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Nominal for children in January. Names for the Holy Calendar for boys in January: meaning, origin, patron saint. Orthodox male names in January according to the church calendar - a complete list

Finding the right name for your child is very important occupation... It must match the character and personal qualities person, not to contradict them, and in some cases even to set new traits. See what names will be the best solution for a girl who was born in January.

How to name a girl born in January - astrological names

January girls, like all Capricorns, have a well-developed intuition. Their observation and ability to predict events will amaze others. The character of such a girl will be somewhat tough and strong-willed, hence their determination and well-being. In the future, they can be the best leaders, occupy high positions. They are not one of those people who can stop at what has been achieved and forget about the top of their careers - these girls will rise up all their lives and will not despair for a moment.

Astrologers warn against “soft” names for January girls, because this can go against the main traits of their character. This can cause apathy and depressive states in the future, this often happens when a person cannot understand what he really is. Discard these names:

  • Catherine,
  • Jeanne,
  • Dina,
  • Darya.

They will not be good for Capricorns. Better to pay attention to the names for strong people confident in themselves:

  • Ulyana,
  • Anastasia,
  • Anisya,
  • Irina,
  • Evgeniya,
  • Love,
  • Pauline,
  • Natalia,
  • Lyudmila,
  • Maria,
  • Nina,
  • Alexandra,
  • Tatiana.

The names Eugene, Anisya and Natalya will give the girl some femininity, love for the hearth. And Maria, Nina and Alexandra will set a good pace for the development of creativity.

How to name a girl born in January - church names

A child should be given an ecclesiastical name only in certain days calendar, so if your child was born on one of the dates below, pay attention to the name that corresponds to it.

  • January 1 - Aglaya.
  • January 2 - Charlotte, which means "free man" and Odette, translated as "heiress, owner" or "fragrant" from the Greek.
  • January 3 - Julia from the Greek "curly", and from the Latin "July". From the Hebrew "divine fire". The name Ulyana is also suitable, which from Latin means “belonging to the Yuliev family”.
  • January 4 - Anastasia, this name means “resurrected”. Theodosia is “a gift from God”. Angela, from the Greek for "angel." Elizabeth, translated as "worshiping God." Eliza or Elsa - from the German "noble virgin", in Hebrew means "oath to God."
  • January 5 - Eve or Susanna.
  • January 6 - Eugenia, which means “noble”. Claudia or Claudia, as well as Agafia or Agatha from the Greek "kind, good." On this day, the church catholic name Christina, which from ancient Greek means “follower of Christ”.
  • January 8 - August, from the Latin "sacred, majestic". Revered in any Christian churches the name Maria, Agrippina or Agrafena and Anfisa, from the Greek "flower".
  • January 9 - Alice, translated "from a noble family." Antonina, from the ancient Greek “adversary”, “opposing”.
  • On January 10, attention should be paid to the names Domnus, Theophilus (from the Greek “ loving god”) Agafya or Agatha and Antonina.
  • January 12 - Anisia, from the Greek "beneficent", Mary, Fedora, which is from the Greek "given by God", Arina - derived from Irina in ancient Greek, meaning "peaceful". Irina, Margarita.
  • January 14 - Vasilina, Emilia.
  • January 15 - Ulyana.
  • January 16 - Clementine, from the Latin "merciful, indulgent." Zinaida, from the Latin “caring”.
  • January 25 - Tatiana.
  • January 27 - Nina.


  • 1 january tue Gregory Ilya Timofey
  • 2 january wed Anton Daniel

    Daniel is a calm and kind boy. The character is more like a mother. A little sick. Loves outdoor games. Sociable, constantly surrounded by friends. Daniel does not tolerate lies, he may even flare up, but then he quickly departs and does not remember evil for a long time. Born in winter ...

    Ivan Ignatius
  • 3 january th Leonty

    Since childhood, they are stubborn, although their parents have no particular problems with them. They are quite difficult in communication, choosing friends for themselves, pursuing certain benefits. They are greedy, not devoid of careerism, people are treated with arrogance. They are very similar to their mother. They master the most ...

    Michael Nikita

    These are men who know their own worth. They are selfish and purposeful, choose a goal for themselves, go straight to it. They do not like to be commanded, they are persistent, stubborn and at the same time, sensitive and vulnerable. Outwardly they look like a mother, but the character of ...

    Peter Sergey Ulyana
  • 4 january fri Anastasia

    Nastenka ( diminutive name from Anastasia) - the most common name for the heroines of Russian fairy tales. It is written for a girl with such a name to be the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the most tender. She is everyone's favorite and will never disappoint good expectations.

    Dmitriy Fedor
  • 5 january sat Basil Ivan

    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be fidgets and brawlers. In Ivany, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...

    Makar Naum

    In childhood, they often suffer from respiratory diseases, they have weak lungs. Sociable and kind. They look like a mother. At school they are given more mathematics. "Winter" are hardworking and impulsive, they often say one thing and do another. However, they are kind and necessary ...

  • 6 january sun Evgeniya Innocent

    The character is docile, reserved. In early childhood, they often get sick. They are very humble and progress slowly. They live a rich spiritual life, it is difficult to converge and it is just as difficult to part with people. In everything they are like a mother. At home they do everything themselves, h ...


    Klava is a calm and balanced girl. In childhood, she is often sick and spends a lot of time in the company of her mother, but does not become a spoiled and capricious child. Since childhood, she has been accustomed to helping her mother, she can cook dinner, take care of her ...

    Nikolay Sergey

    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who gives his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger, begins to play sports. In his character, courageous traits are increasingly manifested. Sergei prefers energetic ...

  • 8 january tue Alexander Anfisa

    As a child, Anfisa is a calm, shy, sickly girl. She looks like her father both in appearance and in character. With age, Anfisa's character changes. She becomes more determined and stubborn. Very often, Anfisa grows up in a well-to-do family, she does not know at all ...


    In childhood, Vasily loves to tinker with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of his peers. Communication with friends is in the first place for Vasily. He m ...


    Boy Gregory tries to be good kid... But his restless nature constantly prevents him from being calm. Having gone for a walk, Grigory will definitely return with knocked down knees and dirty clothes. He especially loves to launch boats in puddles ...

    David Dmitriy

    Dmitry is growing up as a sickly child. He will get sick with a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system... He will be capricious, demanding of others. The mother will constantly seek protection and help. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of ...

    Efim Joseph Isaac

    The boy is phlegmatic, patient, smiling and benevolent. Calm at school, studies well, likes to read, collects books. He enjoys authority with his classmates, although he does not like to draw attention to himself. Already in childhood, he looks quite mature ...


    In childhood, he is very fearful, constantly in a state of anxiety. It is very difficult to get used to strangers and new environment... Getting used to kindergarten and school will require significant efforts from Konstantin, and will cost parents a lot of excitement. From in ...

    Leonid Maria Michael

    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. May participate in sports games together with your friends and sing in the children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mindset ...


    Nikolai grows strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. It does not stick with the whims of the parents, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. She studies well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and d ...

  • 9 january wed Antonina Stepan Tikhon

    Tisha is a healthy, calm, obedient child, very similar to his mother. He begins to read early, is addicted to adventure literature, imagining himself now a noble robber, now a scout. However, this boy, surrounded by m ...


    Fyodor as a child is a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes aloof from peers. Parents and teachers will especially love Fyodor's neatness. His things will always be in perfect order, ...

  • 10 january th Alexander

    V childhood Alexandra often get sick, but if adolescents begin to temper and exercise, then strong and persistent men grow out of them. The Alexandras are doggedly pursuing their goal. They can become the head of the colle ...


    As a child, Arkady is everyone's favorite. Grandmothers and grandfathers do not like it. For parents, he is the greatest joy in the family. Arkady will have to feel the delight and affection of all his closest relatives. But the atmosphere of universal worship will not spoil ...


    Outwardly, Efim looks like his mother. He has a sensitive nervous system - a dog suddenly jumping out of the corner with a bark can cause him to stutter or have a nervous tic. It is also susceptible to diseases of the digestive system. Efim's parents need to keep an eye on him ...


    Ignatius is wayward. Seemingly simple and ingenuous, he can puzzle a friend with an attempt at blackmail, though still innocent. Somewhat impudent. Teachers respect him for his erudition and erudition. Comrades dislike for greed and desire to lead everyone ...


    From childhood, Leonid learns to closely monitor his health. Demanding in the choice of food. Be sure to smear a small abrasion with iodine and make a bandage. Even at low temperatures, he will definitely adhere to bed rest ...

    Nikanor Nikolay

    Nikolai grows strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. It does not stick with the whims of the parents, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. She studies well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and d ...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he can have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and ...

  • 11 january fri Anna

    In Anna with early childhood her main quality is manifested - kindness. She is happy to take care of kittens, puppies, birds. While playing with his dolls, he treats them as if they were younger children. At an older age, she is able to provide serious ...


    Girl Varya is a kind, smiling child. Most of all, she resembles her father and inherits in many ways not only his appearance, but also character traits. She is modest, hardworking. He always strives to establish order in everything, whether it is necessary or not. Knows how ...

    Benjamin George Evdokia

    In early childhood, Evdokia is mischievous and stubborn, mother and grandmother usually does not obey, only her father, whom she is afraid and respects. This girl is easily offended, capricious, and it is difficult to calm her down. Little Evdokia is very curious, even curious, ...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be fidgets and brawlers. In Ivany, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...

    Mark Natalia

    As a child, Natalya is a cheerful child. She loves to play and play naughty, a great inventor - in famous games she will try to come up with something new and interesting to make it even more fun. During his school years he is very active. She is a good student, str ...

  • 12 january sat David

    The character is proud, persistent, pragmatic. Davids are sociable, surrounded by friends, but it is because of them that they have a lot of trouble. They look like a mother. They have remarkable physical strength. They do not tolerate lies, they can flare up, but immediately they quickly withdraw, there is no evil ...


    In early childhood, Joseph is irritable. This boy is difficult to please: either the porridge is not the same, or the toy is not the same as he saw in the shop window. By school age, this quality passes imperceptibly. Of the Josephs grow complaisant, kind, gray ...

    Irina a lion

    As a child, Leo is a calm and even somewhat phlegmatic boy. He does not cry over trifles, but if he is greatly offended, then his sobs will be inconsolable. Among his peers, he does not bully, but he can give back to anyone. Likes to swim, walk in l ...


    From birth, Makaras are given a lot of things that others dream of throughout years... Unfortunately, not all Makars are able to appreciate this gift, so it is often wasted. They are capable and at the same time stubborn children with dis ...


    Masha is a kind, gentle, calm girl. Her favorite pastime is being a nanny for young children. She is very vulnerable, even a small remark addressed to her is hard going. At the same time, in her character there is firmness, dignity, way ...

  • 13 january sun Michael

    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mindset ...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he can have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and ...

  • 14 january mon Alexander

    In childhood, Alexandra often get sick, but if adolescents begin to temper and exercise, then strong and persistent men grow out of them. The Alexandras are doggedly pursuing their goal. They can become the head of the colle ...


    Bogdan is often a long-awaited, late and only child. Parents, whether they like it or not, often give this name to those children whose birth was associated with great anxiety and fear. As a child, Bogdan is often ill, he has easy colds ...


    In childhood, Vasily loves to tinker with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of his peers. Communication with friends is in the first place for Vasily. He m ...


    The Vyacheslavs are strong boys, have endurance and good willpower. Parents need to send Vyacheslav to the sports section. Possessing physical strength, he will always fight injustice, protect the weak. Vyacheslav is quick-tempered, maybe for a moment ...


    Boy Grigory is trying to be a good child. But his restless nature constantly prevents him from being calm. Having gone for a walk, Grigory will definitely return with knocked down knees and dirty clothes. He especially loves to launch boats in puddles ...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be fidgets and brawlers. In Ivany, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mindset ...


    Nikolai grows strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. It does not stick with the whims of the parents, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. She studies well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and d ...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he can have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and ...


    The type of these people is difficult to determine unambiguously. In childhood, they are stubborn and cocky, they are not developed for their years, perhaps that is why they are so attracted to the society of their elders. They can be calculating and at the same time disinterested, arrogant and, at the same time, charming ...

    Trofim Fedot

    Fedot combines all the virtues. As all his friends and acquaintances see, he is beautiful not only externally, but also internally. Little Fedot is a dreamy, quiet child. Busy with their toys, books, herbariums, insect collections. Highly...

  • 15 january tue Basil

    In childhood, Vasily loves to tinker with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of his peers. Communication with friends is in the first place for Vasily. He m ...


    Kuzma is a sonorous and mobile name, but, perhaps, he lacks some firmness. Alas, this fact cannot be called positive, especially given the images and associations that are associated with it. Perhaps the only salvation for Kuzma can be ...


    Mark is egocentric, and this trait, which later, in adulthood, will be successfully masked by a charming smile, emphasized by politeness and readiness for self-sacrifice, can be easily discerned in early childhood. Mark does everything to ensure that mom ...


    Modest people love to be the first, and this trait can be discerned as early as childhood. They are more or less selfish. They do well in school, especially in mathematics. They are fond of football and volleyball. They read a lot of military literature, they love films about development ...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he can have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and ...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who gives his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger, begins to play sports. In his character, courageous traits are increasingly manifested. Sergei prefers energetic ...


    In girls named Ulyana, the traits of an addicted person begin to appear from childhood. It is possible that such a girl will develop a sense of understanding of the beautiful with age, and she, experiencing love for different areas art, will strive to p ...

  • 16 january wed Basil

    In childhood, Vasily loves to tinker with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of his peers. Communication with friends is in the first place for Vasily. He m ...


    This name endows a person with many wonderful qualities. Gordey is a truly positive person: he is modest, even somewhat shy, with a livable, peaceful character, an optimist (not a whiner!), Moderate in drinking alcohol (and the "summer" ones do not drink at all ...


    In childhood, Irina is independent and decisive. Seeks to be more in the company of the father than the mother. She has good abilities, and her studies do not require much effort from her. She is able to really approach the assessment of the surrounding reality. Love ...

  • 17 january th Alexander

    In childhood, Alexandra often get sick, but if adolescents begin to temper and exercise, then strong and persistent men grow out of them. The Alexandras are doggedly pursuing their goal. They can become the head of the colle ...

    Aristarch Artem

    Despite their name, Artyom constantly suffers from respiratory diseases in childhood. At school, as a rule, they do not have any difficulties. Artyom is calm, trying to be unobtrusive in communication. Outgoing and friendly. Can objectively assess ...


    In infancy - a weak boy, poor breastfeeding, early transfer to artificial nutrition. Develops normally, gets stronger quickly. He loves increased attention to himself, after a year he becomes a mobile and noisy child. Mischievous, does not listen to the elder ...

    Afanasy Denis

    Denis is growing up as a very sociable boy. His best friends there are not only children in the neighborhood, but also the neighbors' dogs, which he feeds with sandwiches on the way to school. It would be nice to buy a puppy for the boy. It would help bring up such ...


    Outwardly, Efim looks like his mother. He has a sensitive nervous system - a dog suddenly jumping out of the corner with a bark can cause him to stutter or have a nervous tic. It is also susceptible to diseases of the digestive system. Efim's parents need to keep an eye on him ...


    In early childhood, Joseph is irritable. This boy is difficult to please: either the porridge is not the same, or the toy is not the same as he saw in the shop window. By school age, this quality passes imperceptibly. Of the Josephs grow complaisant, kind, gray ...


    Carp is modest by nature, does not accept bragging and conceit in others. It may even flare up. But these are rare cases against the background of the bright cheerfulness and kindness of his nature. Somewhat slow, as they say, a little slow-witted, but it is this one who ...


    In early childhood, this is a calm child who does not cause problems for parents. He loves to draw, likes to be read about animals and taken to the zoo. At school, such boys study well, have many friends, are fond of adventure literature and ...


    Mark is egocentric, and this trait, which later, in adulthood, will be successfully masked by a charming smile, emphasized by politeness and readiness for self-sacrifice, can be easily discerned in early childhood. Mark does everything to ensure that mom ...


    The owner of this name is characterized by the qualities of an excellent strategist and the gift to charge people with his idea. Phlegmatic character. Possesses a wild imagination, lives a rich inner life. Proud, a little fearful, flexible. Has excellent intuition, ...


    Nikolai grows strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. It does not stick with the whims of the parents, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. She studies well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and d ...


    Pavel is a kind and helpful child. He will be more willing to help his mother take care of younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. With age, Pavel ...

    Prokhor Semyon Stepan

    Little Stepan is a playful and restless boy who loves a wide variety of games. It is easy and fun to communicate with him. Stepan is very mobile, and it is difficult for him to sit behind textbooks. But with a good memory, he quickly grasps required material, easy f ...

    Terenty Timofey

    Timofey is going through a difficult childhood because the power of the mother was too strong in the family, and the boy, even having a father, did not receive a male upbringing. Becoming an adult, but never breaking free from maternal care, the young man finds himself in yet another w ...


    Little Trofim is a child like a child: moderately capricious, moderately restless and disobedient, perhaps lazy more noticeable than other children. With age, his character changes, and in born in winter it is far from the same as that of those who were born in the fall. At the "winter ...


    Thaddeus is docile, good-natured and hardworking. He is very neat and tidy - even at home you will not see him slovenly dressed or unshaven. He is curious, his range of interests extends far beyond the profession. Likes to talk about ...

  • 18 january fri Gregory

    Boy Grigory is trying to be a good child. But his restless nature constantly prevents him from being calm. Having gone for a walk, Grigory will definitely return with knocked down knees and dirty clothes. He especially loves to launch boats in puddles ...


    The girl Zhenya comes up with her own world, which is difficult for an outsider to understand, there are laws and rules. While the children are fond of Little Red Riding Hood, Zhenya may develop an interest in religion, and she will read the Bible with interest ...


    In early childhood, Joseph is irritable. This boy is difficult to please: either the porridge is not the same, or the toy is not the same as he saw in the shop window. By school age, this quality passes imperceptibly. Of the Josephs grow complaisant, kind, gray ...


    The owner of this name is usually a person of easy character. He willingly takes on any assignment, is not afraid of difficulties. Lukyan is very responsible, he always brings the work started to the end. Very sociable, easily converges with people. Possession ...


    He grows up as a strong, healthy boy, does not bother anyone with his whims, you will not see him in the yard fighting with boys or squishing with pleasure in the mud. Matyusha is honesty itself: if he was sent to the store, you can be sure that he will return the change ...


    Among her friends, Polina is especially distinguished by her benevolence, responsiveness, and disinterestedness. She is always ready to caress the offended friend, to calm the baby, to sympathize with the sick grandmother. The feeling of envy is not familiar to her - it will be happy ...


    As a child, Roman is often sick, even unwanted complications are possible, so parents need to monitor the boy's health. Due to frequent absences from classes, Roman may not be doing well at school, here, too, he may need help ...


    Young people and men bearing the name Semyon are encouraged to treat themselves with a certain amount of humor - this approach will allow him to avoid many problems in his life. By the way, even in childhood, Semyons often resort to humor and jokes in order to ...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who gives his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger, begins to play sports. In his character, courageous traits are increasingly manifested. Sergei prefers energetic ...

  • 20 january sun Afanasy

    He is a born explorer. With an expression of sly simplicity, he, not yet knowing how to walk, will turn out all the drawers, examine all the shelves and cabinets. In adulthood, he can be content with traveling and going to bars and cafes, retelling stories from friends to friends ...


    In childhood, Vasily loves to tinker with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of his peers. Communication with friends is in the first place for Vasily. He m ...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be fidgets and brawlers. In Ivany, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...

  • 21 january mon Basil

    In childhood, Vasily loves to tinker with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of his peers. Communication with friends is in the first place for Vasily. He m ...


    Vasilisa has intelligence and beauty, nobility and grace. She loves to help people who turn to her, she takes other people's problems for her own. Vasilisa is a very sympathetic and gentle person, however, her gentleness is combined with stubbornness and purposefulness ...

    Victor Vladimir George

    In childhood, George keeps aloof from his peers, but not to such an extent that they understood it as arrogance. George does not reach the point, after which comes the opposition to his comrades. Knows how to listen ...


    Boy Grigory is trying to be a good child. But his restless nature constantly prevents him from being calm. Having gone for a walk, Grigory will definitely return with knocked down knees and dirty clothes. He especially loves to launch boats in puddles ...


    Dmitry is growing up as a sickly child. He will get sick with a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious, demanding of others. The mother will constantly seek protection and help. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of ...


    Little Dominica is a healthy and serene child. She has been brave since childhood, stubborn and touchy. Her character is independent, she does not tolerate collective games, it would be better to tinker with dolls in her own corner, without taking anyone to the company. Outwardly, she looks like ...

    Evgeniy Emelyan Ivan

    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be fidgets and brawlers. In Ivany, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    Ilya - very business man... From childhood, he learns to help his father and mother in all household chores and masters a variety of skills. Ilya can participate in construction works on summer cottage, to breed chickens and rabbits ...


    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mindset ...


    Little Yulik has weak lungs, an unstable nervous system, he always catches a cold - in a word, his parents have a lot of trouble with him. Nevertheless, the boy studies well, friends always curl around him, and, despite his poor health, he is able to stand up ...

  • 22 january tue Antonina

    This name contains, as it were, two names: Tonya and Nina. Calling the child Tonya, the parents instill in her friendliness, gaiety, good nature. But the older she gets, the stronger the second part of the name appears - Nina: bearing authority and prudent ...


    Little Zakhar can spend hours assembling and disassembling a constructor. He does it quietly and with concentration. Can bring a sick kitten and care for him. He is attentive and caring in relation to the people around him. His passion is technology. Often ...


    Pavel is a kind and helpful child. He will be more willing to help his mother take care of her younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. With age, Pavel ...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he can have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and ...


    Philip is not prone to aggression, therefore, as a child, he tries to hide his grievances and experiences from the scrutiny of others. But, it is possible that he will find a way out of grievances in communication with family and friends. Philip's parents are recommended ...

  • 23 january wed Anatoly

    As a child, being under strong influence mother, Anatoly is often withdrawn and shy, and therefore, when reading adventure literature, he often imagines himself in the place of the heroes of novels. Over time, Anatoly gets rid of the excessive influence of his mother, but chu ...


    Boy Grigory is trying to be a good child. But his restless nature constantly prevents him from being calm. Having gone for a walk, Grigory will definitely return with knocked down knees and dirty clothes. He especially loves to launch boats in puddles ...


    They have a patient, calm, very kind character. They are docile, love animals, do well in school. They are very motivated and conscientious people and never promise what they cannot do. They are very devoted to their parents, they always care ...


    From birth, Makaras are given a lot of things that others have dreamed of for many years. Unfortunately, not all Makars are able to appreciate this gift, so it is often wasted. They are capable and at the same time stubborn children with dis ...


    Pavel is a kind and helpful child. He will be more willing to help his mother take care of her younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. With age, Pavel ...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he can have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and ...

  • 24 january th Vitaly

    Little Vitaly is a typical "mama's son". He is an affectionate and obedient boy, always trying to be closer to his mother. If he is the youngest in the family, then he is wary of older brothers and sisters. In a society younger in age than himself, uv ...


    From early childhood, Vladimir shows curiosity and seeks to test his knowledge in practice. He is inclined to take risks and to some extent even to gambles. Strives to take a leading position in the company of peers. He listens to the advice of giving birth ...


    In early childhood, Joseph is irritable. This boy is difficult to please: either the porridge is not the same, or the toy is not the same as he saw in the shop window. By school age, this quality passes imperceptibly. Of the Josephs grow complaisant, kind, gray ...


    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mindset ...


    Nikolai grows strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. It does not stick with the whims of the parents, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. She studies well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and d ...


    Little Stepan is a playful and restless boy who loves a wide variety of games. It is easy and fun to communicate with him. Stepan is very mobile, and it is difficult for him to sit behind textbooks. But, having a good memory, he quickly grasps the necessary material, easily f ...


    Terenty are painfully sensitive to the manifestation of any injustice on the part of others. Although they themselves are selfish and often make "friendly" ties with people who occupy a prominent position in society. They will never say to their face all that they think about what ...


    Fyodor as a child is a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes aloof from peers. Parents and teachers will especially love Fyodor's neatness. His things will always be in perfect order, ...

  • 25 january fri Galaktion

    By nature, Galaktion is a good actor. Outwardly, he is calm, kind, flexible. But you will never know what exactly he thinks of you. Galaktion usually does not advertise his opinion. He doesn’t take patience! His stubbornness helps him get his way - and ...


    Ilya is a very economic person. From childhood, he learns to help his father and mother in all household chores and masters a variety of skills. Ilya can participate in construction work at his summer cottage, breed chickens and rabbits ...


    From birth, Makaras are given a lot of things that others have dreamed of for many years. Unfortunately, not all Makars are able to appreciate this gift, so it is often wasted. They are capable and at the same time stubborn children with dis ...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he can have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and ...


    Tatiana - emotional child, knows how to stand up for herself, is practical and principled. But its principles largely depend on the mood. He tries to be a leader among his peers. It is difficult to endure the monotony and therefore tends to attend sports sections, ...

  • 26 january sat Afanasy

    He is a born explorer. With an expression of sly simplicity, he, not yet knowing how to walk, will turn out all the drawers, examine all the shelves and cabinets. In adulthood, he can be content with traveling and going to bars and cafes, retelling stories from friends to friends ...

    Maksim Martha

    It has long been believed that a girl named Martha is simple-minded and sweet. She is not characterized by cunning and anger, she is pleasant and easy to communicate. Good-natured, ready to help, benevolent and undemanding - such is the bearer of the name Martha. ...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he can have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and ...


    Yasha is one of the practical, calculating children. He is a little slow-witted, he must get used to the new situation and to new people. He always prefers old, trusted friends. He easily develops respiratory diseases. Loves adventures ...

  • 27 january sun Agnia

    These are very principled women with a complex character. They are very talented. Usually they are the best students, they are always set as an example to others. Outwardly they are very similar to their mother. Homebodies. Therefore, they often get a profession, the choice of which is determined by the fact that ...


    In early childhood, those named by this name are painful, vulnerable. Not like their father or mother. They are very emotional, stubborn, persistent, they can lie. They have many friends. The nervous system is very unstable. Go in for sports: football, gymnastics ...


    Since childhood, Andrei has a rich imagination. His favorite toys are all kinds of constructors. He can depict a car and a racer at the same time, rush around the apartment and emit the whole gamut of sounds - from the rumbling of the engine to the squeak ...


    This name sounds firm - and the character of these people is persistent, active. In early childhood, they are mobile and irritable. Always and everywhere they love to be the first, they achieve what they want. People with this name are always strong, dexterous, cunning and invariably you ...


    As a child, it is important to notice Benjamin's giftedness. Parents and teachers need to pay special attention to the boy's talent and create the necessary conditions for development. Benjamin is persistent in achieving his goals and therefore often achieves ...


    The character is proud, persistent, pragmatic. Davids are sociable, surrounded by friends, but it is because of them that they have a lot of trouble. They look like a mother. They have remarkable physical strength. They do not tolerate lies, they can flare up, but immediately they quickly withdraw, there is no evil ...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be fidgets and brawlers. In Ivany, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    Ilya is a very economic person. From childhood, he learns to help his father and mother in all household chores and masters a variety of skills. Ilya can participate in construction work at his summer cottage, breed chickens and rabbits ...


    In early childhood, Joseph is irritable. This boy is difficult to please: either the porridge is not the same, or the toy is not the same as he saw in the shop window. By school age, this quality passes imperceptibly. Of the Josephs grow complaisant, kind, gray ...


    From birth, Makaras are given a lot of things that others have dreamed of for many years. Unfortunately, not all Makars are able to appreciate this gift, so it is often wasted. They are capable and at the same time stubborn children with dis ...


    Mark is egocentric, and this trait, which later, in adulthood, will be successfully masked by a charming smile, emphasized by politeness and readiness for self-sacrifice, can be easily discerned in early childhood. Mark does everything to ensure that mom ...


    The character in early childhood is calm, the boy does not cause trouble for either family or teachers. He is surrounded by friends, studies well at school, plays music, reads a lot. Moses are often born in big family and grow up independent and kind, always help ...


    As a child, Nina is stubborn, she cannot always restrain her feelings, does not listen to the advice and warnings of her elders. To achieve some goal, he can show enviable persistence. Able to protect a weaker peer and apply yes ...


    Pavel is a kind and helpful child. He will be more willing to help his mother take care of her younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. With age, Pavel ...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who gives his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger, begins to play sports. In his character, courageous traits are increasingly manifested. Sergei prefers energetic ...


    Little Stepan is a playful and restless boy who loves a wide variety of games. It is easy and fun to communicate with him. Stepan is very mobile, and it is difficult for him to sit behind textbooks. But, having a good memory, he quickly grasps the necessary material, easily f ...

  • 28 january mon Benjamin

    As a child, it is important to notice Benjamin's giftedness. Parents and teachers need to pay special attention to the boy's talent and create the necessary conditions for his development. Veniamin is persistent in achieving his goals and therefore often achieves ...


    All those bearing this name easily overcome obstacles that stand in the way, do not stop at difficulties in business and work. But as for personal relationships, here Gabriel sometimes cannot keep the situation under control, he forgives all betrayals and ...


    Gerasim loves quiet games, can sculpt or draw for hours, loves reading books to him, is ready to listen to fairy tales all day. At school, Gerasim is very worried if he gets a bad mark. Performing and obligatory, always doing homework ...


    Little Elena loves fairy tales. Keeps a little closed, lives by his own inner peace... She is very trusting, but if someone takes advantage of this quality of her and deceives her, then Elena will certainly punish the deceiver, while showing extraordinary ingenuity. ...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be fidgets and brawlers. In Ivany, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mindset ...


    Pavel is a kind and helpful child. He will be more willing to help his mother take care of her younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. With age, Pavel ...


    Prokhor is not a very sociable person, he gets annoyed over trifles. "Winter" - stubborn, persistent. These are typical truth-seekers and in this field they often bruise themselves. They are very active, but not careerists. Everything that is entrusted to them is done thoroughly. ...

  • 29 january tue Ivan

    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be fidgets and brawlers. In Ivany, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    As a child, Maxim does not give parents and teachers any trouble. He studies well, he has normal relationships with peers. He reads various books and develops a rich imagination. She enjoys going to the theater for children's performances. ...


    Neonila is principled, stubborn and cunning, businesslike and calm, knows how to adapt. Loves comfort, coziness. Has a weakness for beautiful things, expensive gold jewelry. She dresses brightly, strives to stand out from others. True, this only applies ...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he can have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and ...

  • 30 january wed Anton

    As a small child, Anton is charming and immediately attracts him. These qualities remain with him throughout his life. The main character traits of Anton are in many ways similar to the character of his mother, but his father is the support in childhood for him. Anton relates to his parents ...


    This name contains, as it were, two names: Tonya and Nina. Calling the child Tonya, the parents instill in her friendliness, gaiety, good nature. But the older she gets, the stronger the second part of the name appears - Nina: bearing authority and prudent ...


    Victor is a gullible boy, he believes everything that adults tell him. Upon learning of the deception, he is very upset, Victor is not vindictive, he quickly forgets offenses and again treats people with confidence. You can try to get Victor to make music, for example ...


    In childhood, George keeps aloof from his peers, but not to such an extent that they understood it as arrogance. George does not reach the point, after which comes the opposition to his comrades. Knows how to listen ...


    Boys with such a common name can have very different personalities. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be fidgets and brawlers. In Ivany, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    Pavel is a kind and helpful child. He will be more willing to help his mother take care of her younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. With age, Pavel ...


    Savely is extraordinary and talented, but, at the same time, a somewhat reserved, quiet boy, immersed in his own experiences, modest, trying to stay in the background. Behind the external gloom lies warmth and responsiveness. ...

  • 31 january th Alexander

    In childhood, Alexandra often get sick, but if adolescents begin to temper and exercise, then strong and persistent men grow out of them. The Alexandras are doggedly pursuing their goal. They can become the head of the colle ...


    He is a born explorer. With an expression of sly simplicity, he, not yet knowing how to walk, will turn out all the drawers, examine all the shelves and cabinets. In adulthood, he can be content with traveling and going to bars and cafes, retelling stories from friends to friends ...


    From early childhood, Vladimir shows curiosity and seeks to test his knowledge in practice. He is inclined to take risks and to some extent even to gambles. Strives to take a leading position in the company of peers. He listens to the advice of giving birth ...


    Dmitry is growing up as a sickly child. He will get sick with a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious, demanding of others. The mother will constantly seek protection and help. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of ...


    Little Eugene will start reading and writing early. He also develops an inclination towards rich imagination early on. He will be good at solving problems that require a certain ingenuity. Evgeny will be easy foreign languages... He is friendly with peers, enjoys ...


    Emelyan is constant and principled. He is very stubborn, sometimes it does him harm. Emelyan does not like haste, fuss, plans all his affairs in advance. He prefers to have a few acquaintances, one or two best friends, and rarely is the lineup “approx.


    The striking features of Ephraim are impulsiveness, straightforwardness, explosive temperament, acute pride, it is difficult to expect calmness and poise from him. Due to increased sensitivity to external irritating factors, it is easy to lose his temper, ...


    Hilarion possesses enviable qualities: a sense of humor, honesty, sociability. People love him for his ability to listen, give advice, support. Because of their ability to take everything to heart, they often end up in stories. Modest and undecided ...


    Little Cyril is very curious. He is interested in literally everything: why planes fly, where children come from, why do sparrows chirp. He starts reading early and quickly swallows all the books in the house, sometimes not understanding the content at all. Possession ...


    This girl has been kind since childhood. Sensitive, gentle. Her honesty towards people amazes those around her. She is always happy to help her neighbor in trouble. Ksenia is a sweet, calm and obedient child. She is a good student, not lazy, neat and fulfills ...


    As a child, Maxim does not give parents and teachers any trouble. He studies well, he has normal relationships with peers. He reads various books and develops a rich imagination. She enjoys going to the theater for children's performances. ...


    Masha is a kind, gentle, calm girl. Her favorite pastime is being a nanny for young children. She is very vulnerable, even a small remark addressed to her is hard going. At the same time, in her character there is firmness, dignity, way ...


    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports games with his friends and sing in a children's choir. Mikhail has a logical mindset ...


    Nikolai grows strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. It does not stick with the whims of the parents, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. She studies well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and d ...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who gives his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger, begins to play sports. In his character, courageous traits are increasingly manifested. Sergei prefers energetic ...

  • January

It has long been considered that the day of the angel is no less important holiday than the birthday. Moreover, if these two dates coincide. In different parts of the world, it is on this day that people ask for blessings. higher powers and make dreams come true. The names according to the calendar also help to choose the right names for girls and boys as much as possible.

You don't have to choose the suggested name for the birthday person, but it's better to familiarize yourself with them. Perhaps the saints and born saints will make it easier for you to choose a name. But also consider the characteristic that a particular name often endows its owner. For example, Raisa has more strong character than Anna. It is easy to determine by the firmness of the name itself, but not only.

Name days of the first half

Allocate the following birthday girls who were destined to be born in January:

When choosing a name for a baby, you should first consider church Russian Orthodox male names (full list by months), not forgetting that it can soften the character of the child, or, on the contrary, make him more serious and harsh. Therefore, before you name the child, familiarize yourself with all the meanings of the name and with the saints born in the winter month.

Names for those born in the second half

January 15: Kuzma and Modest. Original, like their names. They become opinion leaders, they are respected, they fall in love with them. Real men!

17th: Aristarkh, Prokhor, Artem, Timofey, Trofim. Often endowed with mathematical abilities and an analytical mindset. They achieve success in business and are not afraid to take on what no one else has done.

19th: Roman, Matvey, Lukyan. They are interested in science, have a developed intuition, sometimes tend to withdraw into themselves, but are always open to loved ones.

January 20th: Ivan. A simple and incredibly responsive guy who is easy-going, albeit a little lazy.

January 21: Victor, Afanasy, Philip, Stepan, Semyon. They can obey other people's influence, do not always express their own opinion, but they often hold high positions.

22nd: Zakhar. A humble but sympathetic guy who is interested in the development of technology and modern technologies... He can be sentimental, and therefore does not easily endure resentment, criticism or betrayal.

23rd: Gregory and Zinovy. Intellectuals who are not afraid of the brave and unusual solutions, experiments and adventures.

January 24: Vladimir, Vitaly, Terenty. Endowed with high intelligence, but not always able to apply it in practice, as well as find an industry in which to show it. You need to work on this from an early age.

26th: Afanasy, Miroslav. Balanced, but dreamy, they approach any issue seriously and measuredly. Whether it's a world catastrophe, broken doorhandle or a forgotten child in kindergarten... Some people perceive this behavior as selfishness, but it is not.

27th: Aristarkh, David, Ilya, Makar, Mark, Joseph, Stepan, Sergey. Strong-willed individuals who do not always easily find their way through life. They have to try themselves in different professions to find a calling.

28th: Gabriel, Prokhor, Benjamin. Decisive, determined and not always common men who boldly go towards their goals.

On the 29th: Maksim. Charming guys who often become real macho. They are smart, active, appreciate the time and effort they spend, and know what they want. True, the latter comes with age.

January 30: Anton, Savely, Pavel. They are prone to doubts, but at the same time they can surprise with a tough momentary decision. These men combine the incompatible: they love to temper and home comfort, are sharp, but kind.

The last day before February - January 31: Afanasy, Illarion, Eugene, Dmitry, Emelyan. Men with a kind heart and a wide soul. They often help their relatives, even being in adulthood, provide for their own family and move towards goals only forward.

Let your angel be sure to protect you!

Each parent should understand that by choosing a name for his child, he partially predetermines his fate. Sometimes children are named after a favorite artist or one of their relatives, sometimes the most fashionable name is chosen.

It is believed that the nickname carries a certain energy and affects the character and habits of a person. For example, you decide to be born in January. It is best to refer to church calendar... For many centuries, people have believed that by naming their child after one of the great martyrs or saints, they give him their own Guardian Angel.

Which ones are on the church calendar?

Great Martyr Anastasia Pattern-maker - name day on January 4

Nastya is choleric, mobile and it is quite difficult to get along with her, as she is subject to frequent mood swings. Now she can laugh merrily, and after a couple of minutes she will completely withdraw into herself and become sad.

As a rule, girls born in January and named Anastasia are not able to act decisively in extreme situations. At the same time, they grasp any information on the fly and have an excellent memory. However, they prefer to remember only what really interested them.

Venerable Martyr Eugenia - name days on January 6 and 18

If you have not yet decided what to call a girl born in January, then you should think about the name Zhenya. It has Greek roots and is translated as "noble".

Little Eugenia is very calm, she loves to embroider or knit. She easily finds with her peers, but loves to be alone more. Teachers and classmates appreciate Zhenya for her curiosity and willingness to always help.

Having matured, such a girl becomes very hospitable and welcoming. In men, she most of all values ​​restraint and courtesy.

Martyr Claudia - name day January 6

Sociable and hardworking child. Not all names of girls born in January suggest the presence of clear intelligence. Claudia, on the other hand, knows how to think concretely, independently find a way out of any situation and remember the information received.

However, such a girl is often too nervous and irritable, and also will not tolerate being forced to obey someone.

Adult Claudia is a faithful and caring wife. She simply does not know how to play with someone's feelings and flirt.

Most often, Claudia choose the profession of a flight attendant, pediatrician or nurse.

Anfisa - name day on January 8

We continue to consider the names of girls born in January. Some of them have Greek origin... The name Anfisa in translation from this language means "blooming".

Little Anfisa is a calm and slightly shy child. She usually gravitates more towards her father. However, with age, this girl acquires such character traits as stubbornness and determination.

She tries to choose a profession so that she is not required to make a lot of effort. For example, she might become a librarian or salesperson.

Anfisa is slightly arrogant and proud. Therefore, he tries to choose a man as a companion who can be subordinated to his will.

Maria - name days on January 8, 12 and 31

Some parents, when deciding what to call a girl born in January, tend to prefer names of Hebrew origin. That is why they choose the name Mary, which is translated from this language as "rejecting".

Masha is a kind and sociable child with a slightly carefree and cheerful disposition. The main traits of her character are mercy and justice. You can always rely on this girl in a difficult situation.

Her character is difficult - Maria rarely compromises and is often offended.

Antonina - name days on January 9, 22 and 30

WITH Greek this name is translated as "acquiring in return." Tonya is trusting and sympathetic, will always support her friends not only in words, but also in deeds. If you do not know what to call a girl born in January, but you want the child to be kind and cheerful, then this name will do.

Antonina is easily carried away and is able to ignite others with her ideas. If she grows up in a complete family, where a benevolent atmosphere reigns, then Tonya literally flourishes. She is a little sentimental and can easily fall under the influence of others. In addition, this girl has extraordinary intuition.

Dominica - name day January 10

Dominica shows her independent character even in childhood. And this is not surprising, because her name is translated from Latin as "mistress". Some of the names of girls born in January leave their mark on the personality of the child. Dominica doesn't like group games too much, she is brave and stubborn.

At first it is difficult for a girl to get used to the school environment, but over time she masters and makes progress. Dominica has a great memory, this child can easily remember a large number of poetry.

This girl can become an excellent journalist, doctor, teacher or tour guide.

Anna - name day January 11

In Hebrew, the name means grace. Anna is a fair and uncompromising girl. She is not affected nervous breakdowns and conscientiously treats his duties.

Anya is a real Russian woman. She is loyal, loving, affectionate and kind. She will make a wonderful wife and mother. The girl is used to relying only on her own strength, she does not listen to anyone's advice and does not give in to the influence of other people.

You can talk a lot about Anna, but let's still find out which ones are still there. church names girls born in January.

Barbara - name day on January 11

Smiling, cheerful and kind girl. Since childhood, Varya has been showing the ability to draw, dance and music. This child is a living confirmation of the fact that it is worth choosing church names for girls. In January there are many of them according to the calendar, and some, like the name of Barbara, give their owners such character traits as perseverance, hard work and modesty.

Most often, Varya chooses the profession of a salesman, accountant, librarian or nurse.

The girl easily falls in love, but she will never take the first step. At the same time, she makes a good housewife - she appreciates home comfort and prefers to spend time with her family.

Natalia - name day on January 11

Natasha is a hardworking girl, but at the same time stubborn and proud. Outwardly, she seems meek and a little frivolous, but in fact she is a touchy and quick-tempered nature. Since childhood, this child is distinguished by rancor, but rarely takes revenge on his offenders.

Natalia is a born leader. She loves to be in the spotlight and requires constant praise. Such a girl can achieve great success in medicine, painting or music. Often engaged in business.

With age, Natasha turns into an excellent hostess. She cooks well, loves to receive guests, looks after her husband and children and does not quarrel with her mother-in-law.

Martyr Irina - name days on January 12 and 16

Determined and independent nature. A real daddy's favorite, who, instead of fiddling with pies in the kitchen, will happily run to help him repair the car. Ira loves sports and reads a lot. In literature, he prefers science fiction novels and detective stories.

This girl cannot be called sentimental, she is often even a little rude. But at the same time, Irina has such a character trait as sociability. It is not at all difficult for her to find a common language with a complete stranger.

Adult Ira is a devoted, but very jealous wife. She can change her husband only if he underestimates her. However, Irina values ​​stability very much and is unlikely to decide on a divorce.

Venerable Apollinaria (Pauline) - name day January 18

Since childhood, this child is accustomed to considering himself smarter than those around him. Polina is a hot-tempered and narcissistic girl. It is these character traits that allow her to never lose confidence in her abilities. She listens to someone else's opinion, but does not take anything for granted, therefore she practically does not give in to someone else's influence.

Polina will not tolerate lies, hypocrisy or hypocrisy. A wonderful clean housewife who will not waste money in vain. She takes care of her children, develops them both physically and mentally.

Martyr Tatiana (Tatiana) - name days on January 18 and 25

Even at a very young age, Tanya is distinguished by emotionality, adherence to principles and the ability to stand up for herself. She is sociable and tries to break out into leaders in the circle of her peers. One of this girl's weaknesses is dancing.

With age, Tatiana becomes domineering and stubborn. She does not like when people object to her, and always defends her position. From a little girl grows an artistic and self-centered woman who prefers the company of men. Often she tries to lead her husband, pulls back the children, and may even shout.

However, over time, Tanya becomes more tolerant of others, thanks to this her family life getting better. She is very jealous, but skillfully hides her feelings.

Other names

Of course, these are not all the names that are listed on the church calendar for January. What other girls names are there?

On January 11, the balanced and pensive Evdokia celebrates her name day. January 21 - calm and timid Vasilisa. January 27 - serious, determined Agnia and stubborn, hardworking Nina. January 28 - impressionable and friendly Elena. And on January 31 - the emotional and talented Ksenia.

Names by horoscope

Often, parents choose a name for their girl depending on the sign of the zodiac. In January, Capricorns and Aquarius are born.

Capricorns are disciplined, prudent, intelligent and ambitious people. This zodiac sign symbolizes perseverance and courage. The following names are most suitable for Capricorn girls: Emma, ​​Eleanor, Sophia, Rimma, Olga, Nina, Natalia, Maria, Ksenia, Christina, Kira, Irina, Zinaida, Daria, Vera and Arina.

Aquarians are idealistic, highly intelligent and independent people. The Aquarius girl will be an interesting and bright personality with a unique character and extraordinary sincerity. The following names are suitable for her: Julia, Elvira, Snezhana, Svetlana, Olga, Natalia, Lolita, Leah, Lydia, Larisa, Galina, Violetta, Varvara, Valeria, Anna, Angelina and Alina.

We hope this article helped you answer the question of what to call a girl born in January. Give your child a Guardian Angel and, perhaps, he will protect him from the hardships of life. And you, as parents, will help him in everything.