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All about Barberry ordinary. The unique properties of Barbaris berries ✔. Collective Disease Collection

Shrub with 3-5 separate spines at the base of the leaves. It has many therapeutic properties (choleretic, diuretic, laxative, hemostatic, etc.). Known as a decorative plant.

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Formula flower

Flower formula Barberry ordinary: * h3 + 3l3 + 3T ∞P1.

In medicine

In scientific medicine, the roots and leaves of Barbaris are mainly used. Tincture made of leaves and roots of Barbarisa ordinary are widely used in gynecological practice, in particular with the hypotension of the uterus in the postpartum period, bleeding in the menopauscterical period, in combination with other drugs - during postpartum endometritis and submissions of the uterus. Berberina Bisulfate preparation, obtained from barberry roots apply to the quality of a choleretic agent in chronic hepatitis, gallstone disease. A tincture of barberry leaves also has a temperate choleretic effect, with gallbladder diseases (chronic recurrent cholecystitis, gallbladder dyskinesia) Its use leads to improved bile outflow, reducing pain and inflammatory phenomena. In Russia, Barberry Barberies are used as a choleretic, diuretic, laxative. Also, the barberry is used for ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, tuberculosis. Heals diarrhea, dysentery, asthma.

In dermatology

The tincture of barberry leaves is used with eczema and neurodite complicated by the diseases of the liver and the digestive tract. Also the tincture of the roots of the barbaris or the decoction of its bark is used in phytodermatites. Barbaris is included in the fees used in the treatment of allergic skin diseases. Berberine, contained in the barberries, is effective in the treatment of leishmaniosis, including the "pendia ulcers".

In the farm

In economic purposes, firm yellow wood barberries for the manufacture of souvenirs, small crafts. Mature fruits with alum prepare dye for paper, flax, wool; From the roots - yellow dye for leather and wool.


Barberry ordinary (Lat. Berberis Vulgaris) is a kind of Barbaris (Lat. Berberis) Barberry family (Lat. Berberidaceae). The genus combines about 580 species.

Botanical description

Barberry ordinary is a strong branchy, barbed shrub, 1.5 - 2.5 m high, with horizontal weighing roots, from which a rather major main root with side branches. Saving numerous, reprehension, yellowish or yellowish purple, later whitish gray. The kidney is up to 1 mm long, sharp, bare, surrounded by the extended remaining leafy of the leaves. Normal leaves develop on shortened shoots, on an extended instead of leaves - spines, among 3 - 5, usually 3, less than 5 separate, length 1- 2 cm. Leaves - the next, back - egg-shaped or elliptic, up to 4 cm long, width 2 See, to the base, wedge-shaped narrowed, with rounded, less often a slightly pointed tip, finely and sharp-gear-saw, on short stiffs. Brushes 15 - 25 flower, up to 6 cm long. Flowers - yellow, diameter 6 - 9 mm, in stubborn threads. The brush consists of 15 - 25 flowers. Each flower has six back - egg-shaped cups and petals. Based on the flower - bright orange neckers. Pestik one, stamens set. Flower formula Barberry ordinary: * h3 + 3l3 + 3T ∞P1. The fruit is a berry, outer - elliptical, bright red or purple, up to 12 mm long, has sour taste. Seeds 4 - 5 mm long, slightly flattened and narrowed in the upper part. Flowers in April - May. Edible fruits, ripen in September - October.


It grows in the south of the European part of Russia, mainly in the Caucasus. Mounted on the slopes of ravines, in river valleys, on rocky lands and forest edges. In many areas of the southern and middle band, European Russia is widely divorced as a decorative and fruit-berry plant.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Preparation of raw materials

With therapeutic purpose, the leaves of Barbaris, roots, bark and fruits are used. Barberry leaves are harvested in May - June, during flowering. They are cut by scissors, protecting hands from barbons. Dried raw materials, laying a thin layer on fabric or paper under a canopy, in attics with an iron roof. The dried leaves on top of the dark green, the bottom is light green, thin, brittle, twisted, peculiar smell, the weakness of the taste. Store in dry, well-ventilated rooms, on the shelves. Shelf life is usually 1-1.5 years. The roots are harvested in autumn, in October - November, or in spring, in April. They dig out, shake out about the ground, cut slightly roots, dry in air (not washed, since the berberine contained in them is well dissolved in water), then cut into pieces to 2 cm. Dried under a canopy, in attics, in a dryer or oven at temperatures 45-50 ° C for 4-5 days. The dried roots are longitudinally wrinkled, inside lemon yellow, outside brownish weak odor, bitter taste.

The root system is not fully recommended to be used, it is necessary to leave the root of the root with a length of 10-15 cm. For every 10 m 2 of the area, the barbaris is preserved one untouched bush. In the roots with a diameter, more than 6 cm use only a bark with a small number of cores. Pack them in bags. Shelf life for 3 years. The bark is harvested in April - May with young branches during the coilment. The branches are cut ring-shaped at a distance of 10-15 cm, make longitudinal cuts and remove the bark. Dried as roots. The dried raw material has the appearance of tubes or grooves, on the inner surface with small wood residues. The color of the crust inside is yellowish-gray, outside - gray or brownish-yellow. The smell is weak, specific, taste is bitter. Shelf life for 3 years. The fruits are collected by ripen, in the late autumn after the first frosts. Dried in the sun, attic, under a canopy, in ovens, warm furnaces.

Chemical composition

The weight of the bubbaris of the ordinary contains alkaloids (up to 0.3%). Berberine's alkaloids, Berbamin, Berberrubrin, Palmytin, Yatrozin, and others were found in the leaves and roots. In the bark of the roots of Barbarisa ordinary, except for Berberina, alkaloid oxiakant, Leontin, as well as palmitine; In the branch branch, besides alkaloids - tanning, coloring and resinous substances. In the leaves found tubyl and resinous substances, essential oil, vitamins C, E, as well as apple and ascorbic acids, carotene, phylochinone, tocopherol. Barberry fruits contain sugars, carotene, vitamins K, with (up to 172 mg /%), lemon, apple, wine acid, berberine, tanning, pectin, coloring substances, mineral salts.

Pharmacological properties

The action of Barbaris is mainly associated with the presence of Berberina alkaloid alkaloid in them, which has spasmolytic and painful properties, as well as antibacterial activity. Barbaris preparations have anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic, antimicrobial, binders, hemostatic and antiseptic actions. The mechanism of action of barberry preparations is associated both with the antispastic effect on the gallbladder and with a choleretic effect. Relaxation of the gallbladder causes a suction action, draenage of bile strokes and cessation of painful pain. Berberin lowers blood pressure, slows down the pulse (with tachycardia), enhances the bile separation. The tincture of leaves and the bark of Barbaris accelerates blood clotting, narrows the vessels of the uterus and enhances its abbreviation, contributing to the stop of bleeding.

Application in folk medicine

Barbaris was famous in ancient times, he knew him in ancient Babylon and India. In the library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal in inscriptions on clay plates made in 650 BC, Barbaris berries are referred to as a means of "cleaning blood". In the Middle Ages, the fruits and roots of Barbaris were widely used in various diseases: jaundice, queing, etc.

The tincture of the leaf of Barbaris in folk medicine is used in obstetric and gynecological practice at various bleeding, as well as a choleretic agent in hepatitis, hepato-olecistitis, bile sickness, with dyskinesia of the gallbladder, exacerbations of chronic cholecystitis without increasing the temperature, with a bricken disease, not complicated jaundice . The infusion of barkaris bark is used in hepatitis, cholecystitis, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, bladder. The infusion of barberry leaves is used as an anti-inflammatory and bile remedy for diseases of the liver and gallbladder. The decoction of the roots and bark of the barbaris is used for gall-eyed disease, fever, postpartum uterine bleeding as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent, and they can also rinse bleeding wounds, ulcers, inflated mucous membrane of the eyes. A decoction of barberry flowers is taken with pain in the region of the heart, hypertension, hepatocholycstitis, fever. Infusion of fruits are taken to improve the appetite, with gastritis with reduced acidity of gastric juice, for thickening thirst in fevering patients, as an anticerotic agent and to strengthen the capillaries of blood vessels.


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19. Sokolov S. Ya. Medicinal plants. - Alma-Ata: Medicine, 1991. - S. 118. - ISBN 5-615-00780-x.

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22. "Fitotherapy with the basics of clinical pharmacology" ed. V.G. Cookes. - M.: Medicine, 1999.

23. Chikov P.S. "Medicinal plants" M.: Medicine, 2002.

The beneficial properties of Barbaris were well known in the ancient world on different continents and in different parts of the world. The ancient Greeks and Romans from the fruits and leaves of Barbaris prepared drugs from diseases of the stomach and intestines. In India, it was a popular tonic, quenching thirst and a laxative. In ancient Egypt, the fruits of Barbaris were purified by blood and the organism from slags. In the Far East, in Japan and China, they were treated with a zing, they flew out of avitaminosis, filmed fever attacks, reduced high pressure. In Tibetan medicine, a barberry flower is popular, rejuvenating tinctures made from the plant.

Plant species

Is it possible to use Barbaris ordinary fruits? Barbaris is an extensive, large bodies of shrubs and trees, which has about 580 species. This includes evergreen prickly species, and deciduous. What types of shrubs are most often used as medicinal raw materials, and what are they cultivated in decorative purposes?

  • Barbaris ordinary. This is the most unpretentious kind of plant, the grass that perfectly carries out in the Central Russian strip. "Loves" of dachens and gardeners. It is often used as a decorative plant, which delights the eye with an appearance over three seasons - spring, summer and autumn. Beautiful shrub looks in the fall, when bright borders of berries ripen and blushes foliage.
  • Barbaris Asian. This is the common commercial name of several botanical types of shrubs, which are found in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan. These varieties are distinguished by frost resistance, their fruits are much darker, covered with a nashey flask. Here, for example, belong: Barberry oblong, spherical, Turkmen, one-piece. The average height of Asian varieties is 2 m. Some of them are used in traditional medicine, food industry, some for decoration.
  • Barbaris Amur. It grows in the Primorsky Territory, he also knows in China, Japan. Externally resembles Barbaris ordinary, but with longer and large fruits, leaves and spines. Krone has a beautiful, wide, spreadable, can grow up to 3 m. Refers to heat-resistant, dry and frost-resistant species. It is found in wildlife, but also cultivated since 1875.
  • Barbaris Ottavsky. This is a hybrid obtained as a result of the crossing of Barberry ordinary and the Tunberg variety. One of the most famous decorative types of shrub, which is widely used for landscaping. Beautiful spreaded crown, purple-purple foliage, fragrant flowers - those advantages, for which it is worth growing this species. This is a real decoration of urban parks and household plots. The fruits of this species are edible, but small in size and very sour.
  • Barbaris Tunberg. In the wild, this species can be found in the mountainous locality in Japan and China. Cultivated throughout Europe for landscape design. This is a small shrub tall not more than 1 m, with small, elegant leaves and abundant fruits. The berries of this variety are bitter taste due to the large amount of alkaloids in the composition, so they are not eaten. However, the birds are happy to be tugged with these vitamins in winter.

Features of Barbaris ordinary

What is Barbaris? People are far from the horticultural sphere, can clearly imagine the appearance of the fruits of this plant. At least on the image on the wrapper of the famous caramels "Barbaris" or by berries in seasoning for the Plov. However, do not everyone know how shrub himself looks like, what are the beneficial properties of Barbaris and what diseases they treat?


Barberry ordinary can be found in Asia. But the most characteristic of this species for Central and Southern Europe. Common throughout the European part of Russia, it can also be found in the Volga region, Crimea, in the North Caucasus. In the wild, shrub loves an open, well-lit terrain - the slopes of the mountains, hillocks, hills, forest edges, open shores, light forests.

Botanical description

Barbaris Ordinary Plant is a branched shrub, reaching the height of 3 or more meters. The bark of young shoots and the trunk - gray, covered with spiners up to 2 cm long. Leaves - the next, cherry, on the edge of the fine-grained, summer - bright green, autumn - purple-red, brown. Coster-shaped inflorescences (6 cm), yellow flowers, with a pleasant honey aroma. The fruits of bright red color, up to 1 cm long, very sour. The plant blooms in the late spring and early summer, and the fruits ripen in the late summer and early autumn depending on climatic conditions.

Preparation of raw materials

The shrub is famous for the wide use of not only the fruit, but also prepared roots, leaves and even the crust.

  • Berries. Collected in September-October (it is better to harvest in dry weather). They are consumed in a fresh form, but also dried in air or in special electrical dryers, in which the temperature should not be above 40 ° C. Store in linen bags for 3 years. In some herbalists it is indicated that it is better not to eat and not to harvest green barberries: due to the high content of alkaloids, berries can be poisoned.
  • Leaves. Collect the spring - in May-June during the bootonization period. The leaves are dried in well-ventilated rooms (you can outdoors, but not under the right sunlight). The dried raw material is stored in the linen bags of no more than 3 years, they will shove away from dampness.
  • Bark. It is better to make a blank in October. The bark is removed from thick stems, ride on a thin rope (thread) and dried outdoors in dry weather or in a closed, but well ventilated room. Cora, like other types of raw materials, can be stored for 3 years.
  • Roots. More often digged in autumn (October-November), but you can also dig in the spring. They are well purified, wash, dry. Then they cut into small plates, laid out with a thin layer and dried in a well-ventilated room. Dry roots can be stored 3 years, protecting from dampness.

Although the therapeutic properties of Barbaris are preserved 3 years, with the possibility of herbalists still recommend to update reserves every 2 years with a good crop.

Composition and pharmacological action

What are the beneficial properties of Barbaris berries, his leaves, roots and bark? What did this plant deserve such folk glory and recognition in traditional medicine?

  • Chemical composition. The main value of barberry - alkaloids (substances containing nitrogen). They are in Barbaris - eleven. The most important of them are Berberin, Berbamin, Leontin, Oxyxanthin. In mature berries there are many sugars, mineral salts, organic acids, vitamins, and in the leaves - more vitamin C, essential oils, carotene, apple and citric acid.
  • Pharmachologic effect. Choleretic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, sweetest, toning, soothing, binder, antiseptic, diuretic, hypotensive, antipyretic, antitumor, painkillers.


First of all, thanks to Berberina, all parts of the plant are widely used as a choleretic agent. Under what diseases and symptoms most often use this plant?

  • Violations of the gastrointestinal work. Gastrointestinal bleedings are stopped with tinctures and decoctions, the liver disease is treated (including hepatitis and cirrhosis), spleen, bile ducts, gallbladder, gastric ulceration, digestive disorders, hemorrhoids, dysentery.
  • Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. The benefits of Barbaris is proved in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, any cough caused by inflammation of the mucous respiratory tract. It is also used in the treatment of pleuritic and tuberculosis.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Medicinal plant reduces blood pressure and improves the heart of the heart.
  • Urinary Bubble and Kidney Diseases. Barbaris is a good diuretic, so it can be used in urolithiasis (under the strict observation of the doctor!).
  • To improve appetite. Nutritionists recommend taking juice and jelly from barberry fruits with impaired appetite before each meal. To reduce the acid, you can add some sugar, dilute with water, add other fruit juice.
  • Treatment of oral mucosa and throat. Informy Barberry is recommended to rinse the throat, rinse the oral cavity in the diseases of the gums. Thanks to the bactericidal, the antiseptic properties of Barbaris relieves the inflammation of the mucous membrane.
  • For weight loss. How does Barbaris contribute to weight loss? First, normalizes metabolic processes in the body and improves digestion. Secondly, thanks to pectins and organic acids improve the intestinal peristalsis, it cleans it well. Berries also clean the blood and the entire body from slags. During diet, barbaris-based drugs support the body with the necessary vitamins and mineral components, which is also very important. However, the slimming does not recommend using barberries as a snack and seasoning, since the berry increases appetite. But you can prepare compotes, decoctions, teas, infusions with minimal sugar content.
  • For rejuvenation. The rejuvenating properties of Barbaris were known in ancient Tibet and China. From it made masks to smooth wrinkles and improving the color of the skin.
  • Muscle and joint diseases. In arthritis, rheumatism, radiculitis, osteochondrosis barberry is used inside and externally as compresses. This is not only an anti-inflammatory, but also an anesthetic.
  • Diabetes. Barbaris restores the metabolism and improves the condition in diabetes mellitus.
  • Gynecology. Cuprakes and influence treated uterine bleeding, as well as blenced, inflammation of female genital organs with baths and douching. The uterine bleeding is a serious symptom that requires immediate appeal to the doctor and establishing the cause of bleeding. Barbaris quickly narrows the blood vessels of the uterus, so before His decoctions and infusions in folk medicine were used to stop bleeding after childbirth, with uterine bleeding during the climax period in hormonal failures.
  • Assistance in dependencies. In some herbalists, information is found that the fruits and leaves of the shrub help to get rid of narcotic, alcoholic, nicotine dependencies.
  • Outdoor application. With inflammation of the eyes and skin (wounds, eczema) you can make a bummer, baths, washing the decoction of barbaris.
  • Anti-radiation. With active radioactive irradiation, Barbaris helps to increase the body's protective forces.
  • Immunostimulating agent. Due to the large number of vitamin C (especially in the leaves), the barbaris can be taken prophylactically to strengthen the immunity in the spring of the avitaminosis.

In some countries there are features of the use of this plant. For example, in Germany, they are treated not only the gastrointestinal organs, but also the diseases of the lungs, the lesions of the mucous membrane. In France, it is antipyretic, bactericidal and hypotensive (reduced blood pressure). In Bulgaria, this is a popular medicine from the radiculitis and rheumatic pains, in Poland it is often taken from avitaminosis, and in China - from cancer.


What applies to contraindications?

  • Pregnancy. Alkaloid substances contained in the barberries can increase muscle tone, which is dangerous miscarriage on early last period and premature births in the last trimester. In most sources, a ban on the use of Barbaris during breastfeeding period is also found.
  • Individual intolerance. With hypersensitivity and severe allergic reaction, barberries should not be used for medicinal purposes.
  • Gallgame and cirrhosis of the liver. Barbaris can provoke a sharp attack. Therefore, it is impossible to use medicine for cirrhosis and hepatitis of various types without appointment and advice of the doctor.
  • Diseases associated with increased blood coagulation. Barbaris, having a hemostatic effect, can aggravate the disease.
  • Children under 12 years old. Application for therapeutic purposes is prohibited or carried out under the strict observation of the doctor. This is due to alkaloids that can bring not only benefit, but also harm the body.

Barbaris refers to weakly chopped plants. Therefore, the use of it in medicinal purposes without consulting the doctor is not recommended. Overdose may be accompanied by such symptoms - an allergic reaction in the form of edema, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, loss of consciousness, nasal and even renal bleeding. With the simultaneous admission of barberry and sedatives, the effect of the latter can increase. With any signs of overdose and allergic reaction, it is necessary to stop taking medication and consult a doctor.

Features of use in folk medicine and pharmacological industry

How to cook and use barberries at home? And what drugs based on this medicinal raw can be purchased at the pharmacy?

How fruits are used

Barberry fruit use is the most diverse:

  • they are consumed in fresh, dried, boiled, pickled form;
  • from berries make medical infants and decoctions, as well as compotes, juices, syrups, jams, liqueurs, marmalands, jams;
  • the recipe for the preparation of Barbaris on honey (in liquid fresh honey is put Barberry berries), then use it as a useful delicacy;
  • the fruits are also used as seasoning to the pilaf and other meat dishes;
  • fresh berries are more often taken with diseases of the heart, kidney, gastrointestinal organs, avitaminosis, to reduce blood pressure, when coughing.

Preparation of jam from Barbaris berries

  1. Prepare 1 kg of fresh fruits and pour them with cold water for 8 hours.
  2. Cook syrup from 6 sugar glasses and 2 glasses of water.
  3. Drain the water from berries, pour the syrup.
  4. Boil on moderate heat for 30 minutes.
  5. Fill the jam into sterilized banks and roll out the lids.

This is one of the old russian jam recipes from Barbaris. This is not only a delicacy, but also an effective antipyretic remedy for colds, flu, ORVI.

Cooking a stuffing drink from fresh berries

  1. Extraly ½ cup juice from fresh fruits.
  2. Deliver glass boiled water.
  3. Take a glass of a glass of beverage before meals.

This tool normalizes appetite, and also strengthens immunity. The beneficial properties of Barbaris berries are preserved until the first frosts, so the fruits can be removed even in October-November.

How to use leaves

Barberry leaves are no less valuable than berries, roots and plants. Where and how are they used?

  • In cooking. Only young leaves are used that can be collected in the spring and early summer. From the leaves in the old days, they were cooked, added to salads as seasoning, made marinades. You can also use dried leaves as seasonings, to give more acidic taste first dishes.
  • Decorations, infusions, tinctures for internal use. There may be water infusions and alcohol tinctures. For their cooking take fresh and dry leaves. They are used for the treatment of gastrointestinal bodies, kidneys, uterine bleeding.
  • As an antiseptic and an anesthetic for outdoor use. To strengthen the gums, it is recommended to chew fresh leaves of Barbaris. You can rinse the throat of the leaves, it is used for douching during gynecological inflammation, it makes rings and baths for diseases of the skin and joints.

Preparation of alcohol tincture of Barbaris

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. Crushed dry leaves.
  2. Fill ½ glasses of vodka or diluted alcohol (40%).
  3. Insist 14 days in a warm and dark place.

The tincture will have a dark yellow color, a pleasant aroma and sour taste. Take 20-30 drops three times a day for 3 weeks.

How to apply root and bark

The use of the root and bark of the barbaris is advisable in inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the mouth, with gynecological inflammation, digestive disorders, as well as for outdoor use - bang and baths.

Preparation of brazier from the roots of Barbaris

  1. Take 1 tsp. Ground roots.
  2. Pour the glass of water.
  3. Boil and hold on a water bath for 40 minutes.
  4. Perfect decoction.

Take three times a day for 1 tsp. A decoction is especially useful for pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurite. Also, this means is well quenched thirst.

Pharmacy drugs

  • Tablets "Berberin". The active substance of the drug is Alkaloid Barbaris (Berberin). It is a well-known choleretic and antispasmodic agent that is used to treat chronic gallbladder and liver diseases. Under the influence of Berberin, the secretion of bile increases, its viscosity decreases, and the bonement is enhanced, the muscle tone of the gallbladder is reduced.
  • Pharmacy collection. Dried fruits, leaves, bark and root can be purchased at the pharmacy. Also Barbaris can be part of other pharmacy fees.
  • Alcohol tincture of leaves. Supports vessels, accelerates blood coagulation, reduces the smooth muscles of the uterus in the postpartum period. Also used as a choleretic agent. Take about 30 drops three times a day for 3 weeks for strict testimony.
  • Homeopathic Granules Barbaris Comp. They are most often prescribed with chronic tonsillitis and adenoids. In homeopathy, a tincture of dried roots is also used, taken for a long time in a diluted form with cholecystitis, hemorrhoids, bile colic, bleeding, rheumatism and other diseases.


From leaves, fruits and bark prepare brazers and water infusions, which rubbed the face. These homemade lotions and tonic have a rejuvenating effect, eliminate skin defects (pigment spots, freckles, acne), smoothed fine wrinkles, give a healthy face face. However, when preparing face masks from fresh fruits, barbaris needs to be remembered: Acid can severely irritate sensitive skin. Recommended to make masks on a small skin area to check the reaction. Also, brazers and infusions from Barbaris are effective with overall hair care and eliminate dandruff well.

Preparation of leather rejuvenation

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. Ground leaf of barberry (fresh or dry).
  2. Pour the glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 30 minutes.
  4. Perfect.

The decoction is used in the morning and in the evening as a tonic. You can also freeze the decoction in the form of portion cubes and wipe the face.

Cooking hair mask

  1. Take ½ cup of fruits of barbaris.
  2. Fill 1 liter of boiling water.
  3. Perform 1 hour.

Therapeutic properties of Barbaris are known not only in folk medicine. Preparations based on Barbaris are actively used in traditional medicine and pharmacology. Its main pharmacological properties are choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hemostatic. Due to the high content of alkaloids, the shrub refers to weak poisonous plants, is dangerous for overdose and long-term, uncontrolled reception.

Title in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Caucasus - Akatsakhur(Abkhaz). TSOR (Armenian)


Barbaris (Latin name "Ber-take" means "berry bear") - a slightly spiny branching shrub tall up to 1.5-2 m.

Barbaris Ordinary, Acute

One of the characteristic signs barberry ordinary - Yellow color of his wood.

He has powerful root and wood creeping rhizomes.

Epishers Extralen, carrying 3-5-separate spines, and shortened, with green thin leaves. Cort is grayish.

Leaves Small, elliptical or marriage-like, to the top of stupid, with jazzed edges, grow from the base of spikes.

Flowersobroat, in the drooping brushes, consist of 6, less often 9 yellow cups, 6 yellow petals, 6 stamens, ovary top one-minute.

Have a peculiar smell. Flowers in May - June, fruits ripen in August.

Fetus - 2-3 - seed oblong berry, bright red, oval, up to 1 cm long, with brown seeds, sour taste, in immature form poisonous. Ripens in August - September. On the Black Sea coast in June


In a wild form, it is found in the pribaltics and the European part of our country to the Crimea and the Caucasus


It grows on open, weakly-dressed stony slopes, rocks and fuses, occurs under the canopy of the forest, according to the valleys of rivers, forest edges,

Barbaris Ordinary Growing Terms

Barbaris ordinary is undemanded to soil and moisture, does not tolerate the convergence. This is a light-affilome plant. Morious.

Barbaris ordinary reproduction

Barbaris is breeding ordinary seeds and vegetatively, with the help of root offspring. Seeds are sown in autumn in front of frosts into well-haired beds. The distance between the rows is 15-20 cm. The soil after sowing is slightly rolled. Seeds germinate in April - May. In the fall, seedlings planted at a permanent place.

Barbaris reproduction with root offspring is carried out in the fall after the full of the leaves. Well-developed: root offspring are poured and removed with a part of the root, located in the surface layer of the soil. After turning out a seedling in the nursery, during the year it is planted for a permanent place in the hole in a depth of 25-30 cm with the addition of manure. The soil around the seedling is compacted and watered. Plant care is regular loosenings, weeding and watering. Barbaris refers to cross-peeled plants. In the absence of bees, bumblebees and other insects, the fruits can not start the fruits, so during flowering plants can not be used by pesticides and grow on a plant with a sharp smell, which scares beneficial insects.

Chemical composition

All organs of the plant contain alkaloids. The main alkaloid isolated from the roots of Barbaris Ordinary, is Berberin. In addition to Berberina, in the roots of the plant contained Palmatin, Leontin, Columbamine, Yatroritsin, Berberrubin and Oxiakantin. In addition, tannins, essential oil, carotene and vitamins C and E.

Barberry fruits found an apple, lemon, bathroom and other organic acids, sugars, pectin substances, ascorbic acid and carotenoids. Contain up to 5% sugars and 6-7% of malic acid. Of them make jam, lemonade, drinks, candy, seasonings.

In the leaves of 12% ascorbic acid and about 40% vitamin E, there are alkaloids, in particular Berberin.

Drug raw materials

Drug raw materials serve leaves, roots and berries. The leaves are collected in the phase of bootonization and flowering plants, rejecting patients and damaged by pests. Dried in the shade or under the canopy. The raw material has a peculiar smell, sour taste. Store in bags in a ventilated room for 3 years. The roots are harvested in spring or autumn, cuttingle or pouring a bush. The root system should not be fully used, it is necessary to leave the root of the root with a length of 10-15 cm. For every 10 m2, the barbaris thickets should be saved one untouched bush.
Prepared raw materials chopped on a piece of 10-20 cm long, thoroughly shake off the soil and remove the rotten and blackened parts. The bark is very easily peeling, so it is necessary to fit the tarpaulin or other material so that the raw material is not lost. Berberine, contained in the raw material, is well soluble in water, for this reason the roots do not wash, and dried in a ventilated room or in the dryer at a temperature of 45 ... 50 ° C, periodically turning over. Store in bags, protecting from damp, 3 years.


Decorative, medicinal, turbines, food-shaped, technical.

Application in medicine

Therapeutic action- antiseptic, exciting appetite, hemostatic, diuretic, antipyretic, choleretic, normalizing metabolism, coating, sedative, laxative, toning, and tonic, toxic.

Indications for medical use- diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, disease of the cardiovascular system, blood disease and blood formation organs, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the reproductive system, disease of the endocrine system, the disease of the immune system, diseases of the oral cavity, metabolic disease , infections and invasion, hypovitaminosis, symptoms and syndromes, neoplasms.

Toxicity - antibacterial, insecticidal

As a medicinal plant, Barbaris is known since ancient times. When excavations in Egypt, clay plates were found, on which it is written that Barberry berries are used to "purify blood". Even earlier, this berry, as therapeutic, was used in India. Currently, Berberin preparation is obtained from the roots of Barbaris, which is recommended in the treatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder, like a hemostatic agent.

Dry leaves, roots and bark are used by jaundice, like antipyretic and antimicrobial agent, as well as for rinsing the mouth when gum inflammation. Barberry berries quenched thirst, excite appetite and possess a laxative property. From berries make juices, drinks, jam, seasoning to meat dishes. Unripe berries of poisonous, they can be consumed after ripening. Young leaves are used for salad.

Barberry preparations are used in chronic liver and gallbladder diseases, ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, tuberculosis and uterine bleeding in the postpartum period. They are used in the complex treatment of tumor diseases and morphineism.

Barbaris ordinary is an integral part of the fees used for the treatment of the liver. The decoction of the root, the infusion and tincture of the leaves are used inside and externally in the form of a ride and rinsing.
The tincture is prepared on 40% alcohol or vodka. For this, 20 g of leaves is poured 100 ml of alcohol, insist in a warm place 10-15 days before the formation of a transparent dark yellow liquid is slightly acidic taste. Take 30-40 drops of 2-3 radios per day. Course of treatment for 2-3 weeks.
For the preparation of infusion 1, a tablespoon of chopped dry leaves is poured with 1 glass of hot water, boil in a closed enameled dish in a water bath 5-10 minutes, filtered through two or three layers of gauze, pressed and bring the volume with boiled water to the source. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals or used for rinsing and skimming.

Recipes for various diseases


Pour 20 g of bubbaris fruits 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for a day. Drink during the day.


Grind 1 tablespoon of barberry leaves, pour 1/2 cup of 70 percent alcohol, insist 2 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. Strain, take 30 drops 3 times a day.


Thirst with diabetes

Grinding barberry flowers, pour 1 teaspoon 1 glass of boiling water, boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Strain, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Grind the dry fruits of Barbaris, pour them with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10. Insist 2 hours in the thermos. Strain, take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Uterine bleeding diarrhea

Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed bark or barbaris roots with 2 cups of cold water, insist 4 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day.

According to medieval pharmacology

Urticaria, conjunctivitis, liver tumors

TSOR - Armenian name Barbaris ordinary

It is also called parparie 1 or Amimparis 2, i.e. Zrishk 3. It happens black and red.

The best view is red and fresh. The nature of it is cold and dry in the second degree. It has strengthening properties. His juice eliminates hops and intoxication. And the bark of his root strengthens the teeth P cures the cancerous ulcer. Helps the PRP rash in the mouth. Strengthens hair roots . Exacerbates eyesight. Helps with inflammation of the eyelids. Strengthens the heart And helps with hot heartbeat. Stop selection of yellow bile. Strengthens the liver and stomach, quenching thirst and stops the belch. Enshrins the nature of I. causes appetite . If you drink [the decoction] of the bark of its root, then the liver will strengthen. It helps with intestinal ulcers and an old diarrhea. And if you smear, it will help with a hot tumor. His syrup dies blood sharpness. And the flowers purify [the skin from] traces of scars. Help with a delay, which is formed from [excess] yellow bile. And also it helps with a stringy. Its dose to receive - 12 drams. But it is harmful in black diseases. His harmful effect eliminates the pink jam. And the substitute is Sumy.

Paten says that Persians refer to his Zrishk, Arabs - Amimparis, and Turks - a garage 4 or Huten Tuzlukhi 5. The best view is ripe, fresh, oily, red with a black tint. The nature of it is cold and dry in the second degree. Sissing yellow bile /

1. Greco-Latin Term Berberis Eastern Origin (from Berberi Letters, Sink).
2 "Amimbaris" (Arab.) - Barbaris ordinary, Berberis Vulgaris L., in the medieval Eastern nerd was often confused with the name of a barbed hawthorn
3 "Zirishk" (PERS.) Used in Armenian botanical terminology along with "Dor" (Arm.).
4. "Karamuk" (tour).
5. Kadin Tuzlugu (Tour.) - Barbaris, Berberis Vulgaris L. (Berberidaceae)

Use in design

Barbaris ordinary refers to decorative plants. In the fall, its bushes are covered with bright red fruits, which are preserved throughout the winter. Barbaris is appreciated not only for bright painting of fruits, but also for colorful foliage. Well withstands the haircut and unusual formation of bushes. You can use to create live elevations. Usually it is planted along the fence or on the border of the site.

Flowers in IV-V; Fruit in IX-X.

In the north and in the middle lane, Russia is included in the main range of shrubs in gardens and parks. It is mainly used to create live-ridden fees. Near the fields should not be treated, as it is an intermediate owner of a rust mushroom Puccinia Graminis Pers., Infecting bread cereals.

Food application

strong, salad-vegetable.

Mature berries are edible, their ice is used as seasoning to meat dishes, for cooking beverages, compotes and jelly, dried, marinate and salted, harvesting for the needs of the food industry.

Technical use

In the national economy, lemon yellow wood is used as an amicing material. Corah is used for staining wool and skin in yellow and yellow-red. The juice of ripe berries with the addition of alum gives woolen, linen and cotton fabrics pink shade.

  • f. Atropurpurea RGL. (VAR. Purpurea Bert.) - With dark red-purple cups. The most common form. In Russia from Kirovsk to the Crimea in the Southern Primorye of the Far East, Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata, Western Ukraine and the Baltic States.
  • f. Marginata RGL. - Leaves with white border around the edge.
  • f. aureo-marginata rgl. - Golden-red leaves. Shape, rarely found; In Ukraine - in Sofievsky Park in Uman in Ukraine.
  • f. Macrophylla Hort. - Large leaves.
  • f. Macrocarpa Hort. - Fruits are larger, rounded.
  • f, Rotundifolia Hort. - Rounded leaves.
  • f. Serrata S. K. Schneid. - Leaves deep-raised.
  • f. Arborea Hort. (f. Knightii Hort.) - Barrel, branching at the top.
  • f. Lutea RGL. - The fruits are shrinkled.
  • f. Alba West. (Var. Leiocarpa Ktze.) - Frigs are white or yellow.
  • f. Enuclea West. (Var. Asperma West.) - Fruits without seeds.
  • f. Dulcis Loud. (VAR. Edulis L.) - Fruits weakly sour, sweetish.
  • f. Sulcata C. Koch - PB strongly ribbed.

Almost all forms are available in the Agricultural Academy Park. Timiryazev in Moscow (Schroeder).

  • V. Neubertii Baumann (Vulgaris X Mahonia Aquifolium), is listed in Moscow (Schroeder) and in Kaliningrad.
  • V. Laxiflora Schred. (V. Vulgaris X B. Amurensis), is indicated in Sukhumi and Sochi.
  • V. Macracantha Schred. (V. ARISTATA X B. vulgaris), fairly articles in Leningrad.
  • V. Serrata Koehne (Vulgaris X B. Sibirica) is characterized by sufficient winter hardiness and drought resistance; Known in Kaliningrad, in the Oryol region. In a forest-steppe experimental station, where winter facilities (milestones), in Dnepropetrovsk, where fruits (ore), in Kiev, in Leningrad - a little frozen.

Barberry Roots - Radices Berberidis

Bark roots of Barbaris - Cortex Radices Berberidis

Barbaris Ordinary - Berberis Vulgaris L.

Barbaris Amur - Berberis Amurensis Rupr.

Barberry family - Berberidaceae

Other names:
- Berberis
- Kislyanka
- sour Turn

Botanical characteristic.Barbaris ordinary - Spiny shrub tall up to 2.5 m with a well developed root system. The stems are seated with many three-pytride spines, adult trunks are covered with a gray-made crust. Elliptic leaves, up to 4 cm long, with a fine edge of the plates, short cutters, dense. Flowers are small, bright yellow, collected 15-25 into spectacular beautiful creeps-shaped inflorescences up to 6 cm long. In each flower, a double six-member perianth, and the cups differ from the petals in appearance, 6 stamens and one pestle with the top urincing. Fruits - oblong, bright red berries with a length of 12 mm. Flowers in May-June. The fruits ripen in August-September and remain on the bushes until winter.

Barbaris Amur - Branched shrub, whose branches are seated by three-part spines. Leaves at Barbaris Amur up to 10 cm, inversely-shaped, with prickly prickly brushes, inflorescences - drooping brushes, yellow flowers, petals of their lavetled. Oval berries, red, sour, with 2 seeds. Flowers in May-June. Fruits ripen in August-September.

Spread.Barbaris Amur is distributed in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territory, Barbaris Ordinary - in the south of the European part of the country, in Crimea, the Pre-Bureau.

Habitat.Barbaris Amur grows in mixed and large forests, barberry ordinary is widely cultivated as a decorative plant.

Billet.The leaves are collected in May-June, roots - late autumn. The leaves, bark and roots were once used in medicine. Currently used only bark roots (Cortex Radices Berberidis).

Chemical composition.All organs of barberry of ordinary contain alkaloids. Berberine alkaloid was isolated from the roots of the roots and leaves. In except Berberina, Palmatin, Columbamine, Leontin, Palmatin, Columbamine, Leontin, Palmatin, Columbamine, Leontin, Palmatin, Columbamine, Leontin, Yatrorcin, Berberrubin were also found. The presence of essential oil and tanning substances has also been established. Barbaris Siberian (Verberis Sibirica Pall.) Contains up to 0.3% alkaloids.

Barberry alkaloids are currently used in medicine only Berberin. It refers to the derivative of isoquinoline. It is a crystalline bright yellow powder, a little soluble in water and alcohol. Berberine is a chemically active alkaloid capable of giving various modifications. Barber-based preparations are developed with specific antitumor and anti-mass activity. Get Berberin synthetic means fail.

Storage.The shelf life of raw materials is 3 years.

Pharmacological properties.In the experiment, infusion and tincture from Barbaris enhance the bile. Berberin, with the complete passability of the total bile duct in dogs, causes a bile dilution without changing its quantity, and with a violation of the passability of the total bile duct increases the amount of bile and leads to its discharge. The mechanism of action of barberry preparations is associated both with the antispastic effect on the gallbladder and with a choleretic effect. Relaxation of the gallbladder is accompanied by a discontinuation of pain.

Barbaris preparations stimulate blood coagulation, strengthen the cuts of the uterus.

Medicines.Infusion, tincture 1: 5 by 40% alcohol, "Berberina bisulfate" in pills.

Application.Barbaris preparations are used as choleretic drugs in hepatitis, hepatoocholecystitis, dyskinesia of the gallbladder, exacerbations of chronic cholecystitis, not accompanied by an increase in body temperature, with a bile-changing disease, not complicated jaundice.

In obstetric and gynecological practice, Barbaris tincture is used as an auxiliary means in atonic bleeding in the postpartum period, during the submissions of the uterus, with bleeding related to inflammatory processes, and in the menopacteric period.

Barberry preparations are contraindicated in bleeding associated with the incomplete compartment of the placenta from the walls of the uterus.

Tinctura Foliorum Berberis Arnurensis is produced from the leaf of Barbaris (Tinctura Foliorum Berberis Arnurensis). Tincture (1: 5 per 40% alcohol) is a transparent fragrant cherry blossom liquid, slightly acidic taste. The tincture is prescribed inside 25-30 drops 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. Store in a cessary protected from light. Used as a hemostatic, choleretic agent.

Berberin Bisulfat (Berberini Bisulfas) is produced in tablets in 0.005, used as a choleretic drug with cholecystitis, dyskinesia of the biliary tract, during calculous cholecystitis in the period between exacerbations. Take inside 5-10 mg 2-3 times a day before meals. Course of treatment 2-4 weeks. Repeated treatment courses are carried out after a 5-10-day break.

From the leaf of barbaris of ordinary is prepared infusion: 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves (10 g) is poured 200 ml of hot water, heated on a water bath for 15 minutes, 45 minutes are insistant, filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day as a choleretic agent.

Healing qualities have not only berries. Diverse chemical composition in the leaves of the plant, the bark and roots.

Fruits can be bolden by the storage facilities of vitamins A, C, E, K. They are rich:

  • pectins;
  • beta-carotene;
  • natural sugars;
  • carotenoids (lutein, capsantine, auroxantine);
  • organic acids (apple, lemon, wine).

In the crust and rhizome, alkaloids are contained (Berberin, palmitine, jatroitin) and tanning substances. Such a variety made barbaris medicinal raw materials for medical drugs.

What a barbaris looks like

This beautiful, decorative representative of the barberry family is growing almost on all continents, but more often - in the countries of the Northern Hemisphere. It is successfully grown in almost all regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia.

Barbaris looks like a large bush tall on average about 1.5 - 2 meters or as a small branch. But there are plants reaching even 3 meters.

Some types of barbaris are discharged in part or completely, others belong to evergreen.

Help: Barberry fruit collection is in the fall, after full ripening. It is best to dry berries at room temperature or in the oven (the temperature should not exceed 45 degrees). Store useful workpiece no more than 2 years .

Types and varieties of Barbaris

This plant has more half a thousand species characterized by height, color, shape, flavoring qualities of fruits. From the species, it depends on what care and landing are required by the plant. We highlight the 3 most popular varieties.


A low leaf foll bush is up to 1 meter, with green foliage, in the fall painted in red. Decorative view, with bitter berries, not suitable for food. Differs unpretentiousness and ease of care. Great for living ingredients.



The height of the shrub is an average of 2.5 meters, the leaves of a bright green color. Flowers yellow fragrant inflorescences, the berries are acidic, but quite edible. The view of the frost-resistant, resistant to the harmful influence of the urban environment, has many varietal varieties.



A decorative hybrid resembling Barbaris Tunberg is only larger - from 1.5 to 2 meters high. Different with beautiful pink-purple flowers, which in the fall acquire a crumb shade. Fast-growing and unpretentious appearance.


Application area

Do you know many plants, equally beautiful and helpful? Barbaris can be used as a medicine as dessert or seasoning, cosmetic, decorate them squares and gardens.


In People's MedicineChotite, improve health with the help of popular recipes? Barberry drugs are tested for centuries. More ancient Greeks knew in this sense. Ellity was used a plant as an antibacterial agent to help heal wound warriors, and as a medicine cleansing blood.

Barbaris is capable of:

  • stop bleeding and block inflammatory processes;
  • treat colds and reduce the temperature;
  • output toxins accumulated in the body;
  • slow down aging;
  • assist in the treatment of diseases of biliary tract, liver, kidney and stomach;
  • treat sugar diabetes, rheumatism, gout, tuberculosis;
  • correquency pressure and heart rate.

Attention! The plant includes substances with a strong action, so an overdose is fraught with hazardous consequences. Barbaris should be used with caution while taking antibiotics and antihistamine.


Cosmetic companies have long used barberries as the main ingredient in sets of products:

  • shampoos for strengthening hair;
  • cream against wrinkles;
  • lotions for leather improvement;
  • scrubs;
  • masks;
  • gels;
  • soap.

Natural cosmetics can be prepared at home.

Recipe for hair rinse:

  • an incomplete glass of berry pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and let it stand about 40 minutes;
  • after each head washed, rinse the hair with this infusion - a great remedy for dandruff and to give a hairstyle volume.

Some of the cooked bravery can be frozen in the shapes for ice and wipe their face. This remedy smoothes wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin, making it more elastic and fresh.


Cooking found for Barbaris the widespread use - in marinades, salads and seasonings, meat and vegetable dishes and, of course, a variety of desserts:

  • for soups, salads, dishes from legumes and marinades are good barberry sheet;
  • berries are suitable as seasonings to dishes prepared from rice, meat, for all sorts of sweets - pastes, jelly, jams, horses, syrups, sweets;
  • fruits are excellent raw materials for the preparation of wines and liqueurs.

In landscape design

Barberry diversity is ideal for designing garden and country sites, urban parks and squares:

  • plants decorate rokaria - vegetable-stone flower beds;
  • dwarf varieties are beautifully borders, lawns and flower edges;
  • different types are suitable for decorating alpine slides and Japanese gardens;
  • barbaris is great for living ingredients - protect the site and look great.

If you have aesthetic taste, then be sure to estimate the color variety - yellow, orange, pink, scarlet, purple, purple shades look just amazing.

Photo taken from

Beautiful barberries at the flowering time and during the ripening of fruits. They are well combined in landscape design with other shrubs. They can be used as the main color stain and as a background.

Useful properties of Barbarisa

Application in folk medicine found all parts of the shrub, and not just its berries.

What is the benefit and harm to health this plant? His healing opportunities are obvious:

  1. Stimulation of appetite.
  2. Strengthening immunity.
  3. Antispasmodic effect.
  4. Antitumor effect.


Barberry berries - popular raw materials for the manufacture of drugs: used for the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, angina, liver diseases.

With the help of fruits, the stomach and duodenal ulcers are treated, zing, malaria, anorexia.

Fresh berries are good for healing rheumatism, kidney disease, bladder inflammation, alcohol addiction. Fresh fruit juice stimulates appetite and has a laxative effect.


Barbaris's bark is poured with boiling water and insist in a thermos. Such a means are taken to treat pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, kidney problems and urinary bubble.

High concentration bark decoction helps to treat fever, malaria, zing.


In medicine, the barbaris root, therapeutic properties of which are as follows:

  • it is used in the production of Berberina - a substance that calms the heartbeat, reduces the uterus;
  • used as a component of herbal collection for tumor therapy, including malignant;
  • the decoction of the roots helps to treat tuberculosis, pleurisy, to the eczema, cholecystitis, remove the inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • rubbers and compresses are prescribed with rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis.


The decoction of the leaves is shown in disorders of digestion, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis, problems with the bubble bubble, heart pathologies.

The alcohol infusion helps to stop bleeding, increases blood clotting.

Contraindications of sourness

Barbaris can bring not only benefit, but also harm to health. Therefore, it is impossible to use preparations from the plant thoughtlessly.

What are the contraindications to the use of barbaris drugs:

  1. Age up to 12 years.
  2. Liver disease - hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  3. Cholelithiasis.
  4. Condition of pregnancy and climax.
  5. When bleeding - after childbirth and in menopause.

Attention! To prepare medicines from Barbaris, use ripe fruits. The use of misappropriate berries is dangerous - they contain poisonous substances.

Recipes with Barbaris

In cooking from barberry berries, jelly and syrups, jams and compotes, sauces for meat dishes and spices are prepared.

Barbaris add to such dishes as seasonings:

  • pilaf;
  • soups;
  • marinade for kebabs;
  • fish;
  • salads.

Without this spice that gives dishes a special piquancy, it is impossible to prepare the right lully kebab or a real oriental pilaf.

Tea with barbaris

Before cooking tea with Barbaris, get acquainted again not only with its positive properties, but also with negative, and better consult with your therapist. This applies not only to tea but also brazers, infusions, horses.

And for those who can drink tea with Barbaris, the recipe is:

  • thrust boiling water tea for welding;
  • pour out 1 teaspoon of dried barberry fruits;
  • pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist 10 - 15 minutes;
  • you can sweeten the barberry tea with honey.

If in black or green tea, boiled in a traditional way, add 3 - 4 dried berries Barbaris, it will saturate the drink with a pleasant acid - what is not an alternative to lemon?

Juices and fruits

Barberry juice is useful than antipyretic properties, antibacterial action, the ability to slow the aging of the body, stop bleeding, remove toxins.

From juice make jelly and mousses. Just pressed juice stored in a hermetic container to stock at the cold season with a healing drink.

Prepare it like this:

  • fruits wash and passed through the juicer;
  • pressed juice boiling and spill on banks or bottles;
  • it is sealed after sterilization (15 minutes).

To prepare a barberry morse:

  1. 100 grams of dried berries are boiled in a liter of water;
  2. bring to a boil and boil ten minutes;
  3. filter;
  4. optionally, add sugar or vanillin;
  5. insist one and a half hours.

This is an effective cure for a cold and a lining agent.

Recipes of tinctures

Tincture from bronchitis or as a natural immunomodulator:

  • dry crushed berries insist on vodka from 3 to 4 weeks. Raw materials will need a half cup of 20 ml, and vodka - 0.5 liters;
  • optionally, you can put sugar and spices - cinnamon, cardamom, carnation, ginger.

Medicinal tincture on alcohol when inflammation:

  • one tablespoon of the barkaris bark and the same volume of the roots pour 100 ml of alcohol and put in a dark place at least 3 weeks;
  • Store the tincture on alcohol, avoiding light contacts, and take three times a day, before eating, in an amount of up to 30 drops.

Tincture on a moonshine with joint diseases:

  • Ingredients and method of preparation are the same as in the previous recipe, only alcohol replacing the moonshine.
  • The tincture on the moonshine is used for rubbing.