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Why the dishes are beating: the meaning of broken plates, mugs, vases. Folk signs about broken dishes

Why is it customary to say “Fortunately!” About an accidentally shattered plate, and “To changes in life” about a scattered glass glass? Who came up with these signs and beliefs, and how do they help plan the future?

Arguing why the dishes in the house are beating, the most common omen immediately comes to mind - to luck! The main "secret of success" for the belief to come true is to sincerely believe in it. There can be many situations when a glass or vase slips out of your hands. The culprit is the awkwardness of movements, slippery, wet hands, and carelessness when serving ... Someone will write off the incident as a mere coincidence, and someone will say that this is the tricks of the brownie: this is how the keeper of the hearth warns of future pleasant changes.

In any case, for "safety net" it is recommended to say: "Where the dishes break, there is a great life." These words will become a kind of spell and amulet, guaranteeing a successful outcome. And one more important point: no matter how expensive the broken thing is, you cannot show negative and discontent towards the one who broke it, otherwise, instead of luck, discord and constant scandals will settle in the house.

By the way, those who want the brownie not to repeat his pranks can be advised to follow a few simple steps:

  • leave a bowl of cookies or a saucer of milk in a clean kitchen overnight
  • talk to the brownie "heart to heart" and ask him to stop acting outrageously
  • try not to leave dirty dishes in the sink for a long time, this often annoys the keeper of the hearth (in general, many people consider dirty dishes to be the personification of future misfortunes)

Interpretation of signs by day of the week

Interestingly, dishes can break not only for luck or happiness, but also for travel, dates or profit. It all depends on when exactly the "incident" occurred and who was the culprit. So, if you break a plate on a weekend - Saturday or Sunday, it undoubtedly symbolizes great success.

Much the same goes for Monday: household utensils scattered to pieces will attract good luck and provide great events for the coming days.

If someone breaks a plate or glass on Tuesday, it means that this person will have an unexpected pleasant meeting with an influential person. The "incident" that happened on Wednesday symbolizes a good deal or profit, which also cannot but please. Break the dishes on Thursday - wait for guests, and on Friday - prepare for attention from the opposite sex.

Dishes usually beat happily, but not always.

Porcelain and glass items are very fragile and not difficult to break. By the way, for those who believe in omens, it is important to know not only under what circumstances it happened, but also who did it?

The interpretation of superstitions also very much depends on the culprit:

  • if the cup "suffered" from the hands of a single man or an unmarried woman, this means that Mendelssohn's march may soon sound in their lives (this belief has been around for many centuries, and it has come true many times);
  • when a wife accidentally breaks her husband's favorite glass, this may mean that someone has sights on her faithful. There is no need to arrange showdowns and scandals ahead of time, the husband himself may not even suspect that he is someone's object of sympathy;
  • some believe that if the plates and glasses break through the fault of the child, someone has damaged the child or decided to jinx it. Before jumping to conclusions, you need to think: perhaps the cause of the fragments was not bad thoughts of outsiders, but poorly developed motor skills.

Can happiness be made to knock on the house?

Many are so attracted by the prospect of attracting good luck with broken dishes that especially resourceful ones decide on their own to “speed up the process”. However, if someone breaks a plate on purpose, or even does it in a fit of anger or anger (as overly emotional individuals like to do), this will not only not become a good omen, but, on the contrary, it will scare off happiness and prosperity. Glass and fragile porcelain do not recognize rudeness, and, if handled deliberately, can attract negative events.

To avoid undesirable consequences, knowledgeable people advise to collect the fragments with a broom as soon as possible, and throw the largest of them over the left shoulder - this will neutralize the negative.

Not broken, but cracked ...

In some kitchens, cracked dishes are common: housewives think that if the plate or cup is not broken, but only cracked, these utensils can still be used. In fact, objects with cracks and chips carry negative energy, so you need to get rid of them as soon as possible! Moreover, in ancient times, people sincerely believed that cracked dishes are very fond of evil spirits. Settling in a house where there are cracks on glasses and glasses, evil spirits can significantly ruin the life of all household members.

Special attention should be paid to situations when the incident with cracked glass occurred before some important event. They say that it is the Universe itself that warns: it is better to postpone important undertakings. It is better to wait a few days and only then return to the execution of the plan.

How to neutralize negativity

Believe in omens or not, everyone decides for himself. However, to hedge against negativity, psychologists recommend performing a very simple technique: if the dishes nevertheless flew out of your hands and broke, at this very moment you need to imagine that it is not fragments that are flying away, but negative energy and all bad thoughts. Discharge emotionally, smile, and the ringing of the fragments will become a symbol of joy and impending happiness!

There is a belief that if something breaks in the house, then it certainly promises some kind of happy and joyful events. But, does this omen always work? As for what the dishes in the house are fighting for, there is not one omen, but several. After all, this question includes such nuances as what exactly broke, a cup, saucer or vase, as well as under what circumstances it happened. In this material, we tell folk signs, to which the dishes in the house are beating.

If the dishes are broken by accident

Most often, the dishes do not break on purpose, but by accident, due to carelessness or simply absurdity. From the necessary items, cups, plates, salad bowls turn into unnecessary fragments. Why does the dishes in the house accidentally beat, what do popular beliefs say?

If the plates are accidentally broken

What the broken plate will lead to depends on the circumstances under which it happened:

If the plate breaks on a holiday, then this is a quick acquisition of wealth;
An accidentally broken plate on Monday - the week will not burden you with troubles and troubles;
An accident with a plate on Sunday - a difficult week ahead;
The plate accidentally broke from the hands of a single girl or newlyweds, which means that their happiness and well-being awaits.

Knowing the omen for what such dishes in the house are beating as a plate, everyone decides for himself what to do with this knowledge. Believe the omens or not - everyone's personal business. But, if the omen does not bode well, then believing in it, of course, is much more pleasant.

If cups, cups, glasses accidentally break

It is precisely with the dishes from which you can drink, the largest number of signs is associated. For example, an accidentally cracked glass or cup in the hands of its owner promises immense happiness.

But if a cup or other object from which you can drink is broken by another person, even if not on purpose, then some troubles and difficulties may soon arise. But, you should not worry, because these difficulties will be easily solved.

If the handle of the glass and the mug breaks off or the bottom falls off, then this is a problem that simply cannot be solved.

And here are a few more signs of what the dishes in the house are beating for, if it is an object for drinking:

The husband's cup, broken by the wife's hands, means that the wife has a rival. At the same time, the husband may not even guess about it and be faithful, but another woman is already making plans to conquer the unfree man;
If a baby's cup breaks, the child can be jinxed;
Cracked inside - soon you will have to take the blame for someone else's misconduct;

A broken glass of water promises good luck in business affairs, concluding profitable deals or winning the lottery.

If a vase is accidentally broken

But an accidentally broken vase does not bode well at all! If a vase accidentally slips out of your hands and shatters into small pieces - luck is always and in everything, but repeated, for 5 years! The lighter the glass of the broken vase was, the more such an accident will bring happiness.

If the vase fell and broke from its place, perhaps the family will soon be replenished, and lonely hearts will finally find love.

If you break the dishes on purpose

Signs of what the dishes in the house are beating for, if this is done on purpose, in many ways promise some kind of problems and troubles. For example, crockery, broken in gusts of anger and despair, promises financial difficulties and a split in some important relationship.

But, along with this, there are good signs of what the dishes in the house are fighting for:

At the wedding, if the newlyweds break a plate full of food together, it means that they leave all the sorrows and troubles outside the doorstep of their family;
If the guests break the plate on purpose, and it shatters into small pieces, then the young will have many happy moments in family life;
If the bride and groom drink a glass of champagne and then break them at the same time, they will attract happiness and prosperity into their lives.

Signs to which dishes often break in the house

But what do the people say if the dishes in the house break too often? If this happens by accident, then maybe it's time to get rid of all the unnecessary junk that has accumulated in the house. Clean every corner, every drawer. It is believed that if the dishes break too often, it means that there is no longer enough space in the house.

If we turn to feng shui, then they have their own opinion on this matter. The fact is that each dwelling has its own energy field, and when it gets littered, this field itself tries to cleanse itself, which manifests itself in the form of broken dishes. This is a kind of signal from space that it is time to make room in the house for something new, including new emotions.

Even if the signs of what the dishes are beating in the house promise something bad, then this action can be neutralized. Firstly, you should not believe too much in the omen, because in this matter, it is the thoughts of a person that most often play a role. And secondly, if the belief in omens is so strong when the dishes are beating, one must mentally quickly say three times: “For luck! For luck "for luck!"

The tradition of hitting plates at a wedding can be safely attributed to the category of international ones. In Israel, this custom is intended to remind those present of the grief over the destroyed Jerusalem and to instill in their hearts the hope of new joy. In England and Germany, by the number of fragments, they are trying to estimate the size of the happiness assigned to the young. And in the Middle Ages, in some European countries, on the wedding day, a whole dish of pies was thrown out of the window: to please the poor brethren and lure good luck into the family. And in Russia, the tradition has taken root long and firmly ... So, is it always a good omen to break a plate?

Why do plates and saucers break and crack?

Most likely, the thought of the connection between a bunch of shards and unexpected joy that should appear at the sound of broken glass has stuck in the heads of our ancestors since pagan times. The very ones when cups and bowls were split into an offering to the gods, and loud sounds were considered an effective force against evil spirits. But not everything is so simple in the world of folk signs! One and the same event in different circumstances could receive completely opposite interpretations.

Good predictions

  • Most often, a broken plate promises the culprit of the incident success in business, a new thing or pleasant changes in his personal life. Apparently, this sign was born in the era of clay pots and bowls. Unpretentious dishes were cheap, widely available, and therefore a family of any income could afford to turn a couple of bowls into shards. “There would be something to kill for,” the hostess reasoned, if an inexperienced daughter happened to drop a plate, and hurried to console her: “This is good.”
  • They prophesied even greater luck to the one who inadvertently broke a plate on his birthday. “Before the end of the year, the birthday man will be very lucky,” the beliefs said.
  • Utensils split during the New Year holidays, for Christmas and Epiphany promise equally good events. But on Good Friday, for some reason, it is considered a great success to break the saucer. Why this miniature piece of equipment acquires such strength precisely on the saddest day for Christians, history is silent; all that remains is to trust the signs and not worry about accidental damage to property - all the same for good!
  • If the plate has slipped out of the hands of an unmarried girl, she should take a closer look around so as not to miss a new romantic adventure. And the more beautiful and more expensive the dish was, the more likely it is to hear Mendelssohn's march in the end and try on the golden ring.
  • And the split saucer promises the young men a career rise and financial profit. Always, for men, in the first place business, and not tender feelings ...

Bad omens

Resolving family disputes with kitchen utensils is a bad idea.

Time passed, technologies developed and unpretentious pottery from wealthy houses was replaced by porcelain - thin, beautiful and fabulously expensive. Now the language did not dare to call the pile of shards a good omen! For the ruined plate, the first number flew in both the household and the servants. And the guest, who dropped an expensive dish from the table, began to fidget uncertainly in the chair under the gloomy gaze of the owner ... It must have been at this time that the signs about the plate turned into pessimism:

  • For a married woman, spoilage of dishes is fraught with discord with her spouse, the appearance of a rival and a loud crash of a marriage falling apart.
  • Married men also have no reason for joy: they are predicted to have lingering problems in the service.
  • For older people, a broken plate threatens with a deterioration in their financial situation and large expenses. Maybe in the most literal sense? You still have to buy new plates, but you will not go too far in retirement.
  • Do you like to sort things out with shouting and smashing dishes? Get out of the habit! Get rid of the troubles, disappointments and new strife that glass shattering in anger entails. And the nerves will be more whole.
  • If you happen to break a plate at a party, then you took on a part of the master's negativity and took it with you.

A broken transparent plate is considered a hard negative sign. Such dishes are traditionally associated with sincere trusting relationships in the family - “I see right through you” - and its damage is perceived as a signal of distrust between spouses. But it is better not to escalate the situation by asking the faithful with a fork at the throat if he has got a girlfriend on the side! Better to let this annoying accident serve as an excuse to spend an evening together or go somewhere on the weekend just together!

Wedding signs

The smaller the shards, the brighter the family life!

Alas, it doesn’t make sense to pound the cymbals on a regular day - the omen will not work. But if the newlyweds throw the dish together at the wedding, traditions promise them family happiness, home comfort and mutual understanding. And not only!

After the plate shatters into pieces, the witness and the witness are obliged to pick them up, count them and solemnly hand them over to the newlyweds. The number of fragments is even - everything is fine. Odd? The family faces problems! To take them away, the groom and the bride should immediately kiss tightly, throw away the extra splinter, and tie the rest in a handkerchief. The knot with the shards is supposed to be carefully kept for the whole next year as a kind of amulet against quarrels: since the spouses already have one broken plate, others should not suffer in hot family battles. After 12 months, the fragments are buried, because they have fulfilled their mission - to keep a young family in the most difficult year of the first "grinding".

Sometimes the plate is not thrown, but placed on the ground under the bride's feet. If, after the newly-made housewife hits her with a foot, the glass breaks - the wife should be the head of the family. Will it stay intact? This means that the last word in the pair will be for the husband.

However, a suspicious bride should be very careful at the festive table. As soon as she accidentally breaks the plate, the idle gossips will immediately report: this omen is extremely bad, the family is waiting for discord, betrayal and a guaranteed divorce in the end. Here, either do not touch the dishes at all during the wedding feast, or learn not to pay attention to the omens and gossips ...

What day of the week did you break your plate?

For a superstitious person, dropping a plate on Monday means securing a lucky seven days. New troubles do not limp to you, the existing ones will begin to dissolve, and luck will rush in full sail. So that the omen does not disappoint, help it come true: believe with all your heart that the coming week will be full of pleasant surprises on Wednesday, Saturday, and all other days.

If the dishes break on Sunday, it predicts quarrels in the family.

If the dishes accidentally burst by themselves

Even for the sake of economy, it is not worth repairing once broken dishes.

There are two signs among the people about dishes that crack or burst "arbitrarily":

  • First. The plate is cracked - and troubles will run like cracks in all spheres of life. This is not the happiest period for you. Diseases of relatives, gaps in the budget, betrayal of friends ... You will have to spin like a top so as not to go to the bottom!
  • Second. If the dishes broke or burst without assistance, it destroyed the accumulated negative. Consider that there is a little more light energy in your home.

But a sign is not considered as such if you somehow contributed to the "death" of the plate. For example, it was already cracked, and you rubbed the dishes too violently with a sponge or poured boiling soup into it. By the way, it is unreasonable to keep dishes with defects in the house. It tends to accumulate real dirt - microbes and bacteria - and mystical. Anything cracked, chipped and scratched immediately to the trash heap!

How many pieces did the plate break into?

Everything is simple here: the smaller the fragments and the greater their number, the better. For example, if a plate broken at a wedding does not split into two parts, but turns into a pile of porcelain, which no superglue will help to put together, the signs promise newlyweds a life of contentment and love until a ripe old age.


To neutralize any negative prediction due to broken dishes, collect the shards in a newspaper or paper bag. Do not cut yourself under any circumstances! Awkward and hasty beliefs threaten with diseases, and medicine - with an abscess, because on the glass there will probably be dirt from the floor and food debris. Take the bundle out to the wasteland and bury it with the words: "bit-stab, ground with trouble, I will leave it here, I will send happiness to the house", and then leave without looking back.

Ask ten acquaintances: "Why are the plates breaking?", And nine people will answer: "Fortunately." Take an example from them. In the end, it is not just that the most widespread is the good interpretation of the omen! Therefore, it came true more often, or maybe the whole point is that everyone who broke the plate believed in the best. Next time, instead of getting nervous and performing strange rituals over the fragments, throw them in the trash can, smile and say to yourself: "But really, fortunately!"

The dishes cracks, splits, shatters into smithereens, and for each case there is its own belief. Broken plates, cups, vases, glasses, wine glasses are capable of
tell about what has been, is and will be. Folk wisdom takes into account everything -
what object crashed, when, by whom and how. For good luck or for trouble - it's up to us to decide
by ourselves. At the same time, the Jews know exactly what the dishes in the house are for. The sign claims that it is always happiness! According to the ancient people, a person has a reserve of luck. If it is not spent on such trifles as a broken glass, then it will come in handy for really important things.

If the dishes break by accident

Sometimes the dishes are smashed on purpose, but more often it is because of the accident that the cups and plates turn into a mountain of unnecessary fragments.


If the plate shatters into:

Cups, glasses, wine glasses

A variety of signs are associated with them. Broken dishes from which they drink becomes a symbol of happiness if they are shattered to smithereens at the owner's hand. If a stranger broke your cup, then soon troubles are possible or someone is jealous of you. A broken handle or bottom, unfortunately, indicates impending problems.

Here are a few more signs with broken cups or glasses:


Almost always beats for happiness. A vase that accidentally slips out of your hands promises a lot of good luck! You will be lucky always and in everything for 5 years. It is believed that the lighter the shattered glass is, the more luck it will bring. But if the vase has already been put in its place and suddenly fell, then the spouses may have a child, and the lonely ones will find their love.

And only fragments from a very cheap vase speak of trouble - something very dear to the heart will soon be lost.

Specially broken dishes

It is believed that bad omens are associated with this. Dishes broken in a state of anger will only bring trouble and money problems. However, there is also a good belief! To attract good luck and financial well-being, you need to split the most beautiful and expensive plate in the house into smallest pieces.

Ah, this wedding !!!

When that kind of fun happens, you can't do without a pile of shards. Perhaps you should take a closer look at who and what beats at the wedding:

  • The dishes are broken by the guest - the more fragments, the more happiness the young will have
  • The bride accidentally dropped the plate - the marriage may be short-lived due to the spouse's unfaithfulness
  • The groom dropped the glass - there is a danger that he will become addicted to alcohol
  • The wine glass split in the hands of a mother-in-law or mother-in-law - the young with relatives will have a very difficult relationship

But that is not all! After all, there are many beliefs when newlyweds at a wedding need to specially break the dishes:

The dishes are beating by themselves

This is a rare case, but even for him there is a sign of what the dishes in the house are beating for without human intervention. This speaks of the negative accumulated in the family, that is, a bad emotional environment. If the plate or cup just cracked, then a close relative may get sick or financial difficulties are already very close.

What to do with broken dishes?

It is unlikely that anyone will store the fragments, but dishes covered with cracked cobwebs, and even your favorite cup with a small chip, must be thrown out immediately. Signs say that cracks attract failure and accumulate negative energy.

Common sense says that using spoiled dishes is dangerous to health - a cracked plate of hot soup will surely crack at the most inopportune moment.

Just do not throw unnecessary utensils or shards into the trash can! Wrap everything in a rag and take it straight to the trash can.

What to do with bad omens?

There is an antidote for every poison. So it is with the signs. If you believe in them, then be sure to remember that the action of even the worst of them can be neutralized. When a sign does not bode well, then immediately say loudly two magic words: "For luck!" After that, nothing bad will happen to you.

Everyone has heard the omen that "To break the dishes is fortunate." However, few people know that its meaning and outcome depends on what household item was broken, by whom and when. In addition, there are many superstitions associated with broken and cracked dishes.

Contrary to popular belief, not all broken tableware brings happiness.

Newlyweds should think about whether it is worth blindly believing wedding organizers advising to break glasses. Many believe that this ceremony symbolizes the farewell to bachelorhood and the beginning of a serious relationship. But the old belief says that any broken glass leads to inevitable negative consequences. The reason lies in the nature of the material: transparency is a symbol of purity and sincerity. According to the omen of the one who broke the glass, an inevitable parting with the second half awaits. If the filled glass is affected, this person will take on someone else's guilt or sin. Expect a deterioration in relations with your loved one if the integrity of the glass has been violated by you.

If you want to stay happy, be extremely careful with glass products.

You can exclude all glass from household use, but, unfortunately, this will not bring the desired result, since it is not only glass that brings troubles. For example, a person who breaks a cup should expect intrigue and deception on the part of loved ones in the future.

What is worth believing?

The legends of the deep antiquity are already hidden by the veil of secrets, so many superstitions have lost their outlines and acquired the opposite meaning.

As you know, first controversial myth: break a glass (glass)- a symbol of the beginning of a new stage in relations with a loved one, and breaking a glass is a sign of inevitable parting and problems.

The second contradiction is associated with such a subject as a mug. According to one opinion, the one who accidentally breaks the cup will be inevitable happiness. There is another positive interpretation: you have become the object of the thoughts of the person who secretly loves you. This is where happiness ends in interpretations, so according to another sign - a spoiled cup promises deception and intrigue on the part of loved ones.

Different interpretations under different conditions

There are many superstitions regarding broken or cracked plates. If you give them a general description, then they all portend changes in personal and family life. But the changes can be both positive and negative.

Depending on the conditions and who became the culprit, there are the following signs:

  • The plate broke by accident - good luck in business, changes in life;
  • Broke during a quarrel, you will inevitably expect resentment, disappointment and omission;
  • The newlyweds specially broke a plate at the wedding - happiness, harmony in relationships, a carefree life without quarrels;
  • An accidental incident happened to the bride at the wedding ceremony, the marriage will soon crack, which could lead to divorce;
  • During the New Year, Christmas and Epiphany festivities - all year long you will be accompanied by success in business and happiness;
  • Birthday - longevity, profit and happiness.

The interpretation also differs from the day of the week. The most controversial of them:

  • Monday: all planned cases will be resolved without any problems;
  • Sunday: Expect the upcoming hassle and family challenges.

Broken dishes - out of sight out of the house!

Whatever outcome the spoiled tableware portends, it must be thrown out immediately. Many enterprising housewives leave cracked glasses for use in everyday life (pencil holder, etc.). This cannot be done. Since keeping dishes with cracks, chips and other defects in the house leads to poverty, misfortune and misunderstanding in the family. It is categorically impossible: eat from a plate with a crack, use a mug with a chipped handle.

You probably already understood that you should not blindly follow and believe popular superstitions. Everything in life is relative. Therefore, you do not need to immediately fall into hysterics and run from the registry office if the bride accidentally breaks the plate. The fate of each person depends on him, and not on ideas and observations that were born tens and hundreds of years ago. Signs can be adhered to, but you do not need to blindly trust them. Common sense should be followed. For example, keeping a split glass and a plate in the house is simply not safe.