Repair Design Furniture

Design of a room of 18 meters in a studio apartment. We create a cozy and functional interior in a small family. Photo of the interior of a studio apartment in blue tones

Choosing a design for a small studio apartment from 16 to 20 sq m, the studio plan is shown below. Techniques and ideas for a rectangular apartment.

Standard interior, can you fix it?

Light warm inexpensive studio interior 18 sq.

Studio photo apartment - view of the recreation area

The design idea of ​​using grassy green tones as accents in the interior is suitable for rooms from 30 sq.

Photo of a studio apartment in brown tones

Interior of a studio apartment in gray and beige colors

A project for a small studio apartment, where gray and beige tones are used instead of pure white tones. A glossy stretch ceiling, metal table legs, light high chairs, a mirror on the wall and a wardrobe all make the design lightweight and the small room more spacious.

Beautiful inexpensive white kitchen-living room interior

In the photo there are studio apartment projects for an area of ​​18-20 sq.m. The design is based on the contrast of a plank floor, a brick backsplash and white furniture and kitchenette cabinets.

Light warm interior of a studio apartment

How to equip a studio? The furnishings are relatively standard, providing the necessary amenities for living. It is difficult to place additional interior elements in a table in a small room, however, here, too, small designer tricks are possible. For example, in the photo below, one wall is painted in a warm pastel color to match the floor, this color scheme is supported by the wooden legs of high chairs and the table top of the table.

Bright green kitchen and wallpaper with ornaments in the design of a small studio apartment

Separation of zones in a small apartment with color and texture

Zoning with color and texture in a small studio apartment

Zoning of a studio apartment with an area of ​​20 sq m

Zoning the kitchen from the living room with bright photo wallpapers

Separation of zones in a small apartment with bright photo wallpapers

Small 15 meter studio in bright blue colors

Photo of the interior of the studio 16 sq m in red

Photo of the interior of a studio apartment in blue tones

Studio apartment design 29 sq.m. with redevelopment in the modern style

Small studio 29 sq.m. - the most striking design element light metal shelving

In this article, I want to consider the interior design of a hall of 16-18 sq. m. Eighteen square meters for the living room, this is not a small area. But this space can be visually reduced by using the wrong colors and furniture.

Consider 4 options for decorating a hall of 16-18 sq. m, which Nina Romanyuk provided us.The design is suitable for both a Khrushchev and a panel or brick house.

All 4 hall designs are 18 sq. m. only a recreation area is supposed.

The first design option for the hall

Hall design 18 sq. m, combined with a balcony, made in light colors. The light beige color was not chosen by chance, it visually expands the space and makes the room larger. The floor is covered with light laminate. Read,.

Initially, the area of ​​the hall was 18 meters, but by combining it with the balcony, it was possible to increase the space by another 4 square meters. In this area, the designers decided to make a small work area. The floor color here is different from the main color in the room.

This Hall Design is 18 sq. m. assumed the placement of a decorative fireplace. For this, the place between the interior doors was perfect. A large LED TV with high image fidelity was placed above the fireplace.

So that the owners could relax, along the opposite wall in the hall of 18 sq. M. They put a comfortable corner sofa in sand color.

Chocolate interior design of the hall 16-18 sq. m

The next design features bright chocolate-colored inserts. The main rule in the design of the hall is 16-18 sq. m, it's a lot of light. In addition to the main light source, additional lighting must be used, as in our case.

Do not forget about the presence of a rug near the sofa. The carpet should contrast with the color of the floor. In our case, the floor is dark and the rug is white.

Cream-colored curtains perfectly complement the design of the 16-18 sq. m. They make the overall picture complete.

Square hall with photo wallpaper

The design of the hall is slightly different from the previous ones. For the decoration of the walls, the designers used beautiful photo wallpapers.

A light glossy stretch ceiling visually makes the hall look larger. And in addition, spot lighting only emphasizes this.

Decoration of the hall with a niche for TV.

Interior design of the hall 18 sq. m assumed the construction of a small niche made of plasterboard with spotlights 15-20 centimeters wide.

TV in a plasterboard niche. Photo 10 Beautiful carpet in the hall. Photo 11 White pillows on the brown sofa. Photo 12

Wallpaper in the hall is combined in three colors.

A large white corner sofa is an irreplaceable thing in our case.

So we examined four designs of a hall of 16-18 sq. m. Use our ideas to decorate your house or apartment.

Fifth version of the European hall

Sixth hall. Lilac fairy tale

The living room, even if it is small in size, always remains the central room in the house. It is here that guests are received, and the whole family also rests every evening. However, a too small room of 18 sq. meters can not be called, but too spacious - too, and therefore it is necessary to use certain tricks when decorating.

Decoration Materials

When creating a design concept for an 18-meter living room, the flooring is chosen first. It is better if the material is monochrome, without overly bright inclusions - for example, laminate or linoleum, imitating the natural shades of wood.

Dark uniform tones are used if the room needs to provide depth, but keep in mind that such a floor is diluted with light ones.

You can enlarge the room by visually raising the ceiling. To achieve this effect, the ceiling finish should be at least one tone lighter than the wall finish.

It is also possible with pronounced vertical stripes or floral ornaments rushing upward.

Advice. It is better to combine wall coverings - for example, decorate one free wall, and make the rest a light background to showcase elegant decorations and furniture.

Color spectrum

Optimal colors for the living room interior:

If you plan to zone a room, then you can combine the tones of the cold and warm spectra in it. So, in the dining area, gold, orange, red and yellow are appropriate, but the soft corner for relaxation is emphasized by blue and green shades.

Rules for choosing lighting and curtains

The most important thing in planning the interior of the living room is 18 sq. meters is. It is better to abandon the massive one, replacing it with spotlights around the perimeter of the room.

These lamps can be arranged not symmetrically, but grouped in a certain sequence, dividing the room into zones - an office, a guest room, for recreation or children's games.

But the abundance of lamps should not at all mean protection from the sun's rays - there should also be a lot of natural light, which means that dense and heavy structures on the windows are inappropriate.

At the same time, windows cannot be completely left without textiles - this will attract unnecessary attention from the outside, and it will be unpleasant for you to constantly study the gray house opposite.

What is the way out? Use thin fabrics - organza, veil, tulle, matching the color to the walls, practical blinds or Roman shades, laconic, but capable of becoming a catchy spot in the design of the window opening. Read more in a separate review.

Furniture - proportional, harmonious, functional

You can visually expand the room with the help of correctly selected colors and decoration patterns, and then spoil all efforts by choosing the wrong furniture. It is important to provide a living room of 18 sq. meters functional environment, but there should be no clutter.

Fortunately, modern furniture perfectly combines design delights and compactness. What furnishings are required in the living room? First of all, these are:

  • a soft comfortable sofa for a relaxation area, best of all -;
  • a small coffee table that can be used during family tea parties;
  • lightweight shelving structures instead of massive "walls" and body heavy sections - they are spacious and quite practical, allow you to arrange everything you need and do not clutter up the space at all.

You cannot give general ones - after all, everyone has their own tastes, which means that the filling of the room will be different. However, in any case, the central part of the room must remain free, and in order to achieve the rational placement of all the necessary items, you need to include additional levels in the layout, use the space horizontally and vertically.

Any niche should be used as storage space, but the racks are made as light as possible. Thus, you can design a door or window opening - depending on how they are oriented in space.

Owners of small apartments during renovation often face such a problem as combining different functionality in one room. How to think over the interior of the combined living room so that it is comfortable to sleep and receive guests in it? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous, the option of combining a bedroom with a living room in a small area strongly depends on the preferences of the owners, the original premises and the goals pursued by the owners.

In this article we will try to consider all the best options for organizing space in a room with an area of ​​18 sq. M.

The advantages of small rooms

All owners of small apartments are familiar with the disadvantages of small spaces, but what if you look at it from the other side? After all, there are many advantages to such premises.

  • The ability to combine rooms allows you to save the entire apartment space as a whole.
  • In small spaces, it is much easier to create a comfortable, cozy atmosphere, while achieving unity of style throughout the apartment. With the correct use of each meter and a carefully thought-out design of the living room, you can achieve an incredible result that will surprise you and your guests.
  • Combining two functions in one room can become completely invisible to outsiders if zoning is done wisely.

To create a unique interior in a small room does not require a large amount of new furniture and building materials, so renovations can be quite economical.

Arrangement of furniture

Living room-bedroom design 18 sq. m. begins with planning the arrangement of furniture. It is on this basis that it is worth choosing finishing materials, since zoning depends on the arrangement, and each zone may have its own material or color of finishing.

At this stage, it is important to think over everything so that the room does not become cluttered. Better to limit yourself to the most necessary set of furniture. Its choice should be approached responsibly, the furniture should be as functional as possible, and not take up all the free space.

For example, a folding sofa will be a good option that immediately suggests itself. It will also serve as a sleeping place and will allow guests to comfortably settle down. True, when choosing this option, it is worth arranging the rest of the furniture, taking into account the fact that the sofa will often fold and unfold.

If you find sleeping on a sofa inappropriate or uncomfortable, then you can also install a bed and a sofa for guests in the same room. In order to hide the intimate space from prying eyes, you will have to use the zoning of the bedroom-living room.

For differentiation, you can use a bookcase, plasterboard construction or another method, based on your requirements and capabilities. You can divide the living room into a bedroom and an area for receiving guests with a low counter, or a main wall, light curtains or a thick curtain, a screen or other decorative element.

Another indispensable attribute of a bedroom is a wardrobe. But when combining a bedroom and a living room, it is better to place it in the guest area. The wardrobe should be one, but roomy, the use of light shades and mirror surfaces will visually expand the space.

And if you hide a folding bed in a closet, then your friends will not even suspect about its presence. The cabinet can be supplemented with hinged shelves that look airy and stylish, while not taking up much space. They can easily accommodate decor items that emphasize the main style of the interior.

A TV stand will fit perfectly next to the closet, if it is not large, but the best option would be to place the TV on the wall or on a partition that delimits the zones in the room. Chairs can be replaced with ottomans, which are more compact. The coffee table should be small and mobile, especially in the case of a splitting sofa.

Color selection

Bright and dark colors look spectacular in the photo of a bedroom-living room of 18 sq. m., but in real life they can make the room overloaded and the interior annoying. Therefore, it is advised to choose pastel shades as the main ones, and dilute them with small bright accents.

Tips for using color in living room-bedroom design:

White, suggests itself when mentioning light tones, but the snow-white color is too easily soiled. Busting with white will turn the room into a sterile hospital room, so it is better to replace it with a warmer milky shade.

The beige color is the perfect base to give the room a cozy feel. Any decor items are perfectly combined with such a base.

Green is appropriate in the bedroom, as it is considered the most soothing and ideal for sleeping. Of course, we are not talking about a bright and saturated color, but about its muted shades. For example, herbal, mint, olive, or marsh are suitable.

Blue goes very well with beige and white, but it shouldn't be too much.

Red and burgundy shades are appropriate only in the guest area; it is not recommended to use it in the bedroom interior.

Bright, cheerful shades of yellow and orange are most often used as accents. A clock, vase, decorative cushions or a lamp of this color will enliven the room in bright colors and add dynamism to it.

Bright shades of purple will favorably emphasize the interior in the living room, and the use of the same, but more muted colors in the bedroom will make the interior unified.


Let's take a closer look at the features of dividing zones, since an increasing number of people stop at the option of physically dividing one room into two.

The layout of the bedroom-living room should be such that the entire space is used as efficiently as possible. Below are some tips on how to effectively and stylishly separate your bedroom from your living room.

A partition made of plasterboard or other material is time-consuming and labor-intensive to install, but it can drastically change the geometry of a room. Using opaque glass inserts, you can achieve airiness even when erecting a main wall.

The all-glass partition can be tinted or custom made to match the stained glass window. Although even shatterproof glass is not recommended for use in an apartment where small children live.

A cabinet instead of a dividing element is considered the most practical option, which does not require any costs for materials and installation. Shelves with books or pretty storage boxes are often used instead of a closet.

An economical option would be fabric or bamboo curtains, they do not eat up a lot of space, and if necessary, they can be easily pulled back.

Using the balcony

A room with a balcony is just a godsend for any designer who is faced with the task of combining two rooms in one. Glazing it qualitatively and equipping it with appropriate insulation, you can significantly expand the usable area of ​​the room. It is often used for organizing a workspace.

It is important that the balcony does not separate from the main design idea, it must merge and be uniform in style and interior with the main space involved.

Following all the tips described in the article, you can easily organize the space for comfortable living and receiving guests.

Photo of the bedroom-living room 18 sq. m.

If you have to renovate, know that a room with an area of ​​18 sq. m, you can arrange it succinctly, simply and very beautifully. It can be a nursery or a bedroom, a dorm room. Methods for decorating a room of 18 sq. m., presented in the photo, as well as our advice will help you to competently decorate the available space.

As a rule, a room with such an area is rectangular in shape, which can be narrowed or more like a square. Designers often use the zoning of a room of 18 sq. m, striving to achieve maximum functionality of the space.

Furniture must be chosen narrow, placing it along the walls so that it takes up as little free space as possible.

The short walls of a rectangular room are decorated with bright colors or expressive decor items that attract attention, you can use mirrors.

A floor covering that has a pattern in the form of stripes running along short walls will visually enlarge such a room. For the same purpose, sliding wardrobes with mirrored doors can be placed along the wall.

When it comes to lighting, it is best to concentrate it in the center of the room, avoiding placement around the perimeter.

The square shape of the room is a bedroom or living room of 18 sq. m. - ideal for interior decoration. Here it is better to use voluminous furniture, which is located mainly in the center of the room or along the walls.

When zoning a space, you can use pieces of furniture as delimiting elements. White furniture, satin and gloss in the interior are welcome. The classic recommendation is to arrange upholstered furniture along the walls around the perimeter.

Bedroom decoration

The bedroom has an area of ​​18 sq. m, allows you to place all the furniture you need and leave a work area or a small corner for rest. In a narrow and long room, you can equip a good dressing room about one and a half meters long.

Unusual wardrobes and armchairs will do to create an original accent, interesting and bright wall decoration will give the room a unique charm and own style.

The interior of the room is 18 sq. m. it is easy to improvise and implement your ideas, playing with color and focusing on contrasting combinations.

The color scheme is selected in accordance with personal preference, but still you should not use more than three basic shades. It's a great idea to add a color accent to one of the walls.

Avoid cluttering the bedroom with unnecessary items that do not carry a functional load. Let it be dominated by a fairly spacious, comfortable bed with a comfortable headboard.

Small bedside tables or a dressing table next to it are a necessary and quite sufficient attribute. If there is a balcony adjoining your bedroom, you might think about how to combine it with the room. For example, make it a cabinet or storage area.

Lighting should be functional above all else, but additional light sources can be provided to create a more romantic stop in the bedroom. The lighting built into the head of the bed, shelves, cabinet doors will do.

Children's room

Children's room with an area of ​​18 sq. m. can be conditionally divided into zones - for sleep, games, study. The working area is equipped with a table and a chair according to the age of the child. In the play area, it is better to arrange upholstered furniture in the form of armchairs and poufs, cover the floor with a fluffy carpet for comfort.

If the child loves sports and is active enough, the play area can also be equipped with a Swedish wall, where he can splash out energy while doing physical exercises.

Traditionally, in the children's room are used: a wardrobe, a bed, a table with a chair, shelves for toys or books. When designing, think over a convenient arrangement of objects, choose furniture that is safe, without sharp corners.

Pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the materials and their naturalness. Wood is perfect as a floor covering: parquet, cork.

If we talk about colors, then these are, of course, calm, pastel shades. Do not excite the fragile nervous system of a small child with too bright colors.

But you can bring a certain liveliness to the setting by using some bright colors in decor items, curtains or furniture.

Dorm room

Ideas for planning a room in a dorm 18 sq. m. should be such as to use the available space as efficiently as possible.

This does not require special repair costs. You can easily arrange a room in such a way as to create several comfortable zones in it at once: a bedroom, an office and a living room.

With the help of a competent arrangement of furniture and decorative elements, you can zone the space. To get a studio room by attaching a kitchen to the living area, combine them with a single style and decorate them in a related color scheme.

Using transforming furniture that moves with guides, a room can be transformed in a matter of seconds.

Your best bet is to ditch the conventional floor-standing cabinets - they won't save you space. You can successfully organize storage of things using wardrobes, shelves and hanging cabinets. Choose light shades for furniture and walls, glossy facades, mirrors.

The most appropriate style for decorating a dorm room is minimalism. Let the furniture be as functional as possible, and the decor - discreet and free from obsession. When organizing a comfortable, neat living space, use only what you need.

Photo of a room 18 sq. m.