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Girl Taurus Rabbit and Twins Tiger. Male -Tigr, Female Rabbit: Compatibility, Relationship, Friendship and Love. The interaction of the planets, their influence on the fate and character of a person. Family compatibility Tiger and rat

High compatibility of the tiger and rabbit is based on common values. Their main priority in life is a family. The cozy atmosphere in the house, understanding each other with a semi-displanting and interest in self-development strengthen love and make marriage happy.

They, as if puzzles, perfectly complement each other. Their interest in knowledge of the partner does not fade for a long time. Conflicts between the cat and the tiger are solved quickly, because the spouses do not like to quarrel and easily come on a compromise.

Characteristic Tigger

Extreme lovers, spontaneity and pleasant surprises, tigers do not like calm and routine.

Their life is filled with tweed events. They love to risk, so they succeed as entrepreneurs and businessmen. Goals are achieved at any cost.

They often reflect on different problems, but due to the hot-tempered nature of the decision take impulsively. Often regretted the consequences of their actions.

Representatives of this sign can be described like this:

  • courageous;
  • sensitive;
  • risky;
  • passionate;
  • witty;
  • attractive;
  • restless.

Tigers - inborn leaders, they know how to lead a large number of people, of which successful organizers of mass events are obtained. They love to be the center of attention, know how to make an impression. They possess a pleasant manner of behavior, good nature, external attractiveness.

People born in the year of the tiger will not suffer someone else's pressure. They are freedom-loving, so obligations are perceived in the bayonets.

In everyday life they love purity. There are no scattered things in their house, but full of beautiful items. Representatives of this sign are large aesthetes that paintings, figurines, sculptures attract. Well versed in art.

Effect of element

Tigers can be violent revolutionaries. They are capable of self-sacrifice in the name of honesty and the world. They are also inherent in other qualities that depend on the year of birth of a person.

According to the eastern horoscope for years, the sign representatives are:

  1. Fire (1986). These are bright revolutionaries who rarely support someone else's opinion, prove their own. Favorite business is developing with enthusiasm.
  2. Wooden (1974). They are calm and carefree. Inventive, so easily find a way out of any situation. Tell to collective work.
  3. Metal (1950, 2010), which is easy to implement their plans. They have a bad sense of humor, but a sharp mind. They are ambitious and go to the goal.
  4. Water (1962) representatives of the sign are kind and smart. Self-control allows them to confidently hold on critical moments. They have a good imagination, they have perfectly developed speech skills.
  5. Earth (1998) Sign representatives are careful, always act neatly, have a small circle of friends. Developed intuition allows them to predict events, especially in the field of business.

The overall trait of all types is ignoring someone else's opinion, they are hard to convince them. They easily succeed in their personal case.

Characteristics of the rabbit (cat)

Environmental sensitive and not always able to confront others, rabbits of miles, gentle and loving.

They are worried when unforeseen circumstances happen, negatively relate to spontaneous solutions, quite complex on the rise, since they do not like to leave the comfort zone.

Eastern horoscope is successful diplomats, political figures and eloquent speakers. Cats love art. At the sight of beautiful paintings, pleasant music or viewing the original film, admiration and aesthetic pleasure are experiencing. It adds to them vital energy.

Rabbits are inherent such traits:

  • hospitality;
  • good nature;
  • attentiveness;
  • cowardiness;
  • caution.

Cats are difficult to derive. Because of sentimentality, they often fall into depression and suffer without reason. Will with emotions are given by alone with them. Their love sincere, clean and real, but they show the feelings after time, examining the partner.

Despite the closure, rabbits are involved in charitable projects. Well referring to a person, they will gradually open up. Their inner world is rich, intellectual abilities allow you to quickly analyze the situation, find a solution to problems.

Effect of element

The character of a person is affected not only the sign of the zodiac. Much depends on year of birth. According to the East Horoscope Calendar, the cat happens:

  1. Fire (1987) such a person is friendly and harmless. This is a creative nature, which is trying to realize himself in different spheres.
  2. Metal (2011). This is a reliable friend, you can rely on it in a difficult situation. It easily reaches his goals, thanks to the large stock of energy.
  3. Wooden (1975). This is a tricky and calculating person.
  4. Earth (1999). A similar representative of the sign is open in communication, appreciates his home and loved ones, occupies high positions, constantly trying to increase income.
  5. Water (1963). Such a man is shy, but susceptible. He is an excellent and attentive listener, will always support the conversation.

Regardless of the elements of cats are careful and shy. Initially, they are hard to come to contact unfamiliar people, but learning a person closer, they are revealed.

Male tiger and woman rabbit

This is the union of opposites. He dare, brazed, courageous, real minider. She is gentle, calm, modest. It is precisely because of this, their compatibility is high.

Compatibility in Love

Love relationships begin with the first meeting. Flowers, candy, gifts, hiking in restaurants - this will be the beginning of the love story of a cat with a man tiger.

They are united:

  • the desire to become better;
  • self-development;
  • love for home comfort and comfort;
  • calm, quiet rest.

The partner follows the rule "Man said - a man did." The girl can rely on it. He is supported in joyful and sad moments. Thanks to the ability to negotiate, he quickly avoids conflict situations.

Marriage has clearly distributed duties. Woman cat is a loving wife and a good mother. The man is the breadwinner who earns money for the family. In matters of raising children, the couple almost does not argue, as it has common views on this question.

Tiger compatibility Men and rabbit Women is based on inability to use their strengths in emergency situations. Even when the husband is annoyed, the wife will not withdraw him from himself. It will incubate, will take care, as it understands the state of his beloved, if necessary, will give a good advice.

Spouses always have something to talk about. The girl cat is read and formed, the guy Tiger loves to recognize a new one. Rabbit is not interested in career growth. Her priority is harmony in the family. Thanks to mutual understanding, the marriage is happy, and the love between the tiger and the cat does not fade away for many years.

Problems in relations

Despite the fact that the compatibility of the rabbit and the tiger is high, conflicts sometimes occur. They may arise due to the fatigue of the man after a hard day or changeable mood of the cat.

Other reasons for tiger and rabbit quarrels:

  1. A sense of ownership. Manifests her husband. He wishes to control every step of his wife, which causes her irritation. He needs to learn to trust the spouse to improve family relationships.
  2. Dissatisfaction. The cat can show his weaknesses at the time of voltage. They manifest themselves in the form of anonycular offense, presentation of claims, hysterics. To eliminate the problem in relationships, the girl needs to learn emotional intelligence.

A happy marriage will be when the girl starts to obey a man. He is the head of the family, the minider. A woman should feel under reliable protection and relax, otherwise a quarrel between a man tiger and a woman who will be inevitable. Soon the indifference may appear, the relationship will deteriorate.

Male Rabbit and Woman Tiger

At the beginning of relations, partners are indifferent to each other. Different temperaments, character traits - the causes of such behavior. Love comes through time. Partners need to get to know each other better.

Compatibility in Love

Compatibility of the tiger and rabbit in such an average. It is emotional, bright; He is quiet, calm, peaceful. Initially, it will be difficult for them to get along together, but after a few weeks the relationship will be full of passion, love, tenderness.

A woman tiger and man rabbit will not immediately want to marry. This will withstand freedom-loving tigers. The girl will not have enough caress, romance, tenderness, passion, because of this, she is capable of offended and cool to the partner.

According to the Eastern Horoscope, in the Tiger family and rabbit, the leader will be a girl. It will solve all the problems, and the partner's silence will perceive as weakness or cowardice.

Children adore both spouses, but the wife will limit the chatting of the child with her husband. As a result, children will suffer due to insufficient attention from the Father.

The positive side of the relationship is a passionate diverse sex. Romantic rabbit and bright tigress - an unusual combination, but intimate proximity between them is full of feelings, emotions and love.

Problems in relations

Compatibility Cat and Tiger is low because of the girl. She is overly quick-tempered, powerful and tough, she does not give a man to show himself and become a getter. Problems in marriage provoked precisely a woman. Main reasons SSOR:

  1. The demanding girl. She dismantled in male psychology, so incorrectly perceives the behavior of his beloved. The girl constantly requires a partner of love and caress more than he can give.
  2. Egoism. Wife often asks a man about compliments, unusual actions. She wants her to admire. It annoys a man. He shows senses for personal request, not on demand.
  3. Cat stiffness. The guy needs less shove and be more open. A little energetic, and he will become the main thing in the marriage union. The girl such a change will appreciate.

Hardware work on relationships will make marriage happy. If the spouses learn to notice the shortcomings and change for a beloved, the relationship will improve.


According to the horoscope, a pair of tiger and rabbit is successful. The compatibility of partners is high, if the tiger is a man, and the cat is a girl, with a different formation of a large quantity of quarrels and conflicts, not avoid.

Spouses unite common goals, views on life and interests. They are not boring together. Save marriage and strengthen love will help constant work on relationships. The spouses are willing to change for each other, as I value with your union.

In this topic:

Character born in the year Tiger

In every person born in the year Tiger, the leader lives. But these are not the people who are ready to go on the heads of others for the sake of achieving their goals. This is a genuine incarnation of generosity, honor. They will not leave weak in trouble, will not choose themselves in opponents of which they are significantly superior in force. Especially developed generosity, mercy, the desire to help with the tigers, which in the month of birth refer to the sign of the fish.

Tigram is difficult to get along with society, because these are mobile and ambitious people, for them to perform other people's instructions - a real test, and to endure a bureaucracy torture. Therefore, bright revolutionaries are obtained from tigers, rebels who are far from everyone can find a common language. They have a lot of friends and enemies.

Cat born in the year (rabbit)

This year in Japan and China are called differently. In the Middle Kingdom - the year of the cat. And in the country of the rising sun - rabbit or a hare. Despite the difference in the names, the character traits that the year gives people coincide. First, it is high life durability. Failures cannot dump a man born in the year of the cat, especially if he is Aries on the horoscope. The rabbit is considered lucky. But a calm happy life is guaranteed only in calm times. Storms of history, revolution, the reformation he takes hard. After all, such events complicate life, loosened the foundations, deprive peace.

The rabbit feels perfectly in society, differs by sentimentality, vulnerability. However, only his own person is truly concerned. Egoism is somewhat muted in cats, which according to the horoscope relate to the sign of the Aquarius.

Male Tiger - Woman Cat: Compatible

In the Union Tiger and Rabbit Compatibility in Love can be good. A woman in this pair is characterized by soft, she is a real custodian of the hearth. If she is content with this role, will begin to enjoy the success of her husband, will not put pressure on him, the union will last long. Compatibility Male Tiger - Female Rabbit is considered not bad, provided that the woman will morally be satisfied with the role of the hostess at home waiting for her husband at home. It is this situation that satisfies the spouse, then a calm rabbit and an active tiger will be able to build relationships.

If a man is mild, a woman can try to command them, and this will not lead to anything good. Tigers do not endure when they are wondering, he will simply lose interest in the spouse. Tiger and cat compatibility can only be built on the ability of the last calmly obey, and the first is talented to lead.

Male Cat - Woman Tiger: Compatibility

A woman is distinguished by freedom and active life position. She succeeds all. Partner on the contrary is more passive and slow. Due to the difference in vital pace, misunderstanding may occur. In such a pair, tiger and rabbit compatibility is possible if each will be content with the relevant role. The woman is the head of the family, a man - in secondary positions.

If the husband accepts and will not conflict, the Union will last long enough. So the responsibility for the development of relations and the conservation of marriage lies on the partner. A woman in such a pair of is too emotional, she cannot take suspended solutions. Unfortunately, not every rabbit will be able to withstand such spiritual discomfort for a long time.

Compatibility Woman Tiger - Male Rabbit is possible if the impulsive tigress will understand what you need to listen to the opinion of the partner. What should she strive for?

  • to loyalty,
  • female softness;
  • to charm.

Communication is better to strive to build on mutual respect and tranquility.

The man should be tried less to control his wife, trust her, avoid jealousy - otherwise everything will end with quarrels. If the husband is patient and trusting his wife, then say that tiger and rabbit compatibility have bad, do not have to.

Prospects for the development of relations

In a pair, a tiger and cat compatibility is possible if they learn to give up each other. After all, everyone is distinguished by devotion, the ability to be true, appreciate your partner.

Tiger and rabbit have a lot in common, but their characters are quite different. Some and the same qualities as if refracted by different angles, getting a new sound. They are united by the desire to create a home comfort and a pleasant atmosphere for rest. Interestingly, they are simply attracting them to each other, attract negative features of character - ambition, the desire to always lead in aggressive form, painting before the public.

Male Tiger and Woman Rabbit (Cat) Compatibility \u003d 56.5%!

In love \u003d 50%: Love relations between them are born immediately. They cannot do not attach each other, as they have a lot in common. However, there will be severe contradictions between them if a man tiger will demonstrate excessive softness. In their case, the role distribution is important: a man is a minider, a woman is engaged in the economy. If they will establish such roles at the stage of romantic relationships, they will be happy.

Married \u003d 70%: Much will depend on the desire of partners to stay together, especially the desire of a man tiger. In general, it is enough to solve some problems. In particular, this applies duties. A man tigra cannot be too removed and not to take into account the opinion of the spouse. If he will constantly demonstrate indifference, the relationship can end up at the initiative of a rabbit woman, despite the softness of its character.

In bed \u003d 50%: In the intimate sphere, their understanding is significantly reduced: everyone needs something different from the desire of a partner. For a rabbit woman, it is possible to discharge, enjoy. For a man, a tiger is another area where he can prove his leadership. As a result, proximity turns out to be some confusion of two. It is necessary to immediately decide with your ambitions and desires to subsequently do not experience problems.

Male Rabbit (Cat) and Woman Tiger Compatibility \u003d 63%!

In love \u003d 60%: So that love relationships are harmonious, this pair needs to know each other better. So, a tiger woman will always appreciate the desire of a rabbit's man to conduct a measured quiet life, and he will have to give his chosen more freedom, give her the opportunity to be realized. Contradictions between them are not difficult, their main wish to cooperate and stay together. In this case, they will be able to build durable and strong relationships.

Married \u003d 60%: The marriage relationship of this pair is complex. On the one hand, a male rabbit will try to peel a tiger woman to the house. In turn, she will try to suppress the ambitious spouse. The confrontation can be poured into serious quarrels, misunderstanding. She loves everything to solve themselves, live free life, which is not at all suitable for him. If they can peacefully solve these problems, their marriage may be successful.

In bed \u003d 70%: Woman Tiger Nature Sensual, Wishing to Be Favorite. With her intimacy, it may be a game in one gate, but if she really experiences feelings for a man with a rabbit, proximity can be different. For him, intimate relationships are very important, as this makes it possible to get a feed and discharge, so it will strive for physical satisfaction. And it will not be enough for her.

Relationship forecast!

Like any couple, the relationship of the tiger and the rabbit is not built smoothly. Much will depend on variations on the signs of the zodiac, in terms of the distribution in the pair of men and women began. Each should explore the nature of the partner, understand its features to be able to find compromise solutions. Cooperation and work on their own character will be the key to the durability of their relationship. Everyone must learn to appreciate the positive features of the partner.

Compatibility of the tiger and rabbit (cat) is very contradictory. These people can live together for long and happy years if one of them shows wisdom and will give up in the whole. But how to do it, because both representatives of feline have their beliefs and ambitions.

At the same time, they have some glances on comfort and comfort in the house and the horoscope are similar. They like it when everything is cleaned in the dwelling and smells a delicious food. But they love both, especially this, of course, a tiger. Now we will consider in detail the characters of both of these persons and draw conclusions about the compatibility of the rabbit (cat) and the tiger.

Tiger: What is his nature and internal potential?

Tiger by nature is a predator and more harmonious in the image of a man. He is able to steal the heart of any lady and conquer it with its gracefulness and courage.

The woman of this sign often occupies senior positions, but another of it can work out a wonderful teacher and mentor. She is wise and insightful. Prefers in everything and always to be the first. Especially bright leadership deposits are manifested in tigers born under the following zodiac signs:

  1. Aries;
  2. Scorpio;
  3. Aquarius.

Tigers of these three characters are so self-confident personalities that they consider to express their opinions and teach other people of life. They seem to them that they know about everything in the world and they must comply with the whole world. From this character trait, they often come into conflicts with the surrounding people.

What is the cat in the relationship?

A cat, or in a different rabbit, just as a tiger is not aimedd by people, but he is softer than a tiger and is always ready for compromise. He appreciates comfort and does not like to dramatically change his life, because it is accustomed to a new place of residence for a long time, to a new job, a new partner, and so on.

In love, the cat exhibits softness and ability to smooth conflicts. Of these, good diplomats are obtained. With a cat there is something to talk about, as it is very educated and intellectually littered. He is interested in everyone in the world and wants to know about everything that happens both in the world and in the soul of his beloved person, whom he is constantly trying to subordinate to himself.

But the cat is sometimes turning, so to speak, in a teddy bear in a love relationship, which delivers his soul mate and allows himself to manipulate. This happens rarely and more women are solved on such an act, and not men cats. This is more inherent to people whose date corresponds to the sign of the fish. In general, the cat (rabbit) strive to live calmly and peacefully.

Woman Rabbit and Male Tiger: Marriage and Love Relationship Compatibility

Tiger knows the price and will show its leadership qualities in love and relationships. It will become a real knight for his ladies of a cat and such a union may be long. Tigra need to know that the cat loves the comfort and peace in the house. The cat should not constantly limit the freedom of his beloved, then in the family life of this couple will reign harmony and scandals such that the neighbors had to call each time the police will not occur.

The ability to live together with this pair is very strong and unlike, for example, from the family, where the woman is a tiger and a man tiger, it will have more mutual understanding and concessions from one of the partners. To give way, of course, there will be a cat. In general, the compatibility of the Tiger and the cat, where the tiger is a man, ideal in the case when the cat will try to control the steps of the second half, and will be more engaged in the house, children, and so. These people will become for each other as if reflection, because they are very similar.

Male Rabbit and Woman Tiger: their fate and horoscope compatibility

In this union, scandals will happen often. This will come from the fact that the tigress will try to command everything and solve everything. The game in the boss can destroy her family. A woman should understand this and she should exercise his leadership qualities better at work, not at home. With her husband, she should make a friendship and tenderly love him, then he will open and trust her more.

A man cat, in turn, will strive to tie his woman to the kitchen and the stove, which is also not entirely correct. She herself knows about her duties and when she is imposed on something, it tries to escape from it as far as possible. Like a pair, where a man Tiger and a tiger woman, in this family will be a struggle for leadership and a woman should give a man in this situation if she really wants to keep marriage.

So, we came to the conclusion that the compatibility of the Tiger and the rabbit may be good if they decide to make decisions together and the commander-in-chief of the house will not strongly strive.

Believe it or not in the horoscope is everyone, but research conducted by many scientists, including Brian Tucker, pictures and photos with which you can see on the Internet, say that all horoscopes have the right to exist.

Brown spent many tests for computing on the stars made by the ancient Babylonian astrologers and their characteristics of signs were accurate.

The compatibility of the tiger and rabbit is not bad, there is a lot of common between them. After all, the rabbit on the Eastern Horoscope is also a cat. So both sign belong to the feline clan, although their weight categories are slightly different.

Combines a couple of love for the house, comfort, and the ability to keep intelligent conversations. Its difficulties in the Union also grabs, overcome them is possible only through respect for each other and the ability to give up. Then after many years, looking at family photos, the spouses will be able to be happy. Everyone will remember only good.

Features of the characters of the tiger and rabbit

Before talking about tiger compatibility and rabbit, it is worth a few words to say about their characters. The Chinese horoscope attributes to people born in the year of the tiger, following the features:

  • Leader and Buntar
  • Knows how to infect people with their enthusiasm and lead
  • Inclined to adventures and risky projects
  • Knows how to play a va-bank and rarely stops
  • Impulsive, passionen
  • Truthful, sometimes overly trusting

Tigers inborn leaders, their enthusiasm, they are fascinated by people. True often fall into unpleasant situations, because too much fond of and prone to adventures. Nevertheless, the people of this sign rarely lose, as they always find the strength to stand on their feet to start all over again. Tigers are noble, truthful, although they are too trusting. Bunctari inborn, they are rarely considered with public opinion, impulsive, can offend parquet in careless words. But at the same time, kindly, will not weave against someone intrigue or specially play someone's feelings. In the year, Tiger is celebrated by the birthdays of Merlin Monroe, Agatha Christie, Charles de Gaulle, Admiral Nelson, Brown Adams, Maximilian Robespierre.

What is the nature of the rabbit or cat? The East Horoscope says that the person who was born this year possesses the following features:

  • Benevolent, knows how to cause people sympathy
  • Loves comfort, home comfort
  • Prefers to avoid conflicts, prone to compromise
  • Beautiful diplomat
  • Creates around itself the atmosphere of positive, trying to avoid negative
  • In moderation ambitious, but not aggressive
  • Beautiful businessman knows how to make a profit without risk

Many admire rabbits, they know how to be benevolent, tactful and responsible. In any team, people of this sign are peacekeepers and can resolve any conflicts. At home they create comfort, comfortable atmosphere for themselves. Sometimes their reluctance to perceive negative information can be perceived as worried. In fact, it is not so, rabbits are always ready to help. Just about the negative, which they cannot turn into a positive, cats prefer not to know anything. Ambition sign is not deprived, but always ready to give way if the struggle violates their physical and mental comfort. Lewis Carroll, Albert Einstein, Brian Grezner, Maria Curi, Fidel Castro, fall for the year of the cat.

Tiger general compatibility and rabbit

Combines cat and tiger love for home comfort, comfort and addiction to intellectual conversations. This is not always enough to create a strong union, especially since the temperament of signs is not entirely similar. Therefore, the contradictions in the pair is enough. First of all, the tiger impulsiveness can be ruined. He can offend his partner to offend his partner, absolutely not noticing. The rabbit, of course, will not start revenge, but his mental equilibrium will break for a long time. In the end result, the wounded teddy animal can fall into depression for a long time.

The rabbit should also control their behavior slightly. At least the scale of personal ambitions in both signs are completely different, the cat is not averse to lingen. He also seeks to tie at any cost to his partner, sometimes forgetting to reckon with his desires and interests. It can create problems in a pair, because the tiger does not tolerate any supremacy over himself and restrictions on its freedom. Because the rabbit will have to come to humble that the primacy will always be behind his big striped friend. He more dare, has experience in the reflection of any attacks, and just larger.

Western horoscope can affect the relationship.

If the tiger is controlled by Aries, Scorpio or Aquarius, its leadership qualities are doubly manifested. There is nothing to catch a rabbit, the entire marriage initiative will be at a stronger parter. If the tiger was born under the signs of the Taurus or Capricorn, it becomes even more homely, married compatibility with a rabbit increases. But the lion can give a small cat more forces, he will qualify for leadership. So many cats in one house are unlikely to be able to get along. It's almost the same when a tiger man and a woman tiger converge. Best of all, if the signs of the zodiac from the spouses, in which year they would not be born, will belong to one element, then there will be not only love between them, but also a real, sincere friendship. The fish will perfectly comply with the scorpion, the twins are suitable for Aquarius, and Capricorn will quickly find a common language with the Virgin.

Male compatibility tiger and rabbit women

The union between a woman with a rabbit and a man is a tiger, in most cases, successfully. Their family relationships are often very traditional. The husband earns money, and the wife take care of the family comfort. At the same time, it never presents complaints that the man stole her life, locked in four walls, it is quite suitable for it. Tiger will appreciate the home comfort and will be grateful that his cute rabbit creates it. Material well-being such a family is provided. After all, the woman knows how to dispose of finances, it is not a scoop, but not a transcription, but a man knows how to succeed.

Problems may arise if the girl was born under a more ambitious zodiac sign (Aries, Lev). Then it shows a hidden desire to lead to all and control everything. The role of the household is not fully satisfied. But attempts to lead a stronger man are doomed to failure. Even if he creates the appearance of humility, do not miss the opportunity at any time to touch his wife, express everything that he thinks. And if it does not work, it will simply go out to look for a more submissive partner. Of course, in this union there will be no so-old contradictions, as in the family, where a tiger woman and a man tiger, but to save the world will have to make a little effort.

An error from the tiger may be indifference.

A rabbit or a cat has a need for attention, tenderness, assessing what he does. If the tigra appears that the creation of home comfort is a light, nothing worthwhile work, relationships can give a crack. Sometimes the husband thinks that the wife wants to limit his freedom that does not meet the truth. Just cats love warmth, comfort and comfort, and want everyone around to share this love, such a person.

To marry the world and the compatibility of the tiger and the rabbit was good, partners need to learn to perceive each other as they are. The girl should fully entrust the leader's leadership role. He should correctly perceive care, and be grateful for love and tenderness. Many questions will have to look for compromises. The main diplomat in the family will be, of course, the cat. But the tiger should not be too hard, and learn from its partner tolerance and tacty. If each partner will think a little bit about each other, their friendship and love will endure any tests.

Compatibility Women Tiger and Men Rabbit

Compatibility of the tiger and cat in such a union is not too good, but quite possible. Tigress - a strong and ambitious woman, rather selfish. She got used to lead and make decisions, which you can't tell about her partner. Often the surrounding makes the impression that the husband in such a family is a podkin. In fact, he simply does not want to conflict, and too loves his wife. The rabbit is always ready to compromise and give up, so as not to violate its comfort and mental harmony. This enjoys his stronger partner, taking all responsibility for making decisions in the family.

If the role distribution suits both - the family will be happy.

But when his men's ambitions will play the rabbit, conflicts cannot be avoided. He will begin to jealous and wants to control his wife, try tightly tie to himself. The freedom-loving woman will not bearing, will dictate its conditions, and with contempt will react to all the claims of her husband. Family life in such a situation turns into a permanent competition between a woman and a man. It should be remembered that in such a conflict, the cat always loses, because it is smaller. And you do not need to call for helping neighbors, they will not help.

The tigeric error can be her desire to lead everything. She should not forget that the partner has its own male ambitions, it is impossible to suppress them. It is necessary to be not so impulsive and straightforward, to show a bit of tricks, emphasize the merits of the husband, then you can achieve much more. And, most importantly, to preserve the world and comfort in the family, which is trying to build a rabbit. If the spouses will appear children, their education needs to come even more responsibly. Mother should not show that her opinion is not interested in her. When a husband and his wife will demonstrate equality, they will give their children a lot.

The material state of the family will be not bad. And the husband and the wife know how to earn and are not trains. Rabbits are good businessmen, with achieving success without much risk. If the spouses want to lead a common cause, the wife will become a generator of ideas, and the husband is a beautiful embodiment. What exactly he warns his spouse from adventurous projects. In general, the world, compatibility and good relations in the family will help build the right perception of their roles with a man and a woman. They will also learn to appreciate and protect the feelings of each other. Follow not only your interests, but also take into account the interests of the partner. Of course, marriage from the picture this union will not be, but it is worth trying.