Repairs Design Furniture

What colors on Feng Shui. The color of the entrance door. Favorable colors for kitchen

Do you know that in order for happiness, love, success and well-being reigned in the house, you need to adhere to the rules of Chinese science Feng Shui? One of these rules is the use of shades not only in the house, but also in everyday life.

Each color greatly affects our life, and the shade carries a certain energy. Therefore, Oz right choice The color scheme will depend on your personal and financial position.

What do the colors on the Feng Shui mean?

According to Feng Shui, each color has a certain meaning, reinforcing one or another energy. The chosen shade says much about man: about its temperament, character and desires.

To achieve internal equilibrium, it is necessary to properly use the combinations of tones and shades, then love, luck and material well-being will settle in your home. Let's find out the value of flowers on Feng Shui to make only positive changes in your life.


Red Feng Shui has one of the most strong energy. It symbolizes vital energy, can attract power and happiness to the house. But besides this, the red color personifies anger, violence and passion.

You need to be careful with this color, otherwise you risk acquiring conflicts, disagreements and even get sick. Red color deserves our attention before the other shades, but if you want to arrange any room in the house in red, then act carefully. It is recommended to use only in the living room, where the energy of life accumulates.


Purple color carries a kind of riddle. Shade personifies spiritual world And the inner flair. Purple is the color of creative people, he is able to inspire.


Orange color on Feng Shui Color carries happiness and communication. It enhances mental activity and is able to increase activity.

You can decorate this color any room in the house, but for the bedroom it is better to use the muted shade of orange.


Yellow is a symbol of cheerfulness, optimism and inner harmony. Color has a close relationship with mind, so indispensable in intellectual activity.

Yellow The house will illuminate the most dull corners of the dwelling. Do not use tone in the bathroom.


Blue color on Feng Shui speaks of justice, spiritual elevation and health. Tone is able to calm down, remove emotional tension And help concentrate.

But it is not necessary to repaint all the walls in the house of blue, since the color of the color muffles the source of energy and creates an oppressive environment. Do not use blue tone when interior design, it is better to replace it on a blue shade, which will help to relax and calm down.


Green color personifies the beginning of life, offspring, consent and peace. Color favorably affects a person, balancing the balance between the physical and mental state.

Green will be an excellent choice for a rest room. In addition, green is the most best color To attract money.


White color is a unique tone suitable for all people. The shade symbolizes the purity and correctness, as well as perfection and indispensability. The color action is directed to the charge of cheerfulness and the desire to act.

Tell B. white color The room that needs light.

The black

Black color carries perfection, sophistication and authority. It favorably acts on a mental state, soothing man and removing tension.

If you want to make a little black in the interior, then you should not get carried away with these tint. It will be enough to add elements in this black to give the placement of business accent.


Brown color It has a different effect depending on the tone.

If you want to get warm, then choose bright brown tones, and dark brown will suppress positive emotions.

If we talk about colors, then it is orange, burgundy and pink colors, to, and the center - tone from beige to brown, to and - gray tones and shades of metal, to - blue and blue colors, and to and - blue, turquoise and green.

In which colors arrange the interior on Feng Shui?

Did you start repairs in the apartment? But do not know which colors to choose for bedroom, kitchen or living room? Go with us on a junction on Feng Shui and find out how to choose the right color for each room to get a new force in family relationships, Call your appetite or increase your mood.
The color scheme has a huge impact on the person, so when choosing a shade for the interior, it is necessary to consider:

  1. character and the temperament of the hosts of the house;
  2. room sizes and their degree of illumination;
  3. style interior.

Now we will look at what colors it is worth painting the walls of the house on Feng Shui.

Colors for the bathroom

The bathroom will be preferred:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • white;
  • all pastel shades.

Do not decorate a bathroom with bright colors.

Colors for the living room

The living room is best arranged in lilac, yellow, beige, green or white color.

If you choose too bright shades, they can quickly get bored.

Bedroom Colors

The bedroom should create a cozy atmosphere. For this purpose perfectly fit green, blue and pink Wallpaper colors.

Attention! Color bed linen on the hair dry shui should be any color except blue.

Colors for children

The decoration of the children's room on Feng Shui depends on the age of the child.

You can safely use green, yellow, blue and black Tone to help the child develop and build a successful career.

Colors for kitchen

For the kitchen will be appropriate and warm, I. Cold shades.

When choosing a color scheme, be sure to take into account the interior style and the result you want to achieve.

What colors choose for exterior at home and landscape design?

In addition to the ideas of the interior design, it is necessary to choose the right color for the exterior of the house. Do not rush to buy paint for entrance door And the fence, roof tile and a facade putty for the walls of the house until you read this article.

An important impact on the financial position, career and happiness in the house are the color of the roof, walls of the house and the front door. If you correctly apply the color gamut, you can attract a dwelling cash flow, strengthen the health and establish relations in the family.

The color of the entrance door

Entrance doors at home is not only the face of the owners, but also a passage vital energy in the dwelling. The choice of color gamut for the front door of the Feng Shui depends on which side of the light they are addressed.

If the doors "look" south, then paint them in red, if north - in blue, and if west - then in white or metallic.

Roof at home: how to choose the right color

The roof color of the house on the hair dry shui is of particular importance because the roof is a kind of canopy.

Do not choose for the roof color of the element of fire, that is, red. For the roof, the colors of the Earth's elements, brown or yellow are perfect.

Prayes fence

The color of the fence on a hairdry shui should be neutral, the best brown, and the gate can be painted in brighter tones.

Before arranging creative mess in the apartment in the form of painting walls and crossing wallpaper wallpapers in the rooms, be sure to explore the colors along the hairdry shui, which correspond to certain rooms. From the right choice of the shade will depend on your personal life, material well-being, happiness, promotion career stairs And other important aspects of life.

Hello, dear readers! Do you agree with me if I say that the themes of "life" and "fate" are priorities in all disputes and discussions. One part of the world's population considers that everything is predetermined in advance for us, and their opponents are leaning towards independent construction life path. Which of these rights is one God knows. Although this statement there are many contradictory opinions. Take for example the simplest - colors ... Colors on Feng Shui - it important aspect When making the interior - the color of the walls or wallpaper on Feng Shui, as well as other things in everyday use.

Colors on Feng Shui

One side happy people It is typical to notice all the paints of the surrounding world: azure sky, juicy greens Trees and herbs, orange sun and red sunsets, blue sea and light distance. On the other hand, all this can be seen completely in other colors or not to see at all, believing that the world is gray and dull, and we are with you black dots on the human map. And at this moment, the arbitration judge will be the ancient Chinese doctrine - "Fen-Shui". It does not argue in favor of some other disputes.

Feng Shui proves that even the most sullenly ordinary can easily paint the colors of the summer and become truly happy man. That is, being a master of the situation, without having burdened by thinking about the meaning of being or human destination in the Universal Fate. Colors on Feng Shui play a colossal role for a person and if they surround themselves with the right tonalities, then life will become much easier and happier, then fate will change in the most necessary side, and the problems of bread will stop being such! And so go ahead for bright colors For a saturated and happy life!

Colors of happiness on Feng Shui in the apartment

And before starting virtuoso art in practice, I suggest a little familiar with the theory. Straight, as in the most respected universities, but also for no accident. After all, the value of flowers on the hair dryer Shui is based on the five components of all the teaching of the energy.

Fire, earth, wood, metal, water. Each of these elements constantly interacts with each other. So the water nourishes the tree, the tree serves as a means of ignition fire, the fire turns the product of burning in ashes, and otherwise to the ground. The land is a source of generation and production of metal, and it is already in the process of smelting becomes liquid like water.

Each of the elements of Feng Shui has its own color inherent in her.

  • Water, oddly enough, is indicated by black tone;
  • a tree, as in the natural medium, green according to the color of its leaves;
  • flame fire - red;
  • metal shade is expressed in white;
  • and the land is indicated by brown.

Indicated colors according to Chinese teaching correspond to the parties of light. More precisely, it would be better to say that the elements and their colors are the main in the design of the interior when you need to choose the color of the room along the hairdryer Shui.

  • To the north there is water;
  • east and southeast - tree;
  • metal corresponds to the West or Northwest side;
  • south-West and the northeast of the land of the Element, as well as the central part of the world;
  • and the south obeys fire.

Therefore, placing an apartment that has rooms on all sides of the world, you will get a very rainbow and promising future! And by the way, if each of the colors of the rooms on a hairdryer Shui will be different from the other, you take into your address a lot of compliments for the originality of the design. Unfortunately, I can't boast the same, if only because my apartment is not so extensively located on the floor. But one day I had to be in such a rainbow home. His owners are a happiest family, by the way.

Color value on Feng Shui

However, the theory is characteristic of its blur, so it is quite natural that you have a question: "What will one or other paints bring you?"? "How should you decorate not only your home, the color of the room on the hair dryer shui, but also separate item items"? In the end, "What color wallet attracts money on Feng Shui"?

Red color- The strongest color with similar energy. Red color is able to stimulate you in any kind of actions, frisches after the stoles. Red, like blood - the embodiment of life and appetites, both in the direct and figurative sense. Red attracts the opposite floor, excites and gives some spark in the relationship. This color will help you make a career - do not even doubt. Working as a computer, just get a red mouse rug or red lining for a computer. Being the center of attention is easily, surrounding yourself with red tones. It does not have to be clothing, but the red picture behind your back, for example, in the workplace will attract the attention of colleagues and customers. You can also get a red notebook for business records, and in case of despondency and reluctance, you need to take a walk in places with the predominance of red. Perhaps this place will be an ordinary toilet, where the hands of builders and designers were created so encouraging atmosphere!

Orange -freedom color, as well as heat and comfort. This certain antidepressant will take up and raise the mood to anyone. You will become more optimistic to look at the world, so if you need salvation from despondency - forward for orange things and interior items. It will not only save your raised mood, but also to unite in all positive senses of this word. It also contributes to the workflow. Therefore, if you do not manage to focus on work because of the beautiful views from the window, get on orange curtains or blinds. In the clothes, orange pursues and squands, and such a color of the room will make the reception of guests more cheerful and open, your conversation is friendly.

Yellowon Hairdryer Shuyak, as well as the previous bets on the tonality is a merry. But! He not only raises the mood and stimulates to action, yellow color activates the brain work, so Feng Shui often recommends staining with yellow cabinets and other workspace. This color - excellent assistant learning. So preparing a child for school, get a few yellow accessories for your desktop - here you will see how quickly you will feel the result! Little yellow "optimist" is very promising for your condition. Therefore, the color of the wallet on the hairdryer Shui can be yellow or one of the variation of this color.

Green colorin Hairdryer, shuins a pacifying touch of life. Therefore, the rest room is better painted in green tones. Also, green contributes to a romantic, love confusion. Therefore, it can be used by going on the first date. Green is suitable for any of the rooms, it contributes good relationship in family. If your activity is related to charity, then do not doubt the question of how to arrange the workspace - only green is so effectively causes sentimentality and good-natured towards the neighbor. It also helps the discoverers. Therefore, surround yourself in green, starting a new business, starting unfamiliar lessons or even going on a journey.

Blue colour Can immerse a person in the unreal world. Therefore, you should not abuse them in the design of the rooms. Nevertheless, blue gives decisiveness and teaches to refuse those who are shy to sew prong provocateurs. Therefore, it is possible to stimulate this zone of your subconscious individual elements Interior - like blue paintings or lamps. Also impregnable you will be in blue robes. Take advantage of the advice - get on blue, going to a provocative meeting. However, with the same ease of blue can push the appetite in the kitchen or the warm relations of households.

The black - Despite the fact that it looks very gloomy and insolently, is the color of elegance and authority. In black clothes or on a black car you will not be equal. The main thing is not particularly not to get involved in the design of housing, will catch fears and dooms. But the black color of the wallet, on the contrary, looks very promising for cash receipts!

But you should not lose heart if you hate green, and you need so much family well-being. In this matter, even the most ancient teachings of Feng Shui makes amendment. It is necessary to choose a color that has a favorable effect according to your feelings. So your mood may become much better from Orange, thereby you will affect family well-being.

Personally, I, for example, like red wallets. I repeatedly heard that this color attracts thieves and is more effective completely in other matters, but I like it. Therefore, I will never part in the world with my "rehearse" and do not exchange any other. After all, the wallet feels like I love him, so attracts money for this.)

Do not lose, believe useful teachings. I hope you now know the values \u200b\u200bof the colors on Feng Shui, and also know how to choose correctly colors across the hairdryer Shui for your room or at home and now you will definitely all be Ho-sho!

In pursuit of fashionable design It is rarely thinking about the fact that the color is not just beautiful or not. This is also a certain energy.

Ancient Chinese noticed that qi, energy, without which life is impossible, exists in different forms.

These forms of qi began to call elements or elements. Total Elements Five: Tree, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each of them has its own form, taste and color. All together they are called U-syn, that is, "five transformations".

Therefore, it is very important to figure out how to use the colors along a hairdry shui, so that their energy helps your home become harmonious.

fen shui color value

Why is the color value so important in Feng Shui? The fact is that each of the elements, wood, fire, earth, metal and water, not only have certain properties, but also interact in different ways.

It can be said that some of the elements are friends, and others - conflict and harm each other.

For example, if in the sector of space associated with fire, we will paint the walls in the colors of water, it can provoke conflict situations, disputes and misunderstanding. However, the moderate use of blue will make bright moments and creative gusts into your life. Balance is important!

Influence of color on the spheres of life

From the point of view of Feng Shui, the color is an indicator of a certain energy, so the effect of color on your life is very significant.

Incorrectly selected colors on Feng Shui lead to the following:

  • increased conflict, quarrels from scratch, disorder in relationships;
  • loss of forces, frequent diseases;
  • it's hard to fall asleep, insomnia torments, wake up broken;
  • problems in money: from small to significant;
  • it is difficult to focus, bad memory;
  • failures in affairs and personal life.

That is why choose the colors along the hairdryer Shui as important as the room with a good hairdryer shui and properly placed furniture. After all, incorrect colors can seriously worsen Feng Shui of your space.

Typical errors when choosing a color on Feng Shui

One of the most typical mistakes Feng Shui enthusiasts are followed by advice from the Internet, according to which it is enough to choose one color shade for the space sector in accordance with the elements, and everything will be correct. This is not true!

Good Feng Shui is harmony and smooth energy of qi.

If you painted all the walls of the bedroom in red and filled with it with red things, since it is located in the south, it will be a horror, and not good Feng Shui.

And now let's deal with the steps, how to properly approach the choice of color on Feng Shui.

Step 1. Yin and Yang in choosing a color shade

Each room can be active, Jansky, or calm, Yinsky. Where we rest and relax, there must be more yin, where we work and spend the time being actively - Yang.

An entrance hall, living room and office are active rooms, in their design you can use more bright, yansk colors.

The bedroom is a resting place, so it is better to use Inin, muted shades. Then the bedroom will ensure stability and promote rest.

Step 2. Directions of light and color on Feng Shui

Each element is associated with a certain color and side of the world:

  • North associated with the element of water. Here you can use the colors of water: all shades of blue and black, as well as the colors of metal elements - white, silver, golden.
  • Northeast and Southwest associated with the elements of the Earth. Here you can use the colors of the earth and fire friendly for the Earth element. It is red, orange, beige, brown and yellow, as well as all their shades.
  • East and southeast - This is the sector of the element tree. In this sector, you can use the colors of the elements of the tree and water: all shades of blue and green.
  • South - This is a sector associated with the element of fire, also here you can use the colors of the element of the tree. Total, all shades of red, green and orange are suitable here.
  • West and North-West - These are the sectors of the space associated with the elements of the metal. Since the earth generates metal, the color of the earth can also be used here. Total, beige, brown, yellow, white and metal colors are suitable here.

However, this does not mean that it is enough to paint the bedroom walls in the southern sector in bright red, orange or green, and there will be a good hairdry shui. This suggests what colors are used as basic or dominant in these sectors of space.

Step 3. Three basic color choice principles on Feng Shui

There are several important principles that should be observed for the design of the Space Shui space.

The color selection principles will be as follows:

  • The principle of heaven and land. For ceilings and walls it is advisable to use more light colorsFor floors - darker. Thus, we symbolically bring the energies of the sky and the earth into space.
  • Principle of harmony. The choice of color for the room suggests that although the main color of the room we define in the direction of light, other colors should also be present in it, along with the dominant color. The color shade depends on the, Ying or Yanska is a room.
  • The principle of small patheach.At the level of each room, we apply knowledge about which side of the light is associated with what color. For example, if the room is located in the northeast sector, and this is a bedroom, we choose the sand shade for its walls. If the windows of this room look north, we can use the dark blue curtains on them, if the east is dark green.

Step 4. Consider the impact of space flying stars and bays

Advanced room selection level for rooms is associated with additional parameters. At this level, an individual card of the birth of each of the tenants is taken into account, the possibility of correction with the color of negative influences, as well as a map of flying stars at home, the influence of annual and monthly stars.

As color is taken into account when correction of the influence of Sha and Sheng Qi:

  • For correction negative influencesShah, we use color to weaken negative influences. For example, if the window is visible from the window of the power line, which has the nature of the fire, you can place on the window curtains of the earth. Fire feeds the Earth, therefore, weakening at the same time.
  • To support positive energy, Sheng Qi, we use color to support a beneficial effect. For example, if the park is visible outside the window, and you would like to strengthen its favorable effect on your home, you can post on the window of the water color curtains that feeds the tree, reinforcing it.

How is the color from the point of view of the energies of flying stars take into account?

For example, it is worth transferring red items from the northeastern room to another place, as in this sector in the year of the fiery monkey there is a dangerous star, a yellow five. Elements of this star - Earth, and fire feeds it, enhancing adverse properties.

In addition to annual and monthly effects that are the potential of events, with a deep analysis of the hair dryer of space, we take into account the map of the flying stars at home, with which the house was born.

As Bazz is taken into account when choosing the color of the premises:

  • Elements useful for you are determined. It may be one or two of the five elements that are most suitable for you.
  • Depending on which element is favorable, we add objects and color objects of this item in the design of your room. If a tree is useful, then green objects, if the fire is red, etc.

So, summarize all the main selection points for premises:

  • Consider the features of Yin and Yang when choosing a color shade. For Yanskaya premises, hallway, kitchen, living room, you should use brighter colors, for Yinsky, such as bedroom, more relaxed.
  • The main color for the room is chosen based on how it is in the same sector.
  • Consider the principle of the sky: the ceiling and walls should be lighter than the floor.
  • We use the principle of harmony: in each room we introduce additional colors, in addition to the primary color, selected based on the connection of the space sector and the element of wood, fire, earth, metal and water.
  • We use the principle of a small secret for each room, distributing additional colors according to the effects of the parties of the world.
  • To correct the influence of shab and enhance the effect of Sheng Qi, if necessary, also use color.
  • We take into account the annual influences, for example, we remove the red items from the sector of a dangerous yellow five.
  • At an advanced level - we take into account the map of the flying stars at home and the Bazz map of each of the tenants.

Pick up optimal solution For your situation, you can consider read more about which you.

Please write your questions and reviews in the comments to this article.

Excellent Feng Shui!

With respect and wishes of good luck,

We are constantly surrounded by color tones, halftone and sometimes they begin to influence our life, which is not particularly noticed.

For example, not aware of the color of the fanish form for business in its very beginning to go bankrupt or contact deceivers, which is equivalent to the same bankruptcy.

As all this is avoided in all aspects of life, how to choose a color gamut for each room in the house and much more you will learn from this article.

Influence on a color man by date of birth

It has long been known that each digit corresponds to its color. This is especially important, counting your personal number by date of birth (the number of fate). Calculate it is quite simple, you just need to fold all the numbers of the day, month and year of your birth. Next, we consider each color by date of birth.

Red on feng

This color corresponds to the number one. People who have her in the date of birth at a certain point in time should realize that they simply need to learn independence. It is the red color that contributes to their good leader qualitieswhich, however, should be developed.

Orange color on Feng Shui

It corresponds to the number two. Orange color contributes to unification and harmony towards other people. Representatives of this figure themselves are considered caring, attentive, loving, but incredibly sensitive.

Yellow Fenshoi

Corresponds to the number three. Those who were born with this number, yellow gives pretty versatile interests. For example, a person can enjoy dancing, singing, knitting, collecting complex designers, etc. Such people live on a full coil, in any situation finding satisfaction. They are still recommended to determine in life, choose something one.

Green Fanshui

This color corresponds to the four. They are distinguished by practicality, hard work even on routine work. The green color of this figure contributes to successes, but only if a person knows exactly what he wants and how to do it.

Blue color on Feng Shui

Corresponds to the figure five. Blue color determines multilateral personalitieswhich are capable of a lot and are not completely afraid of change. To achieve the desired results, these people need to learn to dispose of their freedom, only then the results will not make himself wait.

Blue color on Feng Shui

This color corresponds to the number of birth six. It is important for them to be able to be responsible, because they are in their essence to take care of others, sincerely love and assist. Very often their field of activity is the provision of services. Blue color has creativity and good taste.

Purple color on Fengshui

Violet color on Feng Shui by date of birth corresponds to the number seven. People who have this number are prone to spiritual life, humility, meditation. They feel very thin the world, Love often spend time in reflections. Ideal for seven will expand your horizons, gaining knowledge.

Pink color on Fengshui

Color corresponds to the number eight. People who were born with this number are distinguished by practicality and ambitiousness. They need to succeed, climb the career ladder and receive rewards for it (the latter gives them pleasure). What they need to learn how to overcome various temptations that throw their lives, and learn how to counteract his najm.

Brown in Feng Shu

Compliance with the number of nine. People who were born under this number are quite tolerant to others, they know how to sympathize, and also possess humanity. Brown color contributes to the fact that throughout their life, representatives of this color should be given to give good others.

As we see, the effect of color on a person begins back from birth. Probably, therefore, some prefer one or two colors throughout life. However, do not forget that the predominance of only one creates an imbalance in life. Very good if the colors are in the name, surname, the date of birth is diverse (in equal amounts). In this case, you can talk about harmony.

If this did not happen, then it is necessary to add the missing life on your own.

Color selection on Feng Shui for home

The Fengshui system includes not only the correct placement of furniture in the rooms, as well as the correct location, but also other "little things", which are the choice of color for the rooms.

The correctly chosen palette will make it possible to create a harmonious atmosphere in the house, where it will be nice to come back after a long working day to relax. It will be nice to meet with friends, easy to think and create business projects. Properly selected palette of shades will increase welfare and health.

Color matching light

When the color range of the rooms of the rooms of his house or apartment should be guided not only by its own preferences, but also the main colors that they match. Consider more.

  • South is a red color. This area corresponds to the element of fire.
  • The color of the southwest is yellow.
  • The direction of the southeast corresponds to a green shade.
  • The color of the East is also green.
  • For premises in the West, you need to choose silver and metal colors.
  • In the north, the predominant should be green and blue shades.
  • For the northeast, the color of the rooms should be in yellow shades.
  • In the north-west - also dominant metal and silver shades.

But even knowing what color corresponds to the direction, it is impossible that he is dominant, thus suppressing everything else, otherwise there will be a poor movement of qi. Also, the people themselves who will live in this house or apartment will be uncomfortable. Therefore, the Feng Shui always contains compromises (necessarily a small amount the desired color, and the rest of the one that is preferable).

Feng Shui colors in the living room

Almost in all homes and apartments, the living room is a central room. The choice of color for it should be careful. A calm - green, yellow, white or beige is very good as a common tone. But the living room must be diluted with bright accents.

You should pay attention to the location of the room. If it is in the southwest or northeast, then they will be perfect yellow tones or light brown. In the south-east, the room is decorated in a green tone. Southern or North Location is blue or red, and the West or North-West - white, golden or silver.

Of course, if you wish to paint the whole living room in red, even if it is in the south, it will not lead to anything good. Aggressive red will create only misunderstandings and quarrels between you and your friends. It is better to perform some part of the room or furniture.

Curtain color in the living room

Everything will depend on which side of the light windows are directed (guided by the information that is written above). Of course, at the same time, their shade should not be sharply different from the total color gamut room. Good use curtains or blinds in turquoise color.

According to Fenshche, it is he who will contribute to the development of intuition and the emergence of a clear inner voice.

Children's Children's Children's Choice

Colors for children should be different and bright. It is impossible to in the room only one shade prevailed, but also can not be broken by all the colors of the rainbow. Depending on which the direction of the light is children's, the color should be in obligatoryBut he may not be predominant.

In general, the tone for the color of the walls need to choose calm. For example, good suitable color Health is green. You can also use blue. If your child has health problems, then color the violet oriental wall of the nursery. You can use its shades, for example, purple colour. In addition, he still contributes to ingenuity and resourcefulness. The main thing is not to overdo it.

For older children excellent solution There will be a lavender, cream, peach. In any case, the room must be bright accentsSo that it does not seem boring and sad.

For children do not fit the following colors (if they completely paint the nursery): gold, purple, orange, red and cold shades. Bright and screaming palette is also not suitable, she does not act on nervous system.

For harmonious and calm sleep, you need to carefully pick up the color gamut of the bedroom (especially if it is a pair bedroom). Moreover, this should manifest itself in everything - the color of the walls, the choice of furniture, bed linen, accessories, etc.

You can use beige, pink, peach or golden as a common bedroom tone in the event that your sleep is good and calm. If everything is exactly the opposite ( bad Son. And falling asleep), then try dark red, burgundy and green shades. Red items in the interior are also suitable for young couples.

Bed linen color on Feng

Special attention should be paid to the color of bed linen. The unambiguous ban on the underwear of the black and all shades of blue (or rather, they should not be predominant).

  • For single women, pink is good, it allows you to attract the soul mate. It is also good for newlyweds or couples with experience who want to return romance into relationships.
  • Use white color if you need to calm and comfort.
  • For calm and relaxation is also suitable for blue, especially for people who often work their heads.
  • For people who want to open intuition or comprehend the mystical part of life, good purplewhose value is that it allows you to develop all these abilities. But it is impossible to use it often, since you can lose a sense of reality.
  • Sometimes, when there are lack of paints in life, you can use bright underwear. For example, it is very good yellow, he will be able to contribute to strengthening relations (especially during a quarrel) or bring joy.
  • To strengthen relationships and waking up the passion stacking red. But remember that it is impossible to sleep on it, otherwise you will not have the strength.

Favorable colors for kitchen

In the arrangement of the corner where you are preparing food, you should also stick certain rules. For example, it is recommended not to use those shades and tones that oppose each other. These include black, which cannot be used in the fire zone.

Use less in the interior of red and blue shades, purple and dark gray. Very harmonious will be orange, white, brown or green. Other tones can be used as accents. In principle, you can choose those colors in the design that correspond to the parties of light.

Colorware on Feng Shui

The dishes should choose such that it contributes to the right eating. Do not use red shades, they contribute to overeating. It is best to buy white plates, so during meals you will not be distracted.

Of course, this is not suitable for everyone. If a person is thin and wants to recover, then the red dishes are just necessary for him. As well as yellow and orange. Now people who are sitting on a strict diet, it is better to choose green, blue or gray plates.

Harmonious entrance hall and corridor on Feng Shui

In order for the house to be in harmony, the first thing you need to turn your attention to the brown just brings the harmony to family relationships, and if it is with some shades of red, it still stabilizes.

You should pay attention to which way the door goes.

  • For the south side good option It will be red or green, yellow and brown shades are possible.
  • For eastern Suitable green, blue and even black.
  • If your door goes north, then paint it into blue or white, you can in black. For this side of the light, the green or brown is unfavorable.
  • Western doors will be harmonized in white with shades of silver or gold. There will also be a good metallic.

In general, the color of the hallway and the corridor should be bright tones (especially if it is small), since the dark room is very weakened by qi. Your home or apartment already at the entrance will cause despondency not only at your inhabitants, but also guests. The color of the floor should also be in harmony with everything else.

Colors should be harmonized among themselves. Do not make a very big focus on red (especially if the elderly lives in the house, it increases blood pressure). It is better to add several accents. Use black with caution. Orange (color of happiness) should also not be basic. Make accents on it in the form of lamps or rugs. Some consider the perfect gray for the hallway.

Appearance of the house: The color solution of the roof and walls

If you live in own home, the color of the roof, as well as its walls will also influence your life. The roof is considered a kind of protection against various kinds negative energies and energy guidelines that give the opportunity to have welfare, health, good luck, etc.

Roof color on feng

So, what is the roof color favorable on Feng Shui?

  • The best is considered brown with shades of red, they are most well complemented by each other.
  • A good solution will be the choice of sandy, peach, orange, dark burgundy shades.

Use blue and black colors for roofing with caution, as they create anxiety in the house, reduce physical, intellectual and emotional forces. At the same time, they rarely accompany the luck in such houses.

Color of walls at home

Walls should also be in harmony with roof, while they should like all households. It is recommended to avoid black and blue, as in the case of the roof, they can remove good energy from your home.

  • If you want in life stability, then use one basic tone.
  • For those who wish diversity, it is recommended to paint the walls of the house in merry and light tones.

How to choose a car on a hairdry shui

Today, many choose the color of the car along the hair dryer, hoping to protect themselves and extend the life of the car. Choosing a car personally follows by its energy card, namely knowing what element is favorable.

If a favorable element is water and metal for you, then buy auto color that matches them (black, blue, silver, white). It should also take into account the compliance of the color gamma of the car itself and its cabin. They should also be combined, otherwise it will be very dangerous to ride such a car.

Consider what color is suitable for a certain element.

  • Wood. With this element harmonizes blue and green tone.
  • The fire. This element is combined with any orange and red shades.
  • Water. Saturated blue and black is what is needed for this element.
  • Land. If you feel about this item, then you should purchase a yellow, beige or brown machine.
  • Metal. For this element, gray, silver or white tone are perfectly suitable.

In any case, it is desirable that the color of the car is not too bright, as it attracts a lot of attention to himself, and not too good.

Suitable color of clothing and accessories

It is very important not only the color that surrounds us, but also the one we wearing. General rules According to the selection of shades and tones of clothing, they do not differ from those for which the car is chosen. The outfit must correspond to the elements of man. After all, it is not at all by chance, we have favorite colors?

But still do not reach the fanaticism. Fenshui recommends using different colour in clothes, especially if in your life in this moment There are problems, decay or oversupply of forces, depression. Also, summer clothes should be different from winter. At the same time, it is not necessary to get completely completely into it, it is enough to choose a suitable bag or scarf. Consider the main colors.

  • Blue. Gives confidence to your owner, makes it more practical and rational. Invariably suitable for business negotiations.
  • The black. Despite the fact that many see themselves in it harder, it is not necessary to abuse. It attracts negative energy, loneliness, longing and sadness. You can bailly balance with bright accessories.
  • Green. Harmony and equilibrium - this is what clothes gives this tone. If you feel overexcitation, you need clothes in green tones.
  • Orange. Optimistic and bright - it will create you a good mood. Take a pink scarf or shawl when you lack ease in life.
  • Pink. It is worth putting on it when in life there is not enough romance and sensitivity. Moreover, it is suitable for both men and women, the main thing is not to make it the main thing in the dress.
  • White. Color that is worn strong personalities. It allows you to increase its energy potential, which helps to solve important and difficult questions. It is worth putting in moments when it's hard to find a solution.
  • Red. Passionate and very energy. But unlike white, its energy is at the lowest level. They should not be abused.

Value for business fanish for business: Change the color palette in the office

If you have noticed that your business is not entirely lying, then try changing the color of the walls in the office, change the upholstery of the sofas in the reception, hang on the shutter windows of the appropriate shade or simply paint the windows in the color that you have chosen.

If everything is done correctly, then your business will immediately start making a profit (provided that you will not stop working).

Consider the most successful for business tones and shades.

  • Purple. One of the best colors for business is also considered to be a colors of wealth. But for the company it is suitable only if its end users are women and children. For men, he is not very suitable, but they do not like him. Purple, as well as its shades ( purple color, magenta, lavender) are remarkably suitable for spa salons and antique shops.
  • Blue. It is considered universal for business, but it is necessary to choose with caution for those companies that are aimed at the young audience. This is the color of conservatism and predictability. Well suited for banks, insurance companies, etc.
  • Green. It can be used for any type of business, but you should know that bright shades are not perceived seriously, and the dark is just associated with wealth and prestige. Use green if your business is associated with ecology, health or food.
  • Yellow. It is considered not the best color for business, as it is designed only to a narrow audience - children. In other cases, yellow is better to use as an element of a color palette.
  • Orange. Since this is the color of fun, optimism and novelty, it can easily be used in the restaurant and tourist business. But it is better to use it fragmentary, since thanks to its properties, the business world refers to it skeptical and with distrust.
  • Red. All his shades are considered happy, carry confidence and good luck. Since red is too sharpening feelings, exciting anger, it is better not to use it as the main color. It is well suited for this type of business, which is associated with passion, desire and love. For example, it can be used in shopping centers or restaurants.

After reading this article, you now know the value of color for business for business and for home, as well as how to choose the color gamut in clothing and interior. But most importantly, what needs to be paid attention to, it's for your preferences, and after that search harmonious combination All selected tones and shades.

Feng Shui colors. We disassemble in practice!

As you know, colors have an important meaning in a person's life, it is proven by scientists, psychologists, physicists, metaphysics, philosophers and others. Today in this article I will tell you about the ratio of Chinese science to color, options for using color schemes on Feng Shui and for dessert about color taboo! You need to know the whole truth;)

Let's start with the theory or where did the thoughts about the beautiful ...

There are three basic theories on which not only the entire Eastern worldview is built, but also all sciences in metaphysics. Separately, I note what the theory you would not have chosen to work, they are all equally effective if you correctly caught the principle of its action. Now let's look at them all in order ...

  • The principle of operation Yin-Yang

The combination of Yin / Yang is familiar to the majority of us, thanks to the black and white symbol widespread in the media. But, many, I'm sure, with difficulty will explain what it is actually, in addition to "... Well, it ... You see, like black and white, like light and shadow ...". The idea with the exact opposite is true, but the theory itself carries a deeper, sacred meaning. To be brief: everything in this world is one, inextricably connected with each other and removing one link, you destroy all the others. If you look from a philosophical point of view: what you think is obvious at the moment, this may not be, on the contrary, the most confusing and unclear and may be obvious, to be the lost seemingly true. And all this principle Yin-Yang.

Now let's turn to the color ... The nature of Yin and Yang theory is their saturation and shade. According to feng ShuiMore than dark colors Believers are dominated by a black shade, symbolizing calm and passivity), and brighter colors to Jansky (the white shade dominates, vigor, activity and energy). So, for example, red and yellow are considered to be mansk flowers, and black, brown - Inisk.

  • Theory 5 Elements

Another theory considers the color block of the interior through the prism of the combination of five colors, which can be attributed to five natural elements. This is known, fire, earth, wood, metal, water. They do not exist by themselves, but constantly interact. Of particular importance for this has Circle Take:

Water creates a tree (nourishes it).

The tree creates fire (when the tree burns, it gives the power of the fire).

The fire gives rise to land (the ashes becomes land).

The Earth creates a metal (metal from the ground).

The metal creates water (melted metal - liquid).

Each of these elements has its own color:

Water - Black, Blue

Tree - green

Fire - Red, Orange

Metal - White, Gray

Earth - brown

  • Grid Bagua

According to this theory, each compass direction can be attributed to the mass of properties, including color. Here briefly and in order. If your room falls on ...

East (Southeast) - use green shades when

West (North-West) - White, Gray Colors

South-West, Northeast - brown shades

South-red, orange

North - all shades of blue

  • Combination of Bazzi and Feng Shui theories

Feng Shui allows you to work with a color range of the room, and Bazza as a separate direction in metaphysics works with a success of a person. Briefly bazziz-Chinese type of astrology, which is based on data on the interaction of five elements, and calculations are based on the human birth of a person, from here the opportunity to analyze his fate, periods of good luck, favorable colors, forms, directions, etc. So, by the date of birth, professional Consultant reveals favorable personally to you color schemes And gives recommendations for applying them in your environment. Sometimes personal colors are not combined with the favorable flowers of the room on the theory of Bagua and it may seem you that you went to a dead end. There is always a way out! For this, there are professional consultations on Bazza or Feng Shui an audit of the apartment.

Fen shui colors and their meaning separately

Red- color of life, activity and passion. It is considered the most jet color (powerful and sexy). If mental or physical activity needs, it is worth making this color prevailing in the room (but not in the bedroom!). Everywhere the measure is important and with this color. If the red is too much, the Yin-Yang equilibrium will be violated, as well as your psycho-emotional background. Ideally, use the red color accently or stunning only one wall, but not the whole room as a whole. In red, it is recommended to paint only those rooms where you are most active and energetic.

Orange- color of openness, communication, positive emotions and freedom. Helps in the fight against depression and bad mood. In the interior: Orange color is good for living room and kitchen. While in the rooms orange colorPeople will be more open and friendly.

Yellow- The color of the inner harmony of man, abundance, wisdom and experience. If you correctly pick up the shades of this color, you can achieve a cozy and comfortable design. It is associated with warmth, harmony, comfort and is ready to make more joy and laughter in your life. Also, like orange, yellow will help you feel love for life.

Green-this is the color of harmony and equilibrium.
Even European psychologists find that Masters Feng Shui are right as that this color contributes to rest and restoration of forces, harmony and peace. Positive affects the nervous system of man.In the interior: Suitable for any room.Like color of clothes: Also without restrictions.

Blue- The color of justice, inspiration and fulfillment of desires. The symbol of the mystery and meditative state. Maybe the interior is solemnity, as well as purity and coolness. However, it is not worth picking a bluish lighting. It does not affect people too well, especially in the kitchen. In the interior: It is better to avoid blue, otherwise it seems that the walls of your home are put on you, a sense of discomfort and uncertainty may appear. Like color of clothes: Creates the impression of an impregnable serious person.

Blue- a symbol of calm and peace, wisdom and equilibrium. He instills hope that everything will be fine in life, relaxes and has rest. In the interior: Good for bedrooms and other rooms where you want to relax and relax. He will inspire a feeling of peace and security. Like color of clothes: In clothing, this color should be used only when you want to look naive, gently and simple.

The black-symbolizes all mysterious, gloomy, unknown. Oriental color concept perceives black as a symbol associated with changing seasons. It has symbolic of winter and off-season. However, the floor or walls, as well as the ceiling in such a color will make the house rather gloomy. In the design it is worth including it only in separate places, exposing accents. In the interior: It is recommended to apply only in conjunction with other colors, in detail.In clothes: Performs an impression of sophistication and authority.

White- the absolute color is the highest manifestation of the divine power, positive qualities of people, the spiritual side of life. The symbol of infinity, perfection, air and purity. Can be included organically in the interior as in pure formand in additional elements. Positively affects the energy of people, cleans space. In the interior: Increases space, you can apply in detail. Like color of clothes:adds credentials.

Turquoise - Symbol of new hopes and aspirations.

Brown- Indicator of constancy and stability. However, in the interior they are better not to abuse.

Pink - a familiar romantic color. But excessive passion for this color can create a frivolous atmosphere at home.

Purple - symbolizes the highest kindness, wisdom and love. This is a strong color, is the color of the leaders. In the interior: In its pure form, this color is suitable in the meditation room, in detail it can be used with white, yellow or green. In clothes Apply this color only when you want to impress the intellectual and incomprehensible personality.

Grey- Passive color, bladder and boring
Breathing in the room with gray Walls You will not get. It does not have strong radiation, i.e., weakly affects people. It limits and slows down both emotional and mental activity. In private homes or apartments, gray applies only to pay and pay attention to bright color accents.

Gold- In the color therapy, this color is successfully used to treat physical and mental illnesses. Golden smoothes stresses, helps with spiritual sessions and meditations, strengthens self-confidence and charges positive energy. In practice, in no case should we apply the gold color in large quantities. In Feng Shui, this color belongs to the metal element. It strengthens the physical and mental strength of a person, and also multiplies his wealth. Use it, as well as red, accent!

Favorable combinations of color hammies on Feng Shui

  • The combination of golden color with red is very favorable through a hairdry shui. Such a combination brings wealth and prosperity. The perfect activator coins are bandaged with a red cord. It is not recommended to use such a combination in the bedroom.
  • Green and blue colors in combination bring harmony and development. Very favorable for the eastern and southeastern premises.
  • Green color with red attracts good luck in achieving fame and popularity.
  • Red combined with yellow. Pretty powerful colors to attract good luck. Both Yansky colors. Use it is recommended in southwestern, northeastern and central premises. But it is important to observe the balance, as in the case of a white and yellow combination.
  • Yellow (golden) and white. The combination of these colors symbolize power. Yellow earth, white metal color. When choosing such a combination, it is important not to forget that both of these colors are the representatives of the Yanskaya beginning. It is important not to overdo it. Listen to yourself if you have issued, for example, the living room in such colors and you have this combination causes a sense of discomfort, then it is better to choose a yellow lighter shade. If you feel great in this color gammaYou can experiment and choose the elements of the interior of the shade closer to the gold, i.e. more rich yellow. Yellow in Feng Shui always brings success.
  • Combination of purple color with silver to financial well-being. It is better to stir in the element of water in sectors.
  • Black and white colors symbol Yin and Yang. Black water color, white metal color generating water. The combination is good for sectors with element water. Activate monetary success.