Repairs Design Furniture

Create comfort in the house. Secrets and secrets of creating comfort in their home. Natural elements in your living room

If you do not have the financial opportunity to invite the designer - professional software, it is quite possible to cope with your own. And read ideas for creating comfort and comfort in this article. 7 cool tips with photos!

Each man in the shower is soft, fluffy and prone to comfort. Units - deliberately prefer extreme and accommodation in Spartan conditions. Some are prone to categorically not to notice the cons of living conditions, or hoping for "maybe" or by virtue of natural laziness. And this feature of indifference to the cozu is inherent in both bachelors and women - loner, and if the married couple completely ignores the guidance of order, comfort and improvement of the place of joint living, it is unlikely that good sign for.

"My home is my castle!". If in the early youth we focus on the standards that the parents attracted us, while we were raised in the family atmosphere, then with the acquisition of their personal life experienceMost likely we want Create your own, Comfortable for you, style of residence.

And it's just wonderful, because in adult life it all depends on us! What a man should be nearby, how to eat right, what clothes do you like, do you need to get additional educationHow to earn worthy money? Questions of the sea, and, of course, one of the most important things remains "How to equip a place of residence in your individual style?". And preferably cheaper!

How to create comfort in the apartment with your own hands? 7 ideas for comfort

1. Segmentation

  • Slide the segments on the segments based on their functions. For each corner of the interior suitable design solutions. Fight for every centimeter of free space, try to make it a maximum functional. And the projects of apartments give a lot of examples, as in a small space, it is beautiful to place all that you need for comfort.
  • Corner sofas, built-in wardrobes,shelves for trifles of wood, plastic or dense tarpaulin fabric, mobile bedside tables and coffee tables. All these "chips" are designed to visually increase the space in the apartment and relieve your life, making it most comfortable as possible. For example, for narrow corridor You can hang a mirror with illumination opposite the entrance, thereby visually increasing the space.
  • In the kitchen it is desirable to purchase a sliding table, Compact for everyday use. In solemn cases, it can be decomposed and take guests. Tip: When buying a table, pay attention to its dimensions. In the folded state, it must freely pass in the doorway. Otherwise, it will have to disassemble it in the hall every time.
  • Prepare draft changesAnd then you will definitely discuss the details with family members. Most likely, the homemade will perceive them loyally, especially if their direct participation in the interior transformation processes are minimal. So, put a couple of hundred, nonsense, compared with the result!

2. Color solution for walls and floor

  • If in your cute small apartment Walls and floors of terrible eager counter color (the legacy of the former owners or landlords), you will have to change these remnants of the past. After all, you need comfort and a favorable cozy homely atmosphere.
  • Put cute natural mats on the floor. If you live in a removable apartment, you do not have finance for serious repairs and, buy them in Second Hend.
  • To refresh wall color, They need to repaint or cross the wallpaper. For example, Very modern walls of the same room look, different in texture and color. Also stylish watching photo wallpaper, which is back in fashion! Choose materials to improve the interior on the sale in order not to spend.
  • Even if you plan to further expand the living space, or your accommodation is temporary, the color of the walls and floors should like every day.

3. Curtains, Gardins, Textiles

4. Lighting

  • Have you noticed that the lack of bright light has a depressing effect on the mood? Becles, dull light not only does not adorn the interior of any apartment, but also extremely harmful to the eyes. Sources of light in the apartment modern man There must be several, and at different levels.
  • In the living room is top lighting(necessarily bright, with the ability to regulate it), side (sconce, outdoor lamp, lamp near the sofa for reading), as well as convenient mobile lamps for computer or laptop.
  • In the bedroom, take care of the sources of light located at a distance of an elongated hand. You will need built-in lamps or table lamps. Bedroom - place For two, then you need a light, it is desirable to muffle - intimate life makes your own adjustments! Of course, you still need or built-in top lighting.
  • Additional backlit is desirable for the kitchen over the working surface. Also, choose a backlit extract for the stove (an additional light source is useful!), And if you order furniture by individual design, be sure to schedule embedded lighting lamps in it. working surface Kitchen table.
  • Additional lamp in the place where the washing was installed for dishes You will surely like it, it's convenient and practical! The price difference will be small, and advantages additional source Light in the kitchen will appreciate any hostess!

5. Pleasant smell

  • The aroma of his home focus is not compared with anything! Every house has its own, only his characteristic, smell. An extraneous person will never understand how, in the absence of pronounced aromas, a person who lies his housing unmistakably determine his familiar territory. At the subconscious level, we always know that we are nice to Nuh.Based on these, deep sensations, form odors in your home space.
  • Of course, the basic is the smell of purity.It is remarkably suitable for everything else - mint, citrus fragrance, with notes Patchouli or Bergamot, aroma candles, sticks, lamps and with a variety of smells, depending on the mood.
  • To create a coziness in the apartment, use all the fragrant accessories! Air conditioning for linen, air freshener, fragrant herbal pads on shelves for things - all means are good!

6. Natural interior items

  • In my apartment, we wish to relax, Relax, delicious food, communicate with your beloved and to be yourself. Feel naturalness, harmony and comfort. It is for this that household objects are created from natural materials. Start a set of clay dishes, wooden blades and cutting boards for kitchen. Buy Stands under hot juniper, pine or other fragrant wood. When you put a boiled kettle or hot frying pan on such a bunch, a chic aroma!
  • Special importance for creating a coziness is performed by a vine and bamboo. It may be a table, a chair - a rocking chair or a laundry basket. Apparently, the vine and bamboo please us somewhere on the subconscious level. Just panel on the wall, a woven decorative napkin, a keystitch in the hallway, a napkin in the kitchen. Any items of furniture, interior or minor bamboo parts and vines are pleasing to the eye and give the buck in general.
  • What else do I recommend to create a cozy home atmosphere in the apartment? Of course, flowers! Quite a few decorative plants, unpretentious I. small size. Violets, geranium, daffodils - when they bloom, the eye will not be redeemed! Cacti generally do not carely care, and the composition of them will perfectly decorate a strict computer desk!
  • Remarkably suitable for the "revival" of the interior Compositions from flowers compiled by itself. For example, In the spring it is good to disrupt several twigs with boutons (apricot, cherry, apple tree), put them in the water and enjoy when they bloom! Do not wait until you give flowers! Bouquets for solemn cases, of course, let your man buys, and for creating easy A pleasant home atmosphere of comfort - get live flowers yourself.

7. Cute little things

  • Each person has favorite items. Some come from childhood, others are associated with joyful, reverent events of our life. In our business create homemade utya These things must be present. Soft funny toys, photos of families decorated in the frame, oil painting - a gift of friends, magnets on the fridge from traveling different countries - All this will give your everyday the unique charm.
  • Highlight a few mounted shelves in your interior, and place your "treasures". Believe positive emotionsrelated to cute heart souvenirs, fill your apartment with pleasant energy and joy.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in creating a home coat. Even having enough, it is possible to clean the beauty in your apartment. The main thing is to put the target and thoroughly think over all the nuances.

Changes in the design of the interior of the apartment can be done step by step, gradually. Do not frighten your close people with sudden big changes. Wise woman is always a little sickness for the benefit of the family!

Each person understands the term " cozy house"In its own way. Even if he, this house and consists on this moment From a small, possibly removable apartment. Probably, the concept of an ideal comfort is not amenable to specificity, and exists only in our imagination. After all, the definition of a cozy place of residence, first of all, has psychological roots. Comfort in the apartment - how to create it and where to start?

The main factors for creating comfort - safety, comfort, convenience and functionality plus. In fact, to give her housing cozy, the cute heart of the nuances, just enough, setting the goal to improve the quality of his life. Yes, yes, you need to start with this, with thoughts and desires! And then begin to conceive!

How to create a comfort in the apartment? Step-by-step instruction

Step # 1. Get rid of the rubble.

No wonder it is recommended to do general cleaning Before the onset of the new year. All unnecessary, which has accumulated over the past period, is to be destroyed. And it is simple enough to find out. Open your drawer written table., and look inside.

Pens that do not write, receipts about paying more than 3 years, used batteries, drafts and lists of past shopping - boldly throw away.

Step # 2. Mouse over to the cabinets.

To create comfortable atmosphere In the apartment, you must definitely go through things on the shelves. This does not mean, yielding to gust novelty, throw away everything. Just sort and gently fold the bodies that you often use.

Review the contents of the pantry, If there is such available. Take a look with revisions in each pull-out compartment, including the kitchen and the bathroom. And documents and checks on the goods you purchased, set aside in a separate file.

Step No. 3. Clean - Pledge of your comfort!

No matter how faster create comfort in the apartmentwithout perfect purity it's impossible. To make a new, individual, fresh and stylish interior With your own hands, first you need to get rid of elementary mud.

After a thorough audit, when you strongly sorted all the accumulated SKARBs, they threw out everything too much, despite the extent of domestic on caloes from the last century or the beloved cracked plate, you can safely begin to. Make it carefully , wipe dust and . Your apartment is practically ready for positive change in the field of comforting coziness!

Step # 4. Repair what you can or update.

If you have noticed that the crane in the kitchen drips, and the tank in the toilet works with interruptions, take measures to troubleshoot. The same applies to a broken hairdryer, who stopped due to the wear of the batteries. wall wrappersnot working burdens on the stove and stopping domestic slippers. All these little things are important if you wondered "How to create a comfort in the apartment? Where to begin?".

Step number 5. Discuss with homemade ideas for comfort in the house.

When your loved ones realized that on the way of arrangement of the apartment in a cozy nest you successfully, despite anything to seek perfection, it's time to talk on the Family Council about the preferences of each family members. Hint that in your power to give the housing charm, fashionable style And luxury for the minimum!

Let everyone express their wishes for in your apartmentStarting from the pleasant eyes of the shades of the color range, and up to small cute baubles, which are quite forces to make with their own hands.

Step number 6. Make up and coordinate the cost plan.

During communication with households on the apartment of the apartment, your joint dreams of the comfort must pour into a certain cost estimate. It is not necessary at all, and it is not even necessary, to allocate immediately a round sum, in which you may not write because of unforeseen expenses (we, women, the creatures are unpredictable!).

Better to scroll the action plan in stages Accounting homemade actions for improvement. Husband, for example, can well print successful joint pictures and order a stylish framework for them. Children - draw watercolor pictures, and you - buy new and cute tablecloth for the sale for the table.

Step number 7. Search for ideas.

When everything was solved, cleaning was done, got rid of the rubble, expressed all the wishes and agreed on a modest budget for The final chord is the information drawn on this topic from independent sources.

Quite often, many are faced with the problem of the absence of comfort in the apartment. Really organize a cozy residential premises are not so easy. In order to give her apartment comfort to choose perfect interior and fill it with various trifles. How to make even one-room housing cozy, we will consider in more detail in this article.

Cozy Khrushchevka

Often the owners one-bedroom apartment There are problems with arrangement of the room. Most often, this is due to the fact that the size of one-room housing is small and in one room you have to combine a place to sleep, receiving guests and work. However, even in a small one-room apartment you can create a comfort using the elementary separation into zones. The intersection of various zones should be minimal.

In order for your apartment to be a studio to adhere to the following tips:

  • it is necessary to avoid massive jewelry throughout the perimeter. The optimal option to group decorations in several zones;
  • the window must be as open as possible;
  • decorate the studio helped original pets made with their own hands;
  • zones separating the studio should not intersect.

In addition, a combination of colors plays a large role for a small one-room apartment. The optimal option to make it beautiful is to use shades of light color gamut. They will help increase the space.

The main focus must be made on small elements. The optimal option to make them with your own hands or pick up small parts in the style of the interior.

The space in such apartments should be optimized as possible. The studio apartment has to acquire multifunctional furniture, which can free apartment from unnecessary elements. If there is a desire, you can form furniture yourself. Stylish furniture without special costs will help to make a self-adhesive film.

How to organize a cozy children's

First of all, at the design of the children's room, it is worth considering such important parameterlike space. Children must be bright and spacious, so the optimal option to abandon large-sized furniture. For the organization of a cozy children's children's just a few elements of furniture.

As a rule, this is:

  • bed;
  • cupboard;
  • chest of drawers;
  • desk;
  • bedside table;
  • shelf;
  • place for toys.

These elements are enough to fill the space. Moreover, the furniture should not be new.

Old room furniture, if there is no money, you can use as the basis for creating new things. You can renovate old things with your own hands in the style of the children's room.

Help create a comfort in this room small details. It is enough to buy a cute rug or make holders for curtains in the form of toys. Walls can additionally steal fabulous illustrations. Special attention should be paid color gamma of this room. It must be of light tones.

The optimal option to use for the design of such colors:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • peach.

Living room for all

One of the main positions of comfort in the living room is space. All the most important subjects Must be arranged and stay nearby.

Additional comfort will give such an element as a rug with a long pile. Give the sofa atmosphere help. Attention should also be given to various vases, paintings and other small elements of the interior.

An excellent element that will help create a comfort is a decorative fireplace.

It will be associated with a homemade hearth. It can be purchased in finished video, And if there is no extra money, you can make it yourself.

It will help to create a calm atmosphere of floor lamp on a high stand.

The color range of this room must be sustained in bright colors. It will help to give the interior ease.

The optimal option to use such colors:

  • white;
  • beige.

Comfort in the hallway? Easily!

The question of how to make a cozy removable accommodation is very complex. Especially important in such apartments to pay attention to the hallway. To organize such a room, as a corridor is important to choose the right furniture. As a rule, the corridor is always characterized enough large quantity Things that have nowhere to hide.

Such a feature can be pretty good to beat if you install wall shelves, hangers and other accessories, which, in addition to functionality, fill the room with decor.

Another way to free the corridor and get rid of unnecessary things - the right furniture. As a rule, the corridor is quite long, but narrow. That is why the perfect headset will be with several niches. It is worth noting that the upper things should be stored in a separate closed niche. In order to create an atmosphere of home heat, the corridor can additionally equip the shelves with various trinkets.

If your corridor is long and narrow, then it is worth increasing the space in it with color. The perfect combination of light and dark tones will be perfect. Light should be long walls forming a corridor.

It is best to use such combinations to design:

  • white black;
  • beige - brown.

Bedroom for peace and rest

The bedroom is a real temple that is designed to relax. That is why create comfort in this room is especially important. First of all, it is necessary to consider that in the bedroom should be quite spacious. The optimal option for the bedroom is acquiring multifunctional furniture.

In addition, it is worth buying furniture from natural materials. It is worth considering that the bedroom should have the minimum number of different kinds of small parts. Optimally purchase several medium sized ornaments. Also in the bedroom it is worth leaving the room for room colors.

To accommodate in the bedroom it is best to use flowers without fragrance.

A separate zone in the bedroom must be highlighted for wardrobe. It should not touch the rest area. The comfort in the bedroom will help create the right lighting and color gamut. Lighting must be scattered. Optimal option There will be lighting from several sources. This will solve both tasks at once: will increase the amount of light in the room and add stylish decor. The color range of this room must be withstanding in pastel colors.

Optimally use for the design of this room such colors:

  • brown;
  • purple;
  • blue;
  • pink.

Balcony for beauty

You have a spacious balcony, then give him a comfort is quite simple. This zone can be turned into separate room recreation. For this, just a few elements are enough: the table, chairs, indoor plants.

Thanks to these elements, the balcony turn into a real recreation area.

In the event that it is necessary to store conservation on the balcony or tools, just to build a small shelf along one of the walls of the balcony. You can arrange this element with bright self-adhesive films, or simply beautify the cans with conservation.

Indoor plants for the balcony should be bright. It is also worth closing the floor with a medium-sized carpet.

For registration will be suitable:

  • blue;
  • green;
  • purple.

Home Forest in the kitchen

One of the most simple options Make a kitchen cozy - use cute attributes. As a rule, such details will help to give the interior ease. It is necessary to consider that the cluttered kitchen will not be cozy. Therefore it is worth abandoning large number Various household appliances.


  • yellow;
  • salad;
  • purple;
  • pink;
  • orange.

Each room in the house needs a caring hand and manifestation of love for her housing. Therefore, diligently decorate, go, create man-made masterpieces or get ready-made little things. Your home is one of the manifestations of character, taste and attitudes to loved ones.

Video Gallery

Not everyone will notice, but in any apartment there are things that seriously reduce the level of coziness. Both Western and oriental studies have proven that the situation in the apartment affects the quality of life of people living in it.

Most people in the house have such a family relic as a parade service since the deficit times, but they only stand and dust in the cabinets, without bringing benefits. At the moment, such services do not represent values \u200b\u200bat all, because others came to replace them. We advise you to throw them away - there will be much more places.


Aromatic candles, people mostly acquire and give for romance or so that the apartment is pleasantly good. However, people also wen all these unnecessary items, and each time they are becoming more. Do not save them. We advise you to burn all the candles, tea donated to you from your relatives brew, and use the cups from China as dishes, and not as the subject of the interior. Such a move will help bring comfort to the apartment without repair.

Interior items

Large curtains and chairs will fit into fabulous locks and houses with a noble bias, however modern apartment It is inappropriate. The space is clogged, and the light from them is dim. We advise you to get rid of old furniture, It only spoils the situation.

Boldly get rid of old furniture!

Harmful deliciousness due to the corner

With the help of research, scientists find out that foods with caffeine content, taste and sugar amplifier are able to develop stress in a person in a flat place. You can be completely calm, however, if on the way to the room somewhere on the shelf there are cookies or a package with chips, then the nerves will be given itself to know.


Scientists found out: if a person will constantly look into the mirror, then new complexes will be attended. If you dwell on appearance, then your mood will be cleaned every day with a new force. We advise unnecessary mirrors to remove.

Various trash

If you constantly copy different trashThis is capable of calling you irritation. For instance, various wiresCharging from old phones, old chairs, sticks and other furniture you are not really needed. Do not store things unnecessary to you. Most probably will not agree with us, due to the fact that, for example, a spare mobile phone It will not be superfluous. It may be, however, to store all the elements of the phone, ranging from the keyboard of the old Nokia and ending with the old lid of Samsung there is no sense at all.

Broken things

A knife without a handle, a suitcase without a handle, a cracked mug is often stored for a very long time, but why all this, if all this has long been broken. The use of objects is unreasonable, because they are broken, and never repaired, it will have to spend their money to spend, and they will also break. Optimal decision Will get rid of things you did not use a year and more.


The habit of keeping TV constantly included is not good. Our brain often gets tired of these sounds. Bright pictures and noise background are very pleasant, however, it is constantly very uncomfortable and harmful to the brain. In addition to irritation, which over time will cause you noise, you can get headaches in addition.

Objects after hobby

Unfinished collages, cars, ships, bracelets, scarves and other things should be thrown away.

If you abandon this case, it will be difficult to return to it, and in general, looking at the unfinished things, you will leaving the feeling of guilt. To do not spoil the mood and return the comfort without, get rid of such things.


Accounts and various loan agreements We do not advise you to throw out, but the guarantee coupon technique, which broke two years ago, or the instructions for use of a mixer, which was also broken, will be superfluous. All documents that have financial meaning fold into the box and move timely, leaving only those that are actually relevant.

You can easily live in the apartment indefinitely and at the same time not to notice the obvious - the place where you spend the most part of your life, can not boast of home comfort, so the room is often used for the night, and the rest is only oppressing.

Everyone wants the situation in their apartment to be cozy

In the house, devoid of comfort, I do not want to go back, it is not filled with the energy of the owner and households, it may seem empty, although it seems to have a good repair. Indeed, expensive wall decoration, chic interior filling And the new-fashioned technique is not a guarantee of comfort in the apartment.

In order to correct the situation on your own, you need to arm the necessary set of knowledge, how to create a comfort in the house. It should be understood that the work will have to be painstaking, because each detail in the room affects the overall perception of the premises and, in combination with other elements, creates the necessary atmosphere of heat, kindness and coziness.

Not to know enough designer techniques, have developed imagination, artistic taste and money for implementation creative designsAll this is enough to do just just to start another repairs in the apartment. Your task is to bring part of your heart to the room, and then the apartment will shine long-awaited comfort.

Without which the comfort is impossible in the house

Clean and accuracy

As soon as you rethought the concept of the house, you can proceed to its transformation. Start followed by general cleaning. First of all, examine cabinets and bedside tables, sort all unnecessary things, clothes that you do not wear long and hardly you already put on, collect bags and bags and get ready in the near future to attribute all this trash in the trash can. If clothes look decently, you can try to pass it into the commission and get extra money for your diligence. Oddly enough to make the comfort in the apartment, it is necessary to get rid of the first thing.

Comfort in the house is impossible without regular cleaning

It is necessary to get rid of the energy garbage - broken plates, cups with sloped handles - they pull us into a quagmire of the past, which we choose as a zenitsa of an eye, in fear to live a real and open look to the future.

Now it's time to make general cleaning indoors. Special attention to the cleaning of switches, furniture upholstery and curtains. Now you have to follow the state of the purity of textiles in the house, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve comfort in the apartment.

Smell Utut

You probably noticed that in many apartments there is a smell that is not similar to any other. We hope that you have not happened to face the smell that delivered unpleasant sensations. But unfortunately, no one is insured. Experienced hostesses know that the fragrance is far from the ideal, can proceed from almost all items in the house, if there is no proper care. The reason can be a wet rag in the bathroom, which does not dry up for a long time, drying the towel to dry the dishes after washing, dusting curtains and even books that rarely wipe.

What smell in the apartment is welcome? Almost all people are positively perceived by viscous bergamot, gentle vanilla, soothing mint and lemon with grapefruit. The homemade, cozy atmosphere in the apartment contributes the aromas of cinnamon, verbena, fresh wood and recently brewed coffee. Beneficially affects the consciousness of man the smell of smelling baking, because this fragrance is familiar with his comfort from the distant childhood.

How to make an apartment comfortable with smell? In the store, pay attention to air fresheners, flavored candles, essential oils And finally, bags with spices and herbs. Before you buy a source of a pleasant fragrance for the house, consult with households, perhaps some smell does not fit the member of your family or causes allergic reactions.

To do cozy kitchen, and quickly remove the obsessive smell of fat, set the exhaust apartment in the apartment.

Lighting and color of a cozy home

The comfort involves the design of the room comfortable for eye lighting and color palette, properly selected for the style of the apartment.

Lighting plays an important role in creating a cozy atmosphere

Mute lighting will make a gloomy cave from the apartment, and too bright does not have to calm and relaxation. In the decoration of walls and furniture at home it is desirable to stick with a warm color palette, if, it is important to combine different colors correctly.

Style and Design

Stylistics of the room

Although modern technologies Move forward, some, rather in habit, continue to spend in the house of manipulation, which deprive the apartment of the slightest coziness and on the contrary, they emphasize her moon. It will be about repairing the "Selfkina" principle. Most often dIY repair It lasts infinitely and over time turns into a "piece" - when the plumbing is changing in areas, if necessary, a piece of wallpaper is placed on an empty place to update the outdated decoration on an empty place.

Therefore, to make the house cozy, it is advisable to get together with thoughts, accumulate money and contact the specialists who will repair professionally. Exceptions are craftsmen who like to do construction workBut here it is important to achieve the coziness to observe the generally accepted technology of the process, which will be a guarantee of high-quality repairs in the apartment.

If there is a material opportunity, place cozy interiorcombining wooden motives. It is known that wood indoors well affects the psyche. Some designers use a cunning reception - to create a coziness in the apartment choose materials that are high-quality imitation of wood. Let there be elements of wooden drawings in the decoration, homely and at the same time stylish beams placed on the ceiling at home.

Lay on classic design Arrangement of residential area. Arrange the furniture and hang decoration of various textures and textures with different species surfaces. Weighing products will add rooms with special raisins and comfort, unless, of course, they fit into the designated interior. There is a place for - be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to create a personal cozy "home hearth". Imitation of the fireplace is no less attractive and promotes homely, warm atmosphere.

Do not strive to achieve ideality forms, allow some disorder in the design square meters. But do not cease - complete chaos will cause completely fearful sensations, not similar to comfortable. Why does the ideal order not bring internal satisfaction? Everything is simple - a person begins to experience a constant feeling of anxiety, worrying about the fact that his careless actions can break the created "idyll."

For coziness in the center of the kitchen it is recommended to place a table that is alone external appearance Must make guests and invite to the meal. Wonderful if there is a tablecloth and a fruit vase from above. Convenient should be chairs - having fun in soft textile cases and put small pads. The table located in the room near the wall is decorated at the expense of hanging on the wall of "delicious" paintings, which also give the apartment comfort.

Showing your creativity in the kitchen, give preference to tea and coffee coats. The room will add an unusual piquancy. A welding teapot with a sputtering spout, a coffee grinder in retro style, a jar for tea, decorated with tops and aged labels. Your task is to achieve a warm environment that will have to do with each.

Young families will certainly arise the question - can be cozy apartmentsMade in the style of High-Tech or Modern? Designers argue that they can, although for this you need to try hard.

Cozy textiles

From the coldness of the office space and create a comfort in the apartment will help textile items. These include curtains, pillows, tablecloths, napkins, panels for walls. Do not be afraid to arrange the aspirations and a banquette in the corridor, because often in the hallway for comfort you are just missing what to sit down. In the Hall of Pufik, you can use as a cozy footrest.

By the way, with the help of the curtain, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is successfully expanding and increases window hole. Designers advise hanging curtains so that they cover not only the window, but also the walls of the room on both sides. By purchasing curtains, take into account the width of 1.5 times more window design. This technique will make it possible to arrange the curtain with beautiful air folds, especially if they are made of organza. It is advisable to decorate the curtains in the open position with cozy, decorative clamps and elements (bows and butterflies).

Fabrics for placing on windows can have a picture regardless of whether it has on the walls or not. Try to combine a large ornament on the curtains with a large image on the wallpaper, and the comfort of the apartment will be provided.

As for carpets and tracks, they can cover the entire floor or place on one site. The last option is more suitable for cozy placement near the table, chairs or sofa. For all, choose a carpet of darker walls, multicolored is appropriate with a monophonic finish.

Flower compositions

Make a comfort in the house is unlikely to succeed without taking into account the "green" design and its basic rules. Even in office premises, green plantings are capable of bringing a special cozy atmosphere. This does not mean that pots with indoor flowers need to be placed everywhere, thereby turning the apartment in the likeness of the Botanical Garden.

Limit a few pots and arrange them, focusing on the necessary conditions The content of each flower. In the living room it is customary to place outdoor flowers, For example, Ficus and Palm. In the bedroom it is useful to have plants on the windowsill excreasing oxygen - aloe and calangean.

Another important nuance - suspended to the ceiling of the pot with hanging down stems and buds will reduce the height of the ceiling of the room, and the floor plantation, on the contrary, will rise it and.

Decorative decoration of a cozy apartment

The empty walls of the room preferably decorate with personal photographs, they will attach an apartment of individuality. Fine vases, figurines, candle holders placed on the bedside tables and coffee tables. If you want to hang on the walls of several bright decorations or the literacy, which is also welcome, it is better to choose a place for this in non-lass, neutral tones.

One of the cabinets with a mirror panorama to create a comfort in the apartment can be allocated for souvenirs brought from travel and foreign trips, gifts obtained from loved ones memorial dates. At least once a month, wipe sea shells, plates and ceramics from dust, otherwise the showcase will turn into an unclear place far from cozy.

The craftsmen will probably like the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a personal cozy space in an apartment for their creations. Play with forms and color decorative pillowsframed by original pillowcases. Creating comfort in the apartment, follow the rules of adequacy of jewelry and things in the room, and not their excess.


Now you know how to create a comfort in the house with your own hands. Try to consult with households and learn to define the border between beauty and comfort, sharp contrasts and tranquility of a comfortable, warm atmosphere. Avoid the neighborhood of small bright elements that are not combined with each other by style, be careful with mirrors, which in case of improper placement in the room contribute to the accumulation negative energy in the apartment.