heat-consuming installations. When assessing the quality of the service, the temperature of the walls, ceilings, floors should be taken into account (not lower than 4 ⁰c on the room temperature), air mobility (especially by the floor) and its relative.

Russia joined the European Ergonomic Standard, this is GOST R ISO 7730-2009. "Ergonomics of the thermal environment.

Analytical definition and interpretation of the temperature of the thermal regime using the calculation of PMV and PPD indicators and local thermal comfort criteria. " The standard allows an analytical assessment of thermal comfort based on PMV indicators (predicted average air quality assessment).) And ppd (PPD - predicted percentage of dissatisfied temperature environment), as well as local thermal comfort criteria and helps to estimate the admissibility of environmental conditions to ensure thermal comfort man.

The requirements of the above-mentioned standard were taken into account in GOST 30494-2011. "Interstate standard. Buildings Residential and public. Parameters of microclimate in rooms »Paragraph 2.6. "The optimal parameters of the microclimate: a combination of values \u200b\u200bof microclimate indicators, which, with a long and systematic impact on humans, provide a normal thermal state of the body with minimal stress of thermoregulation mechanisms and a sense of comfort for at least 80% of people in the room." GOST 30494-2011 is included in the list of documents in the area, as a result of the use of which the requirements of the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 No. 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Facilities" are ensured.

Objectives of state and municipal heat management
Powers of state and municipal authorities

In accordance with Article 14 of the Federal Outside of 2003, N 131-FZ "On General Principles in the Russian Federation", the organization within the borders of the Health Population refers to the issues of local importance, that is, this task is entrusted to local governments.

Under the "Health Organization" should be understood to create conditions for the reliable and safe functioning of heat supply systems within the framework of the rules specified at the federal level. This term should be disclosed in.

The main task of federal authorities is the creation of a unified regulatory and regulatory environment, which provides safe, reliable and high-quality heat supply. The powers of state authorities include (tariff, antitrust and so on), control and supervision.

The state rules the requirements of quality, reliability and safety (including environmental) heat supply. To ensure the implementation of these norms can be in a variety of options.

Local governments are entitled to determine the optimal variant of development through the approval of the heat supply scheme. In fact, through the approval of schemes of municipalities, it is possible to either develop, or limit the activities of economic entities (up to the cessation of the functioning of individual heat sources). To eliminate corruption risks, it is important to ensure that uniform transparent and competitive rules are observed.

Objectives and objectives of state and municipal management

The main goal of the state and municipal control of heat supply ─ Organization of high-quality, reliable and safe heat supply is most economical.


For 100 years of heat development in Russia, a unique system has developed, characterized by the following aspects. First, at present, about 72% of all thermal energy is produced by centralized sources (more than 20 Gcal / h), the remaining 28% are produced by decentralized sources, including 18% - autonomous and individual sources. In addition, a minor part of the demand for thermal energy (4.5%) is satisfied due to the disposal of waste heat from technological installations, and the proportion of heat obtained from renewable energy sources is very small.

Energy strategy and the development of heat supply of Russia

Heat supply

The strategic goals of heat supply is primarily:

Reliable supply of the country's economy and the country's population;

Improving the efficiency of functioning and ensuring the sustainable development of the industry on the basis of new modern technologies;

Maximum efficient use of cogeneration capabilities.

To achieve these goals it is necessary:

Develop a heat supply reform program in Russia and create a state heat supply management system;

Revise the policies of the heat supply of cities and enterprises in terms of the optimal reduction in centralization in order to increase the reliability of heat supply and reduce the cost of transmission of thermal energy;

Develop and implement state regulation measures to ensure the commercial efficiency of the effect to preserve primary energy resources, reducing harmful emissions from energy sources into the environment, rational use of the territories of cities.

To solve accumulated problems in heat supply, which have manifested themselves in recent years, especially in the housing and communal sector and are related to the operation and further development of heat supply systems (centralized, decentralized, autonomous, individual), it is necessary to carry out a complex of measures, in particular:

1. In the field of improving the organizational, regulatory and legal framework:

Association of thermal networks of shareholders of energy and electrification and municipal heat networks within a single enterprise (from collectors of thermal energy sources to end users), which will determine the responsibility of such enterprises for reliable and cost-effective heat supply of end-consumers with all those arising from this legal, economic and technological consequences. At the same time, in the process of reforming housing and communal services, issues of creating controlled by consumers of organizational structures responsible for the population for the provision of services for heat supply should be resolved;

Update, expansion and if necessary, the creation of a regulatory framework that regulates the solution of heat supply problems by the forces and means of all manufacturers of thermal energy. At the same time, organizational and legal and economic mechanisms for the development and implementation of new complex general plans of electrical, gas and heat supply of cities, taking into account the optimal structure of energy resources, the degree of centralization of heat supply and heat, which should ensure minimization of tariffs for the production and transmission of thermal energy;

Creating an information and analytical database and the organization of monitoring of all existing heat supply systems to determine the real cost of energy resources spent on heat supply, followed by adjustment (if necessary) directions for the development of heat supply in cities, regions and the country as a whole.

2. In the development of new approaches to tariff regulation, the management of demand and development of market relations:

Introduction of the system of tariffs for thermal energy with highlighting rates for power and energy, as well as differentiated tariffs in terms of consumption, time of year, the number of hours of use of the maximum of loads, and most importantly - separately by cities (possibly, in separate sources) in order to exclude cross-subsidization non-economic sources of heat due to highly profitable;

Improving the efficiency of the functioning of power sources and thermal networks by reducing the costs of heat supply system as a whole, attracting private investments, creating conditions for the transformation of heat supply to the sphere, attractive to business;

Ensuring management in demand for thermal energy by the forces and means of consumers (and not to heat suppliers, as it is still accepted in Russia), for which the mass implementation of automatic control systems on thermal locations in the final consumers with a phased transition to independent network connection schemes and the introduction of a quantitative and quantitative and high-quality control of heat energy, which can be delivered to the network from various sources;

The development of market relations and a change in the structure of ownership, which will affect the structure of thermal energy production in the direction of decentralization and less dependence on shareholding and electrification companies.

3. In the field of technical re-equipment of the industry:

Implementation of reconstruction, modernization and development of current systems of centralized heat supply in order to maximize the use of combined production of electric and thermal energy;

Ensuring the improvement of technologies in the field of heat supply and heatfaction, a decrease in the cost of thermal energy production due to the introduction of gas turbine, vapor-gas, gas pipe and gas CHP of various power with the displacement of existing gas boilers in the area of \u200b\u200bpeak thermal loads;

Taking measures to improve the reliability of thermal networks due to the transition to pre-insulated pipes, improve the equipment used in central and decentralized heat supply systems;

Providing taking into account the harsh climatic conditions and crisis phenomena in the sector of municipal heat supply in each heat supply system of reserve capacity and fuel reserves, depending on the duration of ultra-low temperatures and their absolute value.

Since heat supply in Russia has a lot of social importance, the increase in its reliability, quality and economy is a non-alternative task. Any failures in providing people and other consumers with warmly negatively affect the country's economy and strengthen social tensions. Therefore, in the perspective of the future, the state should remain the most important subject of economic relations in the industry.

One of the most important tasks of the State Energy Policy is guaranteed to ensure the energy resources of the population, socially significant and strategic facilities at affordable prices.

A relatively high level of energy supply costs in income of low-income groups of the population, the lack of social support for reforms determine the need for an active social policy, the purpose of which is to minimize the negative consequences of increasing energy prices, including heat and hot water supply, for socially unprotected populations. .

The planned levels of heat supply, indigenous modernization and technical re-equipment of the industry will require significant investment growth (Fig. 6). The main source of capital investments will be their own funds of enterprises in the industry, state (municipal) financing, borrowed funds, including those attracted under project financing.

Creating conditions for business development in energy efficiency and heat supply is the main task. To solve it requires the development and adoption of a number of legislation.

First, the law "On Heat supply", which are governed by civil law relations, developing in heat supply, relations related to the management of the organization and functioning of heat supply, as well as the responsibility of the executive bodies of all levels for reliability, quality, efficiency and availability of heat supply . According to the work plan of the Government of the Russian Federation, the mentioned draft law should be developed in the fourth quarter of 2003.

Secondly, the introduction of changes in the law "On Energy Saving" of changes and additions specifying the mechanisms of execution of individual articles, primarily related to the federal budget sector, the legal basis for the creation of regional and municipal funds for energy saving, benefits in the implementation of energy-saving events and administrative responsibility for Ethrenal use of TER. The concept of the draft law should be represented by the Government of the Russian Federation in the fourth quarter of 2003.

These draft laws and regulatory documents necessary for their implementation, in our opinion, should be developed and adopted no later than 2004.

This year, February 4, in the State Duma of the Russian Federation passed the second meeting of the section on the legislation of heat supply of the Expert Council under the Energy Committee, where the "strategy for the development of heat supply in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020" was discussed.

The editorial board proposed for discussion as a whole approved all participants in the meeting, therefore it was proposed to create a working group as soon as possible from representatives of the FOOV and experts of the professional community to refine the provisions of the strategy and adopt it as an official government document.

Commenting on the results of the meeting, the head of the section, the First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction, Y. Lipatov noted: "Today, it was discussed extremely important issues for the industry. The first edition of the project of the heat supply development strategy, posted on the website for a broad discussion, caused great interest from both professionals and the public. Taking into account the outcome of the discussion in early February of this year, the second edition of the strategy was prepared. Discussion participants were united that, firstly, it is necessary to form a base for the degree of reliability of heat supply systems in regions, settlements and various districts of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, it is necessary to develop an adequate model of long-term tariff regulation. After all, at present, the existing model is formed on the basis of the already established base of tariffs, which does not always reflect the required level and sufficiency of tariff solutions. If the heat supply organization is underfunded today, then no long-term model will be able to bring it on break-even activity. Therefore, the principles of the formation of a tariff base should be clearly defined.

Another issue requiring an immediate decision, by the general opinion of experts, is the need to register the transition system from the state of underfunding into a state of sufficient financing. An option to solve this issue may be the introduction of the index system in absolute value. And here the main goal is that the heat supply organization should become a single center for ensuring the reliability and quality of supplying heat in a particular settlement.

Also an important topic, which was comprehensively discussed today at a session meeting, became strategic issues of cogeneration development. At one time, the combined production of thermal and electrical energy was focused on the maximum overall effect for consumers who were in the heat supply zone of CHP. However, the rules of the electricity market do not take into account the technological features of the CHP and the overall effect of combined production for consumers.

The efficiency of electricity generation today is achieved when the CHP is working on thermal graphics. The main complexity of the work of the CHP in the power system is a significant difference in the consumption of electric and thermal energy, both during the year and during the day (seasonal and daily).

The current rules of the wholesale electricity market and capacity regarding the issues of the decommissioning equipment are not taken into account the features of the work of the CHP in the heat market. If you do not solve this problem now, then in the near future we can face that the work of heat and power station will be simply disadvantageous. This will gradually lead to the gradual conclusion of CHP from exploiting and universal "kotelnization" of the country. Attempting to compensate for the Losses of the CHP from working in the electricity market due to the growth of the heat value will lead to the non-competitiveness of the CHP in the thermal energy market. Of course, this question cannot be solved simultaneously. It requires gradual and step-by-step work, which will continue. And, I hope, by the end of the spring session, legislative initiatives will be offered to solve these issues. "