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Seven demons attacking the church. Christian Sermons Online

Many in the Body of Christ carry the spirit of Jezebel. Many do not even realize it because they lack discernment in terms of Jezebel qualities.

Revelation 2: 20-21 "But I have a little against you, because you allow the wife of Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and mislead My servants, to commit fornication and eat what was sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent of her fornication, but she did not repent "

The Jezebel spirit is born of magic and rebellion, and it is one of the most common active spirits today. He is a powerful enemy of the body of Christ, the Church. It works easily even in sincere believers, whose hearts are oriented towards God, and also in those who have received positions of authority within the churches.

In the world, it is usually said that such people suffer from "narcissism", paranoia, or in other words, nasty, wayward, arrogant, evil. However, the most accurate and Full description this spirit can only be found in a spiritual context.

This spirit is one of the many evil spirits that makes its strongholds primarily in women, however, many men have not escaped it when this spirit functions as a controlling spirit.

Every person's life, guided by the spirit of Jezebel, is a life of chaos, confusion, instability, broken relationships and destruction. Each person faced with this spirit saw his aggressive attempts to destroy relationships with loved ones.

Although Jezebel's belief system is wrong, it has strong beliefs. Jezebels are usually people of deep conviction. As stated earlier, many people have a Jezebel spirit, their hearts are drawn to God, and they are eager to serve him.

The first Jezebel, the queen of Israel, was devoutly religious, but totally hostile to God. She worshiped at the altar to Baal, worship of the flesh.

Today's Jezebels may deeply believe that they are serving the one true God, however, the true ulterior motive is SELF-WORSHIP.

Her mission is to kill the prophets, as she has often tried to do throughout time. The purpose of her sacrifice is usually quite the opposite, namely, to gain identification, glory, recognition, strength and, to satisfy the need for value and recognition from other people, or in other words, "the glory of man" (Matt. 6: 2-5). This is our overly distorted desire for love and confirmation of our worth, which each of us has, but only with the wrong focus.

As a secondary mission - her goal is to castrate all men and deprive them of their power and power over others. He fosters hatred of men in general, and fosters revenge in his victims towards certain men, usually as a result of mismanagement or abuse from the man in the victim's life. We attribute to this spirit feminine, but in fact he has no kind. This spirit is terribly aggressive, very determined, insensitive, controlling, narcissistic, power hungry, manipulative, unrepentant, deceiving, and extremely evil spirit. And these are mainly his "good" features. This spirit can be called "the woman of Satan."

The biggest deception is that Jezebel was religious and practiced religious activities... She was the daughter of Affabeli, which means "with Baal." She converted her husband to Baal worship. He married her against God's command. The name Jezebel means "no place to live." More correct description Jezebel can be said to mean "self-worship"

The battle of Jezebel is for the people. In the church, this spirit tries to rule and control the people of God. If we are indecisive people, then we will fall under the spell of the spirit of Jezebel. It supports and has a lasting influence in religious organizations as well as in politics. Although Jezebel is religious, she directs her false authority against God's true prophetic stream. She hates prophets and any prophetic ministry. In particular, she hates repentance and humility, and intercessory prayer, because they destroy her strongholds of stubbornness and pride. Jezebels love to project a sense of power that THEY DON'T HAVE. It is based on INHIBITING the minds of those it wants to suppress. How often does this spirit try to impose its will in the church, in religious organizations. “If it’s not my way, then I’ll leave, and you cannot cope without me and all the work I’m doing.” Yes! If he or she does not support her actions, then there will be consequences. In the process of intimidation, threats are used, with the help of fear, to begin to control a person, to impose on him the fear that he will lose something dear to him. This is blackmail, which is far from the love of God, because it is an illegal attempt to use power that does not belong to her, the projection of someone else's power.

JEZEBEL USES OTHER PEOPLE as objects when she needs it in order to gain control, influence and power. After gaining control, she usually throws people aside.

SAYING NO TO JEZEBEL WILL START A WAR Jezebel exhibits vicious, aggressive, mean behavior when faced with resistance. She turns against someone who refuses to do her will, especially if she could successfully manipulate that person in the past. Usually with vicious verbal attacks and humiliation. The emotional damage caused by these attacks can be devastating to the target of the attack. She usually brings a terrible emotional wound. When this behavior is revealed in public, it exposes the true spirit within to those who may have been deceived before.

KNOW is a very important operating word for Jezebel. When those with spiritual authority say no to her, she starts a war. REMEMBER! The Jezebel Spirit is a militant spirit that is always clothed in all equipment. Have you ever felt insecure? Be careful, Jezebel has always liked to operate in the realm of "uncertainties."

In addition to destruction, Jezebel especially hates those she controls. Remember! Jezebel's mission is to kill the prophets. The sacrifice is often her anointed prophets, which often leads to the self-destruction of her sacrifice. This is the black widow spider syndrome. Black widow spiders usually kill their partners. There are two uses in spiritual reality:

1. Kill the power of men, prophets and ministries

2. Kill her victims, that's why she tries to take control of their lives.

That is, he despises and does not show any respect, especially when men are in power. She hates everyone in power over her, and tries to destroy them and take their power. An early manifestation of this in childhood is a lack or lack of respect for others.

Jezebel classic example the one who DRIVES A KNIFE IN THE BACK... She will smile at you, hug and kiss you, and then, when you turn, she will vigorously thrust a knife into your back, several times, enjoying every wound inflicted on you. He is the most vicious and shy spirit. Be careful!

CONTROL AND MANIPULATION- the most strengths nature Jezebel. They are spirits of magic and are extremely dangerous. In absolutely everything, whatever Jezebel does, both spirits are involved in order to achieve her goal. Jezebel is the perfect manipulator, and no one lends itself to manipulation as well as the victim under her control. But Jezebel cannot control you until she seduces you first. Beware of the flattery, smooth prophetic words, and the seductive fake tears of this spirit.

Jezebel loves false spiritual government. She knows how to create movement and function in it. She uses children to manipulate your heart in order to achieve her goals.

Jezebel - like a shark, she surrounds the lives of learners, amenable to the seduction and control of their students. Jezebel enjoys giving birth to her "spirit" children because she is looking for disciples to feed from her table. She will seek out those who are in rebellion, who are weak, wounded, or those who vie and struggle with spiritual authority. She knows how to use deep emotional wounds for manipulation and control as she creates soul bonds. Jezebels like to pull people closer to them and away from those who can actually speak into their lives. She knows best how to function in a world of confusion and terror. She probes your soul, looking for your weaknesses. She is an expert in bonding. Jezebel knows how to manipulate the people around her to achieve her will. She often resorts to fear to manipulate and subordinate people to her. Jezebel is possessive and dominant. She wants to control you.

She likes power. Money is not the most important thing for this spirit. She strives for strength and power. She likes to be in control of your life because she draws strength from the fact that she controls you. This is why you feel spiritually drained after fighting it. Jezebel wants to control you. She resorts to pity itself, and uses her weaknesses to subdue others out of compassion and pity.

SHE EVEN USES PRAYER to manipulate those she wants to control, and especially prayers aloud to that person, in order to create the illusion that Jezebel's obedience is actually doing God's will, or in order to create fear or other emotions within a person that Jezebel can use for manipulation.

Although she can often be very gifted, she operates in the realm of false discernment, speaking of the enemy and receiving information from similar spirits, not from the Spirit of God. This is witchcraft. The power of witchcraft comes from Satan himself. Each attempt at manipulation and control gives more to Satan and reinforces the deception that Jezebel herself is in.

If you get between Jezebel and the person she is trying to control, then she will attack you with all her malice, trying to destroy your relationship with this person, she will try and destroy your reputation, substitute you and separate you from her victim.

ATTRACTED BY THE GOVERNMENT and people of power. She will establish contacts with presidents, people in the media, with those who have money, people in power. Often smart, efficient, attractive, Jezebel can be found serving the most outstanding leaders, even in the church. Deception or seduction is so effective that the leader does not even know who is on his right side. Its purpose is to take power from the one to whom it serves. And if this is a prophetic person, then the goal is to destroy him with all possible ways... Destroy their credibility, undermine their authority, discredit their ministries, lead them to sexual sin.

LOVES COMMANDING, although it has weak abilities.

EASILY OFFENSE when her authority is questioned and often reacts very angrily to the slightest insult.

Two things have always struck the church: control and the desire to dominate. This power struggle has always divided and subverted the power of the Church. The most skillful method of the Jezebel spirit is manipulation. Manipulation is used different ways such as flattery, pity itself, a hint of something. Manipulation to get money.

Jezebel is constantly collecting "ammunition" - gathering information that she can use against you if she begins to lose her grip on power. Everything she has gathered, she will use against you without any mercy, as well as share information with others so that they can use it publicly to create a bad reputation for you.
Jezebel requires others to worship him. She must dominate and control. Her family members must exist to satisfy her. People with the spirit of Jezebel are mainly looking for people who would praise her and support what she does, always telling her "Yes!" You cannot say no to this spirit. If you say no to Jezebel, then there are big problems. Whenever she is among people, she wants to be surrounded by praise and attention, so that she was "on everyone's mind."

She speaks without interruption. She has a need to feel strength and power, and they will do their best to achieve it. She feels that she knows more than anyone, therefore she dominates all conversation. Jezebel uses conversation as a form of control. In ordinary conversation, only he or she says, whether it be sports, the weather, or the Kingdom of God. Thanks to this form of control, a person cannot get influence from someone in his life. All conversations with this spirit are one-sided. You are just listening. And if only there is a break and you want to say something, Jezebel changes the subject and doesn't hear you.

One way to slip away during a confrontation with Jezebel is by trying to confuse you by changing the subject 5 times in one minute. Through such entanglement, she can remain undetected. Therefore, it is impossible to communicate with Jezebel through logic, they will write 7 pages different situations different from the one you are trying to confront her with. The context will be so vague that no one will understand where the beginning is and where the end is. If it's just in conversation, then Jezebel will speak nonsense to trick and confuse you, never answering your question. In such a situation, you need to repeat the question and say that you only need to answer this question. They never answer, and they will never answer. People with a Jezebel spirit will always run away from questions.

Often she deliberately curses those who are at enmity with her, in an attempt to punish them and put them in their place and return under her control. Jezebel believes that she has the right to do so and to make angry and heartless remarks about the well-being and independence of others, and to convince herself that it is ultimately for their own good, she knows what is best and what is in her heart. " all in their best interests. " People on the receiving side of Jezebel's curses are acutely aware of the anger and anger of her curses, and generally succumb to them. However, for those under the protection of the cross of Christ, these curses turn into blessings. Instead, depriving Jezebel of emotional energy, confused, and completely overwhelmed, wondering, "What happened wrong?"
She criticizes the mistakes of others in order to build her own sense of dignity and to justify disobedience or lack of respect for others. She uses criticism to manipulate others.

Jezebel avoids REPENTANCE AND HUMILITY because she is proud and rebellious. These are two powerful weapons that can be used against her, and they are also the key to discerning this spirit. Pride fills a rebellious person who refuses to repent.

Jezebel is a spirit that manifests through uncrucified flesh. A person with this spirit will never admit that he is wrong. It's always someone else's fault. If you insist on an apology and go into a confrontation with Jezebel, you will probably hear, "I am wrong, I am always wrong." For such sarcasm, it is still far from real repentance.

because others cannot fully fulfill her expectation of complete surrender to her. When they try, she despises them and throws them aside after she got what she wanted from them. Any attempt to have some kind of relationship with this spirit will not lead to victory, nothing can please this spirit.

A complete lack of compassion, although sometimes such emotions appear, but this is not the real interest.
Jezebel loves himself and loves self-worship, and even when false compassion and false humility help achieve that goal. It's hard for her for a long time talk about someone other than yourself. Even when advising someone, she is very proud and extremely showy. Many Jezebels are attractive and some are very beautiful. However, for the most part, this beauty and attractiveness of demonic origin, which gives them the opportunity to establish spiritual connections with people and thus move on to control over their life and future. Now she will live victoriously through them, drawing her strength from them, and taking away all strength from them.

Bitterness and revenge about past wounds is cultivated in the victim's life because she knows that bitterness will spread like cancer and will manifest in all sorts of physical elements that she can use as a means of manipulation. Of course, this bitterness will gradually destroy the victim. In many cases, appearance the victims will become more and more unattractive. And in the end, the Jezebel spirit's sacrifices will resemble a witch in the same way that crows are often a symbol of magic. Where this spirit is born, the victim rots from the inside to the outside - physically and spiritually.

Many Jezebels are often attracted to the most powerful Jezebel. And although this happens unconsciously, but in this way it creates a very effective "gathering of witches", where the "priestess" is located with devastating consequences.
Sometimes Jezebel may appear remorseful and friendly towards you, but he or she will soon return to control once he realizes that he hasn’t gotten what he wanted.
When it comes to prayer, she will pray about her agenda. As is typical of Jezebel, she will complain about not being appreciated in order to play with other people's emotions. By her selfish nature, she will do anything - through lies, and even exaggeration, in order to appear spiritual and holy, super holy. She knows how to inspire compassion in others by knowing how to cry. It targets your emotions so that you are on her side.

Jezebel can work through friends, family, and often Christians. The truth is that we are all prone to this behavior, but when you see a well-engraved example of this behavior that someone is doing their best to appear perfect when they are not, refuse to be self-critical of themselves, or be criticized with parties of friends or family members. Then you can start looking for other characteristics of this very dangerous spirit.
When you see a broken relationship, still in pain, traumatized people, and a stubborn refusal to come to terms, then take a closer look. When you find antagonism that transcends simple annoyance, escalates into relentless aggression, when you find intimidation, fear and discouragement; if there is a constant reminder that you will not receive an apology and that you will only be allowed to return to the "pen" on their terms, then know that it was a message from Jezebel.
By going into confrontation with this spirit, you are perceived as an enemy. The carriers of this spirit cannot perceive any correction, since it is accepted as their rejection, therefore you will never hear from this person that he or she is wrong.
Her will and desires have become a god, and they must be achieved regardless of who gets hurt in the process.

Jezebel's personality was shaped by controlling demonic thoughts, so a person must be willing to hear the truth and allow God to crucify his flesh. Every day the flesh must become subject to the Spirit of God so that a person can receive deliverance from the spirit of Jezebel.

How Jezebel Makes Eunuchs, by Jonah Clarke
How Jezebel makes eunuchs:
1. Builds emotional connections with victims by learning more information.
For example, "Are you all right?", "Are you all right?" She tries to find out about the pain and the wound that bothers you.
2. It is attached due to open wounds and grievances, fear and anxiety in the victims.
3. Jezebel draws victims to HIMSELF, rather than pointing to Jesus as their Source of strength.
4. Jezebel uses what you are emotionally sensitive to as a means of control.
5. Jezebel makes you dependent on her power so that you do not receive it from God, but first receive her confirmation.
6. Jezebel teaches in the church by usurping the spiritual authority of God's leaders.

Who are the Jezebel eunuchs:
1. They have no inner strength; they draw their strength from Jezebel.
2. Eunuchs are Jezebel's guards. They guard everyone with a Jezebel spirit. Eunuchs are also dangerous.
3 eunuchs always guard inner world Jezebel.
4. Eunuchs have wrong loyalty. They obey Jezebel, but not God's leadership.
5. Eunuchs always seek approval and permission from Jezebel.

Many in the Body of Christ are overwhelmed by the spirit of Jezebel. And many do not even realize this, because they know little about its qualities and cannot distinguish it.

Rev.2: 20-21 “But I have a little against you, because you allow the wife of Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and mislead My servants, to commit fornication and is what was sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent of her fornication, but she did not repent "

The Jezebel spirit comes in through magic and rebellion, and it is one of the most common operating spirits these days. He is a dangerous enemy of the Church. It often works even in sincere believers, whose hearts are oriented towards God, and also in those who have received positions of authority within the Churches.

In the world, people with a Jezebel spirit are usually classified as "narcissists," paranoid, selfish. In other words: nasty, wayward, arrogant, evil. However, the most accurate and complete understanding of this spirit can only be obtained in a spiritual context.

This spirit is one of the many evil spirits that makes its strongholds primarily in women, however, many men have not escaped it when this spirit functions as a controlling spirit.

The life of a person under the leadership of the spirit of Jezebel is a life of chaos, confusion, instability, destruction of relationships and the personality itself. Every person who has encountered this spirit saw its aggressive attempts to destroy relationships with loved ones. This spirit tries to "wedge in" even between the spouses, trying to separate them sometimes under a completely "spiritual" pretext that has the form of piety.

Although Jezebel's belief system is false, it has strong beliefs. Jezebels are usually people of deep conviction. They are sincere and energetic (sometimes fanatical) followers of their false beliefs.

The biblical Jezebel, the queen of Israel, was devoutly religious. Her hostility to God was manifested in the worship of Baal (that is, the worship of the flesh, the desire for physical, earthly, material success and prosperity).

Today's Jezebels may deeply believe that they are serving the one true God, however, their true ulterior motive is SELF-WORSHIP. At the root of their faith, they are SLAVE-LOVING, SILVER-LOVING and VANISH.

Jezebel mission

Its mission is to neutralize, destroy the prophets of God, that is, those who carry out a true ministry focused on their own belittling for the sake of exalting God (following the example of John the Baptist: “He must grow, but I must decrease” John 3:30). Its purpose is to exalt oneself, to gain fame, recognition and strength. In other words, its goal is "the glory of men" (Matthew 6: 2-5) and "let us make a name for ourselves" (Gen. 11: 4). Usually people with the spirit of Jezebel suffer from rejection, dislike, inferiority, but they try to solve this problem not by affirming God's Fatherly Love, but by human recognition, widespread fame and influence, and visible success. They are highly addicted to praise and eager to get noticed.

As a secondary mission, Jezebel destroys God's established order of authority: in the family, church, and community. In the female incarnation, she seeks to render all men sterile, discredit them and overthrow them from the position established for them by God. She encourages hatred of men in general, and nurtures revenge motives in her victims towards certain men, usually as a result of mismanagement or abuse from the man in the victim's life.


We talk about this spirit in feminine, but in fact he has no kind. This spirit is terribly aggressive, very determined, controlling, narcissistic, power hungry, manipulative, unrepentant, deceiving, and extremely evil. This spirit can be called "the woman of Satan."

Jezebel is misleading with his religious activity and dedication. She was the daughter of Affabeli, which means "with Baal." She converted her husband to Baal worship. He married her against God's command. The name Jezebel means "no place to live." A more correct description of Jezebel could be said as "self-worship"

The battle of Jezebel is for the people. In the Church, this spirit tries to rule and control the people of God. She supports and has a lasting influence in religious organizations as well as in politics. Although Jezebel is religious, she directs her false authority against God's true prophetic flow and is often the source of false prophecies and false teachings. In particular, she hates repentance, humility, and intercessory prayer because they destroy her strongholds of stubbornness and pride. Jezebel loves to project a sense of power that THEY DON'T HAVE. It is based on INHIBITING the minds of those it wants to suppress. This spirit tries to impose its will on religious organizations. "If it doesn't work out for me, then I'll leave and you can't do it without me and all the work I do." Intimidation and threats are used for control. The Jezebel spirit tries to control a person through the fear that he will lose something dear to him. This is blackmail, far from the love of God, because it is an illegal attempt to use power that does not really belong to her.

JEZEBEL USES OTHER PEOPLE as resources when she needs it to gain control, influence, and power. After reaching her goal, she usually throws people aside.

TO KNOW EVERYTHING AND CONTROL EVERYTHING is very important for Jezebel. She constantly prepares "ammunition" - collects information that she can use against you in case she begins to lose her grip on power. Everything she has gathered, she will use against you without any mercy, as well as share information with others so that they can use it publicly to create a bad reputation for you.

People with the spirit of Jezebel are mainly looking for people who would praise her and support what she does, always telling her "Yes!" If you say no to Jezebel, you will face her confrontation. Whenever she is among people, she wants to be surrounded by praise and attention, so that she was "on everyone's mind." When someone says “No!” To her, she starts a war. REMEMBER! The Jezebel Spirit is a militant spirit that is always clothed in all equipment. Jezebel exhibits vicious and mean behavior when faced with resistance. She turns against someone who refuses to do her will, especially if she could successfully manipulate that person in the past. This usually happens through vicious verbal attacks and humiliation. The emotional damage caused by these attacks can be devastating to the target of the attack. She usually brings a terrible emotional wound. Have you ever felt insecure? Be careful, Jezebel always likes to operate in the realm of "uncertainties" and doubts.

Jezebel hates those she controls. Often the prophets and ministers, in the formation of which she took part, become her victims. This is the black widow spider syndrome who kills her partners.

JEZEBEL IS IN COMPLETION WITH AUTHORITY, that is, he despises and shows no respect for authority other than his own. She hates everyone in power over her, and tries to destroy them and take their power.

Jezebel loves to deliver hidden blows, STUNS A KNIFE IN THE BACK. She will smile at you, hug and kiss you, and then when you turn around, she will vigorously thrust a knife into your back, several times, enjoying every wound inflicted on you. This happens through spreading rumors and gossip, forming opinions and turning people against each other. Be careful! Try to be at peace with everyone and keep peace in your heart.

CONTROL AND MANIPULATION are the greatest strengths of Jezebel nature. She is the perfect manipulator, and no one lends itself to manipulation as well as the victim under her control. But Jezebel cannot control you until she seduces you first. Beware of the flattery, smooth prophetic words, and the seductive fake tears of this spirit.

Jezebel loves false spiritual government. She knows how to imitate the movement of the Spirit and function in it. She uses children to manipulate your heart in order to achieve her goals.

Jezebel enjoys giving birth to her "spirit" children because she is looking for disciples to feed from her table. She will seek out those who are in rebellion, who are weak, wounded, or those who vie and struggle with spiritual authority. She knows how to use deep emotional wounds for manipulation and control as she creates soulful connections. Jezebels like to pull people up and isolate them from those who can actually serve them. She knows best how to function in a world of confusion and terror. She probes your soul, looking for your weaknesses. She is an expert in forging heavenly soul bonds.

Jezebel loves POWER AND POWER. She likes to be in control of your life because she draws strength from the fact that she controls you. This is why you feel spiritually drained after interacting with her. One of her means of control is self-pity. She uses her weaknesses to subdue others out of compassion and pity.

SHE EVEN USES PRAYER to manipulate those she wants to control, and especially prayers aloud to that person, to create the illusion that obedience to Jezebel is actually doing God's will, or to create fear or other emotions within a person that Jezebel can be used to manipulate.

Although she can often be spiritually gifted, she operates in the realm of false discernment, receiving information from lying spirits, not from the Spirit of God. This is witchcraft. The power of witchcraft comes from Satan himself. Every attempt at manipulation and control reinforces Jezebel's deception.

If you stand between Jezebel and a person she is trying to control, she will attack you with all her malice, trying to destroy your relationship with that person. She will try to destroy your reputation, set you up and separate you from her victim.

ATTRACTED BY THE POWER and people of power. She will establish connections with people in power (in politics, in the media, with those who have money). An intelligent, effective, attractive Jezebel can be found serving the most outstanding leaders, even in the Church. Deception or seduction is so effective that the leader does not even know who is on his right side. Its purpose is to take power from the one to whom it serves. And if this is a prophetic person, then the goal is to block and destroy him in all possible ways. Destroy his trust, undermine his authority, discredit his ministry, lead to sexual sin, etc.

Jezebel LOVES COMMANDING, even if he has weak leadership skills.

IS EASILY OFFENSIVE when her authority is questioned and often reacts very angrily to the slightest criticism and reproof.

SPEAKS MONOLOGY and without interruption. She pretends to know more than anyone else, therefore she dominates every conversation. Jezebel uses conversation as a form of control. Seeks to "get in" into any conversation and show his participation and competence, be it sports, weather or the Kingdom of God. All conversations with this spirit are one-sided. All you have to do is listen. And if only there is a break and you want to give your opinion, Jezebel changes the subject and doesn't hear you.

One of Jezebel's ways to keep you in check is by trying to confuse you by changing the subject 5 times in one minute. Through such entanglement, she can remain undetected. Therefore, it is impossible to communicate with Jezebel through logic. The meaning of her speech will be so vague that no one will understand where the beginning and where the end is. If you want an answer, then Jezebel will speak any absurdity to deceive and confuse you, never answering your question. In such a situation, you need to repeat the question and say that you only need to answer this question. People with a Jezebel spirit will always run away from direct questions and open discussions and exchanges. The Jezebel spirit does not like to go out into the light of sincere communication, hiding behind pseudo-spiritual explanations or emotional manipulation.


Often she deliberately curses those who are at enmity with her, in an attempt to punish them and put them in their place and return under her control. Jezebel believes she has the right to do so and to make angry and heartless remarks about the well-being and independence of others. She is convinced that it is ultimately for their own good, she knows which is best, and that in her heart "everything is in their best interests." People who fall under the curse of Jezebel are acutely aware of the anger and anger of her curses, and often accept them in fear and succumb to them. However, for those under the protection of the cross of Christ, these curses are not dangerous. Despite the curses of Jezebel, their lives are manifested God's blessings... Because of this, Jezebel is deprived of emotional energy, remains confused, completely overwhelmed, wondering "What happened wrong?"

She criticizes the mistakes of others in order to raise her own dignity and to justify disobedience or lack of respect for others. She uses criticism to manipulate others.

Jezebel avoids REPENTANCE AND HUMILITY because she is proud and rebellious. Therefore, it is REPENTANCE AND HUMILITY that are two powerful weapons that can be used against her, and it is also the key to discerning this spirit.

Jezebel is a spirit that manifests itself through the uncrushed flesh. A person with this spirit will never admit that he is wrong. It's always someone else's fault. If you insist on an apology and go to a confrontation with Jezebel, you will likely run into evasion from admitting a mistake and defending your own innocence. Because of this, a person with a Jezebel spirit is far from repenting.

HER EXPECTATIONS OF OTHERS ARE ALWAYS UNREALISTIC because others cannot fully fulfill her expectations of total submission to her. When they try, she despises them and throws them aside after she got what she wanted from them. Any attempt to build a relationship with this spirit will fail. Nothing can please this spirit.

She has a complete lack of compassion. Although sometimes such emotions appear, this is not the real interest.

Jezebel loves himself and loves self-worship, and even when false compassion and false humility help achieve that goal. It is difficult for her to talk about anyone other than herself for a long time. Even when she advises someone, she puts herself on display.

Bitterness about past wounds is cultivated in the victim's life because Jezebel knows that bitterness will spread like cancer in all sorts of ways that she can use as a means of manipulation. Of course, this bitterness will gradually destroy the victim.

Many Jezebels are often attracted to the more powerful Jezebel. And although this happens unconsciously, but in this way it creates a very effective "bunch of witches", led by a "priestess" with devastating consequences.

Sometimes Jezebel may appear remorseful and friendly towards you, but she will soon return to her control once she realizes that she has not got what she wanted. She will complain about not being appreciated enough to play with other people's emotions. By her selfish nature, she will go to great lengths through lies and exaggeration to appear spiritual and holy. She knows how to evoke compassion in others, knowing how to cry. It targets your emotions so that you are on her side.

When you see broken relationships, traumatized people with pain in their hearts, and a stubborn refusal to reconcile, then take a closer look. When you find antagonism that transcends simple annoyance, escalates into relentless aggression, when you find intimidation, fear and discouragement, if there is a constant reminder that you will not hear an apology and that you will only be allowed to return to the "corral" for their conditions, then know that it was an act of Jezebel.


By going into confrontation with this spirit, you are perceived as an enemy. The carriers of this spirit cannot perceive any reproof and correction, since this is accepted as their rejection, therefore you will never hear from this person that he or she is wrong.

Jezebel receives all his influence on a person through the influence on his flesh: ambition, passion and lust. Jezebel operates with carnal, earthly and spiritual values ​​and passions, offers earthly prosperity, influence and glory. Therefore, the victory over the spirit of Jezebel is based on the subordination of one's earthly, carnal life to the control of the Holy Spirit through obedience to the Truth. Orientation to the Heavenly Kingdom, renunciation of the world and its values, awareness of oneself as a resident of Heaven and an alien on this earth serve as a good protection against the seduction of this spirit.

It is noteworthy that in Biblical history victory over this spirit (2 Kings 9: 30-37), Jezebel was thrown from her height by the power of “two, three eunuchs”. In this type, "two or three" corresponds to the New Testament "where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20). With the spirit of Jezebel, DO NOT FIGHT ALONE, since this spirit has the power to block individual anointing (as it was in the situation with Elijah the prophet described in 1 Kings 19 ch.), But is powerless against Christ, acting in the communication of His children. The fellowship of believers is walking in the Light (1 John 1: 7), and all the power of Jezebel is manifested only in the darkness of lies, manipulation, deceit, and hypocrisy. In these " muddy waters"Jezebel catches his prey. It is also appropriate to recall the parting words of the Apostle Paul to Timothy: “Accept the accusation against the elder in no other way than in the presence of two or three witnesses” (1 Tim. 5:19). Since the spirit of Jezebel often tries to infect the elders and servants of the Church, they should be primarily interested in creating an atmosphere in the Church that prevents this spirit from becoming infected. This spirit easily finds a place in churches with an authoritarian style of government, where pastors and ministers "rule over the inheritance of God" and are not accountable to fellowship. On the contrary, mutual accountability and the practice of serving one another in an atmosphere of Love, trust and justification becomes a good barrier to the penetration of this spirit into the Church.

The image of the eunuchs who threw Jezebel out of her tower directs us to discuss the topic of “circumcision of the foreskin of the heart” (Deut. 10:16 and Col. 2:11). Offering sinful flesh with earthly passions and lusts, being crucified with Christ, makes us able not to succumb to the spell of Jezebel and resist her "cunning art of deception."

And the last thing: never forget that “our wrestling is not against flesh and blood” (Eph. 6:12), and therefore, when faced with people through whom the spirit of Jezebel works, NEVER slide down to the level of conflict with a person. Remember that you are dealing with spiritual opposition. If you live in the Light, keep yourself from being seduced by this world and take care of the purity of your heart, then the Jezebel spirit will never find a place in you and will not be able to destructively influence you and your ministry.

God bless you!

“How to Recognize the Spirit of Jezebel »

Pastor Andrey Shapovalov

the spirit of Jezebel, this is one of the very ancient and very dangerous spirits for the church today.

If you are doing anything for Christ, especially if you have a prophetic robe on your life, Jezebel wants to get rid of your voice. If Jezebel cannot get rid of your voice, she will try to pervert your voice, this spirit will try to seduce you into defiling yourself.

This is an ancient spirit that in the beginning joined Eve, later God indicated this in Genesis 3 chapter. (And your attraction to the power and position of your husband, but he will rule over you)

Especially watch yourself for those who desire position, power, and authority, as well as those who are called by God into ministry.
Because this spirit can begin to act in those who are called, but their time has not come yet.

We see Queen Jezebel in Old Testament- killing the prophets. She is, ultimately, the killer who was eaten by the dogs. We also see Jezebel as a woman who calls herself a prophetess.

(Revelation 2: 20-23) 20 But this is what I have against you: you are condescending to that woman, Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. With her teachings she deceives My servants, and they commit adultery and eat food sacrificed to idols. 21 I gave her time to repent, but she does not want to repent of her spiritual adultery. 22 And I am already ready to throw her on a bed of torment, and to subject those who committed adultery with her to great suffering, if they do not repent of the evil deeds committed with her at the same time. 23 I will kill their children by sending a pestilence on them, and all the churches will know that I am the One who penetrates the minds and hearts of people. I will repay each of you for what you have done. (RNP)

Jezebel is a spirit of deception that works to bring about your apostasy from Jesus through idolatry and tempts you to defile yourself with fornication.

Before we get into ways of Jezebel manifestation, which of course is not complete list Let us remember that people influenced by this spirit have fear problems and use control and manipulation to ease this fear and fear of rejection.

They believe that they cannot be hurt or hurt if they are in control. We need to separate obsession from personality - to love a person and hate the spirit that holds them in bondage.

20 Basic Activities of the Jezebel Spirit.

1. Persecution of the leader.
People influenced by the Jezebel spirit persecute the leader.
They usually offer help where they are most needed, be it administration, petition, or any other area that will bring them closer to the leader.

2. False covenants and promises.
People influenced by the spirit of Jezebel make false covenants that they are not going to keep to gain a position. “I will fight with you. I will stand with you. I won't give up so easily. No matter what happens, I will cover your back, I will be with you until the end. "

3. Seem to be very spiritual.
To outsiders, people influenced by the spirit of Jezebel appear spiritual.
They engage in conversations about their prayer life and forty-day fasts.
They brightly and vividly share what they see in the spiritual realm.
They can pray eloquently and prophesy encouraging words to the congregation in a corner where no one else can hear. They gather people around them.

4. Isolation of leaders.
People influenced by the spirit of Jezebel seek to isolate a leader or pastor from others who might speak into their lives, and especially prophetic people who can expose and expose them.

5. Manipulation with money, gifts and compliments.
People influenced by the Jezebel spirit often begin their mission of control by buying gifts, travel packages, clothing, etc. They literally flood pastors and leaders with compliments and attention, for the sole purpose of standing out from the crowd and mediating between the pastor in the process. and the church.

6. Jealousy and rivalry.
People influenced by the Jezebel spirit also have wild jealousy and rivalry with those who try to get close to leaders or pastors. They will do everything possible to throw mud at these people in the eyes of the pastor, to get rid of the "competitors"

7. Incite internal wars.
People influenced by the Jezebel spirit will pit people against each other in ministry and will ultimately turn people against you. People who are a threat to them are removed and expelled.

8. Always play the role of a victim.
People influenced by the spirit of Jezebel play the role of sacrifice. They want and look for self-regret. They will always project self-compassion on others. Also, they will turn everything so that they will always ask for forgiveness.

9. Doesn't admit mistakes.
People influenced by the Jezebel spirit are never wrong. The problem is always with someone else and never with themselves. If they do repent, then this is a false repentance in order to remain in a good light before people.

10. False humility.
People under the influence of the spirit of Jezebel appear to be humble, but this false humility is a religious spirit.

11. The goal is to look important and meaningful.
People influenced by the Jezebel spirit truly consider themselves to be very significant and important. Remember, Jezebel's wife called herself a prophetess (Revelation 2:20). They must have their own position - and they manipulate to get it.

12. Not accountable to anyone.
People influenced by the spirit of Jezebel will not be accountable to anyone. They do their best to avoid God-approved theocracy and responsibility. If anyone tries to hold them accountable, they will accuse these people of having a Jezebel spirit and a controlling spirit.

13. Army of Jezebel.
People with the spirit of Jezebel look for the wounded and resentful or doubters, become their prophet, teacher and spiritual mentor. They bring people closer to them, who then become their eunuchs. (weak-willed slaves)

14 Around these personalities are never restored.
It is not beneficial for them that the people around them rebuild, heal and grow, because then, they lose control over their victims. The longer they can keep their "eunuchs" in bondage, the longer they can use them for their own purposes, controlling their lives.

15. Control through the prosecution.
People with a Jezebel spirit will try to blame you if you disregard their needs. They will tell you that you are not acting in the fruit of the Spirit or acting like Christ as a ruse to make you submit to what they want.

16. Achieve his goals through others.
Jezebel will try to act through people with insecurity, emotional instability, pride, arrogance, manipulation, or control.

18. Their tools, cunning, lies and manipulation.
People influenced by the Jezebel spirit will twist the facts.
They have selective memory. They are slippery, cunning and will do their best to convince you that they are right.

19. Focused exclusively on people of influence and success.
People influenced by the spirit of Jezebel divide the church into categories, people with influence and those who mean nothing. They will never fit and will not have relationships with people they consider to be anyone. They seek friendship and cooperation exclusively with people in power. If it is not possible for them to get close to the pastors, they will pursue relationships with those who stand next to the pastors.

20. Prayers of witchcraft.
People under the influence of this spreading Jezebel spirit will, in fact, begin to pray witchcraft prayers against you, praying for their own will, not the will of God. “Lord, remove that person from that position. That position belongs to me. "

Stop indulging and indulging the spirit of Jezebel!

If you discern a Jezebel spirit in your midst, resist immediately.
Time is not on your side. The longer you do not resist, the more damage this spirit can cause in your church and your group.

The first thing that this spirit will do when you want to expose this person is that you are afraid or do not want to approach a person who has this spirit. I call this spiritual projection.

Moreover, if you endure this spirit, Jesus has a claim against you.
In Revelation chapter two, He says that if Jezebel does not repent, He will punish those who commit adultery with her.

John Paul Jackson
- Exposing the Spirit of Jezebel


Korah and his entourage were planning to stage a coup. It was obvious that Moses and Aaron were old and weak. Their leadership will only lead to further wilderness wanderings. Korah and his fellow Levites continued to resist Moses and his foolish demands. Looking at the great gathering, Korah was confident that Israel would be stronger under his leadership. Someone like him must stand up and confront the old man! And suddenly Korah heard Moses cry.

"Get out of the tents of these wicked people!" Moses shouted to those who stood next to Korah. "Do not touch anything that belongs to them, or you will be consumed by fire!"

When the people began to withdraw, Korah and his family, as well as his followers and their families, stood at the entrances to their tents. What is this Moses up to?

"And Moses said: from this you will know that the Lord sent me to do all these works, and not according to my own will I do this: if they die, as all people die, and such a punishment befalls them as befell all people, then it is not the Lord sent me; and if the Lord does something extraordinary, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them up and everything that they have, and they go down alive into the underworld, then know that these people have despised the Lord. " (Num. 16: 28-30).

As soon as Moses finished his speech, Korah felt the earth trembling under his feet. And suddenly the ground parted under him! He, his family and all his property flew into the abyss. Then the earth closed over them. Although it happened in a matter of seconds, Korah must have felt horror at the knowledge that he was about to die and that he was under the judgment of God. Those around him fled, bumping into each other, in panic and fear that God's judgment would touch them too. Without warning, fire descended from heaven and consumed 250 of Korea's followers.


Thinking he was right in challenging Moses' leadership, Korah put his will above the will of Moses. Likewise, Jezebel believes her claims about the pastor's leadership are legitimate and will try to start a riot. Since all authorities are established by God, rebellion against authority is rebellion and lawlessness against God (I will elaborate on the spirit of lawlessness in chapter 9).

For those who operate in the spirit of Jezebel, rebellion is the foundation of their entire being. Thinking that they hear God, they elevate their will above the will of God and the authority of those whom God has placed over them (see Heb. 13). Whenever our will serves ours own desires, we worship our own interests, not God's. We ourselves become an idol for ourselves.

God equates rebellion with witchcraft, where power is gained through the use of evil spirits (see 1 Sam. 15:23). It does not matter whether the person himself is aware of the influence of evil spirits. In the Scriptures, Jezebel has been described as “a witch (2 Kings 9:22). So it should not be surprising that the spirit of Jezebel works through witchcraft even in the early stages, when it is just beginning to rule someone's life.


The spirit of witchcraft imposes its will by manipulating others. By committing violence against a person and neglecting the value of each person, witchcraft deprives a person of the ability to make decisions and establishes his "highest" authority at the expense of his victim. This may be a manifestation of illegal power that has been usurped. It can also be an illegal exercise of legitimate authority. For example, a pastor may use his authority unrighteously by manipulating people.

The essence of such actions is a position of disrespect, devaluation of a person created in the image of God. This spirit also expresses disrespect for the precious human will. God has given the gift of free will to humanity, and God Himself does not violate this will.

Manipulating others does not yet make a person a sorcerer, that is, one who has made a covenant with Satan. It also does not mean that a person practices magic, evil eye, potions and spells. But this assumes that the person is hiding their true intentions. Jezebel sacrifices other people to fulfill his plans. Her followers are simply convinced that Jezebel is right, not the pastor. In the beginning, most believe that in imposing their will, they are only jealous of building the Kingdom. They don't touch their own problems and they are blind to what God is doing. Those who practice manipulation in their families and in personal relationships will do the same in the church until they are corrected. For the church to flourish, control and manipulation must be suppressed.


In Scripture, most often to denote witchcraft on Hebrew the word anan is used, which means to cover or create (do) in secret. This is what the spirit of Jezebel does.

While a person may not be a practicing sorcerer or witch, or even have a strong Jezebel spirit with the intention of destroying a church or pastor, he or she may still have a spirit of witchcraft. A person can be a Christian and still act in a witchcraft way without realizing it. This spirit has long been in the Body of Christ and, unfortunately, works through God's chosen vessels. Even mature prophets and intercessors can periodically act under the influence of this spirit if there are open doors- through old wounds. The proof that these wounds are not healed is the condition in which the person struggles with the feeling of being neglected, overlooked, or rejected. Or if he is struggling with bitterness, criticism and anger.

For example, Terry and Lisa have been active in the church for 14 years since they got married. Terry had a great job in telecommunications, and Lisa enjoyed staying at home with the kids. Terry was a good man... He just wasn't particularly keen on spiritual growth. Playing golf on Sundays was for him the best rest than going to church.

Lisa wanted to obey God, but it always seemed to lead to misunderstanding, frustration and suffering. It seemed that in every church they came to, there were some huge problems. And they always turned out to be right in all disagreements.

Sobbing in the kitchen, Lisa could not understand why they were asked to leave the church. They were only trying to help people. After all, she cannot do anything if she "sees" what others do not see. The pastor would be a great person, but he doesn't listen to her. If only he would listen! Many are on her side. But why not a pastor? And the leader of the prophetic ministry is against her. Nevertheless, Lisa managed to become the deputy leader of the prayer ministry and be responsible for half of the prayer groups. She dreamed of one day leading all the groups!

Since childhood, Lisa has always dreamed of being a pastor. If given the opportunity, she would lead the church through intercession. She would make their prayer ministry the largest in the state. She would be the key to a pastor's success. With her strategic know-how and credibility, they would have built the greatest church in the city. Missionaries would be sent to other countries, and hundreds of prophets would be trained in her new curriculum, which she longed to put into practice. It's a shame that someone's jealousy and intrigue stopped her.

Listening to herself, Lisa noticed that words of anger and bitterness were coming out of her mouth. "Why not?" - she objected to herself. She was wrong again. She knew Terry would just shrug and feign a semblance of sympathy: "I'm sorry." She recently wondered if their marriage made sense. Sometimes she wondered if she had married the right person.

Lisa didn’t know this yet, but she had already entered the first level of pride and exaltation, which would lead her down the path of deeper seduction by the spirit of Jezebel. One of the earliest signs of a Jezebel spirit influencing a person is how they deal with the issue of disagreement with those in power. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with a leader; but what you do next with this disagreement may be inspired by Jezebel. We must follow the scriptures for conflict resolution (Matthew 18). We also need to look at the examples of Esther and Haman, David and Saul.


Like Lisa, a person influenced by the spirit of Jezebel may have no intention of destroying the church. However, individuals who act on different levels riots and witchcraft, destroyed many churches. Thus, witchcraft is capable of acting through a person who is trying to control those around him.

Manipulation and control are intensified with every successful action. A soul full of self-pity and pride is threatened with deeper demonization. This type of witchcraft can be carried out without engaging in occultism and even by Christians who confess Christ as Lord. A person who acts in a more powerful form of witchcraft deliberately chooses to impose their will, no matter what the cost. In Jezebel's case, her manipulative control led to murder.

Witchcraft is not only displeasing to God, but it interferes with honest relationships. Because witchcraft violates the will of others and interferes with their ability to make decisions, it does great damage to the relationship between husband and wife. It is also damaging to the relationship between parents and children, and in general with any family members. In situations where a conflict arises, people acting in this spirit refuse to tell the truth, and sometimes to say anything at all. Moreover, they will use artificial, dishonest means to gain advantages and achieve goals, believing that the end justifies the means.

God is calling for godliness and righteousness today. When God sets leaders, He prophetically confirms that He intends to advance His Kingdom on earth. Therefore, everything comes through leaders appointed by God. The Jezebel spirit will seek to usurp the power of leaders and pastors.

Calls to take power and rule on Earth are not a call to oppressive domination. Dominion is actually a carnal substitute for God's ordained authority.

2. Bitterness root

"Take heed lest anyone be deprived of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause harm, and lest many be defiled by it." (Hebrews 12:15).

Rebellion in all its forms has multiple roots, one of which is bitterness. Bitterness opens the door through which the spirit of Jezebel penetrates into the soul of a person imperceptibly. Bitterness often takes over our lives when we feel overlooked, overshadowed by recognition or honor. Self-pity takes over, and willingly or unwillingly, a person begins to look for ways to attract attention, to demonstrate the gift that he, in his opinion, has.

Bitterness settles in the soul, because it is a stronghold associated with selfishness and pride. Bitterness can be directed towards both God and the one whom God has given authority. Since bitterness is often a reaction to perceived injustice or unfair authority, it then provokes a person to rebel against all authority, right or wrong. Bitterness brings despair. But since bitterness is associated with pride, this despair will push a person to invent plans for how to promote and show everyone their gift.

Bitterness is truly a sin. It deeply strikes a person and leads to lawlessness. Like any sin, bitterness must be acknowledged, repentant, and healed through God's grace.


The bitterness root produces different fruits. It could be immorality (see Hebrews 12: 14-16), lifelong resentment and resentment, or broken relationships. Moreover, bitter root is contagious. The bitter spirit of one person will infect the spirit of many people.

The cross is the turning point for this bitter root. Jesus is the only Great Physician who can free us from demonic torment. His anointing can turn us from rebellious ways. In this way, a rebellious heart can be transformed into a grateful, obedient heart when touched. God's grace... After such release, one must obey given by God authority. The constant practice of submission will produce meekness. Remember, Jesus said that it is the meek who will inherit the earth (Matthew 5: 5).


"Because you did not accept the spirit of slavery to live in fear again" (Rom. 8:15).

The root of bondage leads to fear and produces a spirit of legalism, depression, servility, enslavement and control. Anyone who is enslaved by the spirit of Jezebel - as his vessel or as his victim - is unable to taste the true taste of freedom.

Scripture says that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (see 2 Cor. 3:17). Freedom brings responsibility and accountability. However, those who act in the spirit of Jezebel will welcome responsibility, not accountability. They will perceive accountability as slavery and flee from it like the plague.

Often times, people dominated by this spirit are unable to feel their adoption as a son or daughter of God. They feel lonely and forgotten. Struggling to satisfy their own needs, they feel like a victim, because life "owes" something to them. Even if they are given an extraordinary gift, they do not feel grateful, believing that they really deserve everything that is given to them. In reality, they always feel that much more should be given to them.


"For the terrible thing that I was terrified of befell me; and what I feared came to me." (Job 3:25),

Fear is a lack of faith and opens the door for the Jezebel spirit to enter a person's life. The fear mindset can be learned in childhood. It persists until a person is able to pull himself together and conquer fear. The spirit of fear is a stronghold in the mind, it can lie to a young girl: "I will protect you. I will be your refuge from the domination of other people, I will give you power." The seduction of this spirit occurs subconsciously, bypassing conscious perception and directly influencing the actions of people. Thus, the spirit of fear forces you to learn to respond to situations with fear.

The spirit of fear always works through our very weaknesses... These moments of weakness are usually associated with those episodes in our life that have left the deepest scars in our psyche. They can also arise from the expressed fears of our parents and others. Unfortunately, many good-natured parents use fear to control their child, rather than to develop the child's ability to make wise decisions.

By the Spirit of God, the root of fear can be removed. This can only be done by those who are willing to pay the price of prayer, patience, and forgiveness. They should be willing to forgive any person of authority who has hurt or offended them.


The lies spoken by the spirits of seduction are very subtle. They come as thoughts that are "spoken directly into the soul" by cunning and sophisticated evil spirits... At first, these thoughts seem logical and fair. If they are accepted, believed in and internalized, these thoughts will be deeply rooted in the subconscious. They will become a way of thinking, or, in other words, a stronghold of reason. This will be your way of thinking until you receive a revelation from God and discern that a demonic spirit is trying to control your thoughts.

Most strongholds are rooted in our childhood. Your parents probably did not know how to distinguish and repel these attacks of spiritual warfare. And if someone's parents could discern a spirit of lying, then they were not instructed in the Word of God enough to teach their children how to defend against these attacks. Therefore, we were all potential prey for Satan's deceitful traps (see 2 Tim. 2: 25,26).

Agreeing with the spirit of lies means becoming a prisoner of it. Such deceitful spirits need protection. Because similar spirits, working through and for them, also work against them to keep the person in prison and prevent him from escaping. These demonic jailers will try to convince the person that his prison cell is, in fact, vehicle, which sooner or later will bring them to the long-awaited honor. But this is an illusion.

By accepting the enemy's lies, we voluntarily accept rejection, insignificance, and insecurity. We begin to doubt that we have a loving heavenly Father. Therefore, the stronghold of fear will produce untold anxiety and depression (see Prov. 12:25).

If a person is able to recognize these strongholds, he can find true freedom. Removing the spirit of fear will undermine the core root of the spirit of Jezebel. Freedom and inner healing of past wounds is accomplished by renouncing false belief in an unholy source and accepting renewed faith in the Lord Jesus. More on this in chapter 12.


"And on her forehead was a name written: Mystery, Babylon the great, mother to harlots and abominations of the earth." (Rev. 17: 5).

"How much she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, so much torment and sorrow give her. For she says in her heart:" I sit as a queen, I am not a widow and I will not see sorrow! " (Rev. 18: 7).

Pride is the root of the Jezebel spirit. Pride includes raising oneself to have power or influence. The spirit of pride is the opposite of the Holy Spirit.

Mary, mother of Jesus - good example opposites of pride. When the angel Gabriel announced that she would give birth to the Savior of the world, she secretly pondered why the Lord had chosen a humble virgin for such an amazing fate (Luke 1: 46-55). The spirit of pride is also not inherent in the heart of Esther, who humbly waited for the king to hear her petition. Because of her meekness, her cry was heard, and the people were saved. Likewise, Deborah's heart did not have a spirit of pride. As a prophetess and judge of Israel (Judg. 4: 4-9) Deborah did not want to arbitrarily or unrighteously seize power that belonged to another. Instead, she only became a leader when another chief insisted on it and invited her.


Anna has just lit the last candle in the Temple. The autumn cold came earlier this year. But this morning, the cold breeze seemed especially refreshing, and her prayers seemed especially lively and ascended unhindered. Perhaps because she just finished her post. But she soon realized that she would soon see the Light of Israel and the world.

Many years ago, the Lord told her in a vision that if she prayed for the coming of the Messiah, she would live and live until His coming. Since her husband died, Anna decided in her heart to serve the Lord every day from morning to evening, which she has been doing for the past 57 years. Sometimes it seemed difficult to do it, but the Lord helped her. People mercifully brought her food. How could she not serve God as a minister? He truly cares!

On the opposite side of the courtyard she saw Simeon walking to pray. He arrived earlier than usual today. She watched as he knelt and raised his hands to Heaven. There was a strong presence of the Holy Spirit in the temple. Anna fell to her knees, sobbing loudly. As she got up and went into the courtyard to pray for those who would come this morning, she stopped walking past one of the pillars that supported the roof of the temple.

Simeon was talking to a rude-looking young man and his beautiful young wife, both beaming with happiness. Simeon took their baby in his arms. Tears streamed down his face and beard. When he raised the child to bless him, Anna learned in spirit that Simeon was holding the Atonement of Israel. At the time when Simeon began to prophesy over the child, Anna, led by the Spirit, approached them, walking through the temple and proclaiming God's promises, which were fulfilled. The Messiah has come!

For nearly sixty years, Anna served in the temple with meekness, contrition, and firm faith (Luke 2: 36-38). She never tried to promote herself. Others called Anna a prophetess, but not herself. As a result, God exalted her.

Disdain for meekness

Jezebel pride is the opposite of humility. In the Scriptures, Jezebel glorifies himself and lives in luxury. Full of pride, she decided to "sit like a queen" (Rev. 18: 7). This exalted spirit will despise the low, humble state of a widow or any other woman. This haughty spirit views meekness and humility as essential signs of worthlessness and shame. Therefore, this spirit despises submission to power, for it to be subordinate to power is too great a sacrifice.

This arrogant spirit uses seduction to lure others into its snares. Desperate for attention, he desires glory and idolatry from people who are thus drawn to their own death.


Several years ago I listened in amazement to David's account of what had happened to him. He seemed to lead an exemplary life: a wonderful wife and a beloved job. His church was full of people. He was often written about in the newspapers. Everything seemed to be in harmony except for him family life... It has been months since he and his wife had an intimate relationship. Their marriage became a problem. He was still going to take a vacation.

David began to notice other women. Every time he met them in church, he found himself fantasizing about them. One woman especially attracted his attention. David was pleased to see her name on his calendar, in which he wrote down appointments. More excited than he should have been about meeting her, he decided to carefully manage his emotions.

The meeting went smoothly. The woman seemed lively and ready to serve. She secretly told David that because of her attractiveness, she was not well treated in another church. Two weeks later, she came again. This time she was wearing a long fur coat. It didn’t seem strange, it’s like it’s getting cold outside. When she entered David's office, he closed the door, which was usual since the secretary's desk was outside the door. Standing in the middle of the room, the woman began to talk to David about his anointing.

She said that she sees how he will preach to kings and presidents, and she wants to help him make it happen. She said that God had given her some kind of revelation. Looking into his eyes, she told him that she knew that he and his wife had not been close for a while. She knows about his loneliness. Appealing to his pride, she said that David and other great men of our time are like "King David." Her role was to help the "king" in any way. As was the case with David and Solomon, no woman alone is capable of satisfying the sexual needs of a husband with such a great calling.

Intoxicated by her teasing words and sensuality, David even stopped breathing for a few seconds. Then, with a bold movement, the woman took off her coat, revealing her nakedness. His heart sank with anticipation, a powerful seduction took possession of him. Leaving his desk, David touched her and gave in to a desire that had been unsatisfied for so long.

During the sleepless nights that followed, waves of shame and guilt rolled over David. He wanted to run, turn back time and destroy what was. Eventually David retired from the ministry. Its 3,000-seat church building was auctioned off.

"And I found that a woman is bitter than death, because she is a snare, and her heart is snares, her hands are fetters; the good before God will be saved from her, and the sinner will be caught by her." (Eccl. 7:26).

Our pride in our anointing can be the seed of our subsequent fall. It can also lead to fatal attraction.


About 2,500 years ago, the prophet Zechariah described the spirit of pride behind the seduction associated with women. I believe it was a revelation of the spirit of Jezebel rising on earth today (see Zech. 5: 5-11). Zechariah saw a basket divided into six parts. Six is ​​a human number, meaning carnal endeavors. When the lid of the basket was lifted, Zachariah saw a woman sitting in it. When the woman tried to escape, the angel again forcefully returned her to the basket and put the weight on the lid. Then two winged women took the basket and carried it to the land of Shinar or Babylon, where this woman will sit on a very high pedestal. The Lord called this woman "Wickedness" who is a demanding and proud spirit.

Today, women who seek power and rule will often be harnessed by the spirit of the Antichrist. This spirit will coerce, push and seduce women, demand authority and power, in general, this is how the movement for women's rights operates today. Thus, these women will fall into the trap of Babylon.

A spirit of pride will make it very difficult for these people to repent. It will be necessary to understand that humility before God is priceless. They need to be left with the usurpation of the authority of others, especially the male. If they repent in a spirit of pride, they will be rid of the great and terrible deception.


"Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God" (2 Cor. 7: 1).

We are told to cleanse ourselves to the root, which is in our soul, as well as in our spirit (see 2 Cor. 7: 1). Ignoring the soul (or flesh) will only lead to the fact that the fruits will be preserved. Our spirit will be suppressed and consumed by the soul if the soul reigns over it.

Proclaiming the coming of the Lamb of God, which takes away the sins of the world, John the Baptist said: "The ax lies at the root of the trees" (Luke 3: 9). Thus, we must kill more than the superficial aspects of our nature if we are to bear good fruit. We must explore and deal with the motives of our hearts. Moreover, in order for us to participate in personal, general and national repentance, first of all, the deep roots of sin in our souls must be cut off.


When the spirit of Jezebel becomes part of the soul of a person, Intertwining with it, one should distinguish the roots of demonic spirits. This understanding comes from the Holy Spirit, who awakens our spirit, showing him the lack of His rule in our lives. He does this through conviction, not condemnation.

God has to show weakness, which opened the door to the demonic spirit in the life of a person. By closing this door, a person will eliminate the threat of the return of this demonic spirit. It is also necessary to deal with any perceived threats that try to open the door. Therefore, one must constantly be on guard spiritually until complete healing occurs (see 2 Cor. 13: 5).

A person who has seemingly freed himself from the spirit of Jezebel, under very strong pressure, can fall back into the old habits of manipulation and control. Although he may have already repented and freed himself from this spirit, the weak or wounded realms of the soul may not have had enough time to heal. Old habits can re-emerge. Therefore, if leaders do not pay enough attention to a person's condition, he may have the same problems again.


If problems are inherited from a domineering father or mother, a person may ask themselves: Who is he fighting for control with? He may still be in bondage to the controlling mother. He can marry strong man, with which it will also compete, fighting for control. If the threat of losing control is perceived simply as a general fear of all power, then it will defy anyone in power. In any case, sound spiritual reasoning must be done in order for a person to believe that others will not dominate, humiliate and cripple him in the future.

Such people will immediately feel accusing, critical or judgmental towards them. They will quickly shut the door to any ministry of restoration. Serving them in order to free them must be done with great compassion. Remember that ministry will be successful only when God begins it, and when His skill and wisdom are present in the ministry.


When a person is freed from this demonic spirit, his own spirit must be healed and strengthened. A person needs to be allowed to grow spiritually. It will take time. Leadership will be premature and should not be placed on that person before their deliverance, healing, and restoration are complete. A new foundation must be laid in human life. This may not be easy for the pastor. Especially if the pastor is timid, fearful, or he is angry with the person for his previous deeds.

It is not uncommon for someone who has previously acted in the spirit of Jezebel to have a present prophetic calling from God. This gift has simply been perverted, distorted, and misused. Atonement, healing, and maturity can be wonderful gifts that destroy the works of the devil. This is probably why Satan wants to pervert this gift so that it does not damage his own empire.

Pastors need to be careful and careful if they hope to easily heal this wound. The wrong way to deal with the problem - for example, showing mercy where firmness is needed, or putting too much pressure on a person - can cause a wound that will go even deeper and lead to irreversible damage to the person. If a person's gift is restored too quickly, then he can be buried with iodine by the weight of everyone's attention and flattery.


No matter what spirit oppresses a person, each person must refuse to defend himself and justify his behavior. He must examine his heart and repent, turning away from sin. He must confess his sins to the Lord, who promised to forgive and cleanse (see 1 John 1: 9). Repentance is vital to the restoration process (see 2 Cor. 7:10). Until complete repentance occurs, God cannot truly bless and heal us (see Isaiah 59:20).

When asking for help, leaders should show mercy and compassion to the injured person. Remember that it is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance (see Rom. 2: 4). The writer to the Hebrews instructs us to encourage one another daily so that we do not become hardened by the deception of sin (see Hebrews 3: 12-13). We must not allow a person to abandon the healing process, and thereby fall further away from God (see Matthew 18: 7).

Pastors, leaders, and church members must be careful not to show irritation and hostility towards someone who is seeking to be healed. Any attempt to control a wounded person can push him into revolt again.

Recovery will take time. Even Jezebel God gave time to repent (see Rev. 2:21).


Many centuries ago, God sent His messenger, the prophet Elijah. He confronted Jezebel and her false prophets who were leading God's people out of the way. Now, in these last days God is releasing a prophetic message all over the face of the earth. He is raising up men, women, and children to be empowered and anointed with the spirit of Elijah. They resist the spirit of Jezebel (see Mal. 4: 5,6).

As the spirit of the Forerunner, the spirit of Elijah will again “prepare the way for the Lord” (see Luke 1:17). In preparation for His coming, we need to put the ax at the root of our fleshly nature (see Matthew 3:10) and bear worthy fruit to the Lord.

To be continued