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When you can take holy water. When collecting water to baptism. How to sanctify baptic water

When to recruit baptic water? Is the Epiphany water differ from the Epiphany Water? How to store it?

The Chin of the Great Consecration of Water (Great Agiasma) is performed in Epiphany Christmas tree (January 18) After the Divine Liturgy and January 19 - the day of the Baptism of the Lord. During both days in any temple, you can gain baptic water. Both times the water is so consecrated by one rank, so there is no difference in when you gain water - on a Christmas tree or the feast of baptism, there is no difference between the water of the Epiphany and Bogoyavlenskaya.

Every year on January 19, many people rushed to the church to gain consecrated water, and thousands of suffering to gain health hurry to swim in the hole, despite Epiphany frosts.

Back in the distant past, people noticed that on the day of baptism the water is saturated with healing properties. For example, when bathing it was impossible to catch a cold, she defended a person from damage, evil eye and disease. Interestingly, the location of the source on January 19 does not play any role, as well as the rite of church ministers made over it.

The storage time of baptisma water is rather long. It is not subjected to decay processes, and therefore can stand for years. Orthodox Jeromona Seraphim Vyritsky always recommended sprinkling her products and covered on the table. In case of illness, the devotee blessed the patient and ordered to drink one tablespoon of consecrated water through every hour. The wisest elder said that there was no medicine in the world stronger.

When to gain water?

You can take water in the temple after the service, can also bring your water to consecrate, but remember that it should be the usual pure water, not mineral and not carbonated.

If you decide to simply dial water from under the tap, then it is necessary to do it in the time interval from 00.10. until 01.30. On the night of the 18th on January 19th. It is possible to harvest the water later, but it is this time that is the best.

Unfortunately, the attitude towards the baptismic water in most of our people is purely superstitious. They recruit water as a medicine and then try to trecend it. First, it is not necessary to recruit water not thoughtlessly, but after you take part in church service. Secondly, it is necessary to pour it in the dishes without any labeling. Better - in a special jug or a flask purchased in the church shop. And in no case in a beer bottle!

It is believed that baptic water has healing properties. It can be drunk with an empty stomach disease and washed to be healthy.

True, it is necessary to use holy water with a prayer, asking for the Most High spiritual and physical health. And it is not at all necessary to take it about the reserve, canister. There should be no water, but faith.

How to keep baptic water.

Keeping bass water is needed in a dark cool and quiet location in a glassware, covered with a napkin. At the same time, it is desirable to put the dishes near the icons and away from the TV. Epiphany water can be stored long years, without sprinkling.

When swimming.

Have long existed a tradition to make baptism swimming in the hole.

In all churches, the "great consecration of water" is committed. According to church canons, a believer should come to the church to the church, to defend the service, put a candle, gain consecrated water. But dip in icewater No one demands, especially if a person is not ready for this.

Hard rules how to swim on baptism, not. But, according to custom, swimming is a triple immersion in the water with a head. At the same time, the believer is baptized and pronounces "in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!". Usually for swimming sew long shirts, in which the immersion is made, like the baptism. They are the same for men and for women. It is believed that if parishioners are dressed in swimsuits, then the televisions exhibited at the appearance are dissected with traditional Christian decency.

Immersion in ice water is a strong stress. The glands of adrenal glands sharply and powerfully react to it, throwing into the blood a large dose of potent anti-inflammatory hormones, which normally stand out on slightly. They oppress all inflammatory reactions by the fact that simply "devastating" immunity, help to carry cold, adapt the body to carry stress.

If you properly prepare for immersion, a disposable dive of a middle health person will take place without difficulty. But if he is at least a little weakened, after three or four days the courage will have to pay.

Before immersion in the hole, you should not use alcoholic beverages - alcohol will only help rapid supercool and give an excessive load on the heart. Do not swim more than one and a half minutes, also dive with your head.

Before dipping, you must be consulted by the doctor. People with diabetes, arrhythmia, kidney problems, women with gynecological diseases about the holes are better forgotten. Hypertensive may have a stroke.

It is also not recommended to bathe small children without training. At the same time, both for children, and for adults, the time of staying in the font should be minimal, a few seconds, otherwise there is a danger of the body's undercooling. And in order not to get frostbite, after the font you need to immediately get up on a dry rug, wrap a towel and put on warm clothes, otherwise you risk spending the rest in the hospital.

  1. Do not use alcohol on this day. Acceptance of alcoholic beverages violates the natural thermoregulation of the body with all the consequences.
  2. Before immersion in the hole, you need to warm up the body, you can make a run before bathing, putting at least clothes, make a warm-up.
  3. It is necessary to approach the corruses in a comfortable, non-slip and lightly selected shoes in order to avoid excessive hoping of the legs.
  4. Before entering the water, you need to moisten the face, hands, legs, chest, stomach and back and only then plunge on the neck.
  5. It is not necessary to dip with your head or dive (to avoid the reflex narrowing of the brain vessels).
  6. Contact with a low temperature should be minimal, within 20-30 seconds, no more to prevent the organism to prevent serious overcooling.

After the ablution, you need to be confused by a terry towel, put on dry warm clothes and go to warm roomwhere to warm up to normal temperatures. It is advisable to drink hot tea, best of the herbs, berries and fruits.

Our article will introduce you to interesting information about holy water. You will learn how to sanctify it correctly, keeping and taking.

Our ancestors considered the Holy Water of God's gift and treated it very carefully. After it was sanctified, they recruited her into clean dishes and stored in red corner.

With its help, they treated various diseases, restored the mental state and protected their housing and the farm from a bad eye. Modern man Less superstituted, but still continues to believe in the wonderful properties of holy water.

Why do the water call the holy?

Consecration of water in the temple

Water becomes holy at the moment when the Spirit of God is included in it. Hence it turns into a healing, when the priest begins to read a certain prayer on it or for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

It is believed that on this day, water in all rivers, lakes and wells changes its usual structure, becoming a life-giving. Most believers believe that she does not lose their properties yet for a long time, so they try to baptize to be baptized for all over the next year.

Great power of holy water, healing and useful properties: scientific explanation

Contemporary scientists also interested the phenomenon of baptismic water, so they decided to investigate it as carefully as possible. Studies have shown that it is very different from liquid to its properties taken before the holiday. From nights the Christmas Eve in it, the number of positive energy is sharply increasing, it becomes cleaner and most importantly, it appears useful human body of the substance.

According to scientists, it is precisely that holy water has a large positive effect on the body. Using it, people simply enrich their body with natural minerals, which contribute to the removal of slags and toxins from the body. This leads to the fact that a person begins to feel stronger and cheerful.

Why does the Holy Water deteriorate?

Holy water

We all know that healing properties The water appears after the consecration ritual. Priests charge it with positive energy, thereby not giving it particles to collapse. In addition, church water is disinfecting silver ions and all this together allows it to remain a clean and tasty rather long period of time.

How to gain holy water in the church?

In principle, you can score holy water in any temple and any day. For this, it is not necessary to wait for the baptism of the Lord. You can safely go to church at a convenient time for you and ask the priest to sanctify it to you. After he reads her prayer, you can score it into a clean glass container and carry home.

Believe me, such water will have the same qualities as Epiphany. If you take it with a strong faith in God, it will also be able to cure your body and soul.

How to make holy water at home?

Recommendations for the consecration of water at home

If you do not have the opportunity to go for water to church, then try to sanctify it at home. To do this, first sincerely pray to God and ask for his blessings. Then take a clean container and go to gain water. If possible, try to find well or spring. By bringing her home, pray again to God and only then start the consecration process itself.

To do this, put a container with water in front of yourself, slightly bend over it and read a special prayer. After that, cross the jar and cover it with a lid. If you do all this with faith in god's blessing, Water will absorb positive energy and will become holy.

Is it possible to drink holy water and how to drink her home?

You can drink holy water and need. This healing fluid will help you improve your inner state, will save you from diseases and even rejuvenates your body. And although it is believed that it is possible to drink it only in the morning and an empty stomach, there are cases when you have to resort to her help and at other days of day.

Therefore, if you need to get rid of, for example, from the unexpected headache, then take it in the evening. The only thing you must always remember is that drinking the healing fluid is preferably on an empty stomach and always do three throat.

Is it possible to drink holy water just like every day?

You can drink holy water only when problems occur

Holy water is a shrine, therefore it needs to be necessary accordingly. And this means to replace it with an ordinary drinking water, categorically impossible. Priests consider it a very large sin and warn their parishioners from such actions. Therefore, it will be better if you use it only in case of acute need.

For example, if you need to facilitate the course of the disease or protect yourself from negative energy. In all other cases, use ordinary water from under the tap or from a natural source.

Is it possible to drink holy water pregnant?

Pregnant girls and women can easily drink holy water. Whatever it was, it will not bear harm for them. Of course, as well as everyone else, it is not necessary to quench her thirst, but to restore moral and physical forces to drink anything. If the pregnancy proceeds very hard, the future motley can help your body to cope with the load.

In order for pregnancy to be preserved, one reception of the holy water per day will be enough. It will be necessary to drink it in those periods when the threat of my motherhood or her baby will appear.

Is it possible to give holy water a newborn and unresolved baby?

Water for the newborn

A small child needs God's defense even more than an adult. So if you see that the baby has become restless and sleeps badly, then give him a little holy water. She will clean his body and soul from negative, which he was awarded adults and return the Baby peace of mind. As for unreleased children, the Water is simply needed.

Unresolved child has no guardian angel, which means that you have to do everything to have no action bad energy. Therefore, so far do not fall the baby, be sure to give him a little holy water every day. She will play the barrier between the baby's soul and the negative of the surrounding world.

Can I drink holy water to Muslims?

In principle, the church rules do not prohibit the Holy Water Muslims. It is believed that if a person is ready to take into his body of God's gift, he will not apply to him any harm.

Therefore, if you felt an insurmountable desire to drink a healing fluid, then be sure to do it. Only drink it with an open heart and with pure thoughts.

Is it possible to drink holy water not on an empty stomach?

Holy water can be drunk and after eating

Some people argue that only on an empty stomach can drink healing water. But if you ask about this any clergy, you will learn that there are no strict rules or restrictions in the reception of this fluid.

They believe that it is possible to drink holy water as before and after meals, the main thing is that at the time of use the heart of man was open to God. Therefore, if you need to drink it after you have attempted, then feel free to do it and do not be afraid that you make a big sin.

Is it possible to drink holy water with a conspiracy?

If the plot was made christian prayerYou can easily combine both fluids in one reception. But still in this case there is one nuance. If you have spoken water from drunkenness, alcoholism or from narcotic dependence, it will be better if you do not combine the conspiracy and holy water together.

Since the first will still carry the negative, it will destroy the healing effect of holy water. In view of this, it will be better if you give a dependent person first conspired and only then, to secure the result, holy fluid.

Is it possible to drink holy water before communion?

Mystery of communion

Communion is a great sacrament, which is carried out according to certain church regulations. And if you do this not the first time, you probably know that it is strictly forbidden to drink and eat in front of this rite. An exception is made only for kids and sick people. All others should refrain from the use of water until the end of the service.

In the case, if you understand that you can not do without drinking, then you will definitely talk about it with your priest and ask him about the blessing. If he understands that this moment You simply need a wetting moisture, it is likely to allow you to make a couple of sips of water even to the communion.

Is it possible to baptize holy water?

Baptism is carried out exclusively to holy water. So that she becomes such a priest first leads her church ritual And only after that the baby dip in it. It is considered if ordinary water will be recruited in the font, it will not be able to bring a little man with God and that most importantly, will not be able to give him due protection.

Is it possible to sanctify the cross with holy water?

Consecration of a native cross

Of course, it would be better for the cross to be sick of a priest in the temple. But if for some reason you can't get into it, and God's defense needs you immediately, then you can consecrate it yourself. To carry out this rite you will need only holy water and Orthodox prayer.

So, stand up in front of the images to pray to God, and then cross the cross with holy water crossed. After that, pray again in front of the icons, low them away and you can wear protection.

Is it possible to drink pills with holy water?

People who believe in virtue of this life-governing fluid claim that it is very well reinforcing the effects of drugs. For this reason, enough a large number of People try to speed up their recovery and begin to drink pills with holy water.

What do priests think about this? They do not prohibit, but they do not advise so. Of course, this is not considered a great sin, but still every person must decide for himself, whether it is possible to combine the shrine and the creation of human hands.

Is it possible to dilute holy water with simple water?

Can only dilute the holy water only well or spring

Dilute holy water is possible, the main thing is to do it correctly. If you have noticed that your life-minded liquid remains very little, then type water from a natural source, read the prayer (it may even be our own), and then connect both fluids together. It is believed that when mixed, ordinary water absorbs the properties of the saint and also becomes healing.

Is it possible to add holy water to tea, eating?

As mentioned a little higher, the Holy Water is a church shrine, so it is necessary to use it only to get rid of physical or spiritual problems. In view of this, make it just another component of some kind of dish. Some priests, in general, consider it difficult disrespect for Christian traditions, and a great sin requiring repentance.

Is it possible to boil holy water, cook on it?

For cooking holy water does not fit

There is no need to boil the holy water as during consecration it loses all the negative energy and completely changes its structure. This allows it to maintain its useful qualities and not to determine for years. Therefore, no matter how much it should be, it is not necessary to boil it. Use this healing liquid to cook for cooking too.

For these purposes, ordinary water is suitable, but not like a shrine. Since it is needed solely for protection and recovery, it is possible to use it only for this purpose.

Is it possible to wash the holy water, add to the bath?

Use Holy Water for everyday hygienic procedures is impossible. Usually after washing or taking a bath, we drain the water into the sewer, and it cannot be done with the church liquid. Such an appeal with the shrine is considered a fairly large sin, so it will be better if you still use conventional water to aboteve. The only thing you can afford in this case, lightly moisten your hands with a healing fluid and thus wash your face.

Holy water from the evil eye and damage: Application

Prayer from the evil eye and damage

If you have a suspicion that someone has been smoothed you, then take a small amount of holy water into the glass, read a prayer over it and then breathe it, and drink the rest. You need to repeat such a procedure three times.

And in order for damage to you, it is not reversed, clean the house church candlesAnd then sprinkle all the walls, windows and doors of the life-grooved liquid. All their actions must accompany the church prayers.

How to wash the child with holy water from the evil eye?

Place a little water into a small bowl, cross themselves and cross the baby, and then start the cruciform to wipe the face of Maladens of the church shrine. Make everything carefully, so as not to scare the crumb.

Repeat this manipulation two more times, not forgetting to pray to God all the time. Try to fall after the cuddle of the baby fell asleep. Yes, and in no case, do not wipe the water with a towel. Delight the crumb on your hands and wait until it dry in itself.

Can you drink holy water monthly?

Consumption of water during menstruation

As the practice of an unambiguous answer to this question does not have the priests. Some believe that drinking holy water during monthly woman is strictly forbidden, others are quite loyal to this. Those who relate to opponents refer to the chapter in the Bible, which indicates that during menstruation a woman cannot enter the church, prays and touch the icons as it is considered unclean during this period.

The opponents indicate that this ban appeared due to the fact that in the ancient times, women did not use hygienic gaskets, so very often the shops and floors in the temple were very often dirty. For this reason, they believe that a woman can easily drink holy water during menstruation and are not afraid that she desecrates the church shrine with their actions.

Where to do old holy water since last year, where can I pour it out?

If it happened so that you did not use the water, which was scored in the previous baptism of the Lord, then in no case, do not pour it into the street. If you do it, then make a pretty serious sin. Since water is a shrine, then it is unacceptable for people or animals in it.

In view of this, it will be better if you use it for watering indoor plants Or catch in water with running water. So she will have the opportunity to cleanse and re-start helping people.

Is it possible to pour holy water into the sink?

To pour the shrine in the sink

Pill the life-grooved liquid in the sink is strictly prohibited. Such actions you define the shrine and earn yourself scary sin. Priests argue that it is possible to pour it only into clean places, for example, rivers or lakes. In case you do not have the opportunity to get to them, then pour it there where there will be no man's leg. Pour a lilac bush or any garden tree.

Why in Holy Water a sediment appeared?

If you have noticed a colorless precipitate in water, it was probably just incorrectly stored or scored in a non-sterile container. But such water can be drunk and used for health and protection. If the precipitate is alarming you much, then just try to use liquid as quickly as possible, sprink down the house or just drink.

Why did the holy water spoiled, Looked, discounted

Green shrine

But if the liquid scored on the baptism is turning green or rubbed, then this is a reason to alert. As a rule, this happens for several reasons. Such an action on the shrine can have regular scandals in the house or damage, induced by an evil person.

All these causes destroy the life-quality properties of water, turning it into ordinary liquid. Therefore, if this happened in your home, then immediately invite the priest and ask him to sanctify your home.

Is it possible to put the holy water to the floor and why it is impossible?

Unfortunately, for God, we are all sinners for God, so putting water to the floor, deserved with human feet is strictly prohibited. If for some reason you did not have enough time to rearrange it to icons, then better find her place in the kitchen cabinet or at a thin end on the table.

But remember that it can not stand in such places for a long time, as soon as you free up, immediately transfer it to the so-called angle of faith.

Is it possible to give holy water from the house, to give other people, to share holy water with acquaintances?

Holy Water can be given only to the closest people.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with that you will withdraw the holy water to mom, sister or better friend. But is it possible to give her someone else's people this is already a completely different question. Of course, if you are exactly sure that they need it for a good cause, then you can give.

In the case of if you suspect that it is used, for example, for the attitude, then in no case let's not give. For God, you will be an accomplice of a bad act, which means you will earn a sin.

Is it possible to give an animal to the holy dog's dog, a cat?

If you are familiar with the Holy Scriptures, you probably know all the covenants of the Most High. And he said that in no case could not give animals to touch the shrines. Therefore, if you are a true Christian and holy honor all the commandments of God, then under no circumstances give your cat or a dog to drink holy water.

Is it possible to wash the floors of holy water, watered flowers?

It is impossible to wash the floor of holy water

Wash the floors of holy water can not be so like after cleaning you will walk on them and thereby defile the church shrine. It can only sprinkle flooringAnd then only if there is no normal atmosphere in the house.

But you can quietly calmly water the flowers in this life-giving fluid. Moreover, it is this way that you can use last year's water that you did not have time to drink.

Video: Holy water (film "Great Mystery of Water")

Holy water when recruiting in 2019? There is absolutely nothing depends on the current year, and it all depends on church calendar. The great sanctification of water takes place on the holiday baptism, and therefore, it is on this day and a few days after the holiday can be recruited by the Epiphany Holy Water.

Of course, because during the year at any time in the temple you can also score holy water. But the symbolism is exactly the baptismic water that typed on this day, it possesses a double force, which is able to heal a person, help him, get rid of not only from body disease, but from bad thoughts and spirit diseases.

Interesting! , recruited and consecrated in this important orthodox holiday, has amazing and magic properties. She heals people, she eliminates diseases, protects against evil people, runs out of the life of trouble and misfortune. The glory of the holy water is enormous and confirmation of this are numerous long queues when people in baptism are going to have bottled temples to gain water.

If a person is first decided to go to church to gain water, he is asked by the Holy Water, when to recruit in 2019? And then, as already explained above, the year does not matter, but always flashes two dates - January 18 and 19.

Rite of sanctification of water

Every year the rite of consecration of water in baptism takes place at the same time. His feature is that he is being held twice. The first time the water is sanctified on January 18th is the day of the Epiphany Christmas tree. The second time the sanctification of water is held on January 19, this is the day of the feast of the Epiphany.

During the Christmas Eve, before going to the temple for water, it is recommended to follow the post. Next go to the service, pray and put candles. After the evening service is over, somewhere at 21.00, water is being consecrated. The rite spends on all church rules and is always strictly observed.

First cut out, be sure to cut ice not ababa, but in the form of a cross. Previously, the icy cross was set near the hole, this tradition is often saved today. The cross himself was poured into the old paint in Starin, today it is already not to meet such a tradition.

Next over the hole, the priest reads a prayer, then the silver cross dip in the water. If in the temple strictly follows all prescriptions of baptism, then at this moment should be released into the sky, which symbolizes the Holy Spirit. If there is no reservoir nearby, then the same sanctification of water is carried out simply in church font. Exactly by the same rite there is a consecration of water and in baptism. Both rites and both sanctification have exactly the same force.

When to gain holy water?

Holy Water, when to recruit in 2019 on 18 or 19 January? The rite of sanctification of water has already been described above equal power. So, you can gain water on the 18th, and you can go for it on January 19 for the holiday of baptism.

Many people think that the healing itself is water that is sanctified on the day of baptism on January 19. But, the priests argue that this is all superstitions - a driver of 18 and 19, if it was consecrated after the service in all the rules, has the same force. It is only important that a person prepared spiritually to gain water. On the eve of the holiday, it is recommended to confess and compete, visit the service, pray at home.

Epiphany water is really special. The Epiphany Holy Water is called Orthodox church Great Aguyma - the Great Shrine. You can dial it only two days a year - January 18, in the Epiphany Christmas Eve, and on January 19, on the feast of baptism. Holy Water typed as 18 and January 19 has the same healing power.

Epiphany water is the same holy, which has long been considered that it has even stronger properties. It can treat from severe diseases, helps in a difficult moment, can create protection. If holy water can be used, knowing that at any time it is easy to score another bottle, then Epiphany is usually stored for special occasions.

Also read: Epiphany water - True and superstition

In general, the rules for its use are the same as for the holy water:

  • taking baptismic water is needed on an empty stomach
  • after the use of baptisman water to eat a prosfora
  • holy Water must be taken with sincere prayer.

During the illness or severe moral state, it is allowed to take baptic water during the day, not on an empty stomach. Allowed to sprinkle the dwelling, lubricate sick places. If the water remains little, you can safely dilute with it ordinary water - then it will also become consecrated, will receive a particle of holiness. Only do it is also needed with prayer. It is necessary to store it next to the home iconostasis, in a holy place. Every year you can recruit new water for the feast of baptism.

Prayer for the adoption of baptism

"Lord God, maybe, will be the gift of your holy and holy water to leaving my sins, in the enlightenment of my mind, to strengthen my spiritual and bodily forces, in the health of my soul and my body, in the conquest of passions and weakness of my formerly charity of your prayers Causes your mother and all saints. Amen. "

Epiphany water at home: whether the holy water flows from the crane

If read Holy Bible, I can really find the words there about the fact that every water on the day of the baptism of the Lord is made saint. However, in this case we are talking Rather O. natural sourcesthan about plumbing.

It is worth remembering how the water is sanctified - the prayer must be read over it, the cross is lowered. The decree on baptism is a special church sacrament, which, of course, cannot occur with tap water. So the servants of the Church call no perceive words about the widespread holiness of water in baptism too straight.

Moreover, it is not necessary to dial water from under the tap and call it holy. It is much easier to reach the nearest church and to gain water there, which was really read by prayer, because it is absolutely free and available, especially in big cities.

Water construction is a certain church tradition, and many Orthodox Christians admit that they like to come to the temple, gain water, feel involved in the holiday.

See also: Epiphany Water - When you type, how to store and how to use

What to do if the baptismic water spoiled

Epiphany water does not deteriorate - this is known to all believing Christians. Even standing around the year, it does not change their taste and color. But in some cases, Epiphany water behaves not as usual. Is it possible to think about the bad if the baptized water deteriorated? Or can it be related to natural reasons? And what with water in this case to do?

Most often, Epiphany water will be spoiled by quite explained:

  • water scored not very clean toar,
  • capacity with baptic water has long stood in the sun,
  • no other storage conditions were met.

Holy water, in spite of everything, has the properties of ordinary water, and therefore can deteriorate. Of course, there are cases where all storage conditions have been observed, but the water could not be consistent until the next baptism. Sometimes this happens in homes, where the disorder reigns, often there are quarrels and disagreements. After all, water absorbs everything human emotions And the atmosphere, especially if it is sanctified.

There is nothing terrible in the damage of baptismic water, you should not attribute non-existent causes to this event. It is no longer possible to use such water: it must be poured into the ground or in flow water. Bottle from under it is preferably on the farm not use. You can thoroughly wash the container, dry and gain new baptismic water to it next year.


When in some family misfortune, in despair, people immediately want to go to church, pray and gain water. No need to argue with your soul soul. In any temple, you can easily gain holy water, just take a blank container with you. Some already sell containers with a sticker on which it is indicated before the adoption of holy water and. Remember that you are not alone, and is not worth five or ten liters of water. For one reception, it is recommended to take no more than 0, 5 liters.

Water, scored in the Christian baptism of the Lord, who is celebrated on January 19th, has a special healing force. It is believed that this water is expelled by unclean spirits, cleans soul sinners, removes depression and despondency. Type the bottle of water on January 19. Holy water is consecrated silver and can be stored for a long time, without spoiling. In order not to stand a long queue in this holy holiday, you can receive a healing fluid without leaving home. At midnight from the 18th on January 19, the holy water is poured from the crane, consecrated by God himself. You can also swim at this time under the shower in your apartment, especially brave can recover in the hole.

If you want to gain holy water in any particular place, for example, at a saint's grave, then go to a pilgrimage trip. In most temples, you can clarify and travel options. During the tour, you will visit, where the saint is buried, swim in the source and gain holy water, which will also be able for many years.

Best accept saint water on an empty stomach in a small amount or add one drop into a glass with

Currently use saint water In the sacrament of baptism, when consecrated new temples, residential and office premises, when making prayers and communion, etc. Store Holy Water can house all believers. According to the church, she is able to heal the sick and delivering a house from dishonest. Such water does not deteriorate and remains fresh and bright for a long time.


Holy Water follows baptized people On an empty stomach, in the morning either in the evening - before sleeping. If the diseases strongly twisted the patient, it is not forbidden to take holy water in an unlimited quantity, not paying attention to the meal, as well as sprinkling her whole body or sore place. It should be known that even in the case when medical drugs prescribed on an empty stomach prescribed, they should be taken only after drinking holy water.

After drinking holy water, it is necessary to pray for healing (read this prayer should only be patients). Healthy people After that, it is necessary to read the prayer for the adoption of prosform and holy water.

Take holy water follows in small sips in one reception. At the same time, it should be known that it should be spinning in three throats.

An ordinary believers must be taken by holy water daily in the morning with the use of a piece of prosphora and, as already mentioned above, reading prayers for the adoption of prosform and holy water. This should begin every new day of the believer Christian.

Holy Water can be added to normal water waterAnd then it is believed that all the water covers, becomes holy, acquires healing, fertile properties. It can be drunk and cook from it.

The daily intake of holy water helps to cure not only from skin diseases or diseases of the stomach, it also allows you to get rid of spiritual ailments. It is taken with cardiac arrhythmia, with an increase in the thyroid gland, with migraines, dental and ear pains and many other ailments. Store holy water can only be room temperature Icons or for her.


Holy water is water that allows you to clean our body, heal from many ailments, it is, as believing, a church shrine that requires a reverest relationship. The Christians began to use the Holy Water in the II century. It is related to the use of such water, first of all, with the baptism of Christ in the water of the Jordan River.

Helpful advice

Remember, the benefits of taking the holy water will be only when it is accepted with faith and prayer.

On January 19, the Orthodox all over the world celebrate baptism. It is believed that that day, Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Forerunner in the Jordan River. And every year on January 19, in the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, a real miracle is happening: water in all sources, whether it is a lake, a spring, the river changes its structure and acquires unique healing properties.

In the Orthodox faith, the water is sanctified twice. The first time - on the Christmas Eve, January 18, in the temple. The second time - January 19, on the day of the holiday on the reservoirs. If the reservoirs frozen, Jordan is cut in advance - the hole in the form of a cross, named so in honor of the Jordan River, in which Jesus was baptized.

Water on this day becomes extraordinary strength, even its structure is changing. It is known that if the water scored on this day is stored separately in a closed dish, it will not deteriorate. Experiments were performed. In one room, three types of water were delivered in the same containers. So, the "holy" water did not change any of their qualities after the year. The usual water has become completely unsuitable for use after 5 months, and mineral non-carbonated, bought in the store - after eight.

Special attitude to holy water is expected. Store it better in the corner with icons (if any). They drink her empty stomach in a spoon in the morning, but she wash children, sprinkle an apartment or a house. In addition, it is known that "the drop of the shrine of the sea is sanctified." You can add a little consecrated in conventional water, and all the water in the container will become holy.

It is strictly prohibited when taking the holy water to pronounce fading words, swear, allowing vile thoughts. Often, water in such cases is simply spread or loses its holiness. You need to take this gift.

On the day of January 19, it is possible to observe unusual, inexplicable phenomena. For example, in perfect windless on the water surfaces, including in the premises suddenly passes ripples. This can observe all people, even distant from Orthodoxy.

The moment of the baptism of Christ John the Forerunner in the waters of Jordanian many years ago was accompanied by amazing signs. The Jordan River flows from the mountains, flows into the Genisaretian Sea, but for another 300 meters, being already in the sea, it does not hesitate with his salty waters, and a powerful jet flows to sign into the Dead Sea, when Jesus accepted baptism and descended Holy The Spirit - and Water Jordan went back. This sign has since repeated annually. And thousands of people become this witness. However, there is not a single scientific explanation for this phenomenon. Holidays of Orthodox Christians are allowed on the river Wooden crosses with burning candles. Water takes them into the Dead Sea, and on January 19 he returns back! On the same day, Jordan's fresh water becomes salty.

The Baptism of Jesus Christ is now located in Jordan. Local authorities only one day in January January 19 allow you to perform on the banks of the river church service and sanctify water. At the same time, the worship is always there are many pilgrims and just tourists, so there is a huge number of eyewitnesses that every year are watching how the river turns back, and the branches of trees are lowered so low as they relate to the water stroit, as if to bow the great miracle.

What is a conspiracy? This is a magical effect that is done in order to send the necessary energy to the subject or per person. Secret words of leaders were transmitted from generation to generation. Now there are a lot of evil people, books on black and white magic are easily accessible. If a black band went to your life, it makes sense to think, and suddenly this is a conspiracy or damage, from which you can get rid of it yourself.

You will need

  • Fresh chicken egg, glass, 13 matches.


Determine if you have. To do this, type in a transparent glass cold water. Egg Break into a glass without damaging yolk. Stand straight, tightening the chin to the chest and put a glass with an egg to myself on the topic. Wait 2-3 minutes. If the water remained clean, transparent, then you have no leading. If Ot