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Epiphany water, its properties and power. When to swim in the corner and is it necessary? History History: from the biblical past to the present day

Living water. This phrase is familiar to us since childhood from fairy tales. Magic wonders, creatible with such a liquid, were amazed and surprised. But not everyone is aware that it is not just fairy tales. Such water really exists! Even more! Unusual properties receive any water in an open-air in a certain time. We will understand in detail.

What is baptic water?

There is such orthodox holiday - Epiphany. Date it - January 19. It is believed that God's grace comes to the whole land in the Epiphany night. That is, from 18 to January 19, that water that is in the open sky receives extraordinary properties. But the condition is one thing: the fluid should "come in touch" with nature, heaven, stars! That that will remain indoors, under the roof - will not receive magical properties. This is not a fairy tale! Even science recognized the fact of the existence of Epiphany water, although it could not understand the mechanism of obtaining it. Many minds tried to come up with theories, conduct experiments. Yes, there is not much sense.

Properties and mystery of baptisma water

It is believed that the water charges the energy generated by the special position of stars and planets. From the center of the Galaxy on this night, an invisible thread is stretched to the ground that fills everything around unusual information.

Water is the best information storage. At the same time, she "remembers" the acquired "knowledge" forever. Do not believe - check. Epiphany water never flies as far as it was. It is known to everyone! Water is structured in such a way that bacteria and microbes do not live in it. All this applies not only to the fluid called in the church. Not at all! Epiphany is considered all the water (rivers, lakes, and so on), which was subjected to beneficial radiation from space.

Science speaks about raising magnetic properties Water and its optical density. These indicators make liquid therapeutic. But that's not all. The liquid radiates those energy that are characteristic of healthy human organs. It turns out that using such water (building its body from it) any person creates its health. It is clear that we are the fact that we drink and eat. The quality of the liquid is especially important. Using lively water, we not only get its molecules and structure, but also the information that is laid in it.

Water is better absorbed by cells, dissolves nutrients, It turns on to the work of the organs, that is, becomes bioactive. It is no secret that scientists advise only the "useful" water. So, among many of her species, Epiphany water is the most useful for health. This fact is recognized by scientists. Consider (recall) that its properties do not lose over time!

How does swimming in baptismic water?

This is another unique tradition of cold regions. Swim in the winter in the frost in the open sky! Only a person with excellent health can afford. But in the Epiphany Night (morning) to swim in the natural source can absolutely any. This procedure will not only cause colds or other diseases, and also to be treated. Proven by many generations of believers!

Bathing leads to body stimulation, water absorbing in the skin. That is, the whole body is sewn by this useful "magic" water! Of course, it is not necessary to swim. But the useful effect of such a procedure significantly exceeds the "fear" of the cold. I must say that it is not even necessary to believe in a miracle. It takes place in itself. Epiphany water is the case when charity properties do not depend on your thoughts or faith.

When and where to recruit baptic water?

You need to gain water from 18 to January 19th. And in 2016, in 2016 and 2018, this date will not change.

Believers people go to the temple and gain the fluid there, over which the corresponding ritual has been held. But this is not necessarily. You can simply put a bucket (container, not even a closed bottle) to the balcony. Outline You will receive a real medicine from all diseases. You can be stocking as much water as you need (if only a balcony stand). It will not deteriorate and the properties do not lose.

Epiphany water can be typed from the stream or any other natural source. Only to do it is recommended until dawn until it acts this magic baptism radiation. Then this water is used as you want. They drink it, cook it, wash or bathe. It depends on how much stores.

If you type water for the purpose of treatment, you can slit a little in its use. Add epiphany water In other drinks and liquids. It will share its properties with other molecules. That is, if the glass pour ordinary water from under the tap and add a spoonful of baptic, then after a few minutes the structure of the entire liquid will change, it will become lifting and useful.

January 19, a great holiday in the life of a Christian. He is dedicated to events when Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River at the age of 30. This day is called the baptism of the Lord and the Epiphany. Consecration of water to baptism has already become traditions, as Epiphany water is unique water. There are many beliefs that such water can heal and clean. Even scientists, after numerous studies, confirmed that Epiphany water in its composition and properties are similar to the waters that flow in the Jordan River, where Jesus was once baptized. Take a cherry cherry with a yeast dough in the oven: a recipe with a photo.

That is why, most believers for baptism are sent to the temple and on consecrated open sources to gain water in them. Given that on January 18, it is also a festive day, the Epiphany Christmas Eve, and the evening of this day in the temples are held services and lighting of water, then the question arises when to recruit Epiphany water on 18 or 29 January?

Difference between epiphany water January 18th and 19
The first illumination of baptisma water is held on the evening of January 18, closer in midnight. The second light is performed on January 19th. At this time, you can come with your package and recruit baptic water to store the house. Answering the question when to recruit Epiphany water on January 18 or 19, it should be noted that the lighting of water in the evening of January 18 and January 19 to pass is exactly the same. The consecration of water takes place in one rank, the same prayers are used, so there is no difference between baptismic water on January 18 and 19. Water reserves in different days have the same properties and suitable for use in order to purify, healing.

Scientifically proven that baptic water does not deteriorate. It is possible to store it for a long time, she saves their unique properties. This also applies to the water that is scored on January 18, and the one that is recruited on January 19th. Water on January 18 and 19 is Epiphany only after the procedure for illumination of water by the church. Services that take place on the evening of January 18 are also festive, as well as services held on January 19, it is possible to recruit Epiphany water and on the other day.

There is an opinion that the most valuable Epiphany water, which has strong active properties, is the water that was gained on the night from 18 to January 19. However, church believers emphasize the fact that there is no difference between water, and that it is possible to get water both on the night from 18 to January 19 and the entire subsequent day.

It should be remembered that primarily the effect of holy water depends on the faith of a person. Since the water on January 18 and 19 is Epiphany, it is necessary to understand its importance in the religious world. According to the Bible, water is the personification of everything alive on earth. Therefore, the baptismic water should be recruited and use with bright thoughts, pronouncing mentally prayers.
Consecration of water on the day of the Epiphany in its fertile properties is similar to the sanctification on the sacrament of baptism. Consecrated water for the day of Epiphany and water to the sacrament of baptism has even the same name - Great Aguiam.

Every year, water on baptism is being consecrated twice, and there is no difference between such water.

What can not be done with holy water
Despite the fact that the Epiphany Water is universal in use, there are several strict prohibitions when such water cannot be used:
Epiphany water can not be used for the purpose of divination and the overthrow of any magical rituals.
It is impossible to support the actions of superstition that are associated with holy water. For example, the fact that to achieve the highest grace should be gained by baptic water in three different temples.
It is impossible to use Epiphany water in order to purify from sins. It is possible only for confession.

When Jesus, who did not need to be cleansing the soul, entered the river Jordan, he cleared his own himself water elementwithout which human life is impossible. Therefore, applies to the baptismic water and the feast of the Epiphany follows respectfully. And when to recruit Epiphany water on 18 or 19 January, it is solved individually, depending on the free time.

Does Whether the water becomes holy on baptism, the water from the tap becomes holy in baptism? Does the water become holy on baptism? On the night of January 19, the Orthodox World annually celebrates one of the main holidays - the Baptism of the Lord. On this day, Christians remember the greatest event - the baptism of Jesus Christ on the Jordan River.

Many prejudices are connected with baptism. On the eve of the holiday, Ieria Georgy Vorobyev, who is the abbot of the temple in honor of the Holy Martyr Andronika, told the AIF-Kamye journalists about the most common mistakes and misconceptions concerning the Baptism of the Lord.

Does Whether the water becomes holy on baptism and is it becoming a holy in the baptism of water from under the tap?

The people there are reference that in the baptismic midnight, from 18 to January 19, all the water becomes saint. And allegedly from under the tap also flows holy water. For this reason, many believe that it is not necessary to go beyond the holy water into the temple, but you can score at home. Answer Ierhea Georgy Vorobyeva: Epiphany Water is that water - over which the clergyman made a special church ritual - Chin of the Great Consecration of Water. This rank is made on the eve of the holiday - January 18, in the Epiphany Christmas Eve, and the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, January 19th. On this question earlier edition " Orthodox life"Replied Archimandrite Spiridon (Everyday). According to him, if you delve into the prayers and features of the sanctification of water to baptism, it becomes apparent that the saint is only that water that the clergymen is consecled in the temple or on the river (reservoir).

From the answers of representatives of the Orthodox Church, it can be concluded that the Lord is consecrated (holy) into the baptism of the Lord, the water was performed on which the priest was performed by a special sanctification.

One of the main traditions of baptism is a set of holy water, which this day acquires special properties. It is necessary to type it in a strictly defined time.
The alternative name of the baptism is the Epiphany, since it was on this day that God revealed himself to the world in three horses. Jesus Christ adopted the sacrament of baptism in the Jordan River, but this rite was a completely different meaning - the Savior blessed all the waters on the globe so that we could plunge into holy water on the same day. This day in Orthodoxy - January 19. He is unchanged from year to year.

Properties of baptisma water

Epiphany water has many properties. They are explained by special symbolism, which has baptism rites. This is not just water, but a source of holiness. It can be just drunk, but many people retain it for the whole year to use in various situations.
Epiphany water heals the disease. It's no secret that the admission of holy water helps people to recover with any ailments. The stronger your faith, the greater the likelihood that you will heale. For people who are far from religion, this may seem like something strange, but for believers the power of baptismic water is not questioned. Medicine still can not explain why holy water is so acting on people.

Epiphany water raises the mood, eliminates depression. The mechanism of action in this case is the same, but only water is not on the body, but per capita. Soul wounds are sometimes deeper and more serious than bodily. They also need to be treated on time so that life becomes lighter. When you feel that your faith is weakening when the soul turns into a clot of dark threads, then the tangle of baptismic water will help to unravel the tangle of doubts and despondency.

Sanctified water is expelled evil, cleans the room from negative energy. Those who believe in God believe in the devil who greedily picks up the fact that God cannot take. If you feel that there are some strange entities in your house that do not give you peace, then just turn the room with holy water. If you are inexplicable things or dream bad dreams, sprinkle with water on the bed and on her headboard. Wash the water before bedtime and read our Father to drive away the evil.
It is worth noting that baptic water does not deteriorate - it can be stored infinitely long. Use it for church rules is better than an empty stomach.

When to gain water

The holiday itself is celebrated on January 19, but it is possible to recruit water already after evening liturgy in the evening of January 18th. Water becomes sacred after a special prayer. If you have not visited the service of the 18th, then do it on January 19th. A visit to the liturgy is considered mandatory if you have such an opportunity. It is possible to come and just to gain holy water, but it is quite right. The difference between water scored on Christmas Eve 18 or the holiday itself, no.

It is very important to remember that it is not necessary to pour a hundred liters of water to have enough for you and all your relatives. According to the rules of the Church, any drinking waterIn which you freeze holy water in a small amount, it will become also consecrated. If you do not want to dial a large number of Waters, you can take a liter and pour it on more roomy tanks at home.
Do not forget that the sacrament of confession and communion adopted on the feast of baptism has a very high spiritual value. Delive to this day as a great holiday that requires good deeds and prayers from us.

Epiphany water, which is brought to the house on the eve of baptism and baptism, is considered special. It does not spoil for several years, keeping its structure. This water is treated and sprinkled by it. Helps Epiphany water also in many other cases. Baptism in 2019 will soon be soon, on the night of January 18-12. Let's find out in more detail what you need to make baptism, where and how to dial water and how much can be stored. And on this night.

History of baptisma water

Baptism is celebrated by Orthodox Christians on January 19 and is considered one of the great church holidaysMounted in memory of the day when Jesus Christ came to the Jordan River to John the forerunner to be baptized from him. A feature of the holiday is two great water bindings. One takes place on Christmas Eve (evening before baptism) in the temple.

Other is held on the day of the open-air holiday, if possible, at the water source (river, lakes, spring, key). At the same time, if the water frozen, the holes are hollowing in advance. According to the church charter, this rite is accompanied by reading prayers and a three-time immersion of the cross in consecrated water, after which it is endowed with a special healing force. The word "baptized" or "baptism" from the Greek "Baptizo" means "immersed".

This great Christian holiday has a double name, the Baptism of the Lord is called another to the Epiphany. Because with the baptism of the Lord, the main event was the phenomenon Blessed Trinity. God the Father testifies from the sky: "This is the son of my beloved, in which my favor."

God the Son takes baptism in His human nature; The Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descends on it. This is approved by Belief in the Divine Trinity and Belief in the deity of Jesus Christ.

Epiphany Christmas Eve - Traditions and Rites

So, in the villages under the baptism of the old woman and the girls gathered snow from the stack.
Old women - in order to whiten the canvas, it was believed that only this snow can make it snow-white.

And the girls - in order to bleach the skin and become more beautiful. They believed that, washing off this snow, the girl becomes very attractive. In addition, the Epiphany snow by reference could even in arid wells to keep water for the whole year.

Snow collected in epiphany eveningconsidered healing, they treated various ailments.

The table was put on the bowl with water to see the baptism of the Lord. At the same time they said: "At night, the water sacrifits the water," it was familiar. If at midnight the water in the cup really broke, they fled to watch the "expansion heavens" - what the open sky is praying, it will come true.

Up to 5th century, it was customary to remember the birth and baptism of the Son of God in one day - January 6 and was called this holiday by Faofania - the Epiphany, which was talking about the incarnation of Christ into the world and about the phenomenon of the Trinity in the waters of Jordanian. Moved the festival of the Nativity of Christ on December 25 (by Julian calendar, or old style) was later, in the 5th century.

So it was the beginning of a new church phenomenon - the tacities ending with forever, or a Christmas festival festival.

The word forever means the opposition of the church celebration, and the second name is a Christmas Eve (or a family) is associated with tradition on this day, cook wheat swells with honey and raisins - sochily.

Epiphany Christmas tree - This evening cooking before the big Orthodox holiday, which is called the Epiphany of the Lord's baptism. This festival orthodox churchbelongs to the two-month. This day I remember the baptism of Jesus Christ John the Forerunner (Baptist) in the Jordan River.

In view of the importance of the events committed in the coming day in the life of Jesus Christ, the church set the post. It is from here that the tradition of cooking sochily, which is not mandatory, but so comfortable, which entered the tradition everywhere.

Of course, nowadays, not everyone has such an opportunity, but the post is still necessary: \u200b\u200b"Sita Okormemiiiiiiyiya, Liberty, Lyochimitis," Tipikon tells us. Under the leafy it is understood everything that comes over need and let Meril here will be his conscience.

The measure of believers is determined individually, by the forces and blessing of the confessor. On this day, as in the Christmas Christmas Eve, do not eat food before the removal of the candles after the liturgy in the morning and the first communion of baptisma water.

Properties of baptic water and how to drink it

She falls on an empty stomach, in a spoon, on a little bit. The man got up, crossed himself, asked the blessing of the Lord for the day that began, washed, prayed and accepted the Great Agiasma. If an on an empty stomach is prescribed, first take holy water, and for it and medicine.

And then, breakfast and other things. The devotees of Christian piety call the consecrated water with the best medicine from all spiritual and bodily ailments. Often, the conformists are "prescribed" with their born Chadam, Epiphany Wilder - every hour on a spoon, with faith, of course, and without faith at least drinking polkinasers. It is possible to wash the patient, and the bed of Kropropy. True, women in critical days to take baptic water is not blessed.

But this is if a woman else is healthy. And if it is sick, then even this circumstance does not play a role. Epiphany water may help her!

There is a pious tradition of Kropropy on this day with bachership water with a dwelling with the singing of the path of the Epiphany. Epiphany water is used all year on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora "in order for power, health reinforcement, diseases healing, the demons running and all the enemy's disgusted disgusted, we will get from God."

This is read by prayer:

"Lord God, so will be the gift of your holy and holy water to leaving my sins, in the enlightenment of my mind, to strengthen my soul and bodily forces, in the health of my soul and my body, in the conquest of the passions and weakness of my formerly charity of your prayers Mother Mother and all saints. Amen".

With death or attacks of evil forces, it is possible to drink water, without hesitation, at any time.

Do I need to add baptic water to the bath, in which babies swim so that they do not hurt

This is also one of the superstitions. Everyone can get sick. And the great saints suffered from physical diseases. For example, Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky could not straighten his back due to injury. Rogues attacked him and brutally beat.

The holy Matron of Moscow from birth to the end of his days was blind. No one forbids giving holy bachersky water to babies (still it is better to drink holy water), including during the disease. But once again, it is necessary to recall that the use of shrines is not a mechanism, but an action that requires faith and hope

How to take a bath for baptism

On this night, you will break three times with baptized water or take a bath. In the period from 0 hours 10 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes fill the bath cold water From under the tap. Cross the water and three times, read the prayer and knock the fist right hand On the chest three times to cause body vibration, harmonizing with water vibrations.

Then sit down without screaming and noise in the bath and plunge the head three times, hitting the chest every time.
Silently leave the bath (if you want to swim in the baptismic water, someone from your households will want to type new water in the bath).

Do not get out immediately, let the water absorbed into the skin. At this time, spend self-making or vigorously tapping your fingers all over the body from the top to the heels. Then put on warm clothes, underwear, socks, all new and already removed and ironed. Drink herbal tea with honey.

Is it possible to dilute baptized water

The special feature of the Holy Water is that, even in a small amount to the water, it is reported by graceful properties and it, so in the event of a lack of holy water, it can be diluted with simple.

It is believed that holy water does not deteriorate, so it is not necessary to put it in the refrigerator. Orthodox kept it in a red corner, next to icons. In addition, the drop of shrine Sea sanctifies. You can take an ordinary, not consecrated water and add a droplet of Epiphany there, it will be safely consecrated.

It is categorically rebel, taking the holy water or taking it, quarrel to swear, to allow not pious deeds or thoughts. From this, holy water loses holiness, and often simply appears.

We must not forget that the consecrated water is the church shrine, with which the grace of God, and which requires a reverest relationship. With reverent, the holy water will not deteriorate for many years. It should be stored in a separate place, better next to the home iconostasis.

When to pick up baptic water

You can take water in the temple after the service, can also bring your water to consecrate, but remember that it should be the usual pure water, not mineral and not carbonated.

If you decide to simply dial water from under the tap, then it is necessary to do it in the time interval from 00.10. until 01.30. On the night of the 18th on January 19th. It is possible to harvest the water later, but it is this time that is the best.

Unfortunately, the attitude towards the baptismic water in most of our people is purely superstitious. They recruit water as a medicine and then try to trecend it.

  • First, it is not necessary to recruit water not thoughtlessly, but after you take part in church service.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to pour it in the dishes without any labeling. Better - in a special jug or a flask purchased in the church shop. And in no case in a beer bottle!

It is believed that baptic water has healing properties. It can be drunk with an empty stomach disease and washed to be healthy.

True, it is necessary to use holy water with a prayer, asking for the Most High spiritual and physical health. And it is not at all necessary to take it about the reserve, canister. There should be no water, but faith.

Where to dial baptic water

It is believed that water collected in the baptismian midnight from any source (even from under the tap) has healing properties. Speaking modern tongue, Epiphany water is structured. If such water is to be kept away from human eyes and empty conversations - in a quiet and dark place - (believers keep it at home iconostasis), then it retains its healing properties all year.

Researchers believe that annually since the fifteen minutes of the first night. On January 19, people can be gained from the water crane for subsequent storage and use it as bioactive during the year.

How much bacherste water is stored

Epiphany water stored in glassware can be used during the year and even. This is very strong energy water, so it is constantly recommended to drink it. But take a medicine, if you are unhealthy, add to the bath (from one teaspoon to one glass on the bath), rinse your mouth, wash, sprinkle a face, eyes, the whole body is very useful.

I remind you: it is not necessary to wipe. To purify the housing, they splashes with baptic water at the corners of the rooms, and then a small part of the water is poured into glass vesselwithout closing the lid, and leave indoors.

Do not leave the shoes in the baptismian night behind the threshold, otherwise you will hurt.

If in the house of the problem, type the water at night, leave it at the threshold in open videoAnd in the morning this water wipe the shoes of each family member. Then water to pour out the place with the words:
« The evil spirit Underground, kind on Earth. "

Epiphany water - scientific facts

Studies have shown that the optical density of baptic water is higher than the water from the same sources on ordinary days. Moreover, it is close to the optical density of water from the Jordan River. The healing properties of baptic water Some scientists explain the features of the magnetic field of the Earth. On this day, it deviates from the norm and all water on the planet is magnetized. What are these changes are related, not yet fully studied.

Professor Anton Belsky, Russian Experimentator, somehow on the night of January 19 he took water samples in plastic bottles in the nearest pond. They stood in his laboratory for many years. Water in them remained transparent, odorless and sediment. At one of the scientific conferences, he told about this experiment to a familiar professor from Nuclear Physics in Moscow State University, which was studied by the study of neutron flows from space and from the Earth.

He promised to see his experimental data for last years. Soon A. Belsky received e-mail Very curious information. According to him, before January 19 whole line Intensive neutron flow bursts are registered, exceeding the background levels of 100-200 times. There was no tough binding to January 19: the highs accounted for the 18th, and on the 17th, but sometimes exactly the 19th.

Unique studies taken in the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra of the Epiphany Water, held several years ago at the Moscow Institute of Information and Wave Technologies, showed that the frequency spectrum of radiation of baptismic water was similar to electromagnetic radiation Healthy human organs. That is, it turned out that in the baptized church water laid a certain information program in the form of an ordered set of healthy frequencies human organism.

If a healing properties Epiphany water in the church is known to everyone, then few people know that the usual water water In the baptismic night, it can also be bioactive and then maintain its special qualities not only for a whole year, but also much longer.

It turns out that tap water annually on January 19 repeatedly changes its structure for one and a half days.

The conducted studies included measuring the water biofield, acid-alkaline balance, hydrogen potential, specific electrical conductivity, as well as the result from its impact on a person with internal and external use (methods of gas-discharge visualization, biolocation, laboratory studies).

For this, starting from the evening on January 18, after a short period of time, samples were taken from the water crane and measurements were made. To control the samples were left for storage for a long time.

Specialists of the Laboratory of Drinking Water Supply of the Institute. Syshin also conducted a serious scientific research. As Candidate of Technical Sciences Anatoly Stahin told the main task It was to fix the phase of the transition of water into an unusual state, for this water began to observe from January 15. Water gained from under the tap, defended and measured the number of ion radicals.

During the study, the number of ion-radicals in the water crawled up from January 17. Together with this, the water became softer, its hydrogen indicator (pH level) grew, which made fluid less acidic. Peak activity water reached on January 18, in the evening. Due to the large number of ion-radicals, its electrical conductivity was really like an artificially created Catholyte (waters saturated with electrons). In this case, the hydrogen water indicator jumped into a neutral (7 pH) by 1.5 points.

Also, the study was subjected to the degree of structuredness of the baptic water. Researchers froze several samples - from under the tap, from the church source, from the Moscow River.

So, even the water from the tap, which is usually far from the ideal, in a frozen form, was a harmonious spectacle under a microscope. The curve of the electromagnetic activity of water began to decline in the morning of January 19 and the 20th took its usual appearance.

Scientists believe that the cause of such a sharp increase in the electromagnetic activity of water in baptism was the large accumulation of ion radicals in the Lithosphere of the Earth. On ordinary days, the amount of energy in water varies depending on the time of day.

From 7 o'clock in the evening to 9 am, water is most active (but far from to the extent that Epiphany). Exactly this good time In order to wash and make reserves for household needs. When the sun gets up, a large number of ion-radicals "flies" from the water into the upper layers of the atmosphere.

Such channels through which energy "runs out" energy is all vortex processes in the atmosphere. For no accident during the activity of cyclones, many people deteriorates well-being. We simply lack aqueous electromagnetic energy. But the most extreme phenomenon that literally empties the land energetically, is an earthquake.

As for the three baptic days - this is, according to Stekhin, the "abnormal" period, when anticyclone always dominates on Earth. And electrons obeying some kind of space exposure, sleepy "sit" in a lithosphere and water and satisfy us healing forces. The only explanation of this can be a special redistribution of the poles of the magnetic field existing between the Sun and the Earth. It is cosmic forces that hold energy on Earth into the baptism.

Doctor of Science, Professor Biofak MSU, Vladimir Ways, believes that all sorts of magnetic and neutron storms affect water. In particular, scientists have proven that the properties of water very much changes the solar eclipse.

And everywhere, regardless of the degree of dimming in one or another part of the globe. As for the processes that affect water in baptism, they have not yet fully studied. Perhaps during this period there is a restructuring of interplanetary magnetic fields and electrons of water in some way "primarily" to the ground. But it is only a hypothesis.

Phenomenon Epiphany water It is not fully studied to the end, and researchers seem to not soon be able to solve her secret. Epiphany water did not pass scientific researchwho are subjected to medicinal productsAnd no medical conclusions about the properties of the baptismic water are not yet. But there is a centuries-old experience of a huge number of people. And, probably, it is not so important that he treats - water or firm belief of a person in what it will help him

Many people claim that sanctified water, which is scored in the Great Orthodox Holiday Baptism, has magic properties: able to heal from many diseases and protect against evil people, trouble I. unclean power. Therefore, every year many people, and not necessarily believers, are collected from the temples with bottles and the other tara to gain water from the font.
Those people who are going to go to the church for water for the first time, for sure, will give questions: How is the Epiphany Water use, the time of activity comes from 18 or 19 January?

Consecration of water

The rite of consecration of water every year runs at about the same time. January 18 comes the Epiphany Christmas Eve. All believers abdicate the post during the day, then go to church service, then pray and put candles in the temple.
After the last evening service ends, the priests are sent to the water bodies that are located near the temple, and the consecration of water begins. This rite is also conducted in all church rules.

First cut out the hole. Most often, the ice is chicken in the form of the cross. In the old days, the carved ice cross was installed next to the hole and watered with a red juice, for example, tomato or beetral. Now this tradition is not always respected. After the hole is ready, the priest begins to read prayer, then dip in the water silver cross. Then the white dove is produced into the sky, which symbolizes the phenomenon of the Holy Spirit. There is also a consecration of water in church fonts. After all these rituals, water is considered sacred and acquires magical properties.

Epiphany water can be recruited immediately after consecration when a person has already defended the service in the temple. However, some believers are confident that the healing itself is water, recruited ten minutes after midnight, that is, January 19. Although the ministers of the church claim that it does not matter when water is scored. This can be done on Christmas Eve, and on the day of baptism, most importantly, that a person prepared for this, it cleared spiritually and did not have any bad thoughts.

Many people believe that water in pure sources, streams and rivers January 19 becomes holy just so, so they gain it there. But the water that flows from the crane does not become holy. However, if you add a little baptized holy water to normal water, it will also acquire unusual properties.

Application of Holy Epiphany Water

It is worth remembering that water that is brought from the church is sacred. So, it cannot be used in vain and for everyday affairs. It is impossible in holy water, for example, washing, or wash dirty items in it.
A person who has just brought holy water from the church should take a little liquid, sprinkle her house, and then in a closed cap, to remove the rest of the water in a dark place.
Holy water brings people a lot of benefit. Every morning, praying, you can drink some water to breakfast. You should drink holy water to people who get sick. You can apply a compress with holy water to patient body areas. The priests also say that a person must wash the holy water after someone wishes his evil.

In addition to this holy water, you can sprinkle places where conflicts occurred. In the villages, people had previously watered holy water to poorly growing trees so that they brought the fruits.
The unusual property of the Holy Water is also stored for a very long time and does not deteriorate. However, a year later, that is, when baptism comes again, it is better to pour it out. Do not send holy water into the sewer. It is better to pour her flowers in the house, or trees on the plot. You can also pour water into a clean source.