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Sberbank denies the translation of debit cards to overdraft. Sberbank denied the statement about the transfer of debit cards of its customers into overdraft. The advantages of overdraft, or that it gives a competent user

Hello, friends!

We continue to increase our financial literacy with you and at the same time tighten your English language. Today, the foreign term "overdraft" is in line. We learn its meaning, learn to understand and not be afraid.

Every year the number of bank card users is growing. Among them are students, pensioners, and even children. Why? It is convenient, practical and safely compared to a pack of money or mountain coins in the wallet. We all more actively use bank cards to obtain earned money, translations, removal of cash and payment of goods and services in stores, the Internet.

Banks try to support our desire to use and credit cards. After all, solvent clients are the main source of profits and the meaning of the existence of the financial and credit organization itself. Banks compete with each other, lure us with new banking products and make proposals from which it is difficult to refuse.

We have already figured out the concepts, species and conditions for the use of debit and credit cards. Find out what, for example, cache and overdraft. It is on the latter that I want to stay in more detail today. Not everyone loves to enjoy the loan, but not everyone suspects that they can become a debtor of the bank, and without having borrowed money. How is it possible? Let's deal with.

What does the concept of "overdraft" mean

Foreign word "Overdraft" (Overdraft) translated from English means "overrun", "Excess loan". We see a familiar word loan, so we think it only applies to lovers to live in debt. This is not quite so. With overdraft there may be an ardent opponent of other people's money. Reading the reviews of bank card holders, I was convinced of this. But first things first.

Overdraft is a short-term loan that is provided by the Bank under a bank account agreement to holders of maps (as a rule, salary). For example, when you lack your own funds for the purchase of any product, the bank will be happy to provide the missing amount. But on certain conditions, of course.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 850) indicates that if the bank holds payments from the client's account in the absence of money on it, he thus gives him a loan with all the ensuing consequences. The loan is issued for a certain period and notice. This also applies to overdraft.

From here there are fair questions: "Do I need overdraft?", "How to connect?" And "How is it quenching?" Answers to them depend on its type and bank providing this service.



  1. allowed
  2. unresolved (technical) overdraft.

Let us dwell on them.

Allowed overdraft

The rescued overdraft is connected by the personal statement of the card holder. It is provided within the limit established by the Bank and under a certain percentage. These conditions differ not only from different banks, but also from different customers of one financial institution.

Overdraft limit - This is the amount that the Bank's client can have if the lack of one's own money is lacking. It is calculated for a particular person, based on the amount of funds that pass through his card, its credit history and some other factors.

Interest in banks also differ. For example, Sberbank established the following:

  • 20% within the limits of funds,
  • 40% - fee for untimely repayment,
  • 40% - fee for the exceeding limit, but only for the amount of this exceeding.

Attention! Sberbank connects the service overdraft not to all cards, but only to debit (salary). But, for example, if you are the "World Classic" owner, "the world of Golden", the "Premium World", then the overdraft limit is not provided. A complete list can be found on the bank's website.

In his article, I dwells more detail on issues of tariffs, the conditions for obtaining and using them. If you have not read yet, then catch up with the missed.

In Tinkoff, the Bank has such conditions:

  1. The service is connected on the initiative of the bank and with the consent of the cardholder.
  2. If you have occupied no more than 3,000 rubles from the bank, then the Overdraft fees will not (provided timely repayment within 25 days).
  3. If the loan amount ranged from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles, then the bank will take 19 rubles. in a day.
  4. From 10,000 to 25,000 - 39 rubles. in a day.
  5. Over 25 000 - 59 rubles. in a day.
  6. Penalty for late repayment - 990 rubles.

These conditions operate for debit cards, only technical overdraft is possible on credit.

Read about the terms of use and pitfalls in my article. It can be very useful. Especially if you are on the way to choose an optimal means of payment.

Unresolved overdraft

Unresolved or technical overdraft may occur, even if you have never been borrowed. And this often becomes an unpleasant surprise, which turns out not only the occurrence of debt, but also by accrual interest and fines for non-risk. To avoid this, you need to know the common causes of debt:

  1. Exchange difference. This case may occur when you pay the ruble card abroad. Due to the features of the banking system, the funds from the account are written off in a few days. If during this period the currency rate changed dramatically, then you can leave in minus with a lack of money on the map.
  2. Payment of mandatory payments. For example, banking commissions.
    This case, I will comment on my example: once a year, in May, my card is automatically written off the fee for its service in the amount of 450 rubles. I usually remove all the money from the card. Result: in May I went into minus for 450 rubles., I.e. the technical overdraft occurred.
  3. Technical error of the bank. For example, twice credit amount or vice versa, the removal of the same amount is 2 times. The bank notices the error and corrects. But the client may not be money on the account, so again minus.

Avoid technical overdraft easy. Who are warned, he is armed. If we know about the potential to leave in minus, it is enough to keep on the map the minimum stock of money or constantly monitor the status of the account in order to pay off the debt on time. Banks often provide a grace period (usually a month) during which we can return without percent the entire amount of debt.

Conditions of connection

Let me remind you that overdraft is connected with the consent of the client. Sometimes this service is automatically entered into a bank account agreement. Therefore, I do not get tired of repeating that carefully read all the documents and ask about all the ambiguities. There is a signature in the contract - it means that we agreed with all the requirements of the bank.

Conditions for connecting an overdraft service in banks are different, but here is an exemplary list of documents that may be needed:

  1. Application for connection.
  2. Borrower's questionnaire on the bank letterhead.
  3. Passport.
  4. Another document confirming personality (for example, SNILS, INN, driver's license).
  5. Income certificate (not all banks require).

As you can see, the set of documents is minimal.

Since the bank agrees to share with our money, it is quite explained that it makes certain requirements for potential borrowers. Among them can be:

  1. The presence of permanent registration and accommodation in the area serviced by the bank.
  2. The presence of a permanent place of work and work experience.
  3. The presence of an account by which monetary amounts regularly pass.
  4. Net credit history.

That is why overdraft actively connects to salary cards. Often the banks themselves call the client and offer this service. It will be appropriate here than the debit card differs from overdraft.

Remember! When paying with a debit card, you manage only with your money. And no more than a penny. If they connected the overdraft service, you can take a missing amount in the bank. But these are no longer yours, but other people's money that needs to be returned.

Overdraft is a short-term loan. Dates vary from 6 months to 1 year. During this time, you can lose or change the place of work, move, etc. Therefore, banks require periodically renew the contract. So they reduce the risks of non-return of money provided to you.

How Overdraft works: Differences from the loan

This service works in the same way as any loan. Considered, it means, after some time, it is necessary to return it and pay interest for the use of other people's money.

Although Overdraft is a type of consumer loan, but there is still differences between them.

Comparison parameters Credit Overdraft
Loan termsDifferent, depending on the creditworthiness of the borrower and the type of loan.Only short-term loan (in most cases up to 1 year).
Credit amountIt is calculated after a careful analysis of the solvency of the borrower. Not only his monthly income, but also income of family members, property owned, etc.It is calculated on the basis of monthly money receipts on the card.
The frequency of making paymentsPeriodically (as a rule, 1 time per month) throughout the term of credit.With the next receipt of money on the card, the full amount of debt is immediately written off.
Terms of issueA set of documents confirming your solvency. Often requires pledge and guarantors.Minimum set of standard documents. No deposit and guarantors. Rapid decision on connecting the service.
Terms of useThe entire requested amount is issued immediately, which is repaid by parts depending on the terms of the contract. To resume a credit line, you must contact the bank again.The loan is renewable as expected and repayment.
Interest rateIndividual for different types of loan, term and consideration conditions, borrower solvency.The same for all card holders with overdraft. As a rule, higher than on the loan.

The speed of receipt

Time takes time, since the Bank makes a decision only after analyzing the creditworthiness of the borrower.If you have a positive decision on connecting an overdraft service with money, you can use at any time of the day and night.

The advantages of overdraft, or that it gives a competent user

Traditionally, I will consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the card with overdraft.


  1. This is a non-target loan, so you can spend it for anything.
  2. The amount is constantly resumed. No need to go to the bank and make a new loan. The main thing is to repay in time.
  3. No collateral and guarantors.
  4. Percentages are accrued only by the amount you have been borrowed, and not on the entire available limit. If you do not use overdraft at all, then no percentages are accrued.
  5. You can use money at any time, regardless of the time of the bank.
  6. You can refuse the service at any time.

And, of course, shortcomings:

  1. With all the availability of money, do not forget that this is a loan. Repayment is necessarily and inevitable.
  2. The percentage is accrued daily, and the amount is repaid by one payment, automatically when money arrives at the expense.
  3. It is often necessary (usually 1 time per year) to renew the contract.
  4. The loan limit (as a rule, does not exceed the monthly receipts in the account).
  5. High interest on loan. The bank will thus compensate for its risks.
  6. The ability to go into technical overdraft, not suspecting it.
  7. Large temptation to get involved in easily accessible money and lose control of expenses.

How to turn off overdraft

To abandon this service, it is enough to write a statement about this. The contract will be terminated if there is no debt to the bank.

Please note that if you change the place of work, it is not enough just to throw the salary card of your former employer. Contact your bank or check yourself, there is no debt. Otherwise, you can get a unpleasant surprise in the form of accrued interest and fines for non-timely redefined debt.

Some banks practice the inability to turn off overdraft. This is necessarily in the contract. In this case, when it is conclosed, you can specify a zero limit to receive money.


Everyone chooses himself, on what money it will live, own or borrowed. Overdraft do not need to be afraid, but it is necessary to understand how to use them, so as not to drive themselves into the debt. Constantly keep your hand on the pulse of your finances. Then you can afford a little more than you have at the moment. Agree, it is sometimes vital.

I will be glad if you finish the article by your thoughts about this in the comments. Or maybe you have interesting cases from life? They will give readers the necessary experience and will have invaluable help.

In order to obtain a tool for convenient and reliable use of own funds. Debit cards have a number of advantages. They are issued much faster than credit - it is enough to draw up a statement and present the general passport. Non-alien debit cards are issued on the fact of processing a statement received from the potential client.

The usage rule for only own funds completely eliminates the presence of a credit limit. This is the cardinal difference of debit cards from. According to the first type, the client assumes a number of obligations, and on the second - no obligations are provided.

On debit cards, banks use such an option as overdraft. Each owner knows how this option works. Error the overdraft is called a loan or a variety. When issuing / receiving a loan, the parties are a loan agreement or a more simplified loan agreement.

When appointing an overdraft, no contract is concluded. Moreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, this service is assigned by a bank independently, and without the appropriate notification of the client.

This practice is widely used by Sberbank. On the appointment of overdraft, holders will learn later, already during the process of using the card. Information becomes available after receiving an SMS message to charging for the assigned overdraft. The charged fee may be insignificant, but customers are almost always unpleasant to what you have to pay for the service that they have not connected.

How the overdraft is connected

For each debit card, Sberbank provides for the possibility of destination overdraft. This option is assigned solely individually and is not attached to the type of map and the client level.

In a contract or user agreement, overdraft debit are not specified. Its size can not be clarified in the bank or see in the Personal Account. The calculation is always made only in automatic mode, and the amount of possible overdraft directly depends on the amounts passing on a debit card account.

The more funds goes to the card account, the higher the Overdraft bank can be appointed. Initially, cards are manufactured by Sberbank without this option. Its appointment is made only after 1-3 months of using the card after the Bank estimates the customer's solvency. Why Sberbank changed debit cards on an overdraft need to be clarified in the bank itself.

The answer to the question is obvious: the client used the card on which operations for certain amounts were performed. These amounts were enough to preliminary assessment by the Bank of the Client. As a result, he was appointed overdraft unilaterally.

If Sberbank translated into overdraft previously received by the card, nothing drastically does not happen. The Bank through such a service gives the client the opportunity to pay for the necessary purchases with the lack of funds on the map. At the first receipt transaction, the funds will be written off at the repayment of the amount used in the form of overdraft.

Key features overdraft

The main features of this option:

  • The amount is up to 7% of the arrival transactions - for example, if the holder receives wages in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles, then the possible amount of overdraft can reach 70,000 rubles.
  • Interest rate for the use of funds is higher than according to a standard loan.
  • For action, the Bank is charged a monthly fee.
  • Overdraft increases as the total amount of all operations on the map increases.
  • Overdraft cards do not happen - the card remains debit and after connecting this option.
  • Through the use of the service, the card can go into minus, but only when making purchases - transfers and removal of overdraft means is excluded.
  • Connect overdraft can not be connected - it is only done by the decision of the bank.

In the absence of the need to use overdraft, you can not pay attention to it and use the card as usual. Even with significant amounts of overdraft, the fee for its presence does not exceed a few rubles per month.

If the service is connected, but the holder will not use it, and in this case the bank will charge for it, since actually the reserve funds with a credit institution provided.

Causes of care minus Sberbank's debit

The main purpose of the overdraft is the ability to take a certain amount of funds from the bank without signing unnecessary contracts, making calls and visits to the office. When using an overdraft, all this is unnecessary, since the bank at personal discretion trusts the customer tools in the form of short-term debt. The minus on the map can indeed form if the card balance initially lacked funds, and the user tried to make any purchase.

For example, the 15th day of the month, the user must receive an advance. For several months, the advance was paid without delays, which gave the bank to assign a certain amount of overdraft to the client. On the day of receiving an advance, the user decides to make any purchase using the card, but the fact is that the advance is not yet listed, so the purchase will have to be postponed indefinitely. In this case, an efficient tool will be overdraft. The user will be able to make a purchase, after which the card account will go in minus to the amount equal to the amount of the perfect purchase.

When accrued on an advance card, the purchase amount will be written off, and the card balance is restored. A sufficiently convenient option for those who have wage delays.

Where to find out the terms of overdraft

The amount of overdraft is not prescribed in the user agreement. In the personal account of the Internet banking system, it will not be able to clarify. About the presence of such a service and about the amount on which the card can go into minus, clients need to be specified only in the bank.

Some banks indicate primary conditions in contracts when making a map. But the indicators can periodically change, and by the time of the search for information, the data specified in the contract lose their relevance. Consequently, only the appeal to the office of the credit institution remains an effective option.

To clarify the conditions, you will have to attend the Bank's separation personally, since such information is not provided by phone. Such a mechanism, in particular, is used by Sberbank cards, when to clarify the conditions to the user need to contact the office of the credit institution.

How to disable overdraft

If the user is not interested in the presence of this option on its map, then it is possible to disable it without a visit to the bank's office. Enough to contact support service, dictate passport data, and indicate the need to disable the service.

Disconnection is made from 1 day of the month following the date of submission of the request to the support service. During the subsequent term of using the card, the overdraft is assigned to the bank.

In addition, if the services are not necessary, you can disable it before appointment. This is done in the process of making a map: the client is oral or writing indicates that it does not need an appointment of overdraft. The Bank processes this request, and in the process of using the Card will not connect the option.

: After the assignment of overdraft, the debit card does not become overdraft. This type of card is not yet invented. The owner continues to enjoy a debit card, as he did it earlier, but with one additional option that does not affect the general rules for using the card, limits and restrictions provided for by the User Agreement.

How debit cards unexpectedly became overdraft

September 11 Sberbank began to massively receive questions from customers about transferring cards to overdraft status without their knowledge. People demanded to explain where the opportunity to go to minus on the map came from and why the Commission is charged with overdravel funds. In the morning, there are messages about the "Machinations of the Century" in the Internet, and Sberbank has already stated that everything "is not true" - the customers themselves can only be installed. More in the material "real-time".

Credit from where they did not wait

In the morning, on Monday, Sberbank customers staged a panic on the Internet. On Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte and Instagram (plus a mailing list in WhatsApp) has a lot of messages, the essence of which came down to the next one. Sberbank without the consent of the customers themselves translated their debit cards to overdraft status. According to social networks, the same message was distributed: "Friends! If you do not know yet, then pay attention !!! @ Sberbank yesterday made the Machination of the century. "

Apparently, the author of the message is some Boris Litvinenko . He published his post on his Facebook page, the publication immediately "shot" (at the time of delivery of this material it shared it more than 270 times).

If performing operations with just translated on the card with money, "then you will write down the percentage too," said Litvinenko. Photo

If performing operations with just translated on the card with money, "then you will write down the percentage too," said Litvinenko. "Bank employees explain it like this: this amount only nominally entered your account, but it did not reach the personal account yet, so this money you are, in fact, take the bank," he wrote.

"In this story, everything is fine," the author summed up, "and violation of the contract at such a large-scale level, and unobinking clients about forced lending (I remember that pensions and scholarships come to these cards), and the inability to change the status of the card. Ostap Bender is resting. "

Many people in social networks soon began to report that their cards are also translated into overdraft status. Some of them argued that they encountered similar earlier and assumed that the case was in a system error. "This is a bug in their [Sberbank] IT, it is. This is not a transfer of cards into overdraft defaults, "wrote one of the Facebook users.

Ourselves, and only themselves

Because of the excitement, Sberbank had to make explanations. On your official page in Vkontakte Bank reported that mass transfer of cards into overdraft status is "this is not true." "It is impossible to spend more money on a debit card than you have. The exception is the technical debt, according to which Sberbank does not accrue interest. Overdraft can only solve you yourself, not a bank, "the message says.

It also stated that in a mobile application, part of the cards were always displayed as overdraft for correct work with payments and translations.

A certain organization "Public Consumer Initiative" plans to file a lawsuit on Sberbank "In defense of an indefinite Consumer Circle". Photo

A few hours later on the same page "Vkontakte" there was a reference to the material in which it was described in detail, "it is possible to leave in minus on the debit card."

It says that the bank's customers are dealing with a "completely different history", namely with technical overdraft. It can form, for example, when making purchases abroad at an unstable currency exchange rate or when transferring just listed on the card to another account, explains in the material ("Money is already displayed on the map, but do not have time to enter the account, and you go to Virtual minus "). "Such case cases are not very pleasant to customers, and now we work a lot about not to allow them at all," the publication is said.

At the same time, it already says that the Commission for the technoves bank has ceased to charge only from September 1, before that they were really - "as a rule, these were sums of several rubles."

At the same time, a certain organization "Public Consumer Initiative" plans to file a lawsuit in court to Sberbank "In defense of an indefinite circle of consumers." "Among the claims are the termination of the Bank's unlawful actions and the publication of information about the violations made. Representatives of Rospotrebnadzor are planned to be attracted to the matter, "the report reports in the editorial office.

Artem Malyutin


Cards with overdraft function work simultaneously as ordinary debit and as credit cards. If the balance on the card is positive, then the client uses the means as along the ordinary map. But overdraft allows you to have a negative balance. As a rule, substantial interest are charged for funds extended in excess of balance.

Customers massively complained about Sberbank because of the change of the status of debit cards on overdraft. In the bank, at first refuted the changes, but then recognized the problem and explained the situation.

Users in social networks massively complainthat in the application "Sberbank online" status has changed to overdraft. The replacement occurred without the knowledge of customers who fear that in connection with the change of the status of the map they would have to pay additional commissions. Separate users found the resulting "Africa of the Century", accusing the Bank in violating the terms of the contract.

However, as explained by DK.Ru in the press service of the bank, no changes in the conditions of card service were not produced:

Some types of cards are indeed considered overdraft, since it was previously possible to connect an overdraft in the form of a separate service, but now it does not turn out. In the Mobile Application "Sberbank online" type of cards is correct, which is necessary for the correct operation of the application with payments and translations. The status of cards from debit on overdrafts did not change, probably some Sberbank online users just paid attention to it. No commissions for changing the status of the card are not charged, since the status of the cards did not change.

However, as the portal drew attention mass transfer of credit cards from one category to another began recently - a large number of users indicate this. In addition, part of the Bank's customers approves in the comments that they received penalties and write-offs on the results of the "technical overdraft", which clearly contradicts what the representatives of the bank say.

In Sberbank, it is argued that the technical overdraft is never very large, and from September 1, the commission ceased for him. "Tehlohl" may occur, for example, when calculating the card abroad at an unstable course of the ruble, removing the money immediately after enrollment, and in case of an error in writing off the money shop. This is not to confuse customers, the bank promised to replace the map description in Sberbank online to the end September - all debit cards will be displayed as debit.

The head of Sberbank Herman Gref on September 12 called the story with overdraft maps "Fike from beginning to end." "This is an obvious fake, for some reason diligently very promoted", - said is he.

Overdraft is a form of short-term lending: when funds are lacking at the current account account, the Bank automatically provides a loan to the client for the required amount within a certain limit. When using overdraft, the Bank may introduce a grace period, during which interest will be charged for using borrowed money.

One of the bank products is a Visa overdraft map from Sberbank. This is a specific bank proposal that allows you to simplify the commission of various operations. At the same time, overdraft cards have both supporters and opponents.

What does the Sberbank Overdraft Card mean?

Under Overdraft is understood by the overrun of funds stored on the client map. Translated from English, the word "overdraft" is translated as "above the project" and means a short-term loan to which the client of a bank organization can use if necessary.

In fact, overdraft is a non-target loan, issued for a short (from several days to several months) a period of time. But despite a certain similarity, a loan and overdraft has many differences:

  • overdraft size is usually small. Banks in their formulas estimate the customer's solvency and the frequency of receipt of amounts on the card by calculating the maximum limit amount;
  • initiation of the issuance of an overdraft card often occurs from the bank, the issuance of the loan always initiates the client. At the same time, even if the client is executed overdraft card, this does not mean that he must use it. No penalties for non-use of proposed amounts are not provided;
  • to make a loan, it is usually required to collect a large number of documents, the overdraft is often the "application" to the usual salary card.

Overdraft is the possibility of using funds over your own money stored on the client map. Roughly speaking, this is a kind of short-term loan.

Terms of provision of overdraft from Sberbank

The service of obtaining a card with overdraft from Sberbank is submitted under certain conditions:

  • each client is provided with an individual limit to which he can count. Its dimensions depend on the level of income and ranges from 1 to 30 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the larger the amount of wages or other income of the client, the more overdraft, it can count on;
  • for the use of overdraft amount interest is accrued. Their size depends on the currency card. For ruble cards, they make up 18%, for cards opened in dollars or euros - 16%. If the client violates the terms of the contract (in particular, in the event of a violation of the maturity time), then the amount of interest may increase, and almost twice;
  • the term of repayment of a loan is short-lived - no more than two months from the start of using the limit. At the same time, interest accrual starts from the moment the use of borrowed funds.

Given the conditions for granting, you can allocate the advantages and disadvantages of overdraft.

Advantages of services

Fans allocate the following advantages of services:

  • you can use the means at any time, and the execution of an additional contract is not required;
  • money can be used both for non-cash payments and for cash withdrawal through an ATM or in cash;
  • loan repayment is carried out automatically after another receipt of funds;
  • you can use overdraft constantly.

The main advantage of overdraft is that the client has the ability to use the service at any time without issuing additional documents.

Disadvantages of services

The main disadvantage of overdraft are quite high interest accrued for the use of the service. Moreover, the preferential period for the use of the service is not provided.

Understanding that there is reserve money, contribute to the peculiar debt bondage, when part of the income entering the card, have to give the bank as interest for the use of borrowed funds.

In addition, sometimes terminals show not only the personal funds of the client, but also overdraft amount by misleading it.

Fund consumption should be monitored as much as possible so as not to fall into debt boalan.

How to make overdraft on Sberbank map

Overdraft service is not automatically connected. To take advantage of it, it is necessary to come to the Sberbank branch and conclude an additional contract. Most often, customers stop at the Visa Classic Sberbank overdraft map having a low maintenance cost and the optimal set of services provided.

In order to obtain an overdraft card, it is necessary to have confirmation that the income level corresponds to the required minimum.

As confirming documents can be:

  • certificate of salary from the place of work;
  • availability of an open deposit account in Sberbank;
  • open in Sberbank account.

If the client receives a salary on Sberbank card, then, as a rule, the bank himself proposes to connect an overdraft service. The constant enrollment of funds guarantees that the client will conscientiously fulfill the terms of the agreement.

So, the overall algorithm for the procedure for registration of an overdraft card from Sberbank is as follows:

  • determining the level of income of the client;
  • calculation of overdraft size, which can be proposed to the client;
  • determining the amount of interest rates based on overdraft currency;
  • definition of terms during which the loan should be repaid, the signing of the contract.

At the moment, connect the overdraft service through your personal account in the Sberbank online system, via the mobile application, or by calling the operator, is impossible.

The size of the limit Bank establishes based on the size of the client's income.


Overdraft card from Sberbank is a good way to get the missing amount without referring to help to friends or relatives. For the customers of the Bank, it will be quite easy to issue a similar service: it can be connected to a salary card.