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Remembering parents in. When the parent day and other memorial dates are celebrated. What should be done on parent days

To know the date of the parent day is necessary to each Christian, who is not indifferent to his deceased relatives, friends, also familiar. Dates are shifted annually, this is annually people and update the calendars. So, what is the number of parental day in 2017?

Parents day

For Orthodox it is considered the most important date. Not a holiday that can be celebrated a fun, not an important event, compulsory for visiting. It is considered more personal, because each of the people have deceased relatives, also friends or acquaintances. Life is speedy, the truth in Christianity believe in the immortality of the soul and afterlife. It is believed that through prayers alive can help the dead. Finding the way, encourage them, ask the Most High to give them peace.

When will it be for 2017? And why actually, such days are called "parent"? To accurately calculate the date of the event, you need to remember Easter. Here it goes on April 16, then you need to count exactly 9 days after it. Then the parent day will have to be on April 25th.

History of a memorial day

This event has many different traditions, customs. For example, it is customary to visit the cemeteries, remember all the dead close. Not necessarily only parents, and all close, friends, even familiar who managed to leave the next in their lives and lives now in memory, hearts.

Cannot be engaged ordinary deeds, solve domestic issues. The date is dedicated only to the dead. You can discuss them, remember some cases, people usually say: "Measure only a good word."

The remembrance day is also called Radonitsa. This is more ancient, first name. Once Radonitsa was called by the name of Radunitsa - God, who in Slavs was considered a defender guarding the souls from the dead people. God was a guide to them, helped find the faster of eternal peace. For these living pagans honored God, thanks for the permanent difficult work. And they asked for them to be as gracious and attentive when their time would come.

Yes, the parent day is deep roots, leaving in the pagan times, when people worshiped the forces of nature, and deified the world, trying to explain to yourself as he is arranged. The sun, the moon, seemed to them alive deities, the seasons also had their own personalities. Many gods tried to drop, brought different sacrifices and gifts. Easter, for example. After all, the pagans conducted many rituals, trying to call the spring and spend the winter so that she was faster.

God Radunitsa also received gratitude, he was preparing delicious, diverse disassembly. A similar tradition, along with the ancient name, has been preserved, the only, cooked disadvantages people are distributed as needing. Parental day of software is found with delicious, lush herbs, a variety of cakes, treating all beggars, disadvantaged. Baked dishes are also taken to the cemetery, then leave them next to the graves who visited from relatives, friends.

By the way, the commemorative day is not considered a sad or mourning event. People treat the beggars, encourage others and smile. It is rather bright, even a joyful holiday filled with memories and stories about loved ones. The day when their souls found the desired peace. It is believed that alive on the contrary, noting Radonitsa can not cry, on the contrary, to rejoice. Then the dead souls will stop worrying about living and can continue their path there, beyond and acquire peace. After all, the relationship between loved ones remains, no matter, someone died or still alive.

Traditions for the parent day

The church warns: it is impossible to carry a lot in the cemetery delicious dishes And no alcoholic beverages. Some often remove, arranging almost a picnic among the graves. No, so dead can not be helped in peace gain. Rather, it is a holiday of living, gluttony with drinking alcohol. True commemoration: treat the beggars and be sure to read prayers. Visit the cemetery, leave some sweets. Everything.

Hostess stove cakes, then, besides this household work. In the morning, the parishioners will definitely visit the Church, to participate in a special memorial liturgy. When there is no such opportunity, you can put a special, sacred candle, read prayers, devoting their souls of all dead relatives, close, acquaintances, friends. After that, cook goodies and be sure to visit the cemetery. It is important to go to the graves in the company of loved ones, friends or relatives, single visits are not welcome.

In 2017, the parent day or Radonitsa is celebrated on April 25. This is an Orthodox church holiday, when they remember the dead. So many people want to know what is the number of parental day in 2017.

Radonitsa is one of the most important memorial days when most people try to visit the cemeteries, where they are the graves of their relatives and loved ones. No matter how strange it sounds, but this day is not only bright memory, but also the joy of joy for the deceased, which entered the new, eternal life.

In order not to miss this event, it is important to remember that Radonitsa always comes on day 9 after Easter, which this year was on April 16 (we wrote earlier,). That is, it is not difficult to calculate what number will be the parent day in 2017 - April 25 on Tuesday.

In general, all the parent days of the year eight and seven of them fall on Saturday, which is called - the parent Saturday. But Radonitsa is considered the most important day of them and it falls on different dates (depending on the day of the celebration of Easter, exactly nine days after the resurrection of Christ), which means for different days of the calendar. Therefore, many ask us what is the number of Radonitsa in 2018 The Orthodox people will be celebrated.

By the way, it is interesting that there are various signs on the parent day. For example, if on this day in the street windy - this means that the ancestors are angry for what no one has visited them. If it is raining, then this good sign. Also on this day it is impossible to work - it concerns agriculture and home care.

Remembered days in 2018

Follow believers for the Orthodox holidays helps church calendarSo many know what day the parent day in 2017 is April 25th. But other days special commemorationAlas, known not to many. Therefore, we present to you full list remembered days for this year.

  1. February 18 - Saturday - Universal Parent Saturday (meat support)
  2. March 11 - Saturday - Second memorial Parent Saturday
  3. March 18 - Saturday - the third memorial parent day
  4. March 25 - Saturday - the fourth memorial Saturday
  5. April 25 - Tuesday - Radonitsa
  6. May 9 - Saturday - the day of remembering the dead war
  7. June 3 - Saturday - Trinity Saturday
  8. November 4 - Saturday - Dmitrievskaya Saturday

For many citizens of our country, remembering days are very important, especially orthodox Christian. Therefore, in spite of the fact that the majority of most relate to this event, do not everyone know what the number of parental day in 2017 in Russia. Once again we recall that Radonitsa this year falls on April 25, according to the calendar - it will be Tuesday.

What date is the parent day celebrate in 2017? The parental day taken from the Slavic peoples, or Radonitsa is the spring celebration of the departed, giving roots in the pre-Christian era. Russian Orthodox Church supported this folk custombringing it to the list of Christian orthodox holidays. According to the liturgical charters, it is celebrated on the 9th day after Easter, that is, on Tuesday of Fomina of the week. This is the first weekday day after the bright Easter Sedmian. However, if any holiday falls on this day, then Radonitsa is transferred to Wednesday. Thus, in order to calculate how the Radonitsa will be celebrated in 2017, it follows from the date of the Easter Celebration 9 days. Orthodox Easter In 2017, he was celebrated on April 16, therefore, Radonitsa falls on April 25th.

Pagan roots Radonitsy

In the Divine Pantheon of the Ancient Slavs, the Radunitsy were called deities, patronecing the deceased, the keepers of their souls. Therefore, it is logical to assume that the etymological roots of the holiday title are associated with the word "genus". However, with the adoption of Christianity, the word acquired new meaning: He began to tie with the roots "Rad", "joy."

In ancient rus in early spring The ritual of honoring ancestors was arranged. Fearing, songs and dances, games and a walk were held on the burial mounds, and sacrifices were brought in honor of Radunitz, as well as to abrupt the souls of the Rouch, so that those in the coming year sent a rich harvest and well-being. This custom has been so rooted in the people that christian church It was forced to take it. According to John Christian, already in the IV century Christians, as church ritual, made Radonitsky rites on the graves of their loved ones

Orthodox Radonitsa

Radonitz celebrate all Slavic peoples. Only u of different nations It is called differently. In most Russian regions, the day of the mercy of the deceased is called Radonitsa or Radan, in Belarus - Navii Day or Radovans, in Ukraine - graves or clauses, in Moldova - parental day. Moldovans, as well as the rest orthodox worldThe parent day in 2017 will celebrate on April 25. And in Belarus, Radonitsa was erected into the status of a public holiday and is a day off.

Despite its essence associated with the commemoration of the dead, Radonitsa in Russia has always been a fun holiday. And in many respects it depends on the special place occupied by it in the calendar church holidays: Immediately after the bright Easter week, who is the happiest period for every Christian. For believers, it is like an indication of more than death, thanks to the resurrection of Christ, defeated, and do not need to be sad about those who have gone, for they got the eternal life.

How to celebrate Radonitsa today

Radonitsa retained most features of a pagan rite, which, however, Orthodoxy gave a special meaning. After liturgy, people go to the cemetery, capturing painted eggs, food, wine or vodka, symbolizing the separation with the deceased relatives of the joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. After committing a commemorative meal right on the cemetery, everything that remains, is heated by the beggar.

The church recommends another way to commemorate the deceased relatives. The most of all needed in the world most of all needed in disassembly and not in the drink, which we bring to the grave, but in our prayers. Therefore, the church advises, having come to the cemetery on this day, to light the candle and make lithium - a prayer about the mustache. To do this, you can invite a priest, but a brief version of the prayer can be made by himself. After that, to take a grave: symbolically, this action means preparation for the resurrection of the soul. Therefore, preparing to celebrate Radonitz in 2017, remember that the cemetery for orthodox man - Sacred place, and abundant gluttony, prefer humble prayer.

As noted by Radonitsa in Russia

After the drop in the whole family went to the cemetery. They brought a lot of things: painted eggs, porridge, pellets and pancakes. To this day, the eggs were not in red, but in yellow or green, and baked special dry pies. And, of course, brought vodka, who can be able to, depending on it. The invited priest served prayer and left, and the family started to the memorial meal. First, on the grave, the eggs rolled, after which the owner was buried one egg to the ground, symbolizing the Easter greeting of the deceased. Then the trenches stretched on the grave, laid out the dishes and began to eat and drink. It was also suitable and vodka and food and food. Rashed from abundant meal, some even fell asleep immediately, in the cemetery. Others continued to talk, smoked and nicely spent time. Then returned home. In the evening, the young people sat down a walk, drove away dances, playing burners, sang and danced. No wonder there is a saying: "They plowed on the Radunitsa to lunch, after dinner they cry, and in the evening they jump."

Radonicky signs and customs

The Russian people have always been attentive to the phenomena of nature, and each holiday had their own signs and customs. Weather on Radonitsa paid special attention to:

  • If it was warm weather on this day, they said: "Parents warmly die."
  • We sing on this day or put something in the ground - you will lose all the crop.
  • Rain on Radonitsa - to the crop year.

Among Radonitsky rites rain occupied a special place. There was a custom of rain oily. From the very morning, the bastard followed the sky and, having envy, began to shout: "Fall, rain, on the Babia Rye, on the Grandfather Wheat, I wipe the bucket on Girl Lyon. If rain began at this moment, the whole people substituted the face and washed off with rainwater. It was believed that it brings happiness and good luck. And young girls to preserve beauty were washped with rainwater, watering through silver and gold rings.

Parent Saturdays is important dates In the Orthodox calendar, and are named this precisely because they fall on the sixth day of the week. As is known to all believers, some Orthodox dates are shifted from year to year, and therefore each year you need to contact the current Orthodox calendar, in which not only the important dates and holidays are not only designated, but also their history. When parents are held in 2017, we will tell in this material.

Parent Saturdays: Dates for 2017

In total, there are 8 days of the memory of the departed, seven of which are always held on Saturdays, and the eighth day of memory always falls on Tuesday and this date is tied to the date of one of the most important Orthodox holidays Easter. Memory Day, which falls on Tuesday, always celebrates on day 9 after Easter.

Parent Saturdays in 2017 will be held next day:

02/18/2017 - Universal (meat support) Saturday. This day of memory always takes place 7 days before the beginning of the Great Post.
04/25/2017 - Radonitsa, ninth day from the day of the celebration of Easter.
05/09/2017 - Day of memory of the dead warriors.
06/03/2017 - Trinity Saturday.
28.10.2-17 - Dmitrievskaya Saturday.

Despite the fact that in total there are 8 parent Saturdays, the most important are considered meat Saturday (Eve of the week about the terrible court) and Troitskaya Saturday before big holiday Holy Trinity. Radonitsa and Dmitrievskaya Saturday are important.

Parent Saturdays: What to do

Parent Saturdays are the days of the memory of those who went to the world of others. As a rule, in the churches there are memories for the dead, where you can put a candle for the rest of the close. These days you need to visit your loved ones, remember them, pray.

Many mistakes attend the cemetery on the bright holiday of Easter, not possessing reliable information about when you can do it, and when it is impossible. Moreover, a visit to the cemetery on Easter Day contradicts the church charter, which states that before the ninth day, Easter can not remember the dead. Even if a person goes into the world of Easter, he is buried on a special Easter rank.

In order to avoid such mistakes, to remember the deceased best in the parent Saturdays, which there are 8. These days in churches in the morning and in the evening there are special services. And if it is not possible to visit the temple, it is possible to pray for the dead and at home by choosing a quiet place where no one will disturb. The parent Saturday is very important to remember and pray for those who are no longer with us - this is the most important thing and the goal of such days of memory. It is believed that the souls of the deceased find peace when they pray on Earth when they remember them. After all, it is not for nothing that the love of those who are no longer with us live in the hearts of living people. It is believed that the soul of the deceased alive until she was remembered and so far be prayed for her.

In addition to the prayers and visits to the temple, the parent Saturdays need to go to the cemetery, put a candle on the grave and pray. You can invite a priest to commit lithium to the cemetery.
On the parent Saturdays it is necessary to bring order on the grave: to rinse the earth, throw out old flowers, bring new, change the lamp and ribbons on grave plate. Contrary to the common tradition to wear food and alcoholic beverages on the cemetery to remember the deceased, it is impossible to do this, since such an action has a pagan character, and therefore inappropriate in Orthodoxy.

It is important to remember, then the parent Saturdays are not the days of mourning and grief, these are days of memory. There is here an important nuance - It is necessary to remember the departed with bright thoughts, and not with sadness, otherwise the soul will not be able to find peace. No matter how difficult it would be difficult to survive the loss, remember the deceased close to the smile and a light heart, then they will be good on that light.

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What makes the soul of the deceased for 9 and 40 days, as should be prayed for health and for peace of loved ones, what did the holy fathers talk about such a prayer and how to help those who are not thinking about their salvation?

In response to the accumulated questions of readers, we give deployed information about the future days of special commemoration of the deceased - parental submissions, a selection of relevant quotes of the Holy Father from Inkini Libya and information about how to pray for those who can only be called Orthodox people.

Sincere prayer is able to melt even the coldest ice ...

Pomping mercy - A special tradition in prudent by Orthodoxy, and distinguishing it from many other religious flows, including Christian. For example, declaring the formal follow of its version of the Bible, completely reject the reciprocating of the dead and all the rituals associated with it.

On Saturday March 2 - a week before the beginning of the Great Post - before the meat suite week ( carnival week) For the Orthodox, the day of special reading of the memory of the departed is installed.

On Friday's service under the universal parent Saturday and in the Sabbath itself, only dark scarves are worn in the temple.

Of the seven days a year, intended to accumulate ancestors, there are two mansion Universal measuring Sabbaths : Meat support and.

The main meaning of the universal (common for the whole Orthodox church) Official worship services - in prayer for salvation of the souls of all who have revealed Orthodox Christians, regardless of their personal proximity to us. Remember the parents, Roughters: Do not miss the service and Pomin!

On Rogozhsky during the parent Saturday and prayer is always lively

"And we were the same as you, and you will be the same as we"

So they tell their visitors a quiet fraternal tomb in a separate monochable state on Mount Athos. For monks, this is especially sensitive, in the appropriate lifestyle, this inextricable connection of the visible and invisible world, when all the inner spiritual aspiration towards the sunrise in that future invisible and the unknown world, which will inevitably meet each of us and determine its place on endless eyelids.

"... On this day we are creating a memory of all the person who died from the century in faith and piety, that for the sake of the sake of the sake of that, many of the immense death: in the sea, and impassable mountains, swrapers and the abuses, from glad and treat, from Brass and Students, and In other way death underwent. Therefore, the sake of human lithuage, the holy fathers, the memory of SIM to create from the Cathedral Church, we were concluded, the apostolic tradition is suspended.

On Saturday, we create souls with souls, because Saturday - the day is restricted, the deceased on the rest of everyday temptations. The holy fathers were commanded for the deceased to create remember, the verb that the alms and the services of the Great Top are served the oslab and benefit.

The commemorative cross in the village of Slobodishi established by the forces of Rogozhsky Cossacks

The story of the Saint Makaria of the Great.

He asked the Holy Makarius, had a dry skull of wicked elin on his way: whether they have some oslab in hell.

The same answered him we have a lot of oslaboy, when Christians are creating prayers for the deceased.And Grigory Multi-Prayer Prayer Tsar Trajan from Hell delivered. And the guomier of the Feofil Feodorus Queen of the Saints for the sake of her husband's confessor from flour acted.

The height of the great Athanasius, the thrill and holy life, a person skies, do not deny the alms and the candles on the coffin, the God of God calling, fuse, pleasantly, that is God and much brings a lot of rejection. If a person is sin - the forelegations are allowed, if it is righteous - a great MZDA receive.

Memorial prayerposted by Rogozhny Cossacks on one of his worship crosses

They say the holy fathers that they know in the place of the bright soul of each other, everyone knows, and those who have never seen before, as teaches that SVT. John Zlatoust, representing the parable of rich and Lazar. But they are not selected by bodily, but some other way and one have all age.

The verbolete about the great Athanasius:

And until the general resurrection, the saint is given to know each other and have fun. Sinners are deprived of this. The local one has it, that in places of excellent souls of righteous and sinners are. The righteous hope is rejoiced, the sinful aspirations are evil to suffer and write. But this is just more in part, and not perfectly, until the general resurrection.

The cross installed on the Rogozhsky cemetery on the project of Ataman Rogozhsky Cossack Stanitsa in memory of all the buried in the cemetery of the Old Believers

Approaching and something to know that baptized babies are so present, eternal foods will fit, unresolved and pagans, nor in the kingdom, nor in Genu will not go, but there is a special place. How the soul is moving away from the body, not a single earth care no longer remembers, but only about the local stuffing.

Teratin By the departed, we create, for the sake of the sake of the sake of the third day the man of the type is changing.

Ninettes Because in the ninth day the whole body spreads, the heart is stored only.

Fortieth day - When the heart is already dying.

Do not be afraid of death, you need to prepare your life for the court of terrible

In conception, it is a baby: the heart is painted on the third day. The ninth is the flesh. IN fortiethperfect view Imaginable. God our glory, now and is dreaming, and in eyelids of the century, Amen. " (Last triode, Sinoksar on meat-supersonal Saturday).

Testing us to spiritual jurisdiction, the holy fathers are reminded that the single last death hour, as it comes, will also determine the entire value of the lived human life. To be ready to meet that hour a light mind, faith and hope. The Great Rings Then Bran, on the Border of Eternity.

Knife perfume know that the first court about the soul of human and with terrible power They attack the soul to keep her. No, then there is no time for repentance with a heavy unskilled sinner, but they clearly discover them, others for fear and in the edification, all internally their inadequate, from the evil thoughts and cases that they stored in this life in the caches of hypocritical hearts.

The memorial cross established by Rogozhsky Cossacks, made on the author's project Dimitri Vlasov

Many earthly despots and blasphemers died in terrible torments and the mind of the mind, as, for example, Ulyanov-Lenin, who, according to eyewitness, in last hours No one did not recognize and asked for forgiveness in his room from cabinets and chairs for crimes committed.

About one famous American actress is a story that, dying, she ordered her favorite dress, and she died, clinging to him even with the teeth insurmountable by iron grip.

Rogozhsky cemetery. Photo of the diacon of Alexander Govalov

Another - a Jewish banker, in front of the inspired heirs, managed, with an incredible for the last minutes of life a dexterity and speed, extract from the cache under his own mattress and to block the precious laying with diamonds ...

When they understood what was the case and tried to take opposite measures, the last diamond was already buried in his womb. So died.

Talk holy fathers that all this life is like long road, it carries a man what collects it. If sins and passions - in their place, virtue and the desire for perfection are in their own. How many to whom and where to go, all come to one of their grave hilly.

Ancient grant houses, which prudent Old Believers tried to make themselves still in lifetime

You can never forget about it, but, in pious thinking, remember and think about the impermanence of the current century, in which the most famous person cannot know for itself for himself - what prepares him of this day or night, and whether it is not waiting for him today . Therefore, the church memorial Saturday for us was also weakened for us, so that we look at them with soul, as on the mirror, which reflects our eternal spiritual essence and, remembering it, retreated from every sin.

Ural. Poklonnaya Cross in the city of dirway on the site of the Old Believer Cemetery

How to pray for health and rest?

Some time ago at Rogozh, a regulatory pair of Great was held on Rogozhsky. Worship headed the Primate of the RPSC High Eminence Metropolitan Cornelius.

On the eve of the next parent Saturday, we decided to bring some important thoughts on the rules and practice of praying in the RPSC for those who are in the church and outside its fence.

Prayer all head

Piecely tradition to order prayers on one or another occasion of the centuries inherent in Orthodox Christians, however lately At Rogozhsk, such additional services occur not as often as before.

Despite the fact that worship adds about one another hour and a half to the already long Sunday service, always there are many people who wish to join and write notes about health (no prayer for rest).

He heads the prayers to the Lord of Cornelius himself, and often their organizer. For example, during posts, especially the Great, he announces the prayers to almost every Sunday.

Under-graded, organized at the initiative of Metropolitan Cornelius

In addition to the worldly concerns, the largest shortcoming practice in Moscow is the lack of information about such prayers in advance. The most active parishioners hear about the plans through the sarafined radio in the morning, and some are already after the preaching of the Lord. What kind of holy and what about worship will be held - usually immediately turns mutually exclusive versions ... As a result, not all those present on the liturgy know that immediately after the service will be presented with a good opportunity to pray for their relatives, which means you should not hurry to leave the temple.

The preaching of Metropolitan Cornelius after a prayer wheel with a wish to cherish the world on earth

Rev. Father Paisier Great, God's moths about us!

In this case, the reason to linger was very serious: was ordered prayer for the pretext Paired Greatwho has a grace from God to facilitate the passage of the fate of Orthodox Christians who died without repentance. It is especially prayed for those who were baptized in the Orthodox faith, but for one reason or another is removed from visiting worship and confession.

The big image of the St. Paisius of the Great decorates the northern facade

Pray for the Experience Walking

An intelligence survey of those present in the temple showed that people know about all sorts of prohibitions and restrictions on the persons we have the right to point out in the notes on health and for the rest, but not everyone remembers their "rights". We now remind readers of the "Old Believer Thought": in the church there is a legitimate way of prayer and for those who do not go to the temple.

Council of Metropolis of RPSC, held on February 4-5, 2015, reminded in his ruling About the ancient patristic practice, according to which the Old Believers are not allowed to make prayers for health, including nonsense and weakened. In addition to home prayer, custom prayers are intended for this.

ABOUT church prayer for nonsense and serving

8.1. Do not allow the priests to make prayers about the health of nonsense and week, guided by the instruction of the Apostle Paul: "I ask you to make prayers, petitions, praying, thanksgiving for all people, for the kings and for all the supervisors, in order to give us life quiet and serene in every piety and clean, For it is good and pleasing to the Savior to our God, who wants all people to save and achieve the knowledge of truth "(1 Tim. 2, 1-4); as well as the interpretation of the Saint John Zlatoustago: "Do not be afraid to pray for the pagans; And he (God) wants it. Fear only to curse others. Because he does not want this. And if you need to pray for pagans, it is obvious about heretics, because all people need to pray, and not to pursue them "(the creation of St. John of Zlatoust. Interpretation by 1 Message to Timothy the Apostle Paul. Talk 6, Vol. 11, p. 659).

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