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Leontiev, mikhail vladimirovich. Mikhail Leontyev Mikhail Leontiev what's with the face

Rosneft spokesman Mikhail Leontyev declined to comment on the Dozhd TV channel on the information that appeared in social networks that the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin still uses a car with a flashing light, although he is not allowed by law.

"Please go to the ass. Please accept the assurances of our unwavering respect," - answered the question of Dozhd why Sechin received a flashing light, Rosneft press secretary Mikhail Leontyev. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov did not answer the question whether Vladimir Putin provided a special signal to the head of the state company.

Until 2012, Sechin moved in a car with a special signal as Deputy Prime Minister. Dozhd failed to find any presidential decree that would have given the head of Rosneft the right to use a flashing light. All departments whose employees can use the flashing light are listed in the presidential decree "On streamlining the use of special signals", which he signed in May 2012. According to the text of the document, for example, the government is entitled to 32 flashing lights, the presidential administration - 22, the FSB - 207. There are no Rosneft and other state-owned companies in the decree.

Sechin can drive a car that was not provided by his company, but by a third-party agency that has the right to flashers, the Federal Security Service, two federal officials told Dozhd. Such decisions are not formalized by public decrees, said one of the interlocutors. “We have nothing to do with this,” the FSO press service told Dozhd and addressed all questions to Rosneft.


Life journalist Anastasia Kashevarova drew attention to the fact that Sechin was driving a car with a special signal. According to her, "Sechin left the Kremlin himself at the wheel."
Traditionally, FSO cars are equipped with numbers with the EKX series, a federal official notes. The alleged car of the head of Rosneft has just such a series. The Mercedes number published by Kashevarova is Е939КХ77.

The Kremlin correspondent of "Life" Alexander Yunashev told "Rain" that he also saw Sechin getting into a car with this number on several occasions. Moreover, according to him, an escort car drives behind the head of Rosneft. “Once he got behind the wheel himself, and as soon as he drove off a little, an escort car drove up behind him, if I’m not mistaken, a dark blue Volkswagen. But Sechin usually sits in the back seat of his car, and unlike all officials, he sits down not on the right, but on the left, that is, behind the driver. This is the safest place. I once asked him why he does this. He replied that this is a habit from his past work, "says the journalist.

A senior federal official claims the intelligence services had information that Sechin's life was in danger following the Yukos affair. He needs protection and escort to protect himself from the revenge of the former shareholders of the oil company, follows from the words of the interlocutor of "Dozhd". Because of this, according to his version, the flasher<...>

The heads of all other state-owned companies and corporations do not use flashing lights, it follows from the answers of their press services to Dozhd's questions. The press secretary of the head of "Gazprom" Alexei Miller said that he used a special signal before the presidential decree in 2012, but after that he lost his privilege. "When the decree was issued, we obeyed," - explained the interlocutor of Rain. The press services of Transneft, Sberbank, Russian Railways and Rostec also assured Dozhd that their managers and employees do not drive cars with flashing lights.


January 18, 16:30 Leontyev told BBC journalists that Sechin has the right to a car with a flashing light as a "state official of a certain level."
"By the way, Sechin is the executive secretary of the presidential commission on the fuel and energy complex (the fuel and energy complex - Sechin supervised him when he was deputy prime minister in Putin's government). That is, at least he is a state official of a certain level, who has the right to a flashing light and a special car," - Leontyev replied to the BBC's question whether the Dozhd TV channel's information that Sechin uses a car with a special signal is true.

To a direct question whether Sechin has a flashing light, Leontyev refused to answer.

Leontyev reacted emotionally to the call from the BBC correspondent. “What are you asking? Why, why the hell? BBC ": guys, you really are fucking. Well, enough of g **** - then pick up. [...] You know what, you go farther, I don't want to answer your question," said Leontyev and threw tube.

Leontiev is also a co-owner of two technology companies. One of them is a Skolkovo resident, the alleged main owner of the second - a former official of the Federal Agency for Fishery, accused of fraud in the amount of several hundred million rubles; the business of both is closely related to government orders. Meduza's special correspondents Ivan Golunov and Ilya Zhegulev figured out what kind of company they were and what Leontyev was doing there.

Leontiev and wing aerodynamics

In the spring of 2013, publicist Mikhail Leontyev made a harsh statement. He defended Skolkovo from "raids" by the Investigative Committee of Russia and the Accounts Chamber, which accused the innovation center of inefficiency. In the TV show "However" on Channel One and an article in the magazine of the same name, of which he is the editor-in-chief, Leontyev explained that Skolkovo is the only venture fund in the world that does not "take a project away from a developer."

Leontyev is well acquainted with the principles of Skolkovo operation. He is a co-owner of one of the fund's residents, the company "Optimyenga-777", which is engaged in aerodynamic design of wings for aircraft.

It was founded in 2012 by Sergei Peigin, a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Tomsk State University, and his Israeli partner Boris Epshtein. A year after that, 10% of the enterprise was owned by Mikhail Leontyev, and Optimyenga-777 received about 80 million rubles from Skolkovo as part of a grant for the creation of a software product that can significantly reduce the cost and time of designing an aircraft wing. The company stated that the project was "revolutionary": the wing optimization test problem was solved by their algorithm in 27 hours, and Boeing's programs in 50 days.

Sergey Peigin
In 2014, Optimyenga won the 1.5 millionth tender of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) to carry out work to optimize the aerodynamic surfaces of aircraft. Peigin said that their algorithms were tested on the wings of many aircraft - however, all of them are produced by companies belonging to the state United Aircraft Corporation (UAC): Sukhoi Superjet, Be-200 (only 10 aircraft were produced) and MS-21 (only exists as a prototype). “These are all real completed projects for which we received money,” Peigin explained. It was also stated that the development of "Optimizinga" is used by the Chinese company Comac.

UAC Meduza confirmed that Optimenga performed a number of works on mathematical modeling of structures, but noted that such works are being ordered from several companies at once.

“I have known these guys [from Optimeng] since childhood, they are very talented, I tried to help them, but unfortunately there is no business there,” Mikhail Leontyev told Meduza. - Nobody ever likes innovators. These are all tears and groans, no word "business" applies to this story. Many people have tried to help somehow, but you cannot act against the system. The system can only produce a Superjet. "

Leontiev and the fishing fleet

Airplanes are not the only area of ​​interest for Mikhail Leontyev. He also has businesses related to water transport. In April 2013, the journalist co-founded Agro-Marine-LNG, a company that designs ships that run on liquefied natural gas. (The fact that Leontyev has stakes in Optimeng and Agro-Marina-LNG was also reported by the Dozhd TV channel.)

The main owner of Agro-Marina is the British company Valser Oil, which, according to the UK commercial register, belongs to two offshore companies registered in the Marshall Islands: Pintox Systems Limited and Syten Group Limited. The directors and owners of these companies have not been disclosed. The New Zealand Department of Justice alone has 25 registered companies incorporated by Pintox and Syten; some have been featured in scandals involving money laundering through Moldovan banks.

In April 2017, Valser Oil published a notice that Valery Suraev, an Austrian citizen who was born in Russia in 1960, was included in the list of persons influencing the company's activities. This is a person known in the shipbuilding market: in the 2000s, Suraev headed the department of the fishing fleet, ports and ship repair in the Federal Agency for Fishery. During the audit of the department in 2010, the Accounts Chamber revealed fraud around a billion rubles, which were received in 2005 for the construction of research ships in the Far East. One of the contracts was won by the Scientific and Production Center for Industrial Fishing, Exploration and Monitoring of Marine Bioresources (SPC), registered in Yaroslavl.

“According to the documents, the research ship was built, Suraev signed the acceptance certificate, after which more than 283 million rubles were transferred to the NPC accounts,” sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs told Izvestia. “Then this money disappeared into the accounts of one-day firms.” During the audit of the Accounts Chamber, it turned out that the skeleton of the ship remained standing on the slipway of the plant in Khabarovsk, among debris and scrap metal. Three more unfinished ships within the framework of the same project never left the stocks of the plant in the Kirov region.

Law enforcement agencies suspected that the real owner of the NPC - Valery Suraev... After the start of the inspection of the Federal Agency for Fishery, he resigned from the civil service and headed this Yaroslavl company. In 2011, as Rosbalt reported, Suraev received a residence permit in Estonia; a year later, a criminal case was opened against him on suspicion of fraud, and the former official was signed not to leave. The Interior Ministry did not respond to Meduza's inquiry about the progress of the investigation.

In 2013, NPC was declared bankrupt - this happened at the suit of the Marine-Invest company, which was owned by Valser Oil, which later established Agro-Marine-LNG. Agro-Marine bought out most of the NPC's property for a million rubles; in addition, the company fully owns the Khabarovsk shipyard.

Mikhail Leontyev knew Valery Suraev long before these events. In the early 2000s, he devoted an entire issue of his author's program on Channel One to the problems of the fishing fleet - and published several of Suraev's columns on these problems in the journal "However".

“He came to me [as a journalist] with [fishing] problems and impressed me. I had ten programs on this topic, - Leontyev recalls. "Suraev and I did a very serious thing together - if we now have some kind of fishing and some prospects for creating Russian vessels in Russia, then the country owes this to Valera Suraev, whom I helped a little."

Another old acquaintance of Leontyev is the general director of Agro-Marine-LNG - this is Vladimir Koloskov, the former first deputy general director of the Rodionov Publishing House, who published the Krestyanka and FHM magazines, which were closed in 2015. Leontyev also worked in the same publishing house - in the late 2000s he headed the magazine "Profile" for two years.

The first three years after the creation of Agro-Marine-LNG did not show itself in any way. At the end of 2016, the company won two tenders from the Krylov State Scientific Center for the development and modernization of fishing vessels using liquefied natural gas. Both contracts were concluded according to the procedure "Purchase from a single supplier" - since their conclusion, according to the documentation, was necessary to prevent accidents and other emergencies of "force majeure".

It took Agro-Marine-LNG only a week to develop projects for two ships - having signed a state contract on November 25, the company handed over the finished project to the customer on December 2. Kommersant explained that such a rush was explained simply: the financing of the work was carried out according to the federal target program "Development of civilian marine technology for 2009-2016" and officials could not postpone the deadline for accepting finished work for the next year. As it turned out a little later, the vessels under the Agro-Marina project will be built on the basis of the hulls of those ships that were not completed by Valery Suraev's companies.

According to a source familiar with the company's activities, Agro-Marine-LNG planned to take part in the construction of ice-class LNG carriers - they are needed to transport liquefied gas along the Northern Sea Route, which Novatek produces in Yamal at the expense of received from the National Wealth Fund.

You need about a dozen gas carriers. The first of them (it was named "Christophe de Margery" in honor of the head of Total, who died in a plane crash in Vnukovo) arrived in Yamal at the end of March 2017 from South Korea - however, it is planned that further gas carriers will be built in Russia, at the Far Eastern shipyard "Zvezda ". This shipyard belongs to Gazprombank and Rosneft, whose press secretary is Mikhail Leontyev. Leontyev himself told Meduza that "there was a project with gas carriers, but I am not in the subject."

Leontyev asserts that "I have never received even a single kopeck from these [companies] in my life." “If someone signed me up as a founder for some purpose, God be their judge. I roughly remember what it was about, but I don’t even remember the names of these companies, ”he said. - How many people have I tried to help? I've tried to help a friend make a film. Every person in life has an attempt to help someone, if he is not a complete bastard. "

[RBC IA, 05/10/2017, "Mikhail Leontyev turned out to be the owner of a stake in technology companies": In an interview with RBC, a Rosneft spokesman called Meduza's publication "about nothing." “There is nothing, there was nothing and, unfortunately, nothing came of it. Zero rubles, zero kopecks, zero result. Zero in total. And this is a pity. I would like there to be something there, ”he said.
According to Leontyev, "all the stupid hints" about his financial interests in the companies mentioned in the article are groundless. “Yes, everything I got from this, I would personally transfer to Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky. Because it is a lot of hemorrhoids, ”he said.
He noted that the activity of the company "Optimyenga-777" continues. “People are working, doing something. Serezha Peigin (owns 27.5% of the company - RBC) is an applied mathematician of a very high world level. He did this in different countries, he really wanted to do it here. They do it really well, ”he said.
“As for the fish, you can see how much I wrote about the keel quotas. A certain amount of time has been spent. Now, by the way, we can say that there is a result, because keel quotas exist. How does this relate to a particular business? None, ”added Leontyev. - Box]
Original of this material
© SDGs, 22.01.2017, Photo: East News, Illustrations: SDGs

Mikhail Leontyev owes 233.5 million rubles to Investbank depositors

Sponsorship of 170 million rubles of Rosneft did not correct the situation with the debt of the magazine "However"

Anastasia Gorshkova

As it became known to the Investigation Management Center (LRC), the publishing group Press Code, which published the magazine "However" by Mikhail Leontyev, owes the depositors of the bankrupt Investbank 233.5 million rubles. There are no signs that this money has been returned: the bailiffs cannot find the publisher even to collect tax arrears. Earlier, the LRC learned that in May 2015, Rosneft allocated 170 million rubles to support its vice president's publication, which is experiencing problems, after which the magazine was closed.

The investor of Leontyev's media startup was Converse Group father and son Antonov... The expenses for the first year of the project, according to Leontyev, were supposed to be up to $ 4 million. "We want to turn this project into a commercially successful publication, and we have the opportunity to ride out the difficult times," Leontyev said at a press conference dedicated to the launch of the weekly However "in the crisis year 2009. He also stressed that the investor "insisted on financing the project", even despite Leontyev's warnings about the difficulties with advertising and return on investment.

The money was allocated by credit lines of Investbank Antonov Jr. from October 2009 to November 2010. Since December, funding for the magazine has ceased, and at the beginning of 2011 Vladimir Antonov sold his shares in the bank to his top managers. Apparently, the new shareholders were embarrassed by the media asset, but they managed to agree: the bank received 15% of the publishing house (the share of Channel One), and the loans were guaranteed by Snoras-real estate LLC, 50% of which at that time belonged to Antonov's business partner - the deputy chairman of the board of Akademkhimbank Viktor Yampolsky. By 2013, the magazine was published once every two months.

According to SPARK, the shareholders of Press Code Publishing Group LLC are Mikhail Leontyev (15%), Ekaterina Sedova (15%), Investbank (15%) and Dukelevel Holdings Limited registered in Cyprus (55%). In 2009 Leontyev told Kommersant that the majority shareholder is the main investor in the project.

And then, as usual, the Central Bank appeared in history. On December 3, 2013, he revoked the license from Investbank due to the unsatisfactory quality of assets. At that time, the bank was ranked 80th among the largest banks in Russia with an asset valuation of 75.6 billion rubles. It soon became clear that 44 billion rubles would not be enough for the bank to settle accounts with creditors. This is a record size of the hole at that time, comparable only to the bankrupt Mezhprombank of Sergei Pugachev. Investbank was declared bankrupt on March 4, 2014. The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) started searching for assets and collecting accounts receivable. As of the summer of 2016, the DIA managed to return only 4.1 billion rubles out of 40 to depositors; the bank's total debt to creditors is 60.2 billion rubles.

Decision on declaring Ivestbank bankrupt
By February 2015, the DIA finally got to the "However" and demanded to collect 416 million rubles from the publisher of the magazine and the guarantor company. From the text of the court decision, it follows that in 2009-2010, the Press Code group received loans in the amount of 176 million rubles for a period until 28 August 2016. The DIA demanded to repay the debt ahead of schedule because in five years only 4 million rubles were returned to the bank from the allocated money. The agency also counted 164 million rubles in interest and 89 million rubles in commissions for servicing the loan. However, the DIA was unable to find the originals of the bankrupt bank's documents confirming the 22% rate and the existence of the commission, as well as the surety. As a result, in August 2015, the court collected only the principal amount of the debt and reduced interest - only 233.5 million rubles. The higher authorities agreed with this decision.

And this is where the fun begins. The decision came into force on December 30, 2015, but there are no signs that the money was returned to Investbank. An important detail - representatives of "Press Code" were not present at the hearings. According to SPARK, the publishing house has not reported to the tax office for more than a year. And according to the bailiffs database, enforcement proceedings started in August and November 2016 to collect tax debts from Press Code were soon terminated: it is impossible to establish the whereabouts of the debtor, his property or obtain information about the money in the accounts (Art. 1 clause 3 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings").

He graduated in 1979 with a degree in Labor Economics. During his student years, he worked as a security guard in a Moscow planetarium, from where he was fired for a brawl arranged by his friends. After receiving higher education, Leontyev worked at the Institute of Economic Problems in Moscow, where, in his own words, he tried to "deal with the real Soviet economy." In addition to working at the Research Institute, Leontyev moonlighted by tutoring in history and became interested in applied art. In 1985 he graduated from vocational school No. 86 with a degree in cabinet-maker, but did not find a permanent job in his specialty. During this period, Leontyev worked as a laborer in the Literary Museum, guarded the dacha-museum of Boris Pasternak in Peredelkino and continued to engage in tutoring.

In 1987 Leontiev began writing analytical articles on sociological topics. In 1989, at the invitation of a friend, he came to the "Experimental Creative Center" headed by Sergei Kurginyan, which was engaged in political science. At the same time, he worked as a freelance correspondent for the newspaper "Socialist Industry", but his notes were not published in the newspaper. The first journalistic publication of Leontyev appeared without his knowledge in the Riga newspaper Atmoda, after which Leontyev collaborated with it in 1989-1990. In 1989, Leontyev was invited to the policy department of the Kommersant newspaper, even before it began to be published on paper, where he went through, by his own admission, “a very useful school”. In 1990, Leontyev moved to Nezavisimaya Gazeta, where he headed the department of economics. In 1993 he became the first deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly "Business MN". In the same year he co-founded the newspaper Segodnya, which was financed by Leonid Nevzlin, Vladimir Gusinsky and Alexander Smolensky. Leontyev was a member of the editorial board of the newspaper, political columnist and first deputy editor-in-chief. He left Segodnya, disagreeing with the reform that had begun in the publication. L. Nevzlin claims that Leontyev was “kicked out” of the newspaper.

In December 1995, MV Leontyev, as an independent candidate, ran for the State Duma of the II convocation from the 203rd Cheremushkinsky constituency in Moscow, but lost the election to Pavel Medvedev. During the first Chechen war, he was among those who supported the introduction of troops into the territory of Chechnya, declared that he was "a staunch supporter of the military solution of problems in Chechnya." Later, during the explosions of residential buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk, he called for the bombing of Chechnya.

In 1997, Leontyev became the founder of the magazine Delo, which was funded by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, but did not appear in print. In April of the same year, he began working on television, becoming the head and presenter of the daily program "Actually", aired on the TV Center channel (TVC). In 1997-1998, he headed the Service for Social and Political Programs of the TVC and hosted the information and analytical program "The Seventh Day". In parallel, he continued to work in the print press - in 1998 he became the author of the column "Fas!" in the business weekly magazine "Company". In 1997 Leontiev was nominated for the TEFI Prize, and the following year he became a laureate of the Golden Pen Prize.

In February 1999, he resigned from the TVC and, together with the team of the program "Actually", moved to the staff of the Service of Social and Political Programs of ORT, where, in March of the same year, his program "However" began to appear. ... Leontyev explained his departure from TVC by the fact that he does not share "the views of those people who own TV Center." Later Leontiev hosted "However" together with Maxim Sokolov and Alexander Privalov. In the summer of 1999 he became the editor of the satirical "journal of political hunting" "FAS". The project was closed in 2000 for financial reasons.

From November 2001 to December 2002, the analytical program of Leontiev “Another Time” was aired on Channel One, and from May 2003 to January 2004 - the author’s program “Puppet Theater”. In 2005, M. Leontiev was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Main Theme", which was published at that time. From January 2006 to November 2007 he hosted the program “Master class with Mikhail Leontyev” on the O 2 TV channel. In October 2007, his project "Big Game" was released on Channel One - a series of programs devoted to the history of the confrontation between Russia and Great Britain for dominance in Central Asia in the 19th-20th centuries. In November 2008, Leontyev's book of the same title was released.

In May 2007, M. Leontiev was appointed editor-in-chief of the business analytical magazine "Profile". Left Profile in March 2009. The publisher of the magazine, Sergei Rodionov, claimed that Leontyev's departure had led to an increase in the publication's circulation. During the same period he collaborated with Moulin Rouge magazine. Later, answering the question of Ksenia Sobchak regarding the presentation of his credo in this edition, the TV presenter explained:

Since June 2009, together with Channel One, he became the founder of the magazine "However", in which, in addition to Leontyev, Yevgeny Dodolev and Alexander Nevzorov and other journalists and columnists who previously worked at Profile are published. In 2009 he starred in a small role in the film "True Love" by Stas Mareev.

In the preface to the book by E. Dodolev, published in 2011, "The View" - the Beatles of Perestroika, he defined the attitude to the profession:

M. Leontiev is a member of the journalistic "Seraphim Club", taught at the non-state Higher School of Management, in which the "commissars" of the "Nashi" movement studied.

Press Secretary and Vice President of Rosneft

On January 8, 2014, the Kommersant newspaper reported that since January 13, Mikhail Leontyev will become an advisor to the president of Rosneft Igor Sechin in the rank of vice president for PR, who will have to oversee the activities of the information and advertising department. Before Leontyev, this position was held by the singer and composer Alexei Lebedinsky. Sources of the publication pointed out that there is a long-standing "friendly relationship" between Sechin and Leontyev. At the same time, Leontyev remained the host of the "However" program on Channel One. On January 14, Rosneft issued a press release, according to which Leontyev works for the company as a press secretary - director of the information and advertising department with the rank of vice president.

In May 2016, Rosneft allocated 170 million rubles for the publication of the magazine “However” with the wording “Providing a sponsorship contribution to the publication of the Magazine (“ HOWEVER. Business and political magazine ”) and provision of information and advertising services”. At the same time, it was reported that in 2016 only one issue of the magazine was published. Alexei Navalny, a politician and shareholder of Rosneft, in January 2017 (then information about the fact got into the media) said that he would ask the company for the relevant documents, since he "did not like the story at all." Mikhail Leontyev himself said that the allocated money was spent on the website of the magazine "However", which had "2 million individual visitors at the best time."

In January 2017, Leontyev scolded the journalists of Dozhd and the BBC Russian Service with obscene language. Leontyev was irritated by their question about the legality of the use of a car with a special signal by the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin. The press noted that the cheeky style of communication with the media of the press secretary of Rosneft has been the subject of criticism many times.

Relationship with Ukrainian authorities

After the journalist became “persona non grata” in Latvia, he was denied entry (July 14, 2006) to Ukraine as well. The ban was later lifted, and in September 2007 Mikhail, together with his colleague Yevgeny Dodolev (acting as publisher), launched in Ukraine the Russian-language version of the German weekly Der Spiegel (Der Spiegel-Profile), which became a notable event on the Ukrainian media market.

The log was launched based on the fact that "The quality of content in Ukraine lags significantly behind Russian requirements", and it was stated that in concept it is more of a political weekly, close more to Newsweek than to the "Profile" to which the Russian reader is accustomed. The magazine in Russian was published weekly with a circulation of 30 thousand copies in Kiev, Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, while the editorial office was based in Moscow, and a correspondent network was formed in Ukraine. The project was suspended in May 2008, there was an online version of the publication.

In August 2014, Leontyev was included by Ukraine in the sanctions list of Russian journalists.

Socio-political views

In his own words, he was a "dissident". Calls himself a right-wing conservative [ ] .

At the beginning of his publicistic and journalistic career, he adhered to radically liberal views, primarily in the economic sphere, which predetermined his opposition to the communists in the 1996 elections and the government headed by Yevgeny Primakov in 1998-1999. Criticized leftist ideology. In February 1998, Leontyev won the Adam Smith Prize, established by Gaidarovsky "for criticizing liberal politics from the standpoint of liberalism." Leontyev himself called Gaidar's reform "shock therapy under anesthesia" [ ] .

In earlier works, Leontyev also called for the abandonment of the "imperial burden", warning against attempts to restore the "empire."

Leontiev also repeatedly spoke out in support of Augusto Pinochet, whom he considered a consistent, albeit cruel, politician. Leontyev believes that Pinochet carried out an exemplary economic reform in Chile, creating "an effectively working social system, built on a truly liberal principle."

He outlined his political credo in 2007 in his article for the anthology "Moulin Rouge":

What does modern postmodernity, the so-called avant-garde, do? Destroying the idea of ​​compassion. It is good when it is expressed in the form of a grotesque, such a "skit" as, for example, Tarantino does. Bantering about the removal of barriers implies their presence. To some extent, mocking the removal of Christian cultural taboos is humane. And it means recognizing the existence of these very taboos. It is worse when no one sees these taboos. When they are no longer in the minds of the creators. And there are no living people in the minds who do not think about anything at all. Then this is the end of culture. And the end of humanity as a population.

Real politics, like culture, can only exist within the framework of a taboo. Therefore, in all famous novels about politics, the theme is eternal “ How power destroys a person».

Awards and prizes


  • However, hello! - M., 2005.
  • However, goodbye! - M., 2005.
  • Fortress Russia: Farewell to Liberalism, "Yauza", 2005. - 189 p. (co-authored)
  • Is Russia threatened by an "orange revolution"? - M., 2005.
  • Internal enemy: The defeatist "elite" is ruining Russia - M., 2005.
  • Leontyev M. V., Zhukov D. A. "Independent" Georgia: A Bandit in a Panther's Skin. - M .: Yauza, 2008 .-- 352 p.
  • The big game: British Empire against Russia and the USSR. - M .: AST, 2008 .-- 319 p.
  • The ideology of sovereignty. From imitation to authenticity. - M .: Izborsk club, Book World, 2014 .-- 320 pages.


  • Real love.

A family

He is married for the second time to Maria Kozlovskaya. From his first marriage with the poetess and philologist Natalia Azarova - son Dmitry (works on the O2TV channel), daughter Elena and two grandchildren. From his second marriage, Leontyev has a daughter, Daria (1999).

Notes (edit)

  1. Mikhail Vladimirovich Leontiev: biography
  2. Leontiev, Mikhail (unspecified) ... Retrieved December 24, 2012. Archived December 25, 2012.
  3. Mikhail LEONTIEV: “We can be proud that after the madness we came to our senses” (unspecified) ... Komsomolskaya Pravda (October 9, 2008).
  4. Leontiev Mikhail Vladimirovich (unspecified) ... Institute for the Economy in Transition. Retrieved December 24, 2012. Archived December 27, 2012.
  5. Mikhail Leontiev (unspecified) ... First channel. Retrieved December 24, 2012. Archived December 25, 2012.
  6. Politics as a device of art (unspecified) ... The Art of Cinema (May 1, 1998).
  7. Mikhail Leontyev left Sokolov for Nevzorov (unspecified) ... Komsomolskaya Pravda (October 31, 2001).
  8. HOWEVER, IT'S THE SAME AT A DIFFERENT TIME (unspecified) ... Novaya Gazeta (November 26, 2001).
  9. Mikhail Leontiev: "I have the right to" load " (unspecified) ... Izvestia (July 12, 2002).
  10. Rubber Matvienko was ordered for Mikhail Leontyev (unspecified) ... Komsomolskaya Pravda (May 22, 2003).
  11. Oksana Naralenkova Mikhail Leontyev: "Big Game", but Rossiyskaya Gazeta - Week number 221
  12. Mikhail Leontiev in the project "Big Game"
  13. - Books | The Great Game | Mikhail Leontiev | Buy books: online store / ISBN 978-5-17-056483-5, 978-5-9725-1410-6
  14. Rostova N. “The idea was to make money in the media business. But it doesn't turn out very well " (unspecified) ... Slon (20.11.09). Retrieved December 24, 2012. Archived December 25, 2012.
  15. Sobchak and Sokolova touched the origins of Russian statehood.
  16. Mikhail Leontyev launches a new weekly "However"
  17. Olga Goncharova. Channel One asked Press Code (unspecified) ... Kommersant No. 112 (4167) (June 25, 2009). Retrieved August 13, 2010. Archived February 18, 2012.
  18. "However" will dress in gloss - Internovosti. RU
Original of this material
© Kommersant.Ru, 08.01.2014, Photo: via @egor_mq

However, Rosneft

Kirill Melnikov, Ivan Safronov, Natalia Korchenkova

Rosneft will have a new vice president for PR. A well-known journalist will oversee the company's external relations Mikhail Leontiev... At the same time, Mr. Leontyev will keep his own projects: he will continue to run the program “However” on Channel One, as well as publish the magazine of the same name.

From January 13, journalist Mikhail Leontyev will become an advisor to the president of Rosneft in the rank of vice president for PR, sources close to the company, the government and the presidential administration told Kommersant. Rosneft itself declined to comment. Mr. Leontyev told Kommersant that "there is no official information yet, there is no point in commenting on anything."

The post of advisor and vice president for PR at Rosneft is being created for Mr. Leontyev. He will oversee the activities of the Department of Information and Advertising. At the moment it is headed by the former editor-in-chief of the REN TV channel Vladimir Tyulin, he is also the press secretary of Rosneft. How their powers will be redistributed, Kommersant's interlocutors do not know. Sources of Kommersant say that between the president of the state company Igor Sechin and Mikhail Leontyev, there is a long-standing "friendly relationship." "Leontyev is a well-known person, Igor Ivanovich likes to invite such people to work," said one of Kommersant's interlocutors. In particular, for example, Daniel Yergin, author of the cult book Dobycha, was a member of the Rosneft integration committee, which was involved in the takeover of TNK-BP. “Leontyev is known as a journalist, now Igor Ivanovich was looking for PR people with a big name, there were other candidates. But it is not at all clear what kind of PR manager Mr. Leontyev will be, ”said one of Kommersant’s interlocutors.

Last year, one of the main targets for criticism in Mikhail Leontyev's programs was Gazprom and the company's chairman of the board Alexey Miller... In his question during the "direct line" of Vladimir Putin in April, Mr. Leontyev blamed mister Miller the fact that the gas company ignores the "shale revolution", while "losing markets and capitalization."

Formally, the appointment of top managers to the country's largest company does not require approval from the presidential administration, but they are aware of Mikhail Leontyev's arrival at Rosneft. A Kommersant source close to the company said that "PR specialists of this level are always coordinated, this is standard practice." “If Igor Ivanovich is confident that Mikhail Leontyev will be able to benefit the company, then he vouches for this decision as the president of Rosneft,” a senior official of the presidential administration said.

At the same time, Mikhail Leontyev will continue to engage in journalism, sources say to Kommersant: he will remain the host of the “However” program on Channel One, which is aired twice a week. The press service of the channel officially confirmed this information to Kommersant. “There is nothing unusual in such a combination, it often happens. It is difficult to combine, taking into account the total working style of Rosneft, but it is quite possible, "one of Kommersant's interlocutors said. According to Kommersant's information, the question of continuing Mr. Leontyev's career on television was a matter of principle. “This was also discussed at a separate meeting between Igor Sechin and the CEO of Channel One Konstantin Ernst, which took place before the New Year, "- said one of the interlocutors of Kommersant. In addition, Mikhail Leontyev will continue to publish his own magazine "However". He is also the author of the program on Mayak radio; nothing is known about its future yet.

Some of Kommersant's interlocutors believe that the arrival of Mr. Leontyev at Rosneft may indicate the state company's plans to create its own media holding. However, Kommersant's sources close to her refute this. “The company does not need this, it is engaged in oil and gas production,” one of Kommersant’s interlocutors said.

[AAV Sr., 01/08/2014, "Back in 2007 ...": Back in 2007, Mikhail Leontyev, in a conversation with me, complained that Putin had chosen Medvedev as his successor, not Sechin.
“That would be the president!” He exclaimed.
Now he himself is the vice-president of Igor Ivanovich.
Sechin does not forget neither good nor bad. - Box]

[Kirill Shulika, 01/08/2014: Misha can only be hired for one job - as a drinking companion. As an advisor, it is logical to call and have a glass in the boss's office. If the vice president for PR, then this is absolutely n * dec, and, moreover, n * dec. But no less n * dec is Tyulin in PR. Who has forgotten, he headed the criminal edition of NTV. On the other hand, Sechin does not need PR, he has little other functions and positions. Accordingly, you can just put good people on a budget. True, judging by the names of the vice-presidents, he does not need personnel in the company either, because the former head of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Kalinin, is responsible for them in the position of the Sechin deputy. - Box]

What is Mikhail Leontiev known for

Private bussiness

Mikhail Vladimirovich Leontiev was born on October 12, 1958 in Moscow. In 1979 he graduated from the Plekhanov Moscow Institute of National Economy with a degree in labor economics.

He worked at the Institute of Economic Problems in Moscow, where, in his own words, he tried to "deal with the real Soviet economy." In 1985 he graduated from vocational school with a degree in cabinet-maker. He worked as a laborer in the Literary Museum, guarded Boris Pasternak's dacha in Peredelkino, was a history tutor, wrote analytical articles on sociology.

From the end of 1989 he worked in the policy department of the newspaper "Kommersant", at the same time collaborated with the Experimental Creative Center of Sergei Kurginyan and the Riga newspaper "Atmoda". In 1990, he became a department editor at Nezavisimaya Gazeta, then was the first deputy editor-in-chief of the Business MN weekly. In 1993 he took part in the creation of the newspaper "Segodnya", where he later worked as the first deputy editor-in-chief. In December 1995, as an independent candidate, he unsuccessfully ran for the State Duma of the second convocation. Since April 1997 - head and presenter of the program "Actually" on the channel "TV Center". At the same time, he hosted the “Seventh Day” program and was the head of the TV channel's socio-political programs. Since the beginning of 1999 - the author and presenter of the program "However" on the "First Channel" (formerly - ORT), in 2009 he became the founder of the magazine of the same name. From 2007 to 2009 he was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Profile".

Member of the United Russia party. Laureate of the Golden Pen of Russia prize.

In terms of buhashka [Leontiev] was a real legend of the 1990s

Original of this material
©, 09.06.2010

Orgy of patriotism


Sokolova At this point, I would like to change the topic a little and talk, so to speak, about the genesis, the formation of your so amazing for us, glamorous girls, - but coinciding with the folk, system of values. After all, Mikhail, you were by no means always a pillar of the ideas of statehood. Quite the opposite! You started with extremely liberal views. At the end of the scoop, they guarded Pasternak's dacha in the company of practically dissidents ...

Leontiev The Pasternak Museum does not oblige anything ideological.

Sokolova This is true! But then you were friends with the main liberals of the 90s - Aven, Glazyev, Kagalovsky. You worked for Gusinsky in the Segodnya newspaper, agreed with Khodorkovsky on the creation of the Delo newspaper.

Leontiev I was an economic liberal, because who else could be a person who had not been taught by the Soviet school of economics? I always felt like a political conservative, but an economic liberal I was radical. I now believe Samuelson's tutorial works!

Sokolova Or maybe it's not just the venerable Samuelson? Legends were told about your income from Mr. Gusinsky in the newspaper "Segodnya". According to colleagues, you were entitled to 50 thousand dollars a month only for entertainment expenses - and this, mind you, almost 20 years ago, at a time far from oil stability. Whereas statesmen in the 90s were by no means popular. The ideology of "protection" was not capitalized.

Leontiev All this is nonsense. I told you that my views have changed. As an economic liberal, I saw, figuratively speaking, only this napkin, but then I saw, as it were, this whole table.

Sobchak But still it's somehow ... suspicious. I personally do not believe in communists who suddenly start going to church, or Marxists who suddenly become liberals.

Sokolova And I personally believe in Mikhail! Apparently, he is an ideological person and grandmother is not the main thing for him. In the magical world of real statesmen, there are things more important than money. Tell me, Mikhail, is it true that for the last 30 years you have been drinking vodka every day?

Leontiev No. Not every.

Sokolova In my opinion, you are being modest. I was told that in terms of booze, you were a real legend of the 90s! American correspondent Cary Goldberg still can't forget how in 1992 you seemed to fall to the floor and fall asleep drunk in her room. And the apartment on Prospekt Vernadsky, which you rented as a share with Andrei Babitsky, the star of Radio Liberty, who took a scandalous interview with Basayev and is now an enemy of Russia ?! According to your friends, it was a desperate alcoholic trip for months. They say that on some of your booze Babitsky got drunk to the point that he uprooted the toilet bowl in the toilet and then for a long time you relieved himself in the yard.

Leontiev I don't remember about the toilet. I was drunk - I forgot.

Sokolova They also say that you did not miss a single skirt. And the girls willingly gave you, because in the early 90s you were a fashionable guy, you were shown on TV and on your pocket there was a credit card with a monthly half to the representation. They say that one girl even jumped out of the window because of you ...

Leontiev Not a single girl threw herself out the window because of me - I officially declare. Although I really prefer drinking girls.

Sobchak Why?

Leontiev They don't remember bad things.

Sokolova And if they accidentally remember, they are thrown out of the windows. But, fortunately, alcoholic amnesia is a disease that often affects representatives of the imperial nation of both sexes.

Leontiev The Lord or nature has awarded me a unique organism. In general, the relationship with alcohol is an individual thing. There are a lot of decent people, more moral and worthy than me, who have a difficult relationship with alcohol. What is hard drinking? This is pure biochemistry. The person is not to blame.

Sokolova That is, according to Dovlatov: "I drink every day, and I also have binges."

Leontiev I don't have hard drinking! As I say, I have a unique organism. I have never been late for an important meeting in my life, I have not disrupted a single broadcast. I worked on the daily air for a very serious time and worked for a daily newspaper, where I wrote two or three texts per issue. Never in my life missed a deadline.

Sokolova Bravo! Not many manage to combine. Alcoholism is a full time job.

Leontiev Because I work at a frantic pace, my brain is always busy with what I'm working on. In order to rest, one must somehow unload the brains, they must be turned off in order to sleep and not to invent texts in a dream. I found a way, nature allows me to rest in this way.

Sokolova But for a public person, drinking almost every day is simply dangerous. Serious reputational losses are possible.

Leontiev Agree. I remember once in Transnistria I came to General Lebed. Well, in the evening I went to a tavern there, met a man, drank. In the morning I came to the general not quite fresh. And he kicked me out. In the evening I had to go in again.

Sokolova This is when you went to persuade Lebed to become a Russian Pinochet?

Leontiev Nothing like this! About Pinochet is different. I shot a film about the general.

Sokolova They say you told the same story to Putin. That, they say, V.V. is the Russian Pinochet, the savior of the Fatherland. They told me more.

Leontiev I know nothing.

Sokolova And I also heard that the Chechens sentenced you to death because you snatched a submachine gun from a fighter somewhere out of a hangover and fired a burst in the room.

Leontiev The yellow newspapers wrote this nonsense.

Sokolova Come on, be shy! For example, it is now clear to me why all the girls gave you in the 90s! After meeting you, the image of the statesman literally shone with new unknown facets. But it’s probably not easy for you with such views in the 2000s.

Leontiev Why?

Sokolova The trend has changed. You know, the cult of health, muscles, beauty fascism, fitness clubs. But most importantly, the image of a pretty drunkard has lost its relevance. I'm afraid it is even less prestigious to be an alcoholic statesman now than to belong to the Kasparov-Kasyanov camarilla. Moreover, it is rumored that the love of the glass cost you your personal friendship with Putin. Vladimir Vladimirovich, as you know, cannot stand drunkards.

Leontiev Vladimir Vladimirovich controls himself very well, therefore he appears in front of others exactly in the form in which he wants to appear.

Sokolova That is, you want to say that the prime minister is secretly applied?

Sobchak Here I can say as an eyewitness! A great advantage of the St. Petersburg team is its negative attitude to alcohol. In this, the "Petersburgers" are the absolute opposite of the crazy Yeltsin times.

Leontiev And I think that drinking is not shameful. Now, if Lesha Kudrin drank, he would be more useful!

Sobchak After talking with you, I became convinced that there is a direct relationship between the position of a statesman and vodka. People who theorize a lot and strongly on the topic of the state, as a rule, drink bitter.

Leontiev I am flesh of the flesh of my people - my people drink and therefore, like that drinking girl, does not remember the bad, but remembers that the state is good.

Sokolova Mikhail, you are a great theorist! And most importantly, a godsend for the interviewer. You don't have to pull anything out of you with ticks, you have formulated everything brilliantly yourself! Probably the glass we caught you in helped you ...

Leontiev A year ago, I put forward a concept of anti-crisis policy, which our government is implementing in practice, although in fact it is not admitted to it.

Sokolova Should everyone drink "corns fluid"?

Leontiev Not so radical. Letting the people go into a binge during the crisis. This also provides a solution to the main problems! First, social tension is completely destroyed. Secondly, there is a complete import substitution, because an elementary snack is the only thing that our national economy is able to produce.

Sokolova Great plan! I have only one comment. Don't you think that you are acting in the spirit of "theorists of fascism"? Do you send people into a binge, although you yourself have never been in it?

Leontiev Such is my body!

Sokolova And suffer for the sake of the Fatherland?

Leontiev Why not? I think I deserve a drink.

Mikhail Leontyev is a Russian journalist and publicist, the permanent host of the TV program "However". Today he conducts the author's program "Main Theme" on the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda", holds the position of press secretary and vice-president of the corporation "Rosneft". He is known for his harsh statements towards colleagues, as well as politicians, including other states.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Vladimirovich Leontiev was born into an intelligent family on October 12, 1958. Mira Moiseevna, the mother of the future journalist, worked as a teacher at the Moscow Institute. Plekhanov, father Vladimir Yakovlevich was an aircraft designer. By nationality, the newborn turned out to be half Jewish, half Russian.

From childhood, Mikhail Leontyev had a passion for literature - the boy read "drunkenly", he especially liked historical stories and novels. At the age of 5, the parents wanted to enroll the child in figure skating, but he refused. In adolescence, the boy passionately argued with his grandmother, proving to her, an inveterate communist, the shortcomings of Soviet policy. In high school, Mikhail secretly read magazines that were banned in those years.

Journalist Mikhail Leontyev at the presentation of the book "Time to betray" / Dmitry Rozhkov, Wikipedia

After school, the guy entered the Faculty of Economics at the Plekhanov Institute and successfully defended his diploma in 1979. In his youth, the future journalist had to earn money as a loader.

After university, Mikhail Leontyev got a job at a research institute, trying to realize himself in the economy. Patience was enough for several years. In 1985, Mikhail resigned from the Research Institute, from that moment on, life became brighter. The young scientist mastered the carpentry trade, was an ordinary worker at the Literary Institute and a watchman at the dacha. Leontyev also earned his living by tutoring.


The biography of Mikhail Vladimirovich is closely related to journalism. In 1987, Leontyev was seriously interested in sociology - Mikhail's first analytical articles were devoted to this topic. After another 2 years, the man devoted himself entirely to journalism. At first he worked as a political correspondent for the Kommersant publication, then headed a department in Nezavisimaya Gazeta.