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Fortune telling on male cards. A simple and fast way of divination. Divination on a favorite deck of playing cards

Division from time immemorial was popular among people of different ages. A person from curiosity wants to open the door to the secret knowledge of his destiny. Using divination, you can find confidence before one or another event.

Divination on playing decks is characterized by simplicity. All because there is no need to look for and buy a rare deck, even the fortune telling on the tarot cards requires a more professional approach.

For divination, it is necessary to purchase a new deck of cards, on which no one has yet played, otherwise interpretation will be incorrect. If it is still not possible to take new, you need to thoroughly mix the deck, several times.

There is such a belief that if an innocent girl is planted on the deck of playing cards, then you can carry out a divination, this is the cleansing of the deck.

For most uniforms, it is used by an incomplete deck - 36 pieces. Maps should belong only to one person, it is desirable not to give the same deck for divination to girlfriends or sisters, so you can lose a thin magic connection that occurs at first fortune.

Before you start, a deck must be kept in your hands for a few minutes, referring to them to ask yourself about the question of interest. Then again shuffle the deck with your left hand, in the direction of the heart. After that, you need to take a few pieces from above and move down.

In the old days, the sickness was considered a suitable time for divination, this is the time when young girls spent in various ways of fortune telling, dreaming of seeing their future groom. Of all the days of the week, Friday is most favorable for divination, you can also guess every month, 13 numbers.

Monday is an unsuccessful day, for any ghostas, interpretation simply will not come true.

Interpretation of all playing cards in any scenaries

  1. Ace - means an event that happens in the fall, unkind rumors a state institution or house of respected people;
  2. The king is a friendly comrade associated with military service. When the card is completely absent - it foresees the collapse;
  3. The lady is a friend, a powerful woman, in some cases an unrecognizable child;
  4. Valts - an assistant, a close friend, low military position, if among all volts will fall out first, divination is performed correctly;
  5. Dozen - a critical situation in life associated with fire;
  6. Nine - emergency inheritance, confusion, spiritual conversation;
  7. Eight - the death of a close friend, a rich house;
  8. Seven - a heavy path, profit in affairs, getting an inheritance. In the literal position will mean disappointment;
  9. Six - possibly an ambulance trip to the sea, the wrong way, a state institution.

  1. Ace - Residence of spouses, joyful news, springtime, pleasant surprise;
  2. The king - when falling out with the lady of the same suit, symbolizes a married man, Shaten, the benefit of the news, the long-awaited meeting;
  3. Lady is a married woman;
  4. Valet is an unpleasant interlocutor, unwanted guest, if there is a king of this suit in the scenario, symbolizes his thoughts, in some situation means pleasant news;
  5. Dozen - quick marriage, happy news, sometimes means any city;
  6. Nine - symbolizes a love letter, a quick news, good or not, directly depends on the drops of cards;
  7. Eight - Relaxation, Conversation with a pleasant person, Gloover;
  8. Seven - Global Changes, Merry Friends, as well as the secret thoughts of the worm lady;
  9. Six - events on life path, collapse in new endeavors.


  1. Ace - means hot summer, unexpected news;
  2. The king is a non-native man if there is no lady card nearby, a romantic date, acquaintance with a pleasant interlocutor, a fateful meeting;
  3. Lady - Young Lady, the wrong spouse;
  4. Valts - good news, symbolizes a boy who can be trusted;
  5. Dozen - budget replenishment, pleasant surprise, meeting with a close companion;
  6. Nine - money, if a lady falls out or the king of this suit, a pleasant impression of a gadget person;
  7. Eight - prophetic dreams, news of money, plans for the future;
  8. Seven - an expensive present, an important event in a career, pleasant troubles;
  9. Six - a good card that is capable of eclipping all the negative cards, foreshadows success in money, in a personal life.
  1. Ace - night, winter time years, losses, unpleasant news, while near the king of this suit, means an indomitable passion;
  2. King - enemy, man dreaming to pump, rival;
  3. Lady - disorder in the family, large quarrels, grumpy, old woman;
  4. Valts - an unpleasant young man with dark hair, fights, unpleasant news, hidden thoughts of the King of the same suit;
  5. Dozen - destroyed dreams, fast losses, bad news;
  6. Nine - Beveling with a close friend, distant road;
  7. Eight - illness, collapse in affairs, a housing of a high-ranking person;
  8. Seven - lies, unexpected news;
  9. Six - Loss of the king or ladies of this suit, a heavy road.

Knowing the interpretation of all playing cards, you can proceed to the most interesting and magical - fortune telling.

The alignment "What was and what will happen" and interpretation

This is the most common fortune telling on playing cards. Before the beginning of divination from the deck, the map of an asking person is separated, according to the principle:

  • bubnic king or lady - for free young people;
  • the worm king or lady - for people in marriage;
  • the trephic king or lady - for older people.

The deck is thoroughly shuffled, usually from 3 to 5 times. After that, you need to spread three pieces until the nearest, symbolizing the gadget person. If there is a suit similar next to it, it means that fortune telling is true. The card of the gadget is postponed separately. Then the one to whom the fortune telling is performed, shifts part of the deer to the little finger of the left hand from herself.

In no case do not need to remove the deck on yourself, otherwise there is a risk of transition of negative energy per person. Therefore, it is better to protect themselves to protect yourself from the bad effects of magic. After a man, conducting fortune telling, begins to spread 3 cards in 5 rows, then another card from the deck is postponed separately.

Each row has its own designation:

  • 1 row - for yourself;
  • 2 row - for the heart;
  • 3 row - for home;
  • 4 row - past events;
  • 5 row - upcoming events.

The map is separately deferred on the side - this is the answer to the question "What will calm down?".

Fortune telling for the near future on playing cards

One of the oldest fortunes for the near future is a fortune telling on 13 cards. A new card deck is thoroughly shuffled, after which they shifted with her left hand. Then, in random order, 13 cards are taken from the deck, which are laid out with each other and mean future events. In order of queue, the card means:

Self for love and relationship with a man

Fortune telling for 6 cards

Before the beginning of divination on the playing cards we define an asking person. Then thoroughly shifting a new deck, remove part of the little finger on his left hand, then take the card on top of the deck.

After that, the deck is again needed to shuffle, it should be done 6 times until 6 inverted the front of the cards are on the table. Now you can watch interpretation.

The number of decomposed cards is not random. Each of them in order of priority means this or that event:

  • 1 map - thoughts of a loved one;
  • 2 card - what's on the heart of the beloved;
  • 3 card - the nearest future of the beloved;
  • 4 card - dreams of a loved one;
  • 5 card - fears of a loved one;
  • 6 Map - the attitude of his beloved to me, now.

Fortune telling for 3 cards

The deck of 36 pieces is taken, from which the king and the queen must be distinguished, according to the principle:

  1. Bubnovy wash - Shaten;
  2. Peaks and critical suit - brunettes;
  3. The worm suit is blondes.

The deck is mixed several times, then in the form of a vert, it is laid out 3 pieces in a vertical line until the cherished king and the queen fall. After these suites appear in the scenario, you must lay out 2 more vers of 3 pieces.

In this scenario, the most difficult to distribute events. If the lady and the king are located next to each other in one wine, then such an alliance is harmonious and strong relationships.

When one card is below the other, in a pair, a lot of shortcoming, intrigue, quarrel, one who is located below is no longer interesting to another partner.

It is worth paying attention to the vertical rows, the left, the extreme row is what was between people in the past, the middle - real events, the extreme row, right - the future.

In case of harmonious scenario, except for those who are guessing, other kings and ladies do not fall out, in case there is another one, someone is present in the relationship, perhaps a love triangle has been formed.

A bad sign is the appearance of peak tens in the defold - these are relationships doomed at the collapse.

If a lot of multiple-match cards are in a row, it means that partners are engaged in the total activities related to finance.


1 way

One of the easiest ways to guess the desire, mix a deck with maps and pull out anyway - it will be a response to a given question. If during the scenario, one of them fell by accident, then it means that it will be a response to it seriously.

This divination is suitable for solving small issues and plans to the very near future, in the event of a decision of fateful problems, this method is not suitable.

2 way

The deck of cards are mixed and 15 pieces are laid out. After the scenario, you need to select aces and postpone. So to do two more times, if the aces of all the masters come out during divination, the desire will certainly come true.

3 way

This method will help to find an answer to a specific question, the more accurate it will, the more truthfully they will answer the cards. Before the start of divination, you need to remove all six from the deck. From the deck you need to take 4 pieces and make a desire for one of them. Shuffle cards and post on the principle of the pyramid, starting with 1 card, so that there are 6 rows. Depending on what rode the planned suit was falling, would mean:

  • the top of the pyramids will not come true;
  • 2 row - doubtful;
  • 3 row - do not count on success;
  • 4 row - probably will come true;
  • 5 row - will come true;
  • 6 row - undoubtedly will come true.

4 way

This fortune telling on playing cards will help give a specific answer "yes" or "no", therefore, questions should be simple. For divination, you need a deck, consisting of 36 cards, the interpretation will consist of two parts, the first - the highest forces answer the question, the second - which contributed to this.

4 cards are laid out in 9 rows, the front side down, then only the upper cards are opened, if among all the cards fall out the same suit, they are deposited aside and follow the next. If all the cards open, the desire will come true.

If this alignment was successful, the second part of the divination is not required.

The cards are then shuffled again and put out the front side up, the names are pronounced, from the ace to the six, in order. If posting the map, they called it exactly, lay aside and so far it does not go out several pieces - this is the reason for the unfulfilled desire.

What can not be done at gadania on playing cards

In the fact that a person is interested to know his future, get an answer to the question - there is nothing crazy. The main thing is to remember that any divination is a touch of secret knowledge, therefore accuracy and accuracy are important in this matter. Failure to fall into dependence is a fairly widespread error that many, inexperienced young men and girls allow. If you use interpretation in the right direction, you can significantly improve the quality of your life, protect yourself from incorrect solutions. You can perform fortune telling on the playing cards in absolutely different ways, but the interpretation of them will still be one.

In the next video - still interpretations for gadas on playing cards.

People seek advice to cards in absolutely different life situations. After all, you do not always know how to do what to do?! The love sphere does not become an exception. To guess on the maps for love began in distant antiquity, which is not surprising at all. This method of divination is quite simple and informative. Maps will help the girl to decide on the choice of a satellite of life, learn about his intentions, feelings, how serious the existing relationships, the prospect of their further development and other issues.

We will analyze in more detail the preparation for fortunening, the most popular layouts, proper interpretation and useful tips.

Choosing a deck and preparation for card fortune

There are many card decks - Indian, Gypsy, Tarot, Lenorman, standard 36 and 54. For the correct scenario and interpretation of the first four, many years of experience and certain knowledge in this area will be required. Divination on the playing cards for love can be alleged even a beginner. Therefore, this method is very popular.

Before proceeding with the process of divination, do not forget to take into account the preparatory stages. Otherwise, the cards will issue false information, and the person will not receive answers to his questions.

  • For divination, use a deck on which they do not play or new. Do not let your deck in the hands of the outsider.
  • Indoors should not have extraneous people and noise.
  • Remove all decorations and dispel hair.
  • It is forbidden to guess on Sundays and in the days of church holidays!
  • Concentrate on the question, mentally uttering it, tune in to a positive way.
  • Do not guess more than 1 time per day.

After you correctly tuned and took into account all the tips, you can proceed directly to the divination process.

It is necessary to associate partners for which fortune-telling is carried out with figures of certain stripes.

The following are applicable for girls and women:

  • Young unmarried girl up to 25 years old - Lady Bubna
  • Married or aged 25 - 50 years - Lady of Cherry
  • Widow or woman older than 50 years - Lady Treft (cross)

For men:

  • Young unmarried guy - King Bubne
  • Married or older than 25 years old - king of the Cherry
  • Widower or older than 50 years - King Treft (cross)

Most Popular Layouts

Singing on six maps

Concentrate your thoughts on your beloved person, your relationship and joint future.

A standard deck is taken from 36 elements, and is carefully shuffled. Remove the bowl with the mother's left hand. Turn over the top card and dust on the table. You should repeat the manipulation data six times (shuffle six times, remove the left maizin, postpone the inverted top card). Enclosing the dropped cards from top to bottom. Their interpretation:

  1. What is the person thinks about which you guess
  2. What's on his soul
  3. What awaits him in the future
  4. What he really wants
  5. His further plans
  6. What happens to him in the present

Old way of card divination for love

Our grandmothers still used such a way.

Find a king in a dealer that meets the type of man's type you need. Place this map in the center of the table. Mix the cards well, do not stop thinking about the sweetheart, move the deck on yourself with the left maizin.

  1. Remove the top three cards and place them on the king: they will tell about his heart experiences.
  2. By three cards, place the right and to the left of the king - they symbolize it with the present.
  3. Three cards from above - information about its future.
  4. Three cards from below - will talk about his past.
  5. Detailed via masters is given in the table below.

For the future of your relationship

Find your lady and king in the deck, which means your loved one. The king is located on the left, and the lady on the right. Be sure to leave the gap between them. Swim a deck and move it to the left mother's maiden. Remove the maps in a row one after another, shirts up.

The following order will turn out:

  • Two cards to the left of the king and to the right of the lady - mean information that young hide from each other;
  • Two at the bottom of the king and ladies - plans for the near future;
  • Two from the top of the king and lady - the thoughts of lovers about each other;
  • Two to the left of the extreme king cards, the two on the right of the extreme cards of the ladies are obstacles that interfere with harmonious relationships on each side;
  • Two directly on the king and the lady - what is happening in the shower and on the heart of each partner;
  • On the same map under the king and lady - show the real feelings of a man to a woman, and women to a man;
  • Between the king and the lady, place three times two cards - they will talk about the past, present and future of your pair;

Disclose and interpret the cards follows in the same order in which they laid out.

Detailed via masters is given in the table below.

Self for feelings of his beloved

If you want to learn more about the feelings of your beloved, apply exactly this fortune telling.

Shuffle a deck, think about the lover, remove the cards with the left mother's maiden, trying to bring to the heart.

Maps are laid out in the ranks of six pieces. Look at the diagonal values, with their coincidence (two aces, two dozen, and so on), postpone the resulting pairs from the defold. After all the cards are decomposed, and paired diagonal removed, collect a deck in order, Starting from the end of the scenario! In no case do not shove the resulting deck!

Explore cards again in the ranks, but now 5 pieces, removing the paired diagonally. Then 4, then 3 and 2 (the same defects are also set aside).

  • One - maybe soon marriage
  • Two - the partner sincerely loves you
  • Three - mutual interest
  • Four - Beloved sadness
  • Five - his thoughts are connected only with you
  • Six - Perhaps the bold changes you
  • Seven - your person is indifferent

Divination at the direction

If you are unsure of the loyalty of your spouse or lover, make the following alignment. Mentally, ask one specific question, drag the deck and move it to yourself with the left maizin. In any order, pull out four cards that will be answered.

  • The first - means your present position.
  • The second - describe the possible deliberate.
  • The third - tells how to change the situation that created
  • The fourth - will explain why the partner changes you.

If you work on your own errors in relationships with your beloved, you can avoid divorce or parting.

Values \u200b\u200bof cards in scenarios



Diamonds Clubs Hearts Peaks
Six Unfortunately ride to friends or relatives. Working business trip. Next to the Mashy Peaks - Family Juices. Joint journey, trip, long road. It may mean the reciprocity of feelings. Adverse long-distance ride.
Next to the card of your man can mean his secret road.
Seven Meetings with friends, parties. Next to the Mashy Peaks - Jealousy. Successful business negotiations or improvement of relationships with loved ones. Love meeting, secluded date. Quarrels, conflicts, hysterics and tears. If a lady is nearby - an unpleasant date.
Eight Drawing up general plans for the future. Perhaps a joint holiday with friends. Drawing up family shopping plans. Next to the Mashy Peaks - cash disagreements, accusations of mercantility. Romantic communication, correspondence. Perhaps walling. Home quarrels and scandals, claims of both partners. Drunk party with friends, which is better to avoid.
Nine Friendly relationship, first love or real feelings. Love relationships or marriage, haunting mercenary purposes. Sincere and mutual feelings of partners. If the Cherry currencies are nearby - an ambient pregnancy. Handra and unhealthy your or someone from loved ones.
Ten Prospects, projects in a friendly sphere. Next to the Trephian Mashy - the general acquisitions of the necessary things. Good luck on your side. Success in any life sphere is possible new romantic relationships. An unexpected gift, inheritance, win or get a premium at work. Joint life, general plans for the future. Collapsed plans and dreams. Full disappointment in your second half.
Valet Friendly troubles. Perhaps a young recycle. Financial difficulties, due to which the divorce in the family is possible. Possible troubles in sexual terms. Unreasonable actions, in vain trouble. Perhaps a dark-haired man with mercenary intentions. In the scenarios for the present and the future means a dead-end relationship.
Lady Blonde woman, young girl, faithful girlfriend. A dark-haired woman in your environment or gadget. Perhaps the lady you owed. A blonde married woman, possibly awesome. If the peaks are nearby nearby, the rainbits, with a mahi of the tambourine - a friend, familiar. Evil, insult, jealousy. It is possible an ill-wisher or rival.
King Young guy or spouse, for unmarried girl - chosen one. Dark-haired middle-aged man: Favorite, spouse, groom, colleague or boss. Blonde man, groom or spouse. Also can mean a rich lover. Foreign man belonging to state structures or authority. Perhaps the enemy or seducer.
Ace Important message or letter. Perhaps a close friend will help you in affairs. Next to the Three Treft is the conclusion of a marriage agreement. Joint venture or personal business. Perhaps just the work of each partner. Symbolizes the house, family hearth. If the tip of the ace is directed down - a strong blow, disorder in relations and parting. If up - troubles and distrust.

When deciphering the dropped cards, relate values \u200b\u200bwith real life, listen to your internal voice prompts. In this case, you can more specifically disassemble the situation and get a clear answer.

  1. Guess only when you really need to help cards. This ritual energetically exhausts man.
  2. Let the deck be laundry, at least a couple of days.
  3. Avoid night fortunes, so you can attract the attention of dark forces.
  4. Do not guess from boredom or curiosity.

The love sphere of human relations is sufficiently complex and confused. Sometimes a person is not able to independently understand the events occurring and make a right decision. Then the cards can come to the rescue. In compliance with all recommendations and advice, they will answer all questions and will prompt further actions.

To predict the love and further development of relations between a man and a woman, to open the door to the secrets of your destiny, you can see the prospect of marriage using fortune telling. His popularity holds for many years in people of different ages.

Deciphering cards gives direct answers to emerged novels in love relationships. The maximum accessible tool for divination on the maps for love is a playing deck consisting of 36 pieces.

Rules of divination

In order for the prediction result to be truthful, it is necessary to comply with certain rules. The most favorable days for the prediction of the future to women, Monday, Wednesday and Friday are considered. The art of vorozhba loves silence, so only two should be in the room - this is a fortune teller and the person she guess.

Before the divination session, the vorozhbe is talking to his cards, asks them to tell the truth, whispers when the cards are first used a certain prayer. The pronounced words of the conspiracy strengthen the invisible connection between the fortune and maps. Throughout the day, it is allowed to use one deck of cards not more than 3 times.

How to set up cards to the right prediction

There are many ways to customize cards so that they give accurate answers to the questions asked. For example, such:

  • find the door handle attached from two sides, spend through it all the deck of fortune-up cards 36 times (this is a proven exact method);
  • if the virgin has come to guess, she needs to sit on a card deck for 1 minute, and the fortune telling will be truthful by 100%;
  • shifting from the deck is carried out in the other side where the person is being predicted.
  • unmarried, sociability representative of weak gender, unmarried or divorced - lady Bubnovaya;
  • girl - a woman age 28 - 50 years old, which is in marriage - a lady of worm;
  • wowwood or over the age of 50 years, loving power and sufficiently successful - Trephal Lady;
  • a widow or a female representative of the older generation is a lady peak.

Each type of men also corresponds to a certain card suit:

  • a young, non-burdened family and a very sociable guy who enjoys success in a weak floor - the king of the Bubn;
  • young, but already bound to marry a man - king worm;
  • a man over the age of 50, a dear man - the King of Trephic;
  • regardless of what age is a strong-start representative with dark hair, which is in a certain position, perhaps a widower is a king of peaks.

There is another way to determine the masters who are very often experienced fortune-tales - on the color of the hair. This method is convenient for work and does not cause confusion. Customers with dark rusia hair perceived as a crossed suit. Blind-haired people - a bubnoy suit, and the rules - Chervoy. People with black hair are a suit peak.

Rules for using a card deck:

  1. Separate not used new card deck.
  2. It is impossible to transfer their own means for divination to other strangers.
  3. It is impossible to guess satin or foreign maps.
  4. It is forbidden to hold the rite of fortune telling on Sunday and in the days of large church holidays.
  5. Sin burn in the post and days of commemoration.
  6. During a session, you need to dissolve your hair and remove the decorations.
  7. It is necessary to guess for love with a grilled red candlelight.
  8. To mentally ask for assistance from cards and only then you can ask your question.
  9. One question is asked only once, even if the answer of the cards is not pleasing for you.

The best time for divination has long been considered the evening or night, but only experienced fortune-tales can burn at night. Everyone else is recommended to conduct ritual throughout the day. Outline Rules:

  1. The deck of cards is thoroughly mixed several times.
  2. Then, only the left hand is removed about the fifth of the deck strictly towards himself.
  3. Repeat 5 times and decompose on the table 5 pieces of cards.
  4. Put one card separately.
  5. Conduct the described manipulation 2 more times (decompose).

Thus, it turned out 5 stacks of cards, in each of which 3 cards and one separately. Taking cards is carried out in this way:

  • I Stack - characterizes a person as a person;
  • II Stack - tell about the excitement and anxiety that the person is tormented;
  • III Stack - information about the house, relatives and loved ones;
  • IV deck - tell about events from the past;
  • V Stack is information about the near future.

The latter is considered that card, which lies separately. She will give information about the conceived issue. And it can also be obtained the basic recommendation.

36 playing cards: options for the simplest ghosts for love

Although it says, "cute grown - only tremendous," but if a quarrel and a loved one arises, it behaves unfriendly, and the actions cause only questions, then it is necessary to deal with a number of issues. Get an objective picture of the current situation, understand what the intentions and desires of your beloved person will help divination on the playing cards for love using all 36 cards. Layouts do not require special preliminary training.

The principle of divination for three cards

Take all the deck and pull it three times. Mentally keep the desired guy and ask a certain question about it. Pull out 3 cards from the deck, decompose them in a row (right to left). Carefully consider the predominance of color and of course a suit. Decoding laid cards:

  • all supposed maps have a red suit - a reliable answer is only positive;
  • if black cards fell out - the answer is the title question of course negative;
  • if the red two cards fall out, 1 black - the answer is regarded rather as positive;
  • when stretching from a deck of two black cards and one red - the answer is, of course not.

For love guy

The fortune-telling will truthfully talk about the feelings of a man or a guy, a lonely heart will tell when and where there is a meeting of real love. The technique is such - the deck is shifted, the lover card is in the deck and she lies on the left.

Similarly, his card is found and falls on the table on the right side. There is space between the cards. The deck is shifted again, remove the small part of the card with his left hand (to heart). Maps must be taken in a row, but it is necessary to upload a shirt to the top. The layout is as follows:

  • 2 cards of the right side of the lady, and 2 pieces on the left side of the king - these cards will show that he and you in yourself Tait;
  • put 2 cards to "feet" (below) king and ladies - they will talk about the near future;
  • 2 pieces put on the heads - they will reveal secret thoughts about his friend;
  • 2 cards put next to the left stack from the king, and, accordingly, with the right stacker from the lady - these cards will show life obstacles;
  • laid 2 cards from above - tell me that both in both of both on the heart;
  • on the 1st map under the lady, and under the king - you can definitely learn about true to each other;
  • 6 cards posted 2 pieces between the king and the lady three times - they will open the veil over the non-smooth past, the fact that it happens now and about the future relationship.

The fortune telling of this type is in the same way that the map layout was carried out.

The ritual spent will help determine the senses of the partner, will tell what is inscribed by the fate - both in love and separation, will give answers to exciting questions.

Interpretation of cards

First of all, the fortune teld draws attention to the color predominant in the maps. It is he is important.

  1. If worms prevail - it symbolizes a quick marriage, strong friendship and love. Sometimes it suggests the right way out of the current situation.
  2. The prevalence of Trefa predicts sadness and minor troubles. Long-term separation with man is possible.
  3. Most of the tambourous cards testifies to material supply, the money prophesies a cash certain income and possible career growth.
  4. Peak suit is the most terrible and quite unpleasant. She prevents failed in love relationships, symbolizes about loss. In accordance with some card combinations foreshadowed mourning.

Cards have some significance:

  • Ace - a pleasant official notice, news, power;
  • King is a young unmarried guy, friend;
  • The lady is a young spokeswoman, you yourself or a friend;
  • Valts - troubles, difficulties in life, minor problems;
  • Ten - interest friendly, a dream, professional success;
  • Nine - independent friendship, love may be a small obstacle;
  • Eight - evil and anger, hatred, conversation, discussion of a joint future;
  • Seven - joyful meetings, pleasure and achievements, friendly relations, perhaps treason;
  • Six - a pleasant way, vacation.
  • Ace -dom, where loved, love, tenderness and romance, wedding,;
  • The king is a passion, a man aged, most likely - father, loved;
  • The lady is a close relative (mother, sister), there may be a sister of a beloved or rival;
  • Valts - problems in the intimate sphere, experiences;
  • Ten - the fulfillment of dreams, a pleasant warm conversation;
  • Nine - mutual feeling of love, new relationships, heat of feelings;
  • Eight - a date, recognition, nice conversation, pleasure, friendship;
  • Seven - a secret date, an important conversation, family life;
  • Six - the road, a short but pleasant journey.
  • Ace - work, evil intent, litigation;
  • King - man - boss, beloved, married fan;
  • Lady - relative, colleague - intrigan, boss;
  • Currencies - financial troubles, problems, separation;
  • Ten - cash profit, dear gift;
  • Nine - love, passionate novel, care;
  • Eight - talk about the budget, unfulfilled dreams;
  • Seven - business meeting, problems in the public institution;
  • Six - ride, long-distance road, business trip.

  • Ace - a major unpleasant news, parting, failure in love and affairs;
  • The king is a man - a representative of power, a noble man;
  • The lady is a strong evil enemy, jealousy, rival, loss;
  • Valts - Empty spending time, useless troubles and affairs;
  • Ten - unfulfilled dreams, disappointment, deprivation;
  • Nine - severe illness;
  • Eight - the road, jealousy, fastened feelings;
  • Seven - tears, quarrel with beloved, grief and sadness;
  • Six - the long-distance road to which it is necessary to avoid.

It is also important to learn to recognize the value of the cards in their combination with each other.

Popular fortune telling for 6 cards

This type of prediction is the most common and simple. It is carried out like this:

  1. Mix the deck thoroughly.
  2. Mizinych left hands remove the top card.
  3. Mix a deck and remove the card with the maizin.
  4. Maps are accommodated diagonally.
  5. Repeat 4 times.

The value of the cards is:

  • the first card talks about the thoughts of the mystery;
  • the second is popularly describes anxiety and mental experiences;
  • the third predicts future events;
  • the fourth describes his secret dreams and desires;
  • the fifth speaks of the plans of his beloved;
  • sixth - this is a real and non-unhabled future.

It is important to know that fortune telling is a warning of possible events and only from a person depends on the cards, or the person will say, or the person will independently change the future.

Love or even love - feelings are reckless and uncontrollable. No matter how a skeptic is a woman when a close person appears in her life, an analyst falls asleep in it. Things are controlled by feelings. At such moments, thrust is born to mystical, because each wants to know the future, know what she is waiting for her and beloved that he experiences it. Someone is able to be content with intuition, but many young ladies are resorting to the ways of their grandmothers, namely to fortunate on playing cards on her beloved.

The fortune telling on the playing cards for love is one of the oldest rituals, which also practiced the mediums of the Ancient East and the priests of nomadic Scythian tribes. The rite is based on the fact that each card has its own value and "charging" the energy of the extinguishing. The deck is so impregnated with information coming from person, and displays the present along with the possible future. A lot of important part of divination is to properly decipher the dropped cards, therefore this moment requires special attention.

Maps - Love Symbols

If you decide to pay on your loved one, then you need to familiarize yourself with several basic rules, or rather the recommendations for fortunening. People have the ability to maximize the significance of a step, do not allow such an error. Serious attitude towards ritual - half of success.

A beginner predictor need to know the following:

  • Not every day is suitable for divination. It is best to conduct a session on Wednesday or Friday, avoiding holidays (especially religious).
  • The deck chosen to fortune-say should be "clean" or new or not used for direct intended purpose.
  • If you are going to pay yourself, you should be retired that outsiders are not attended. When you fortunate someone, stay alone with this person.
  • Prediction may not be as expected, but cards cannot tell you exactly. Do not attempt to achieve a certain result from them, better repeat the alignment later.
  • The fortune telling on the beloved is somewhat more complicated by the usual session, as it concerns the person to whom you are not indifferent. You need to catch the state of calm, refuse too obvious emotions (for example, jealousy or insult) so that the prediction does not bother your experiences.
  • The result of divination depends on the set of factors, so it may not be completely accurate. However, be the most objective and do not invent your value maps.

Signing playing cards

Checked by generations

If the deck is ready, the favorable time is selected, the head is free from extra thoughts, it remains only to decide on the collapse itself. Over the years, we have become known for many ways to divine on playing cards, a variety of rituals. Below are the three most common and unearned defolds that our mothers used, learning from their moms and so on. You do not need to be grabbed for all three times, remember that the cards also need rest.

Magic Trok

This is one of the oldest gadas. The alignment is very simple and understandable, the main thing is to focus.

Carefully drag the deck, thinking about your loved one. Try not to allow extraneous thoughts, aim to get the most accurate prediction. Start laying the cards in front of you three (hence the name). Put the first three in the center, it symbolizes what he has in the soul. The following two troops place on the right and to the left of the first - this is the present that is happening in life at the moment. Two more top three - on top and bottom. They will tell about the future and past, respectively. You need to lay out the cards up, preferably with your left hand. We will talk about the meaning of each card a little later.

The fortune telling on maps for love and relationship is the easiest way to find out what a man actually feels and thinks. Even beginners will be able to pay at home, because only a playing deck and knowledge of the basic principles of the burner will be needed. Predicts obtained in this way are considered to be fairly true. Even professional fortune-tales use layouts described below.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Gadalka Baba Nina: "Money will always be in excess, if you put under the pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

It is impossible to guess from idle curiosity, in a bad mood, in the days of the solar and lunar eclipse, at 6, 9, 15, 23 and 29th a day of the lunar calendar.

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    Choosing a deer

    Playing cards are two types: a full deck of 52 cards and abbreviated from 36. For divination for love and relationships more often use the second. It is desirable that the drawing on the front side of the cards was neutral (classic). Photos of famous people or just beautiful girls, images of animal and fantastic creatures can adversely affect the quality of divination. The color and view of the reverse side, the so-called shirt, does not matter.

    It is recommended to purchase a sealed deal and apply it only for a burning, carefullywalking to her do not get in other people's hands. Cards previously used for gambling are inclined to give incorrect answers and even make fun of a person who decided to make a love alignment with their help.

    Rules of divination

    To get a reliable result, you need to guess correctly. Before the start of divination, the deck should be shuffled. If the alignment concerns the relationship between a man and a woman, it is done with your left hand. It takes out and lay out cards.

    To enhance the connection between the gadget and the object of divination, you can take a photo of a man and put or put in front of you so that it is in the area of \u200b\u200bdirect visibility.

    To tune in to work with maps, it is worth starting to the burning in a calm condition, when extraneous thoughts do not distract from the case. A loudly running TV or a radio receiver must be muffled, and it is better to turn off. People who do not have a direct relation to fortunate, as well as pets present in the room, are able to destroy their energy communication with cards.


    If the map is given to the scenario, its form and order cannot be changed in any way.

    In cases where the use of a signifier (maps denoting a specific person) is required, it is chosen according to the standard rules:


    • Bubnovaya - Young unmarried girl.
    • Trephic - woman older than 50 years old, married or divorced.
    • Chervonna - a woman under 50 years or not married; mistress.
    • Peak - Relief.


    • Bubnov - Young unmarried guy.
    • Trephic - man over 50 years old, married or divorced.
    • Chervoy - man up to 50 years or not married; lover.
    • Peak - enemy.

    Sometimes they are guided by the type of appearance, picking up a bubne cards for the rules of people, worm for blondes, trephy for chatenes and peaks for brunettes.

    The value of the cards is presented below.

    Fortune telling

    This is the easiest, but informative alignment. It is best suited for ghosting for love, however, it can be used if you need to clarify the situation in relations with colleagues on work, relatives and friends.

    After the deck was shuffled, you need to remove three any cards from it, asking questions in turn:

    1. 1. What does he feel?
    2. 2. What does he think?
    3. 3. What will he do?

    Singing on six maps

    With this scenario, it is easy to learn all the information about the man. The way of divination is slightly different from the standard: you need to put a deck every time before removing the next card and choose not any, but only the upper one.


    1. 1. What is the man thinking about?
    2. 2. What is worried about?
    3. 3. What happens soon?
    4. 4. What are the desires of a man?
    5. 5. What does he not count?
    6. 6. Current situation in life.


    Ascending to a meeting with a fan, it is worth spending 10-15 minutes and find out what it is he who achieves, and also assess the further prospects for communication with this scenario on the playing cards. A girl who is important to draw the attention of men, a deck will tell me how to behave for sure that he would certainly resist her.

    Card designations:

    1. 1. Is time chosen successful for a date?
    2. 2. Waiting for a man from a meeting.
    3. 3. My expectations from the meeting.
    4. 4. What does a date bring a man?
    5. 5. What does a date bring me?
    6. 6. What will be the subsequent development of relations?
    7. 7. What are the wonders of the thought chosen now, what is he going about?
    8. 8. What is unknown to me about a man.
    9. 9. The line of behavior that will reach the result of the result.

    "What's wrong?"

    Such an alignment will help you learn the cause of the strange behavior of a man: His feelings were hung, he had another woman or difficult life circumstances make their own adjustments.


    1. 1. What is the impression I make a man?
    2. 2. What does he think, looking at me?
    3. 3. What feelings is experiencing when I'm near?
    4. 4. The desires of a man arising from the form of me.
    5. 5. The main reason, external circumstances (who, what?) Impeding relations between us (curly cards in this position may indicate that the intended partner already has a second half).
    6. 6. What is in my behavior is unacceptable for him?
    7. 7. What does not like a man in my appearance?
    8. 8. What will be his reaction to my decisive actions in order to initiate a closer relationship?
    9. 9. Prospects for the next three months.

    Fortune telling on the king

    Using this alignment, you can learn everything about the prospect of relationships with a guy or a man, read his hidden thoughts and desires, and also to evaluate how sincerely his feelings.

    First of all, you need to choose the corresponding signifier, and then begin to shuffle and squeeze.

    Cards denote:

    1. 1. Thoughts.
    2. 2. Feelings.
    3. 3. Desires.
    4. 4. Future relationship.

    Fortune telling on four currencies

    With this conventional fortune telling it is easy to determine how one or more of the four men belong to the girl who initiated the divination. To begin with, you should learn their age and assign each chaginger card. The oldest will be the Trefy King, next to him - peak, medium - Chervonny, and the youngest - bubonic. After that, decompose them in this order on the table, shuffle the deck and in order to go right to refine the remaining cards from above. Then turn all the cards from each stack, not the touch of the lowest (it is a signifier).

    If one of them turned out to be two identical cards, you can proceed to decipher the results:

    • Six - a girl likes this man, he would like to start a relationship with her.
    • Seven eggs - a guy is not against going with a girl on a date.
    • G8 - he has a desire to communicate.
    • Nine - this man is sincerely in love with a girl.
    • Dozens - awesome causes his interest.
    • Ladies - a man is inclined to treason, he will not refuse a girl in a meeting, but it will become for him just one of many.
    • Kings - chosen one jealous and wants to control the situation.
    • Aces - the beginning of a serious relationship, a sense of passion.

    If neither one of the stacks did not match the coinciding cards, the fortune telling should be repeated.

    "Love disharmony"

    This option of divination is useful in a situation where the relationship is not soldered without visible reasons. With it, you can find out who is to blame in disharmony - one of lovers or third-party people. If the disorder arose due to the incompatibility of partners or another destination prepared by the fate of them, the cards will also indicate these circumstances.

    What do cards designate:

    1. 1. The cause of disharmony in relations.
    2. 2. What I do not like at this stage.
    3. 3. What I do not have enough.
    4. 4. My vision of the perfect union between a man and a woman.
    5. 5. Circumstances that prevent the harmonization of relations.
    6. 6. Magical intervention (evil eye, damage, spell) or people who want to embroider us.
    7. 7. What needs to be changed to a more adequate interaction with a man.
    8. 8. Actions that will conquer my chosen one is that I am an ideal pair for him.
    9. 9. The most profitable behavior in the current situation.
    10. 10. What will be the consequences if I am the last card advice?
    11. 11. Men's thoughts about everything that happens between us.
    12. 12. How does he see our near future?

    Card values

    Each card has a universal, as well as adapted specifically for divination for love and ratio value.


    Maps of this mastery are associated with mutual feelings, a positive scenario, according to which relations are developing.

    Map Universal interpretation
    • Invitation to date.
    • Desire to see, longing.
    • Planned joint walk or a trip for a short distance
    Close road
    SevenMan is experiencing only sexual desire or sympathy, there can be no speech about sincere loveConversation to an important topic
    EightRecognition in love or pleasant communication is alone, in a romantic setting. These people unite not only mutual feelings, but also many emotionally bright events that they survived togetherDate
    Love, real and clean
    TenDizzying feeling, passion, desire to dissolve each other and always be nearPlans and dreams
    ValetThoughts about the beloved person, torment about separation with himProblems or experiences
    LadyMiddle-aged woman, from 30 to 45 yearsClose relative (mother, grandmother)
    KingMiddle-aged man, from 35 to 50 yearsClose relative (father, grandfather)
    AceWedding or statement of serious intentions, offer to live togetherThe place of residence of someone you guess.

    Trefts (cross)

    All trephing cards symbolize friendship and sympathy, spiritual comfort.

    Map Interpretation, adapted for layouts for love and relationships Universal interpretation
    SixA person is perceived as a friend, and communicating with him does not go out for the framework marked by this status. Also, this card denotes buddy gatherings, meetingsBusiness trip
    SevenConfidenceA business meeting
    EightThese people immediately found a common language, they have many common topics and interests.Conversation
    NineLove in which a person is not yet fully confident; love
    • Strong marriage, perennial relationship.
    • Stability.
    • Friendship, originating in childhood or youth.
    • Joint work
    Profit, financial influsions
    ValetThe lack of courage in order to take the first step and tell about their feelings or initiate reconciliation. Fear to be incomprehensible or ridiculousChallenges, care
    LadyMarried woman retirement ageRelative, close girlfriend
    KingMarried man older years, pensionerHead, official
    AceRelations in which partners had to face with grief, and with joy, but it only rallied themAn important task, enthusiastic work.


    Bubn cards indicate the material component of the relationship.

    Map Interpretation, adapted for layouts for love and relationships Universal interpretation
    SixA designated meeting that does not imply the presence of a romantic component. Business negotiations, purely workers or friendly relationsThe trip that will be in the near future
    SevenCare, greedJoyful meeting
    EightCommon business or cooperation, which promises the material benefit for bothPleasant talk
    NineLove is a calm and measured feeling without a desire to create madnessLove men or women who are not married
    TenLack of reciprocity. Attempts to buy attention with giftsDreams that are carried out without much effort
    • Not easy choice.
    • Uncertainty in feelings.
    • Obsessive thoughts about a person who likes
    Difficulties obstacles
    LadyYoung girlGood friend
    KingGuy, YouthFriend
    AceMan motivate money. Instead of love he has a material calculationPositive news.


    Peak masta cards.

    Map Interpretation, adapted for layouts for love and relationships Universal interpretation
    SixUnwillingness to communicate or seeA long time after a trip
    SevenInsult and experiences, bitter tearsMountain and tears
    • Household quarrel.
    • These people will not come up with characters.
    • Unwillingness to compromise.
    • Misunderstanding the needs and desires of their partner
    Invitation to visit or receive guests at home
    NineThe absence of any feelings for man, indifference. Sometimes this card indicates egoism or narcissism, inability to loveDisease, malaise
    TenCompletion of relationships, divorceDreams will not come true
    ValetTreason, deception or disappointmentUseless spending time, meaningless occupation
    LadyElderly woman who hinders in loveEnemy
    KingElderly man, enemy or rivalMan who has power; that from whom it all depends
    AceDepression, heavy expansion of parting. Often this card is an indicator of love spell or other magical influences.Bad news.

Mix well a deck of cards, representing your loved one. You can put a number of it (its) photo. Put three left - this is his feelings, his thoughts and everything connected with him. Put three on the right - it's you, your feelings, etc. Put one card between you. This is a description of your situation. And finally, put three more who will say that you have to wait for the relationship.

See. The more cards of the worm suit, the better. So you love and want. And here are peaks - it is bad, there are problems. If in his maps there are ladies (or kings, if you are guessing a woman), it can talk about treason. See what lies next to if there are vnets, then your favorite is constantly thinking about someone, but not about you. If there is bad, then the opponent has already intervened in your relationship.

Do not hurry to draw conclusions if you see a bubnic lady from your husband. It may also mean that some woman actively achieves your husband, he can not know anything. In general, remember that this can cover the events to the maximum of three to four months. So, if the future is not very good, you know, the time will pass and the problems will be played. Another advice is not often trusting the cards often on the same situation, they are not guilty if you do not like. Look for the problem not in the maps, but in yourself!

Values \u200b\u200bof cards for this slander:

All six say that a person wants to meet with you, he wants to come, see. Sometimes, six talk about romantic meetings on the road, while traveling.

6 worms - This is the best card. Love date, the partner is eager to meet you. And you will most likely meet.

6 Buben - The same, but a person can also have business interests.

6 peasons - friendly meetings, interest

6 peak - But this is the opposite, the reluctance to meet with you. Most likely there will be no date.


7 worms - Love Tomorrow, sexual desires, but no more.

7 Buben - mercenary interest

7 peasons - Friendship, calculate you.

7 peak - Charging, tears, experiences, you can offend or you take offense on your beloved. Bad card.

All eights are a desire to talk, confess to love. Sometimes this desire to discuss some things with you.

8 worms - You have a lot in common, love confession, pleasant communication.

8 Buben - Common hobbies, work. Many talk about money, material.

8 peasons - Pleasant communication, friendly atmosphere.

8 peak - Quarrel, misunderstanding, you speak different languages.

All nine are directly related to love. All nines (except 9 peaks) are suggested that you love. But the intensity of feelings is different. The strongest love is 9 worms, then there are 9 peasants and in the last place is 9 tambourine. 9 Peak is the opposite of hostility, no senses, egoism.


10 worms - Very strong feeling, a desire to always be near.

10 Buben - responsibility, man wants to conquer your heart expensive
Gifts, restaurants, etc. Not quite clean intentions.

10 peasons - Friendship, strong family, common interests.

10 peak - All plans are collapsed, nothing happens, the attitude is rushing. Divorce.

All the vaults say that. That a person constantly thinks about you. He builds plans, your image in his heart.

Curlee Chervey - Love thoughts, love tomorrow.

Curlee peasons - Thoughts about rapprochement, but man is still fighting.

Valet Buben. - Uncertainty, a person makes a choice, thoughts about an opponent or rival.

Pick currency - Thoughts about treason, bad attitude, desire to deceive.


Ace wormer - Big love, wedding, serious relationship.

Ace of pests - Strong friendship, stability of relationships.

Ace Buben - Money in the first place, then everything else. Marriage of convenience.

Ace Pick - Depression, strong blow, treason, which will lead to divorce. Black magic, love spell.

Ladies and kings
All ladies and kings are concrete people in your environment. It may be friends or enemies, lovers or rivals. We must watch with what cards they fall out. According to suit, you can approximately describe the age of man.

Bube - These are young, usually unmarried people, up to 30 years old.

Worms - These are about 30 or older people, may be married or not.

Cross - These are people aged, after 35 years, almost always family.

Peaks - These are unfamiliar people, often rivals, enemies. After 50 years.

Important combinations of cards

Ace worms - 9 or 10 worms - Wedding, Serious Relationship

Ace Peak - any nine - divorce, gap

Any nine - 7 or 10 peak - treason, betrayal

Ace worms - 10 or ace tambourine - marriage by calculation, careful in relationships

Ace peak - lady peak - Love spell, black magic, impact