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What precious metal is suitable for scorpions. A valuable and useful gift - charm. Which stones should avoid

Compatibility Horoscope: Scorpion Metal by zodiac sign - most full description, Only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Scorpio Sign of Resistance and Renaissance. Metal Zodiac sign Scorpion - iron or steel. The character of scorpion is very contrast, temperamental, which is very attracted to the view of others.

Metal Zodiac Sign Scorpio - Steel

It is already known that the metal for such a person has the same nature as he himself, and only emphasizes all the brightest features of the scorpion. Specifically - metal signs Scorpion are iron and steel.

These two metal as it is impossible to determine the natural essence and character of Scorpio. After all, if any kind of activity was attracted, it shifts it into a persistent structure and it is already hard to refuse him, as well as it is difficult to get a stained steel.

What metals bring good luck sign scorpion

Them life position Also hard, like these two hard metal - iron and steel. The same refer to scorpion emotions. Back with himself early childhood Mama had to listen to a tiny, not noticeable sidewall, the hesitations of the soul of their child. For them, to show weakness in public the most terrible nightmare. Scorpio like that robot from the trilogy, which is unshakable goes ahead for his own goal.

Not if a moment ever comes when he understands that its intended goals are not carried out, then the scorpion falls into a deep depression, he seems to break into a thousand fragments, instead of trying to get used and retreat.

But at the same time, ScorpioNees are not to whine and look around others, more precisely, even on the contrary, they are easier to suffer in proud loneliness, so as not to get greater pain from what will be seen with tears in their eyes.

To the one who offended the scorpio or his loved ones, he can apply the same serious and painful injury as the blow of steel scrap.

The first enemy of Scorpio can be called its hot-tempered, irritable character, for any information, or action that emerged unplanned at the moment when he is busy business, or simply carries a sense contrary to his worldview, can lead to aggression. Such a stormy character often repels from themselves others and creates a large number of enemies.

Scorpio, like the metal of this zodiac sign, is hard and cold outside. This shell helps Scorpio to survive with all its ideas about unshakable and resistance. They can pass fire, water and copper pipesIn order to get to the desired and fulfillment of the conceived.

Inside, they are as wound as externally cold. It is difficult for them in one body with soul and mind. On the one hand, they want love and heat, but since this can lead to the not desired manifestation of feelings, they constantly establish a barrier among themselves and even their most close people. Here without understanding and support do not do, since in the extreme gusts of despair, scorpions often suffer often, so close person Must learn to gently penetrate this steel.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Happy zodiac signs Scorpion: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 100, 666.

Symbol of scorpion: scorpion, eagle, snakes, lamp, pyramid.

Zodiac sign colors Scorpion: bloody-red, scarf, crimson and all fiery colors.

Scorpion Stones: Ruby, Coral, Aquamarine, Beryl, Moonstone, Onyx, Crystal, Carbuncoon, Cat Eye, Malachite, Topaz.

Scorpion flowers: Peony, Carnation, Chrysanthemum.

Metals Zodiac sign Scorpio: Iron, steel.

Scorpio Talismans: Beetle, Scorpio.

general characteristics

The character of people of this sign is a contrast, temperamental, this is a very attractive man. The first difficulty for him is to live. At first glance, he has everything to succeed: the liveliness of the mind, energy, strength. But because of the irritability of character, he has many enemies. Scorpio is often in a state of irritation, but "his poison directs against itself." In personalities, born under this sign, there is something elusive and mysterious. Even when it seems that he is sincere, in fact he is closed and careful. For him, this measure of protection. It seems to him that he is threatened, and immediately he puts forward a whole system of protection. When it really attacked him, the anger of his terrible. By temperament: phlegmatic.

The advantages and disadvantages of scorpions

Advantages. Born under the sign of Scorpio very often differ in high emotionality, sincerity. Scorpions are practical; They possess undoubted magnetism, attract the surrounding mystical in nature. As a rule, scorpions are good people, and their kindness is active in nature, they are characterized by such features as determination, self-discipline, perseverance, energy. Scorpions are very sincere, devotees; Always try to achieve the best results in everything that they do, strive to improve their professional skills. Scorpions are born fighters, they are jealous (but not envious) belong to the successes of other people, often enter into different competitions.

Disadvantages. Unfortunately, no less and list negative qualitiesordinary for scorpions. Here and selfishness, and non-peculiarity, and skepticity, and suspicion exacerbated by their own secrecy, and self-ability, and ruthlessness, and vitality. Scorpions often allow other people to manipulate them. They are often prone to mysticism, the influence of someone else's will, to magic and metaphysics. Conflicts between sublime and low: on the one hand, anger, vigilance, cruelty and anger, on the other - high idealism and a strong need for knowledge, zealous to spiritual development, thirst for knowledge and perseverance in their achievement, determination and fearlessness. Often scorpions - very attractive nature, but with a variety internal conflictswithout which they generally do not think their own existence.

Scorpio - Male

The identity of scorpion is a variable combination of antagonistic forces. Possess a strong will and sense of independence, people of this sign, however, passionate and easily excited. The soul and flesh are constantly fighting between themselves and therefore scorpion sometimes seems to be the devil himself. And sometimes unexpectedly saints. Yes, even look like God, for generously endowed with heavenly rulers. These are people with severe will, so strong that aggressiveness creates many enemies on their way to success. Scorpions are fighting for success in life, perhaps with much greater energy than all other signs taken together. At the same time, the scorpion is soft-hearted, despite the seemingly worn. First, he usually happens incredulous and restrained. In general, these people have a peculiar and interesting character, very problematic. Scorpions do not know how to correct themselves, in addition, they tend to pose and keep everything secret. They want to achieve their goals without dedication to anyone, so few people can understand their actions correctly.

Scorpio - woman

It has the most sexy temperament. He loves sex and willingly recognize that it is insatiable in it. Its widespread needs, provided that it is true and does not associate itself with ethical and social norms. Sex attracts it and as an object (goal), and as an activity (form of self-assessment). He becomes in her life by the Cult. Abstinence can only negatively affect it. It is always attractive, and in the sense of not so much aesthetic beauty as much of the completeness of life. It has inexhaustible vital energywhich is able to send to different areas Life. She is proud of his body and his lovely, cares about him and retains in good shape. Its temperament does not weaken until old age. It often becomes a virtuoso. Those of men who are looking for liberty and pleasure in bed find them with it. Against visibility it can be an excellent wife for men who do not have traditional views on sex in family life and on the so-called sophisticated loyalty. Its extramarital connections are due not to insufficient condition or temperament of her husband, and an unlimited thirst for new impressions. If he impresses her and she loves him, she will be true to him in his own way, i.e. He will always come first. Her sexual adventures will be in this case to serve only the objectives of finding a variety of physical satisfaction and never break the existing family bonds. She is able to separate sex from love that distinguishes it from most women.

Scorpio - baby

This little thistle is a real challenge for any parent, while bringing you to rabies, he will only enjoy a good fight. Your little scorpion Never go on a compromise. Little scorpions Desperate dracans, they despise the weak and do not forgive the offense. They need to inspire that the vitality often turns against them. Education of young scorpion requires the use of rigor and discipline, but at the same time do not forget to surround it with care and love, as it really needs it. One of the advantages of young scorpions is their amazing ability to endure any physical pain. Even if such a child strongly cut his leg and he should urgently impose seams without anesthesia, he will not pay. Both girls and boys, born between October 24 and November 22, are very early learned to read and at school easily assimilate a complex theoretical material. However, teachers often do not know that it is better to apply them to teach them to order. Children adore terrible films, science fiction and ghost stories. They fall in love with early, and here it is necessary to inspire a sense of responsibility for their romantic adhesions, otherwise, becoming adults, they can cause a lot of burning features of another sex. Since all scorpions are very respected by family bonds, such an explanation may continue to serve as a restraining start. The scorpion child has many unusual features of character: wise not by year, much comprehends himself, persistently in achieving its goal, energy inexhaustible. Therefore, it is very important to send it to the right path and maintain it while it needs your help. Pluto endowed it with courage, force and developed intelligence, but only parents with their own example can teach it the main thing: how to love others and be loved. Favorite specialties reaches large heights.

Scorpion Life Path

In the youth of the excitement and changes of the situation, until it is developing and will not get strengthened. Successes in most cases after 30 years. Win especially after marriage. With the help of ambition achieve its goal.

Career Scorpion

Scorpions are traditionally good doctors, surgeons, dentists, balmers, pathologists, biochemists, psychologists, psychoanalystics, bodyguards, criminals, private detectives, insurance agents, investigators, divers, tax collectors, bailiffs. As well as military, reformers, writers with a special distinctive direction, collectors, censors, debtors, veins, excavations, plumbers, mines, entrepreneurs, trade union leaders.

Spripon diseases

People of this sign are characteristic of abdominal and genital diseases, bladder. Exposure to all sorts of infections. Nose disease. Danger from fire and weapons. With people of this sign sometimes accidents occur, especially during travel.

Love for scorpions

Strong passion and sensuality, at the same time the willingness to bring sacrifices differ from the scorpions from the other signs of the zodiac. Often, this passion turns around the loss of a loved one. Scorpions are very emotional, they need love, they crave her, they ask her. Love is their life fuel. Astrologers are unanimous in that Scorpio is the sexiest of all the signs of the zodiac. Being kings in all sexual matters, scorpions are suitable for sex with ease and usually begin to engage in them in early agebecause they are sexually attractive, even if not very beautiful. Everyone sees a lust coming from them, and if not sees, it feels. People want to caress them, want to be always with them, because they are aware of the internal forces that are hidden in the passionate nature of Scorpion.

Sophisticated scorpion life

The union with fish is most favorable, but Scorpio is needed to restrain itself and not to insult the feelings of justice and the pride of fish. A harmonious union arises with Capricorn. Capricorn with his pedantry and tranquility restrains the energy and activity of scorpion. Favorable union with the Virgin. With a subtle-sensing cancer, a favorable union. Between the signs of Leo and Scorpio is a strong physical attraction, harmony, but the union is doomed to death in the consequence of the proprietary nature of Scorpio. Active scorpion and dreamy Aquarius poorly understand each other. With a Taurus, it may occur or an attraction or a strong antagonism, but the union is favorable due to the great activity of both. Between the signs of weights and scorpion, cooperation is possible in work, but not a marriage, since the light character of the scales does not like Scorpio. Marriage with Strethor Polon Harmony. With your sign a lot of attraction, but the union is unhappy.

Metals for zodiac signs that are suitable as mascots

Metal can also be a good faith. But you need to choose it right.

One of the most simple ways Selection of its metal talisman - by the sign of the zodiac.

Each sign, from Aries to fish, can increase "its" metal. Right metal Can bring good luck, strengthen health, give peace of mind, save from dangers.

The sign of the element of fire, sincere and brave oyans burns at work and at home.

And only roast and bright, but at the same time flexible gold can support the indomitable flame of the Osfovsky heart. And backing up, and do not give to burn out.

For Taurus - Metal Aluminum

Although the calves of more than other signs are prone to wealth, they are more suitable for aluminum, metal aviation. It is easy to handle, mitigating the inflexibility of the Taurus. It is soft, but racks to pressing and hard exposure.

Taurles, children of land, aluminum helps to overcome unnecessary landed fears, take off above.

This metal may emphasize the twin ease of communication and intelligence. But at the same time will save from unnecessary risks, meaningless disputes and adventurous actions.

It will help the talents of air twins lit up with warm light shine.

which will not make something contrary to their desires. That is why their metal is the alloy of Titan.

Summer and silver, but according to properties it is worse than Titan, helps cancer to go through life.

For these children, gold is almost as useful as for Aries belonging to the same elements.

But lions love gold in the royal! It increases their mood, commands them life forces, protects and gives good luck.

Virgin is the sign of the Earth, they will greatly help tin, copper, aluminum, as well as gold (it can also be attributed to this category).

Virgin prefer to rely on the analysis of the facts, and not to intuition, and soft metals will help them to balance the feelings and logic, restore the balance between mind and emotions, emphasize the natural softness of the virgins.

Air weights lack the resistance that the bronze easily fills. In addition, bronze is very beautiful, which will undoubtedly attract a sign under the patronage of Venus.

Also, this metal will give strength to perform any important tasks.

Scorpions - Steel and Iron

Scorpions are difficult to break, they are literally "steel". They possess sharp as a razor mind.

Iron alloys are great for their nature. And both iron, scorpions can only be the effect of time.

Yes, do not be surprised - this independent, original and wise sign from metals is also perfectly suitable for silver.

Silver soldiers are usually more successful, and they are easier to communicate with people.

For Capricorn sign - Platinum

This metal will emphasize the persistence of caferants to the effect of outside: they are both almost "do not enter into interaction" with something.

Platinum will protect these children of the Earth from adversity, as the mascot will help Capricorn to remain faithful to themselves.

Aquarius air sign requires soft metals, but not everyone will suit him - only chosen.

Copper amulets and gold jewelry will help our unrecognized geniuses to reveal their talents on Earth. Their era began - Era Aquarius, copper and gold will help them bring their vibrations to the desired space level.

And what is even better suited to silver fish? It as amulet keeps fish from the troubles and ailments, is a talisman of good luck in affairs.

Silver products are the best gift to protect against difficulties in life and a bait for love happiness.

What metal is your zodiac sign

Each zodiac sign can strengthen its energy from the metal, which is close to them in its aura. Someone the metal-talisman will bring good luck, someone will retain from dangers, and someone will give peace of mind.

Metal Aries is gold. Only it is capable of supporting the blame that burns in the hearts of these dynamic people. Fire element and gold is an excellent union, and for Aries he is better doubly.

The metal tanks are aluminum, because it is also easy to process, like a calf, but despite its softness, it is racks to various kinds of influences. Aluminum calves will help not be afraid of anything in this life.

Twins are best suited for silver. This metal may emphasize their incredible intelligence, as well as save from meaningless risks and rash actions.

Craks are stubborn, but not to such an extent so that they do not like for it. With its softness, they never change their beliefs. Best Metal For crayfish is titanium and its alloys. Analogue can perform silver, but its properties are noticeably worse for this sign.

Lions love gold, and gold loves Lviv. For this fiery sign, gold is almost also useful as for Aries - it protects lions and increases their mood, and also gives vitality.

For virgins, soft metals like tin, copper, aluminum, gold are excellent. Any of them will help the Virgin find a balance between feelings and logic. They emphasize these metals and the natural softness of this zodiac sign.

Zodiacal talisman for weights is bronze. It has excellent resistance, which sometimes lacks weights, and also gives strength to perform any important tasks.

Scorpions are steel people. They are difficult to break, so iron alloys are perfectly harmonized with them. Born under the scorpion sign can also be given in only the effect of time as iron.

Metal Silver is silver, which emphasizes the independence of this sign of the zodiac. Shorters who wear silver are usually more successful and experiencing less difficulties in communication.

Platinum is a patron of Capricorns. It protects them and at the same time emphasizes their resistance to the effect of outside, as well as their wisdom. Platinum does not enter into cooperation almost with anything, and it helps Capricorn to remain faithful to themselves.

Metal Aquarius - Gold and Copper. Both metal are soft - exactly the same as Aquarius itself. Aquarius carefully chooses its circle of communication. Therefore, copper amulets or gold jewelry are talismans and charms for you.

Metal fish is a silver that stores them from misfortunes. This is a great charm and good luck talisman in one person. Silver can give fish success in any field of life, especially in love.

By big accountOur planet is a huge piece of metal. That is why for successful communication With the energy of the Universe, the signs of the zodiac need their talismans.

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Characteristics of the zodiac sign Scorpio: planets, metal, elements, stones

The main characteristics of the scorpion on the horoscope

If you analyze the emotional state of this person, it can be said that the main characteristics of the Scorpio sign - external compound.

As well as inner fire, temperament, thrust for adventure and risky situations.

The zodiac characteristic of Scorpio is such that it is a secretive person who does not accept criticism in his address. He perfectly feels a danger behind his back, and knows how to cope with any danger without manifestation and notes of panic.

Scorpio loves thoroughly explore the object of his interest, especially if he attracted a person of the opposite sex.

This is one of the most jealous people who constantly doubt the loyalty of their partner, reads his correspondence or follows him, but himself will not tolerate distrust in his address.

Knowing how different stones affect Scorpio, you can learn better than the representative ...

After studying the peculiarities of the elements of Scorpio, you can learn to understand the nature of this person ...

How does the Patron Planet affect the scorpion?

Planet Scorpion - Pluto, which gives a representative of this sign by mystery, suspicion, jealousness, insight and inexhaustible sexual energy.

Representative of this zodiac sign At first glance, it seems quiet and calm, but in fact, a real volcano will be buried inside it.

He can smile listening not to such a pleasant joke in his address, and remember the offense for a very long time.

Planet sign Scorpio gives this person truly hot temperament. In sexual plan, scorpion is ready for all possible experiments, which is why his partner must be passionate and liberated in bed.

Metal for scorpion by horoscope

The main metal of scorpion is iron that helps to calm their emotions, and also learn to listen to the voice of the mind. Iron has a beneficial effect on overly hot-tempered scorpion.

You can also wear: tantalum, platinum, brass, Melchior, cobalt.

You can wear periodically: titanium, zinc, iron, bronze.

It is forbidden to wear: lead.

What talisman is suitable for scorpion?

Scorpio talisman can be made of a grenade, which is considered a source of force and energy. In addition, it helps not only calm the negative, but also awaken in himself and its relationship positive and harmony.

The scorpion amulet can be made in the form of a frog, scorpion or beetle.

A frog will help to overcome difficult life situations, the beetle will attract material well-being, and Scorpio will help destroy all evil, which will threaten its owner.

Scorpio: Characteristic and Description

Find out the most interesting about Scorpio. This information will help you to succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

We choose talismans for scorpion, which items will fit men and women of this sign of the zodiac

Representatives of this sign are very skeptical, they believe that no one and nothing but themselves can affect life and fate. Talismans Scorpio is rarely choosing, but if it decides to make a special subject, it will be a strong magic assistant. Amulet for born under this constellation can be any thing, accidentally found or purchased, which has already brought good luck or is absolutely new.

This is a strong spirit sign, scorpions are able to endow items with useful qualities, turning them into powerful aunts.

Scorpio Talisman Tags

What talisman for scorpion? The most logical answer is the most insect, in honor of which the sign is named. Amulet Scorpio is able to weaken the effects of enemies and gives the owner with powerful energy and power. Although it is associated with the forces of darkness, death and self-destruction, on the representatives of this sign it affects, on the contrary, is very positive.

Such an overag is able to become a defender for born under this constellation, as they do not think about the feelings of others and very often can hurt a man with a stalk statement. A figurine or pendant in the form of scorpion helps to get rid of rivals and offenders. His owner is able to conquer new vertices, he develops intuition and flair, which are often developing into superpopulation.

The best option will be if the scorpion is made of white metal, such an amulet distinguishes trouble from his master, charges it with positive energy, counteracts apathy and depression. But for this charm, you should always keep with you. As an alternative material, a transparent or bluish glass is suitable, as its native element water.

Scarab beetle

This insect, too, at first glance, is associated with something bad, but actually brings good luck in material development. With such an assistant, the profit begins to come from absolutely unexpected sources. Scarab beetle as a woman's talisman, a woman or a man, is good equally, but acts on them in different ways.

Women will appreciate his ability to preserve beauty and youth, give perseverance and favorable outcome in the development of new knowledge. Men such an amulet will help in a professional sphere, especially if they are underestimated, scarab brings a reward for efforts and works. By the way, the same applies to family relationships.

As a talisman for scorpion frog is also able to endow it with force and luck. Best option Will, if it is made of green or color malachite glass. A frog symbolizes fertility, mind, update, capable of repaying raging passions, makes clarity in controversial situations, helps to take reliable solutions And to all have your opinion.

To make the talisman earned, you need to drop a few drops of water on the head of the frog, pre-watered the hand. After that, you can ask her to defend it by introducing it by name. Next, this charm put closer to the headboard. If a frog will appear in the week in the dreams, the figure is activated successfully.

Many people consider the magic faucer, because it indicates the right direction to their flame. In difficult minutes, it is only worth eating and see a few minutes on the flame of the candle and everything is normalized. You can place it on the desktop.

Other talismans

  • As a talisman, zodiac sign Scorpio, will suit any

The talismans of scorpions can be a pyramid, snakes, sewing, snake.

iron, steel or black silver;

  • Metals often make weapons, which can also be used as items of force. The weapons are suitable, both the present and souvenir, miniature, collector, etc.
  • Excellent overalls will be things from an arsenal scout or detective: voice recorder, tracking chamber, etc.;
  • Military topics related to the struggle, such as armor, helmet, etc. are also suitable;
  • Slavic characters are considered excellent overalls, such as a slopovik, a carladnik or a fern flower.
  • Steel and iron most of all correspond to the strength and power of scorpion, they will give their owner even more confidence in own powerwill contribute to the struggle for their ideals and teach never to give up.

    Silver is well suited for scorpion aspiring soothe spiritual heat. Silver items bring calm from his life, remove negative energy, they relieve irritation and help calm down in the gusts of anger.

    Most favorable flowers For representatives of this sign are dark red, raspberry, yellow and scarf. The presence of these shades in the interior or clothing has to comfort. But with scarlet color you need to be careful, it provokes aggression, so things of this color need to be used too often.

    The number of magic elements must match happy numbers For scorpion, which are considered 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10. Also, experts consider the combination of three sixes favorable for this sign.

    Each zodiac sign can strengthen its energy from the metal, which is close to them in its aura. Someone the metal-talisman will bring good luck, someone will retain from dangers, and someone will give peace of mind.


    Metal Aries is gold. Only it is capable of supporting the blame that burns in the hearts of these dynamic people. Fire element and gold is an excellent union, and for Aries he is better doubly.


    The metal tanks are aluminum, because it is also easy to process, like a calf, but despite its softness, it is racks to various kinds of influences. Aluminum calves will help not be afraid of anything in this life.


    Twins are best suited for silver. This metal may emphasize their incredible intelligence, as well as save from meaningless risks and rash actions.


    Craks are stubborn, but not to such an extent so that they do not like for it. With its softness, they never change their beliefs. The best metal for crayfish is titanium and its alloys. Analogue can perform silver, but its properties are noticeably worse for this sign.

    a lion

    Lions love gold, and gold loves Lviv. For this fiery sign, gold is almost also useful as for Aries - it protects lions and increases their mood, and also gives vitality.


    For virgins, soft metals like tin, copper, aluminum, gold are excellent. Any of them will help the Virgin find a balance between feelings and logic. They emphasize these metals and the natural softness of this zodiac sign.


    Zodiacal talisman for weights is bronze. It has excellent resistance, which sometimes lacks weights, and also gives strength to perform any important tasks.


    Scorpions are steel people. They are difficult to break, so iron alloys are perfectly harmonized with them. Born under the scorpion sign can also be given in only the effect of time as iron.


    Metal Silver is silver, which emphasizes the independence of this sign of the zodiac. Shorters who wear silver are usually more successful and experiencing less difficulties in communication.


    Platinum is a patron of Capricorns. It protects them and at the same time emphasizes their resistance to the effect of outside, as well as their wisdom. Platinum does not enter into cooperation almost with anything, and it helps Capricorn to remain faithful to themselves.


    Metal Aquarius - Gold and Copper. Both metal are soft - exactly the same as Aquarius itself. Aquarius carefully chooses its circle of communication. Therefore, copper amulets or gold jewelry are talismans and charms for you.


    Metal fish is a silver that stores them from misfortunes. This is a great charm and good luck talisman in one person. Silver can give fish success in any field of life, especially in love.

    By and large, our planet is a huge piece of metal. That is why for a successful connection with the energy of the Universe, the signs of the zodiac needs their talismans. Good luck and do not forget to press buttons and

    20.04.2016 01:10

    Each sign of the zodiac has its own mascots who protect from the troubles, attract luck, love and ...

    In the new year, the talismans of good luck will not prevent representatives of each sign of the zodiac. They will help avoid mass ...

    The most self-confident and skeptical zodiac sign is, of course, Scorpio. He does not believe in of different kind Carrying, amulets and other attributes capable of carrying out energy and endow others. However, those representatives of the sign that still have talismans, corresponding to their star horoscope, not only not only protective functions, but also raise your own life reserves.


    Scorpio Talisman

    Astrologers strongly advise this sign The zodiac is to choose the figure of the insect of the same name - Scorpion as an amulet. He, like nothing else, will defend its owner. The thing easily copes with unwanted envious and offenders, because thanks to the inconsistency of character and straightness in words, they have plenty of scorpion.

    The sign will become a spare energy source and protects from splashes apathy and depressive mood. For wonderful representatives of the sign, a frog figurine is perfect. Such an amulet brings successful outcomes In all spheres of life, teaches to set real goals, and sentiently and deliberately go to their execution.

    Talisman Beetle

    Crafts from the green mineral will help to become a person of harmonious, confident in their power, but not arrogant with others. For strong representatives of the sign of the amulet from the world of fauna will be a scarab beetle. Suitable the most diverse form of its expression - figures, jewelry or even images.

    Such a talisman helps to achieve well-being in the financial sphere, as well as get respect for his own family. Scarab's beetle suggests the right paths for which it is worth moving, brings good luck, helps in any endeavors. It can be said that such a sign for Scorpio is to receive a long-awaited award for all efforts.

    Metal Talisman Scorpion

    For scorpions is also important metal from which his happy amulet is made. Optimal decision It will be products from steel or iron - they are best of all others correspond to the energy and the strength of this sign. This is especially important during the periods of "stagnation" when additional confidence and impetus are needed to continue the case. For these purposes, astrologers even recommend keeping as a talisman


    Scorpions weapons (ranging from souvenir miniature and ending with real hunting units). Also welcomed for representatives of the sign of both sexes silver. It helps to pacify the rapid fervor and gently takes the negative energy from the soul depths.

    Products from this metal fill the owner of calm, suppress anger, remove irritation. This is a very important feature for such a temperamental sign as scorpion.

    According to many astrologers, Scorpio is the most difficult, with energetically strong sign Zodiac. The stones of his representatives need those who will reassure and support will help to avoid negative emotions And it is better to feel others.

    What a stone suits the scorpions to women, prompted astrominerologists. It turns out that picking up minerals on a horoscope, you can improve health, relationships, well-being.

    Choose by date of birth

    Born from October 24 to November 2 patronizing Mars. Confidence in yourself, sometimes even selfishness - features inherent in the scorpions of this period. They need solid stones, and transparent are suitable. The choice is great:, coil, malachite, red jasper, rhinestone.

    Born on November 3 to November 13 are influenced by the Sun. They are kind, noble, bold and strong. Their stones are turquoise, Sardonix ,.

    Born from 4 to 22 November protected by Venus. They are passionate, in love, artistic, talented. They are suitable, emerald, Topaz, Alexandrit ,.

    Properties of stones suitable scorpions on the horoscope

    Helps find peace of mind, Decience.

    Promotes the development of abilities, data from nature.

    Well to wear to maintain a good physical form, to excerpt and calm in difficult situations.


    Savings scorpion from bad mood, negative emotions, rash actions, remove stress and restore energy. And the coral will help soberly assess the situation, think constructively and rationally. The mineral can pale, the presentation of the disease of the hostess.

    Promotes the career growth of scorpions. And in business, their way with this stone will be peaceful and calm.

    Stone-peacekeeper. By giving her preference, the woman will learn to compromise, even the enemy will turn into a friend. Intrigues will be successfully overcome, not reaching open enmity.


    Those scorpions, which prevent natural skepticism, should be toopaz in a white rim. The stone will task more optimistic attitude, will make the intuition and will open his eyes on the prompts of fate. Manipulators will not be able to control scorpion.


    Free from the load of the past, from disturbing and obsessive thoughts. The Scorpio Woman under the influence of the stone will be softer, balanced, will learn to give up, can extinguish anger and negative emotions in the embryo. It is Sapphire - the perfect stone for all women scorpions.


    Missile in silver will give wisdom, harmony, peacekeeping, improve memory. The best metal for rim - silver.


    Promotes the concentration of attention, purification of thoughts and intentions from the negative. It is easy to purchase harmony in the soul and with the outside world. Pomegranate is perfect for businesswomen, as it contributes to successful negotiations and transactions.


    Ambiguous for scorpions. Weakened, exhausted emotionally, it helps it easier to treat life, become confident, cheerful special.

    Contraindicated hypertensive girls on the verge nervous breakdown. Their status from the ruby \u200b\u200bcan worsen. But also full forces, active scorpions stone will increase even more, so there may be excessive passion, energy. Stormy activities obsessed some kind of idea can be used in destructive purposes. So that this does not happen, find the energies worthy of use, for example, creativity or charity.

    For love


    What are the stones for health?


    The crimson-red or scarlet will help cure migraine, sore throat, weakness. And brown or yellow is shown at skin diseases.

    Possessed unique properties: It passes with it headache And even migraine, sleep becomes better, the souls of the throat and lungs are cured easier and faster.


    Contributes to the preservation of youth.


    Perfect for scorpions. It makes it easier and helps in the treatment of many diseases of the cardiovascular system, joints, diabetes, allergies, insomnia, skin diseases.

    Precious and semi-precious: what to choose?

    Among minerals suitable for women scorpions, there are precious and semi-precious stones.


    • Alexandrite;
    • Sapphire;
    • Topaz;


    • Aquamarine;
    • Garnet;


    • Cat eye;

    The classification itself points only to the rarity of the stone (the less often in nature it is encountered, the more expensive), but not on their properties. Therefore, it is worth choosing minerals not so much for the price, how much do you like.

    Choose by name

    You can strengthen the properties of the mineral if you select stones by names:

    1. Topaz: Hell, Amalia, Diana, Ksenia, Regina, Lina, Stella, Nelly, Taisiya.
    2. Sapphire: Tamara, Ivette, Lyudmila, Rosa.
    3. Love, Larisa.
    4. Anna, Daria.
    5. Elizabeth, Lily, Tamara, Yana.
    6. Coral: Victoria, Irina, Svetlana, Nonna.
    7. Ruby: Alla, Anna, Vera, Varvara, Valeria, Eva, Maya, Rita.
    8. Feline eye: Elena, Victoria, Margarita, Rimma, Zoya, Tamara, Tatiana, Yana.
    9. Garnet: Alexandra, Vasilisa, Valeria, Zinaida, Lyudmila, Maria, Taisia, Tamara.

    Talismans and wubbles


    1. Alexandrite - Stone, which, changing the color, warns its owner about the danger. Choosing such a talisman, hold it in your hands before buying. "Your" stone will respond special warmth. His mistress he gives extraordinary tranquility, eliminating internal torments.
    2. Feline (Tiger) Eye - Talisman for strong, self-confident, purposeful personalities. Namely, most scorpions. Feline eye should be worn to protect from and damage. Also, this stone will serve as a faith from robbery, cheating and theft.
    3. Aquamarine will be strong guardHis properties are enhanced in high-quality cut and in a good frame from platinum, gold or silver.

    Choosing stones or decorations with them the woman itself should. You can accept them and as a gift if the donor is a close person or you are sure that you are given from a pure heart.

    Fear such gifts from ill-wishers, it is better to abandon the present.

    Positive to find to Nakhodka: the stone found can be your talisman, protect, and can bring trouble.

    Listen to your feelings, if you feel the depression, aggression, disgust, no matter how beautiful the decoration or mineral, get rid of it.

    The charm does not have to be in sight of everyone. It will still help, even if stored in his pocket.

    The most valuable and strong those stones that were inherited. Thoughtful stones will bring trouble.

    What stones should I avoid?


    Scorpions are not suitable minerals yellow and orange flowers. , pearls, agate, emerald, diamond are contraindicated.

    Pearls are able to calm the scorpion strongly, suppress its energy and even talent! And without passions, shake, adventures, the scorpion girl is very quickly stupid, Zahanrit. Therefore, pearls - not the best choice For a impulsive representative of this sign.

    Agat and amber deprived of the scorpion of perseverance, purposefulness and will to victory. Minerals are depleted emotionally and energetically, and the woman will not receive feeding from them. These stones should be avoided.

    Recommendations of astrominerologists - only tips for those who want to choose a stone on a horoscope. Of all the listed minerals, the stone that will be like will, he will take a glance and will respond and responds with warmth in his hands.

    Positive emotions when choosing - a faithful tip. Listen to your intuition! In the arsenal, sensual, emotional scorpions may have several different minerals. They will help under different circumstances in different situations. The main thing is to believe in their strength.


    Scorpio is the most complicated and energetically strong zodiac sign. Therefore, for the answer to the question of which stone is suitable for scorpions, it is best to turn to astrologers whose tips will allow you to choose a mineral that does not disturb the balance of the forces and helping the sign.

    Exact date of birth and selection of stone

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    • The most brightly represent the autumn sign of the zodiac people born in the period from October 24 to November 2nd. They are patronized by Planet Mars. They are energetic and confident in themselves, with age, these qualities are only enhanced. Precious stones for scorpion of the first decade should be transparent and solid. Among them: amethyst, Hematite, Mountain Crystal, Malachite, Tiger Eye, Bloody Jasper, Snake.
    • Second decade ( from 3rd to November 13th) gives the world of strong, gustful, noble and kind crosses. The sign is under the protection and influence of the sun. Earth Alers - Turquoise, Corals, Sardonix and Amethyst. These happy stones Help to show the best character traits.
    • Venus patronizes to everyone who was born in the period from the 14th to November 22. Passionate nature with a difficult character easily falls in love and generous on the manifestation of emotions. Among them are often artistic and talented personals. Suitable Minerals - Beryl, Alexandrite, Pomegranate, Aquamarine, Emerald, Topaz, Heliodor.

    More about scorpion stones in video:

    Valuable and useful gift - charm

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    Hematites - good charms for a passionate person. They will help to deal with their feelings and emotions, increase sexual energy. The mineral is not inferior in astral strength and hardness to the nature of the sign, so it does not enter into conflict with him. Stone concentrates forces on right direction And it helps purposefully move forward. Family people Tell me how to communicate with children and spouse. Representatives of the described sign of the zodiac rarely change their mind and do not perceive all new things. Hematite will strengthen the ability to flexible thinking and understanding other points of view.

    One of the faces for strong people - Feline eye. Gem is useful only to solid, confident and purposeful people. Happy decorations on hand (robust, bracelets, clocks) with a feline eye will protect against malicious eyes, damage and negative magical impact. Scorpions - owners and jealies, they are very careful about the safety of their property and inviolability of the second half. Feline eye protects from theft, robbery, deception and treason.

    Scorpions are skeptics in nature, therefore often miss the tips of fate by ears. Yellow Topaz develops intuition, helps to figure out trusting dreams and signs. It is good as he wanted from foreign influence and attempts to manipulate a man. Woman using topaz of any color will save her youth, and a man will strengthen intellectual abilities. Stones are better to change in white metal.

    This sign of the zodiac as a faithful figures is suitable beetle and scorpion, so the precious stones inserted into the products of such a form have a special force.

    Precious Talismans for Excellent Scorpion

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    A woman having a sign of Scorpio is often in captivity of his bad mood and negative emotions. Corals will help to cope with emotions and allow you to enjoy life. Red coral - good talisman For health, it relieves stress and restores energy and strength. Charming representatives of the sign often fall into awkward situations, succumbing to surging passions. Corals cooled this dust and promote clear logical thinking, allow you to understand which actions need to be made.

    A woman does not boast of coolness and tranquility. IN heavy periods Life Astrologers recommend her to wear decorations with a coil. It increases the ability to analyze and contributes to the adoption of a weighted solution in a critical situation. The serpent teaches to plan and think about his actions and their consequences.

    Scorpions for a long time cannot let go of the past events that excited them strongly. Happy or not very memories sometimes just poison your life. With the help of sapphire, a woman gets rid of the load of the past, disturbing or unnecessary thoughts. The precious talisman establishes contacts with others, makes its owner softer and compliant, quenching the outbreak of anger and negative emotions.

    The main mascot of all scorpions on the zodiac - opal - the woman in marriage will especially appreciate. Opal retains the loyalty of the spouses, protects the love and harmony of family relations. Jealous woman with opal will learn to trust her beloved person and run bad thoughts. Decorations with opales make their owner more wise and prudent.

    Chernelic - Lovely Love Talisman. A woman seeking to attract love and happiness to life and understand what kind of relationship she needs, and how to build them, can wear a carnelian in a pendant or brooches. Part of the scorpions are unrestrained in words and actions, so the decoration with the carnelian contributes to a more careful control over its behavior.

    Scorpions-Conquerors and their stones

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    A man who is in this sign of the zodiac is ambitious and slightly arrived. He is suitable stones with a rich red or black color. Strong talisman for him - red grenades. He brings recognition of merit, fame and good luck. Pomegranate will help to find mutual language With close and subordinates, which is very important for a sharp and categorical chief. The ring or tongue clamp with a grenade, wearable as a mascot, protects against damage, envy and evil eye. Bright red gemstone Strengthens friendly and love ties.

    Ruby - suitable talisman For a man belonging to the zodiac to scorpions. Gem increases physical and spiritual forces, eliminates the effects of stress. The scorpions prone to the Samoedy after the Samoylo \u200b\u200bis helpful to wear ruby \u200b\u200bto give self-confidence and their decisions. Decorations with mineral will not allow a man to fall into the despondency or ride depressed. Rubin brings good luck to those who seek to conquer the tops of a big business or politics.

    Scorpion aggression often finds its output in inconsistencies. Tourmaline will help calm down, will send the negative in the right direction and will reduce tension. A man is constantly holding off in a tone, without giving himself a concerned and persistently going to the goal. Alers with tourmaline teach his host to relax and enjoy the results already achieved. Suitable color Stone - dark red or black. Creative personalities he helps to achieve recognition and demand. Tourmaline is able to restore happy relationship in family.