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Heroes Story Night Healing. Boris Ekimova's story "Night of Healing"

I was afraid: what neither, and the farm, on the other ...
The second reason was more cooking: for some time the Baba of Dunya was alarming, talked, and even shouted in a dream. In their hut, at home, noise at least on the whole white light. Who will hear! But on a visit ... only they will be hurt and fall asleep, as the Baba Dunya fences, he will speak to a voice, she convinces someone, asks so clearly in the night silence, and then shout: "Kind people! Save !! " Of course, everyone wake up - and to the Baba Dun. And this dream is such an alarming. They will talk, they are looking for, Valerian will give and disperse. And an hour later the same: "Sorry Christ for the sake! Sorry!!" And again the apartment on end . Of course, everyone understood that old age and a wicked life was to blame, which babe did he spend. With war and hunger. Understand understood, but it was not easier.
Baba Dunya came - and adults, count, night did not sleep. Good little. Drove it to doctors. Those prescribed medications. Nothing helped. And the Baba of Dunya began to go to children less and less often, and then only an ardette: turns two hours in the bus, asks about health and back. And to her, in parental house, came only on vacation, in the summer. But here is Grisha's granddaugh, during the years by entering, began to ride more often: for the winter holidays, on October Holidays Yes May .
He fishes in the Don in the winter and in the summer, the mushrooms collected, rode skating and skiing, was friends with street guys, "I didn't miss the word, I didn't miss. Baba Dunya was happy.
And now with Grishin arrival, she pro row Forgot. The day flew invisible, in fuss and concerns. I did not have time to look back, and I was blue outside the window, approaching the evening. Grisha has declared lightly. Closed on the porch,
The Kratscheki flew in the hut, with a frosty spirit, and from the threshold stated:
- Tomorrow for fishing! Berch over the bridge is taken. Durom!
- It's good, - approved Baba Dunya. - Ears will shoot.
Grisha had dinner and sat down to disassemble the tackle: mormers yes brilliant Checked, half a day decomposing his wealth. And Baba Dunya settled on the couch and looked at the grandson, asking him about that of this. The grandson was all small and was small, and in recent year-two suddenly stretched out, and Baba Dunya with difficulty recognized in this legonogue, the abruptness of a teenager with a black fluff on a closure grishat.
- Baban, I say, and you can be sure. There will be ear and root. The firm of brooms does not knit. Meet.
- With brooms, the truth is bad, - agreed Baba Dunya. - up to three rubles in the bazaar.
Grisha laughed:
- I'm talking about fish.
- About fish ... I have an uncle fishing. Uncle Avdea. We lived on the cartoons. I was married from there. So there are fish ...
Grisha was sitting on the floor, among glitters and fishing lines, long legs - through the entire room, from the bed to the sofa. He listened, and then concluded:
- Nothing, and we will catch tomorrow: on the ear and root.
Outside the window the sun has long rolled out. Long spanned the sky. And already shining the moon half, but so good, clear. They laid down. Baba Dunya, conscientious, said:
- At night, I can, I will make noise. So you wake.
Grisha shook:
- I, Baban, I hear something. SPLE dead sleep.
- Well, thank God. And then I'm noisy, the old fool. I can not do anything.
Spent quickly, and Baba Dunya, and grandson.
But among the nights, Grisha woke up from a scream:
- Help! Help, good people!
Asked, in darkness he did not understand anything, and fear soda his.
- Kind people! Cards lost! Cards in blue handkerchief tied! Maybe who raised? - And the smalcrose.
Grisha has enjoyed where he and what. It screamed Baba Dunya. In the dark, heavy grandmother's breathing was so clearly heard so clearly. She seemed to have progressed, got his strength. And I signed up again until the voice:
- Cards ... Where are the cards ... in a blue handkerchief ... good people. Kids ... Petyan, Schurik, Takedka ... come home, they et. We will ask ... Dai loaf, Mother. And the Mother's Mother ... - Baba Duny stuck, as if stunned, and screamed: - Good people! Do not dare! Petyan! Shura! Takeda! - The names of the children, she seemed to drink, subtle and painfully.
Grisha could not stand, rose from bed, passed to the grandmother's room.
- Baban! Baban! He called. - Wake up ...
She woke up, touched:
- Grisha, are you? Woke you up. Sorry, Christ for the sake of.
- You, Baban, did not lie on the side, on the heart.
- On the heart, on the heart ... - Baba Dunya obediently agreed.
- It is impossible to heart. You're on the right lie.
- Lang, lying ...
She felt so guilty. Grisha returned to himself, lay down in bed. Baba Dunya tossed, sighed. Not immediately retreated what came in a dream. The grandson also did not sleep, lay, hearing . About the card he knew. They gave bread. For a long time, in war and after. And Petyany, about which grandmother grown, is a father.
In the liquid darkness of the lunar sequilate the cabinet and shelf. It began to think about the morning, about fishing, and already in the twilight Grisha heard Babushkino Matching:
"Winter finds ... Stomachs to stock ... kids, kids ... - muttered Baba Dunya. - The loaf is missing, and we will bypassed the stomachs. Do not find it, the sake of Christ ... Do not find out! She screamed. - Huch Give bags! Bags! - And sobbing shouted.
Grisha jumped out of bed.
- Baban! Baban! He shouted and lit the light in the kitchen. - Baban, wake up!
Baba Dunya woke up. Grisha leaned over her. In the light of the light bulb, they shone on a grandmother's face of tears.
- Baban ... - Grysha's huntou. - Do you really cry? So it's all dream.
- I cry, the old fool. In a dream, in a dream ...
- But the tears why are the real? After all, sleep is not true. You woke up, and that's it.
- Yes, it is now woken up. And there…
- What should tete?
- Did you dream? Yes, bad. As if I walked behind the thoughts, on the mountains. Scored in two bags. And the foresters on the ferry take away. It seems not to be. And bags do not give.
- Why do you need acory?
- fed. We are their fat, melloweexes added and cHURKE Baked, ate.
- Baban, do you just dream or was it? Gray asked.
- Dream, - answered Baba Dunya. - Dream - and it was. Do not bring, Lord. Do not bring ... well, go go go ...
Grisha left, and deep sleep Smorled him or the Baba Dunya did not scream no longer, but until late in the morning he did not hear anything. In the morning went fishing and, as promised, caught five good berch , on ear and root.
At dinner, Baba Dunya grieved:
- I do not let you sleep ... up to two times bulgachila . Old age.
- Baban, do not take the head, - reassured her Grisha. - I sleep, what my years ...
He gave birth and immediately began to gather. And when we put a ski suit, it became even higher. And he was beautiful, in a ski hat, such a cute face, boy, dark, with a blush. Baba Dunya near him seemed very old: a baked, walking body, the gray head was shaking, and in the eyes I had already seen something of the same. Grisha glimpse, but individual I remembered her face in the semit, in tears. The memory cut the heart. He hurried to leave.

Friends waited in the yard. Next lay a steppe. A little bit of green planting pine. So it was good to run there on skis. Smithy spirit penetrated into the blood by a lively chill and, it seemed, he asked the obedient body over the skiing. And it was easy to rush as if soaring. Behind the pines sandy bugs - Kuchugur, swords krasnutale . They walked a hilly ridge to Don. There, to a high zadon hill, also snowed, pulled. Mano to the steepness, when the sandy wind carres from the eye to a tear, and you are flying, slightly crossed, narrow-alkaline eyes chainly catch ahead every tuberculosis and wpadink to meet them, and your body is yours Chain in shaking summer. And finally, the bullets fly to a smooth tablecloth of a snow-covered river and, relaxing, having exhaled all the fright, roll and roll quietly, until the middle of the Don.
With this night, Grisha did not hear the worm of mandry shouts, although in the morning she understood it that she slept restlessly.
- I did not wake you up? Well, thank God…
Passed another day and yet. And then somehow in the evening he went to the mail, to the city to call. In conversation, mother asked:
- Sleep you Baba Dunya gives? - and advised: - She will only start talking from the evening, and you cry: "Silent!" She stops. We tried.
On the way home began to think about the grandmother. Now, from the side, it seemed so weak and lonely. And then these nights in tears, as if punishment. About the old years recalled father. But for him they passed. And for the grandmother - no. And with what, right, she is waiting for nights. All people lived bitter and forgotten. And she has it again and again. But how to help?
Savedly. The sun hidden behind the coastal bottom hills. Pink Cimea lay behind Don, and on it - a rare distant forest patterned mobile. In the village was quiet, only small kids laughed, rushing on sleds. About my grandmother it was painful. How to help her? How did the mother advised? Says helps. It may well be. This is the psyche. Order, shout - and stops. Grisha was leisurely and walked, thinking, and in his soul, something warmly and melted, something burned and burned. All evening for dinner, and then for the book, the tv Grisch has no, there is no yes and remembered the past. I remembered and looked at my grandmother, I thought: "If not to fall asleep."
For dinner he drank strong teaso as not to smorp. He drank a cup, another, preparing himself to a sleepless night. And the night came. Extended light. Grisha did not lay, and sat down in bed, waiting for his hour. Outside the window shone the moon. Snow Bell. Cherelli sira. Baba Dunya soon fell asleep, pouring. Grisha waited. And when I finally came from the room of my grandmother's room, he rose and went. Light in the kitchen lit, got up
Near the bed, feeling how it covers his unwitting trembling.
"Lost ... no ... no cards ..." Baba muttered to the Baba still quietly. - Cards ... Where ... Cards ... - Both tears, tears rolled up.
Grisha took a deep breath to shout louder, and even raised his leg - stupid. So sure for sure.
- Bread ... Cards ... - In a gravily flour, Baba Dunya spoke with tears.
The heart of the boy was pity and pain. Forgetting thoughtful, he sank to his knees before the bed and began to convince, gently, gentle:
- Here are your cards, babber ... in a blue handkerchief, yes? Are yours in a blue handkerchief? These are yours, you chose. And I raised. You see, take, - he persistently repeated. - All whole, take ...
Baba Dunny Smallkla. Apparently, there, in a dream, she heard everything and understood. I did not immediately come words. But came:
- My, mine ... My handkerchiefs, blue. People will say. My cards, I dropped. Save Christ good person
According to her voice, Grisha realized that she would now pay.
"No need to cry," he said loudly. - whole cards. Why cry? Take bread and carry the kids. Carry, have dinner and go to bed, "he said, as if ordered. - And sleep calmly. Spit.
Baba Dunny Smallkla.
Grisha waited, listened to even grandmother's breathing, rose. His bil chills . Some cold peelled to the bones. And it was impossible to warm up. The stove was still heat. He sat at the stove and cried. Tears rolled and rolled. They walked from the heart, because the heart was sick and left, regret Babu of the Dunya and someone else ... He did not sleep, but was in a strange forget, as if in the years distant, other, and in life someone else, and saw him there, in this Life, such bitter, such trouble and sadness that he could not not cry. And he cried, wiping tears with a fist. But as soon as Baba did talk, he forgot about everything. Clearly became a head, and left the body trembling. To the Baba Duna, he approached on time.
"There is a document, there is a document ... So he ..." she said a trembling voice. - I make my husband to the hospital. And night in the yard. Stop to spend the night.
Grisha seemed to see the dark street and a woman in darkness and opened her door to meet her.
- Of course, let me go. Please pass. Come down. Do not need your document.
- There is a document! - cried the Baba Dunya.
Grisha realized that you need to take a document.
- Well, let's. So ... Clear. Very good document. Correct. With a photo card, with stamp.
"Right ..." Baba Dunya sighed lightweight.
- Everything converges. Come down.
- I would be on the floor. Only until the morning. Watch
- No gender. Here is the bed. Spit calmly. Spit. Spit. On the bar and sleep.
Baba Dunny obediently turned to the right side, put his palm under his head and fell asleep. Now until the morning. Grisha sat over her, rose, put the light in the kitchen. The bed of the moon, dropping, looked into the window. Bell Snow, perverting alive sparks. Grisha lay down in bed anticipation How tomorrow will tell his grandmother and how together they ... But suddenly he burned his clear thought: it is impossible to talk. He understood clearly - not a word, nor even a hint. It should stay and die in it. Need to do and silence. Tomorrow's night and the one that will be behind her. Need to do and silence. And healing will come.

Tamara Yaremenko, fifteen years old, half-Russian-half-brewing, born in Kiev and who lost her mother during the bombing of Uzhin, reached Leningrad to aunt on his father. Tamara was a high height girl and looked older than his years. Aunt Anna Nikolaevna she had never seen before, and their relationship had a heavy. Anna Nikolaevna wanted to save from the death of a ten-year daughter Katya, for the sake of her for any sacrifices, and Tamara, having fallen on his head at the very terrible time, forced them to care about themselves. But Tamara has nowhere to go. Yes, and Leningrad was surrounded. As the famine increased, frosts intensified, hopelessness in the soul of Tamara grew. And, oddly enough, the main soothing thought was at Tamara thought that she was not necessary to go to school and that she could forget about her high growth, because of what the boys were laughing before her. She understood that he was weakening and what could die soon, but did not grumble, because he did not have time to grow up from misfortunes. And when during the air alarm she read Kate "Uncle Tom" hut " , I cried with her together. Tamara did not rise in thoughts to the court of country, his people, although it was not possible to say a "honest pioneer", but the "honest Komsomolskaya". She seemed to froze, waiting for the return of the life that she lived recently in the green city of Kiev, over Dnipro, among the quiet streaming Stolkov acacia , with mom and father.
Early in the morning of the fourth of January, forty-second-year-old Tamara stood in line for bakery on the work of the Labor Square. "The sky is already purple," she thought. "Soon the door will open. Additives if it is small, I eat. I suggest his tongue to the teeth and I will hold. From it will go juice. It has a lot of juice, especially in the crust, although she is firm. And about the frost is better not to think. If you endure anything for a long time, you do not notice anything already. In such a cold, frost is even more than on Earth, and pilots, probably, even worse than we. If you do not open the door, I will scream. I absolutely, I can not completely. Why, when people are bad, frost completely purple? If there is God, he is angry. My belly has never been so cold. Lord, forgive me, let the door open. And let them fall dry bread with an additive, because I never sees a piece of whole soldering ... and the old woman does not have a couple of mouths. In vain she sat on the end. If I do not minimize, then I will die too. Nothing, nothing, they will open the door someday. They hang us out, crumbs fall through wooden latticeAnd under the counter in the evening, a whole mountain of crumbs is recruited: and the saleswomen eat them, they definitely steal them. But everyone is afraid of them, because they can break even more. Frost such blue-blue. No, it is impossible to cry. I will come home, a blunder, I will apply with my head and then I will cry. How much I did not eat breakfasts on a change in school, how much I did not eat Viperret! When the loaf of dried and the oil on it is a rue, I threw the breakfast ... here. They open the door. Where it climbs craftsman ? Yeah, he was packed. It serves him right. Uncle launched. And the aunt from the passing yard. Me - next time. And the grandmother frozen. And the beydon on the snow is worth. And someone pulls the cards from her, because there is no patrol, nor a policeman ... "
Tamara was now near the Bulkoye. The glass in the door was knocked out and boiled by boards. On the hat of each nail to put the frost. From the bakery was heard of the deaf hopot from the variation of many legs by sleepy floor To the left of the door stood an artisan - a boy of fifteen years old, in a torn shaped vocabulary, with a closed towel neck, in a cap stretched on his ears. He leaned against the wall, his eyes were half a closed, like a sleeping bird, did not express anything blue. He came to the doors several times, but he was repelled. And he stood near the wall, without understanding that it was necessary to take the turn at the end, because all new people come and they would not let him down ahead, although he came before them.
The city slowly crawled out of darkness, but did not wake up, because he did not sleep. City and day and night kept in himself foolness . Square Square worried with snowdrifts. Between the snowdrifts, the turn in the bun. Snow dust smoked with roofs. And all this was silent. As if the city was standing at the bottom of the Dead Sea. Divorous trees, destroyed buildings, bridges, embankments, queue to bakery - all this was flooded by the student by the sea.
The artisan opened his eyes and said in a whisper:
- Citizens, I'm here yesterday, in the bakery, lost cards, let the citizens, not lying, citizens, remember.
Nobody answered him.
"If the cards lost, why do you need to bakery," Tamara thought. "No, you do not move, nothing will come. I do not trust you. Or maybe I believe you, but I better do not believe me. It is so scary - losing cards. Better let the bomb falls right into the bed. Only the Germans are little bombed in winter. And it would be better not to shoot from anti-aircraft gun. As soon as we start shooting, so they throw bombs. "
The door opened, and someone said:
- The following twenty.
In the bakery couple from breathing, spit over the lights of anchitol. Smokelock burned near the saleswoman. Behind the backs of saleswomen on the shelves lay loans. Long knives, one end attached to the counter, climbed over the next loaf, went down on her, clapped and slowly passed through. And the edges of the cut gloves from the pressure of the knife. And around was, as in the temple, muted. And everyone looked at the bread, on the knife, on the scales, on the hands of the saleswoman, on the crumbs, on the handful of card talonov And on the scissors that the fast zigzag were snatched from the cards of the coupons.

Tamara received bread for one day, because they did not give tomorrow. The norm could be about to change. And no one knew in which direction. Touch additives She did not dare. Put bread on the palm of the left hand and covered it with top right. The house is close - three quarters, and bread should not have frozen. She opened the door of the bakery door, then he looked at the gap head, then his shoulder, then stepped into the missed snow, brushed from the morning sun.
And immediately a black turn, white drifts and a lamppost rushed past her in a sparkling morning sky. The artisan pushed Tamaru, jumped on her, snatched her bread, bites him and focused on the snow, pouring his knees to the head itself. The queue slowly approached the artisan, and he disappeared under felt boots, boots, heloshes and shoes. People from the queue kept behind each other's shoulders. The artisan did not fight off, just tried to hide the face in the snow so that the bread could be swallowed. Then shouted. The queue quietly returned to its places. And Tamara pulled out of the bony fingers of the artisan, the remainder of bread, pushed, with traces of teeth. "Anna Nikolaevna will not believe me," she thought with indifference. "She told me to take avoska , I did not take, forgot. " The craftsman moved and sat down in the snow. Blood drops dropped from mouth to the SIZY VATER. The cap of it was lying in the snow, and the boy's pale hair moved the wind. But his wide in his lbui is narrow in the chin, with wrinkled skin, the face was humble.
- Are you crazy? - asked Tamara.
She shoved the rest of the bread in the mittens and went to channel Crucession, by a broken showcase of the pharmacy, past the sign "Savings Cassa", past the old cast-iron stands on the corner. Creduned the projectile, and the sound of a break among the severiennee silence sounded like something alive. Tamara rose to the third floor, heeked, in the dark, passed the corridor and finally challenged the door of the room. The windows of the room went into a narrow yard well, and therefore the glass survived. Two beds were silent in the corners, dodged with soft junk.
Anna Nikolaevna and Katya slept. "I will not wake them," Tamara decided. "I will leave my card, suitcase and shoes." Tomorrow they will get my one hundred and twenty-five grams. And I'll go somewhere. Well, what are you sleeping, Anna Nikolaevna. Goodbye, Katya. If it were possible, so that it was not today and now ... But it is impossible. Here, I only took the ring. Mom said to wear him always. It is not golden, Anna Nikolaevna, it is silver with gilding. For him will not give breads of bread, honest word. "
Tamara quietly covered the door, passed the kitchen, the corridor, went down the stairs, went to the canal, then to the square, past the old cast-iron stands on the corner, past the sign "Savings Cassa", and was on the boulevard of trade unions. Along the boulevard stood frozen trolley buses, the becking ridiculously arc, spreading wide wheels. Wind chalk game . Indelevated trees closed branches above their heads. Soon they began to be spinning, and Tamara did not know, she goes, or stands, or sits, and did not know, night now or day.
... Arch Post Office, frozen clock. Black sailors from a patrol with machine guns on the chest. The machine with the inscription: "Mail". Living car, warm smoky flies from it. Tamara pushed in high door post office. They barely succumbed. A huge hall with a white, sparkling roof. Both packages, bags, bags, bags ... and no droplets are warmer than on the street. But no wind. She sat in the corner, pulled the floors of the coat on his knees, shoved his hands in the sleeve, climbed and saw a big yellow, overwhelming cucumber. And cows tied with rope for horns to refugee carts. Cows stepped, spreading the hind legs wide, they have not done them for a long time.
- I found a place to sleep! - Someone said loudly. - From what district ?
The man was tall, in a white serrated coat, one sleeve shovel under the belt.
- I arrived, I do not interfere, honestly. I lost the cards, "Tamara said.
- Komsomolka? You, damn it, ask!
- Yes. I'm just with war contributions did not pay ...
"Disgrace," said one-handed .- Liberation. Sequels you are little in early childhood. Sequels or not?
"I don't know," Tamara said.
- Are you stones or not in childhood?
- I do not know. Do not drive me out, I will not be bad ...
- Get up!
He took her hand for the collar, raised, shook, then the wires in lobby And pushed through heavy double doors to the street. And she immediately sat in the snow.
"Very good," he said. "So sit." The plot will be called: "She lost cards." Damn, the shutter immediately freezes! Would you know how difficult it is to take pictures with one hand! Everything. Get up! Do we need to go, do you hear? Here I have a great corner here, and the oven burns there, and the glue is boiled for the third hour.
One-handed again grabbed her for the collar and raised to his feet. Yellow arch post office and big blue clock. Black sailors from a patrol with orange machines on the chest. Sparkling snow and falling with wire sparkling frills. And somewhere not far - boom! - In the broken stone struck hot, sharp and heavy.
"Stepi, walk," said one-handed. "" You are not so good, as you think. " It's full of life. I will warm you and send you to work. You will go to spread correspondence . See, the door under the stairs? Living under the stairs calmer at such a time. The strongest in the world is what the people are climbing up. Sit down to the stove and now you can sleep. And after two hours you will go to work.
She sat down on the bed to the stove, and the evening clouds behind the Dnieper and the birds flying over the water were presented. And then she rushed to sleep. And woke up when the one-handed shake her again for a collapse. She did not immediately remember how he got here.
Occupy - said the one-handed. - What are you calling mom? I removed the foam for the fourth time ... did you cook the glue? You see, it boils violently, and the foam does not stand out. Will we shoot? Merry will work out if the guts are glued! I will especially be bad.
- Why? - asked Tamara.
- One hand embroidering guts are harder than two. Believe me, I have precedent . I had to zazim near New land on icebreaker. The captain got drunk in the colony and for a day I was late for departure.
Talking, one-handed shifted cooked carbon black From the saucepan in the saucepan. - The team almost beat the old man when we realized that in the winter because of his protracted drunken. A month later, they fought only on the bank of canned food onto the mouth and a hundred grams of crackers. Now it seems that a lot! Then we made the way Krasin " Three days in Arkhangelsk did not take us by the police. It was possible to break the showcase and lie among the trees, and you would not even take you into the police ... Now I will expose brew On the frost, and in five minutes we will swallow it.
"Do not put the door, Uncle," Tamara said. "They will take the cats."
- The origins of logical thinking to you have come back to you, "said one-handed one." It remains to return the memory: the last cat here ate a month two. And do not drink cold water After my jelly. We will break with boiling and boiling, and do not try to drink cold. And taking into account, drinking will want to want.
- Honestly, I will not.
- Me Valery Ivanovich is called. How old are you?
- Soon it will be sixteen.
"I thought more ... Go to the beginning here, close, along the embankments." Here, see this bag? She wore Olya. You will have to be worthy of its bright memory. On janitors just do not hope. The jungle of our wipers were. Come on the night here. The name of?
- Tamara.
He brought jelly And pulled it out of a saucepan on a plate, was sat down and cut the fork to the share. It was a wonderful jelly. He was tasty of everything in the world, although it did not have any taste in it, no smell. And it was absolutely impossible to chew it: he immediately slipped into the throat. Then they got drunk boiling water, and the one-handed said:
- If you throw a bag or letters, you will become a scoundrel and die with a scoundrel. If you deal them at the addresses, komsomol Will be proud of you.
And she felt the severity of the postal bag on her shoulder and decided that if there was God, he was good ...

With civilians during the armed conflict, it is always necessary to contact Humano:

    it is forbidden to resort to acts of violence in circulation with civilian population (murder, torture, corporal punishment, injury, medical or scientific experiments);

    the peaceful population and its property should not be the object of attacks of participants in hostilities;

    the parties in the conflict are obliged to provide the necessary assistance to the civilian population.

The grandson came and ran away with the guys on skis ride. And the Baba of Dunya, by once, revived, fussed in the house: Cooking the patties, pieding up, took the jam and a compote and glanced in the window, whether Grisha was running.
The grandson declared to the lunchtur, it was sang, as it was drunk, and again, now, now in a log, with skates. And again, Baba Dunya was left alone. But it was not loneliness. The grandson's shirt was lying on the couch, his books on the table, the bag was thrown at the threshold - everything is not on the spot, Array. And the living spirit has sleigh in the house. The son and daughter of Svili's nest in the city and were rare - well, if once a year. The Baba Dunya had no more often and tried in the evening in the evening. On the one hand, for the hut was afraid: what neither, and the farm, with the other ...
The second reason was more cooking: for some time the Baba of Dunya was alarming, talked, and even shouted in a dream. In their hut, at home, noise at least on the whole white light. Who will hear! But on a visit ... they just go there and fall asleep, as the Baba Duny fences, speaks into a voice, she convinces someone, asks so clearly in the night silence, and then he shouts: "Good people! Save !! " Of course, everyone wake up - and to the Baba Dun. And this dream is such an alarming. They will talk, they are looking for, Valerian will give and disperse. And an hour later the same thing: "Sorry to Christ! Sorry!!" And again the apartment end. Of course, everyone understood that old age and a wicked life was to blame, which babe did he spend. With war and hunger. Understand understood, but it was not easier.
Baba Dunya came - and adults, count, night did not sleep. Good little. Drove it to doctors. Those prescribed medicines. Nothing helped. And the Baba of Dunya began to go to children less and less often, and then only an ardette: turns two hours in the bus, asks about health and back. And to her, in the parent house, came only on vacation, in the summer. But here is Grisha's granddaugh, during the years by entering, it began to ride more often: for the winter holidays, on the October holidays and May.
He fishes in the Don in the winter and in the summer, the mushrooms collected, rode skating and skiing, was friends with street guys, "I didn't miss the word, I didn't miss. Baba Dunya was happy.
And now with Grishin's arrival, she forgot about the hands. The day flew invisible, in fuss and concerns. I did not have time to look back, and I was blue outside the window, approaching the evening. Grisha has declared lightly. Closed on the porch,
The Kratscheki flew in the hut, with a frosty spirit, and from the threshold stated:
- Tomorrow for fishing! Berch over the bridge is taken. Durom!
- It's good, - approved Baba Dunya. - Ears will shoot.
Grisha had dinner and sat down to disassemble the tackle: Mormers yes brilliantly checked, half a day laying out his wealth. And Baba Dunya settled on the couch and looked at the grandson, asking him about that of this. The grandson was all small and was small, and in recent year-two suddenly stretched out, and Baba Dunya with difficulty recognized in this legonogue, the abruptness of a teenager with a black fluff on a closure grishat.
- Baban, I say, and you can be sure. There will be ear and root. The firm of brooms does not knit. Meet.
- With brooms, the truth is bad, - agreed Baba Dunya. - up to three rubles in the bazaar.
Grisha laughed:
- I'm talking about fish.
- About fish ... I have an uncle fishing. Uncle Avdea. We lived on the cartoons. I was married from there. So there are fish ...
Grisha was sitting on the floor, among glitters and fishing lines, long legs - through the entire room, from the bed to the sofa. He listened, and then concluded:
- Nothing, and we will catch tomorrow: on the ear and root.
Outside the window the sun has long rolled out. Long spanned the sky. And already shining the moon half, but so good, clear. They laid down. Baba Dunya, conscientious, said:
- At night, I can, I will make noise. So you wake.
Grisha shook:
- I, Baban, I hear something. Sleep dead sleep.
- Well, thank God. And then I'm noisy, the old fool. I can not do anything.
Spent quickly, and Baba Dunya, and grandson.
But among the nights, Grisha woke up from a scream:
- Help! Help, good people!
Painting, in the darkness he did not understand anything, and fear squeezed him.
- Kind people! Cards lost! Cards in blue handkerchief tied! Maybe who raised? - And the smalcrose.
Grisha has enjoyed where he and what. It screamed Baba Dunya. In the dark, heavy grandmother's breathing was so clearly heard so clearly. She seemed to have progressed, got his strength. And I signed up again until the voice:
- Cards ... Where are the cards ... in a blue handkerchief ... good people. Kids ... Petyan, Shurik, Tainchik ... I will come home, they will ask ... Lovely give, Mother. And the Mother's Mother ... - Baba Duny stuck, as if stunned, and screamed: - Good people! Do not dare! Petyan! Shura! Takeda! - The names of the children, she seemed to drink, subtle and painfully.
Grisha could not stand, rose from bed, passed to the grandmother's room.
- Baban! Baban! He called. - Wake up ...
She woke up, touched:
- Grisha, are you? Woke you up. Sorry, Christ for the sake of.
- You, Baban, did not lie on the side, on the heart.
- On the heart, on the heart ... - Baba Dunya obediently agreed.
- It is impossible to heart. You're on the right lie.
- Lang, lying ...
She felt so guilty. Grisha returned to himself, lay down in bed. Baba Dunya tossed, sighed. Not immediately retreated what came in a dream. The grandson also did not sleep, lay, angry. About the card he knew. They gave bread. For a long time, in war and after. And Petyany, about which grandmother grown, is a father.
In the liquid darkness of the lunar sequilate the cabinet and shelf. It began to think about the morning, about fishing, and already in the twilight Grisha heard Babushkino Matching:
"Winter finds ... Stomachs to stock ... kids, kids ... - muttered Baba Dunya. - The loaf is missing, and we will bypassed the stomachs. Do not find it, the sake of Christ ... Do not find out! She screamed. - Give your bags! Bags! - And sobbing shouted.
Grisha jumped out of bed.
- Baban! Baban! He shouted and lit the light in the kitchen. - Baban, wake up!
Baba Dunya woke up. Grisha leaned over her. In the light of the light bulb, they shone on a grandmother's face of tears.
- Baban ... - Grysha's huntou. - Do you really cry? So it's all dream.
- I cry, the old fool. In a dream, in a dream ...
- But the tears why are the real? After all, sleep is not true. You woke up, and that's it.
- Yes, it is now woken up. And there...
- What should tete?
- Did you dream? Yes, bad. As if I walked behind the thoughts, on the mountains. Scored in two bags. And the foresters on the ferry take away. It seems not to be. And bags do not give.
- Why do you need acory?
- fed. We were their fat, the metlests were a bit added and Chiaki Becki, ate.
- Baban, do you just dream or was it? Gray asked.
- Dream, - answered Baba Dunya. - Dream - and it was. Do not bring, Lord. Do not bring ... well, go go go ...
Grisha left, and strong sleep smored him or the Baba Dunya no longer screamed, but until late in the morning he did not hear anything. In the morning I went fishing and, as promised, caught five good bears, on the ear and root.
At dinner, Baba Dunya grieved:
"I do not give you to sleep ... Up to two times Bulgachel." Old age.
- Baban, do not take the head, - reassured her Grisha. - I sleep, what my years ...
He gave birth and immediately began to gather. And when we put a ski suit, it became even higher. And he was beautiful, in a ski hat, such a cute face, boy, dark, with a blush. Baba Dunya near him seemed very old: a baked, walking body, the gray head was shaking, and in the eyes I had already seen something of the same. Grisha is glimpse, but clearly remembered her face in the semit, in tears. The memory cut the heart. He hurried to leave.

Subject. "Strive to do good" by the story of Boris Ekimov "Night of Healing".
Lesson Type: Lesson-Reflection.
1.Slide 2 goals:
1. To enable children to reflect on mercy, manifestation of kindness to others and respect for other peoples in need; Rail a culture of human relationships.

2. Conduct acquaintance with some techniques for analyzing artistic

works, deepen the idea of \u200b\u200bthe character of the hero given in development,

to bring up sympathy, compassion, empathy, to teach heat to relate to helpless old age, to divide someone else's pain.

3. Provide the skills of comparative analysis. Learn to generalize, draw conclusions.

* Educational: expand the knowledge of students about the history of Russia during the years of the Great Patriotic War; improve the skills of comparative analysis; deepen the idea of \u200b\u200bthe character of the hero given in development.

* Developing:develop creative and student cognitive abilities, speech, attention, imagination.

* Educational:educating goodwill, skill to sympathize with others.

Get a sample of sensitivity, responsiveness in relation to loved ones.

Develop the desire to be tolerant in the society of people; raise internationalism; promote development oral speech Pupils.
2. Equipment of the lesson:

1.Table "plot elements."

2.Multimedia presentation;
3. Portraits of Mothers of War years.
4.Serocopies of the text of the story B. Ekimova "Night of Healing".

5. Working notebook students.

3. Traveling homework:
General: Read the story. Prepare for retelling the main episodes. Conduct comparable analysis of the images of heroes for 6 issues and make the appropriate conclusions. Emarize the appearance of the main characters in the notebook.

V.G. Korolenko "Children of the Dungeon", Mark Aldanov "Damn Bridge"

V. Bestov "Alpine Ballad"

  1. Lesson plan:

I. The word of the teacher's conversation on the works of Russian literature on the topic "Tolerance"

2. Work with aphorism.
II. Report about the author.
III. Conversation to identify the assimilation of the content.
IV. Resets of the main episodes.
V. Description of the appearance of the main characters.
Vi. Comparative analysis.
VII. Creative work By text - the disclosure of the soul wealth of Grisha.
VIII. Missing conversation - thinking.
IX. Conclusion in the lesson.
X. Homework.

  1. Teacher's introductory word. Login.

My friends! I am very glad to enter the friendly class.

And for me already a reward - the attention of your smart eye.

I know each in the genius class, but without difficulty talent is not the future.

Cross the same swords of our opinions and together with a lesson.

6. During the classes

Slide 3.

- We will work in groups:

First group - literary critics; Second group - historians.
1. Summer word teacher.
The theme of our classes today will again be tolerance.

Slide 4.

(Issues of tolerance - good, tolerance, all-sustavits, mercy)

We will continue the conversation on this topic, following the pages of Russian literature. After all, literature - a mirror of life, it was reflected in it all important issues that worried our compatriots for many centuries, including the issues of tolerance. Individual students (historians) performed individual tasks - considered the issues of tolerance in different literary works, they will complement the answers and comment on them. Other are invited to remember the content of the proposed works and try to find the correct answer to the task received. But I want to start with myself ancient book - Bible, one of the commandments of Christ people sound like these words:

Slide 5 "Love your neighbor, like yourself." Bible

Slide 6 "Theme of tolerance in Russian literature"

Teacher: Let's turn to other works. A good Russian soul has long been well known to all nations.

Slide 7 "Yes, here they are, Russian characters! It seems simple person, but a harsh misfortune will come, and the great power rises in it - human beauty. Every Russian has its own character. But they have a common - love for homeland, close and stranger, modesty, mercy, tolerance and understanding - all that has long distinguished the Russian man and made it truly beautiful. "

A.N. Tolstoy "Russian Character"

Slide 8.

M.Gorka "Legend of Danko", A.P.Platonov "Yushka"

V.G. Korolenko "Children of the Dungeon", Mark Aldanov "Damn Bridge"

V. Bestov "Alpine Ballad"

M.Gorky "Legend of Danco"

"It was a difficult path, and people, fatigue them, fell in spirit. Here they are in anger and in the anger fell on Danko. Danko looked at those for whom he suffered work, and saw that they were like beasts. Then the indignation broke out in his heart, but it went out of pity for people. And his heart flashed with fire to save them, bring to an easy way. And suddenly he ripped his chest himself and pulled his heart out of her and raised him high above his head. - Go! - shouted Danko and rushed forward. And suddenly the steppe broke in front of him. I threw myself ahead of myself on the Shreping of the steppe proud dankozk, "he threw a joyful gaze to his free land and laughed proudly. And then fell and died. "

M.Gorky "Legend of Danco"
A.P. Platonov "Yushka"

"Yushka - the main character. Adults and children mocked him in the village. They called, beat and rushed into it with stones and sticks. He never answered the evil on evil, because he loved people. In the village, he helped for free by housework. And everyone enjoyed him kindness and hardworking. He was special, and therefore people considered him blissful. Many people discovered him that he lives it useless. And when he decided to protect himself and asked - what did he prevent them from? - He is killed. However, without a jushia, living people became worse. Now, all the evils and mockery remained among people and spent between them, because there were no Yushka, unrequitedly tolerant of anyone else's evil, fierce, mockery and unfavorably. "

Platonov "Yushka"
V.G. Korolenko "Children of the Dungeon"
Korolenko's story "Children of the Dungeon" is bright example Relationships of people of different social provisions.

Family Vasi secured, which deserves respect, as Father Vasi is a judge, but disobedient. In this family, the feeling of loneliness and not understanding. After the death of the mother in the family, everyone is distinguished from each other. The judge does not engage in children, does not speak, does not live their lives. I consider Vasya to be a vagabol and thief.

In the family of Tiburg, which was thrown into the dungeon, life is built on understanding, support, care and love to each other. Valek is forced to steal not for wealth, but to feed her father and sister. Vasya, struck by these trembling relations, becomes kind, caring, patient. When the judge finds out the truth about the Son that Vasya can appreciate the friendship that he is good, responsive, knows how to sympathize with the sorrow of other people, his father changed his attitude towards him. Understanding the Son and sympathy grieves them, and the understanding makes it oppose any grief. In particular, their oaths do not grace Marusi, probably about the human grief, that they will always help everywhere, wherever it does not meet.

V.G. Korolenko "Children of the Dungeon"

Mark Aldanov "Damn Bridge"
For the excitement of hatred for Suvorov, rumors came about ferryness from Paris to the Army of Russian Commander-in-Chief about the fact that in Izmail he cut 1000 Turks and 1000 Pole during the assault. But this did not cause hatred and thirst for cven with the soldiers of the French army, more than once, who had seen caring of the commander to the opponent's soldier. He often appeared on his stale grocery in the saddle before the start of the battle, holding a notebook in his hands is not paying attention to shooting.

In the evening after the evening council, he sat down at the table and began writing an order for retreat. Before he never doubted the right thing to which he served. What made him do it? To the right of it downstairs, the sole mountains, the lights of some houses were burning. In his gray head, suddenly came that what horror, what disasters brought the army to the inhabitants of this innocent edge. Mountains were covered with vineyards. Where grapes grow, the people are always kind and welcome. And the old tower testified to the ancient culture of the people. In the morning, there were people who believed and leading to the trolleys in the morning. (He gave an order to apply Grozny measures against robbers)

Mark Aldanov "Damn Bridge"

V. Bulls "Alpine Ballad"

Quick answer: "Alpine Ballad" V. Bykov. It is told about the three days of freedom that fled from the fascist camp of the Russian prisoner of war and the Italian girl Julia, who was next to him. In the inhuman conditions of overtaking chase Fascists, Ivan assumed responsibility for someone else's girl and saved her at the cost of his life. These three days of Freedom illuminated short, but dazzling, like lightning, love. Russian soldier died, and the "Italian señora" jested a bright memory of him after all his life, he found his tracks in Russia, found him relatives and wrote a letter to them to tell me the truth about the feat of their fellow villagers, because "no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten " But they did not even know each other's language!

2. Conclusion. Teacher

We today stopped the attention of all seven episodes from the works of Russian literature, which reflected questions of tolerance. This is a small part of her great heritage, but these examples proved to us that the topic of tolerance in Russian literature is relevant at all times.

Slide 9.

The driver admired the One Commandment of Christ, the commandment of serving to others: "In order for he (man) to get at least some joy in the short segment of him, he should think - how to improve the situation not only for himself, but also for others. If we are going to improve the situation for others, we need to hurry. Time leaves. On this path, I will go just once. So let me now I bet any decent act or show kindness. Let I do not miss the case to do it, for I will never go through this way. "

3. Teacher's conversation

At home you read the story. Did you like him?

Hero story teach us a life lesson. And what lesson, you will say at the end of the lesson.
4. Work with aphorism
Children are distributed cards on which aphorisms are recorded.

I suggest the epigraph to the lesson, I suggest you choose (on the tables of students lie cards with epigraphs).

Each child reads his aphorism and tries to explain it. Teacher, if necessary, helps him.
Slide 10.
Epigraph - saying, brief quotation Before the work or part of it, characterizing the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work
Aphorisms for work
- Look at the proposed statements famous people And try to choose in the most suitable for our topic. Write it down in a notebook.

(Pupils are on the tables with epigraphs).
1. "Who is full of mercy, certainly possesses courage." (Confucius)

2. "To own yourself so much to respect others like himself, and to do with them as we wish you to come with us - this is what can be called humans." (Confucius)

3. "To believe in good, you have to start doing it." (L. Tolstoy)

4. "Who is looking for evil, it comes to that." (Solomon)

5. "Kindness, tolerance, the mutual forgiveness of the offense switched to a good family in mutual loveDespite family numerous. Love and consent between relatives gave the beginning of love outside the house. From a person who is not loving and does not respect their own relatives, it is difficult to wait for respect for someone else's people. "

(Vasily Belov, famous modern writer)

6. "The most important human quality is the ability to empathize, compassion someone in the mountain, and in joy." Sukhomlinsky.

7. "If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve the name of the person" Saadi.

8. "Yes, here they are, Russian characters! It seems simple person, and a harsh misfortune will come, and the great power rises in it - human beauty. Every Russian has its own character. But they have a common - love for homeland, close and stranger, modesty, mercy, tolerance and understanding - all that has long distinguished the Russian man and made it truly beautiful. "

A.N. Tolstoy "Russian Character"

"Honor, the nobility does not arise themselves, the formation of a person is happening in the father's house. The Russian person is peculiar to the desire of good, pity, patience and mercy, as the ability to breathe, and evil is an exception to the rule. "

Vladimir Nabokov

Slide 11 (epigraph)
"Honor, the nobility does not arise themselves, the formation of a person is happening in the father's house. The Russian person is peculiar to the desire of good, pity, patience and mercy, as the ability to breathe, and evil is an exception to the rule. "

Vladimir Nabokov
5. Tender teacher
Teacher. Okay. Now let's get acquainted with the author of the work - Boris Petrovich Ekimov.

Individual task.2.

Pupils from the Historian Group talk about the life and work of B. Ekimov.

Slide 12.

Boris Petrovich Ekimov was born in 1938 in the city of Igarka Krasnoyarsk Territory. Most famous works: "Tree for mother", "Healing Night", "For warm bread», « Alive soul"," Parental House ". The question of the self-determination of a person in life is central in the work of B. Ekimov. According to the writer, it begins with responsibility to reality, with disinterested readiness to divide the pain of a living being, to console the suffering. It is this moment at the destinies of heroes and makes B. Tychimov the central nerve of many of their stories.

Story about the writer and his works. Message prepared student:
Boris Ekimov he was born on November 19, 1938 in the distant northern Igarka of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where the parents of the future writer are the experts on the Pushnin - came to work. Boris Ekimova's father, Peter Alexandrovich, soon seriously fell ill and died in May 1939 in Irkutsk, in his homeland. Mother, Antonina Alekseevna, left with her son to Kazakhstan, at the station or, not far from Alma-Ata, where with the juvenile son he lived as the wife of the "enemy of the people" her native sister Anna Alekseevna. Sisters decided to live together and lived so all their life. Mother's sister husband, fortunately, returned from the camp alive, and at the end of the war they allowed them to return to Russia, however, "without the right to stay in regional centers" So Ekimov found himself in the village of Kalach-on-Don of the Volgograd region, from the Don Cossacks. The path in the literature began with a book reading. He learned to read at 4 years old at the neighbor's first-grader girl. After graduating from high school, he studied at the Stalingrad Mechanical Institute, but, as the writer himself says, the Institute "not Domuchil". He served in the army, worked at the factory by the Electrician. The first story was printed in 1965 in the journal "Young Guard". He graduated from the highest literary courses in the literary institute. The most famous works of the writer, as the stories of the "officers", "Christmas tree for the mother", "Living Soul", "Parental House", "For Warm Bread", "Healing Night". All have been released more than 20 books. Boris Ekimov - Winner of the I.A. Prize Bunin, Moscow-foam premium. Now lives in Vologda. In conclusion, I want to bring the words of Boris Ekimova himself: "Good literature is akin to religion. They are trying to make a person think about the meaning of their existence and on what he should live decently. "

  1. Slide 13 Wordwork.

Interpretation lexical meaning words egoism, mercy, compassion, humanity, tolerance

- Look and remember the meaning of words and write it to the notebook.

Mercy is a willingness to help someone or forgive someone from compassion, humanity.
Compassion - pity, sympathy, excited by unhappiness of another person.
tolerance -

Understanding is the ability to look at the world at the same time from two points of view: for its other person
-Teacher. Will they reflect in our story Boris Ekimova "Night of Healing".

-Teacher. What is this work?

- Rent students.

About memories of war.

About the healing of the soul.

About the experiences of women Duni.

About the goodness of the grandson.

About the indifference children of women Duni to her suffering.

On the loneliness of women Duni.

On the development of the soul Grisha.

7 . Fastening knowledge, skills and skills.
1. Working with the text of the story. Analysis of the story.
- Who is the main hero of the story?

Determine the topic of the story (literary criticists suggest what theme of the work is).

Slide 14.

the topic of the work - the circle of events forming the life of the work
-What problems are affected in the story of Ekimov?
* The consequences of war for peaceful people, the memory of war.

* Relationships of two generations.

* Humane attitude towards the suffering person.
- How many parts can you divide the story?
(three parts, the first part - the arrival of Grisha,

the second part is the first night in the village,

the third part is the healing night).
The teacher explains that the author uses a dream of a sleep, with the help of which he wants to show that the memory of the war is inextricably linked with the consciousness of people who survived the Great Patriotic. War even in a dream does not leave the old people, makes not forget those terrible years.
- Determine the main elements of the plot.

Slide 15.
Tie - alarming dreams of women Duni.
Development of action - the arrival of the grandson, its various classes; the joy of grandmother; Estimation for alarming sleep.
Culmination - Finding the only purpose fashion Healing grandmother.
An omission is hope for complete healing of grandmother.

Sharing a story on the part, we broke it on the micro theme.

Find keywords of the first part (one, loneliness).

Why did Baba Dunya rarely drove to the children?

How did Baba Dunya relate to his fellow?

What survived the Baba Dunya during the war years?

What details help us learn what is happening many years ago?
Dreams are an art detail (write a definition in a notebook).
Slide 16.
Artistic detail - The smallest fine detail, element of the landscape or portrait, thing, deed, psychological condition.
- What word often repeated in a dream of Baba Dunya? (cards)
- Card - a blank with cutting coupons, giving the right to receive products with the normalized system of their distribution

Turn to the text of the work

Teacher: You had to follow at home, with a research approach to trace the characters of heroes, compare them for 6 issues. Thus, we go to comparative analysis, along the way, making briefly appropriate conclusions.



1. Do they support Babu Dunya?

  • "Swivel nests in the city";

  • "They rarely run - well, if once a year";

  • "And to her, to the parent house, came only on vacation, in the summer."
Children were removed not only from their native places, but also from the mother.

"... In the years in the years, I began to ride more often: on the winter holidays, on the October holidays and May. He fishes in the winter and in the summer and in the summer, the mushrooms collected, rode skates and Skiing, was friends with street guys - I didn't miss the word. "

The grandson pulls to the native sources to his native person.

2. How does this affect the life of Baba Duni?

"And again Baba Dunya remained alone." Leads the farm alone, it is physically difficult. But most importantly - she is alone. And this loneliness presses hard on her. Life flows monotonous. She has nothing to be distracted from heavy memories, and they take the top over it.

She really lacks children. She raised them with such love, the whole soul put in them, struggled for them, saved them into the difficult military and post-war years.

"The grandson arrived ... And Baba Dunya, by once revived, riserly fussed in the house: Cooking the pies, the cakes started, took the jam and compotes ... Lying a grandson's shirt on the couch, books on the table, the bag was thrown at the threshold - everything is not On the spot, Armand. And the living spirit has sleigh in the house. " With a mushkin arrival, she forgot about Golov. The day flew without seeing, in fuss and concerns.

With the arrival of the grandson she was transformed, the soul. It was with whom to talk, for whom to cook about com.

3. How do they transfer the alarming dream of women Duni?

"Of course, everyone understood that old age and disadvantaged life was to blame ... with war and hunger. Understand understood, but it was not easier. Baba Dunya came, and adults, count, night did not sleep. Good little. "

The arrival of the mother to them in a burden.

On the prevention of the grandmother answers: "I won't hear anything. I sleep dead sleep. " When the grandmother is experiencing that he walked him at night twice, Grisha says: "Do not take the head. I sleep, what my years ... ".

He is not in a burden to wake up at night from the disturbing screams of the grandmother. He thinks not about himself, but about grandmother.

4. What does their concern appear?

"Drove it to doctors, they prescribed medicines. Nothing helped. "

Do not delve into its condition. Limited to the appeal to the doctor, to drugs.

"Now, on the part, it seemed so weak and lonely. And then there are still nights in tears ... "Pretty:" Are you really crying? ". "... it only dreams, or was it?". Trying to understand it. Thinks how to help her.

Regrets, loves grandmother. Understands her heart.

5. How calmed the Baba of the Dunya?

"She will only start talking from the evening, and you cry:" "Silent!" She will stop. We tried. "

"We" are the parents of Grisha: the daughter-in-law of Baba Duni, not a native man, and the son of Petyan, apparently, fully confessed his wife.

They acted in the spirit of the cruel military time. With his cry - by order, they only strengthened her fear, bitterness, mental pain.

"... kneed his knees before the bed and began to convince gently, gentle ...". "Grisha seemed to see the dark street and a woman in darkness ...". "... persistently repeated" words.

Grisha does not shout, but acts hypnotically, with the help of suggestion. He, as it were, is transferred to the alarming world of grandmother, is gaining in the image. He really loves and wants to free his native person from a painful spiritual state.

6. As belong to the past?

"I remembered my father about the old years. But for him they passed. " "All people lived bitter and forgotten."

Apparently, the Son did not feel until the end. All gravity and sorrow of that life, the mother took her shoulders. She proteged children as he could. Even on the collections of the acorns walked alone.

"Tears rolled and rolled ... The heart was sick and left, regret Babu of the Dunya and someone else ... He did not sleep, but was in strange forgetting, as if in the years distant, other, and in life someone else, and saw him there , in this life there is a bitter, such trouble and sadness that he could not not cry ... "

The grandson is endowed with a sharp feeling of love and pity, the ability to compare the grief of a close and beloved person.

What impression was the story for you?

* For the first time he thought about the fact that my loved ones need my help.

* I was scared, that so far the war so torments people.

* I thought: what would I do on the place of Grisha? Would you like him?)
What feelings did you experience while reading?
* Anxiety, pity for Baba Dun.

* Pity for those who have no close, to the remaining one on one with his misfortune.

* Surprised by the behavior of Grisha.
- What impression was made on you the story, what feelings did you experience while reading?

For the first time, he thought about what, maybe my loved ones need my help.

I was scared that the war still torments people.

I felt pity for lonely people who have no loved ones and relief when Grisha could heal his grandmother.


Yes, Boris Ekimov raises very important problems in his story: a humane attitude towards the suffering person, teaches warmly applies to helpless old age, to divide someone else's pain. Thus, the writer speaks of mercy.

Grishin is a long, difficult, soft, sensitive, kind; He calms the psyche, eliminates the grandmother from the experiences, i.e. heals her, it helps it. Grisha shows humanity, love, mercy, compassion.
5 Work on the disclosure of symbols title.
Tasks for groups. 1 group - pick up single words for the word healing.

Slide 17.
(Healer, healing, healing, heal, healing).

Pick up synonyms for the word healing.

(Cure, recovery, health restoration).

Call associations arising with the word healing.

(Revival, resurrection, cleansing, health gain).
- How do you understand the meaning of the name? What and whose healing is we talking about?

Healing is complete recovery not only from physical pain, suffering, but also from moral, mental wound. Grisha acts as a healer treated with the power of suggestion, caressing, love. And most importantly, he believes in his strength, hopes for the best outcome. And who believes, so much turns out. Grisha healed from his indifference, he began to feel someone else's pain, learned to compare. It was healed, cleared of the misunderstanding of his soul. Maybe under the influence of the story, one of us will healed from worn and indifference.

A kindness and caress can be healing a gabbean: "And healing will come." Restlessness, attentiveness, the care of the boy did what doctors and adults could do. Grisha was healed. Healed from worn, from indifference.
- Moving to the lesson epigram (slide). Does it reveal the content of the story, conversations?

What lesson I taught us B. Tychimov?

Slide 18.
(Derothe's lesson, philanthropy.)
7 Information about the homework.

Slide 19.

1 Write a letter to gris, expressing your attitude towards it.

2 Select proverbs and sayings about kindness and mercy.
8 Reflection.
So our conversation came up to the end. To summarize, I will ask you yourself. To do this, you need to finish the phrase, started by me, passing a small live sprocket from hand to hand.

- Today I learned in the lesson that ...

- Today we talked about ...

- Today's conversation awakened such feelings in me ...

- I realized that ...

The word of the teacher. The war not only kills, wounds physically, to a greater extent crumpled morally. And bleed all life wounds of those who surrendered, stood, won the victory. Do not regret affectionate words, a warm look for these people. They deserved it. Maybe people who need help live next to you. Grandparents do not ask for help, they are waiting for her.

* The most important human quality is the ability to empathize, compassion someone in the mountain, and in joy. (Vshechomlinsky).

9. The final word of the teacher.

In the soul of the hero take place. He changed, became sensitive to someone else's suffering. There was healing not only grandmothers, but also a grandson. He matured. Mercy, kindness Grisha made something that doctors and adults could not.

Us, people XXI century, it should be led by this boy of spiritual sensitivity and kindness.

B.P. Ekimov makes us look back and see those who close with us who need our help, understanding, support, so that we are healed, thanks to our kindness and participation.

A person who learned to help the needy becomes better, cleaner, kinder, dreaster.

This story helped me realize that the main thing in relations with loved ones is kindness, caressing, sensitivity and understanding.

We only need to learn to listen to them, understand and compassion, as I understood and heartily worried the hero Boris Ekimov Grisha.

10. Expressive reading by heart the poems prepared by the student (individual task).
-What and approached our conclusion. To summarize our conversation will help the poem of A.D. Dementeva


In this world, the huge, in which I live and you,

There is not enough warmth, there is not enough human kindness.
We will teach each other together and love
We will study each other together, like stars, shining.

Let them not put us at school marks for the generosity of the soul,

You once take and good just do so,
And then in the cold, the surname will smell in the spring,
And then on Earth will be more than one smile!

Waiting for us hundreds of roads, but everyone will have their own,

And before the goal to get there, of course, friends will help.
So that our long-standing dreams were fulfilled,
Let always be the main lesson of the lesson of kindness!
Remember the poem K. Kuliev:
To the world, see good eyes,

So that the Word was kind, good work,

Let the fools find you fools,

Villains will be unwell.

We, people, only good brings happiness.

It is always stronger than evil;

The wolf will die in the pit with a bloody mouth,

Fire rings in wind and water.

Let the fool of calmly life and more

Let the villain himself know the evil himself


His prayer is ours and praise.

Dale Carnegie "Instead of condemning people, show them impatience, try to understand them and accept." In conclusion, listen
He lived - the family was in the world. She was not simple. More than 100 people numbered in this family. And she held a whole village. So lived the whole family and all the village. You will say: Well, and that, there is little big families in the world. But the fact is that the family was special - the world and the ladians reigned in this family and, it became, in the village. Neither quarrel, no swag, nor, God forbid, fights and discord.

And the world too.

I think you will agree with me that your class is a small family. And so try to always reign kindness, respect, mutual understanding. Thank you all for the lesson.

Self-analysis open lesson literature in grade 8 on the topic

"Strive to do good"

according to Boris Ekimov's story "Healing Night.

An open lesson of literature in grade 8 was held as part of the district seminar of deputy directors for educational work on the topic "Tolerance - the path to the world.

In all federal programs, the study of domestic literature in the 11th grade is completed by an overview of the latest works. This review is advisable to prepare in advance, in 8 - 10 classes: through the organization of independent reading by students of the best samples of modern literature, which are discussed in the lessons of extracurricular reading.

The more the literary experience of young readers, the more difficult and deeper the work in the lesson becomes deeper.

Students 8-9 classes - in the world of literature no newcomers. Lessons - Research, Lessons - Conference, Threatening-Meditation - It is here that students can apply the existing experience with the text, can find parallels between the works and historical epochsshown in them. And traditionally in the literature lessons, schoolchildren appeals to such works, which refers to the values \u200b\u200bof human life, on active compassion, respect for dignity,

Type of lesson: Lesson - Development
The main objective of the lesson: to reflect on mercy, manifestation of kindness to others.

2. Continue familiarizing with some analysis techniques artistic work and the skills of comparative analysis.

3. Get a sample of sensitivity, responsiveness in relation to loved ones.
To achieve the goals were used:

Multimedia presentation

Work with a table

Work with additional sources

Various forms and methods of work:

Sliver methods (story, work with a textbook)

Visual (presentation)

Practical (work with the table)

Problem situation

Frontal form of work (at the stage of actualization of knowledge and study of the new material)

Individual (from the teacher an individual approach to each student)

The genre of a small story makes it possible to keep the work itself in the center of attention, include all students to work on perception, interpretation, assessing the artistic text. As practice shows, basically all students of the class have time to read the text.

When working on the story of B. Ekimova "The night of healing" students of grade 8 were proposed questions and tasks of different levels difficulties, with such a calculation so that no student would remain out of the analytical work on the story.

A variety of forms and methods, as well as a sequence in building a lesson, has been avoiding monotony in the lesson.

Throughout the lesson, high performance and good psychological atmosphere, applying different means learning. Types of work alternated. Children were interested in lesson material

The lesson was used rationally. The results were summed up. I believe that the children learned the lesson's material well and goals achieved.

On literature lessons during analysis artistic texts I teach children not to justify or condemn, but try to understand the actions of this or that hero, the situation. I am accustomed to consider the actions of the heroes from two points of view: modern and from the point of view of the era in which hero lived, and the circumstances in which he acted. It is very important to tactfully, skillfully put the guys to important conclusions, because they do not always do it independently. It is no secret that modern children began to read less. I try to instill love for the book, a special, reverent attitude and respect for this great invention of humanity. Let the children read less books, but the best books, and let these few books remember them on long years, let any book become their "textbook of life", assistant ..

In the lessons of literature during the analysis of artistic texts, I teach children not to justify or condemn, and try to understand the actions of this or that hero, the situation. I am accustomed to consider the actions of the heroes from two points of view: modern and from the point of view of the era in which hero lived, and the circumstances in which he acted. It is very important to tactfully, skillfully put the guys to important conclusions, because they do not always do it independently. It is no secret that modern children began to read less. I try to instill love for the book, a special, reverent attitude and respect for this great invention of humanity. Let the children read less books, but the best books, and let these few books remember them for many years, let any book become their "textbook of life", assistant. To this end, I spend lessons like "This book helped me right choice"," Collective image of a book in Russian literature. " With the same purpose I suggest students to keep a piggy bank wise statementsWhat develops, enriches, thumps aesthetic taste, brings up, disciplines. The result of lessons on the development of speech (compositions of different genres, presentation with elements of the composition, heading "Pen's test") was not only the school almanac of creative works,

"Tolerance" from the Latin verb "tolerate, withstand, tolerate."

IN english language "Tolerance" is the readiness and ability to protest the person or thing.

In French - respect for the freedom of another, his way of thinking, behavior, political or religious views.

In Chinese "to be tolerant" - it means to exercise generosity in relation to others.

In Arabic "Tolerance" - forgiveness, condescension, softness, compassion, patience, location to others.

In Persian - tolerance, readiness for reconciliation.

In Russian, "tolerance" - the ability, the ability to endure, put up with someone else's opinion, to be indulgent to the actions of other people, gently refer to their misses and mistakes.

Great Teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "You live among people, check your actions by consciousness: Do you cause evil, troubles, inconvenience with your actions. Do so that people who surround you are good. "

In conclusion, listen chinese parable "Field Family":
He lived - the family was in the world. She was not simple. More than 100 people numbered in this family. And she held a whole village. So lived the whole family and all the village. You will say: Well, and that, there is little big families in the world. But the fact is that the family was special - the world and the ladians reigned in this family and, it became, in the village. Neither quarrel, no swag, nor, God forbid, fights and discord.

Received a rumor about this family to the very lord of the country. And he decided to check whether people are melted. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: the circle is purity, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good children, calm old men. Vladyka was surprised. I decided to learn how the inhabitants of the village achieved such Lada, came to the head of the family; Tell me, they say how you seek such a consent and peace in your family. He took a sheet of paper and began to write something. He wrote for a long time - it was seen, was not very strong in a literacy. Then handed the leaf of the Lord. He took the paper and began to disassemble the doodle the old man. Disassembled with difficulty and surprised. Three words were inscribed on paper: love a hundred times, for a hundred times forgiveness, patience a hundred times. I read the Vladyka, scratched, as usual, behind the ear and asked:

Yes, "the old man replied," this is the basis of the life of any good family.

And the world too.

I think you will agree with me that your class is a small family. And so try to always reign kindness, respect, mutual understanding. Thank you all for the lesson

Before switching to the brief content of the "Night of Healing" Boris Ekimov, we will tell about the author of this work.

about the author

Boris Ekimov (born in 1938) - one of the oldest Russian Prosaikov. His Peru owns such works as "Girl in the Red Coat", "officers", "from his", "reached safely" and others. The story "Night of Healing" was written in 1986.

The story takes place in 1970-1980. Many years have passed, as the Great ended Patriotic War, I returned home with the victory of Soviet warriors, but still alive memories in the hearts of people who survived this terrible time.

In the presentation of the summary of the "Night of Healing" B. Ekimov, we note that there are no descriptions of battle scenes in the story, the explosions do not rummage, people do not die. The work seems to not about war. But also about war at the same time. About her difficult consequences, how many sufferings had to survive and those who did not fought, but worked and lived for the sake of future victory, raised children, believed in the best.

About heroes

Baba Dunya is an elderly woman who suffers restless dreams. She shouts in a dream, calling to the rescue, hides that lost bread cards. From her shouts wake up surrounding. They soothe her, sing Valerian, but soon when the Baba Dunya falls asleep, everything repeats again.

In the city she lives her daughter and son, both with their families, but Baba Dunya does not even want to have to have. Understands what anxiety delivers the households of her "noisy" dreams. Of course, they also understand that all this has developed from the alarm and fears of military and post-war life - hunger, unpleasution, tireless work on wear. But since then a lot of time has passed. Baba Dunny aged, and in a dream, as if returned to the past.

Gave the Baba of the Dunya in doctors, they prescribed medicines to her, but they were little helped. And the night did not become quieter. Therefore, the old woman, not wanting to burden anyone, alone lives. And if it comes to spend the children, then for a short time - "Muden".

Her grandson Grisha is a high, awkward teenager, even recently, as it seems his grandmother, the former Kosolapiy child. Cheerful and active. For holidays and holidays visit Grandma of the Dunya.

Go to the brief content of the "Night of Healing" Ekimova.


Gray, her grandson arrived to the Baba Dunya. Skiing, skating ride, gust. The old woman and glad - the pies climbs, borsch and compote cooks, hurts. It was temporarily disappeared by her Starikovsky Loneliness, in the house it became more fun. And even though the grandson was twisted on nature with rural friends, Grishins are things - clothes, books - lie everywhere, recalling that he will soon return.

The tie of the plot, as it should be noted in the summary of the "night healing", in the very first night at the arrival of Grisha jumped from the shout of the Duni grandmother: "Help, good people! ... Lost cards! ... in a blue handkerchief! " The boy jumped up, woke up shouting, ordered her to lie on her other side.

The old woman was conscientious that she woke her grandson, she was upset, but soon he fell asleep. And in a dream again spoke and even cried. He dreamed to her that she went for the Don Justice to collect, and when it began to ferry to ferry, ferry bags with acorns selected. Here with them and quarreled Baba Dunya in a dream, consistented them. And cried. Grisha was especially struck by her tears - he never seen people to take dreams so close to heart. But Baba Dunya was re-experienced in a dream what had already happened to her, and that was all the case. I could not forget the bitter, severe past. Someone may, and forgot, and she is not. Every night, old troubles came to life and returned to her.

Grisha went fishing, brought Berch on the ear and Zharmakh. Passed a couple more days. Somehow Grisha went to the post office, talked to his mother, and she learned that Baba Dunya was still poorly sleeping and noise at night, admitted: "She will just start talking, and you cry:" silent! " She will stop. We tried. "

Grisha really wanted to help her grandmother, and he decided to follow the Mama Council. The evening came, he was struggling to not fall asleep. And when the Grandma of the Dunny went to bed, sat on the bed and waited.

The last episode of the story

Finally, Baba Dunya was touched, worrying restlessly, that, they say, she lost her casing cards, how to survive now? I wanted grisha, on the advice of my mother, shout and stupid, I've raised the full chest and my leg ... But such a flour was on the face of the old woman and such bitter tears in the eyes that the boy got kneels next to the bed, said softly: " Here they are, your cards, grandmother ... in a blue handkerchief, right? Are you in a blue handkerchief? You dropped, and I raised. Here, take ... "And Baba Duny calmed down.

And after some time, suddenly spoke again: she pursued to her husband to the hospital, these documents would put it to spend it to spend it, she would only hurt somewhere around the morning. Grisha "took documents," said that everything is in order and she can stay until the morning. And the grandmother Dunya calmed down, peaceful.

And the next morning he wanted to tell her grandmother these night stories, boast what he was smart, but understood: it is impossible to talk. This should be his secret. He will come to his Bangani. And next night, and the one behind it. Again "Enter" in her dream. "Faith" lost cards, "protects" from the latter, "return" what was stolen. And then healing will come to her.

Such. summary The story "Night of Healing" Ekimova.

What a story?

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis work: Attention and compassion for man - the main thing in life. It is very important to find the strength in itself in order to understand and sympathize with another, especially an old man - after all, he has a difficult life, filled with losses and deprivation. The author brings the reader to the conclusion that the desire to help the neighbor should be disinterested, to go from the heart. And this is not only about relatives, although about them too. After all, much in life begins with the family, with relation to each other close people.

Another story about the mature of man. Grisha realized what pain still in the soul of her grandmother, as she tormented her past, and he could not pass by, accepts an important decision, not to talk about it.

All this should not be noted, posing by the summary of the "Night of Healing".

Ekimov Boris Night Healing Grandson arrived and ran away with the guys on skis ride. And the Baba of Dunya, by once, revived, fussed in the house: Cooking the patties, pieding up, took the jam and a compote and glanced in the window, whether Grisha was running. The lunch of the grandson declared, ...

Ekimov Boris Night Healing Grandson arrived and ran away with the guys on skis ride. And the Baba of Dunya, by once, revived, fussed in the house: Cooking the patties, pieding up, took the jam and a compote and glanced in the window, whether Grisha was running. The grandson declared to the lunchtur, it was sang, as it was drunk, and again, now, now in a log, with skates. And again, Baba Dunya was left alone. But it was not loneliness. The grandson's shirt was lying on the couch, his books on the table, the bag was thrown at the threshold - everything is not on the spot, Array. And the living spirit has sleigh in the house. The son and daughter of Svili's nest in the city and were rare - well, if once a year. The Baba Dunya had no more often and tried in the evening in the evening. On the one hand, for the hut was afraid: what neither it is, and the farm, with the other ... The second reason was more likely: for some time the Baba of Dunya was alarming, talked, and even screamed in a dream. In their hut, at home, noise at least on the whole white light. Who will hear! But on a visit ... only they will be hurt and fall asleep, how the Baba Duny fences, will speak to a voice,

Ekimov Boris Night Healing Grandson arrived and ran away with the guys on skis ride. And the Baba of Dunya, by once, revived, fussed in the house: Cooking the patties, pieding up, took the jam and a compote and glanced in the window, whether Grisha was running. The grandson declared to the lunchtur, it was sang, as it was drunk, and again, now, now in a log, with skates. And again, Baba Dunya was left alone. But it was not loneliness. The grandson's shirt was lying on the couch, his books on the table, the bag was thrown at the threshold - everything is not on the spot, Array. And the living spirit has sleigh in the house. The son and daughter of Svili's nest in the city and were rare - well, if once a year. The Baba Dunya had no more often and tried in the evening in the evening. On the one hand, for the hut was afraid: what neither it is, and the farm, with the other ... The second reason was more likely: for some time the Baba of Dunya was alarming, talked, and even screamed in a dream. In their hut, at home, noise at least on the whole white light. Who will hear! But on a visit ... they just go there and fall asleep, as the Baba Duny fences, speaks into a voice, she convinces someone, asks so clearly in the night silence, and then he shouts: "Good people! Save !! " Of course, everyone wake up - and to the Baba Dun. And this dream is such an alarming. They will talk, they are looking for, Valerian will give and disperse. And an hour later the same thing: "Sorry to Christ! Sorry!!" And again the apartment end. Of course, everyone understood that old age and a wicked life was to blame, which babe did he spend. With war and hunger. Understand understood, but it was not easier. Baba Dunya came - and adults, count, night did not sleep. Good little. Drove it to doctors. Those prescribed medicines. Nothing helped. And the Baba of Dunya began to go to children less and less often, and then only an ardette: turns two hours in the bus, asks about health and back. And to her, in the parent house, came only on vacation, in the summer. But here is Grisha's granddaugh, during the years by entering, it began to ride more often: for the winter holidays, on the October holidays and May. He fishes in the Don in the winter and in the summer, the mushrooms collected, rode skating and skiing, was friends with street guys, "I didn't miss the word, I didn't miss. Baba Dunya was happy. And now with Grishin's arrival, she forgot about the hands. The day flew invisible, in fuss and concerns. I did not have time to look back, and I was blue outside the window, approaching the evening. Grisha was declared with a lightweight. He climbed onto the porch, in the hut flew his redish, with a frost spirit and from the threshold said: - Tomorrow fishing! Berch over the bridge is taken. Durom! - It's good, - approved Baba Dunya. - Ears will shoot. Grisha had dinner and sat down to disassemble the tackle: Mormers yes brilliantly checked, half a day laying out his wealth. And Baba Dunya settled on the couch and looked at the grandson, asking him about that of this. The grandson was all small and was small, and in recent year-two suddenly stretched out, and Baba Dunya with difficulty recognized in this legonogue, the abruptness of a teenager with a black fluff on a closure grishat.

- Baban, I say, and you can be sure. There will be ear and root. The firm of brooms does not knit. Meet. - With brooms, the truth is bad, - agreed Baba Dunya. - up to three rubles in the bazaar. Grisha laughed: - I'm talking about fish. - About fish ... I have an uncle fishing. Uncle Avdea. We lived on the cartoons. I was married from there. So there are fish ... Grisha was sitting on the floor, among glitters and fishing lines, long legs - through the whole room, from the bed to the sofa. He listened, and then signed up: "Nothing, and we will catch anything tomorrow: on the ear and root." Outside the window the sun has long rolled out. Long spanned the sky. And already shining the moon half, but so good, clear. They laid down. Baba Dunya, conscientious, said: - At night, you can, I will make noise. So you wake. Grisha shook out: - I, Baban, I hear something. Sleep dead sleep. - Well, thank God. And then I'm noisy, the old fool. I can not do anything. Spent quickly, and Baba Dunya, and grandson. But among the night, Grisha woke up from the scream: - Help! Help, good people! Painting, in the darkness he did not understand anything, and fear squeezed him. - Kind people! Cards lost! Cards in blue handkerchief tied! Maybe who raised? - And the smalcrose. Grisha has enjoyed where he and what. It screamed Baba Dunya. In the dark, heavy grandmother's breathing was so clearly heard so clearly. She seemed to have progressed, got his strength. And I squeezed again until I was in the voice: - Cards ... Where are the cards ... in a blue handkerchief ... good people. Kids ... Petyan, Shurik, Tainchik ... I will come home, they will ask ... Lovely give, Mother. And the Mother's Mother ... - Baba Duny stuck, as if stunned, and screamed: - Good people! Do not dare! Petyan! Shura! Takeda! - The names of the children, she seemed to drink, subtle and painfully. Grisha could not stand, rose from bed, passed to the grandmother's room. - Baban! Baban! He called. - Wake up ...

She woke up, clouded: - Grisha, are you? Woke you up. Sorry, Christ for the sake of. - You, Baban, did not lie on the side, on the heart. - On the heart, on the heart ... - Baba Dunya obediently agreed. - It is impossible to heart. You're on the right lie. - Lang, lying ... She felt so guilty. Grisha returned to himself, lay down in bed. Baba Dunya tossed, sighed. Not immediately retreated what came in a dream. The grandson also did not sleep, lay, angry. About the card he knew. They gave bread. For a long time, in war and after. And Petyany, about which grandmother grown, is a father. In the liquid darkness of the lunar sequilate the cabinet and shelf. It began to think about the morning, about fishing, and already in the twilight Grisha heard the Babushkino muttering: - Winter finds ... Stomachs to stock ... by the children, kids ... - muttered Baba Dunya. - The loaf is missing, and we will bypassed the stomachs. Do not find it, the sake of Christ ... Do not find out! She screamed. - Give your bags! Bags! - And sobbing shouted. Grisha jumped out of bed. - Baban! Baban! He shouted and lit the light in the kitchen. - Baban, wake up! Baba Dunya woke up. Grisha leaned over her. In the light of the light bulb, they shone on a grandmother's face of tears. - Baban ... - Grysha's huntou. - Do you really cry? So it's all dream. - I cry, the old fool. In a dream, in a dream ... - But the tears, why are the real? After all, sleep is not true. You woke up, and that's it. - Yes, it is now woken up. And there ... - And what shouldbe? - Did you dream? Yes, bad. As if I walked behind the thoughts, on the mountains. Scored in two bags. And the foresters on the ferry take away. It seems not to be. And bags do not give. - Why do you need acory? - fed. We were their fat, the metlests were a bit added and Chiaki Becki, ate. - Baban, do you just dream or was it? Gray asked. - Dream, - answered Baba Dunya. - Dream - and it was. Do not bring, Lord. Do not bring ... well, go go go ...

Grisha left, and strong sleep smored him or the Baba Dunya no longer screamed, but until late in the morning he did not hear anything. In the morning I went fishing and, as promised, caught five good bears, on the ear and root. For dinner, Baba Dunya grieved: - I do not let you sleep ... Up to two times Bulgachel. Old age. - Baban, do not take the head, - reassured her Grisha. - I sleep, what my years ... he had gone and immediately began to gather. And when we put a ski suit, it became even higher. And he was beautiful, in a ski hat, such a cute face, boy, dark, with a blush. Baba Dunya near him seemed very old: a baked, walking body, the gray head was shaking, and in the eyes I had already seen something of the same. Grisha is glimpse, but clearly remembered her face in the semit, in tears. The memory cut the heart. He hurried to leave. Friends waited in the yard. Next lay a steppe. A little bit of green planting pine. So it was good to run there on skis. Smithy spirit penetrated into the blood by a lively chill and, it seemed, he asked the obedient body over the skiing. And it was easy to rush as if soaring. Behind the pines, sand bumps were hung - Kuchuguri, shouted by Krasnutyl. They walked a hilly ridge to Don. There, to a high zadon hill, also snowed, pulled. Mano to the steepness, when the sandy wind carries a tear from the eye, and you are flying, slightly squeezed, narrow-alkalines chainly catch ahead every tubercle and a wpadink to meet them, and your body chain in shaking. And finally, the bullets fly to a smooth tablecloth of a snow-covered river and, relaxing, having exhaled all the fright, roll and roll quietly, until the middle of the Don. With this night, Grisha did not hear the worm of mandry shouts, although in the morning she understood it that she slept restlessly. - I did not wake you up? Well, thank God ... passed another day and more. And then somehow in the evening he went to the mail, to the city to call. In a conversation, the mother asked: - to sleep to you Baba Dunya gives? - and advised: - She will only start talking from the evening, and you cry: "Silent!" She stops. We tried. On the way home began to think about the grandmother. Now, from the side, she seemed so weak and lonely. And then these nights in tears, as if punishment. About the old years recalled father. But for him they passed. And for the grandmother - no. And with what, right, she is waiting for nights. All people lived bitter and forgotten. And she has it again and again. But how to help? Savedly. The sun hidden behind the coastal bottom hills. Pink Cimea lay behind Don, and on it - a rare distant forest patterned mobile. In the village was quiet, only small kids laughed, rushing on sleds. About my grandmother it was painful. How to help her? How did the mother advised? Says helps. It may well be. This is the psyche. Order, shout - and stops. Grisha was leisurely and walked, thinking, and in his soul, something warmly and melted, something burned and burned. All evening for dinner, and then for the book, the tv Grisch has no, there is no yes and remembered the past. I remembered and looked at my grandmother, I thought: "If not to fall asleep."

For dinner, he drank sturdy tea so as not to smorp. He drank a cup, another, preparing himself to a sleepless night. And the night came. Extended light. Grisha did not lay, and sat down in bed, waiting for his hour. Outside the window shone the moon. Snow Bell. Cherelli sira. Baba Dunya soon fell asleep, pouring. Grisha waited. And when I finally came from the room of my grandmother's room, he rose and went. The light in the kitchen lit, got up near the bed, feeling how it covers his unwitting trembling. "Lost ... no ... no cards ..." Baba muttered to the Baba still quietly. - Cards ... Where ... Cards ... - Both tears, tears rolled up. Grisha took a deep breath to shout louder, and even raised his leg - stupid. So sure for sure. - Bread ... Cards ... - In a gravily flour, Baba Dunya spoke with tears. The heart of the boy was pity and pain. Forgetting thoughtful, he sank to his knees in front of the bed and began to convince, gently, gently: - Here are your cards, baban ... in a blue handkerchief, right? Are yours in a blue handkerchief? These are yours, you chose. And I raised. You see, take, - he persistently repeated. - All whole, take ... Baba Dunny Smallkla. Apparently, there, in a dream, she heard everything and understood. I did not immediately come words. But came: - My, mine ... My handkerchiefs, blue. People will say. My cards, I dropped. Save Christ, a kind man ... By voice, Grisha realized that she would now pay. "No need to cry," he said loudly. - whole cards. Why cry? Take bread and carry the kids. Carry, have dinner and go to bed, "he said, as if ordered. - And sleep calmly. Spit. Baba Dunny Smallkla. Grisha waited, listened to even grandmother's breathing, rose. His beat chills. Those cold penetrated to the bones. And it was impossible to warm up. The stove was still heat. He sat at the stove and cried. Tears rolled and rolled. They walked from the heart, because the heart was sick and left, regret Babu of the Dunya and someone else ... He did not sleep, but was in a strange forget, as if in the years distant, other, and in life someone else, and saw him there, in this Life, such bitter, such trouble and sadness that he could not not cry. And he cried, wiping tears with a fist. But as soon as Baba did talk, he forgot about everything. Clearly became a head, and left the body trembling. To the Baba Duna, he approached on time. "There is a document, there is a document ... So he ..." she said a trembling voice. - I make my husband to the hospital. And night in the yard. Stop to spend the night. Grisha seemed to see the dark street and a woman in darkness and opened her door to meet her. - Of course, let me go. Please pass. Come down. Do not need your document.

- There is a document! - cried the Baba Dunya. Grisha realized that you need to take a document. - Well, let's. So ... Clear. Very good document. Correct. With a photo card, with stamp. "Right ..." Baba Dunya sighed lightweight. - Everything converges. Come down. - I would be on the floor. Only until the morning. Watch - No gender. Here is the bed. Spit calmly. Spit. Spit. On the bar and sleep. Baba Dunny obediently turned to the right side, put his palm under his head and fell asleep. Now until the morning. Grisha sat over her, rose, put the light in the kitchen. The bed of the moon, dropping, looked into the window. Bell Snow, perverting alive sparks. Grisha lay down in bed, anticipating how tomorrow he will tell her grandmother and how together they ... But suddenly he burned his clear thought: it is impossible to talk. He understood clearly - not a word, nor even a hint. It should stay and die in it. Need to do and silence. Tomorrow's night and the one that will be behind her. Need to do and silence. And healing will come. 1986.