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Is it possible to eat in the Epiphany Christmas tree. Hungry cat car - how to cook. What to cook in the baptized Christmas tree

Due to the fact that the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on this day, orthodox people We take time in a family circle and actively prepare for the celebration. On January 18, Orthodox traditions prepare lenxtar food and make rites. So, the Epiphany Christmas tree: what can not be done and what you can eat.

Epiphany Christmas Eve do not do

For a long time, it is accepted on January 18 to observe the post, which is carried out for proper preparation for the holiday before making a rite. Because of the post, the Christmas tree gave the name of the hungry kits or a hungry evening. On a festive day, it is impossible to cook and take into food any products of animal origin, i.e. Milk, eggs, meat, etc. It is also strictly forbidden to eat drinks with a large alcohol content. Food should be modest. When the first star appears in the sky, the family is fully searched at the table and eat seeded meals.

The sacred holiday is forbidden to quarrel, you need to forgive all the insults. A man who hoped anger attracts attention to his attention on this time on the ground, dark forces. It is not recommended to get carried away by divination at which mirrors are used, because At this time, the portal is able to open, through which a person will drag out in the otherworldly world. If you exercise a divination using this subject, you must necessarily be careful and all the rules.

Despite the fact that fortune-telling in the sacred days give the most truthful information, the church does not approve such a way to learn the future. If you still want to take advantage of the case and find out the answers to questions of interest, then the Christmas Eve is provided with the last opportunity. In baptism is strictly forbidden to guess.

It is impossible to forget about relatives and loved ones on this day. It is necessary to congratulate everyone to congratulate the most convenient and appropriate way.

Festive table on Christmas tree. What can I eat?

The main dish on the sacred holiday is considered sochily or catgy. Eating from the festive table begins precisely from this dish, and then the scene is observed. After the junctions, the turn of the snacks, after which soups are served. Basically, the first dish prepare borsch, ear or. Soup should be served together with pies or cakes. Last but the dessert is submitted. It can be a roll with Poppy, Pie, Medovik, and others. On this day on festive table Gingerbread should be present.

In addition to the composite, it is necessary to prepare the Uzmer or other words compote from dried fruit. For the manufacture more often used pears, apples, raisins, prunes, cherries and other fruit crops. By tradition, the dishes can only be lit by this drink.

There are twelve dishes that have the meanings and their presence on the festive table is desirable.

1 Casty symbolizes the sacrifice and speaks about spilled blood.
2 Peas is a symbolism of the revival of a person after falling.
3 cabbage is a sign of reliability and simplicity.
4 Borsch - Symbols of Will Force.
5 Cars are the sign of Lord's love for people.
6 Fish reminds of the victim of Jesus for the people.
7 Dumplings are considered symbolism of prosperity on the light that Christians awaits.
8 Pancakes are a symbol of the sun. In ancient times, preparation of pancakes on the Christmas tree was referred to paganism, but in the present pancakes prepare as a symbolism of the new sun, which rose after Jesus brought himself to sacrifice.
9 porridge from various cereals is considered a symbol that the genus will definitely continue.
10 Patties on the festive table promise to make a family healthy and happy.
11 Uzvar - symbolism of life.
12 Pampushki on the festive table is served as a reminder eternal life After death.

These twelve dishes are essential, but it is worth noting that it is not necessary to cook them all. An important rule For the festive table is the presence of 12 lean dishes.

Also, hostesses are preparing for the holiday mushroom, meat and fish dishes, keel, kissel, but it is possible to use such dishes only on January 19.

You can get up from behind the table only after the meal end. Behavior during the feast is allowed only calm, restrained. Sitting at the table must necessarily try at least a small number of each dish. Not permissible, so that some kind of dish is not touched.

In long-standing it was considered good familiarWhen at the table in a self-intended number, if such a quantity was not gained, then the hostess put an additional set of cutlery for someone from the dead relatives.

Sochily. Self-preparation


· One glass of wheat or rice.
· 100 grams of crushed poppy.
· Three tablespoons of floral honey.
· 140 grams of walnut cores.

Before cooking, it is necessary to rinse wheat (or rice) well and go through. Place the grain in the container with warm water and give to stand 2-3 hours. Then the croup must be thrown into the colander to get rid of excess fluid, Pump in a saucepan, pour water and put to boil on slow fire. Before cooking, you need to cook for about two hours. The addition of salt in sochily is determined at discretion. After cooking, the cereals should prepare the remaining components.

Mac and honey need to pour water from the newly welded cereals. MOD mix until complete dissolution. Maku give to swell, then strain and crush. For this purpose, you can use a blender or meat grinder.

Nuts will need to grind and fry without oil. After preparation, all ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and put in a warm place so that sochily fill. After about two hours a traditional dish Ready.


The people are believed that if on January 18, a strong frost on the street, but the sun shines, then in the summer there will be no rain and harvest. If on the street is overcast, then the crop will be rich. For full moon The Christmas Eve should expect floods in the spring. Starry night is a harbinger of drought in the summer and large number of berries. Early thunderstorms should be expected if the Christmas tree blows the southern wind.

Other signs are among the people:

1 People, baptized in this holiday, will not know the burning and shortage of money.
2 Pair, playing wedding - live a long joint Life Without swearing and disagreement.
3 wishes, mounted on Christmas Eve, will be performed, because Sky on this day is open.
4 If on a festive day, the sky is clear, then we should expect a rich pea harvest.
5 Blizzard on the Christmas Eve will be the precursor of the same weather conditions in Carnival.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve

Many seek the Christmas Eve, get answers to questions, knowing that on this day you can get extremely true information about the pending fate.

· You can simply find out the name of your narrowed (narrowed), going out and asking the name from the first passerby man. The name needs to be remembered and paying attention to people with the same name, because Among them are the fate of the gaded man.

· For next divination It will take a ring that wears governing and pelvis filled with water. The ring is lowered in the pelvis, then you need to carefully look at the surface of the water, because There may be prediction of the future or the image of the narrowed.

· Divination by the book on Christmas Eve truth than ever. The page number and string should be talked, the numbers need to be called that the first came to mind. By taking the book, find the right page, and then the string. Future prediction is contained in the selected string.

· Using fortune telling on the beans, you can determine the color of the hair narrow. It will be necessary to pour the beans in the package and take a handful of it. If in hand it turned out large quantity Light beans, then narrowed by blond, dark-brunette.

· You can predict fate with wax. To do this, you will need to take a candle and peel it into a tablespoon. Then set fire to the candle and hold the spoon over the fire, so that the wax melted. It remains to carefully examine the resulting wax shape. The value is to determine, as it seems, i.e. If the wax took the rings shape, then in the near future marriage is expected.

Christmas Eve Holy Holiday and Orthodox people must comply with customs in order to ensure that new Year Printed in the house health, joy and well-being.

In the Epiphany Christmas Eve, people are preparing for the Great Holiday and a lot is connected with this day. different adoption, rituals and traditions. There is a list of prohibitions, that is, the cases that on this day is strictly prohibited. It is believed that if they neglected, then you can stick to yourself.

Christmas Eve - What can I do that it is impossible?

Since ancient times on the eve of baptism, people tried to spend time in a family circle, conduct preparations for the celebration. Most of the time is customary to make cooking for festive table. It is important to understand what it is impossible to do, and what can not be accuming a misfortune and not to angry the highest strength.

  1. On the eve of the celebration, it is customary to cook sochily, which is a dish of cereals and sweet additives and it must certainly be on the table.
  2. Before baptism, the post is observed, and believers may themselves determine its measure, focusing on their own health. It is important to consume only lean food, it is impossible to use vegetable oil. There are people who on the Christmas day, completely refuse food and drink.
  3. For those who are interested in how to behave in the Epiphany Christmas Eve, you should know that this day is made with the advent of the first star to go out, looking at the sky and asking for Higher Forces Assistance in the performance of cherished desire.
  4. Be sure to choose the sacred water that has tremendous energy. It should definitely sprinkle its accommodation to. More water drinking for health, wash it out and use for other purposes. It can be added to the usual fluid, and it acquires the properties of the Holy.
  5. It is recommended to visit the church on this day to pray for yourself and your relatives.

To understand how to hold an Epiphany Christmas tree, you need to know that it is categorically forbidden to do this day:

  1. The church does not approve of noisy parties and festivities on this day to be able to better listen to himself and get closer to God, it is necessary to behave modestly, fast and read prayers.
  2. Studying what the Epiphany Christmas tree is and what can not be done on this day, it is important to note that scandals and quarrels are strictly prohibited. It is necessary to keep yourself in hand and restrain not only outwardly, but also internally.
  3. It is forbidden to overeat on the evening meal, since the gloves are not welcomed. It is impossible to eat meat and fish, so only lean dishes should be on the table.
  4. Another rule regarding what is impossible to do the Christmas Eve is to sweep the garbage from the corners and throw it away. In ancient times it was believed that on this day the souls of dead people come to the holiday, which are going in the corners, and after baptism they are returned to heaven.

Is it possible to work in the Epiphany Christmas tree?

When a church holiday comes, many people are thinking about whether physical labor is allowed on this day. The clergymen assure that on this day it is necessary to abandon activities that is not mandatory, for example, from work in the garden, construction and so on. The Christmas Eve cannot be distracted from preparation for the celebration and it is important to devote the time to rest and prayer.

Is it possible to wash in the Epiphany Christmas tree?

To obtain accurate information regarding such issues, it is better to contact chickens who assure that there are no prohibitions related to washing, and this applies to all orthodox holidays. It is worth noting that the Epiphany Christmas Eve can be washed, but only to do it before lunch. If there is an opportunity, such houses are best postponing for a while. For baptism, water is an important component, so the washing is forbidden to conduct two days after it.

Is it possible to be removed into the Epiphany Christmas tree?

On the eve of the Great Holiday, according to tradition, the whole family should be collected for training. Almost all day is devoted to the preparation of treats that will be served on the table in the evening, so cleaning is recommended to spend in advance. For those who are interested, whether it is possible to get home to the Epishetic Christmas Eve, if a lot has accumulated dirty dishes Or dust, the answer is unequivocal: cleaning can be spent, but it is recommended to do it before lunch.

Is it possible to turn the bath to the Epiphany Christmas tree?

In the modern world, the bath is more regarded as an option of entertainment, while a few more decades ago, it was a place where people spent hygienic procedures. If a person focuses on this purpose, it is not forbidden to wash in the Bath to the Epiphany Christmas Eve, the more so the believer cleans the body from dirt and prepares for the service. As for pagan traditions, it was believed that snow on this day has a huge force, so it was treated and the resulting water was in the bath. It helped women for a long time Stay young and beautiful.

Is it possible to guess to the Epiphany Christmas tree?

If you ask such a question to the priests, the answer will be unambiguous "no", and it concerns not only this holiday, but other days. The church believes that magic is from the evil, therefore, it is prohibited to carry out any rituals. If you turn to pagan traditions, then from ancient times people used miscellaneous methods Predictions of the future. Many people believe that it is not only possible to pay in the Epole Christmas Eve, but it is necessary, since it is the last day of the softy gadas.

There is a huge number of different rituals, with the help of which you can learn about what you should expect in the future whether it will be possible to meet love, correct the financial situation and so on. It is important to treat the fortune telling seriously and do everything according to the rules, otherwise it is not worth counting on a truthful answer. Another rule - you can not talk to anyone about the use of magic and it is better to carry out rites alone.

Is it possible to knit in the Epiphany Christmas tree?

In ancient times, needlework was not only a way to entertain, but also the possibility of creating beautiful things for itself. In the modern world, objects made by their own hands are becoming more popular. Many believe that knitting in the Epiphany Christmas Eve is prohibited since this is a sin. The clergymen suggest that if this action is necessary, then it is possible to allocate time on it. It is important that the needlework does not interfere with prayer. Another required condition It is impossible to devote time to mercenary purposes, that is, if knitting is earnings, then it is worth refrangiving holidays.

Is it possible to embroider in the baptized Christmas tree?

All rules relating to needlework have been described above and they are suitable for those who want to do embroidery or sew. If all the preparations are completed, the temple is visited and the prayers are pronounced, then you can do what I want. For those who are interested, whether it is possible to sew in the Epiphany Christmas Eve, you can give another one helpful advice - During the process it is recommended to read any prayer, for example, ours. Many needlewomen say that during embroidery on holidays, thread is often tangled or confused and it should be perceived as a sign that needs to be stopped.

Is it possible to cut hair into the Epiphany Christmas tree?

According to existing signs You can not cut the hair into all religious holidays. It is forbidden to conduct any manipulations with hair, starting with combing and ending with different hairstyles. As for, whether it is possible to cut into the Epiphany Christmas Eve, the eve of the celebration is considered to be an ideal time in order to make a haircut, getting rid of negative energy, and prepare for the holiday. It is important to take into account that if you crash your hair on the day of baptism, you can cut your life so much and attract diseases to yourself.

Is it possible to drink alcohol in the Epiphany Christmas tree?

Many church holidays are accompanied by fenders and if with cooking dishes more or less understandable, the disputes about whether it is possible to drink alcohol or not, often arise. Answering a question regarding whether it is possible to drink alcohol on a Christmas tree, the priests say that dinner should be lean and only wine can be applied to the table, and the red it will be white, dry or dessert, the value does not have.

Disarning in what the Epiphany Christmas Eve is and what can not be done on this day, it is worth indicating that any strong drinks are under the ban. It is important not to drink much, so as not to reach the stage of intoxication, since religious holidays are not a reason for drunkenness, as many believe. It is impossible to break this prohibition, as this is considered a sin, and double.

The Epiphany Christmas Eve is the folk title of foretention of the Epiphany, the eve of the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. The Epiphany Christmas Eve celebrate January 18 and many rites and believes are associated with this afternoon.

Post to the Epiphany Christmas tree: what can and what can not eat

It is impossible to eat before sunset;
All day it is desirable only consecrated water in small portions;
Only lean dishes are served for dinner.

Traditional dishes that prepare the hostesses on the Epiphany Christmas Eve is the hungry cat and the Uzbar, compote from dried fruit.

Hungry cat car - how to cook

In each house, every hostess, of course, has its own recipes and the habit of making hungry kits. But the traditional is considered such a recipe.

For hungry kuts, you will need:

  • Glass of wheat
  • 3 glasses of water
  • table spoon of vegetable oil salt
  • 100 grams of poppy
  • 100 grams of isa
  • 100 grams of walnuts
  • 2 spoons of honey
  1. Wheat is moved, wash and soaked on the eve of the Epiphany Christmas Eve for the night. If you forgot to do it - nothing terrible, just soak the cereal for a couple of hours.
  2. Boiled hungry in salted water until readiness.
  3. While wheat is brewed, the poppy is poured with boiling water and leave it. Raisins should also be wound, only no more than 20 minutes.
  4. After the poppy flashes it, you need to throw it into a sieve to the glass all the liquid.
  5. Then scatter the poppy in a blender or a coffee grinder until a white liquid appears. Next you need to grind and fry nuts.
  6. After that, mix the porridge with poppies, raisins and nuts, add honey and mix well all the ingredients.

How to hold an Epiphany Christmas tree

In the Epiphany Christmas Eve be sure to be removed in the house, because the next day the great holiday comes - the Epiphany, and it was considered very bad in a dirty apartment.

On the evening of January 18 was held church service On Christmas Eve, at the end of which should be shy water. Thus, the solemn ritual of the Great Water Engineering in memory of the Baptism of Christ on the Jordan River. That is why water on the holiday is very important, and in the Epiphany Christmas Eve was forbidden to rotate it in any way.

On the festive table in the Epiphany Christmas Eve should be an odd number of dishes. Usually there were 7, or 9.

The holiday itself could still be guessing and generous, but after the very baptism of the Lord it was forbidden. Although, in fact, the church never supported such traditions, calling them pagan.

Also in the Epiphany Christmas Eve, it is necessary to go to the church to consecrate the water, and then sprinkle all the corners in the house after that. Such a rite will protect your family from unclean power and vital adversity.

Friends, congratulations on you with this wonderful Christmas holiday!

The first star will go up
Foreshadowing wonders.
Snow adversity will notice.
The world will send you heaven!

Let the Christmas Eve gives you
Feelings warm and clarity Dum!
Pray heaven
To this christmas canoon.

Let God hear you
And he will be rewarded in the stock edge.
Happiness stands on the threshold,
What is more expensive than all awards!

Epiphany Christmas tree - It is the opposite of the big church holiday The baptism of the Lord. On this day, the first great consecration of water, which possesses the healing and miraculous properties.

January 18, according to old style January 5 - the eve of the festival of the Baptism of the Lord, or Epiphany. On this day, people prepared themselves for the holiday by the post, so the evening was called hungry. Jewellers only, lean porridge, vegetable pancakes and honey frills.

By popular belief, on the eve of baptism, the snow acquired special properties; It was believed that only Epiphany snow could choose any canvas that he could heal the ailments, and if washed in a bath with water from the module of bachelo snow, you can save beauty and youth for a long time.

At midnight, the baptism was walking on the water to the river: they said that she could stand without sprinkling, and has the same wonderful properties as Epiphany Snow.

Starry Sky in the Epiphany Christmas Eve foreshadowed good harvest Bread, snowfall - buckwheat, and a blizzard - that the bees will sweat well.

Blizzard on this day promised a blizzard on Maslenitsa, and a strong South Wind - a stormy summer.

Signs in the Epiphany Christmas tree:

"If on this day a blizzard, snow or losses - to be crop",

"If the snow lights the bitch on the trees, there will be a good harvest, the bees will be good to swirling."

"There is little snow on the branches of trees - in the summer neither mushrooms, nor berries are looking for", therefore, the folk gratitude "Thank you, frost that snow is nano."

If in the sky full month to the Epiphany Christmas tree - to a large spill of rivers. If there are a lot of dogs, there will be a lot of game in the forest and the beast.

In the Epiphany Christmas Eve, it was customary to clean and wash the whole house, shoot Christmas decorations and prepare ritual dishes.

The main role in this holiday has water. Water is a symbol of new life, cleansing, health. Back in the evening on January 18, the water began to sate water in the churches. After that, the owners hurried home and with the help of spikelets, dried herbs consecrated all corners of the house and the chlev so that the house was a complete bowl, and the closest did not hurt.

In addition, there was a custom draw with chalk crosses above the door and window passingAs well as in the corners of the rooms to drive unclean power.

The Epiphany Christmas Eve is also called the hungry or poor (second) bun.

This name can be explained in different ways: on this day, before the first star, a very strict post was observed, that is, they abstained from food and drank at all gradually, after the first stars sat down at the table and fir sitte or otherwise hungry dishes.

It was also believed that this night in the house would like to penetrate various unclean forces, so Kutu was called hungry, so that all the evil remained hungry.

The table was necessarily traditional: the Uzvar, Susta (lean, fledged vegetable, most often with hemp oil, poppy or nut milk and honey) and, of course, consecrated water with which they started the meal. On hungry kits, all the dishes were set, and their number was 7, 9, 12, as in the Christmas Christmas Eve, although they were more modest.

Melting began with holy water. Then they ate with a bun and washed up with Uzerar. After that, they have begun to the rest of the meal: the liver in the form of crosses, lean pies and pamps, oatmeal and wheat pancakes, dumplings, cabbage, cabbage, less often served fish dishes and lean borsch with beans.

In the western regions of Ukraine, baked and ritual caravas - Karachuni. Having treated festive food and pets, and cattle so that they were healthy.

Sometimes the hostesses left a little bit from the air from different holidays: Christmas, New Year and Baptism - mixed these remnants with flour and fed his living crop.

By the way, the interesting custom is connected with Kuti, who goes into pagan antiquity with its roots: after the ritual porridge was eaten, the children were knocked out with spoons in empty dishes, kucked out with words:

"Away, Susta, from Pokhima!"

Even there was a custom - after dinner to go outside, knocking and screaming to drive a bun. Thus, our ancestors said goodbye to the fun holidays until next year.

In Western Ukraine in the Epiphany Christmas Eve protected.

On the day of the baptism, it was customary to wash and sprink each other with water, and later dip in the water of various rivers and reservoirs.

At the beginning of the day, the consecrated water saw an empty stomach as a medicine, because the holy water could be treated not only bodily diseases, but also help to delay the soul wounds.

Epiphany was kept all year, because she had healing power.

Lean and rapid and fast dishes were served on the baptismous dinner.

We started the meal from the buns and Uzvar, then in turn tried lean dishes and then passed to the rapid: porridge, filled with butter and cream, sweet cakes and juicy, swear, as well as welded boards, fastened lard, and baked pork, cold, sausages, sausages .

Ate on this day and pancakes, help, and pancakes with honey. It was believed to eat them more, the generous will be the new year.

At the table, all those present exchanged wishes of health and happiness. From January 20, winter meatseed began, which lasted to Maslenitsa.

On the night of January 18-19, all water on the planet becomes not just a lifeful moisture, but its abilities can be the most incredible!

This consecrated water does not deteriorate over time, where they would not be stored. Compared to conventional water, which a few days later begins to publish nasty smell, this water remains crystal alone and a year!

In the old days, many were sinking snow on this day, believing that he would help get rid of serious ailments.

The girls used it as a cosmetic to bleach the face, and the talu water - as healing compresses. Interesting fact is that a drop of sanctified water gives the same properties and ordinary water, therefore expressions appeared "The shrine of the sea will consecrate!".

By giving, on the eve of the baptism of the Lord, people appealed to God with requests he performed if they were sincere.

I really want human affairs and thoughts to be the same clean, like water in the Epiphany Christmas tree, but it is only for us only by us, so it is worth thinking about your actions!

Epiphany holy water.

All our life next to us is the Great Shrine - Holy Water (in Greek "Agiasma" - "Shrine").

Consecrated water is the image of the grace of God: it cleans the believers of people from spiritual funerals, sanctifying and strengthens them to the sense of salvation in God.

We first plunge into her in baptism when, when taking this sacrament, we are submersible in the fonts filled with holy water.

Holy Water in the sacrament of baptism is washes sinful uncleans of a person, updates and revives him in new life In Christ.

Holy water is necessarily present in the consecration of temples and all objects used in worship, with the sanctification of residential buildings, buildings, any household item. We are sprinkled with holy water on cross Stroke, with prayers.

On the day of the Epiphany, each Orthodox Christian carries a vessel with holy water, carefully keeps her as the greatest shrine, with a prayer communion of holy water in diseases and any germ.

"Sanctified Water, - as Saint Dimitri Khersonsky wrote," has the strength to consecrate the shower and telecons of all using it. " She, acceptable with faith and prayer, doctors our bodily diseases.

Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky after the confession of pilgrims always gave them to coming from the bowl of the Holy Epiphany Water.
Rev. Amvrosy Optina is a deadly patient sent a bottle with holy water - and the incurable disease to the amazement of doctors was departed.

The old man of Jeroshimones Seraphim, Vyritsky always advised to sprinkle the foods and the food itself of Jordanian (Epiphany) water, which, according to him, "all sanctifies".

When someone hurt himself, the old man of Serafim blessed to take off the consecrated water across every hour.

The elder said that she was stronger than medication than holy water and sanctified oil, no.

The chin of the water-binding, which is accomplished on the feast of the Epiphany, is called great for the special solemnity of the rite, imbued with the memoir of the Baptism of the Lord, in which the church sees not only the mysterious ablution of sins, but also the actual sanctification of the nature of the water through the immersion of God in the flesh itself.

Consecration of water in the Sretensky monastery.

Great water binding is performed twice - on the very day of the Epiphany, as well as the day before, in the forever of the Epiphany (Epiphany Christmas Eve). Some believers mistakenly believe that water consecrated these days is different.

But in fact the Christmas Eve and on the very day of the festival of baptism in consecration of water, one rank is used.

Still saint John Zlatoust said that the Holy epiphany water In continuation of many years, it remains nonplus, it is fresh, clean and pleasant, as if this was just a minute I was drawn from a live source. Here is a miracle of the grace of God, which everyone now sees!

According to the belief of the Church, Agiasma - not simple water Spiritual significance, but the new being, spiritual and bodily being, the interconnectedness of the sky and the land, grace and substances, and more than close.

That is why the Great Aguiam on the canons of church is considered as a kind of lowest degree of Holy Communion: In cases where it is superimposed by sins on a member of the Church, hepitimia is superimposed and the ban starts to the Holy Tel and Blood.

"Toemy Agiasma drinks."

Epiphany water is a shrine that should be in every home orthodox Christian. It is generously stored in the holy corner near the icons.

In addition to the baptismic water, Orthodox Christians often use water consecrated on prayers (small water binding) performed throughout the year. Be sure to small water binding is performed by the church on the day of origin (honest) of honest trees of the life-giving Cross of the Lord and on the day of the bastards, when the words of the Savior's full deepest secret are remembered, the Samaryan woman said:

"Who will drink the water that I will give him, he will not crave late; But the water that I will give him will be made in it the source of water flowing into the life of the eternal "(Gospel from John, chapter 4, verse 14).

Saint epiphany water It is customary to use an empty stomach together with the score after the morning prayer rule With a special reverence as a shrine.

"When a person uses the prosfora and holy water," said the rejuple of Georgy Zadonsky, - then the unclean spirit, the soul and the body are not approaching him, the thoughts are entrusted to the fellowship to God, and the person is inclined to the post, prayer and every virtue. "

Prayer for accepting prosphora and holy water:

My God, so will be the gift of your holy and holy water in the enlightenment of my mind, to strengthen my spiritual and bodily forces, in the health of my soul and my body, in the conquest of the passions and the unreflection of my infinite mercy of your prayers of your mother and all saints Your. Amen."

In the people there are many Epiphany will accept, knowing which you can prevent a lot of trouble for yourself and your family:

1. In the evening before baptism, the hostess of the house should draw the cross over the doors and windows to protect their house from the unclean and other evil forces.

2. In the Epiphany Christmas Eve stands epiphany water, Behind which go at midnight on the river or to the springs. Such water has an amazing healing force.

3. Before the holiday of baptism from the house it is impossible to make anything and give money in debt so that you don't have any needs all year.

4. In the Epiphany Christmas Eve Senior Woman in the family considers tablecloths. Who does that, that there will always be a lot of guests in the house.

5. The bird knocked out the window to baptism, announces that the souls of the dead asking for themselves prayers and all sorts of godly affairs in their forgiveness.

6. On January 19, if someone from the family leaves home, until his return, ash, ash fade out of confused, otherwise the trouble would happen in the way.

The main ban on the eve of baptism Do not fill your home by quarrels and moves.After all, negative energy accumulates in the corners of the apartment and does not intend to just take and disappear, and as the spark is trying to ignite the flame. That is, it will affect people living in this room in order to provoke them to new scandals and malice.

To purify housing from negative, elementary, but effective methods can be applied:

First, carry out your accommodation at least once a week.Air contains charged particles that are well destroyed bunches negative energy And thereby cleans the housing.

Try once a week to make wet cleaning. On the water bucket tablespoon of salt. In magical analogies, salt refers to substances with positive energy, since, being a preservative, it prevents destruction. Be sure to hold the houses of Gerani's bush. There is no trouble with her, and the defense is excellent.

Light natural wax candles.Unlike paraffin and stearin candles, the wax contains a large charge of pure positive energy, which is perceived by both your organism and clean the apartment.

During the evening service, small churches often cannot accommodate all those who wish to sue their sins, especially during the rite of sanctification of water, since most people were firmly confident that the earlier you gain sanctified water, the more core it would be.

After the water was dedicated to the church,each owner, with all the household drank a few sips from the jug brought, and then Kropyl holy water all his property in order to protect his house for a whole year not only from trouble, but also from a bad eye.

Sprinkle housing is needed pinch right hand, Conduct, bypassing the room clockwise. That is, starting from the entrance, go deep into the house on the left side and bypassing all the rooms. Finish the sprinkling is needed there where you started, entrance door. During the sprinkling, the door or the fortage must be opened or opened. Under the sprinkling of the house, it is necessary to say the words: 'by the sprinkling of water, Siah, sacred to the flight, may be completely unclean and demonic.

After all these rites, the holy water was set to iconsSince everyone not only believed in the healing force of this water, but they also were convinced that she could not spoil.

Water, scored from the hole on the eve of baptism, is also considered healing, used for the prevention and treatment of diseases during the next year.

Believe, it means I love:

There are different traditions of celebrating Christmas Eve. But the essence of them all comes down to one - the joyful expectation of the Christian Christie is a man of Christ and his baptism.

These rituals, like many others in Orthodoxy, are aimed primarily for strengthening humanistic principles Life, love, mutual understanding and forgiveness.

Even the sacred chief Christmas Eve.
Tomorrow baptism with us.
In the celebration of the Great God Open
Waiting for cleansing us.
We will be baptized, we will fasten
Water to sink we will go
Tooo water pain healer
With faith in the soul we go.
Coming out of the temple, we will congratulate everyone
Happy holiday
We will congratulate and wish
Faith, hopes, love.

The Epiphany Christmas Eve is the folk title of foretention of the Epiphany, the eve of the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. The Epiphany Christmas Eve is celebrated on January 18 and this afternoon is connected with this day. a large number of rites and believes.

On January 18, believers hold a one-day strict post. On this day:

  • it is impossible to eat food before sunset;
  • all day it is desirable only consecrated water with small portions;
  • only lean dishes are preparing for dinner.

Traditional dishes that prepare the hostess on this day are hungry klya and umbar, compote from dried fruit.

Each house has its own recipes and secrets of cooking hungry kits. However, the next recipe is considered the traditional.

For hungry buns need to be taken:

  • Glass of wheat
  • 3 glasses of water
  • table spoon of vegetable oil salt
  • 100 grams of poppy
  • 100 grams of isa
  • 100 grams of walnuts
  • 2 spoons of honey

Wheat is swore, wash, and also soak on the eve of the Epiphany Christmas Eve for the night. If you forget to do it - nothing terrible, you can dock a break for several hours.

Cook hungry in a slightly salted water until readiness.

While wheat is brewed, the poppy is poured with boiling water and leave to appease. Raisins including needed, only no more than 20 minutes.

After the poppy will be swoped, it must be thrown into the sieve to the glass all the liquid. Then scroll the poppy in a blender or a coffee grinder until the white liquid appears. Then it is worth chopping and fry nuts.

Then mix porridge with poppy, raisins and nuts, add honey and mix all the components well.

In the Epiphany Christmas Eve, it is necessary to remove in the house, because the next day the great holiday comes - the Epiphany, and to meet him in a dirty apartment was considered a bad admission.

On the evening of January 18, a church service was held on Christmas Eve, at the end of which it was necessary to shit water. Thus, a solemn ritual of the Great Water Engineering was held in memory of the baptism of Christ on the Jordan River. That is why water on the holiday is very important, and in the Epiphany Christmas Eve could not be shouted in any way.

On the festive table in the Epiphany Christmas Eve should stand an odd number of dishes. Most often there were 7, or 9.

At the very holiday, it was still possible to guess and generously, but after the very baptism of the Lord could not be done. Although, in reality, the church never supported such traditions, calling their pagan.

Also in the Epiphany Christmas Eve, it is necessary to go to the church to consecrate the water, and then sprinkle all the corners in the house after that. Such a rite will protect your relatives from unclean strength and vital problems.