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Sex compatibility on the horoscope. Sexy temperament by date of birth Test for intimate compatibility Couple

Pisces have a special erotic charm, consisting in their turbidity and defenselessness. This is especially true for women, however, men can be quite attractive for men. In the bed of fish are unusually sensitive and gentle, which makes love with them unforgettable.

How to satisfy fish: Most fish live in the world of illusions. No matter how liberals are not in sex. Relationships with them need to play pretense. They often behave as if sexually actually does not matter or as if their participation, even the most hooked, only the gesture to meet the partner. For the sake of consent, it is better to resolve them to treat sex with indifference.

Many-female fish sexually frigid and with any man behave tricky, powerfully, rudely, insulting him in order to compensate for their unhealthy attitude towards sex passion. Such people most often wear a mask virtue and self-sacrifice.

M- fish-fish are not typical of this behavior. They are usually romantic, attentive and loyal lovers, husbands wishing to make a pleasant partner. If incompatibility revealed in their marriage, they are rarely bred. Instead, they strengthen the positive aspects of their relationship.

Since fish is a water mark, they are extremely emotional. Fish fully depend on their loved ones. They constantly arrange checks to their partners so that they have proven their love and prove that fears and suspicions of fish are only fantasy. Fish should beware of paranoia and feelings that they were betrayed. They must develop their positive qualities: sympathy, hospitality, generosity. Also, they must beware of super-sensitive and unfulfilled chatter.

Harmony this sign needs to be sought with lions, scorpions, Capricorn, crayfish and tales. Fish, scales, firemen, Virgin and Aries are not suitable for impressionable fish.

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Often it happens that the person who likes you spiritually and admires his actions, is not the best partner in bed. Why is this happening? Is your partner so bad? It turns out that the reason is most likely not in the insolvency of the partner, but in ... your sexual incompatibility with him.

As statistics show, the cause of most divorces is the lack of sexual compatibility, and not discrepancies in the issues of life, finance, etc. Bowl of all the misunderstanding of each other's spouses in bed leads to a rupture.

Sexual compatibility of partners directly depends on the temperament shown by them in an intimate life. Sexual temperament distinguish 3 types: weak, medium and strong. Temperament is a characteristic of a person who is given to him with birth. All people are born with a certain level of genital hormones, regardless of our preferences. That is why the level of sexual activity of man remains unchanged, throughout his life. People who have active sexual temperament are characterized by early development, at an early age begin sexual life. For such people, sex occupies one of the leading places in their worldview and, often it seems that their whole life is aimed at achieving their sexual satisfaction. For people with severe sexual temperament, daily sex is the norm. Usually these are people of low growth, less often - medium with an increased amount of hair cover on the body, which is caused by the level of testosterone, active and self-confident people. People who have a weak sexual temperament are developing in an intimate plan much later than their one year old. To live sexual life, they begin almost a dozen years later their peers with a strong sexual temperament. However, such people are usually monochrome and create strong families whose marriage is kept for long dozen years. With a weak temperament, it is often enough sex once a week, the remaining forces spending on the creation of romantic mood and mental conversations. Often this is a high thin man and women. Women with small milk glands and narrow hips, the men, possess feminine figures with a small level of overex. Holders of medium sexual temperament are quite different between themselves sexual preferences, being in the range between representatives of weak and strong temperatures. Ideal sexual compatibility assumes that partners have the same sexual temperaments. Problems in personal life are beginning when the pairs are building their relationship without taking into account their sexual compatibility.
Since sexual temperament is given to a person from birth, as well as character, then a good help in identifying sexual compatibility is the sexual compatibility of the zodiac signs.

On the eve of the day of all lovers - February 14, the feelings of people in a pair are usually repeatedly enhanced - the trepacy in relation to each other increases, the mutual attraction increases. Throughout the day, loving people pay a maximum of attention to their second halves, and each of them already anticipating in advance the upcoming "night of love", full of mutual passion, caress and tenderness ... Do you know that how saturated and harmonious is an intimate life of two Does people directly depend on the coincidence of their sexual temperaments?

From birth, each person is endowed with a certain physiological sexual potential, which is subsequently enhanced or weakens depending on individual life experience. Speaking by scientific language, the sexuality of a separate person is defined as a set of biological, psycho-physiological, mental and emotional reactions, experiences and actions of a person related to the manifestation and satisfaction of sexual entry (Dreagin GB). In everyday life, the concept of "sexuality" implies the degree of physical appeal (natural magnetism) for other people.

It is also impossible to lose sight of that awarded the degree of sexuality is not only a formal assessment from the part, but it is much more important - the personal self-perception of a person, how seductive he feels as far as discrepansed and comfortably feels in society other people. Depending on the level of sexuality, the communication and behavior of a person is in a certain way (including in an intimate plan).

Invisible fluids of sexuality radiated by one person inexplicably attract a huge number of fans and admirers to him, while another person, due to its low sexuality, remains altogether without the attention of the opposite sex.

Astrologers argue that the primary role in the sexual potential of a person is played by individual astrological indicators that are laid in his date of birth. With the help of simple numerological calculations (the addition of all the numbers of the full date of birth and bring the amount to a unique number), you can find out how one or another person is endowed with a level of sexuality.

Knowing your sexual temperament, as well as the calculation of the natural data of your partner, you can develop an optimal model of sexual behavior for your pair, which will achieve the maximum possible mutual pleasure and satisfaction (both moral and physical). So, if you, for example, were born 7.07.1980 The calculation of your "Sexuality" will look like this:
7.07.1980: 7 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 \u003d 32, give a number 32 to one digit: 3 + 2 \u003d 5.

1: A pronounced confidence in itself in aggregate with the same appearance is the fascinating look, the grace of movements, good physical data (attractive figure). At the same time, there are often egoistic inclinations in the bed "Units", "Switch" all the attention of the partner's attention to satisfying their own needs, completely forgetting his interests, or deliberately neglecting his wishes and openly ignoring requests. They choose a partner for love independently, they will not suffer hints of other people on sexual convergence, and also not seduced for frank fans. Sex for them is one way to demonstrate your power and strength over others, so in bed, they prefer to dominate and subjugate their will of the partner.

2: Such indicators with a partner as the unity of the souls, the generality of interests and psychological comfort are extremely important for the "bobbs". They directly depend on their sexuality. The more points of contact between the partners, the more liberated they lead themselves - in bed can demonstrate both a full calm and a real volcano passion. At the same time, their sexual behavior is impossible to "read" in appearance or its peculiar behavior, only on personal experience you can find out what a lover (-the) is "Two". Anyway, tenderness, attention to your little "whims" and long preliminary caresses are provided.

3: Foreign people who are not devoid of fantasies, courage and love for various sexual experiments. Attractive for others and, as a rule, they often change partners, since all the time are in search of new bright sensations. Sophyters, often refer to partner not by name, and invent some kind of gentle nickname for him. Are not permanent in their preferences, prone to treason. Being, literally, the "hostage" of its natural sexuality, do not bear the long relationship with the same person. Light and windy, love surprises on the partner's side, so that every sexual act was as for the first time - unpredictable and full of "booming" passions.

4: Often, the "fourths" is characteristic of the "primitive" idea of \u200b\u200bsex - the continuation of the kind. As a rule, their external sexual attractiveness is very poorly expressed or there is no no. The skills in sex are extremely inept. However, among them there are also very liberated individuals, which reject any prohibitions and stereotypes. Putting "in all seriousness", they replace the partner one after another, having tried all the possible types of intimate relationships. At the same time, disappointment in sex life, even from the experience of everything with one partner, threatens them with conservatism in sex (primitive postures, strictly dosed sessions, etc.).

5: Incredibly sexual people, both externally and in practice. They receive a real pleasure from intimate proximity, and also know how to deliver satisfaction and their partner. The concept of "loyalty" is not close to them, as they are in the permanent search for new sexual impressions and at the first opportunity, will replace the "outdated" partner to the new, previously unknown. Windiness, some licentiousness, willingness to join a close connection already on the first date inherent in the top five. They love exotic (representatives of other races and nationalities) and are not bend "one-time" connections.

6: Externally quite attractive, and know how to use it. In relations with a partner, it is eager to establish complete harmony, both spiritual and sexual. A partner, which in all of them satisfies them, can feel free to count on full return. Telling to manipulate proximity to the partner, using it as "punishment" or "encouragement" against a loved one. Sixters almost never change their chosen one (s), not only from love and respect for it (her), but also because they are extremely serious about intimate proximity, they are random sexual acts with unverified people.

7: "Sevenki" do not have pronounced sexuality. In the choice of partner, it is relying not so much on its external appeal as the intellectual indicators. The chosen brain serves for them the most sensitive "erogenous zone". Many of them are unknown the concept of "passion", since most of them are perceived by representatives of the opposite sex through the prism of the mind, and not somehow otherwise. They are considered sufficiently loyal partners, at the same time extremely observed in relation to their partner, which allows them to always recognize deception and treason of a loved one, if such a thing happens.

8: The "eights" attract the attention of surrounding people, above all, their status and material situation, and not external sexuality. For the same indicators, they themselves evaluate their potential choices (the presence of power, good career, financial security). The female half of the "eight" is to wealthy men, while male is crazy about the partners who have a business grip. It cannot be said that these people do not like sex or do not pay time and attention to him. This is not the case, just they, first of all, think about the material side of life and only then about carnal pleasures. When it comes to intimate proximity, the partner is guaranteed to "melting" from the sexual skills of the "eight".

9: Very romantic personality with a thin soulful organization. It is important, literally, each trifle, which accompanies intimate intimate proximity - personal attitude, entourage (light, furnishings, aromas, etc.), as well as spiritual relationship with a partner and harmony in relations with him. In case everything is in order (nothing bothers not annoying), they can fully relax and enjoy the "process". Sex on the first date is not their option, since in addition to the primary sympathy for a person, they need time to "get out" to a partner - to understand and feel it as follows. Feeling returning from the partner, they are ready to try to him doubly, pleased and hidden him, literally, in everything.

Depending on the result obtained, you can prepare some definite "program" for a romantic evening with your loved one, "Purchase in Sleeve" a couple of intimate surprises, taking into account his (her) individual sexual preferences. Select, seduce, surprise your partner, in one word - throw all the complexes and limitations and "with your head" immerse yourself in love on Valentine's Day!