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Epiphany Christmas Eve on January 18, in the evening that they are preparing. Festive table on Christmas tree. What can I eat? Is it possible to go to the Epiphany Christmas tree

In the Orthodox Epiphany Christmas Eve, Christians traditionally observe the post and do not eat to the first star, ascend the prayers to the Lord and thank him for the patronage. At this time, many wonder what you can do, and from what it is worth refraining.

On Christmas Eve, you can not use alcoholic beverages, as well as overeat. The post excludes meat and fish from the menu. On this day traditional dish On the table of Orthodox Christians, there is sochily cooked from the cereals with the addition of honey and nuts.

The church does not approve all sorts of, so those who observe all the canons should be refrained from such a time.

The pre-holiday day does not allow scandals and quarrels, so try to keep yourself in your hands and do not let yourself sudden statements. The time spent for prayers helps to tune in positive thoughts.

Remember that the desire for a righteous way of life helps the soul to develop and reach the light. Your actions should not be overstated by bad thoughts. Life in the sincere faith and following the covenants of the Lord helps to overcome difficulties. All the most prosperous, and do not forget to press buttons and

18.01.2017 02:04

Internal development - the first step towards happy life. Turning to spiritual practices, man ...

Personally, I'm waiting for the moment when I go to church service this amazing day. It's so great with a good mood and a small jar, filled with the Holy Vodka, to return home, pre-also bothering in the corner. This is a tradition that my whole family follows.

In addition to rites held on January 19, no less important is considered Epiphany Christmas tree. To better prepare for the festival of baptism and extract the maximum benefit from this day, listen to our advice.

Our editorial office is divided with the favorite readers of crupets of knowledge about traditions, baptism rites, and most importantly - about actions that categorically impossible epishe.

Epiphany Christmas tree

The Christmas Eve was named because of the traditional sweet porridge - "Sochiva", which is necessarily fell on on the eve of the holiday, only after worship. Porridge is prepared from wheat, barley or rice with the addition of honey, poppy, dried fruits and nuts. Grain symbolizes the resurrection, and honey - the sweetness of the future of blissful life. Another version - so earlier the Slavs were called a round cake from fresh dough.

The holiday of baptism is the shints that popular belief There are a period of "without a cross," because the recently born Jesus Christ was not yet baptized. And even in the Epiphany Christmas Eve, "terrible evenings" end, during which otherworldly forces are distinguished by special freedom and rampant in the world of people.

In the old days it was believed that in the Epiphany Christmas Eve is especially dangerous, because it is the last night before the upcoming WavGenk. Therefore, many bachersky traditions and rites were carried out in order to cleanse from unclean power And locked the boundaries between alive and dead.

What can not and can be done on the holiday: Epiphany bans

According to the popular belief, on the night of baptism, at the moment, when Christ enters the water, there is a miracle of cuddle of heaven. Iconic is the excitement of water in some capacity. And if at this moment to go out into the street, you can see the "exploration skies".

FROM Epiphany at night The people associated with the people. For example, if on this day there will be a blizzard - to be crop. Little snow on the branches of trees - in the summer neither mushrooms, nor berries are looking for. The blizzard in the Epiphany Christmas tree says that the same weather is waiting for the Maslenitsa, and if the strong southern winds - the summer will be thunderous.

Also they say that if you put a silver bowl on the night to the table and fill it with water, exactly at midnight the water should break. What a desire at that moment will shift over the bowl, to this and come true.

On January 18, 2019, Orthodox believers note the forever the Epiphany of the Lord and according to the church charter, respect the post of the Epiphany Christmas Eve, how longly call this holiday.

Post in the bass

What is allowed to eat in the Epiphany Christmas tree? Before the appearance of the first star, believers refrain from eating food, observing a strict post in the Epiphany Christmas Eve.

Then the whole family is going at the table to which Lieney Kushan are served - sochily, from the name of which, the name of the holiday, pancakes, pea or beans, oatmeal dishes occurred.

What to cook in the Epiphany Christmas tree?

Tell how to cook sochily. To do this, you will need:

  • 1 cup of wheat grains (200 g),
  • 1 cup poppy (200 g),
  • walnuts (100 g),
  • honey 1-3 tablespoons,
  • sugar.

Wheat grains need to be destroyed in a wooden plate with a wooden pestle, periodically pouring a bit of warm water. The resulting mass is sieved and washed to separate the kernels from the husk. To reduce cooking time, you can soak grains overnight.

Then the grains are boosted on water liquid porridge, cooled and add sugar to taste.

Mac is triturated until the poppy milk is obtained, honey is added, stirred and added to wheat. At the end, grinding kernels of walnuts are put in sochily.

Thanks to these delicious additives, the post in the Epiphany Christmas Eve is not so difficult.

What else can you come to the table in the baptized Christmas tree?

Traditionally, the table also serves the Uzvar. This is a type of compote from dried or fresh fruit, but it is much thicker and concentrates conventional compotes.

For cooking 6 servings you need:

  • apples, pears, uryuk, prunes of 60 g,
  • raisin without bones 50 g,
  • sugar 150 g,
  • water 1.1 l,
  • lemon acid at the tip of the knife.

If the Uzbar is prepared from a mixture of dried fruit, then pears and apples need to lay first, as they are boiled longer than other fruits.

Dried fruits beat, disassemble by types. Large apples and pears. Cut pieces. Fruits rinse with warm water.

Pour sugar sugar into boiling water, dissolve when stirring. In the syrup, cook apples and pears for 20 minutes, then add uryuk and prunes and cook for 10 minutes, then pumped raisins and boil another 4-5 minutes. At the end of the cooking to improve taste, add citric acid.

Finished Uzver Cool and stand 10-12 hours, then apply to the table.

Epiphany Christmas Eve is celebrated on January 18. He completes the period of christmas holidays. On this day, the main preparations for baptism are carried out.

Origin of the name of the holiday

The word "Christmas Eve" occurred from "Sochivo" - a ritual dish of the developed grains of rice or wheat, with the addition of honey, nuts, raisins, poppy, kuragi, flax seeds, which is customary to cook on this day. Epiphany celebration called because it predicts the Great orthodox holiday - Baptism of the Lord (Holy Epiphany).

Traditions and holiday rites

January 18 in the temples are held worship and great consecration of water. Parishioners make the sacrament of communion epiphany water. People bring homeland water from temples and sprinkle her house. Epiphany water Store all year. It has healing properties: protects the dwelling from unclean strength and is able to cure from severe ailments.

On this day, the hostess is preparing sochily (kunt). The whole family is going to at the festive table.

January 18 people draw in shoals, doors, windows with chalk or pencil crosses so that the unclean power does not penetrate into the house.

The Epiphany Christmas Eve completes the period of Christmas dens. It is considered the last holiday in the day when you can make rites of bonding, ominous and fortune telling.

This holiday is customary to do good deeds, helping people in need.

What can I eat in the baptized Christmas tree

Epiphany Christmas Eve is a day of strict post. From morning to climbing the first star, Orthodox Christians do not eat food, it is allowed to drink only water.

For festive meals, it is embarrassed only after reading the prayer. At the tables are necessarily present in sochily (Coution) and the Uzbar (drink from dried fruits and honey). They are symbols of birth, death and eternal life Jesus Christ (used sochily to commemorate the departed, and the Uzbar is prepared in honor of the birth of children). Bucket is prepared for lean, without adding cottage cheese and oil, so it is called "hungry", or "turbulent". On the festive dinner Lenten dishes are served in the Epole Christmas Eve: Mushrooms, stewed vegetables, pies, dumplings, salads, pickles. Sweet gingerbread, rolls, pies are used for dessert.

Fortune telling

On the night of baptism on Earth reigns the atmosphere of magic. This is a favorable period for gadas. On this day, people spend magical rituals and rites. Young girls are burned on the narrowed, try to find out the name of the groom and the date of the wedding. People are trying to predict the events of the future, to get an answer to the question, whether a mandated desire will be fulfilled. An important attribute of fortunes is the holy water.

What can not be done in the Epiphany Christmas Eve

January 18 is prohibited to swear, wash, give money in debt, make something out of the house. You can not overeat, eat meat, fish, alcoholic beverages.

Signs and beliefs

  • Strong blizzard on January 18 promises a good harvest.
  • One who in the Epiphany Christmas Eve swims in the bath will have beauty, health and longevity.
  • Girls who want to get rid of freckles must wash on January 18 by water from the Moala Epiphany Snow.
  • To the house did not penetrate the unclean force, on the windows and the doors should draw a small pattern from small cross.
  • On the night of January 19, heaven opens. All that they will be ashamed will certainly be fulfilled.

The Epiphany Christmas Eve completes the period of Christmas dens. This holiday is carried out by the latest rites of the ranks and divination. Sanctified water and assembled on this day the snow can save miraculous and healing properties Throughout the year, to protect the house and family members from the unclean power.

The Epiphany Christmas Eve is the folk title of foretention of the Epiphany, the eve of the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. The Epiphany Christmas Eve is celebrated on January 18 and this afternoon is connected with this day. a large number of rites and believes.

On January 18, believers hold a one-day strict post. On this day:

  • it is impossible to eat food before sunset;
  • all day it is desirable only consecrated water with small portions;
  • only lean dishes are preparing for dinner.

Traditional dishes that prepare the hostess on this day are hungry klya and umbar, compote from dried fruit.

Each house has its own recipes and secrets of cooking hungry kits. However, the next recipe is considered the traditional.

For hungry buns need to be taken:

  • Glass of wheat
  • 3 glasses of water
  • table spoon of vegetable oil salt
  • 100 grams of poppy
  • 100 grams of isa
  • 100 grams of walnuts
  • 2 spoons of honey

Wheat is swore, wash, and also soak on the eve of the Epiphany Christmas Eve for the night. If you forget to do it - nothing terrible, you can dock a break for several hours.

Cook hungry in a slightly salted water until readiness.

While wheat is brewed, the poppy is poured with boiling water and leave to appease. Raisins including needed, only no more than 20 minutes.

After the poppy will be swoped, it must be thrown into the sieve to the glass all the liquid. Then scroll the poppy in a blender or a coffee grinder until the white liquid appears. Then it is worth chopping and fry nuts.

Then mix porridge with poppy, raisins and nuts, add honey and mix all the components well.

In the Epiphany Christmas Eve, it is necessary to remove in the house, because the next day the great holiday comes - the Epiphany, and to meet him in a dirty apartment was considered a bad admission.

On the evening of January 18 was held church service On Christmas Eve, upon completion of which it was necessary to sang water. Thus, a solemn ritual of the Great Water Engineering was held in memory of the baptism of Christ on the Jordan River. That is why water on the holiday is very important, and in the Epiphany Christmas Eve could not be shouted in any way.

On the festive table in the Epiphany Christmas Eve should stand an odd number of dishes. Most often there were 7, or 9.

At the very holiday, it was still possible to guess and generously, but after the very baptism of the Lord could not be done. Although, in reality, the church never supported such traditions, calling their pagan.

Also in the Epiphany Christmas Eve, it is necessary to go to the church to consecrate the water, and then sprinkle all the corners in the house after that. Such a rite will protect your relatives from unclean strength and vital problems.