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Whether they see us dead after death: the connection of the soul and living person. Communication with dead relatives

Valentina, Voronezh

Are the dead see us and feel prayer?

Batyushka, I read that the dead see us and feel prayer. But why up to 40 days there are no news from them? By the fault of the neurosurgeon after surgery, I lost the only son, Alexander, 39 years old. I am very sorrowful about him, calm down when I read the Psalrty, everything else - memories of him, despondency and tears. I read the Bible - Ecclesiast, ch. 9 (4-10). God says: "Request, and will be given." I pray for my son, but from there - silence, my prayers, requests and questions there is no answer. And I have such pain and longing in the heart. I order a lunch about the rest, Panhid, ordered several forty stores on the temples and monasteries, the psalter read about him in the monastery, I myself pray ... and no answer. Why? Please answer, father, I do not understand anything.

Good health, Valentine. First of all, I want to try to calm you like it, at least through the answer to help you drive a despondency and longing. You are, being a Christian, and without me, probably, you know well that the Lord manages everything in this world. There are a lot of evidence about this, and the very first thing is in the Symbol of Faith: "I believe in a single god Father of the Almighty." Without his will, it cannot happen anything or in that world. Also in the Gospel there are many places about birds that will not fall without the will of the Heavenly Father (Luke, 12: 6-7).

Based on the above evidence, we cannot say that your son died due to a neurosurgeon error. He died first of all due to the fact that the Lord allowed him to move from this world to another. And directly on Earth, the neurosurgeon error was only a "instrument" in the hands of the wise fishery of God. If you look under the angle, then the person will inevitably accept the fishery of God (because he wanted and gave God, and not a man, God, who is love, who is never mistaken and knows exactly what is useful for us and when), and therefore a little calm down. Having calmed down, the man will begin and think clearly, and praying soberly, without running thoughts. This is the first and very important momentI would like to tell you about which I would like to tell you.

The second thing I would like to draw your attention is to the question of the existence of the soul outside the body. In your question you quote the Holy Scripture and, internally agreeing with it, allow serious mistake. There was a sign of equality between the Old and the New Testament. Old Testament is the time when I was waiting for the arrival of the Messiah; The time in which there was no clear understanding of any salvation, or about the fate of the soul after death. In a conversation with Samaryanka, it was very well expressed: "When the Messiah will bring everything to us" (Gospel from John, chapter 4, verse 25). The name of the old name is already saying itself for itself - that is, the exultal, which came out of use. In the interpretation on the gospel of John Feofilakkki Bulgarian writes: "Under the" Wine "you can intelligible to gospel teachings, and under the" water "all previously preceding the Gospel, which was very water and did not have the perfection of the Gospel Teaching. I will say an example: The Lord gave a man different laws, one - in paradise (Gen. 2: 16-17), the other - with it (Gen. 9), the third - with Abraham on circumcision (Gen. 17), the fourth - through Moses ( Ex. 19; exp. 20), the fifth - through the prophets. All these laws in comparison with the accuracy and power of the Gospel of the Watermen, if anyone understands them simply and literally. If someone will deepen in the spirit of them and urazumens hidden in them, he will find the water to be prealched in wine. For the distinguished spiritually, which is said simply and is understood as many literally, without a doubt, in this water will find a beautiful wine, the floem afterwards and saved by the bridegroom, since the gospel and appeared in last times (In. 2-10), one more reminds about Zmey and about ancient history (Number 21: 5-9), and thus at a time, on the one hand, it teaches us that the older is growing up with the new and that the same rule of the Old and New Testament, although Markion, Manes and the rest of the collection of such heretics reject Old Testament, saying that he is the rule of evil demiurge (artist); On the other hand, it teaches that if the Jews avoided the death after the copper image of Zmia, then all the more we avoided the death of the soul, looking at the crucified and believing in it. Silence, perhaps, image with truth. There is a semblance of Zmia, having a view of the serpent, but not having a poison: so the Lord here is a man, but - free from the poison of sin, who came in the likeness of the flesh of sin, that is, in the likeness of the flesh to be sin, but not there is a flesh of sin. Then - vigilant avoided bodily death, and we avoid spiritual. Then the hanged healed from the schnake's sneaking, and now - Christ heals ulcers from the dragon of the thought (John 3-15). "

The Old Testament, koi in it launched God, promised a long-term life, and the gospel awards such life in time, but eternal and non-destructive (John 3-16). Gross mistake - live by Old TestamentFrom this you need to try to leave.

The third, which you need to say is the problem of faith and knowledge. Believe that your prayers, tears, frost, heart pain, all those services that you order are in favor of and helping your soul of your son Alexander to purify is one thing. But to know is another. We really want to see the result of our affairs. Where knowledge dominates, there is still very little faith. Such a person is not yet firm, he fluctuates, swinging, ready to fall. Whoever believes firmly, this does not need any phenomena from that world. In the parable of the richer and Lazar, at the very end, the rich is asking for Abraham: "I went to the clock in my father's house." Abraham objects: "They have Scriptures, let them believe." The rich is responsible: "No, the Scriptures will not believe if some of the dead will resurrect - they will believe." Then Abraham told him: "If Moses and the Prophets do not listen, if anyone and from the dead rose, they will not believe" (LK.16: 31).

There are similar people now, koi say: "Who saw what is being done in hell? Who came from there and announced to us? " Let them listen to Abraham, who says that if we do not listen to the Scriptures, they will not believe those who would come to us from Hell. This is obvious from the example of Jews. They, because they did not listen to the Scriptures, they did not believe it and then when they saw the dead risen, even thought and kill Lazari (John 12:10). Equally, after the crucifixes of the Lord, many deceased (Matt. 27:52) were resurrected (Matt. 27:52), Jews breathed on the apostles even more murder. Moreover, if this resurrection was helpful for our faith, the Lord would have done it often. But now nothing is as useful as a thorough study of the Scriptures (John 5:39). To resurrect the dead (though), the devil would be ghostly, and therefore it would be misleading unreasonable, having overtook the doctrine of Herde, worthy of their malice. And with a common study of Scriptures, the Dvil cannot invent anything. For they (Scriptures) the essence of the lamp and light (2 Pet. 1:19), when the shine of which the thief is detected and opens. So, you need to believe the scriptures, and not demand the resurrection of the dead (the gospel of Luke, chapter 16, verses 19-31).

We do not need to look for visions and phenomena confirming our knowledge. We need to direct all the forces of the soul and body for the acquisition of faith. God comes with each person the best way From the point of view of its salvation and fate in eternity.

You are very hard now and hurts, it's hard to survive this grief. As it seems to me, you may even even notice that I don't even notice the creature more creative, that is, the Son is more God. Itself this attachment wounds you and hurts you. Please see the gospel from Luke, chapter 14, verse 26. If you look calm, we will see that God is like, and you are alive, and the soul of your son Alexander Liva. Patience to you, spiritual fortress, faith and hope for God.

When any of the loved ones die, I want to know, hear or see us died after physical death, can they contact them, get answers to questions. There are many real storiesconfirming this hypothesis. They are told on the intervention of the other world in our lives. Different religions also do not deny the fact that dead souls Located near close.

What sees a man when dies

The person sees and feels a person when the physical body is dying, can only be judged by the stories of those who survived clinical death. The stories of many patients whom doctors could save, a lot unites. All of them talk about similar sensations:

  1. A person is watching other people who bowed over his body from.
  2. First, there is a strong anxiety, as if the soul does not want to leave the body and say goodbye to the usual earthly life, but then calm is coming.
  3. Pain and fear disappears, the state of consciousness changes.
  4. Man do not want to return back.
  5. After passing a long tunnel in the circle of light, a creature appears, which calls for itself.

Scientists believe that these impressions do not belong to what she feels different in the world. They explain such vision by hormonal splash, exposure medicinal preparations, brain hypoxia. Although different religions, describing the process of separating the soul from the body, speak of the same phenomena - observation of what is happening, the appearance of an angel, farewell to loved ones.

Is it true that the dead people see us

To answer, whether the dead relatives and other people see us, you need to study different theories that tell about other lives. Christianity tells about two opposite places where the soul can fall after death is paradise and hell. Depending on how a person lived, how righteously, he is awarded eternal bliss or is circumscribed on endless suffering for his sins.

Arguing, whether they see the dead after death, should be referred to the Bible, where it is said that the souls resting to paradise will remember their lives, can observe earthly events, but do not experience passions. People who were convicted after death are sinners, trying to instruct them to the true path. According to esoteric theories, the spirit of the deceased has a close relationship with close only when he remained unfulfilled.

Does the soul of the deceased man of his loved ones

After death, the body's life ends, but the soul continues to live. Before going to the sky, it is present 40 days near close, tries to console them, relieve the pain of loss. Therefore, in many religions, it is customary to prescribe a comment on this time to spend the soul into the world of the dead. It is believed that the ancestors even after many years they see and hear us. The priests are advised not to reason whether they see us dead after death, and try to sneak less about loss, because the suffering of relatives is heavy for the past.

Can the soul of the deceased come to visit

When the connection between the loved ones was durable during life, these relationships are difficult to interrupt. Relatives can feel the presence of the world who went into the world and even see his silhouette. Such a phenomenon was named phantom or ghost. Another theory says that the Spirit is to visit for communication only in a dream, when our body is sleeping, and the soul is awake. During this period, you can ask for help from dead relatives.

Can the deceased man become an angel keeper

After losing close, the pain loss is very large. I want to know if the dead relatives hear us to tell about their troubles and sadness. Religious doctrine does not deny the fact that the dead people become guardian angels for a kind. However, in order to receive such an appointment, a person in life should be deeply believes, not sin and follow God's commandments. Often, children who have left early, or people who dedicated themselves worship become an angels-keepers of the family.

We often wonder how the soul of a deceased person with loved ones says.

Where it goes and what path does it. After all, the days of the commemoration of those who have left in the world are so important. Someone does not believe in the existence of a soul after the death of a person, someone, on the contrary, is hard to prepare for this and seeks his soul to live in paradise. In the article we will try to deal with the questions of interest and understand whether there is really life after death and as a soul says goodbye to relatives.

What happens to the soul after the death of the body.

In our life everything is important and including death. Surely more than once everyone thought about what will happen later. Someone is afraid of the onset of this moment, someone is looking forward to him, and some just live and do not remember that sooner or later, life will come to an end. But it should be said that all our thoughts of death have a huge impact on our lives, on its current, our goals and desires, actions.

Most Christians are confident that the death physical does not lead to the complete disappearance of man. Remember that our creed and leads to the fact that a person should strive to live forever, but since it is impossible, then we truly believe that our body is dying, but the soul comes out of it and makes it in the new, just born man And continues its existence on this planet. However, before getting into a new body, the soul must come to the Father to "report" for the path being passed, to tell about his earthly life. It was at that moment that we were accustomed to say that in the sky is solved, where the soul will fall after death: in hell or paradise.

Soul after death by day.

It is difficult to say what the way the shower passes while the shower moves until God moves. Orthodoxy does not say anything about it. But we are accustomed to allocate measuring days, after the death of man. Traditionally, this is the third, ninth and fortieth day. Some authors of church writings assure that these days there are some sign events on the way of the soul to the Father.

The church does not dispute such opinions, but also does not recognize them officially. But there is a special teaching, where it tells about everything that happens after death and why these days are chosen as special.

Third day after death.

The third day is the day when the rite is buried the dead. Why exactly the third? This is due to the resurrection of Christ, which happened on the third day after the godfather death, and on this day there was a holiday victory of life over death. However, some authors understand this day in their own way and talk about it. As an example, you can take SVT. Simeon Solunsky, who says that the third day is a symbol that the deceased, and all his loved ones believe in the Holy Trinity, and therefore they seek the dead to come to three gospel virtues. You ask what kind of virtues? And everything is very simple: it is familiar to all faith, hope and love. If a person could not find it during his lifetime, then after death he has the opportunity, finally meet with all three.

Also with the third day they associate the fact that a person throughout life makes some actions and has its own thoughts. All this is expressed with the help of three components: reason, will and feelings. Remember that at the funeral we ask God for God to let the deceased all of his sins, who were performed by thinking, business and the word.

There is also an opinion that the third day is chosen because on this day in prayer are going to those who do not deny the memo to the thirteen resurrection of Christ.

Nine days after death.

The next day, which is customary to remember the deceased, is the ninth. SVT. Simeon Solunsky suggests that this day is associated with nine angelic ranks. The deceased could be counted to these bays as an intangible spirit.

But the Saint Paisius Svyatogorets reminds that the commemoration days exist so that we pray for their deceased close. The death of the sinner he leads as a comparison with a cut-off man. He says that, living on earth, people make sins, like drunk, they simply do not understand what they are doing. But when they fall on the sky, then as if they are cut down and, finally, they understand what was committed during life. And we can help them, our prayer. Thus, we can save them from punishment and ensure normal existence in the world in the world.

Forty days after death.

Another day, when it is customary to make a commemorating close. In church tradition, this day appeared for the "Ascension of the Savior." Ascension It happened just for a fortieth after his resurrection. Also, the mention of this day can be found in the "apostolic decisions." It is also recommended to remember the deceased on the third, ninth and fortieth day after his death. On the fortieth day, the Israeli people remembered Moses and so read an ancient custom.

Serve loving friend A friend of people can not anything, even death. On a fortieth day, it is customary to pray for loved ones, beloved people, ask God to forgive the close to our all his sins committed during his lifetime, and give him a paradise. It is this prayer that makes a bridge between the world of living and the dead and allows us to "contact" with your loved ones.

Surely, many have heard of the existence of Sorokoust - this is the Divine Liturgy, which is that the deceased commemorate daily for forty days. This time is of great importance not only for the soul of the deceased, but also for his loved ones. At this time, they must come to terms with the idea that the loved one and close man No longer near and let him go. From the moment of his death, his fate must be in the hands of God.

Care soul after death.

Probably, no sooner people will get the answer to the question of where the soul falls after death. After all, she does not stop living, but is already in a different state. And how can I specify the place that does not exist in our world. However, it is possible to answer the question as to whom the soul of the deceased person will go. The church claims that she falls to the Lord himself and His Holy, there she meets with all the close and relatives who were loved in life and left before.

The location of the soul after death.

As already mentioned, after the death of a man, his soul falls to the Lord. He decides where to send it to the moment she will go to a terrible court. So, the soul falls into paradise or in hell. The church says that God takes this decision independently and chooses the place of residence of the soul, depending on what she chose more often during life: darkness or light, good deeds or sinful. Paradise and hell is difficult to call some definite places where the souls come, rather, this is a certain state of the soul when it is in harmony with his father or, on the contrary, opposes him. Also, Christians have an opinion on what is before to appear before the terrible court, the dead are resurrected by God and the soul reunites with the body.

Nutrition of the soul after death.

While the soul goes to the Lord, it is accompanied by various solarms and tests. Nutrition, according to the Church, is the boring by the evil spirits of certain sins, which a person indulged in life. Think, the word "Naitaria" clearly has contact with the long-time "soot". Taxes were collected on sot earlier and paid fines. As for the souls of the soul, here instead of taxes and fines there are virtues of the soul, as well as as a fee, the prayers of the loved ones are needed, which they are committed in the memories of which they said earlier.

But it is not worth named after the fee of the Lord for everything that the person committed during life. It is better to call it a recognition of the soul that it burdened it during the life of a person, what he could not feel for any reason. Each person has the opportunity to avoid these mild. The lines from the Gospel say about this. It says that you just need to believe in God, listening to his word and then the terrible court will be able to avoid.

Life after death.

One thought should be remembered that for God the dead does not exist. In the same position, he has those who live the earthly life and those who live after the Merbal. However, there is one "but". The life of the soul after death, or rather, the place of its location depends on how a person lives his life earthly, how much sin will it be, with what thoughts will go their way. The soul also has his own fate, posthumous, so it depends on what kind of relationships the person with God is in life.

Scary court.

In the teachings of the church, it is said that after the death of a man, the soul falls on a certain private court, from where it goes into paradise or hell, and there is already awaiting a terrible court. After him, all the dead resurrect and return to the body. It is very important that at that very period between these two courts do not forget about the prayers about the mustache, about the appeals to the Lord about his pardon, forgive him his sins. Various good deeds should also be done in his memoil, commemorate during the Divine Liturgy.

Days of remember.

"Pomy" is a word known to everyone, but everyone knows its exact meaning. It should be noted that these days are needed for prayer about the departed close person. Relatives must ask the Lord about forgiveness and pardon, asking for him to give him the kingdom of heaven and giving life to himself. As already mentioned, especially this prayer is important in the third, ninth and forties, which are considered special.

Each Christian who has lost a loved one, these days should be to the church on a prayer, should also ask the Church that she prayed with him, you can order a clock service. In addition, at the ninth and fortieth day you need to visit the cemetery and organize a commemorative meal for all close people. Also, the first anniversary after the death of a person belongs to the special day to commemorate the prayer. Subsequent also matter, but not so strong as the first.

Holy Fathers say that only the prayers in a certain day is not enough. Relatives that remain in the world in the world should be left to the good deeds in the glory of the deceased. This is considered a manifestation of love for the departed.

Path after life.

Do not treat the concept of the "path" of the soul to the Lord, as a certain road, on which the soul is moving. Earthly people are difficult to know afterlife. One Greek author claims that our mind is not able to know eternity, even if he is an all-powerful and omniscient. This is due to the fact that nature is our mind, by nature, is limited. We set a certain limit over time, establishing an end. However, we all know that there is no end in eternity.

Stuck between worlds.

Sometimes it happens that inexplicable things happen in the house: water starts to go from a closed crane, the cabinet door itself opens, some thing from the shelf falls and much more. Most people are quite frightened by such events. Someone is more likely to the church, someone generally causes a priest home, and some do not pay attention to what is happening.

Most likely, these are dead relatives try to communicate with their relatives. Here you can talk about the fact that the soul of the deceased in the house and wants to say something to his loved ones. But before finding out why she came, it should be found, what happens to her in the past world.

Most often, such visits apply souls, which are stuck between this world and otherworldly. Some souls do not understand where they are and where they should move on. Such a soul strive to return to your physical body, but it can no longer do, therefore it "freezes" between the two worlds.

Such a soul continues to realize everything, think, she sees and hears living people, but they can no longer see her. Such souls are accepted with ghosts, or ghosts. It is difficult to say how much such a soul will be in this world. It can last for several days, and can delay not for the same age. Most often, ghosts need help. They need to help get to the Creator and, finally, to find peace.

The souls of the dead come to their relatives in a dream.

This is a frequent phenomenon, perhaps, one of the most common. Often you can hear that someone's soul came to say goodbye in a dream. Such phenomena in some cases have miscellaneous. Similar meetings They please not all, or rather, to say, the overwhelming majority of the dreams scare. Others do not pay attention to the one who under what circumstances they dream. Let us find out what the dreams can tell about, in which the souls of the dead see their relatives, and vice versa.

Interpretations are usually such:

Sleep may be a warning about the approximation of some events in life.
- It is possible, the soul comes to ask for forgiveness for everything that was committed during life.
- The dream of a soul of a deceased native person can tell about how he "settled".
"The dream, to whom the soul came, she can pass the message to another person.
"The deceased person can ask her relatives and relatives about help, being in a dream."

These are not all the reasons for which the dead come to alive. It is more accurate to determine the meaning of such a dream can only the dreams themselves.

It all does not matter how the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives, when it leaves the body, it is important that she is trying to say something, which was not said during life, or help. After all, everyone knows that the soul does not die, but watches us and trying to help and protect and protect.

Strange calls.

It is difficult to definitely answer the question of whether the soul is remembered by the deceased their relatives, however, on what events, it can be assumed that I remember. After all, many see these signs, feel the presence of a close man nearby, see dreams with his participation. But this is not all. Some souls are trying to contact their relatives through telephone. People can receive messages from unknown numbers with strange content, receive calls. But if you try to call back on these numbers, it turns out that they do not exist at all.

Usually, such messages and calls are accompanied by strange noise and other sounds. It is a crackling and noise is a certain connection between the worlds. This may be one of the answers to the question of how the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives and close people. After all, calls come only in the first days after death, then everything is less likely, and after and they disappear.

Souls can "call" by different reasonsPerhaps the soul of the deceased says goodbye to his relatives, wants to tell something or warned about something. Do not be afraid of these calls and ignore them. On the contrary, try to understand their meaning, perhaps they will be able to help you, and maybe someone needs your help. Dead will not call just like this, for the purpose of entertainment.

Reflection in the mirror.

How is the soul of a deceased person with loved ones through the mirrors? Everything is very simple. Some people deceased relatives are in mirrors, TV screens and computer monitors. This is one way to say goodbye to your favorite people, see them for the last time. Surely it is not for nothing that the mirrors are often used for various ghosts. After all, they are considered a corridor between our world and otherworldly.

In addition to the mirror, the deceased can also be seen in the water. This is also a fairly common phenomenon.

Tactile sensations:

This phenomenon can also be called common and quite real. We can feel the presence of a deceased relative through the breeze passing alongside or some touch. Someone just feels his presence without any contact. Many in moments of strong sorrows feel that someone hugs them, trying to press him at that moment when there is no one. This soul of a native person comes to reassure his beloved or native, which is in a difficult situation and needs help.

Conclusion:As you can see, there are many ways to the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives. Someone believes in all these subtleties, many are afraid, and some deny the existence of such phenomena at all. To answer the question of how much the soul of the deceased is with relatives and how she says goodbye to them, it is impossible. Here much depends on our faith and desire to even at least meet with your loved one who left life. In any case, it is impossible to forget about the dead, in the days of the commemoration you need to pray, ask God for forgiveness for them. Also remember that the souls of the dead see their relatives and always take care of them.

there is special days In a year, when the whole church with reverence and love prayer recalls everyone "from the century", i.e. At all times, the dead of their fellow in faith. According to the Charter of the Orthodox Church, such a mismatch of the deceased is performed on Saturdays. And it is not by chance. We know what exactly in Great Saturday, on the eve of his resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ was dead in the coffin.

This touching custom is rooted in the deep faith of Orthodox Christians in the fact that the man is immortal and the soul of him, once born, will live forever, that we visible death is a temporary sleep, a dream for flesh, and a vacation time for the liberated soul. There is no death, the church tells us, there is only a transition, the breakdown from this world is different ... And each of us once has already experienced a similar transition. When the man leaves the cozy Lono of Mother in shudders and flour, he suffers, suffer and screams. It suffers and trembles his flesh in front of the unknown and horror of the coming life ... And as stated in the gospel: "A woman when he gives rise to a sorrow, because it came to her, but when the baby gives rise, no longer remembers the sorrow from joy, because a man was born in peace." The soul is also suffering and trembles, leaving the cozy Lono of his body. But it takes quite a bit of time, and the expression of grief and suffering on the face of the deceased disappears, his face brightens and calms down. The soul was born in another world! Therefore, we can pray for our desire to wish our deceased closely blissful rest, alone and light, where there is no illness, nor sorrow, no frustration, but life is infinite ...

Therefore, knowing about the eternal being of the soul of human "beyond the death of the death", we pray with the hope and faith that our prayers will help your soul in its afterlife, strengthen it at the time of terrible last choice between light and darkness, protect against the attacks of evil forces ...

Today, Orthodox Christians pray about the "departed father's fathers and our brethings." The first, about whom we remember, praying for the dead, - our deceased parents. Therefore, Saturday devoted to the prayer memory of the well-called "Parental". Such parent Saturdays during the calendar year - six. The parent Saturday has another name: "Dimitrievskaya". Saturday is named so in honor of the Saint Great Martyr of Dimitri Solunsky informed on November 8. The establishment of commemoration of this Saturday belongs to the Holy Blessed Great Prince Dimitray Donskoy, who, after the Kulikovsky battle, the commemoration of the soldiers who fallen on it on it proposed to perform this compulsion annually, on Saturday before November 8. Since this year, Saturday before the day of the memory of the Navy. Dimitri Solunsky coincides with the Day of Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the memorial Parent Saturday is committed today.

According to the definition of the Bishop Cathedral of the ROC of 1994, the commemoration of our warriors is committed on May 9th. Since Dimitrievskaya pominal Saturday Mercoun on the eve of November 7, the day of the beginning of the bloody coup, which marked the beginning of unprecedented persecutions against the Church in the history of our Fatherland, today we remember all the sufferers killed in the years. Today we pray for our affinations and for all compatriots whose life was crippled in the period of the beholding.

They left, and the love of them and gratitude - remained. Does this not mean that their souls did not disappear, did not dissolve in non-existence? What do they know, remember and hear us? What do they need us? .. Think about it and pray for them.

Give God, brothers and sisters, so that the Lord forgive the Lord through our prayer to forgive many and many free and involuntary sins of our departed relative and loved ones, and we will believe that our prayer is not unilateral: when we pray for them, they pray for us.

See us dead after death

In the memoirs of the Sacred Republic of Nikolai, Metropolitan Alma-Ata and Kazakhstani, there is the following story: Once the Vladyka, answering the question, whether the dead of our prayers hear, he said that they would not only hear, but "they themselves pray for us. And even more than one: they see us, what we are in the depths of our heart, and if we live a pious, then they rejoice, and if we live carefully, they will be written and pray to God about us. Our connection is not interrupted with them, but only temporarily weakened. " Then the Vladyka told the case that confirmed his words.

The priest, Father Vladimir Prachi served in one of the Moscow churches. After graduating from Liturgy, he stayed in the temple. All the prayers were separated, only he remained yes a psalomer. The old woman enters, modestly, but purely dressed in a dark dress, and turns to the priest with a request to go and grab her son. Gives the address: street, house number, apartment room, first name and surname of this son. The priest promises to fulfill this today, takes the holy gifts and goes at the specified address. Rises the stairs, calls. He reaches the door of a person intelligent species, with a beard, thirty years old. Somewhat looks at the father. "What do you want?" "" I was asked to go to the patient at this address. " He is surprised even more. "I live here alone, no one, no patients, and in the priest I do not need!" Amazed and priest. "How so? After all, the address is: Street, house room, apartment number. What is your name?" It turns out that the name coincides. "Let me still enter you." - "You are welcome!" It enters the father, sits down, says that the old woman came to invite him, and during his story raises his eyes on the wall and sees a large portrait of this old woman. "Yes, here she! It she came to me! " - he exclaims. "Mill! - the owner of the apartment objects. Yes, this is my mother, she died over 15 years ago! " But the priest continues to argue that he saw it today. Told. The young man turned out to be a student of Moscow University, was not involved in many years. "However, since you have already come here, and all this is so mysterious, I am ready to confess and compete," he finally decides. The confession was long, sincere - one can say, for the entire conscious life. With great satisfaction, the sins of the priest released him and joined his holy secrets. He left, and during the evening they come to tell him that this student suddenly died unexpectedly, and the neighbors came to ask the father to serve the first memo. If the mother had not concerned about the afterlife of his son, he would have walked into eternity, not to introduce the holy secrets. "

This is also a lesson that the Holy Christ today presents us today. Orthodox Church. We will be attentive because we know that all of us without exception sooner or later will have to part with this earthly life. And we will appear before our Creator and the creator with the answer about how we lived, which was done in our earthly life whether they were worthy of their Heavenly Father. It is very important to all today to remember today and think about it, and ask God for the Lord to forgive us our sins, free or involuntary. And at the same time, make every effort to not return to sins, but to make an ignorable, holy and decent life. And for this we have everything: we have the Holy Church with Her Holy Mysteries and the help of all the saints of the devotees of faith and piety, and above all - the very queen of Heaven, who is ready to always stretch our mother's hand to us. Here, brothers and sisters, those lessons that we all have to learn from today, which is referred to as the Dimitrieval Parental Saturday. The kingdom of heaven and the eternal peace of all from the century to the fathers, brethren, sisters and other affinations of our. God forbid that all of us with you, who adequate the prayer for everyone from the century, who have reached Orthodox Christians, at the same time adequately committed their own life Path. Amen.

Answers to questions about communicating with the deceased and told the rules for holding the commemoration.

To remember the deceased relatives is very important, because this is a certain respect to the departed native. But it is important to do it right. And how exactly you will learn from the article.

How to remember the dead relatives?

All people are mortal. Sometimes their life breaks down tragically, sometimes in a ridiculous accident, and sometimes time comes. Do not be upset about this. After all, no one is insured from it.

The smallest thing you can do in such a situation is correctly remember and spend the deceased in another mir. All people understand differently how to do it right. Ignorance in this matter sometimes amazes.

You always need to look for answers to the Church or Holy Scripture.
Many under the phrase "remember the deceased" understand the distribution of candies and cookies to people. That's right, but there are still many customs and rules in this matter.

First of all, it is worth mentioning how to bury a person. After all, even in this, many people make mistakes. The lamps that should not be allowed:

  • In no case should not remember the deceased alcoholic beverages. Faith it prohibits in many scriptures This is stated. Thus, the deceased person will be doomed to inevitable flour. Best output From the situation is the distribution of food and clothing homeless
  • Do not order the funeral orchestra. Sometimes you go, and you hear heartbreaking music. It becomes bad and not in itself. It can be determined on it that someone is burying not far away.
    Wise people They say that this music comes lukovy. They rejoice and dance. And the deceased cannot say goodbye to this world calmly.
  • People died and dying. And so it will always be. Nowadays the grave and monument to be wrapped in wreaths. But if you go back to the past, it can be understood that in those distant times there was not all this. The grave was always coming with alive colors. But the godless time of Soviet power made their own adjustments to this tradition. Abroad there is no such custom.
    If you remember the film "Visiting Eternity", you can be terrified. The hero talked about his journey to the world. There all people were hanged on wreaths. They became the gallows for them. Therefore, before buying a wreath (they are not cheap), think about the mustache. Does he need him and do you want to find your deceased relative for eternal flour?
  • Do not remember the deceased person sweet food. Almost all this makes candy and cookies. But this is not worth it. Such delicacies are foods that belong to the weaknesses of worshifunents. And by this you only delight them, and do not remember the deceased

So how to do it right? What should I do, what is better not worth? You should always search for answers to these questions in the Bible or ask old people. In any church will help to understand this case, provide required literature And just give advice.

They believe that the soul of a man after death wanders on our land for another 40 days. Most often she is near his body. You should be attentive and listen to all strangers and sensations. After all, a person can contact close.

His soul is looking for peace and peace. She is trying to reach the people around him.

On the fortieth day, the soul flies. And before deciding with its place in heaven, she will have to go through several circles of hell. To help this difficult minute, you should read Psalms.

Love for deceased should be shown through paniri. They are carried out in any church after morning prayer. Prepare to prepare: buy products. They will then give them in need.

Do not forget about the ban on alcohol and delicacy. Also do not lose sight of that for such a ceremony they write a note by the sample, which indicates the name of the deceased. Should go to the panels in "Parental" Saturdays. These days, the strength of prayers increases several times.

To commemorate the dead, there is a special day. He's called pominal. He falls on the ninth day after Easter. This day wears the names of Radonitsa.

Many people go to the grave on Sunday, that is, a week after the holiday. But it's not right. The souls of the dead come to their grave only after the set time - 9 days.

If for any reason you cannot visit the gravestone of a loved one, then the souls come to your home or to work. They can also wait for you in church temples.

It happens that a person leaves life in his will. For suicides church does not pray. They consider it a great sin. But relatives can read prayer themselves And ask the Lord forgiveness for the actions of the deceased.

You can remember a person at the date of his birth and the date of death. Don't forget to order Sorokoust in the church. All commemoration is better to arrange a day or two to the expected date.

Did you see and hear us deceased relatives?

The church answers this question affirmative. It is still a little nevertheless to understand this case and make clarity to the main aspects.

According to church beliefs man's soul is immortal. And death is just an intermediate state in which a person is reborn, acquires a new body and a new life.

People who visited the clinical death claim that they all remember and saw their body from. From this we can conclude that death is just a dream. But the body is forgotten, not a soul. The soul is walking, looking for a shelter, visits close people.

According to beliefs, the sinful soul acquires a chance to redeem their evil deeds. It reborn and lives life again. The sinless souls go to paradise, to the place where there are no diseases, seals, grief. There they follow the life of their relatives, friends and acquaintances.

They not only hear our speeches, but also look into our souls, read our thoughts and learn about our innermost secrets and desires. Therefore, it is not necessary to burn your life just like that, you should not plunge the bad act and make bad actions. The souls of our favorite people will suffer.

Did you see dead relatives in the cemetery?

In the memorial days, all relatives and close people of the deceased are going near his grave. There they speak him, remember all joyful and happy moments with his participation.

As the saying goes: "About the dead say or well, or nothing." These days, the souls also come to the cemetery will be seen with everyone. In other days of the soul, which found peace, does not attend the Earth. If you decide to visit the deceased person on other days, he watches you from heaven.

This entire church teaches us. Skeptics belong to these moments suspiciously. They believe that a person died, and his consciousness was forgotten by an eternal sleep. It can not ride in another reality and watch everyone from the side. This is the case of faith. If you easier to survive the death of a person, hoping that he sees and hears you, just believe in it.

How to cause the spirit of a deceased relative?

Magic always allowed to penetrate into the world of others, cause the spirit of any deceased person and talk to him. But before the ritual follows think about the consequences. Perfume do not always want to be disturbed.

Such a dangerous ceremony is better not to spend himself. It follows this issue to the proven medium. Only he can cause the desired spirit. Spiritic sessions spend better in a relaxed state, with good thoughts.

Alternatively, you can use a spiritual board. Several tips that will help arouse the spirit of a deceased relative:

  • Relax, throw away all problems and care, free your mind
  • Do not feel fear. If the session is incorrectly, it will come the evil spirit. It will eat your fears
  • In front of the session the whole room is focusing ladan
  • It is advisable to eat anything and not to drink on the day of the ritual, 3 days do not eat alcohol
  • call the spirit at night - after 12 and to 14 hours
  • put wax candles in the room
  • to inhale black thread in needle and make a semblance of a pendulum
  • on the sheet write all the questions that you would like to ask the deceased
  • call the name of the deceased and call to come
  • if the needle begins to move, then the spirit of the deceased nearby. You can leave the window open, so the soul will be easier to get into the room
  • if you all happened and the answers you got, do not forget to thank the Spirit for the arrival and tell me that let me go back

How to talk, talk to the deceased relative?

Many are interested in how to talk to the dead people. It is not difficult to do. There are several ways to do this:

  • Contact your medium for help. Good specialist In this area will provide you with this opportunity. He will not only do it, but will tell in what state of the soul of the deceased, what a aura he has, which he does not have enough. But do not be too carried away by spiritual sessions
  • You can communicate with the dead in a dream. Sleep consider little death. In this state, all human bodies stop working. A person is simply immersed in non-existence and his mind is disconnected. It is in this state that it is easier to talk to the departed
  • You can also talk through paper. This method is similar to communication through a spiritual board. Only in this case you will use paper with written letters and saucers

Can death relatives help alive?

This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Even if this happens, then in rare cases. The dead helps only those who need this truly. They can do it through signs. But people do not always understand them correctly.

There is an opinion that after the death of the soul is not able to feel anything, it does not know what love is, hatred. Therefore, in this case, no help can be any help.

It is not necessary to "load the spirits" of the spirits with your problems and requests. After all, man was freed from physical body And left the world. He lived life, full of not only joys, but also grief, tears, peasants. He drank his bowl of chase to the bottom. Why does he and in heaven experience such emotions?

How to ask for help from dead relatives?

In difficult life situations, people sometimes seek help for dead parents or relatives. There are many prayers and conspiracies to implement such actions. In some, it is proposed to go to the cemetery, others simply using conspiracy use items. Through such rituals. True, they will not bring you even more troubles.

It is better to ask for help through prayer, but God has. So you will gain peace and calm. It will help you to find a solution even the most intractable problem.

If you still decided to resort to the help of deceased relatives, then the plot is given below. It should be read near the grave of the person who you ask for help.
"My mother-in-law (my) father (Mother) (the name of the deceased), stand, awaken, look at me, on my deud. As I am a bitten on this white light. My relatively, look at me, siroto from my house, sweat me in the word gentle. "

With a dead person, you can communicate mentally. In a conversation with him, you can describe the situation and ask for advice. Some people go to church and pray. In the walls of the temples they are easier to focus and understand that the deceased wants to advise them.

Do not need to seek advice too often.
If you are tormented by any doubts about making a decision, go to the cemetery. The grave of the deceased will express all over and against this situation. And the first thing that will come to mind, consider the advice of a deceased person

Do the dead relatives will meet after death?

This question has always been interested in the close people of the deceased relative. Even priests do not give an accurate answer.
Some mediums argue that be sure to meet. After all, in case of clinical death, people tell me that they met their loved ones.

But to meet again with them, a person should be cleaned of sins, to pass purgatory. And only then he will reach Paradise, in which his native people are waiting for him.
Priests on this score say that they are possible and will meet if the place of their final stay coincides. And this is known only to God.

Do souls come to relatives?

People lead many examples that prove that the deceased relatives visit their relatives. Alone falls things, others have a lightweight breeze, which cannot arise in a closed room.

One woman told that her deceased son calls her from that world. But no one can say for sure that this is the soul, and not the fruit of their own imagination.

According to the beliefs of the soul, it wanders on the ground for another 40 days. At this time, she visits relatives, close and familiar people. Many say that the presence of the spirit of the deceased feel. Sometimes it happens in a dream.

If this happens after forty days, it is worth thinking. It usually means that the soul did not find calm. Or the feeling of guilt does not give her rest, and she wanders in search of forgiveness. Priests advise go to church and put a candle for rest.