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Foreign online for the next month. Calculation tarot for a month


With the situation of Tarot's cards on the near future, wondering should remember that the deck will tell only about those events that can occur during a certain period of time with a slope in the situation of the questioning. After the information received, a person will be able to adjust the life path at its discretion and avoid negative predictions by a focused work on himself. In this article, you will learn how to make Tarot's alignment for the month and preparation methods for this procedure.

What shows the casting tarot for a month

With the help of the above situation Tarot, you can learn about the upcoming events and changes in the life path, and also to prepare them correctly. For divination, you can use all maps or only senior arcanes - depends on the desired result or individual preferences of the gadget. It is known that the senior arcans are straightforwardly outlines the situation, so it is desirable to use other working deer maps to consider it more detailed.

In addition to the above, wondering will be able to view personal relationships with certain people, to know about the state of the financial situation in the near future and other aspects of the vital activity of a particular person.

Before starting work, you should first clean your thoughts and body. It is recommended to take a shower and remember a little, throwing all negative thoughts from the head. Tarologists are categorically not advised to take care of the cards after a busy labor day, with poor physical well-being or an empty stomach - this can negatively affect the process of interpretation of the final outcome of the forecast. If you are interested in the permit of an exciting problem in the next month, be sure to look at the Tarot video of the Scenario for a month, where you can get acquainted with step-by-step guide for the correct ritual.

  1. Candles. It is best to choose white and black. To improve the concentration of attention, the white should be on the left side of the gadget, and the black - right. Such an approach symbolizes two pillars of Drev Sphirot. For those who are not aware of this tree, it is recommended to mentally imagine that the black and white candle symbolize the energy balance, thereby balancing each other with its strength. It is allowed to use candles of another color scheme, but it is undesirable. The main task is to clear thoughts and give them clarity, which will help to ask a specific question and get a truthful answer.
  2. Crystal is not only a beautiful attribute, but also an indispensable assistant in working with Tarot cards. Specialists recommend using a crystal of natural origin. The form of the product can be any kind of ball, triangle, cone, etc. If you do not like crystals, you can restrict ourselves to rings with small crustal enclosures, which should be previously charged with their energy, for example, put under a pillow in certain lunar days (see more about it in other materials).
  3. Clothing is an important criterion for a successful divination. It should be neat, comfortable and a little ... festive. Ideally, when drafting a scheme for the situation of Tarot, the wondering should have special clothes that brings inspiration and the desire to "create".
  4. Incense. Their choice is based on your personal preferences. It can be aromatic sticks, incense, a chicken, - in a word that the soul is pleased.
  5. Tablecloth. This attribute is desirable, but optional - it all depends on your mental harmony and mood. It is best to make it yourself, bossing a scraper of satin or silk fabric. Well, of course, a clean table should be used for layouts.
  6. Musical accompaniment. Choose a pleasant, pacifying music that will relax you and set up on a calm way. For example, I use the ERA, Enigma, Gregorian composition, - try and you.
  7. Notebook for recording and handle will help in the correct interpretation of the results obtained.

Scenario Scheme on Tarot Maps for Month

If you are a beginner in the field of cognition of the Tarot cards, I recommend starting from the simplest scenario for a month. Pull out five cards in front of the figure below, starting to decipher the values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bin the following order.

  1. It will discover what should be expected from the next month in general terms.
  2. Will tell about the events that hope is not worth
  3. It will show unexpected events or an omen that will occur throughout these thirty days.
  4. Display events that will occur after the next month.
  5. Will reveal in detail what the above period will not be later

What is the difference between the casting tarot for a month from the scenario for a week

The video of the situation Tarot for a week will help to identify fundamental differences from the alignment of cards for a month. This version of the scenario can be complete and brief - it all depends on what is interested in the questioning. To get a quick response, you can use the casting tarot for a week of "Aquarius" or use another, simpler layout shown below.

It is drawn up arbitrarily seven cards (each card symbolizes the day of the week), which are laid out horizontally in the direction from left to right to the surface of the table.

Important! When pulling out each card, it is necessary to call the day of the week out loud - this will help simplify the interpretation of the result. Best, starting fortune telling from Sunday or Monday. If the value of the received card is completely unclear, you can (but undesirable), pull out one or two additional cards.

I hope that this article will help you in predicting events for the next month. Watch for updates to find out even more interesting information. I wish good luck and further development on the selected life path.

The alignment for a month on the map Tarot tells about the possible events and situations that may occur at the set time interval. It is most likely to have time in order to prepare for what it expects

or try to change or correct those moments that did not like or seemed unacceptable in the scenario. The alignment for a month makes it possible to adjust your life and put it on the river you need.

The alignment can be performed on a complete deck of 78 cards and only on older arcans, in this case the senior arcanes straightly represent the situation, and the remaining deck cards can be used to obtain clarifications and clarifications.

Preparing for the scenario during fortune-month

  1. It is necessary to clean the consciousness, calm down and dance 10-15 minutes.
  2. Get rid of negative thoughts and moods.
  3. If you are tired or hungry, you must first quench the primary needs. At best, postpone fortune telling until the moment when you are cheerful and ready to receive answers to your questions.
  4. Provide yourself a quiet and cozy atmosphere, it is desirable that no one interfere with and distract, translate the phone to a silent mode.
  5. Concentrate on the question. Conduct preparation for the scenario: Write the scheme of the scenario and the necessary data.
  6. Also before the beginning of the defold, you can freeze the candles and use incense to tune in to the necessary rhythm and it is better to feel the situation and what they want to tell you the cards.

After the preparation for the scenario was performed, you can proceed to the desire. There are two options for the definition of divination for a month. First you can use the first option that is not so extensive.

Fortune telling for beginners

First option. Five cards are involved in the scenario, which are laid out as follows.

1 - a general description of the coming month, which should be expected.

2 is that it is not worth it. If you planned something in a month given to fortune telling, then most likely these plans are not destined to come true. If you had several options or projects, you should pull the clarifying cards with the question of a specific case.

3 - Events that you do not expect, maybe a sign of over. It can be like negative events or warnings about them, and may be chances for implementing anything.

4 - Displaying events that will occur after the set time interval. This is what will remain with you. What awaits you after you accept all the shots of the month if you do nothing. In this position, you can also use the remaining cards in the deck to clarify the situation.

5 - description of moments that will leave from you. Unfortunately, with some aspects of your life you will have to part, but on a voluntary or forced basis, it is already to solve you.

This embodiment transmits a generalized characteristic of the month and sharpens your attention only to significant and paramount aspects.

The second version of the scenario for more advanced

The second option outlines the picture in a broader version and will help draw attention to those aspects of your life that you have not thought about or did not wait for changes there. Such an alignment helps better plan your actions. 22 cards Plus Signifier Map participates in the scenario. If the fortune telling is carried out on senior arcans, the ingunifier is pulled out of the stack of junior arcanes, also junior arcanes can be used for explanations, any position. Scenario Scheme:

1,2,3 - a description of the first week of the month, its mood, events and situations.

4,5,6 - Characteristics of the second week of the month, what awaits you and what should be prepared for.

7,8.9 - what is expected on the third week of the month.

10,11,12 - how will the month end - a description of the fourth week.

13 and 14 - family, life, house. What awaits you in relationships with relatives and possibly friends. Also, these positions can be considered as a relationship as a whole with others.

15 and 16 - the emotional component of the month. What emotions will overfill you, as the card will give advice as with these emotions to cope and keep them in controlled condition.

17 and 18 - work, career, studies. This card reveals you your prospects in the professional sphere.

19 and 20 - cash and finance. This position helps you correctly plan your expenses and protect yourself from excess spending. Of course, you will not fall a concrete amount that will come to you or leave, but you can feel the general tendency.

21 and 22 - the overall characteristics of the month, which fell here the cards set the atmosphere and the mood for the entire month. If older arcanes fall out in this position (if the alignment was carried out on a complete deck), then pay attention to this, most likely it is in such a way that your month will pass. It is also worth analyzing, in what other positions the older arkans fell out.

S - The map of the signifier shows a general conclusion and summarizes the one in the month as a whole.

If in the predicted month you are planning, any event, you can pull the card refinement to the position when you plan this event.

For a more detailed answer to the question in the settlement for a month, you can use the following techniques:

In order not to get confused where what card to lay out the diagram on the sheet of paper, to register on what month is the alignment. The alignment is better to carry out the last number of the outgoing month, or in the first number of coming. For example, we need a division by March, then it is made either 28 (29, depending on the year) of February, or directly on March 1. If the alignment is done in the middle of the month, it is counted 4 weeks from the date.

Therefore, next to the positions that reveal the descriptions of the weeks can be written the dates of these weeks with such a number.

You can also distinguish the week and on days, for example, positions 1,4,7 - these are days Monday and Tuesday, positions 2,5,8 - these are days Wednesday and Thursday, positions 3,6,9 - these are Friday days, Saturday and Sunday. Also, each day can be attributed to the corresponding date, looking at her calendar.

This option will allow to view more specifically what awaits you. Also, alignment per month allows not easy to know the future, but also try to change it if you didn't like any things in the scenario, you always have the opportunity to adjust your future and send it in the direction you need.

The alignment of the month makes it possible to plan your life, just remember that no one has canceled the action of non-controlled higher forces.

There are many ways to lay game cards predicting the future. We offer you a simple and understandable way to find out what awaits you ahead. This free fortune telling on playing cards can tell you what awaits you in the next month.

Take a deck of 36 cards, drag and pull out nine cards from the middle of the middle. Those cards that fell and will disclose the secret of your nearest future. The value of the cards during fortune it can be used standard. However, several combinations of this layout have certain values.

If all the drops of one peak matsthen you are waiting for a mountain. It is likely that it will be associated with your loved ones. Try to be more cautious this month and do not forget to support your relatives and friends.

If all nine cards are trephiesThis means that the nearest month you will have trouble and care. It is possible that they will be connected with theft of your property. Take care of the safety of your cash savings, and also try to be more attentive with your personal things representing value for you.

If you fell away - A whole month in your family will reign idyll and peace. It is also a sign of good luck in love relationships. If you quarreled with your second half, then such a result of divination on the playing cards promises you a quick truce. All that you would not conceive with regard to your beloved person will come true.

If you fell some tambourines - It predicts you a large cash profit. Most likely, the money will come to you at all from there, where did you get them from. In another case, you will be promoted by the service, which will entail financial success.

If there are random cards four Tuisa - then you are waiting for an unpleasant situation in which you will find yourself in your nonsense and negligence. Try to be more careful this month, think about every act and decision.

If among the cards will be four kings, then this is a sign that the case you started or are going to stronger, will try successfully and will benefit. So do not be afraid to go ahead, everything will be successful, your ideas will be implemented.

If you have fallen four ladies - You are awaiting intrigue from the outside people. You will be a victim of unpleasant rumors and woven your envious.

If you have fallen four Valet - You are waiting for cash troubles. It is likely that your financial condition will deteriorate this month, and you will have to take care of additional income.

If you have fallen four dozen - What you have long been dreaming, will come true. This is a sign of execution of desires.

If you have fallen four nines, you are expected to surprise, with which they can be as pleasant and not very.

If you fell out in fortune'y for a month four eights, then you are waiting for a sad everyday life. Time will go slowly and boring, no changes are foreseen and change.

If you have fallen four seven - This month you have to part with someone. It is possible that your second half or a person close to you will leave you, but not long. During this period of time, the longing and sadness will be overcome.

If you have fallen four sixthen you will feel danger. You will probably lose confidence in some people and will continue to be careful in communicating with people.

If an ace, king, lady, curren, a dozen, nine, eight, seven and six, eight fall in the scenario, then this is the leadership of treason. Perhaps your second half changes you and this is already a long period of time.

If only minor cards fell out, then this means that this month nothing will happen. Everything will be the same as always.

The fortune telling on the playing cards for the future will allow you and may contribute to you from what should happen. As they say, who is aware, he is armed.

12.09.2013 13:00

There is a huge number of ways to find out what a person expects in the future. Fortune telling for the near future in ...

The fortune telling for a month is traditionally taken to consider the classics of the genre. There are two reasons for that. The first is in the frequency of requests - the fortune telling is hardly the most sought-after. The second reason is the simplicity of execution, from the point of view of technical implementation. At the same time, it does not matter whether you yourself are guessing, whether you solve a professional in the field of divination, or to repay for a month you decided with the help of a free online service related to divination.

Divorce online for a month - And today we will talk about it - this is a great opportunity to get some guidelines, relying on which you can accept and faithful solutions and progress. Moreover, you will be able to navigate in matters of what exactly you can go.

In terms of its own, many predictive systems give a forecast in the following temporary framework: from several hours, but several weeks. Month, plus-minus couple weeks. Much less often - several months, but, as a rule, no more than six months. Otherwise, the prediction accuracy is multiple falls. Why is that? Everything is simple. There are external circumstances, and there is internal, which depend on the person himself.

The person is not a constant component, or rather his internally state is not a constant. Over time, it changes. And Kverti Kvers (who wondered or wondering) changes internally (his habits change, point of view, attitude to the world around the world, attitudes towards partner, etc.), the outer side of the medal changes. Those. Three months ago there was a "one painting by oil", and today everything has changed dramatically.

Thus, fortune telling for a month is a kind of optimal duration, in which the prediction can "live" and come true. It rarely happens that the clarity changes have a cardinal change in a matter of a few days (although it is also sometimes happening) and the predicted did not come true. The accuracy of forecasts in fortune-month is quite high and seeks to eighty percent.

On the MSyra website, in the divination for a month online, a huge number of oracles are represented, ready to give you all comprehensive information regarding the upcoming thirty days. Guess with us and be happy!

One who once experienced the magical power of Tarot, will support relationships with them all the time. To the one who needed psychological support, and received it by the formation of mysterious images and symbols, it will not be necessary to explain the power of the cards, and their influence on the fate of a person. Usually, a person turns to the cards per minute of despair, or on the eve of any event. The desire of a person to know what will happen in the future is connected not only with curiosity, but with the desire to be confident in the future. - The most common type of fortune telling. Layouts can be the most diverse. Starting from fortune telling for one day, week, month, and so on. Having extended one card, you can find out the overall characteristic of the day. Exit a few, you can find out the schedule of events at different times of the day. The fortune-telling on fate is made by more complex Slads of Taro, the study of which tarologists give for many years of their lives.

How to make the alignment of Tarot "Month"?

The desire to make the alignment Tarot speaks of your readiness to take events that should happen. You will have the opportunity to minimize the negative impact of the event on your life, since you will be ready for it. If the upcoming events will delight you with diversity and bright colors, then the Tarot cards will be delighted with you and indicate how to act in the future to save the favor of Fortune. In general, it is advisable to produce in days that match your biological rhythm and favorable for their conduct. So you can achieve a more accurate interpretation of cards. In the defolds for the future, not only your thoughts and sensations are considered, but also your fears. What are you afraid and what are trying to escape. Maps consider our desires and dreams that did not come true. Perhaps you will show you ways of ways that should be moved to achieve your goal or will be prompted, which it would prevent you from going on a laughed path. What made you roll from the specified path.

In the maps, as in any responsible work, it is necessary to adhere to strict rules of conduct. Do not start the fortune telling on the maps until you install contact with the deck that you have chosen for fortune telling. To do this, you can hold a deck for some time in your hands, or touch the card with my left hand, shifting it from the deck. After that, it is necessary to discard all the extra thoughts that may interfere with fortunes. And only then you can start the alignment. If you have difficulty interpreting the card, it is better to rely on your intuition and interpret the map based on the nearby maps. It is not recommended to do several layouts on the same question. This is done only if you want to clarify any question and clarify the position of things at a certain period of time.