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Calendar dates and events November. Calendar of significant and memorable dates

November 2010.

The name of the month comes from the Latin word "novem" (ninth), since November was the ninth month of the old Roman calendar

The holiday appeared on November 1, 1994, when the Vegan community was celebrated its 60th anniversary. Veganism (veganism) is a lifestyle characterized, in particular, strict vegetarianism. Word Vegan was formed by Donald Watson from the first three and last two letters english word. "Vegetarian" (Rus. "Vegetarian", "Vegetarian"). This term began to be used by the "Vegan Society", founded by Watson in November 1944 in London. Veganas are strict vegetarians who not only exclude from their diet meat and fish, but also any other animal products - eggs, milk, honey. They do not wear clothes from leather, fur, wool and silk and moreover, do not use products that have been tested on animals. The reasons for refusal may be different, but the main is the unwillingness to be involved in the killing of animals and ill-treatment.

The two of the first November days in the Catholic Church are devoted to the memory of the departed - the day of all saints (November 1) and the day of the mercy of the departed (November 2) follow one after another.

510 years since birth Benvenuto Chellin (1500-1571), Italian sculptor, jeweler and writer

480 years since the birth Etiennea La Boheii (1530-1563), French poet

175 years since birth Chokan Chingisovich Valikhanov (1835-1865), the Kazakh Democrat enlightener, historian, ethnographer

145 years since the birth of Arthur of the Grace (1865-1935), German philosopher

115 years since the birth of a singer (lyrical tenor), honored artist of the RSFSR Alexander Ivanovich Alekseeva (1895-1939)

110 years since the birth Alexandra Vasilyevich Vlasova (1900-1962), architect, academician

80 years since the birth Dmitry Sukhareva (Name name - Dmitry Antonovich Sakharov, R. 1930), Russian scientist in the field of nervous cell physiology, doctors of biological sciences, poet

255 years since the birth Mary Antoinette (1755-1793), french Queen, wives of Louis XVI

195 years since the birth of George Bul (1815-1864), English mathematics, logic

175 years since birth Dmitry Dmitrievich Minaeva (1835-1889), Satirik poet, translator

120 years since the birth Helga Mary Mua Martinson (1890-1964), Swedish writer.
Selected Works: The autobiographical tetralogy "Mother gets married", "Wedding", "Roses of the King", "I meet the poet"; Roman "Son Sally"; A series of historical novels "Path under the stars", "Fire Lilies", "Festival of Life"

75 years since the birth Mikhail Spartakovich Danzkovsky (1935-1991), Russian poet songwriter, playwright (musical comedy "not Bay Girl!" And "Babi Bun")

65 years since the birth Gennady Mikhailovich Belov (1945-1996), Russian singer

510 years since birth Benvenuto Chellin (1500-1574), Italian sculptor, writer

210 years since the birth Pavel Stepanovich Mochalov (1800-1848) issuing the RUS's actor

125 years since the birth Nikolai Nikolayevich Anichkova (1885-1964), Soviet Patomorphologist, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences

115 years since birth Eduard Georgievich Bagritsky (Eduard Godlevich Zyubin) (1895-1934), Soviet poet
Selected Works: Poles "Duma about Opanas", "Last night", "Museum", "Death of Pioneer"

110 years since the birth Mikhail Fedorovich Astangov (Nasturn. Surname - Khugs, 1900-1965), actor

100 years since the birth of Karel Zemren (1910-1989), Czech film director, the creator of Czech puppet animation

70 years since the birth Valeria Andreevich Dmitryuk (1940), artist-illustrator

110 years since the birth Adolf (Adidi) Dassseller (1900-1978), one of the founders of the well-known firm sports clothing "Adidas"

450 years since the birth Annibal CarRachchi (1560-1609), painter from the family of Italian artists of the Bologna School

On November 3, 1612, China-city, freed by China, liberating Moscow from Polish interventory, and demonstrating the sample of heroism and cohesion of the entire people, regardless of the origin, religiousness, regardless of the origin, religion and positions in society, took the charter of the Minin and Dmitry Pogshassa. Therefore, on November 4, 1612, it can be considered the Day of People's Unity, the end of the troubled time, the end of the civil servant and civil conflict, the beginning of the restoration of independent Russian statehood. The holiday is installed by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 24, 2004

Russian Orthodox Church He celebrates a holiday in honor of one of the most revered in the people of the shrine - the Kazan icon of the Mother of God. According to legend, the miraculous image was in a militia, freed by Moscow from the Polish invaders on November 4, 1612.
For a long time In Russia, this day was celebrated as a public holiday. The whole country glorified one of the most believes in Russia, the Kazan image of the Virgin, who brought her wonderful intercession for Russia during a turmoil time.

The day of the creation of UNESCO is considered on November 4, 1946. On this day, the Charter of UNESCO, approved on November 16, 1945, was entered into force in London at the constituent conference of representatives of 44 countries. Today, UNESCO unites 190 states of the world (our country joined UNESCO in 1954) and 6 associated members; Headquarters is located in Paris. The main objective of UNESCO is to promote peace and security on the planet, contributing to cooperation between countries in various fields. Main spheres of UNESCO - Education, Science, Culture and Information

120 years from the date of the premiere of the opera A. P. Borodin "Prince Igor" in St. Petersburg (1890)

435 years since the birth of Guido Reni (1575-1642), Italian painter

420 years since the birth Gerarda (Gerrit) Wang Gontleglast (Honthorst) (1590-1656), Dutch painter

170 years since the birth Dmitry Vladimirovich Karakozova (1840-1866), revolutionar

155 years since the birth Mikhail Alexandrovich Menzibers (1855-1935), Russian Zoo

145 years since the birth Ovansa Artemyevich Abelian (1865-1936), Armenian Soviet actor, theatrical figure, folk artist

125 years since the birth of Felix Brown (r. 1885), Austrian writer and historian

115 years since birth Moses Mendeleevich Smirina (1895-1975), Soviet Historic Medievist, Doctor of Historical Sciences

110 years since the birth Sergey Dmitrievich Vasilyeva (1900-1959), Soviet film director and screenwriter

105 years since the birth Yakova Grigorievich Crazer (1905-1969), Soviet commander

100 years since the birth Nikolai Ivanovich Dubova (1910-1983), Russian writer.
Selected Works: "Boy by the sea", "fugitive", "from a separate tree", "Mount one", "Wheel of Fortune"

85 years since birth Nikolai Konstantinovich Prokopovich (1925-2005), Russian actor.
Favorite films: "They were the first", "Blizzard", "Shield and Sword", "Path to Saturn," End of Saturn, "Resident Error", "Resident Return", "Resident's Fate", "End of the Resident Operation" , "Seventeen Moments of Spring", "Gold Party"

75 years since the birth of Turgunbaya Sadykov (r. 1935), Kyrgyz sculptor-monumentalist

Russian military intelligence notes the holiday of his education since 1918. Although the first military intelligence officers appeared back in 1812.

130 years since the birth Mikhail Sadyanu (1880-1961), Romanian writer, laureate of the International Lenin Prize "For Strengthening Peaces Between Peoples" (1960). The most significant works: a story "At the inn of the courtyard of the Ancuce", the trilogy "Brother's Travel", the Roman "secreir"

120 years from the birthday of Yana Proszavi (1890-1977), Czech artist

115 years since birth Walter Gizeking (1895-1956), outstanding German pianist

60 years since birth Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Dolgachev (r. 1950), Russian director theater

50 years since the birthday of Tilda Suinton (r. 1960), English actress

November 6 - International Day to prevent environmental operation during war and armed conflict

On November 5, 2001, the General Assembly announced on November 6 of each year to the International Day for the Prevention of Environmental Operation during War and Armed Conflict. Taking this decision, she took into account that the damage caused by the environment during armed conflict leads to a deterioration in the state of ecosystems and natural resources For a long period after termination of conflicts and often affects not only one state and not only the current generation.

On this day, two federal law entered into legal force in 1997 - "On the bailiffs" and "On Enforcement Proceedings".

The icon of "all grieving joy" was first famous in 1688, in Moscow, in the Preobrazhensky chassis of the Church in Ordyanka, healing the sister sister Patra. Joakima Eutemy, who suffered from wound in side. The wound was as followed by inside. Conscious of his hopeless position, she only looked for reinforcement and consolation in prayer. She especially appealed to the Most Holy Theotokos about his pardon, and once during the prayer, she began to be out of himself and heard a voice: "Eviefmy, why don't you resort to a common healer?" - "Where should I find such a healer?" - asked the patient. "There is in the Temple of the Transfiguration of My Son," answered an invisible voice, "my image, called" all mournful joy. " It stands on the left in the meal, where women become usually becoming. Conditions to the priest of this church in this way, and when he serves prayer with water and you will get healing. Having healed, do not forget my mercy to you and confess you in the glorification of my son Jesus Christ and my name. " Having come to themselves, Euthemia learned from relatives that really in the temple of the transformation in Ordyanka there is an icon of "all the funny joy", asked to bring her to her house and after the prayer, before he was healing.

55 years since the creation of the Sverdlovsk State Teleradio Company (SGTRK) (1955, earlier - Sverdlovsk Television Studio)

185 years since the birth of Jean Garnier (1825-1898), French architect

155 years since the birth Dmitry Petrovich Nikolsky (1855-1918), Russian hygienist and public figure

145 years since the birth Dmitry Nikolayevich Spicynikova (1865-1948), Russian scientist-agrochemical and physiologist of plants

130 years since Robert Muzil (1880-1942), Austrian writer

85 years since birth Evgenia Grigorievich Blinov (r. 1925), People's Artist of the RSFSR

70 years since the birth Alla Ilinichny (Isaakovs) Surikova (1940), an outstanding Soviet film director and a scenario, People's Artist of Russia, a member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, the author of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe children's humorous newsrone "Yelash" (1972).
Favorite films: "Justa fuss", "be my husband", "Look for a woman", "Man from Capuchin Boulevard", "Choknut", "Moscow holidays", "Children of Monday", "I want to go to jail" and others.

World Men Day arose at the initiative of the former President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev. It was supported by the Vienna Magistrate, the UN Office in Vienna and a number of other international organizations. As gifts, men are waiting for women's attention. It is celebrated in the first Saturday of November.

November 7 - Day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemoration of the 24th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941)

A military parade on Red Square November 7, 1941 on the strength of the impact on the course of events is equal to the most important military operation. It is on this day on the occasion of the planned seizure of Moscow, a solemn passage was appointed german troops on Red Square. In this alarming situation, a military parade conducted on November 7, 1941 was an event that demonstrated the entire world community an inflexible spirit and will to win the Soviet people.

200 years since the birthday of Fritz Reuters (1810-1874), German Satirik writer

200 years since the birth of Ferenc Erkel (1810-1893), Hungarian composer, conductor

155 years since the birth Edwina Herbert Hall. (1855-1938), American Physics

125 years since the birth Franka Heineman Knight (1885-1974), American economist

105 years since the birth Yakova Davidovich Moshkovsky (1905-1939), Soviet pilot, one of the organizers of Soviet parachutism

95 years since the birth Elizabeth Makarovna Grigorieva (1915-1996), librarian, director of the Sverdlovsk regional universal scientific Library them. V. G. Belinsky (1944-1977)

90 years since birth Mikhail Nikolayevich Kazakov (1920-1994), pilot-attack aircraft, Hero of the Soviet Union (1945), Colonel Guard

80 years since the birth Valentina Nikolayevich Zheleznyakova (r. 1930), Soviet and Russian film operator, actor and teacher.
Favorite films: "Operation" Trust "," First Love "," Red Square "," Children Vanyushina "," Legend of Tile "," Tehran-43 "," Mother Maria "," Goryachev and others "

70 years since the birth Alexandra Nikolayevich Bazhenova (r. 1940), Russian artist

85 years since birth Gennady Semenovich Mamlin (1925-2003), Russian writer, playwright.
Selected works: "And with Aleshka we are friends", "Antonina", "medicine from laziness", "Hey, you, hello!", "Bells"

In 2001, on November 8, the country for the first time in history noted the International Day of KVN. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday was offered by the president of the KVN International Club Alexander Maslyakov. The date is chosen due to the fact that it was November 8, 1961 the first game of the club fun and resourceful. International Day of KVN is not yet included in the registry. world Holidays The UN is not the official holiday in Russia.

The discovery is attributed to Wilhelm by Conrad Rodntgen. He was the first to publish an article about the X-ray rays, which he called the X-ray (X-Ray). The X-ray article called "On the New Type of Rays" was published on December 28, 1895 in the journal of the Würzburg Physics and Medical Society. However, however, it was proven that X-ray rays were already obtained before. The catodolum tube that X-ray used in his experiments was developed by J. Khittorf and V. Kruks. When using this tube, X-rays arise. This was shown in the experiments of Kroks and since 1892 in the experiments of Henry Hertz and his student Philip Lenard through the blackening of photographic plates. However, none of them realized the values \u200b\u200bof the discovery made by them and did not publish its results. For this reason, X-ray did not know the discoveries made before him and opened the rays independently - when observing the fluorescence arising from the operation of the catodolic tube. In some languages \u200b\u200b(including Russian and German), these rays were named his name, despite his strong objections. The famous photograph of his wife's hands, which he published in his article also published his contribution to the fame of X-ray, which he published in his article (see the image on the right). For the opening of X-rays, X-rays in 1901 was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Physics, and the Nobel Committee emphasized the practical importance of its discovery. In 1896, in Russia, the name "X-rays" was used for the first time. In other countries, the name - X-rays preferred by x-ray. In Russia, the rays began to call "X-rays" on the initiative of the student V. K. Xentgen - Abram Fedorovich Ioffe.

110 years since the birth Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949, in some sources - November 9), American writer and journalist, the author of the novel "Gone by the Wind"

85 years since birth Evgenia Grigorievich Rozanova (r. 1925-2006), People's Architect of the USSR, Laureate of State Prizes of the USSR and the Uzbek SSR

75 years since the birth of Alena Delon (Alain Fabien Maurice Marseille Delon, r. 1935), famous French film cartarti driver, actor theater, director, producer, screenwriter

50 years since the birth Oleg Evgenievich Menshikova (r. 1960), Russian actor director of the theater, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2003), Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1995, 1997, 1999).
Favorite films:"I look forward to", "Rodna", "Pokrovsky Gate", "Konstantin", "Flights in a dream and revealed", "on the main street with the orchestra" "," tired by the Sun "," Caucasian captive, "Mom", " Siberian Barber, "Stat Counselor", "Dr. Zhivago"

November 9 - International Day against fascism, racism and anti-Semitism. On the night from 9 to 10 November 1938 The mass Jewish pogrom in Germany began, called the "Crystal Night", or "Night of Broken Showcases". "Crystal Night" or "Night of Bound Showcases" in 1938 laid the beginning of the Holocaust - mass violence against the Jewish people, which led to the death of about 6,000,000 Jews.

130 years since the birth Yordan Yovkova (1880-1937, Name. Name - Jordan Stefanov), Bulgarian writer. His Peru belongs to: Collections "Stories", "Last joy", Tale "Reaper", Roman "Manor at the border"

125 years since the birth Velimira Khlebnikov (1885-1922, Name Name - Viktor Vladimirovich), Russian Poet and Prosaika of the Silver Age, a prominent leader of Russian avant-garde art. He was among the founders of Russian futurism; The reformer of the poetic language, the experimenter in the field of wording and "Zauri".

120 years since the birth Grigory Ivanovich Kulika (1890-1950), Soviet military commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union

110 years since the birth Ilya Julievich Shlephenanova (1900-1951), an outstanding artist-director of the Soviet Theater

65 years since the birth Mikhail Petrovich Kirpichnikova (r. 1945), Russian scientist in the field of physico-chemical biology, protein engineering and biotechnology

85 years since birth Nikolai Andreevich Vritty (r. 1925), Russian Soviet writer.
Selected Works: "One", "Sails over the waves", "Sails need a wind", "Order on the sixth regiment", "the journey does not erect", "Pink Guiana", "Listen to the song Perch", "The one who called himself O'Henry"

55 years since birth Roland Emmerich (1955), American film director of German origin, repeated laureate of fantastic films festivals

On this day, on November 10, 1945, the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDM) was founded. In 2000 in Rome Catholic Church held a festive festival within the framework of the celebrations of the anniversary 2000. More than 1 million representatives of youth Catholic organizations and movements and delegates of other Christian religions came from different countries of the world took part in the festival. On this day, on November 10, 1945, the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDM) was founded.

Established on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 10/01/1980, No. 3018 "On Festive and Memorial Days", as amended. Decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01.11.1988, No. 9724-XI "On Amendments to the legislation of the USSR on festive and commemorative days."

130 years since the birth Jacob Epstine (1880-1959), American and English sculptor

115 years since birth Terentia Semenovich Maltsev (1895-1994), breeder and innovator agriculture USSR, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, Honored Worker of Agriculture of the USSR

105 years since the birth Anatoly Grigorievich Brunov (1905-1972), Soviet aircraft designer

85 years since birth Richard Bartona (Name name - Richard Walter Jenkins, (1925-1984), English actor

70 years since the birth Vitaly ovansov (r. 1940), Russian actor and director

On November 11, 1918, the Compare truce, which meant the surrender of Germany, ended in the First World War, which lasted four years and three months. Almost 10 million people died in her fire, about 20 million were injured. In the annals of history, this November day is a mansion. In America, he is celebrated as a day of veterans, in Canada - as the day of memory of the victims, in England - as a memorial Sunday, in Russia - as the day of memory of those killed in the First World War (since 1996).

It is noted annually from 1989 in the second Thursday of November, on the initiative of the largest international organizations on standardization and quality with the support of the UN.

335 years since the birth Mikhail Mikhailovich Golitsyn (1675-1730), Prince, Russian Communion, Feldmarshala General, King Peter's associate

190 years since the birth Pavel Matveyevich Obukhov (1820-1869), metallurgist engineer, creator of steelpuscle production in Russia

145 years since the birth Karl Augustowic Kipipa (1865-1925), pianist, teacher

110 years since the birth Maria Ivanovna Babanova (1900-1983), actresses, folk artist of the USSR

105 years since the birth Mikhail Nikolayevich Mikheev (1905-1989), physics scientist, director of the Institute of Metal Physics Ural RAS

75 years since the birth of Bibi Anderson (Name - Berit Elizabeth Anderson, r. 1935), Swedish actress

Employee Day of Sberbank Russia has been celebrated since 1998. Date November 12 was not chosen by chance: October 30 (November 12 for a new style) to save with interest increment

The Day of Safety Specialist is an intersectoral holiday, uniting all market participants, security professionals in the broad sense of the word. The initiator of the holiday was the largest Internet portal for safety

170 years since the birth of the village of Rodin (1840-1917), the French sculptor

130 years since the birth Nikolai Nikolayevich Baraboshkin (1880-1935), scientist, organizer of highly purified non-ferrous metals in the Urals

115 years since birth Nikolai Guryevich Tolmachev (1895-1919), party and military leader. In memory of it, one of the central streets of Yekaterinburg is named.

100 years since the birth of Kurt Hofman (r. 1910), German director

90 years since birth Andrei Egorovich Makaenok (1920-1982), Belarusian Soviet playwright

85 years since birth Alexey Nikolayevich Baraboshkin (1925-1995), Russian Academic and Electrochemistry, Director of the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry URO RAS

75 years since the birth Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko (r. 1935), Russian actress

65 years since the birth Evgenia Stepanovich Shchekalev (r. 1945), Russian composer

65 years since the birth of Nile Yang (r. 1945), Canadian rock musician

Installed on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05/31/2006, No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and commemorative days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation".

It is held on the birthday of the French teacher Valentina Gajui (1745-1822), the first teacher, taking the teaching blind children. In 1784 in Paris, he founded the world's first boarding school. In St. Petersburg and today there is a correctional school in Russia at the beginning of the XIX century.

Holy Homobonus (Omobono). He was canonized in 1199, two years after death, Pope Innochentius Sh. The son of rich weaver from Cremona believed that the ability to manage with a weaving machine was given to him only so that he could help the poor. He died during the Mass in Cremona, and his head is still kept in the urban church of St. Gilles. From the middle of the 20th century, he almost everywhere confesses to the cartridge of all industrialists and businessmen.

300 years since the birth Charles Simon Favara (1710-1792), French playwright, author about 150 watervillers

265 years since the birth of Valentina Gaiui (1745-1822), French teacher, one of the founders of typhalplopedaging

200 years since the birth Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov (1810-1881), Russian surgeon and anatoma, naturalist and teacher, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which turned surgery to the science, armed with doctors of the scientifically informed method of operational intervention

160 years since the birth Robert Lewis Stevenson (1850-1894), English (Scottish) writer and poet, the author of the world-famous adventure novels and the associates, the largest representative of English neoromantism.
Selected Works: "Prince Otto", "Kidnapped", "Black Arrow", "owner of the Ballantre", "Catriona", "Saint-Yves"

125 years since the birth Nikolai Timofeevich Gudtzova (1885-1957), Soviet scientific and metallone

115 years since the birth of Aurela Bernata (1895-1982), Hungarian painter

55 years since birth Boris Viktorovich Alexandrov (1955-2002), Honored Master of Sports Hockey Washer, Olympic Champion 1976, Master of International Class

It has been celebrated annually since 1991 on the birthday of Canadian physiologist F. Banting, who opened (together with J. J. Mackelood) Hormone Insulin.

As evidence historical documents, that is on this day, on November 14, in 1901, Russian was opened in Paris high school Social sciences, which some consider the first in the history of world science experience of the sociological faculty.

275 years from the date of opening a school of banners (drawing) in Yekaterinburg (1735)
The first educational institution in the Urals, where they taught the basics of drawing and drawing.

245 years since the birth of an American engineer and inventor, the creator of the first steamer Robert Fultona (1765-1815)

110 years since the birth Aaron Copland (1900-1990, surname - Kaplan), American composer

100 years since the birth of Jerzy Ptrament (1910-1986), Polish writer

85 years since birth Roy Alexandrovich Medvedev(r. 1925), Russian public and politician, historian, publicist

80 years since the birth of Edward White (1930-1967), American Astronaut, Lieutenant US Air Force, the first American, published open space (1965).
Died in a fire spacecraft "Apollo-1". At this flight, White was awarded the NASA medal "For outstanding merit" in 1969.

On the initiative of a number of large american companies and organizations (National Geographical Society, USGS, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard, Esri et al.) It was decided to celebrate the GIS day annually.

It is celebrated annually since 1992.

On November 15, 1988, the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was organized by the 6th Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In February 1991, the 6th management was transformed into the General Directorate to combat the most dangerous crimes, organized crime, corruption and drug business. In February 1992, the General Directorate for Organized Crime (GUE) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was created. In 1999-2004, the General Directorate to combat organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Since 2004, the Department of Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism.

By the UN decision, the third Sunday of November declared the World Day of Memory of the Victims of Road accidents. It is designed to draw attention to a sad fact: throughout the world, 3,000 people die daily as a result of road accidents and about 100 thousand get serious injuries. Most of the dead and affected are young people.

275 years since the birth John Christian Brandies (1735-1799), German actor and playwright

135 years since the birth Vladimir Alexandrovich Rusanova (1875-1913), Russian geologist, polar researcher

110 years since the birth Anatoly Ignatievich Pashkova (1900-1988), Soviet economist

95 years since the birth Konstantin (Kirill) Mikhailovich Simonova (1915-1979), Russian Soviet writer, poet, public figure, Hero of Socialist Labor (1974), Laureate Lenin and Six Stalinist Prizes.
Selected Works: "Comrades on weapons", "live and dead", "soldiers are not born", "living and dead", "Last Summer", "Fatherland", "Southern Tale", "From Notes of Lopatin"

The International Day of Tolerance (Tolerance) announced UNESCO in November 1995 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of this organization. In 1996, the UN General Assembly invited Member States annually on November 16 to celebrate an international day dedicated tolerance, timing related to it, oriented both educational institutions and a wide public. On this day, in 2000, the award ceremony was held "for the dissemination of the ideas of tolerance and non-violence - 2000", established by the Indian artist, a writer and a diplomat M. Singh (Madanjeet Singh). The Declaration of Tolerance Principles was adopted by UNESCO in 1995

115 years since the birth of Michael Arlen (1895-1956, Name - Tigran Kuyumjyan), American Writer armenian origin, the author of novels, plays, scripts, short stories and essays.
Selected Works: Green Hat, "Modest Peacock".

110 years since the birth Nikolai Fedorovich Pogodin (Naz. Surname - Stukalov, 1900-1962), Soviet scenario and playwright, Laureate of the Lenin Prize of the USSR (1959) and the Stalinist Prize of the USSR (1941, 1951).
Selected Works: Pieces "Man with a rifle", "Kremlin Kuralty", Roman "Amber Necklace"

110 years since the birth Nikolai Robertovich Erdman (1900-1970), Soviet theater and movie playwright

Installed in memory of the violence with the student demonstration in the Prague occupied by Germans in 1939. In the Communist times, this date is declared the World Student Day, of course democratic. But in the 2nd half of the 80s, Prague students began to celebrate this day independent, brutally dispersed demonstrations. Demonstrations started on November 17, 1989, laid the beginning of the "velvet revolution" in Czechoslovakia.

Installed by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 868 of September 6, 2002. On November 17, 1923, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR approved the instruction in the precinct warden. This regulatory legal document laid the formation of the Institute of Public Ombuds. On February 13, 1930, the precinct warders were renamed in the district police station inspectors. On December 29, 2000, the Law of the Russian Federation No. 163PH made a change in the law "On the police" and the word "inspector" is replaced by the word "authorized".

The holiday of sacrifices of Eid Ul-Adha, or Kurban-Bayram, is part of the Muslim rite of pilgrimage in Mecca, it is celebrated in the Mina Valley near Mecca in the 10th day of the 12th month of the Muslim Lunar Calendar of Zul-Hija and lasts 3-4 days. Of course, not all Muslims can make a hajj in Mecca, to participate in the main festival of Muslims and in his holy place to bring the victim, so the canons of Islam prescribe Muslims to fulfill the culmination of the rite not only in Mecca, but throughout where Muslims may be.

95 years from the day of the first view of operetta "Silva (Queen Chardas)" I. Salman in Vienna (1915)

240 years since birth Berker Torvaldsen (1770-1844), Danish sculptor

115 years since birth Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtina (1895-1975), Russian philosopher, philologist, cultureologist

115 years since birth Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilova (1895-1975), Soviet military leader, participant of the Civil War

70 years since the birth Elena Vladimirovna Petushkova (r. 1940), Honored Master of Sports by Equestrian Sport

Every third Thursday of November is annually in most countries of the world, there is an international day of refusal of smoking. It was installed American oncological society in 1977. The goal of the International Day for Smoking is to help reduce the prevalence of tobacco dependence, involvement in the fight against smoking of all segments of the population and doctors of all specialties, prevention of tobacco and informing the society about the detrimental effects of tobacco on health.

International Philosophy Day is held in the third Thursday of November since 2002. The meaning of his celebration is to introduce people to the philosophical heritage, to open the sphere of ordinary thinking for new ideas and stimulate public debates of thinkers and civil society.

November 18 in Russia officially celebrate Santa Claus's birthday. What is the age of the winter wizard is not known for certain, but for sure that more than 2000 years. Santa Claus's birthday was invented by the children themselves, since it was November 18 on his faith in great Ustyug to his rights enter into his own rights, and frost hit.

225 years since the birth of David Willow (1785-1841), Scottish artist

100 years since the birth Efim Grigorievich Ruzhansky (1910-1961), Ural poet

Installed on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05/31/2006, No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and commemorative days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation". Professional holiday dedicated to missile troops and artillery is noted in honor of numerous and important merit of artillery during the Great Patriotic War. It was celebrated earlier in the third Sunday of November, in honor of the beginning of the counter-offering of Soviet troops near Stalingrad in 1942.

The professional holiday of the glass industry workers coincides with the birthday of an outstanding Russian scientist M. V. Lomonosov. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was the creator of chemical production of glaze, glass, porcelain. Developed technology and recipe for colored glasses, which it used to create mosaic paintings. Invented a porcelain mass.

Day November 19 was proclaimed "World Wide Toilet Day" in 2001 during the International Conference in Singapore dedicated to the problems of toilets. On November 19, 2002, the progressive world community first celebrated World Wide Toilet Day - one of the most original and, on the established tradition, fun holidays.

240 years since birth Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern (1770-1846), Russian navigator, admiral

135 years since the birth Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinina (1875-1946), Soviet State and Party Worker

125 years since the birth Mikhail Pavlovich Bobyshov (1885-1964), theater artist

110 years since the birth of Anna Zgers (1900-1983, Name - Netti Radvani), German writer.
Selected works: The novels "Dead remain young", the seventh cross "

110 years since the birth Pavel Alekseevich Kurochna (1900-1987), Soviet warlord

110 years since the birth Alexandra Alexandrovich Novikova (1900-1976), Soviet military man, Marshal Aviation

100 years since the birth George Vladimirovich Shavgulidze (1910-1959), Georgian actor

75 years since the birth Yuri Konstantinovich Rudenko (r. 1935), Russian literary critic

It is noted annually upon calling the UN in different countries On different days (at the discretion of their governments) to commemorate the adoption of the XIV session of the UN General Assembly Declaration of the Rights of the Child (November 20, 1959) and the 44th session of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (November 20, 1989)

385 years old Poules Potter (1625-1654), Dutch painter and etching

180 years since the birth Mikhail Ivanovich Dragomirov (1830-1905), Russian military theorist and teacher

130 years since the birth Mikhail Savvich Adamashvili (Nazi. Surname - Jawakhishvili, 1880-1937), Georgian writer.
Selected Works: Romanes "Kwuchi Quachantrad-Ze", "Jacos Hizneby" (in Russian translation "collapse"), "White Collar", "Givi Shaduri", Arsen from Marabda.

130 years since the birth Mikhail Mikhailovich Klimova (1880-1942), Russian actor theater and cinema.
Favorite films: "Process of three million", "Man from the restaurant", "Chrome Barin", "Holiday of St. Jorgen", "Nonperdannica"

130 years since the birth Evgraph Evgrafovich Fedorov (1880-1965), Russian climatologist

105 years since the birth Konstantin Alekseevich Salischev (1905-1988), geographer-cardographer

95 years since the birth of Kona Iikaba (1915-2008), Japanese film director and producer

85 years since birth Mai Mikhailovna Plisetskaya (r. 1925), outstanding Russian ballerina

Institutions on the basis of the Decree Decree of the Russian Federation of 05/31/1999, No. 679 "On the Day of the Employee of Agriculture and Processing Industry". It is celebrated in the third Sunday of November.

On November 21, 1991, a decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 218, an independent state tax service of the Russian Federation was formed (previously it was as part of the Ministry of Finance). Institutions on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 11.11.2000, No. 1868 "On the bottom of the employee of the Tax authorities of the Russian Federation".

On December 17, 1996, the General Assembly proclaimed on November 21 World Television Day to commemorate the date in 1996 of the First World Television Forum in the United Nations.

World greetings day. It is celebrated annually since 1973. He was invented by two brothers - the American in the midst of the Cold War, in protest against the strengthening of international tensions.

On Mikhailov Day (Mikhail Arkhangel), folk custom, chewed yard. He was considered younger Brother The houses, but he was trying to drop it, so that he could live in the yard and did not send himself instead of himself. For this, after the pronunciation of a special conspiracy in the courtyard was performed by tar strip, for which the yard asked not to go out. In order to be removed by the lingerie, house and courtyard immediately, they chose the oldest and thin rooster and a rusty blunt ax cut off his head, bringing sacrificing "small demon"

45 years since the opening of the Children's Music Theater. N. Sats in Moscow (1965)

180 years since the birth Nikolai Nikolayevich Obruchev (1830-1904), Russian military leader, Adjutant General, General from Infanteria, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Academy of the General Staff, Writer.

210 years since the birth Catherine Ivanovna Trubetskoy (Laval) (1800-1854), Princess, Wives of the Decembrist S. P. Trubetsky

105 years since the birth Israel Markovich Yampolsky (1905-1976), Soviet violinist, teacher, musicologist

90 years since birth Yana Abramovich Frenkel (1920-1989), Russian composer

70 years since the birth Natalia Romanovna Makarova (r. 1940), outstanding ballet artist

65 years since the birth of Goldie Houne (r. 1945), American film actresses

50 years since the birth of Leos Karaks (r. 1960), French director

560 years since the birth of Jacob Obrecht (1450-1505), the Netherlands Composer

300 years since the birth Wilhelm Freidemana Baha (1710-1784), German composer, son I. S. Baha

120 years since the birthday of Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970), French statesman

120 years since the birth Lazarus Markovich Lisitsky (1890-1941), architect

105 years since the birth James Bernhama (Bern) (1987-1905), American sociologist

80 years since the birth Owen Cay Garryota (r. 1930), American cosmonaut

80 years since the birth of Seeds of Laskin (1930-2005), Russian prose, playwright, filmcenerary

80 years since the birth Peter Reginald Hall. (r. 1930), English director

75 years since the birth Lyudmila Evgenievna Belousova (r. 1935), outstanding figure skater, champion of the Olympic Games

70 years since the birth Angeya Zhulavsky (r. 1940), Polish film director and writer.
Favorite films: "The main thing is to love," "Observing the demon", "crazy love", "Blue note", "Boris Godunov"

On the eve of the beginning of the Christmas sales, at the end of November around the world there is no shopping day (Buy Nothing Day). The author of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe day is advertiser Ted Dave, who is convinced that "advertising is deceiving when she promises that we will be happier if you get more things." The purpose of this day is to make it clear to humanity, that in addition to the goods, there are many more valuable and interesting things in the world.

250 years since the birth of Grakhha Babefa (1760-1797), French philosopher-utopian

150 years since the birth Mary Konstantinovna Bashkirtseva (1860-1884), Russian artist, memoirs

135 years since the birth Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky (1875-1933), Russian Soviet Writer, Public Political Affairs

125 years since the birthday of the artist-photographer, the operator of a silent Russian cinema, a deserved artist of the arts of Russia Alexandra Andreevich Levitsky (1885-1965)

110 years since the birth Vasily Prokofievich Efanova (1900-1978), Russian painter, folk artist USSR

105 years since the birth Angelina Josephovna Stepanova (1905-2000), Russian actress, theater figure

85 years since birth Igor Ivanovich Tarakukina (1925-1980), poet, responsible secretary of the journal Ural Pathfinder

75 years since the birth of the writer Larisa Nikolaevna Vasilyeva (r. 1935).
Selected Works: Documentary books "Kremlin wives", "Kremlin Kids", "15 meetings in Ostankina", Roman-memories "Father's Book". The writer is also engaged in translation from English

75 years since the birth Vladislav Nikolayevich Volkova (1935-1971), pilot-astronaut

75 years since the birth of Marie Terechik (r. 1935), Hungarian actress

Instituted by the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, the Central Committee of the VLKSM, SP RSFSR, WTO in 1974

185 years since birth Mauritius Osipovich Wolf. (1825-1883), publisher, bookseller

115 years since birth Sapargali Begalina (1895-1983), Kazakh writer, classic of Kazakh children's literature

55 years since birth Nahma Emir Kusturitsy (r. 1955), Yugoslav Director

The UN General Assembly announced on November 25 an international day of struggle for the elimination of violence against women. Activists celebrate on November 25 as a day to combat violence since 1981.

200 years since the birth Zechariah zograf. (1810-1853), painter of the era of the Bulgarian Renaissance

165 years since the birth Jose Mary Ey Di Cairusha (1845-1900), the largest Portuguese writer and journalist.
Selected Works: novels "Crime of Padre AMARO" and "Relic"

115 years since birth Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyana (1895-1978), Soviet State and Party Worker

115 years since birth Ludwig Freedom (1895-1979), state, political and military leader Czechoslovakia

85 years since birth Nonna (November) Mordyukov Viktorovna (1925-2008), Soviet and Russian film actresses

Established on the initiative of the International Academy of Informatization.

John Zlatoust, eloquent from all fathers of the Greek Church, was born in Antioch about 347 in a very rich and noble family. He studied, but left the bar, became a Christian and retired to the Syrian Mountains, where he was engaged in the study of the books of the Holy Scriptures. Then he returned to Antioch, where he became a priest. Emperor Arkady took him to Konstantinopol and made a bishop, for the zealous service he brought his wrath of many enemies.

The day of Arafat is celebrated on 9th Zul-Hija. The day of the visit by Khajj Mount Arafat by Mecca, where the pilgrims make Namaz at the foot. Mount Arafat is the place where, according to legend, Adam and Eve met after expulsion from Paradise. Arafat's Day is the most memorable day of Allah. For the commission of good actions at this time, the remuneration increases many times. Equally, as the weight of sins on this day increases several times. Before sunset, you need to stand and pour sins. In Saudi Arabia, they argue: these mass rituals are visible even from space.

185 years since the birth of bibliography, bibliophile Alexandra Nikolayevich Nezstores (1825-1902)

115 years since birth William Wilson(1895 - 1971), American businessman, one of the founders of the society "Anonymous Alcoholics"

90 years since birth Natalia Benedictovna bucket (1920-1942), participants of the Great Patriotic War, Sniper Fighter, Hero of the Soviet Union

80 years since the birth Vladimir Semenovich Korotkhevich (1930-1984), Belarusian Soviet writer, poet, creator of the Belarusian historical novel.
Selected Works: "Colosum under your sickle", "Christ landed in the city. Gospel from Judah, "Black Castle Olshansky"

70 years since the birth Gennady Grigorievich Ireikina (1940-2000), Russian test pilot

On this day, in 1996, thanks to the efforts of the ROO, the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 11 approved the qualification characteristic of the position "Estimator" (estimation expert).

It is noted in accordance with the order of the Commander of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation Admiral F. N. Gromov dated November 19, 1995 in memory of Petra I on the creation of the "Regiment of Marine Soldiers" in Russia.

170 years since the birth Alexey Nikolayevich Apouthin (1840-1893), poet, prose.
Selected Works: Poems "Letter", "Old Gypsy", "with a courier train"; The best lyrical works are "Venice", "in the wretched rubies", etc., many of which are transferred to music.

160 years since the birth Elena Dmitrievna Polenova (1850-1898), illustrator artist, graphics, painter

135 years since the birth Vladislav Orkana (1875-1930, Name. Name - Smrechinsky Francishek), an outstanding Polish poet

125 years old from the birth of Libya Rryanne (1885-1944), Romanian writer.
Selected Products: Collection of the "Bosiaki" by the "Ion" novels, "forest hanged", "Adam and Eve", "rebellion"

80 years since the birth Zoe Akimovna Vinogradova (r. 1930), Soviet artist Operetta

80 years since the birth Vladimir Emelyanovich Maximov (1930-1995), Writer of Russian abroad
Novels "Quarantine" and "Seven Days of Creativity", not accepted by any publisher, widely went to samizdat. For these novels, their author was excluded from the Writers' Union, placed in mental asylum. In 1974 V. Maximov was forced to emigrate. He lived in Paris. In 1974, he founded the quarterly literary, political and religious magazine "Continent", the chief editor of which remained until 1992 in the emigration: "Ark for the uninvited", "Farewell from nowhere", "look into the abyss", "Koacha to death " and etc.

70 years since Bruce Lee (1940-1973, N. Name - Lee Zhenfan), American film actor of Chinese origin, athlete

The mother's day holiday is celebrated in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1998, No. 120 "On the Mother's Day" in the last November Sunday. The initiative of the institution of this holiday belongs to the Committee of the State Duma on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. This is the day when due to maternal work and their disinterested victim for the good of their children. The celebration of the Mother's Day is rooted in the depths of centuries. The ancient Greeks gave tribute to the mother of all the gods - hee. The Romans were dedicated to three days in March (from 22 to 25) another mother of the Gods - East Kibel. For the Celts of the Mother's Day was the day of honoring the goddess Bridget. From the XVII to XIX century in the UK, "Mamino Sunday" was noted (Mothering Sunday). On this day, young men and girls who worked with apprentices or servants, returning home fruit cake as a gift to their mothers.

November 28 (15 of the old style) begins the Christmas post, which is also called Philipp, as he begins for the next after the celebration of the memory of the Holy Apostle Philip. The purpose of the post is to prepare believers to meet one of the main holidays of the Church - Christmas of our Lord Jesus Christ. The christmas post lasts forty days.

Days of AT-Tashrik - continuation of the holiday sacrifice, 11-13-E Zul-Hija. Pilgrims are sent to Mina's terrain on the first night of AT-Tashric and spend the night there. Starting from the morning magazine of the day Tashric until the afternoon namaz of the third day Tashric Muslims, after collective magazine, they read a tackar called Tashric Tabier.

320 years since the birth Ivan Nikitich Nikitin (1690-1742), Russian painter-portraitist, one of the founders of Russian secular painting

190 years since the birth Friedrich Engels. (1820-1895), German thinker, one of the founders of Marxism

130 years since the birth Alexandra Alexandrovich Bloka (1880-1921), Russian poet, playwright.
Selected Works: Poels "Twelve", "Retribution", "Nightingale Garden"; Cycles of poems "free thoughts", "Italian verses", "Carmen", "on the field of Kulikov."

115 years since the birth of José Igorby (1895-1980), Spanish pianist, conductor, composer

105 years since the birth Vadim Alexandrovich Trapeznikova (1905-1994), scientist in the field of electrome construction, automation and control processes

100 years since the birth Avenir Arkadyevich Voronov (1910-1992), Russian scientist in the field of management theory

95 years since the birth Evalda Karlovich Okar (r. 1915), Estonian painter and graphics

80 years since the birth Yuri Evgenievich Veltishchev (r. 1930), Russian pediatrician

80 years since the birth Igor Petrovich Golden (r. 1930), Russian writer, literary criticism

80 years since the birth Spartak Vladimirovich Kalacheva (1930-1994), Russian artist

55 years since birth Peter Petrovich Vibe (r. 1955), Russian historian

The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is celebrated annually on November 29. On this day in 1947, the UN Assembly adopted a resolution on the Palestine section.

It was on this day that in 1783 the Russian alphabet was replenished with another letter - "E".

335 years since the birth Bartolomeo Carlo Rastrelli (1675-1744), Italian sculptor

150 years since the birth Ghana Kwapilova (1860-1907), Czech actress

110 years since the birth Sergey Mikhailovich Pozhassha (1900-1970), Russian artist books

105 years since the birth Gabriel Nikolayevich Troypolsky (1905-1995) Russian writer.
Selected Works: Stories, stories, plays, journalism: "From the notes of agronoma"; "PhD"; "Chernozem", "in reeds", "On rivers, soils and other", "guests", "White Bim Black Ear"(State Prize of the USSR)

100 years since the birth Konstantin Sergeevich Badigina (1910-1984), Russian writer, freedom captain, Researcher of the Arctic, Hero of the Soviet Union (1940).
Selected works: Novels "Ring of the Great Master", "Shipwreck of Hope Island", "On the sunken ship", "The Secret of State Importance".

90 years since birth Egor Kuzmich Ligacheva (r. 1920), party Soviet leader

85 years since birth Yuri Timofeevich Zhdanova (1925-1986), ballet artist, balletmaster

80 years since the birth Nina Pavlovna Golshchikova (r. 1930), Soviet and Russian actress

60 years since birth Mikhail Glebovich Uspensky (1950), science fiction writer.
Selected Works: "Bad eye", "Charter of falcon hunting", the story "cast-iron rider", the trilogy of the "Adventures of Zhikhar", the novels "White Khun in the hemp field", "An innocent girl with a gold bag"

Officially, domestic day in Russia is not marked. But this is not a reason not to celebrate this kind and home holiday.

International Information Day is celebrated annually on November 30, since 1988. It was in 1988 that the first mass epidemic of the "worm" was recorded, which called the name on behalf of its creator - Morris, and experts thought about the need for an integrated approach to ensuring information security.

285 years since the birth of the Russian statesman, historian and poet Ivan Pontilvich Elagina (1725-1794).

390 years since the birth of Avvakum (1620-1682, Avvakum Petrovich Kondratyev), Protopopopa, Founder of Russian Old Believers, the enemy of the liturgical reform of the Patriarch Nikon XVII century; spiritual writer. He is credited with 43 writings, including the famous "Life", "Book of conversations", "Book of Interpretations", "Book of Circle" and others. He is considered by the Rodonchalnik of a new Russian literature, a free-sized word confessional prose. Old Believers worship Avvakum by the Holy Martyr.

200 years since the birth Oliver Fisher Winchester (1810-1880), American inventor and small arms manufacturer.

175 years since the birth of Mark Twain (1835-1910, Name Name - Samuel Lenghorn Clemens), American Writer.
Selected works: "Old times on Mississippi", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Prince and Beggar", "Life on Mississippi", "Adventures of Geklberry Finn", "Letter of the Guardian Angel", "Yankee from Connecticut at the court of King Arthur"

115 years since birth Johann Nepomock Davida (1895-1977), Austrian composer, organist

100 years since the birth Marcello Maretti. (1910-1961), Italian actor

75 years since the birth Viktor Ivanovich Tregubovich (1935-1992), film director

November is a wonderful month. At this time there is an active struggle of autumn with winter. Sure, winter Always wins, so the weather of November often becomes frosty and harsh. In calendar events, this month of autumn is also of a huge importance, it is filled with important events of various nature. Find out which denominational dates of November 2017 are included in the calendar data, there must be any Russian.

Important and all memorable dates

In the autumn month, the events that celebrate the anniversary are important for the whole world. You can especially allocate the following anniversary dates of November 2017:

The 130th anniversary occurs from the date of publication of the novel of the most famous writer A. K. Doyle - "Etud in the crimson tones." An important event is not only not only creative people, but also by everyone who respects and loves the work of writers and publicists.
Exactly 100th anniversary is marked in November from the date of the official education of the RSFSR. In the present times, our state is already called - the Russian Federation.
55 years ago in the contemporary of creativity of writers "New World" Publication was published a story of the famous Russian author - Solzhenitsyn A. I. called "One day from Ivan Denisovich".
The 20th anniversary in the autumn month can safely celebrate the Russian TV channel "Culture". Monthly month, November was the period of his first ether.

Renal events

In addition to important and anniversary dates, the autumn period includes a sufficiently large number of other significant celebrations. What the calendar are indicated important dates November 2017?

1 - The professional event of the month celebrates all judicial Russian bailiffs.
3 - 220th anniversary meets from the date of birth of a famous publicist and critic - Bestumev-Marlinsky A. A.
3 - date of birth of one famous man - The Belarusian writer, as well as the translator - Kolas I. This creative person is celebrated by the 135th anniversary from the period of his birth.
3 - The entire creative world celebrates the 130th anniversary from the birth period by all the beloved and general of the famous writer - Marshak S. Ya.
4 - the most important date for the state is the feast of popular unity. The festive event is included in the calendar data in the form of an official celebration, it means that the entire labor Russian people receives an additional day off due to the coming day. The solemn date was established by the Government of Russia as a sign of the memory of the most important events, when Moscow was released from Poland's troops in the distant 1612.
6 - 165th anniversary is noted from the date of birth of the famous Russian poet and, of course, the writer - Mine-Siberian D. N.

7 - the most important historical date for all Russia. Today there are 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, which occurred in 1917
7 - This November number includes another significant event for the whole state - a feast of consent and reconciliation. At this solemn day on Red Square in Moscow, a parade procession and other festive events are held.
8 - a fun event of the month - the day of KVN. The festive event is celebrated since 1961 (the first way out of the television transfer of KVN). The founder of the festive day was the well-known chairman of the club of fun and resourceful - Alexander Maslyakov.
10 - holiday of all policemen. In the present years, the solemn event is referred to as the Day of Employees of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
10 - day of science. Festive event of global importance.
11 - Professional event dedicated to all economists and employees of the economic sphere.
12 - Professional holidays meet all Sberbank workers - the main central bank of vast Russia.
13 - the date dedicated to people with the limited capabilities of the visual function. The blind day was first established in 1745. This year, a blind boy - Valentin Gajui was born, which in the future became the founder of schools for the blind in Russia, as well as in France.

14 - Russian Conscript Day.
16 - Date devoted to the abandonment of smoking. In Signal Dates for November 2017, this event can be safely included in the form of a holiday public importance.
17 - holiday of all students. In Russia, this event is celebrated in January, and today's celebration is international.
18 - Festive date, didnote Birth of Santa Claus.
20 - Child's Day. Celebration has international status.
21 - the professional event of the month is found by Russian accountants.
23 - date of birth of the world famous book Guinness.
25 - International Promotion established in the fight against violence against women.
26 - Holiday of information. The celebration around the world is found since 1994, after in 1992 the first information world forum was held.
27 - Warm and mental event of the month - Mom's Day.
29 - Date of education of the World Society for Environmental Protection. The solemn event is found worldwide since 1948.

November is a wonderful month. At this time there is an active struggle of autumn with winter. Of course, the winter period always wins, so the weather of November often becomes frosty and harsh. In calendar events, this month of autumn is also of a huge importance, it is filled with important events of various nature. Find out which denominational dates of November 2019 are included in the calendar data, there must be any Russian.

Important and all memorable dates

In the autumn month, the events that celebrate the anniversary are important for the whole world. It is especially possible to allocate the following anniversary dates of November 2019:

Renal events

In addition to important and anniversary dates, the autumn period includes a sufficiently large number of other significant celebrations. What are the important dates in November 2019 mean in the calendar?

  • 1 - The professional event of the month celebrates all judicial Russian bailiffs.
  • 3 - 220th anniversary meets from the date of birth of a famous publicist and critic - Bestumev-Marlinsky A. A.
  • 3 - the date of birth of his one famous person - the Belarusian writer, as well as the translator - Kolas I. This creative person is celebrated by the 135th anniversary from the period of birth.
  • 3 - The entire creative world celebrates the 130th anniversary from the birth period by all the beloved and general of the famous writer - Marshak S. Ya.
  • 4 - the most important date for the state is the feast of popular unity. The festive event is included in the calendar data in the form of an official celebration, it means that the entire labor Russian people receives an additional day off due to the coming day. The solemn date was established by the Government of Russia as a sign of the memory of the most important events, when Moscow was released from Poland's troops in the distant 1612.
  • 6 - 165th anniversary is noted from the date of birth of the famous Russian poet and, of course, the writer - Mine-Siberian D. N.

2017 will personify numerous events in defense of the external environment, discussing many problems of the natural and ecological complex. The year of ecology in Russia, along with other significant events, is represented by a significant part of the events.

Calendar of a significant year 2017 2018

Download and print a calendar of significant dates for 2017 2018 can be at the bottom of the page. See the attached file.

According to the tradition of the initial learning stage of the year - September 1, after a few days the plan of significant events is complemented by the date of solidarity in the struggle of terrorist threats and actions - September 3. The topics of obtaining knowledge and starts of schools, state universities and other different formal educational institutions continues on International Literacy Day, which is celebrated on September 8.

In another autumn month, school theme is reflected in congratulations to teachers. But on October 1, congratulations are made by pensioners and people of old age on the occasion of the day of an elderly person.

The teacher's day is also celebrated in higher institutions of the educational system. Also favorite teachers on October 5 rushing to congratulate both former schoolchildren and students.

On October 4, 2017, the 60th anniversary of the beginning of an important event in history - the first start with the planet Earth into the artificial satellite space in 1957. This is also considered to be a memorable day of space forces.

In November and December, significant and commemorative dates 2017 2018 can be distributed by category:

  • political -12 December, November 4 and century from the day of the October Revolution of 1917 - November 7;
  • defenders of the Motherland - December 3, the Day of Unknown Military and Soldiers and December 9 - Day of the Heroes of the Fatherland;
  • humanities - November 16, as the most tolerant holiday, day of mother and disabled.

For women and children, the most traditional and kind significant dates in 2017-2018 will still be:

  • Maternal day
  • Female holiday on March 8;
  • June 1st.

All 2017 will be held under the auspices of the ecology and protection of territories with a special status for the country and the world. And 2018 is not yet defined in the official format - by decree of the president, but the high probability of the subject of art: ballet or theater.

Memorable Dates 2017 2018

Art in 2018 largely dedicates their works in honor of the two-year period from the moment Marius Petipa appears. In connection with the anniversary, the leaders of cultural activities in the country offer to refer to the year of Russian ballet as 2018.

The Calendar of the Memorandies 2017 2018 is identified with the history of the Great Wars of the last two centuries. On September 8, 2017, it will be 205 years old when the Borodino battle between the armies of France and Russia has occurred under the leadership of M.I Kutuzov. 75 years will be completed on February 2, 2018 since the completion of the Stalingrad bits.

Literary dates 2017 2018

Round anniversary dates 2017 2018 in art complement the literary events on the occasion of the birth of poets, playwrights, prosaikov, writers of Soviet and Russian literary publications:

  • September 5, 2017 - two hundredth anniversary of the appearance of Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich - a poet, a dramagic writer;
  • about one and a half years ago - March 28, 1858, Maxim Gorky (pawn) was born.

In the last days of spring, the topics of the Russian language will continue, the cognition of the history of literature, the basics of Slavic writing. Russian Day in Russia is identified with the most famous writer who personifies the golden age of literature. Pushkin holiday in Russia, June 6, falls on the blooming beginning of the summer to give the opportunity to children and adults to re-read the masterpieces of Russian writers during the heyday of nature. The language of the native country in which a citizen was born, especially honored on February 21 worldwide, and this date is not compared with Pushkin Day.

The week of reading for children of different age will be held in the last Numbers of March 2018. Librarians will prepare exhibitions and familiarize themselves with the most vibrant works of writers born in the anniversary date for 2018: L.N. Tolstoy, V.G. Korolenko, S.M Marshak, A.N. Ostrovsky. Science Day is celebrated earlier - February 8. Also in March there is another significant data - 18, which was approved after the spring events of 2014, when the Crimea peninsula through the referendum joined Russia in the formal order.

Calendar for library workers for 2017 2018 for teachers and organizers of out-of-school educational events may also be useful.

Perhaps you will be interested in.

  • 130 years ago was printed Roman A.K. Doyle "Etude in the crimson tones" (1887);
  • 100 years ago, the RSFSR (1917) was formed, now the Russian Federation;
  • 55 years ago, the story A.I. was published in the "New World" Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich" (1962);
  • 20 years ago, the All-Russian State Channel "Culture" (1997) was broadcast;

November 3, 2017 - 220 years since the birth of A.A. Bestumeva Marlinsky (1797-1837), Russian writer, criticism, Decembrist;

November 3, 2017 - 135 years since the birth of Y. Kolas (1882-1956), the Belarusian writer, poet and translator;

November 3, 2017 - 130 years since the birth of S.Ya. Marshak (1887-1964), Russian poet, playwright and translator;

November 4, 2017 - the Day of People's Unity. This holiday is established in honor of an important event in the history of Russia - the liberation of Moscow from Polish intervents in 1612.

November 6, 2017 - 165 years since the birth of D.N. Mine-Siberian (1852-1912), Russian writer;

November 7, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of D.M. Balashov (1927-2000), Russian writer, folklorist, publicist;

November 7, 2017 - the day of consent and reconciliation. Day of the October Revolution. Day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941).

November 8, 2017 - International Cun Day (since 2001). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday was offered by the president of the KVN International Club Alexander Maslyakov. The date of the celebration was chosen in honor of the anniversary of the first game of the club of fun and resourceful, broadcast on November 8, 1961.

November 9, 2017 - 180 years since the birth of Emil Gaborio (1832-1873), French writer;

November 11, 2017 - 95 years since the birth of Kurt Vonneguta (1922-2007), American Prosa;

November 13, 2017 - International Day Blind. On November 13, 1745, Valentin Gayui was born in France - a famous teacher who founded several schools in Paris and St. Petersburg for the blind. By decision of the World Health Organization, this date was the basis for the International Day of Blind.

November 14, 2017 - 110 years since the birth of Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002), Swedish writer;

November 15, 2017 - 155 years since the birth of Gerhart Hauptman (1862-1946), German playwright and novelist;

November 16, 2017 - the day of refusal of smoking (celebrated in the third Thursday of November). It was installed American oncological society in 1977.

November 18, 2017 - 230 years since the birth of Louis Dagger (1787-1851), French artist, inventor, one of the creators of photography;

November 18, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of E.A. Ryazanov (1927-2015), Russian director, scenario, poet;

November 20, 2017 - 80 years since the birth of V.S. Tokareva (1937), Russian Prosaik, Kinodramature;

November 21, 2017 - World Welcome Day (since 1973). Two brothers came up with this holiday - Michael and Brian McCormack from the US state of Nebraska in 1973. In this holiday, the rules are very simple: it's enough to say hello to ten unfamiliar people.

November 24, 2017 - 385 years since B. Spinoza (1632-1677), Netherlands philosopher rationalist;

November 25, 2017 - 455 years since the birth of Lope de Vega (1562-1635), Spanish playwright, poet;

November 25, 2017 - 300 years since the birth of A.P. Sumarokova (1717-1777), Russian playwright, poet;

November 26, 2017 - World Information Day. It is celebrated annually since 1994 on the initiative of the International Academy of Informatization and the World Informatical Parliament. On this day, in 1992, the first international information forum took place.

November 28, 2017 - 260 years since the birth of William Blake (1757-1827), the English poet and the artist-engraver;

November 28, 2017 - 110 years since the birth of Alberto Moravio (1907-1990), Italian writer, journalist;

November 29, 2017 - 215 years since the birth of Wilhelm Gauf (1802-1827), German writer;

November 29, 2017 - the Day of Education of the World Society for Nature Protection. On this day, in 1948, the World Nature Union was founded, which is the largest international non-commercial environmental organization. The Union unites 82 states into a unique world partnership (including Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology).

November 30, 2017 - 350 years since the birth of Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), English writer-Satirik, philosopher;