Repairs Design Furniture

Holiday script World Health Day. Event Plan on the theme "Day of Health"

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 12 of the combined species"

d. Runners, Volosovsky District, Leningrad Region


for children of senior preschool age


physical instructor

e.G. culture Bogabin



Purpose: Create conditions for generalizing the knowledge of children and develop the ability to use this knowledge for their healing.

Manuals and materials:MFP information board, marker, music center, disc with musical accompaniment, tokens, cards - schemes, cards with riddles, balls - 2pcs., Cones for marking - 4pcs., Gymnastic bench - 2pcs, the balls stuffed - 6-10pcs., Bar - 6-8pcs, cord, rack - 2pcs.

Diplomas, books or wall-printing games on the topic, sweet prize - fruits, for active children should provide individual incentive prizes (stickers, markers, albums, etc.)

Hall registration: - (central wall) The screen on which the slide scenario is projected along the go;

Thematic exhibition (children and parents work: posters, health sheets, newspapers, etc.)

Participants: Teams "Aibolit", "Moydodyr"

Travel of leisure

Leading: April 7 - World Health Day. Who can say - what is health?(children's responses). Very often we hear such words "healthy lifestyle", how do you understand that? (children's Answers)

Health - This is one of the main values \u200b\u200bof human life. Each child wants to be strong, vigorous, energetic, run not tired, ride a bike, swim, play with friends in different games. Therefore, everyone should remember his health, take care and strengthen it.

Today, in this room we spend fun competitions dedicated to World Day Health. Two teams (team performance) compete:

Aybolit team

If someone unhealthy,

Do not call doctors.

All cure, heament

The team is our "Aibolit".

Team "Moydodyr"

Wash your neck, hands with soap.

Trite cheeks, nose to holes.

And praise certainly

You for this is Mojdodyr.

We present the jury: (Jury members - parents, Chairman - Pedagogue - psychologist or deputy. Usa, in the jury you can include children)

We specify the rules:

Questions to listen carefully;
- not to suggest, not shouting;

If you are ready to answer the question - raise your hand;

If players of one team do not know the answer, players of another team receive the right to respond;

For each correct answer, each correctly performed exercise players get a token. At the end of the game, we consider tokens and define the team - the winner.

Malicious rules violators can get a black token.

Dear viewers, for the teams "Bole" together, but do not interfere with working, especially wrong tips.

1 tour. "Charging": captains receive 4 cards with the image of men who perform exercises - to understand the diagram and spend the workout with the team.

Charging everyone is useful,

Charging everything is needed,

From laziness and diseases

She saves us.

Team comes to charging"Moydodyr".

Team comes to charging"Aibolit".

2 tour. "What am I?" - Guess the riddles (if the team does not guess, offer to guess another team).

Questions of viewers: - What is hardening?

How do you temper?

How else can you tempt?

3 round. "Friendly guys": Games - relay.

  • The first participant runs to the cone, returns, takes the second hand, does the same path, etc. (the whole team participates)
  • The whole team is taken by arms and overcomes the bar of obstacles, not gating hands.

Bar obstacle: - Snake, bypassing stuffed balls;

Go on a bench;

Step over 3-4 bars;

Bridge to the cord and return to your place.

4. Tour "Healthy Nutrition"


  • what are made from milk?
  • what can be cooked from vegetables?
  • juice from grapes - what?
  • juice from tomatoes - what?
  • fish soup - what?
  • milk soup - what?
  • when are we breakfast?
  • when do we dinner?
  • juice from tomatoes - what?
  • what are made from milk?
  • what are made from flour?
  • what can be cooked from fruit?

5 Tour "Question - Answer" - game with ball


  • who treats patients;
  • continue the proverb "Sun, air and water - ...";
  • what is the name of the game on the ball;
  • you can or can not be given to the place of elders in the bus;
  • continue the proverb "Health is in order - ...";
  • harmful or useful to rub eyes with dirty hands;
  • what time of year skiing;
  • harmful or useful to look closely tv;
  • what time of year you can sunbathe and swim in the river;
  • call a useful product;
  • continue the proverb "Clean ...";
  • call the winter sport;
  • call the harmful product;
  • than you can cut down;
  • call the harmful habit;
  • what car is "Volvo" or "Mercedes" - you would agree to ride with a stranger;
  • call summer sport;
  • you can or can not play on the road;
  • you can or can not throw burning matches;
  • call a useful habit;
  • you can or can not go around the street on the red light.

Musical pause: (Teams and guests are invited)

Summing up, rewarding.

The march and the team sounds - the winner for friendly applause makes the range of honors around the hall.



1. Always in the mouth, and do not swallow. (language )

2. I wear them for many years, but I do not know the bills. (hair)

3. Olya looks at the cat, in the pictures - fairy tales,


4. Olya berries takes two, three things,

And for this you need our Ole ... (pens).

5. Olya fun runs to the river on the track,

And for this you need our Ole ... (legs)

6. Day and night is knocking it,

As if headed.

Will be bad if suddenly

This knock will stop. (a heart)

7. Always in work when we say, and resting when we are silent. (language)

8. Here is a mountain, and the mountain is

Two huge holes

In these badges, the air wanders,

That comes, it turns out. (nose)

9. For the night, two turns are closed themselves,

And with the sunrise of the sun open.(eyes)

Scenario of the sports festival "World Health Day" for children of senior preschool age (2014)

Goals and objectives:

  1. Formation of culture healthy image Life. Expanding knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, and prevention measures.

  2. Promotion of physical culture and sports as better remedy from any disease.
Formation of physical qualities: speed, strength, dexterity

Leading: Hello, dear guys! This is how it is customary to welcome each other, and wish for health. After all, it is the health that is so important for us. Today our holiday is dedicated World Health Day. And today we are with you to talk about health. We are waiting for adventures, we will go to an unusual journey, and where will soon find out. Who wants to be healthy?

Children : Everything!

Leading: : And what person can be called healthy?

Children : Merry, movable, peculiar ...

Leading: : Now, the guys will tell us what to do is not to hurt.

1. Good dream and appetite

We give physical education

Boiler energy for games

And for walking.

2. We at any time of the year

Even in Studu and Frost,

Do not burn the neck

And not hiding in the scarf's nose!

3. Who with sports is firmly friendly,

Summer runs on puddles

And on the grass barefoot!

4. So as not to hurt angina,

Culture to do!

Leading : Well, you see guys advise us to engage in physical education. But this is not enough. What else to do to do not hurt, we will know today. To do this, we will go to the country of health and we will go on the train,

You will move from the station to the Health Country Station and find out a lot of new and interesting. And when you hear a long whistle - it means you should move on new station. But in front of our travel, we will play the game "Yes and No." It is necessary to be attentive if the food is useful - answer "yes", if not useful - "no".

Porridge - delicious food.

Is it useful for us?

Green onions sometimes

Are you helpful, children?

In a puddle dirty water

Is it useful sometimes?

Soup - excellent food.

Is it useful for us?

A percho soup is always ...

Is it useful for us?

Fruits - just beauty!

Is it useful for us?

Dirty berries sometimes

Eating useful, kids?

Vegetables growing ridge.

Vegetables are useful?

Juice, compotic sometimes

Are you helpful, children?

Eat a big bag of candies

Only useful food

On the table we always have!

And if useful food -

We will be healthy?

Well, what are you ready on the road?

Children: Yes!

Leading : Well, then ahead! Our train goes happy all the way guys!

(A whistle is heard, and the "train" begins. Train parking at each station is 10 minutes.)

1. Station "Washwill".

(Children meets the owner of this water-water station.)

Water : Hello guys, you arrived at the station "Washing", and I am her hostess - water water. With me you come across everywhere. In the morning, getting out of bed, where are you going?

Children: Wash.

IN : Surely. Let's go with you now. And you can also sentence:

Driver, water,

Mock my face

To the eyes glistened,

So that the cheeks are povero

So that the rotock laughed,

To bite the teeth.

Well, here it washed, what are you pure, pretty, with shiny eyes. And what else do not need to be forgotten during washing?

Children: brush your teeth.

IN : right. What are you great, you can immediately see that you do it regularly, find out? (shows a toothbrush and pasta) These are our faithful helpers. Led to the toothbrush on the teeth should be left-left, up-down, and more circular rotations along all teeth. (Shows). It is necessary to clean the teeth every day,

After all, if this is not done, many microbes accumulate in the mouth, and the teeth begin to root. Have to go to the doctor.

IN : What are these guys? (shows a comb)

Children: Hairbrush.

IN : And what is it for?

(Children's responses and story in-in For what a comb is needed.)

IN : Tell me, and when you need to wash your hands?

(Responses of children and explanation in-c.)

(Mysteries riddles):

1.hill on the view it is not very good

And a little bit like hedgehogs,

Loves to sleep very much before

On the teeth of my minute, pay. (Toothbrush)

2. How do you look beautiful!
Cute, very cute,
Neat hairstyle -
Helped you…(hairbrush)

3. And terry, and smooth happens.
Who washed, he does not forget about him:
Adult, infant
Wheels ... ( towel)

Well done guys coped with riddles. You today learned a lot about your health, about how to properly care for your body. We always wash your hands, clean the teeth and comply with other rules, right?

Children: Yes!

IN : So that's great. Now smile, everything and me and each other. After all, a smile is a good mood and also a guarantee of health. Smiling, we give each other health and joy.

Station "Vitamin".

(Children meet a gardener.)

Gardener : Hello guys! You arrived at the station "Vitamin" and with you I am your friend a gardener. Today we will talk about what grows on the garden. Listen to my riddles and guess. Puzzles:

1.Rascuerous braid

And shines dew on it!
Whose braid lies in the garden?
Where are orange heels?
In the ground hid the chest,
Vitamin ...

2. How on our bed

Rose riddles
Juicy yes large
These are such round.
In the summer weeze
By autumn blusted.

3.Reo clothes -

All without fasteners.

4. The grandmother is pulling with granddaughter,

Cat, grandfather and mouse with bug.

Gardener: Well, it's time to say goodbye. Today we learned vitamins that it grows in a garden. Eat healthy foods And you will be healthy.

Station "Nebolic".

(Children meets the doctor).

Doctor : Hello guys. I am a doctor of health Country Today we will talk to you about what to do is not to hurt. What do you think, where do you need to start every day?

Children: With charging.

D. : Well, of course, with charging. Well, becoming a light warm-up with you.

Children do exercises.

D. : And also guys, it is very important to tempt. How do we get up in kindergarten?

Children answer.

D. : And in the summer how can you harden?

Children answer.

D. : And now we part with you. You go to another station. I dates. Do not hurt, be healthy!

Station "Sports".

(Children meets head coach of the country of health.)

Hello guys, you arrived at the Sports station, and I welcome you, head coach of the country of health.

Sport - is life. This is the ease of movement.

Sport causes all respect.

Sport promotes everyone up and forth.

Cheerfulness, health gives everyone.

Everyone who is active and who is not lazy

Can easily make friends with sports.

And so, we begin the competition.

1. Create a vitamin basket.

Task: A player takes a basket and runs to the hoop, there puts a vegetable or fruit in a basket, and returns back. Sends a basket to the next player.

2. Transmission of the relay stick.

Task: on the team on start, the first players run to the cone, ride it and run back, pass the stick to the next, etc. Who is faster and correctly fulfill the task, he will win.

3. Race hoars.

Task: Children get up to the distance of the elongated hands, the hoops lie on the cone at the start, on the team first runs up to the cone takes the hoop, passes the next one, it runs to another, etc. The latter folds hoops to the cone and so that all the hoops will not end.

4. Relay with a ball.

Task: The first player jumps with a clamping ball between the knees to the cone, takes the ball into his hands and crawls into the tunnel. Returns back, and transmits the ball to the next player.

5 . Space quickly before checkbox and back.

So our sports competitions passed, all the guys coped with the task, well done! I wish you all health, excellent mood.

Leading : Well, guys, you visited the country of health.

Did you like it?

You today learned about what you need to do not get sick. It is necessary to contain your body clean, eat useful products, take vitamins, hardened, how can you move and be friends with sports. Truth?

Childrenand: yes!

We say goodbye to you and wish you not to hurt and lead a healthy lifestyle!

Scenario "In a healthy body - a healthy mind"

Doctor. Hello guys! Today, everyone I want to wish health. This is the most valuable thing that people have, and therefore it must be preserved. Today you will show how well know your body and how to take care of your health.

Athletes run away. Boys and girls to the music make various sports exercises: do exercises with Gary, hoops, jump on the rope, dancing, show defense techniques, etc.

After the presentation includes two student in vitamins A and V. suits

Doctor. Who granted us?

Vitamin A. You see, Vitamin B, what are the guys beautiful, taut, sports. How much do you know how!

Vitamin V. Yes, Vitamin A, guys are great! And we do not know how.

Vitamin A.And why is that?! We just have not tried! Let's try.

Take hoops, but do not hold on the waist.

Vitamin B.. This is probably difficult. Let's take the jumps. It will be easier.

Vitamin B jumps on the rope. Vitamin and hardly jumped once.

Vitamin A. This I, probably, today little porridge ate.

Vitamin B.. You did not eat her at all. I drank only lemonade and ate a chocolate.

Vitamin A. So what! But it is so tasty.

Doctor. Vitamin A, you see, from chocolate you will not be full for a long time, and the lemonade in the morning is in the morning it is harmful.

Vitamin A. Yes? And I did not know. And what to do? Porridge is such a tasteless.

Doctor. It can be done delicious, adding berries, butter, fruit.

Vitamin B.. Oh, bad! Dying! (grabs for the stomach) all the porridge is harmful.

Doctor. What happened to you?

Vitamin B.. What happened? Porridge was tasty, yes harmful.

Doctor. And why is that?

Vitamin V. Yes, where do I know? At first I ate a plate of rice porridge with raisins. The second plate - buckwheat with milk, third - oatmeal with banana. So it was delicious!

Doctor. Yes, you! Is it so possible? You move! It is necessary to eat in moderation, then the stomach will not be hurt.

Vitamin A. It is clear why the guys were such clever and sports. To do little sport, you need to eat right.

Doctor. Yes, you are right, the emergence of the athletes is special. They spend a lot of energy, and the right nutrition helps to restore it. And the power must be diverse.

Vitamin B.. Let's spend the competition and check if our guys do not eat?

The number of guys can be any. Each of them constitutes the correct menu PA day, and then read it. At the end of the competition is determined which menus was the most correct.

Vitamin A. What wonderful guys. And let's make a gift to all winners. And what, let them guess (the mystery of the winners of the competition).

Very tasty juicy fruit,

I'll call him a letter. (Apple)

Vitamins are distributed apples.

Vitamins together. We understood, the measure is needed in food.

Vitamin B.. On the day you need to eat gradually, but several times and always at the same time.

Vitamin A. If you follow this rule, the food will only benefit.

Vitamins Together A. Remember, guys, simple law: Health One, there is no second!

Game "Cheerful Charging"

Doctor. And I suggest sports competitionAnd then everything has already stopped. It's time for everyone to warm up and show your dexterity, strength and speed.

Competition " Proper nutrition»

Everyone wishes to play on the scene. The doctor says and shows movements, and the guys repeat:

➢ Bunny - Hands on the belt, sat down and jumped.

➢ Cat - arched back and stretched.

➢ Owl - stand smoothly, hands pressed to the sides, turning the head to the right and left.

➢ Teddy bear - hands on the belt, the legs lay in different directions, hugged their feet.

➢ Horse - Hands Forward, Spring Movement Legs.

Doctor. Remember movement? Now I will call animals, and you will show how they are moving. Vitamins will be my helpers. They will closely follow you. Who will be mistaken, he stops charging.

The doctor calls animals in different sequences, gradually accelerating the pace.

Vitamin A. Well guys performed. Probably hungry? Well, guess the riddle?

Red Matryoshka

White heart.

Red mortar

White tolkach. (Raspberries)

Vitamin in the winners gives raspberry.

Relay "Charging"

Doctor.Now let's spend a small charging relay.

For the relay, two teams of 4 people are gaining. Both commands perform the tasks proposed below. The team wins the command that fastened all the tasks.

➢ Charging for the lungs. Who inflates air balls faster.

➢ Bega turtle. Who will quickly pass the distance in a turtle step.

➢ Bird feed. The teams are collecting scattered grains, without bending the legs in the knees.

Vitamin A.We will proceed to award winners.

Small pot

Jar Sweetka,

The pot is not broken

And the knots do not get. (Nuts)

Vitamin in the winners distributes nuts.

The game "Morning Butterfly"

Doctor. Now I propose to get out butterflies, that is, all those who would like to know how butterfly wake up. (The participants of the game are published.) I will say what makes the butterfly, and you perform these actions.

Every morning, the butterfly wakes up, smiles and squeezed. Then she wash the dew, it spins gracefully, and then squeezes and flies.

Doctor reads, gradually accelerating the pace. Vitamins are followed by exercising. Children who do not move or do not have time, come out of the game.

Vitamin A.

It's time to treat these winners.

Black berries whole bush

They taste good. (Black currant)

Vitamin in the winners gives black currant.

Game "Black Box"

Doctor. We now know about butterflies. And you, besides charging, what else should you do in the morning?

Children answer: wash, clean teeth, comb.

Doctor. In order to do it all, you need some things. Here is a black box, I will make a riddle, and you have to determine what lies in this box.

Guys guess the riddle. Doctor then shows the answer.

Little Puzanchik

In the city went,

All the guys interrupted. (Banya broom)

Stop early

I will go to the novel:

To a long nose

To an empty head. (Water dispenser)

On the hook hanging, dangles,

For him in the morning there are constantly enough. (Towel)

A lot of teeth

And nothing eats. (Hairbrush)

Vitamin A. It's time and these guys reward useful gifts.

What is that:

In the ground adults,

From above fat

Below the east

Is it red? (Carrot)

Vitamin in the winners distributes carrots.

Doctor. Now let's listen to the poem of Leonid Yahina "Very truthful story"

Two students are published and read a poem.

Doctor. I hope the guys that this poem is not about you. And you will eat correctly, make charging in the morning, wash and clean your teeth.

World Health Day

Purpose: formation of students in the need for a healthy lifestyle;

development of interest K. physical culture and sport.


1. Attracting students for classes various species sport;

2. Holding health events aimed at strengthening the body of children and adolescents;

3. Improving the resistance of the organism of children and adolescents to various diseases, performance of schoolchildren, productivity of their training.

    Punish the skills and skills in schoolchildren to independent exercise classes.

Health Day Program:

    A ruler dedicated to the World Health Day.

    Morning work-out.

    Events in the gym.

    Release sheets of health.


Posters are posted on the topic: "We are for a healthy lifestyle!", "Health is fine - Thanks to Charging!", "Health - All Head", "Sport and Movement - Life!", "So that healthy, strong to be , you need sports, friends, love. "

Structure of the event:

On this day, the morning begins with a ruler for all classes dedicated to the World Health Day. Then pass sports events. And at the end of the school day, each class produces a piece of health. (Under the sounds of a sports march, students and teachers of the school enter the hall for opening the day of health)

World Health Day Line

Lead 1: kindday,dear friends! Today, April 7, on the entire planet, people celebrate World Health Day. On this day, sports competitions and holidays are held all over the world, so that the children of the entire planet grew up healthy and strong, bold and brave, dexterous and stronger!

Why is there such a day? Yes, because health is the most expensive thing that has a person. But what kind of health is?

(Children in turn say that it means this word for them).

1 student: Health is when you feel good!

2 student: Health is when nothing hurts!

3 student: Health is beauty!

4 student: Health is power!

5 student: Health is flexibility and harmony!

6 student: Health is stamina!

7 student: Health is harmony!

8 student: Health is when you wake up cheerful and cheerful in the morning!

9 student: Health is when you can easily climb 4 floor!

10 student: Health is when you are happy to fulfill any work!

11 student: Health is when you enjoy life!

Lead 2: Guys, you are all right. "Health before all the other benefits that the healthy beggar of the happier of the sick king."

Lead 1. . "A person can live up to 100 years, - said Academician Pavlov I.P. "We ourselves are inappropriate, with their rawness, with their ugly applying with their own organism, we reduce this normal period to a much smaller figure."

Lead 2: Health must be preserved, take care of him with early years. Even sessions know about it.

(Graduate students are told by the poem).

1 student:

2 student:

Follow guys know
You need to sleep all a little longer.
Well, and in the morning do not be lazy -
For charging to become!

3 student:

Brush teeth, wash
And more often smile
Turn and then
You are not afraid of the Handra.

4 student:

Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, Milk Products -
Here is a useful meal,
Vitamins full!

5 student:

Go for a walk
Fresh air breathing.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress up the weather!

6 student:

Here you have good advice,
Secrets are harnessed in them.
To keep your health -
Learn to appreciate it!

Lead 1:our school to hold the holiday "Day of Health and Sports" is ready.

I give the floor to the school director Kiselevie N.P.

Welcome speech director of the school.

Presentation of diabetes mellitus. (Treshtkina T. A.)

Lead 2: Guys! Everyone heard to be healthy need to move as much as possible. After all, there is no wonder: "Movement is life." I suggest you all moving a little, spread your body. After all, the morning you need to start with charging. Why do you need charging?

Pupil: This is not a riddle at all -
To develop strength

And all day not to get tired!

(Teacher of physical education Commands: "To charge - marry!" And with all students, teachers perform a complex of morning charging).

We go to the site
Step in place - two forward
And then the opposite.
Hands up raised above.

Lowered - clearly breathe.

Exercise second.
Hands side. Feet apart
So long ago it was done.
Three tilt do down
Four climb!

All the flexibility is needed in the world,
We will lean children!
Once - to the right, two - left.

Strengthen our body.

Satisfied every day
Rock sleep and laziness.
Squat down
Grow higher.

In the prison in good time
We jump now.
One two three four -
In friendship, we live and the world!

Lead 1: Well done boys! I see that many of you make a fluzard, play sports.

Sport guys, we need everyone.
We are firmly friends with sports!
Sport - Assistant!
Sport - Health!
Sport - game!
All Fizkult - Hooray!

Lead 2:

Welcome to all
Who found time
And came to school for the health of health!
We will be healthy, with charging friendly,
We are sports with physical education, like air needed!

Lead 1.

Very everyone will try

They will be engaged in sports.

Yes guys? But first,

Speaking without unnecessary words

One desire is small

Everyone must be healthy.

Lead 2: Where are we doctor?

(A student appears in a doctor's costume)

Lead 1.

Doctor, all these guys

In champions candidates.

I ask you to answer:

All ready or not?


So, so, now check

I will ask you to get up smoothly

And commands to perform:

Breathe deeply, deeper,

By team inhale and exhale.

Do not breathe, do not breathe

Everything is in order, relax.

Together raise hands,

Shake, can

Shake, twist,

Fine! Lower!

Bend, distingate,

Right to the left turn

And smile to each other!

Yes, I am pleased with inspection,

No one is sick of the guys.

Every fun and healthy,

To competitions ready!

Lead 2: Thank you, doctor!

Lead 1: And nowwe continue the day of health. And no matter who will be the winner today. The main thing is that we all felt the atmosphere of the holiday. The atmosphere of heartiness and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Let the friendship bring you down!

Sport competitions:

Competition participants:

Students of grades 1-11 participate in sporting events, cool leaders and educators, and other school teachers.

Guide to the competition:

The general management of the Day of Health is carried out by the school administration, direct management assigned to physical culture teachers.

Conditions for: 1 group 1-4 classes;

2 Groups 5-11 classes.

Competition Program:

1. Fast legs

The participants of each team are built on the start line in the column one by one, in the hands of the guide air ball. The signal leading in the column runs out due to the starting line. It runs in a straight line, robes a rack and returns to his team and transfers the ball to the next participant, and himself becomes the end of his column. Whose team is faster?

(2nd balls)

2. Relay with a ball

The first player give the ball, which he transmits above the head next and so to the last. The latter performs the ball to the rack, returns, becomes ahead and transmits the ball behind the players. The team wins, which is the first to change places.

(2 b / patient ball)

3.Raspal-collect. Here is the task of the thread, ponster and more appropriate to go ahead, you need to be attentive ..

Each team is built on the start line in the column one by one.

At a certain distance lie 4gIm Circle. IN Backpack Lying 20.objects . Participant s. runsbackpack and lay outitems five to each circle, returns from emptys backpacks transfers the relay to the following. Participant runs and with the help of a scoop and broom collects "trash" inbucket andsends a bucket trail. Player, and broom and scoop through a player, etc.

(8 g / circles, 2 backpacks in each of 20 items)

4.Remick words .

Decrypt words:

health disease

Charging necklessness

Movement poisoning

Leisure laziness

Food mode

Vegetables envy

Fun ignorance

Food infection

Whose team guesses the words decryption more - wins.

(2 sheets with words health and illness, 2 handles)

5. What a miracle - Skok Yesch! Went, the bag started! Hey, grab it, catch, keep the bag with a sack!

The teams are built at the starting line into the column and on the whistle each team member, chairs, jumps in the bag to the rack and returns to the same way, transfers the next participant to the relay. (2 mix)6. Competition Captain

Collect drawing. On the sheet, the drawing is cut on 10 parts. Who quickly? (2 envelopes with drawings)

7. "Grasshopes"

Choose jumping by moral - in height or long and Toll left, right Rsaw sospace silence. If he was very swollen, it was pushed into the apartments, then consider, the jump was able to fly in the flight of blesses.

Each family is built into the column one by one .. At the signal, the participant performs a jump in length, pushing out both legs. From the landing site, the jump does another .. The team wins, the one will be further than others.

The teams jumped perfectly, setting a high tone to us by the contest. Today, all worthy of the highest praise, all the teams showed cohesion and will to victory. But in all competitions there is someone better.

Now ask the judicial board to summarize the six-past competitions (one member of the judiciary announces results)

8.Als about health.

Teams in turn call proverbs. What a team knows more proverbs - wins.

9. "Bogatyry"

One player from the team. Every weight gain is 16 kg. Wins the one who will raise the ice for 30 seconds large quantity time. Each participant should have a judge.

(2 Giri)

10. Relay with an inflatable ball

Participants are built on the start line in the column one by one. At the first in his hands an inflatable ball. By the signal, he, having a ball with his hand, moves forward to the rotary rack and back. The second performs the same, but bakes a ball of a tennis racket, the third - gymnastic stick, the fourth - Badbinton racket, fifth - with his hands. The team wins, which earlier performs the task.

(2 inflatable balls, T / rackets, g / stick, b / rackets)

11.Sight words.

From letters wordsHardening Create words (names of land. in units, nominative without abbreviations). Which team will wins words more.

The results of the competition brings the jury.

Health is value and wealth,

Health people need to be treated!

There is a right and sport to do,

And harden, and with the charcoal to be friends.

Lead 1: Congratulations !!!

Friends! Despite the results of today's competitions, all participants and fans received a charge of cheerfulness and good mood!

Lead 2: That ended our sports holidayToday you have become even stronger, hardy and bold. I wish you to "day of health" you had every day: both at school, and at home. Be strong, healthy and dexterous!

Lead 1: Guys, always remember the winged phrases: "Sport and movement - life", "in a healthy body - healthy mind! "So that healthy, strong to be, you need sports, friends, love." We wish everyone: "Be healthy!".

See new meetings on sports fields!


Disclose the concept of a healthy lifestyle,

Determine the conditions for preserving health,

To form beliefs about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and health as the most main value.

Nature has a law - only the one who health will be happy. Away Goney-ka all the twigs! Walk to be healthy!

I'll tell you old legend: "Long ago, on Mount Olympus, there were gods. It became boring, and they decided to create a person and settle the planet Earth. Began to decide what a person should be. One of the gods said: "A person must be strong," the other said: "A person must be healthy," the third said: "A person must be smart." But one of the gods said this: "If all this is a person, he will be like us." And, they decided to hide the main thing that there is a person - his health. Began to think, decide - where to hide it? Some offered to hide health deep into the blue sea, others high mountains. And one of the gods said: "Health must be hidden in the person." So lives for a long time, man trying to find her health. Yes, that's not everyone can find and save the invalid gift of the gods.

Do you consider yourself a healthy person?

Tell me, what do you need to be healthy?

Correctly need to know and perform certain rules, such as day mode, proper nutrition, personal hygiene, active lifestyle. And our goal will familiarize yourself with the rules of health, learn how to maintain your precious health!

How do you understand this saying?

True, it means health more than any money. Each person needs to know how to save and strengthen its health.

There are certain rules that help a person grow healthy, strong, cheerful, ready to overcome difficulties in school, labor and life. And I suggest you once again to remember these rules, and maybe learn something new.

1 rule: Compliance with personal hygiene rules.

So that our body is healthy and beautiful, you need to take care of it and keep clean. What parts of the body especially need careful and constant care, we learn by answering the following questions.

1 . What helps determine, warm or cold object, smooth or rough surface? (leather)

2 . Two brothers live across the road, do not see each other? (eyes)

Eyes are the main helpers person. Look at each other in your eyes - they have fun you, clean. And what color of your neighbor?

And what rules need to be observed to not spoil eyesight? (Do not read lying, watch TV and play on a computer no more than 15 minutes in a row, take breaks in reading books, do eye charging, not indulging with sharp objects and be careful in your work)

3 . Thirty two fun friends

Up and down rush in a hurry

Bread nibble, nibble nuts? (teeth)

When the baby marks 2 years, his teeth completely cut through, this is milk teeth. They gradually fall out and constant appear in their place. Each tooth has a root. The tooth surrounds the gum.

How to care for your teeth?

Teeth and gums must be kept clean and once a year to be at the dentist.

4. What helps feel the smell of bread, colors, spirits? (nose)

5 . What protects finger tips from various injuries and damage? (nails)

6. They are straight, curly, wavy, long, short, red, black, blond? (hair)

7. The singing of birds, music, we are helped to hear hearing organs, and they are called - (ears)

And which items help to maintain our body clean, we will remember, guessing the riddles:

Bone back

Tough bristle

With mint paste friends

We are diligently served


Eludes how living

But I will not let him down.

Clear is quite:

Let me wash my hands.


Waffle and striped,

Smooth, shaggy,

Always at hand -

What it is?


I go, fermenting not in the forests,

And on the mustache, by hair, -

And my teeth are longer,

Than that of wolves and bears.


Here they are, our helpers are personal hygiene objects.

2 rule. Proper nutrition

Guys, last night I brought a letter from Carlson, and that's what he writes:

"Hello, friends! I am writing your letter from the hospital. My health has worsened: headache, in the eyes of the sprocket, the whole body is sluggish. Doctor says I need to eat right. I compiled a menu: cake with lemonade, chips, jam and peps-cola. This is my favorite food. I guess I will soon be healthy. Your carlson. "

What do you think, will Carlson get right soon? Is it true of his menu?

(No, to recover, you need to drink tea with jam, lemon, frost, eat porridge and soup, and this harmful products)

And what products must be found in our menu you will find out, solving the riddles:

1. Very juicy fruit.

The letter "I" is his name. ( apple)

2 . Small, bitter, useful, microbes kills, brother brother. ( garlic)

3. The girl is sitting in the dungeon, and Spit on the street. (carrot)

4 . Does not hit, does not scold, and they cry from him. (onion)

5 . Red beads hang

from the bushes we look at us.

Very love beads these

Children, birds and bears. (raspberries)

6. Sits rymoshka on one leg,

It is a hundred clothes: not spit, not linked, but all in scars. ( cabbage)

7 . Round, yes not a ball

Yellow, yes not butter,

Sweet, yes not sugar,

With tail, yes no mouse. ( turnip)

Vegetables, fruits, berries - main source of vitamins. Vitamins are necessary for health, organism growth, especially children.

We also have to eat meat, eggs, oil, fish, dairy products. Proper nutrition is, first of all, a variety of meals. People get a variety of food due to animals and plants.

Do you know what food is the most useful for breakfast?

Porridge, especially useful buckwheat porridge and oatmeal, and manna porridge is very calorie, it should be pre control workCompetitions. When you need a lot of energy.

Tired? So let's take a rest, take care of your health!

And now we will rest a little and play the game "Cups and Fur", at the same time I will check if you know Vegetables. I will call vegetables. If you eat the upper part of the plant, that is, the tops, you raise your hands and get up on the socks, and if the roots are eating the roots, what grows in the ground, then you are squatting.

Potatoes, tomato, carrots, beans, turnips, peas, radishes, cucumber, radish, zucchini, pepper.

We guys should remember that before eating fruit or vegetables, it is necessary to rinse them thoroughly with warm water.

3 rule. Compliance with the regime of the day.

When you eat and walk,

Go to school, draw,

Go to bed and get up

Everyone must know exactly.

Helps us, friends

In this case… ( daily regime)

The following rule that the person must observe, who seeks to preserve his health, to teach himself to order and discipline is observance of the regime of the day.

Tell me please, what is the day of the day?

Sure! The mode is the routine of affairs during the day.

When drawing up a day mode, it is necessary to study, work has been replaced by rest, at least 2 hours a day you spent on fresh air, not less than 3 times a day, drose (preferably at the same time), slept 8-9 hours, wake up and went to bed at the same time.

So, the day of the day is one of the helpers in the preservation of health.

4 rule. Sklirt.

But this is not enough to grow healthy, strong. What do you think still need to do to improve health? (harden, engage in physical education)

Guys, who of you is engaged in sports? What kind of sports do you do?

(You can ride a bike, roller skating, play football, volleyball, jogging, engage in the horizontal bar, play tennis, etc.)

And most importantly - to do the charging so that your body becomes strong and strong, and most importantly - healthy.

How to order your body?

(wet a wet towel, take a cool shower, wash the legs every day cool water, gradually make it colder, dress up the weather, do not join, swim in the summer, walk barefoot, sunbath cold water)

And what do you think in the lessons we must follow some rules to keep your health? (Observe the hygiene of the letter, to sit down correctly, make fizmintuki, charging for your eyes, to do a pause when reading)

It's time to summarize our event. I will call words if this word characterizes healthy manYou clap.

Prepared. So,

beautiful, sutured, strong, thick, tongue, deft, pale, ruddy, strong, clumsy, hardened.

What new learned? What are the main assistants and friends in preserving and health promotion?

Remember, guys, every person must take care of his health. After all, no one takes care of you better than you yourself.

Tell me, what was the goal today?

What's new you learned today?

What conclusion will we do?

For example, I, to be healthy, I will not eat chips ...

Wish you:

Never sick;

Eat right;

Be vague

Protect good deeds.


"World Health Day."

Prepared and spent:

Founded A.S.