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Name days in April boys and girls in the church calendar. Name Day in April Boys and Girls on the Church Calendar Name Day April 27 Men's

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The birth of a child always brings joy. What could be better than to look at a small miracle, which is the continuation of his parents. It is this kid that carries the features and mothers, and dads. But besides all this there are certain character traits and a set of qualities that are inherent only. In all her life, they can change, disappear or more tightly strengthened in his personality. Everything will depend on what circumstances and life situations will meet in his way. But parents may be a little initially correcting and laying some features in the nature of the newborn. This can be done using the name. You can choose the necessary name for a girl or a boy in the name of the church calendar in April or with a clergyman. To choose a name correctly, it is worth knowing what capacity will be inherent in children in certain months of their birth.

Mainly the church calendar includes men's names in April, as well as other months. The custom of calling a child in honor of the saints appeared after the adoption of Christianity and the baptism of the people. Our ancestors were confident that the saint whose name wears the kid will protect him throughout his life. Also, the child will take all his positive qualities from him.

Such also protects the child and distinguishes evil spirits from him. If the child was named after the saint, then the day, when it is remembered in the church calendar and call the birthdays of boys in April.

The name day of male names for the church calendar in April is mainly consisting of church or old Slavonic names. It happens that parents make the baby with a modern name, which is not in the list. In this case, it is worth turning to the priest and it will help to find the consonant with him.

List of men's names:

  • 01 - Ivan, Dmitry, Innokenty;
  • 02 - Victor, Vasily, Vissarion, Ivan, Herman, Maxim, Miron, Sergey, Nikita, Sevastyan;
  • 03 - Yakov, Vladimir, Kirill;
  • 04 - Vasily, Isaac;
  • 05 - Alexey, Vasily, Ilya, Georgy, Makar, Sergey;
  • 06 - Zakhar, Vladimir, Martin, Stepan, Peter, Yakov;
  • 07 - Tikhon;
  • 08 - Abraham, Vasily, Stepan, Gabriel;
  • 09 - Ephraim, Alexander, Ivan, Paul, Makar;
  • 10 - Ivan, Vasily, Hilarion, Nikolai, Ilya, Stepan;
  • 11 - Isaac, Ivan, Kirill, Mark, Cornelius, Philip, Mikhail;
  • 12 - Ivan, Zakhar;
  • 13 - Ivan, Veniamin, Innokenty, Joseph;
  • 14 - Ivan, Efim, Makar, Sergey;
  • 15 - Gregory, George, Efim;
  • 16 - Nikita;
  • 17 - Georgiy, Adrian, Ivan, Veniamin, Joseph, Nikolay, Nikita, Fedor;
  • 18 - Georgy, Alexey, Mark, Plato, Nikolay, Semen;
  • 19 - Ivan, Grigory, Paul, Sevastyan, Peter, Yakov;
  • 20 - Arkady, Daniel, George, Peter;
  • 21 - Ivan, Sergey;
  • 22 - Gabriel, Vadim;
  • 23 - Gregory, Alexander, Dmitry, Terente, Maxim, Fedor, Yakov;
  • 24 - Ivan, Efim, Nikolay, Prokhor, Peter, Yakov;
  • 25 - David, Vasily, Ivan, Sergey;
  • 26 - Dmitry, George;
  • 27 - Anton, Alexander, Valentin, Martin, Ivan;
  • 28 - Alexander, Andrei, Victor, Aristarkh, Kondrat, Lukyan, Leonid, Sevastyan, Fedor, Trofim;
  • 29 - Leonid, Paul, Mikhail;
  • 30 - Alexander, Adrian, Ephraim, Mikhail, Ivan, Semen, Fedor.

Names for girls

The choice of name for the girl is also not too light. Many parents want their baby to always be a princess and choose enough rare names. But it happens that parents come up with names independently. Sometimes they are quite peculiar.

The name day of female names in April for the church calendar consists of such:

  • 01 - Sofya, Daria;
  • 02 - Claudia, Alexander, Praskovya, Maria, Ulyana, Svetlana;
  • 04 - Daria, Vasilisa, Taisiya;
  • 05 - Varvara, Pelagia, Anastasia, Lydia;
  • 08 - Alla, Larisa, Anna, Praskovya;
  • 13 - Anna;
  • 14 - Maria;
  • 17 - Maria;
  • 20 - Evdokia, Akulina;
  • 21 - Maria;
  • 25 - Martha, Maria;
  • 26 - Martha;
  • 28 - Vasilisa, Anastasia;
  • 29 - Nick, Vasilisa, Irina, Galina.

Based on women's name days in April, you can choose the most you like, but it is not necessary. You can simply look at the meaning of each name and choose the characteristics of which will most match your baby.

Features of the selection name for a child

There are certain tips on choosing a name for a newborn. We recommend first to get acquainted with them:

Pick the name that will sound well with patronymic. Sometimes the parents do not give this time enough attention, and the child in adulthood suffers.

Be ridiculous if you want to call the child in someone's honor. It is advisable to familiar well with the biography of this person. It is believed that the name imposes a certain imprint on the fate of a person. But there are such cases when the character traits of one person can be transferred to another. Moreover, the child can repeat some episodes of the life of his namesake. So be careful and especially carefully go to this issue.

How to identify the name of the child, if it was not called on the day of the holy name

It happens that I liked the name of the saint, but it meets on another day, and not on the birthday of Chad. In this case, priests recommend to view the church calendar and find the name of the saint after birthday. The first one will meet and will be the day of the name. And if the name does not occur in the calendar, it will be necessary for help to a priest who will help choose a consonant.

Name days or the day of the tozo-estate is called one of the main and important in the life of every Christian. This day is considered the day of the heavenly patron of the child, in honor of which he was called. Priests recommend to such holidays to come to church and read the gratitude prayers with their guardian angels for protecting you.

Baby name when baptism

It happens that when baptized, the priest comes the child with a different name. This is explained by the fact that when the damage or other magic rituals, the church name of the child is used. That is why parents are forbidden to speak him to someone. It is believed that the saint patronizes the baby and protects it from negative influence.

Remember that the choice of name is quite serious for every person. It is necessary to think well before making a decision. After all, the child is given once and for life.

The Lord is always with you!

From the ancient Greek name Alexandros: Alex - "Protect" and Andros - "Man", "Man."

  • - From the Roman generic name named Antonius, which is taking place from the ancient Greek Antao - "Meet, encounter", "join the battle", "compete" or ANTOS - "Flower".
  • - From the Roman generic name Valentinus, originating from another generic name - Valens - "Strong, strong, healthy."
  • "From the Hebrew named yohanan -" Yahwe gracious "from the ancient Eugene John -" pardoned by God. "
  • - From the Roman generic name Martinus - "dedicated to Mars", "owned by Mars" (the Roman God of War).
  • - The folk form of the Greek name Eustafius is "solid, unchanged, persistent", "felt" from the Greek name Eustachius - "blooming", "fertile", "magnificently perforation."
  • Day Name April 27 - Valentine

    Valentine comes from the same Latin word as Valentine, and means "to be healthy." Despite the similarity of the names, the owners of Valentin and Valentine's names are completely different as the sky and the Earth.

    Valentines do not like to deal with career questions, a big boss for them is not a person (and a full moron), for them the main money. The more earned - the higher the social status!

    To restore the strength, Valentine would not hurt to try the "Breath of Jaguar". To make an exercise correctly, you need to settle down in a convenient place and "breathe" the intention with your left hand and "exhale" right, so that the energy is delayed in the stomach. It is necessary to make an exercise eight times, starting with the left hand, and the same with the right. Then the same with the legs. Inhale - right, exhale left.

    Keychain with silicon will help achieve a long-awaited goal.

    Golden, white or red jaguar dreams of luck.

    Day name 27 - Marianna

    Marianne's name comes from two other names - Maria and Anna. Marie Anna is Anna Maria. In Russia, the tradition of appeal to man did not take place in two names, several names merged into one. The name has a passion and temperament of the name of Mary and the gullibility of Anna. It is believed that the name Marianna denotes "Favorite". In colloquial speech, it is more often used through a mild sign - Mariana.

    In the owners of Mariaan, despite the seeming softness, there is duality. Marianna, born on April 27, are like a two-limit Janus, they are everywhere and nowhere. There is no such place where Marianna would not have visited, and there is no such intrigue in which she would not take part. It is never a victim of intrigue, always - an active participant and less often - by the observer. To be in the crowd of any events, act is her principle.

    It is difficult to realize in her career due to the fact that she hardly makes the choice and intuitively does not feel the right paths. But those professions where it is necessary to have a lucavia, it is easy for her. She is happy in his personal life-splitness gives her charm and charm, she forgetting, rebellious and time to pay time to children, husband and other friends and friends.

    To gain or restore energy, Marianna on the day of the name will suit the ritual of the moon. You need to pour spring water into the silver bowl and, giving the straight moonlight to play in it, breathe reflected by the light of the moon. Inhale you need to do ten times. The information and energy of happiness comes with breath.

    Pendant - Polar Owl gives the ability to see through the masks, increases visual sharpness, develops plasticity in all respects and makes it possible to change the form, image. The figure of the owls must be worn with you. Also, the owl may be in a dream and predict the future.

    Multicolored birds in a dream predict unexpected good luck, owls - joining the path of wisdom.

    The bride dreams of sadness. If the bride is from loved ones - sadness will be strong if they are waiting for boredom. Dance at the wedding in the night of the name - have health problems, pass by walking at the wedding - the execution of plans is delayed. See the wedding - get a deign of merit, if any.

    The church calendar for 2020 says that on April 27, the prayer of Saint Martin should be reached.For folk legends on this day everything is updated, it becomes noticeable warmer, the approach of summer is felt.

    Name Day is one of the oldest holidays, before him, they were noted more than birthday. It was believed that those who had both of these events would fall out for one day, very lucky: the Holy would never leave them and always come to the rescue.

    Today, an angel day is not so common, the birthday women do not pray to their patron. However, parents still try to call their girls and boys the names of the saints.

    The link between the guardian angel and his wards becomes the most tangible as possible, so that all the words have been said today will be heard.

    A patron endowed women's and male names with special features, born today will be disinterested, honest, purposeful and stronger.

    Martin was born in a secured family. From childhood, he was distinguished by a surprisingly kind heart and compassion to the neighbor.

    Having become young people, Martin began to help the needy and soon distributed all his state. The young man has only a knife and clothing that was on it.

    Once the saint noticed a straw asking for help, but no one wished to help him. Then Martin broke his clothes and half conveyed. Many laughed at the ridiculous view of the young man.

    Cold night in a dream Martin was God in his clothes. Then he realized that Christianity should take. Since then, he spent his whole life in prayers, making pious deeds.